Today Issue 21
Modern Mission Internet-based evangelism in the Former Soviet Union page 10
Young at Heart CWR’s resources for older people page 22
Going for Gold
Publications and courses to equip you for the Christian race page 4
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Regulars News in Brief Prayer Track Revival Now Revival Review Diary Highlights New Resources Author Profile
3 13 10 26 27 28 32
Features Going for Gold 4 Investing in Our Schools 8 The Reading Revolution 12 Waverley Abbey House – Conferencing 21 For the Young at Heart 22 Advertorial for new directors 31 Information Order Form Becoming a Partner Leaving a Legacy
29 31 31
Who We Are: CWR is committed to world revival. Founded as a Christian ministry in 1965 by Selwyn Hughes, we have grown into an international publishing and training organisation which seeks to enable people to apply God’s Word to their everyday lives and relationships. CWR Today, CWR’s newsletter, is published three times a year. Its purpose is to encourage effective prayer and regular Bible reading, and to represent all aspects of CWR’s national and international ministry. This is a free title, however recipients are invited to make a small contribution each year. Concept, development, editing, design and production by CWR. Associate contributors: John Peters and Eddie Tait. Copyright © CWR 2011. Printed in England by Linney Print. Please feel free to reproduce any of the content in your own church newsletters, magazines and websites.
CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1252 784700 Email:
C Mick Brooks Chief Executive of CWR
Editorial The year 2012 promises to be an exciting one. Many, particularly in the UK, will be excited that the London Olympics, after much planning and organisation, will finally take place. For me, what’s most exciting is to be in God’s good and perfect will. This year CWR celebrates 25 years of ministry at Waverley Abbey House. And this is the year in which CWR seeks to move forward with one of the fundamental aspects of its ministry vision: to begin to establish Waverley Abbey House as a pivotal point in its vision for a Christian college of education, leading to the formation of a Christian university. This is not something we can do alone. Over the years we’ve made small, faltering steps, but now the times seem right to push forward. If you would like to find out more about this vision and support us in it, please contact me via Carol Monk – Whatever 2012 holds for you, may I encourage you with this verse from Scripture about God’s eternal rule and reign: ‘Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful …’ (Heb. 12:28).
CWR is a Registered Charity – No. 294387 and a Limited Registered Company – No. 1990308 FSC Mixed Sources SA-COC-1502 © 1996 FSC A.C. PAGE 2
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NEWS IN BRIEF CWR Tour Australia and New Zealand This February CWR’s Mick Brooks and Ron Kallmier will be touring Australia and New Zealand presenting a number of key seminars in conjunction with KI Entertainment. Courses will be held over a variety of day, evening and weekend sessions at various venues and will cover many topics, including pastoral care, discipleship and church leadership, and life issues such as depression and self-esteem, discerning God’s voice and marriage. For further information email or visit
Launch of New Jeff Lucas Title
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Spreading the Word! CWR’s book The Good Artist, a simple, illustrated retelling of the gospel message, is making a big impact around the world. Through the generous donations of our supporters, 5,000 copies have been printed in Hausa for distribution in northern Nigeria and 6,000 in Russian for Central Asia. The picture above shows a Release International project in Nigeria where the Hausa edition is being used to disciple groups of believers from a Muslim background. Every Day with Jesus is another publication which is translated in order to reach a wider audience. For some years a Serbian edition has been produced, and a Sinhalese edition for Sri Lanka. Soon the devotional will also be available in Tamil.
There Are No Strong People is the new title from the pen of Jeff Lucas. In this provocative, breathtakingly honest book about the Bible’s infamous rascal, Samson, Jeff explores vital principles for living life well. A book about a man, but written for both men and women, we are challenged to see Samson’s journey, and our own, in a new light. On 14 March, do come and join Jeff and CWR in London for the launch of this exciting new book. For details of venue and booking visit: PAGE 3
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Going for Gold With the 2012 Olympic Games fast approaching, CWR introduces two new publications to spur you on in the race of life, as well as a summer programme of training to build your spiritual muscles! The London 2012 Olympic Games, to be held in July and August, will be the biggest sporting event the UK has ever seen. The Olympics provides a great opportunity for celebration, as athletes from many nations come together to display their skills and stamina, and to compete for recognition as the best in their chosen disciplines. It seems only yesterday that London received the good news that it had been chosen to host the games. However, since that announcement, an enormous amount has been done to prepare for this prestigious worldwide event: building sporting venues and stadiums; constructing the Olympic Village; improving London’s transport infrastructure; and training emergency services to ensure that the Games will be safe and will run smoothly for all involved.
A unique opportunity In the run-up to the Games, many individuals and churches are also preparing – looking at ways to use the Olympics as a tool to actively communicate the gospel to residents of the UK and to visitors from across the world. For the last few years, a group called More Than Gold has been working with churches, publishers and other organisations to look at how the Christian Church across the UK can contribute to the Games in practical ways. One of the key initiatives supported by More Than Gold is that of Christians offering athletes and their families a place to stay in the UK. Through hospitality in their own homes, Christians can show the love of Jesus to visiting athletes, some of whom may come from countries where the gospel is not widely known.
‌ communicat[ing] the gospel to residents of the UK and to visitors from across the world
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More Than Gold is also encouraging churches to have Olympic themed outreach events. One idea is for churches to set up big TV screens in public places to enable communities to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony together. CWR want to support you in building up your church and reaching out to your community during the Olympics and beyond. CWR has joined with More Than Gold and other Christian publishers to provide two new sporting themed publications. We have also put together a summer programme of seminars and courses designed to strengthen your faith and equip you to help others.
Inspiring champions The first of our new publications is a devotional book entitled Gold. Richard Daly, author of God’s Little Book of Calm, has written 100 inspirational thoughts on taking part in the race, the journey, which is our Christian life. The spirit of the Olympic Games can be characterised in the creed written by its modern founder, Baron Pierre de Coubertin: ‘The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.’ Richard encourages us to take hold of the truth that we are all winners if we are taking part in the Christian race, that by enduring we triumph and, if we have fought well, we conquer. Each thought, accompanied by a Bible verse, will both encourage and challenge you to become a true winner. Continued over >>
Gold By Richard Daly £4.99 Available mid-January
… we are all winners if we are taking part in the Christian race … by enduring we triumph and, if we have fought well, we conquer PAGE 5
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The second new publication is something for children, but we know adults will love it as well: Professor Bumblebrain’s Absolutely Bonkers Champions! The star of our much loved Professor Bumblebrain series of books is back, this time with a fullcolour comic on what it takes to become a true champion for God. This comic, part of a new evangelistic series, is ideal to give away at churches, in schools or at special outreach events.
Professor Bumblebrain’s Absolutely Bonkers Champions By Andy Robb £8.99 per pack of 10 Available mid-January Order using the form or online at All prices exclude p&p
Keep up the training CWR has also recognised that of the many people visiting the UK for the Olympic Games, there will be some who would like to take the opportunity to visit our headquarters and training centre, Waverley Abbey House, only a one-hour train ride from London Waterloo. To enable you to make the most of a visit to us, we have arranged a full and varied programme. Why not join us for a week, two weeks or even an extended three-week stay, and enjoy the excellent accommodation and beautiful surroundings of Waverley. The programme includes: Woman to Woman Mon–Fri 16–20 July This unique course is designed for women of all ages who want to help and minister to other women, whether on a one-toone basis, leading a small group or with responsibility for a church or area-wide group. The course is brimming with opportunities to learn and grow as you understand more about yourself and explore your gifts, vision, spirituality and abilities. Key features: Establishing biblical foundations; Development of vision and goals; Issues facing women in the twentyfirst century; Identifying your spiritual
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gifting; Insight into the influences of personality; Understanding God’s design and purposes for women; Developing godly leadership; Listening to God; and so much more! Refreshing your View of the Bible Mon–Fri 23–27 July This course will give you an understanding of the overall message of the Scriptures, how God has used the authors to communicate His truth and, crucially, what it says to us in the twenty-first century. We will cover issues such as: Understanding Genesis; Respecting the Bible’s different literary genres; Is the Old Testament law and the New Testament grace?; Exodus, Exile and AD 70 as turning points; Understanding the epistles in the Greco– Roman cultural context; The apocalyptic imagination of Daniel; and Revelation. In together sharpening your focus and making sense of the whole, the purposes of God will take your breath away.
Introduction to Biblical Care and Counselling Mon–Fri 13–17 August If you have a heart to help others but are wondering how, then this five-day foundation course is ideal for you. You will be helped to reflect on your own life in the light of the biblical model presented, before using the principles to help others. This approach has transformed the lives of so many. Key features include: The biblical understanding of human beings; Why problems develop, and how to help; A clear framework for the counselling process; and Developing basic counselling skills.
Shining bright We hope that something in this offering of publications and resources will appeal to you as you consider your own Christian ‘race’ or how you can reach out to others with the good news of Jesus. As the Olympic Games approach let’s encourage each other to be champions for God and to be like the Olympic torch shining bright!
For full details of the courses above/to book, visit or call +44 (0)1252 784719 PAGE 7
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Investing in our Schools day brilliant a s a w t ly ‘I horough and we t he course. t enjoyed inly a t r I’ve ce ay feeling w come a ed and able g encoura ce some u d o to intr ol my scho t a ideas ).’ aith one (a non-f
Above is just some of the encouraging feedback we’ve received following a Teachers’ Day in February 2011, led by Canon Derek Holbird, Guildford Diocesan Director of Education, on the subject of ‘Nurturing Kingdom Values in Schools and Classrooms’. Packed with examples and wisdom, Derek’s seminar stimulated teachers from all types of schools with ideas about how to bring their Christian values into their professional lives. This was the first seminar specifically for
teachers that CWR has organised for some while. The importance of the education profession can’t be overstated, and we are making this a training priority in 2012. To make sure that our seminars really meet the most pressing needs of teachers, we organised two consultations in summer 2011. Some 30 Christian headteachers, teachers and other education professionals came to Waverley Abbey House to help us design a more substantial programme
‘Valuable “time out”. Good to mix with a broad range of educationalists and really focus on what matters – children, and remembering Jesus as the “Source”.’
for 2012. Headteachers wanted Christian input to their leadership role – in particular, how to lead a Christian School and how to develop and nurture children’s and young people’s spirituality. They also suggested an overnight seminar, providing opportunities for reflection and sharing of experience. Teachers wanted help with managing behaviour and relationships – subjects where CWR’s teaching provides a wealth of insights. They also highlighted the need for a course to help
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those teaching Religious Education where it’s not their specialist subject. We’re now in discussion with Guildford Diocese about this, which is a potentially exciting development. Since then, Chris Ledger has led a really successful Teachers’ Day in August 2011 on ‘Building School Students’ Self-esteem’, with feedback including: ‘It has given me a spiritual focus for the new term.’ Two seminars (below) are already planned for the early months of 2012, and more are in the pipeline.
Wednesday 29 February: ‘Transformational leadership: myth or reality?’ – a seminar for headteachers led by Dr Coleen Jackson, CWR Board member, and Dr Robin Precey, both highly experienced education professionals.
Do pray for these, and mention them to any heads and teachers you know.
For full details/to book, visit or call +44 (0)1252 784719
Friday 13 April: ‘Understanding yourself, understanding others in school’ – a Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) workshop specifically for teachers led by Andrew and Lynn Penson.
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Dr. Andreas Hugentobler
New Generation Leaders Seeing God at Work God is moving through a new generation of Christian leaders in the Former Soviet Union. One of them is Alexey Ledyaev, senior minister of a 5,000-strong nondenominational church in Riga, capital of Latvia. Alexey, who emigrated from Kazakhstan, Central Asia, in 1989, firmly believes in using the most effective ways possible to proclaim Christ. One of the ways is blogging.
to their specific problems’. He believes in reaching people, especially modern youth, at the level of their own understanding of sin and other issues. ‘Church must be effective and modern today’, so the social networks should be a major focus of missionary work or evangelism. ‘One has contact with half a million people on the Internet,’ says Alexey.
