Brought to you by
August 2011
PhotoNews Central West
Each month we bring you over 100 great sporting pictures from around the region and around the world. There’ll be a new Sportscam at the begininning of each month so log on for your sporting fix every month.
GO Karts
Sport! Sport! Sport! There wouldn’t be too many people who don’t take some interest in sport and on most days, sport is probably the second most talked about subject after the weather. For this reason Photo News wants to give local sports enthusiasts a new sporting fix each month and to do this, we present Sportscam. Sportscam is simply a collection of great sports photos taken at local sporting events during the previous month. There’ll be a new collection of photos from the 1st of each month and to add further interest, we’ll also include a handful of great sporting photos taken from recent events held in other parts of the world. Each month we’ll bring you over 100 photos and we’ll feature as many sports as we can. If you’re a member of a local sporting club or team and would like to feature in Sportcam, it’s just a case of giving us a call on 6361 3575 and asking. Any sport, any age’re all eligible. Our aim is simply to give sports fans something else to enjoy. You can also contribute photos from your sport that you or your friends have taken by emailing or dropping them in on a disc or thumb drive to our office at Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange. Hope you enjoy Sportscam and please feel free to drop us an email to or via the Feedback tab on our website with comments. Enjoy! Bob Holland and team Central West Photo News
CYMS vs Dragons
CYMS vs Dragons
CYMS vs Dragons
CYMS vs Dragons To include your new baby on the Photo News Hatches page, Call Bridget at
PhotoNews 6361 3575 Central West
CYMS vs Magpies
For all your Embroidery and Trophy needs call into see Tolie...
Suite 3, 95 Byng St, Orange p: 6361 3611 f: 6361 8703 Natasha Shaw - Central West Manager
PH 6361 7393 MOB 0417 248 353 SHOP 5/212 ANSON ST PLAZA ORANGE
CYMS vs Magpies
EMUS vs Bulldogs Like to nominate yourself or a friend to appear as a Photo News Hubber? Call Chris at
PhotoNews 6361 3575 Central West
EMUS vs Bulldogs
EMUS vs Bulldogs
EMUS vs Bulldogs
To include your wedding on the Photo News Hitches page, Call Bridget at
PhotoNews 6361 3575 Central West
EMUS vs Bulldogs
Around the corner, Interstate & Overseas
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Lions vs Parkes
Lions vs Parkes
Lions vs Parkes Like to nominate yourself or a friend to appear in the Photo News’ Women in Business?
Call Chris at
PhotoNews 6361 3575 Central West
Lions vs Parkes
Winners of the v 8 supercar cha mpionshi p Bathurst 2010... Mark Skaife and Craig Lowndes
M a rk Sk a ife ce le b
rat in g his big win o f t h e v 8 s u pe rca r ch a m p io n s hip Bat h u rst 2010...
at h u rst 2 B ip sh n io p m a h c r a v 8 s u pe rc
inte rbotto m W rk a M d n a n e ld L u k e Y ou
ship Bat h u n io p m a h c r a rc e p u s v8
rst 2010...
at h u rst B ip sh n io p m a h c r a rc v 8 s u pe
2010... M a rk Wint e rbott o m
NR L - R oo st e rs vs Bro n co
R a ci n g... C ox Plate
NRL - Eels vs Panthers
And re Agassi - Aust ralian Tenn is Open
a m pi 2011 Chin a Swim m in g World Ch
on ship s
L le yt o n H e witt -
A u st ra li a n Te n n is
Ope n
what? WHY?
Look what’s happening at HairX...
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Why it’s worth getting an INDEPENDENT property valuation from
Paul Tym Nipperess Director
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Your valuer “GENERALS”
Netball Like to nominate yourself or a friend to appear as a Photo News Page 3 Girl? Call Chris at
PhotoNews 6361 3575 Central West
Table Tennis
The good oil...
ValVoline oils Western Battery Company is one of Australia’s largest Valvoline distributors and carries the complete range of products for every application. For over 140 years, Valvoline has served the needs of car owners with quality motor oils and automotive products longer than any other motor oil company. In fact, Valvoline is the oldest trademark in the entire petroleum industry. Western Battery Company and Valvoline understand that today’s motor oil market has an increasing assortment of engine oils needed to cater for the various car makes and models. Choosing the motor oil that is right for your vehicle and budget is a common source of confusion and frustration. Our highly experienced staff at Western Battery Company can advise you on the right oil. Expert Advice so you get the right oil for your application, Western Battery stock the full range Valvoline Oil, lubricants, power steering fluids, coolants, and filters including: • Valvoline Premium Synthetic Oils for superior protection and longer life • Valvoline Engine Armour Range, synthetic blend’s formulated to minimise engine wear and extend the life of your car. • Valvoline Specialty Diesel Oils, with oils specifically designed for Japanese Diesels, European Diesels, Low Emission applications, High performance applications, Detroit Diesel 2 Cycle Engines, and Earthmoving applications • Western Battery also stock the Valvoline Filters, Automatic transmission fluid, Power Steering Fluid, Radiator Coolant and the Eagle One Air Care Range.
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PCYC Boxing
PCYC Boxing
Softball Do you have a car you’d like to show off on our Magnificent Wheels page? Call Chris at
PhotoNews 6361 3575 Central West
Special Carnival
Special Carnival
Tenpin Bowling
Tenpin Bowling
Winter Warmers For the months of August & September 2011, we’re offering an amazing bathroom upgrade package on your new home.
HURR Augu Y!
Sept st & embe only r
• FREE to ensuite: 7 bar heated towel rail, under floor tile heating, 4 lamp Tastic, wall tiling to 2.1m high. (RRP $2,600) • Pay only $550 extra and receive the offer above for the main bathroom also. (RRP $3,500)
6360 3988
*Conditions apply. Tiles must be selected from Orange TileHouse; ensuite size to 4m2; bathroom size to 6m2. Image of home for illustrative purposes only. Builders license no. 206764C.
Runners Club
Runners Club
Runners Club
Runners Club
Lawn Bowls
Lawn Bowls
PhotoNews Central West
Š 2011 Orange Photo News Pty Ltd. Publisher of Central West Photo News. Locally Owned!