EDWJextra Session 1: The glories of Christ Icebreakers What are your plans for the Bank Holiday weekend? Play a video of Stairway to Heaven and discuss its lyrics (choose between Led Zepplin and Rolf Harris!). Key thought The primary focus of the book of Revelation is the glories of Christ and His Bride the Church. We must not become so caught up with interpreting its obscure symbolism that we miss the beauty of our Saviour and the wonderful future God has planned for us! Key verse ‘Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it …’ Revelation 1:3 Discussion starters 1. Why might we need reminding of the glories of Christ? 2. How should we approach the book of Revelation? 3. How much of your Christian life is based on ‘grace and peace’ rather than ‘perplexity and puzzlement’? 4. What is your own story of being loved, loosed and lifted?
The Vision MAY/JUN 2013
Every Day with Jesus group resource
1–7 May
5. Discuss Selwyn’s phrase, ‘The Almighty is always able to find or, if necessary, construct a secret stair to the soul.’ 6. What picture of Christ do you hold before you when you pray? 7. What could be the advantages of keeping a spiritual journal? The example of Jesus ‘… Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.’ Revelation 1:5 Prayer pointers • Ask God for wisdom and insight as we commence our studies on this issue. • Thank God that you have been loved, loosed and lifted!
Session 2: The glories of the Church Icebreaker What do you most love and admire about the history and present life of the Church in general and your own church in particular?
7–14 May
Prayer pointers • Pray for God to open doors of opportunity. • Repent of any lack of love, lukewarmness, error or sin, and ask God to set your church on fire.
Key thought The Church which was birthed in glorious Pentecostal fire can forget its supernatural origins and degenerate into ritualism and a community club. Key verse ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ Revelation 3:22 Discussion starters 1. How might duty replace devotion? 2. How can faith overcome fear? 3. What is the fight of faith? (See 2 Tim. 4:7) 4. How can we be holy people in a dark world? 5. How can pageantry and ritual replace Pentecost and revival? 6. What doors of opportunity are open to you? 7. What is the Spirit saying to you and your church? The example of Jesus ‘His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”’ John 2:17 www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextra
Session 3: The glories of worship Icebreakers Which is your favourite worship song or hymn? If possible spend some time in worship using instruments, CDs etc. Key thought The expression of honour and worship is our right and automatic response to greatness, whether that is to sports stars or community heroes, but no one deserves worship more than our Creator and the Lamb. Key verse ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever!’ Revelation 5:13 Discussion starters 1. If God reigns why do bad things happen? 2. Discuss Selwyn’s comment, ‘Only in His light can we see – really see. I tell you, nothing illuminates and enriches the soul more than worship.’ 3. Discuss the quote of C.S. Lewis. 4. Compare a football crowd to a church congregation. 5. How can Jesus be both a Lion and a Lamb? 6. Discuss the three results of Christ’s sacrifice: ‘made clean, redeemed and set free’. 7. Why is ‘Amen’ powerful? (See Matt. 18:19).
The Vision MAY/JUN 2013
Every Day with Jesus group resource
15–21 May
The example of Jesus ‘Father, glorify your name!’ John 12:28 Prayer pointers • Worship Father, Son and Holy Spirit for so great a salvation. • Pray for local, national and international worship leaders.
Session 4: The glory of our Lord’s victory Icebreakers How would you celebrate winning the Lottery? Have you been involved in a victory celebration such as a sports or competition success? Key thought Although sin has entered the universe and evil abounds, Christ has come to destroy the works of the devil. Through His glorious victory over sin and death, evil is doomed and we can have everlasting life.
22–27 May
6. How can music and song overcome attacks of evil? The example of Jesus ‘… I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.’ Revelation 3:21 Prayer pointers • Pray for those suffering persecution. • Pray that you will overcome evil and temptation.
