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Session 1: Uncomfortable psalms Icebreaker Describe a time when you have felt uncomfortable – eg driving test, first date, scoring an own goal, entering a crowded room of unfamiliar faces etc. Key thought The Holy Spirit is God Himself. He longs for us to form an intimate relationship with Him so we can benefit from His wisdom, encouragement, strength and comfort. Some of the psalms contain negative emotions. Often we feel uncomfortable about expressing downbeat feelings to God, and are shocked at some of the psalmists’ more violent displays of emotion. However, correctly understood these psalms teach us not to deny our emotions but to wrestle with them until they give way to hope. Ultimately, our emotions, both positive and negative, say something about our relationship with God Himself. This is because at the root of all negative emotions is the question: ‘Is God good?’ Key verse ‘When I was in distress, I sought the Lord ...’ Psalm 77:2

Being Real in the Psalms JUL/AUG 2009

Every Day with Jesus group resource

1—10 JulY

2. How would you explain to Kathleen Norris that she was wrong? 3. Why do Christians often deny reality? 4. Why and how should we wrestle with negative feelings?

Session 2: Anger Icebreaker

The example of Jesus

Why do you think there appear to be more and more incidents of ‘road rage’, ‘supermarket rage’ etc?

‘When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.’ 1 Peter 2:23

5. What do you do when you are afraid?

Key thought

6. How do the psalms reveal that which we try to conceal?

Anger arises when we can’t get our own way. Ultimately it suggests that we feel as if God is blocking our path to happiness.

7. What is the benefit of expressing real emotions to a real God? 8. Is mistrust of God sinful?

Key verse

9. What profound statement do negative emotions make about us?

‘“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.’ Ephesians 4:26—27

10. Why may Christians be hostile to God? 11. How may emotions affect us physically? The example of Jesus ‘During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.’ Hebrews 5:7 Prayer pointers • Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help to understand and assimilate the truths in this study.

Discussion starters

• Pray that you will be able to handle emotions wisely, with honesty and spiritual maturity.

1. Why is it wrong to deny uncomfortable emotions?

• Pray for those who are currently experiencing times of emotional turmoil.

11—17 July

Prayer pointers • Pray that we might discover the root causes of our anger and deal with them. • Pray that God will help us handle our negative emotions in a positive way.

Discussion starters 1. Why is it OK to be angry with God? 2. How can you apply the dynamic of the uncomfortable psalms to your own life? 3. How do our emotions reveal our concept of God? 4. How can heart convictions help us struggle well? 5. Why does our anger reveal something about us? 6. Why may anger be a form of idolatry? 7. When can anger be a positive emotion?


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