Meeting great need An effective and modern Church ‘Some watch sermons, but some don’t,’ says Alexey. ‘Some read books, some don’t. But I think everybody understands that the future is in the Internet. A lot of people live in social networks. A blog is a wonderful opportunity to preach the gospel in modern and optimal ways. It is a personal column where the author allows the reader to look into his soul.’ Alexey says he wants to take part in things ‘that will help people find solutions
… reaching people, especially modern youth, at the level of their own understanding …
Television is another modern medium through which many are coming to Christ in the FSU. Igor Nikitin heads the St Petersburg-based Association of Christian Churches in Russia and is also president of two Christian TV channels – TBN Russia and TBN Ukraine. Despite opposition from secular stations, with numerous court attempts to close TBN in Russia, Igor says, ‘More people are turning to the Lord after watching our programmes. We receive up to 10,000 letters a day and most of them contain prayer requests.’ Many are from Muslims – ‘testimonies of salvation and healing’. TBN has four Christian channels altogether and broadcasts on secular channels as well. ‘We are on 850 cable networks in Russia and have one of the largest audiences – over 11 million viewers,’ said Igor.
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Dr. Andreas Hugentobler
‘We receive up to 10,000 letters a day and most of them contain prayer requests’ Past wounds healed The past, however, is never very far away in the vast area of the FSU – especially in Siberia, where many Soviet labour camps, collectively known as the Gulag, were located. In 1948 thousands of prisoners were sent to Salekhard camp, some 1,200 miles from Moscow and inside the Arctic Circle, to build a railway. Many died trying to finish the line before the camp closed in 1953 – including many Christians. Pastor Anatoly Marichev’s grandfather was one of them. Salekhard is one of the coldest and harshest places on earth. But there are eyewitness accounts of secret prayer meetings at the camp for the peoples of the land. Today the Good News Church stands where many believers were incarcerated – and the Lord is answering their prayers. All over the region people are turning to the Lord and are being healed and set free from alcohol and drugs, says Anatoly. Sources: ASSIST News Service; CBN
REVIVAL NEWS PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Twenty-five per cent of the people in this country of many languages are ‘born again’ believers in Christ, according to the Joshua Project. The 830 languages spoken in Papua New Guinea – representing 12% of the world’s languages – is a huge challenge to Bible translators. Wycliffe Bible Translators has forged a new model of collaboration with other organisations to accelerate the availability of the Scriptures in the last 15 languages of the New Ireland Province. Source: Lausanne World Pulse
FRANCE: Christian leaders hailed a spiritual breakthrough following a Luis Palau-led initiative in the south, focusing on Marseille and the greater area of Provence. Invited by Un Même Coeur, an organisation of church leaders, the international evangelist led events in the towns of Istres, Aix-en-Provence and Marignane before the climax – a three-day gospel festival on Marseille’s crowded Plage de Prado beach. Hundreds made public decisions for Christ. One church leader said, ‘This is historic for us in Provence. Never have we had such open doors or so many opportunities to share the gospel.’ Source: Luis Palau Evangelistic Association
ETHIOPIA: During a seven-month period God moved through indigenous evangelists supported by Barnabas Fund to bring over 2,200 people to Christ among 35 previously unreached people groups in remote parts of the country. The evangelists share the good news through friendship and on a one-to-one basis and spend a lot of time teaching new believers the basics of the Christian faith. Source: Barnabas Fund
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The Reading Revolution Sales of electronic reading devices such as the Kindle have risen dramatically recently, and it is predicted that e-book sales in the UK will grow tenfold over the next five years. By 2015 it is thought that e-book sales could represent 14% of the publishing market. Making content available digitally as well as in print does not necessarily mean ‘the death of the book’, as some might fear; it simply offers a variety of ways in which people can read, and many will still choose a printed version. However, CWR has heard the demand for strong, biblical content in e-book format, and so have commenced an ongoing programme to offer many of our resources in this way, including our daily Bible-reading notes for adults. Having offered e-subscriptions for some months now, many of you expressed a desire to be able to purchase single electronic issues. These are now available in both Kindle and e-pub formats, and can be purchased from Christian bookshops or the CWR website direct. All the added features from the printed issue will be included – so you won’t miss out on valuable ministry news and information.
Our range of books on offer in electronic formats is growing quickly, and we hope this will encourage even more people to apply God’s Word to their everyday life and relationships. We trust this is good, welcome news to those of you who are already part of the e-book community – and that those who aren’t might be encouraged to join! Full a full listing of our electronic resources, visit
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Waverley Abbey House A perfect venue for your meetings and much more! ‘Waverley allows us the space, calmness and “blue skies” atmosphere, away from the “chalkface”, with immense dividends on our return.’ That’s how a group of teachers summed up their recent away day at Waverley Abbey House. Alongside CWR’s courses, Waverley is much valued as a venue by a whole range of other organisations: schools, GP practices, churches, missionary organisations, training companies, local authorities and many others. For day and residential leadership retreats, Alpha away days, training seminars, conferences and all sorts
of other activities. Over 2,000 people use Waverley in this way each year. As well as being a valued ministry in itself, the financial contribution that this ‘conferencing’ provides is a vital part of enabling CWR’s core ministry to happen. It helps subsidise the courses that CWR offers and goes towards the maintenance and upkeep of this fine building – an ongoing challenge! Waverley has eight beautiful conference and meeting rooms to hire. Whether it be the grand Waverley Room with its fine views across the lake, the Abbey Room that opens out onto an imposing balcony with steps sweeping down into the grounds, or the intimate Charter Room looking onto the front lawn, there is always a sense of space and peace here. Take a ‘virtual tour’ of the house at the web address below. If you’d like to experience Waverley for yourself, do take advantage of our special ‘First Time Try’ offer – a 20% discount on the full day conference tariff! If you’d like one of our packs about Waverley, call 01252 784733, email or visit PAGE 21
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For the Young at Heart As the UK’s aging population increases, there’s a growing need for Bible-based resources for older people. CWR’s Director of Publishing, Lynette Brooks, introduces our range of publications specially created to meet the wants and needs of the ‘not so young’ … Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16–18
For those of us becoming more and more aware each day of the reality of the aging process, these verses from 2 Corinthians provide great hope and encouragement! The population of the UK as a whole is aging. The percentage of people 65 and over increased from 15% in 1985 to 17% in 2010, an increase of 1.7 million, and this trend is set to continue. The fastest increase has been in the number aged 85 and over – the ‘oldest old’, to quote the Office of National Statistics – reaching 1.4 million in 2010. By 2035 the number of people aged 85 and over is projected to be 2.5 times more than in 2010, reaching 3.6 million and accounting for 5% of the total population. With these figures in mind, we at CWR have been challenged to provide books and devotional material created especially with the ‘young at heart’ in mind.
Filling the gap Whether it’s daily devotionals, thoughtprovoking reflections or whimsical stories, we have aimed to couple strong biblical content with suitable font size and attractive design in order to produce resources to feed the minds and hearts of the older generation and the ‘oldest old’. PAGE 22
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… daily encouragement that God understands old age and has a purpose for each of us
The most recent of these publications is a series entitled New Every Day, written by Rita McLaughlan. Rita, who is herself in her eighties, has a longstanding relationship with CWR, having written content for Young People’s Every Day with Jesus – now known as YP’s – in the 1970s and 1980s! Rita wrote to us some months ago highlighting the gap in resources she had noted for Bible-reading notes for an older age group, for those who are perhaps experiencing diminishing eyesight, memory and attention span. We totally agreed with her, and so began the process of producing New Every Day. The devotional books each include 30 days of readings (with the Bible text printed on the page), simple notes and daily encouragement that God understands old age and has a purpose for each of us. Rita has written the first two titles – God’s Unfailing Love and God’s Great Faithfulness – and these are both available from January 2012. Two more books are currently being written, to be released in October.
New Every Day: God’s Unfailing Love and New Every Day: God’s Great Faithfulness by Rita McLaughlan £4.99 Available mid-January 2012 Continued over >> PAGE 23
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More to life Released in 2011 was Just a Thought, written by Joy Hedges. Joy, now approaching her seventies, wrote a fortnightly column in a local newspaper for more than three years. Her book has been compiled from these short articles and reflections, giving the reader a collection of 50 inspirational thoughts (each closing with a scripture) and several poems, beautifully illustrated in full colour. Joy shares how God has touched her life in countless ways, communicating vividly to those in her generation how God’s grace carries us through the ups and downs we all face.
