CWR BOOKING FORM: Women’s Weekend @ Pilgrim Hall Please use BLOCK CAPITALS and use ONE FORM PER PERSON Please read booking information before completing your form. Name of Course _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Course ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to be [ ] Non-residential [ ] Residential (Please indicate your bedroom preference (subject to availability): single room with shared bathroom OR shared occupancy with en suite bathroom.
Year of
birth_______ (NB Evening sessions Fri-Sat finish at about 9pm.) Title _____ Surname ____________________ Usual First Name(s) ___________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Postcode ________________
Tel______________________________________________Email ______________________________________________________ Would you like to receive our emails with CWR courses/events coming up?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
(This information is for CWR purposes only and will not be passed on to others.) In case of emergency during the weekend please provide a contact name __________________________________________ and phone number_________________________________________________ Church attended _________________________ Medical/Vegetarian diet required (please specify)? ________________________________________________ How did you hear of this course? ______________________________________________________________________________ [ ] I enclose a cheque (payable to CWR) for £ _______ [ ] Please charge £ ____ to my debit/credit card (MasterCard/Visa/Switch/Maestro accepted) NB There is a 3% surcharge on payments made by credit card. Card no _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Valid From ___ /___ Expires ___ /___ Issue No ____ Security No (last 3 digits on sign strip) ______ Name as it appears on your card _____________________________________________________________________________ Address card registered at, if different from above _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We will send you an email confirmation of your booking unless you tick the option below. Please send me a postal confirmation of booking (tick box) [ ] BOOKING INFORMATION The full fee is payable on booking. CWR does not take pleasure in charging a cancellation fee. However due to overall costs incurred the following refunds apply: 10 weeks or more prior to the event = 60%, 6 weeks prior to the event = 40%, 2-5 weeks prior to the event = 20%, Less than 2 weeks prior to the event = nil. CWR reserves the right to refuse registration to anyone they consider unsuitable for a course. We advise applicants to refrain from booking travel until their application has been accepted by us in writing. CWR reserves the right to cancel a course due to unforeseen circumstances or low numbers, in which case fees are fully refundable. However, CWR is not liable for other expenses e.g. travel costs, which the applicant may have incurred. We strongly recommend that you consider taking out insurance to cover the possibility of cancellation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please return your form to:
Waverley Courses & Events, CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP, UK Tel: 01252 784719 Fax: 01252 784734 Email: Website: