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Written By

jeff lucas JAN/FEB 2012

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All saints Copyright Š CWR 2011 Published 2011 by CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP, UK Tel: 01252 784700 Email: mail@cwr.org.uk Registered Charity No. 294387 Registered Limited Company No. 1990308 Front cover image: Getty Images/Cultura/Les and Dave Jacobs Concept development, editing, design and production by CWR. Printed in England by Linney Print. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of CWR. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (NIV), copyright Š 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society.

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how to get the best out of life every day

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01 JAN


Acts 17:1–3 // Acts 17:10

Beginnings Paul was a tactician; he knew that Thessalonica, about 100 miles from Philippi, was a strategic city. Located on some important trade routes, it had a bustling harbour and was a thriving business centre. Greece’s second largest city, with a population of 200,000, this was an ideal hub for sharing the Christian message in that area. Paul launched his work by speaking at the local synagogue, his usual practice (Acts 14:1; 17:10). And on his way to Thessalonica, he didn’t stop to preach in Amphipolis or Apollonia, probably because those cities had no synagogues. Paul reasoned with the synagogue-goers – the word used here means dialogue. As Jews, they were already immersed in the big story of Scripture. They worshipped the One God and had expectations of Messiah’s coming. Paul didn’t just preach at people, but talked with them. When it comes to sharing our faith, let’s listen as well as talk. Let’s not ignore or discount the spiritual experiences of others. And let’s start where people are.

... let’s listen as well as talk

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To ponder: Why is dialogue with people harder than preaching at them?

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Healthy church


Acts 17:4 Acts 2:42–47 Focus

‘Some of the Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of Godfearing Greeks and not a few prominent women.’ (Acts 17:4)

Growth is natural where there is health ...

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It had been a full day of speaking, but I’d enjoyed the conference. I was heading back for a break when one of the delegates approached me. ‘The church you’re part of it – it’s big, isn’t it?’ he asked. ‘One of those megachurches, is it?’ The tone of his voice made it obvious that he wasn’t terribly pleased that Timberline Church has grown substantially in the last decade. He managed to make ‘megachurch’ sound like a disease. As Luke describes the first three weeks of missional work in Thessalonica, he reports, without hesitation, on the growth of the fledgling congregation there. He mentions the ‘large number’ ... and also records that ‘not a few prominent women’ believed in Christ. Unconcerned by the potential charge that he was more interested in the influential than the ‘nobodies’, Dr. Luke is delighted to report: the church was growing. Not every church can be large, or needs to be. That’s especially true in rural communities. An incredible impact is made when there are just thirty or so people gathering in a village church – which might represent half the total population! And some labour for years without seeing any obvious fruit – Hudson Taylor is an example. But let’s not be disparaging about larger churches, writing them off as entertainment centres, only good at pulling a crowd. Growth is natural where there is health and, if we’re missionally focused and perhaps in a metropolitan area with a large population like Thessalonica, then we should pray, work and hope for numerical growth. Prayer: Lord, bless the church that I call home. May we be effective in reaching people with words and works that declare Your love. Amen.

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A close friend of mine says that it is one of the sins that he fears most, because it has such a power to destroy. It leads some Christian leaders to launch vitriolic attacks on each other, volleying Scripture-laden accusations over the internet. It can tear a previously close worship group apart, or create a huge schism in a formerly united leadership team. It motivates unwarranted sniping about the more successful church across town. Corporate boardrooms, sports teams and marriages can all succumb to this aggressive virus, which creates chaos and trouble wherever it infects. Courtrooms will be busy today because of it. What sin am I talking about? Jealousy. Apparently bitter because some potential synagogue converts were choosing to follow Christ, some of the Jews in the city decided to launch an attack on the church. It wasn’t a doctrinal dispute or an argument over money that sparked opposition – but envy. Some believe that the jealousy might have come from Jewish teachers who were envious of the response Paul had received. Jealousy – where we become bitter because others have what we want – is the soil in which terrible weeds grow – ‘disorder and every evil practice’, according to James. The jealous will accuse unjustly. As Shakespeare put it, ‘For oft, my jealousy shapes faults that are not’. May God give us grace when others succeed in areas where we have failed, or prosper beyond what we have enjoyed. May we recognise jealousy for what it is – and fight it.


Jealousyfuelled conflict


Acts 17:5 James 3:13–18 Focus

‘But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the market-place, formed a mob and started a riot in the city.’ (Acts 17:5)

Prayer: Lord, save me from envy and jealousy. Help me to celebrate others’ successes – especially when they are more successful than I am. Amen.

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Jealousy thinly disguised


Acts 17:6–9 Mark 15:1–15 Focus

‘These men who have caused trouble ... have now come here, and Jason has welcomed them ... They are all defying Caesar’s decrees, saying that there is another king ... Jesus.’ (Acts 17:6–7)

Jealousy usually disguises itself ...