Marie Kane-Dudley, herself an octogenarian, yet described as ‘young at heart’, also writes for those who will enjoy and relate to her lifetime of experiences. She began broadcasting for UCB in 1993, later moving to BBC Radio Solent. She is mother to four children, grandmother of nine and great-grandmother of one, but she has had to face the loss of one of her sons and has been widowed twice. Modernday parables, personal stories and poems all included in her book As Time Goes By will cause readers to smile, think, pray and perhaps shed an occasional tear! Her writing will resonate with anyone who may have called out at some stage in their life, ‘There must be more to life than this!’ Marie encourages a personal response to God as she helps you to look back on your own memories as well as looking forward to the day when we will see Him face to face.
Just a Thought by Joy Hedges £9.99
When aging stops us doing the kind of things we used to do, we may find we have more time for prayer or for small acts of kindness to a neighbour.
As Time Goes By by Marie Kane-Dudley £8.99
The Time of Your Life by Marie Kane-Dudley £9.99 Available mid-February 2012
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Coming soon will be another book from Marie, containing more of her musings and stories. Here’s what Marie says about her next book, entitled The Time of Your Life:
‘My hope is that this book will encourage us all to be thankful for every day of life and to believe that, whatever our age, God still has a perfect plan for us, so we should seek His will and dare to do it. Someone once said to me, “There’s no unemployment in the kingdom of God.” I’m sure that’s true. When aging stops us doing the kind of things we used to do, we may find we have more time for prayer or for small acts of kindness to a neighbour. If we ask Him He will show us.’
An ‘old favourite’! Of course, we could not close without mentioning the large print edition of Every Day with Jesus. Since 1993 we have been making this daily devotional written by Selwyn Hughes available in large print for those with struggling eyesight. Torch Trust for the Blind also produce audio and DAISY versions of each issue, available free to those in the UK and Eire with a visual impairment worse than N12, or who are registered blind. Our hope and prayer is that one (or all!) of the resources featured in this article will be suitable for you, or someone you know, who, though no ‘spring chicken’, would still appreciate a good read and to have their mind stimulated and their faith built up.
Large print Every Day with Jesus by Selwyn Hughes £2.85 per bimonthly issue, £15.50 for a one-year subscription (UK only)
Stop Press! Also coming in midFebruary 2012 is the fourth in our Highway Code series – Highway Code for Retirement by David Winter £6.99
To obtain audio and DAISY versions of Every Day with Jesus, please contact Torch Trust for the Blind, Tel: 01858 438260. Torch Trust for the Blind, Torch House, Torch Way, Northampton Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9HL.
Order using the form or online at All prices exclude p&p PAGE 25
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Revival: A Personal Reflection My formative years were spent in Trecynon, a small mining village nestling in the hills outside Aberdare, South Wales. My parents worshipped with the Open (that is, Plymouth) Brethren, our building being surrounded by a clutch of nonconformist chapels. At that time, several of those congregations were increasingly elderly and, truth to tell, were struggling to maintain a credible witness to the power and transformation of the gospel. Recently, I revisited Trecynon to find most of those chapels close
to extinction – some had indeed closed – and with an even older collection of worshippers. Incidentally the Brethren assembly of my childhood has also closed its doors. So I consulted the accounts of the 1904–05 Welsh Revival in which Trecynon featured prominently. A startling – and, admittedly, sad – difference emerged between then and now. The spiritual forces unleashed by the revival were described by one onlooker like this: ‘The divine assaults of the Eternal Spirit
were seen striking down men like corpses all over the floor. [They] were pierced as by a sword or an arrow; and men of lukewarm temperament were set ablaze like a bonfire.’ Whilst some would conclude that an impairment of their senses had taken place, the men themselves concluded that the Holy Spirit had supernaturally moved them from the narrow circle of their reason, understanding and knowledge to the wide world of the spiritual: Goddirected, God-driven. Continued over >>
REVIVAL NEWS JAPAN: Before the tsunami the Church in Japan was getting smaller almost by the day. The average congregation is only 30 and many have fewer than 10 members. Post-tsunami there have been signs of hope of revival. One sign is a new Christian youth movement spearheaded by members of Grace Tokyo who stand on street corners singing gospel songs as they share their Saviour’s love. When someone stops to listen they are told more about Jesus and invited to church meetings, where there is joy and laughter – something Japanese churches don’t have a lot of, said one Grace Tokyo leader.
NEW ZEALAND: Through Auckland Harvest, the largest evangelistic event in the country since Billy Graham visited over 40 years ago, nearly 3,000 people made decisions for Christ at two night meetings and through an online broadcast. Source: ASSIST News Service
Source: CBN News via
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The descent of the Spirit in 1904–05 revitalised both public and private worship, and the chapels of Trecynon were pervaded by a vibrant ‘newness’. A reporter, writing in a Welsh language journal, highlighted the ‘lasting benefits’ of the revival as informality, diversity, exaltation and prayer, commenting, almost bemusedly, certainly wonderingly: ‘God is new, Jesus Christ is new, the Holy Spirit is new and they are realities more vital than ever before.’ As men and women worshipped in that ordinary, poverty-stricken village, the heavens were rent (Isa. 64:1) and, unforgettably, God came down. The chapels at that tumultuous period experienced the Holy Spirit’s power and transformation, but what conclusions may be drawn? First, that to yearn nostalgically for yesterday’s blessings is selfdefeating, leading only to a sense of anti-climax and frustration. Second, that we must seek God afresh for today’s equipping and empowering (2 Chron. 7:14). Third, remind ourselves that God’s power is not a jot diminished: the dead bones can live again (Ezek. 37:14).
CWR diary highlights BIBLE DISCOVERY The Bible in a Day Thurs 15 March Bible Discovery Weekend – ‘The Pebble Who Became a Rock’ Fri–Sun 17–19 February The Big Story Mon–Fri 12–16 March
PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELLING Understanding Yourself, Understanding Others: Myers– Briggs Type Indicator® basic workshop – for counsellors and those in counselling training Fri 13 January Helping Survivors of Childhood Sexual and/or Emotional Abuse Fri 10 February Insight into Anxiety Sat 3 March Introduction to Biblical Care and Counselling Mon–Fri 19–23 March Pastoral Care in the Local Church Mon–Fri 26–30 March Helping Trauma Survivors Mon 23 April
Preparation for Marriage Weekend Fri–Sun 23–25 March Successfully Navigating the Teenage Years Sat 24 March Like a Tree Wed–Thurs 11–12 April Understanding Each Other in Schools Fri 13 April
WOMEN AT WAVERLEY Women’s Weekend – ‘In Him – I live and move and have my being’ Fri–Sun 9–11 March Women’s Spring Day – ‘Seasons’ Tues 24 April
LEADERSHIP Leaders’ Time Out Mon–Tues 9–10 January Small-Group Leaders’ Tool Box Sat 18 February Transformational Leadership – Myth or Reality? Wed 29 February Fringe Dwellers: Serving those on the edge of the church Thurs 26 April Unless otherwise stated, all the events above are to take place at Waverley Abbey House, Farnham, Surrey, UK.
More Than You Can Handle Alone Tues 7 February Helping New Christians Grow Sat 10 March Windows of the Soul Tues 20 March
John Peters
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New Resources from CWR
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Old Bed, New Bed
Enjoy Life
By Linda Clist A great resource to introduce children to a difficult issue. Follow the story of Jack as he becomes aware of homelessness and how he, and all of us, can make a difference to the lives of homeless people in small and practical ways. Includes guidelines for parents and teachers. £5.99 (softback)
By Richard Pearce This easy-to-read, illustrated book includes quotes, Bible verses, wise sayings and stories. It will make you think, and smile, while answering some of life’s big questions. Great advice and principles for success are compiled in three groups: work, rest and play; character and attitude; and purpose and meaning. £5.99 (softback)
New Professor Bumblebrain Titles By Andy Robb Professor Bumblebrain is back, this time with a series of four full-colour comics, each on a biblical theme or topical issue, including: Champions; Easter; Halloween; and Christmas. Ideal resources for outreach to children. £8.99 per pack of 10 (softback) Contact us for details of bulk discounts.