Key verse ‘And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne …”’ Revelation 7:10 Discussion starters 1. Why is evil doomed? 2. Discuss and pray for the work of a Christian charity such as Tearfund or Christian Aid (and possibly take a collection). 3. Discuss the work of organisations such as Christian Solidarity Worldwide, who support the Persecuted Church. 4. How can Christians be optimists for the future but realists in the present? 5. Discuss the ministry and power of angels (eg, see Luke 1:11–33; Heb. 1:14). www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextra
Session 5: The glories of prevailing prayer Icebreakers Share some answers to prayer that you have experienced. Pray the Lord’s Prayer together. Key thought Have faith to believe that the prayers you offer for the needs of the world are being heard and, after having been mixed with the fire of God’s Spirit, fall back to spiritually shake the earth. Key verse ‘The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.’ James 5:16 Discussion starters 1. What does God do with our prayers? 2. What part does prayer play in the purposes of God? 3. How should we respond to disasters? 4. Discuss the quote of C.S. Lewis. 5. How can we balance witness and silence? 6. Why is the ‘work of witness not optional’, even when it is rejected? 7. Does your faith give you vague hopes or mighty assurance? 8. Discuss the observation, ‘the only church most people see is you’.
The Vision MAY/JUN 2013
Every Day with Jesus group resource
28 May – 7 Jun
9. Watch and discuss the trailer from Understanding and Praying for Revival on the CWR website: www.cwr.org.uk/??? 10. Consider the implications of 2 Peter 3:7–9. 11. Contrast the popular view of heaven with the full Christian view. The example of Jesus ‘… Jesus … is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.’ Hebrews 7:24–25 Prayer pointers • Pray for boldness and wisdom in your witness. • Pray for a new revival of people turning to the Lord.
Session 6: War in heaven
Icebreaker Review YouTube clips of Onward Christian Soldiers and Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. Are the lyrics still relevant? Key thought Because there is a clash between the kingdoms of earth and the kingdom of God, there is no room for Christian pacifism. Key verses ‘And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.’ Revelation 12:7 ‘Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.’ 2 Timothy 2:3
8–18 Jun 8. How has God pruned you? 9. What is the difference between the power of sin and the penalty of sin? 10. Do we emphasise God’s love and mercy too much to the detriment of God’s justice? 11. How do you allocate your prayer times between worship, thanks and requests? The example of Jesus ‘The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.’ 1 John 3:8 Prayer pointers • Pray for strength and courage to ‘wrestle against principalities and powers’. • Pray for Christians on the ‘front line’, such as youth workers and ministers.
Discussion starters 1. Explain the Nativity from an eternal perspective. 2. Why is there no room for Christian pacifism? 3. How can authority be both good and bad? 4. Are all political systems fatally flawed? 5. Discuss the quote of the commentator, ‘There is, in fact, no part of life in which deceit is more prevalent than in religion.’ 6. Discuss Selwyn’s comment, ‘The best workers for the kingdom are those who know how to worship.’ 7. How have you been impacted by preaching? www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextra
Session 7: Judgments and a wedding Icebreaker Bring any wedding photos that you appear in and talk about the special day (eg, even if you appear as a baby with your parents). Key thought At the end of time there will be both terrible judgment for those who reject Christ and the wonderful wedding of the Lamb and His Bride. Key verse ‘Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.’ Revelation 19:7 Discussion starters 1. Why should we be wary of the world that God loves? 2. What evil tendencies do we encounter in everyday life? 3. In what way do many people have a religion of self-interest? 4. How can we be a servant of Christ but also His Bride? 5. How does prior knowledge of the final result encourage us during setbacks? 6. Why should we leave some questions until eternity? 7. Discuss the last paragraph explaining why people are sent to hell.
The Vision MAY/JUN 2013
Every Day with Jesus group resource
19–25 Jun
Session 8: The glorious finale
26–30 Jun
The example of Jesus ‘… Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy …’ Ephesians 5:25–26
Icebreaker Watch ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ videos on YouTube, especially the Christmas Food Court Flash Mob.
5. What has most impacted you from our studies and how will your thinking and behaviour change as a result?
Prayer pointers • Pray for God to deliver us from temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil. • Thank God for the wonderful wedding to come and pray that your yet unbelieving friends will also be there.
Key thought Heaven will be a beautiful, wonderful, exciting, glorious paradise where we will live with God our Father, God our Saviour and God our Life. Death will be swallowed up in victory! Hallelujah!
The example of Jesus ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Revelation 22:20
Key verse ‘Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’ Revelation 21:3–4
Prayer pointers • Thank God for such a wonderful glorious future. • Pray that your excitement of your heavenly future will be infectious to both your Christian and non-Christian friends.
Discussion starters 1. Reflect on the characteristics of heaven: no crying, no death, no pain, presence of God etc. 2. What do you find significant in the description of the New Jerusalem? 3. What ‘nutrients’ do we need in order to flourish spiritually? 4. How might we repeat the sin of Adam and Eve? www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextra