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May–Aug 2012

WELCOME TO PRAYER TRACK. Our daily guide is produced to help focus intercession on areas of the world where there is great spiritual need and opportunities to reveal the love of Jesus Christ. It is also aimed at helping you to pray for CWR’s ministry. Compiled by Eddie Tait

MAY ‘I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority ...’ 1 Timothy 2:1–2

Tuesday 1 May In December 2010 a young vegetable seller in Tunisia immolated himself in protest against injustice and police brutality. It sparked riots that led to the downfall of the country’s leader and unrest spreading to Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan and Morocco. Pray about the ongoing effects of the ‘Arab Spring’ – especially for the Church, that despite its suffering, it will courageously reach out with the gospel in the region. Wednesday 2 May A ‘Christ Empowered Living’ seminar is being held at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for those attending as Mick and Lynette Brooks lead them on a biblical journey of self-discovery and personal revival.

Friday 4 May

Monday 7 May

At the end of last year Kim Jong-un became leader of North Korea following the death of his father, Kim Jong-il. Nowhere in the world are Christians persecuted with such hatred, violence and chilling determination as North Korea. Pray for the new leader, that he will depart from the policies of his late father and grandfather, Kim Il-Sung, and open the gates to freedom in a country where just owning a Bible can mean execution or being sent to labour camps.

CWR has published a new autobiography by former Hell’s Angel, Brian Greenaway entitled The Monster Within. Pray that it will especially bring hope and encouragement to sufferers of pain and rejection as well as those currently serving prison sentences.

Weekend 5–6 May Persecution of Christians is so fierce in North Korea that parents dare not share their beliefs with their children until they are old enough to understand the dangers. Many thousands of an estimated 400,000 believers in the land are incarcerated in brutal labour camps. Pray for their freedom and freedom for the gospel in North Korea.

A 16-year-old girl lives in terrible conditions – alone except for her baby. She has been a prostitute for six years, sold into the sex trade by her parents. She fears that her younger sisters will be kidnapped and sent, like her, 1,000 miles to the West to be continually abused. Many young women back in her home country, Moldova, face the same stark situation. Pray about this. Wednesday 9 May Moldova is Europe’s poorest country. Each year thousands of people there are trafficked as forced labourers or into the sex trade. Pray for Beginning of Life – a group of Christians who rescue, protect and help to restore vulnerable women and girls. Thursday 10 May

Thursday 3 May Students of the CWR and London School of Theology Joint Venture Diploma in Christian Counselling 2011—12 arrive today at Waverley Abbey House for a residential weekend. Pray for them as they absorb teaching from Lyn Powell and Richard Pickles.

Tuesday 8 May

North Korea’s new leader, Kim Jong-un needs our prayers to end the brutal policies of his predecessors (4–6 May)

CWR’s ‘Discovering More About God’s Story’ courses have helped many to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible. Pray for today’s course at Waverley Abbey House, led by Philip Greenslade. Also pray for Year 1 BA in Counselling students studying at Waverley this weekend, led by Irene Davies and team. PAGE 13

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Weekend 19–20 May

Europe needs the light of the gospel and dedicated pastors and their families need support (11–13 May) PHOTO: sxc.hu/damo

Friday 11 May Even in the midst of the economic woes Europe is generally regarded as well developed and prosperous. But in many parts of the continent the realities, economic and spiritual, don’t reflect these assumptions. Pray for ministries such as Eurovangelism who are shining a light in the midst of the darkness, with dozens of churches being planted and people coming to faith. Weekend 12–13 May The pastor is full of desire to tell people about the love of Jesus and has seen real growth in his congregation. Yet there is a strain because he barely has enough money to make ends meet and lives with his wife and two children in one small room. Hard to believe, but this is in Europe. Pray for this man and others in similar situations. Monday 14 May Over 1,000 people accepted Jesus as their Saviour through an African Enterprise mission in Maputo, capital of Mozambique a few months ago. Meetings took place in a variety of open-air places, including bus depots. Pray for the ongoing work of the churches. Tuesday 15 May CWR has published a new book in the Mettle series for those who are starting university. Pray that it will encourage and help to establish new students, with all the challenges they face. Also pray for

CWR and London School of Theology Certificate in Christian Counselling students studying at Waverley Abbey House through to Friday, led by Owen Ashley and team. Wednesday 16 May David Livingstone longed to see the kingdom of God established around Central Africa’s lakes. Operation Mobilisation is helping to continue this vision by finding Christian men and women in local villages in the area who have a desire to share Jesus and giving them suitable training. Pray for this work. Thursday 17 May Operation Mobilisation knows that training local Christians in Central Africa is more effective in the work of the gospel than sending foreigners because indigenous people understand the cultures and languages spoken in Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania, countries which border Lake Tanganyika. Pray for those on OM’s courses to truly become ‘fishers of men’.

In Saudi Arabia public worship by non-Muslims is forbidden, with conversion to Christianity punishable by death because the authorities view it as apostasy. Even though expatriate Christians are allowed to worship in private compounds, they often encounter problems. Pray for Saudi Arabia. Monday 21 May That families have the kind of loving, faithful, nurturing and joyful relationships God wants is the aim of CWR’s Insight seminar on ‘Helping Families Heal’, being held at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for this course, led by Andre Radmall. Tuesday 22 May Every Home for Christ shares the gospel through literature distribution and practical ministries. In Africa many people are seeing God’s love through education in basic health care and income generation training in conservation farming methods. Pray for the impact of these ministries. Wednesday 23 May In Malawi Every Home for Christ training has enabled families to produce food crops to live on for a whole year at a time. Drilling wells to draw clean and safe water has kept diarrhoea at minimum levels. Pray for the witness to Christ through this work.

Friday 18 May

Thursday 24 May

Readers of CWR’s Inspiring Women Every Day are spending this month studying ‘Water of Life.’ Pray for them as they absorb the Scriptures about water being symbolic of life, healing, cleansing, renewal, joy, fruitfulness and blessing. Also pray for Year 2 BA in Counselling students studying at Waverley Abbey House over this weekend, led by Heather Churchill and team.

Use of natural fertilisers for crops, HIV/AIDS education, financial management and nutrition classes are part of the Every Home for Christ community development programme in Malawi, Togo and Zambia, improving the quality of life and enabling families to support themselves. Pray for the Church to grow as a consequence.


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Friday 25 May

Thursday 31 May

Wednesday 6 June

Woman to Woman is a new CWR book based on the successful week-long course at Waverley Abbey House. Pray for it to teach and equip women wanting to help other women and run women’s group ministry. Also pray for Year 3 BA in Counselling students at Waverley this weekend, led by Irene Davies and team.

Mission Aviation Fellowship provides a vital service to people living and working in the remote aboriginal communities throughout east Arnhem Land. It flies in education, medical help and government business people as well as essential supplies, and pastors and teams to meet spiritual needs. Pray for these flights.

Michael Baughen is leading a CWR seminar called ‘The God of Love in a World of Suffering’ at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for those who attend to gain deep insights from his teaching.

Weekend 26–27 May


Yeldall Manor has helped many to rebuild their lives from the wreckage of drug and alcohol addiction, crime, disintegrated marriages and other things. Christians who sadly fell by the wayside have come back to faith, while others have discovered God’s love for the first time. Pray for Yeldall’s work. Monday 28 May A five-day CWR ‘Introduction to Biblical Care and Counselling’ course starts at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for those attending as they absorb the teaching from Angie Coombs, Richard Laws and team, and for them to know God’s leading at the end of the course. Tuesday 29 May In the last two decades the number of Christians in Mongolia has dramatically increased to some 600,000, with over 500 churches. Yet the country’s social problems have deteriorated quite alarmingly. Pray for Christian witness to radically affect society. Wednesday 30 May Yolngu for Jesus is an aboriginal-led ministry whose vision is to see people ‘evangelised, equipped and empowered’ throughout north-eastern Arnhem Land in Australia’s Northern Territory. Pray for this ministry.

‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations ...’ Psalm 46:10

Friday 1 June

Thursday 7 June ‘Managing Your Time’ is a CWR seminar taking place at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for those attending as they absorb teaching from Andy Peck. Also pray for Year 1 BA in Counselling students coming to Waverley tomorrow for a weekend of teaching by Irene Davies and team.

‘Greater than Gold’ is the theme for this year’s Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade Firm Foundations youth event which starts today at Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead. Pray for the 1,000 young people who are expected to attend – that they will be blessed and challenged by the message. Weekend 2–3 June Year 4 BA in Counselling students are at Waverley Abbey House for the weekend for teaching from Heather Churchill and team. Pray for them as they look to applying what they have learned from their studies in ministry. Monday 4 June It’s been tough for Christian bookshops in Swaziland and a number have closed. Pray for CLC’s ministry – so important for the Church in this part of southern Africa. Tuesday 5 June Though Swaziland has a strong and growing evangelical community, the Church faces many challenges. One is widespread nodding acquaintance to the ways of God by many who attend church. Another is a shortage of quality leadership. Pray for the Church in Swaziland.

The sanctity of life needs to continue to be upheld by law in face of attempts to legalise euthanasia in any form (1 June) PHOTO: sxc.hu/ilco

Friday 8 June The overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi after 42 years as dictator of Libya brought in a transitional government that quickly announced Sharia (fundamental Islamic law) would be the basis for the North Africa country. This is likely to make it more difficult for Christians there. Pray for the new Libya. Weekend 9–10 June Nearly three years ago L’Autre Rive (The Other Side) was born in PAGE 15

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a town called Gembloux, a pioneer ‘alternative’ church in Belgium. Its strength is reaching people, especially friends, through social networks. Pray for this growing church and for the good news to also reach people’s hearts elsewhere in Belgium. Monday 11 June Persecution of Christians has continued in Vietnam. There are numerous reports about unfair, inhuman and even bizarre treatment of pastors and church members. Pray for Christ’s light to shine in this land. Tuesday 12 June The Maldives are a popular holiday destination. But out of sight is the repression of Christians, which extends to websites. Pray for freedom of religion to come to the Maldives. Wednesday 13 June Christians in Iraq have suffered severe, even extreme, persecution for a long time. Recently Assyrian Christian businesses in northern Iraq were attacked – the first widespread violence against believers in what was considered to be a relatively safe area for them. Pray for the Church in Iraq. Thursday 14 June ‘Preaching with Colour’ is the title of a CWR seminar being led by Andy Peck at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for those who attend to gain insights that will help their congregations. Friday 15 June CWR’s Counselling Training Enquirers’ events are in demand this year. Pray for the one being held at Waverley Abbey House this afternoon. Also pray for Year 2 BA in Counselling students receiving teaching from Heather Churchill and team over the weekend.

Weekend 16–17 June Over the past 125 years SGM Lifewords and its predecessors have been producing Scripture booklets and materials that have changed countless lives. Pray for chaplains ministering in Kenya’s prisons with the help of SGM’s Choose Life programme. Monday 18 June CWR is releasing a new book by Tony Miles of Westminster Chapel, London this month. Entitled Maybe Tomorrow, it shows the value of reflection, prayer and rest at the end of the day and of making resolutions for tomorrow. Pray that it will help all who read it. Tuesday 19 June Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) makes desperately-needed flights to assist medical services in combating cholera and measles in the Democratic Republic of Congo – diseases that have caused many deaths – and polio outbreaks. Pray for these flights. Wednesday 20 June MAF provides vital services in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to national churches, missions and non-government organisations (NGOs). An estimated four million people – mostly women, children and the elderly – died as a result of civil war and tribal unrest. Pray for MAF’s work and for lasting peace in the DRC. Thursday 21 June Although most of the 70 million population of the DRC profess Christianity, large numbers have no clear grasp of repentance and faith in Christ. Blending of Christianity with tribal religions is a major challenge to evangelism. Pray for the DRC. Friday 22 June Kashmir is bitterly contested by India, Pakistan and China.

Christians have been accused of making forced or bribed conversions. Pray for the Church and for the truth of the gospel to spread in this volatile region. Weekend 23–24 June Mick Brooks and Lynn Penson are leading a CWR ‘Caring God’s Way’ seminar at Waverley Abbey House this Saturday. Philip Greenslade is leading a Bible Discovery Weekend called ‘Nothing Can Stop the Gospel.’ Pray for these seminars. Also pray for a new book published by CWR called A Year at St Cliff’s by Andy Robb – humorous musings on life through the blogs of Derek the Cleric. Monday 25 June Prospects is a UK organisation that works in partnership with churches and organisers of major Christian festivals to welcome people with learning difficulties and enable them to be more fully included in the life of the Church. Pray for this ministry. Tuesday 26 June God’s love through His Son is being shared in Gulu, Uganda among war-torn and traumatised people, including former child soldiers, child mothers, orphans and refugees. A member of the ministry team is a pastor with HIV/AIDS. Pray for this ministry. Wednesday 27 June Michael Sata, a Christian, became President of Zambia last September. Pray for him and his government, and the Church, in a land where the gospel is being proclaimed boldly. Thursday 28 June In Nigeria, Kenya, Chad and Burkina Faso Mission Africa combines a passion for evangelism with a deep commitment to helping the poor and marginalised. Pray for Christ to be glorified through its care and


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education of children and medical outreaches to people suffering from HIV and other illnesses.

given to many hurt in the rioting. Pray for the ongoing work of God’s Word in Egypt.

Friday 29 June

Tuesday 3 July

Northern Nigeria’s Christians have suffered horrendously through attacks by the extremist Muslim Boko Haram group. Pray for families who have suffered loss, for those injured and traumatised by the attacks and for the love of God through His Son to reach the hearts of the attackers.

In Egypt and other Middle East countries that have been experiencing revolution, increased interest in Christianity has led to many receiving Jesus. Pray that this spiritual harvest will continue.

Saturday 30 June Lynn and Andrew Penson are leading a CWR ‘Marriage on Track’ seminar at Waverley Abbey House over this weekend. Helena Wilkinson is running an Insight Day on Eating Disorders today. Pray for those attending these seminars to be helped and enabled to apply what they learn.

JULY ‘... seek the peace and prosperity of the city ... Pray to the Lord for it ...’ Jeremiah 29:7

Sunday 1 July In the midst of the turmoil in Egypt one pastor requested: ‘Please pray for us as we spread God’s Word across our nation ... We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that for now we have more freedom than we ever had before the revolution and we want to responsibly use it for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom.’ Monday 2 July Christians suffered in Egypt during the revolution and face an uncertain future. But there were positive outcomes too. Front-page advertisements were placed by the Bible Society in national newspapers promoting peace through the words of Jeremiah and the Scriptures were

Wednesday 4 July One key way of encouraging Christians under pressure in the Middle East is through satellite television and radio broadcasts. Pray for SAT-7 programming. Also, Lorraine Abbot is leading a seminar at Waverley Abbey House today entitled ‘Effective RE – equipping the nonspecialist.’ Pray that those teachers who attend will be encouraged. Thursday 5 July CWR is hosting a Church Leaders’ Forum at Waverley Abbey House. Pray for those attending to find it fruitful as Andy Peck and Philip Greenslade lead. Friday 6 July CWR and Carl Beech, head of CVM (Christian Vision for Men), have been working together on a new devotional series of publications for men – a need long recognised. The first two titles are being launched this month. Pray for a deep impact. Also pray for Year 1 BA in Counselling students studying at Waverley Abbey House this weekend.

Weekend 7-8 July Since the creation of the new nation of South Sudan a year ago, Christians in the North have said that the government and Islamic militia have been trying to purge the land of their presence, especially in the border area of South Kordofan. Believers have been killed and church buildings burned. Pray about this. Monday 9 July Hope is a UK ministry helping churches work together to bring Jesus’ story alive through words and actions. It is working towards Harvest, a huge year of mission in 2014. Pray for this work. Tuesday 10 July CWR is holding a ‘Mentoring Others’ seminar at Waverley Abbey House, led by Peter Jackson. Pray for those who attend to apply what they learn today in making a real difference to the lives they touch. Wednesday 11 July CWR is hosting a Small Group Leaders’ Evening at Waverley Abbey House, with Andy Peck in the chair. Pray that it will be a fruitful evening for all participating. Thursday 12 July Every Home for Christ worked with local churches in Spain to distribute over 30,000 pieces of gospel literature to over 17,500 homes recently. Pray for God’s Word to work in the hearts of those who received the literature. Egypt’s Christians need prayer for using every opportunity to share Christ in the midst of uncertainty following the revolution (1–4 July) PHOTO: msnbc