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Jealousy usually disguises itself and when religious people get jealous, they often resort to pious carping, using shrill tones and inflammatory language to veil their real motives. Obviously Paul had been teaching about the kingdom of God – which is the main message of the New Testament. The Jews who attacked the young believers in Thessalonica were jealous of the success that Paul and his team were enjoying, but they phrased their complaint with insincere words that implied they were deeply concerned about allegiance to Caesar as king. The original Greek of their accusation uses a word that describes a terrorist leading a revolt. This was an accusation of high treason, and one that would have placed the lives of the new Christians at risk. Treason was a capital offence. It’s tough when you’re attacked by people who are sanctimonious hypocrites, but that was one of the first obstacles that the church at Thessalonica had to overcome. Early in their history, they learned that being slandered is part of the deal when you’re a follower of Christ. And sometimes innocents get especially singled out for attack, like Jason here. He is mentioned nowhere else in the New Testament, so we have no idea who he was. The apostolic team, who were bringing good news of peace with God through Christ, were maligned as troublemakers. Is someone attacking you, and making it sound as if they are full of integrity as they do so? That’s tough to take – but not dissimilar to what new converts had to cope with in Thessalonica. Prayer: When I am criticised by people who use religious terms and pious words, help me to be gracious, gracious God. Amen.

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CWR ministry events Please pray for the team





9–10 Jan

Leaders’ Time Out

Waverley Abbey House Philip Greenslade & Andy Peck

14 Jan

Counselling Training Enquirers’ Morning WAH

CWR team

7 Feb

More Than You Can Handle Alone


Lynn Penson

10 Feb

Helping Survivors of Childhood Sexual and/or Emotional Abuse


Heather Churchill

17–19 Feb

Bible Discovery Weekend – Mark’s Gospel WAH

Philip Greenslade

18 Feb

Small Group Leader’s Toolbox


Andy Peck

28 Feb

The Bible in a Day


Andy Peck

29 Feb

Headteachers’ seminar


Coleen Jackson

Please also pray for students and tutors on our ongoing BA in Counselling programme at Waverley and our Certificate and Diploma of Christian Counselling and MA in Integrative Psychotherapy held at London School of Theology. Waverley Spring Programme For spring 2012 we have planned a variety of residential courses at Waverley to help you to grow in God and be equipped to help others. 9–11 Mar

Women’s Weekend of Spiritual Refreshing

with the Women at Waverley Team

12–16 Mar

The Big Story

with Philip Greenslade

19–23 Mar

Introduction to Biblical Care and Counselling

with the CWR team

26–30 Mar Pastoral Care in the Local Church

with Stuart Pascall & Lynn Penson

We look forward to welcoming you!

For full details phone 01252 784719, international +44 (0)1252 784719 or see the CWR website for further information


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Life is a mixture


Acts 17:10 1 Thessalonians 2:17 Focus

‘As soon as it was night, the believers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. On arriving there, they went to the Jewish synagogue.’ (Acts 17:10)

Don’t wait for perfect days to dawn ...

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I’d like a perfect life. I sometimes catch myself dreaming about waking up one day with no mortgage, being totally up to date with all my emails, feeling rested, at the peak of physical condition and stepping on the scales to discover that I’m at my ideal weight. Oh, and the sun would be shining in a brilliant blue sky – but, it being the perfect day, I wouldn’t get sunburned. Life isn’t like that. Paul and his team had enjoyed great success in Thessalonica, as some key people in the city were won for Christ – but at the same time they faced terrible opposition. So fierce were Paul’s opponents in that city, they would travel far and wide to harass him (see 17:13–14; 21:27). Notice that Paul showed some practical wisdom when the rabble were running around town looking for blood. He and his companions hid, escaping by night and heading 45 miles or so to Berea, where they found a more open-minded reception. But this must have been a difficult day, both for the Thessalonian Christians, brand-new in their faith, and for Paul himself. He writes about being ‘torn away’ from them. It’s a strong word he uses here: it is only used once in the New Testament and means ‘orphaned’. Paul felt like he’d been ripped away from his family. Great joy and deep sorrow were mingled in the same season. Don’t wait for perfect days to dawn, in order to be content – in reality, they are rare. Live fully today in the knowledge that we all do life and faith in a mixture of circumstances. Be thankful to God in the midst of life as it is, not as we’d like it to be. Prayer: Lord, help me to learn the secret of contentment so, whatever the mixture of joy and pain in my life, I live to the full each day. Amen.

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I’ve been pondering the amazing commitment of the Victorian missionaries. It’s said that when those pioneers bade farewell to their home shores and set off to take the message of Jesus across the world, they took their coffins with them. They knew that they were probably not coming back and they literally laid down their whole lives to serve the Lord. Their dedication was epic. Often they didn’t see much fruit, labouring for years without seeing a single convert. But there is another side to this – there are times of incredible fruitfulness, where amazing results come rapidly. That’s what happened for Paul and his team in Thessalonica. They were only preaching in the synagogue for three weeks (‘three Sabbaths’) but a church was established, one that would be strong and flourish. In days, a city was hugely impacted. Don’t underestimate what can be accomplished by small actions in a short time. And this isn’t just about epic missionary endeavours. A simple act of kindness here, a word of encouragement there – a burden shared, a gift given ... God is able to multiply the small things we do and make them have an impact, as that young lad found when he surrendered his lunch to Jesus. Often we will never know the result of a small gesture or a caring word; eternity alone will reveal the effect of what seemed like inconsequential acts of goodness. As we turn to Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, let’s keep in mind the mighty God who was at work in that city – and is at work where we live too.


Much achieved


Acts 17:1–10 Matthew 14:13–21 Focus

‘... and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures.’ (Acts 17:2)

Prayer: Mighty God, thank You that You are able to multiply the effect of small, good decisions that I make today. Amen.

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