Pens: Easter By Alexa Tewkesbury A short story and seven days of Bible-reading notes for children aged 3–6. Denzil the Pencil is very concerned about the state of his garden, fearing that he has let down Philippa Feltpen by allowing it to die. However, he learns that after winter, spring will come – bringing new life to his garden; just as Jesus died for us, but came back to life at Easter. £2.49 (softback) We are working on a short Pens Easter animation. Ideal for use in children’s services and schools. Visit our online store for details. Order using the form or online at All prices exclude p&p
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Are You Ready to Serve? This year, CWR celebrates its 25th year at Waverley Abbey House and enters into a new and exciting phase of its ministry. And so we ask, are you ready to serve and share your life experience and skills with CWR? CWR now needs to expand its board of trustees to support the staff and team as we continue our journey of faith. We are seeking new board members who have a heart for the ministry to assist and supplement our existing trustees. Areas of expertise which we would particularly welcome include: legal skills; social-media or e-commerce; cross channel publishing; education; and ministry experience. CWR was founded in 1965 and is a registered charitable company that is limited by guarantee, and remains committed to world revival. Today, by God’s grace, CWR is
a thriving, expanding, international ministry reaching increasing numbers around the globe. Every day more than a million people read the Bible following CWR’s daily reading notes. Through seminars, training programmes, conferences and events, tens of thousands have been taught and trained year on year in the UK and around the world. Because of our publishing ministry, hundreds of thousands of copies of CWR’s publications are distributed annually. All this is supported by a staff and ministry team of around 70 at Waverley Abbey House in Farnham, Surrey. For further information or to be considered for one of these important roles, write to Rosemary Foote at CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP or email
Becoming a Partner
If you share the same values as CWR – the supremacy of Christ, the authority of Scripture and a commitment to excellence in everything, to name just a few – and you would like to play a significant part both prayerfully and financially in helping Christians around the world to grow in Christ, you might like to become a CWR Partner, receiving a regular letter. If so, please do get in touch with our Partnership Co-ordinator, Robin Pickford.
Have you considered including CWR in your will or estate? This can be a good way to invest spiritually in future generations.
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Profiling … Wendy Virgo Since they met in 1968, Wendy and her husband Terry have had a passion to see the Church renewed and restored. As they followed that vision, the vibrant network of churches known as Newfrontiers began to grow. Newfrontiers churches can now be found in nearly 60 countries, and Wendy frequently travels with her husband, ministering to women all over the world.
What are your links with CWR? I first heard of CWR about 25 years ago when our church in Brighton invited Selwyn Hughes to do an all-day counselling course. I loved his style, his material and his attitude. He was biblical, humorous and accessible. This led to an awareness of other things CWR was doing and I was invited to speak at women’s events and, subsequently, began to write daily notes for Inspiring Women Every Day, which I have enjoyed immensely!
how it unfolds, starting way back in Genesis and reaching through the centuries in such precise detail, until it actually embraces us and catches us up in God’s mercy.
Did you make any fresh discoveries yourself as you wrote the book? I loved researching background material, for example what happened in the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles, which is in the chapter The Water of Life. I love historical detail, as it puts teaching in context, and makes it more vivid. I also felt very moved as I was writing about the Lamb of God.
What do you do when you need inspiration? I used to have a favourite spot on the South Downs I would escape to, to walk, jog, reflect; now we have moved, I will have to explore and find another place.
How did you come up with the theme for your Lent study, Magnificent Jesus? I had recently read through the Gospel of John and began to realise that what readers most need during Lent is a fresh look at the life and mission of Jesus: it doesn’t have to be complicated. I hope individuals and small groups will have their understanding expanded as they discover the whole magnificent plan of salvation:
Cover to Cover Lent Study Guide: Magnificent Jesus By Wendy Virgo £6.99 Order using the form or online at All prices exclude p&p
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