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Friday 13 July There are many small mountain villages in Spain’s Huesca province. There wasn’t even one evangelical church among the 9,000 people until an Every Home for Christ team of mainly young people went there last Christmas to witness and present Scripture material. Pray for the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit on people’s hearts and for His Church to be established among them.

churches lack full-time workers of spiritual standing. Pray for these needs to be met. Friday 20 July The Church in Portugal needs healing of divisions and more unity in its passion to reach the lost. Pray for increased cooperation in evangelism and mission to people in the land, including large numbers of Portuguese-speaking immigrants.

Weekend 14–15 July

Weekend 21–22 July

CWR is holding a new Insight Day this Saturday at Waverley Abbey House, on Self-Harm. Pray for those attending to get to grips with this problem, led by Chris Ledger. Taking place at the same time is a seminar called Money Matters, led by Ros and Stephen Derges. Pray for it.

‘Growing as they Grow’, a new CWR seminar especially for parents with toddlers, is being held at Waverley Abbey House on Saturday. Pray for those attending as they receive insights from Rachel Causey. Also pray for Every Day with Jesus readers, nearly halfway through studies entitled ‘Still Waters’ – teaching about finding God’s perspective on life, facing fear and discovering the source of spiritual strength.

Monday 16 July ‘Woman to Woman’, a five-day CWR seminar starts at Waverley Abbey House today. Pray for leaders Lynn Penson and Ros Derges and that the women attending will experience the Lord working in their lives as they learn and fellowship together. Tuesday 17 July CWR is attending the International Christian Retail Show in Orlando, USA this week. Pray for good meetings and helpful contact with other publishers as well as CWR’s international distributors. Wednesday 18 July CLC has been working in Portugal for 25 years. It has an important role in building up the Church in the land. Pray for its work through sales of Christian books and other media on the Portuguese mainland and the Azores islands. Thursday 19 July Numerous places in Portugal have no evangelical witness, while many

Monday 23 July CWR welcomes people to Waverley Abbey House today for five days of ‘Refreshing Your View of the Bible’. Pray that they will be uplifted as they gain fresh insights from the Scriptures led by Philip Greenslade, Andy Peck and Elizabeth Hodkinson. Tuesday 24 July The Kachin people, who are predominantly Christian, live mainly in northern Burma (Myanmar). For many years they have suffered at the hands of the Burmese military. Recent attacks on them have been carried out amidst talks of introducing democratic reform to Burma. Pray about this situation. Wednesday 25 July Civil war has gone on in Burma since 1947. Pray for peace – lasting peace – as well as for ministries that love, care and meet the

practical needs of those who have suffered horrendously in the fighting, including the many Kachin and Karen children orphaned through their parents being killed by government soldiers. Thursday 26 July CWR has published Reflections of Hope, a beautifully presented book based on the 23rd Psalm particularly for those experiencing dementia, or who are in close proximity to it. This new book’s guidelines and meditations are written by Rosemary Hurtley MSc, Society of Gerontology and consultant occupational therapist. Pray for it to help many sufferers. Friday 27 July The Olympic Games open in London today (continuing to 12 August) and the Paralympics will start on 29 August (finishing on 9 September). Churches and Christian organisations have been gearing up over the past months for this tremendous opportunity to reach visitors and their own communities in fresh and exciting ways in Jesus’ name. Pray for this witness. Weekend 28–29 July As the Olympic Games gather momentum pray for churches and individuals taking part in programmes of outreach, hospitality and service, that through them people will understand who Jesus truly is and what Christianity is all about. Monday 30 July Intercape is the largest privatelyowned intercity passenger transport service in South Africa and neighbouring countries. Biblical principles undergird its operations and not only does it provide safe and comfortable coach journeys but promotes the Christian faith as well. Pray for Intercape.


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Thursday 9 August

The Good News travels: An Intercape bus in South Africa (30 July)

Writers of CWR’s daily Bible reading notes do a tremendous job! Pray for them, and for the amazingly dedicated teams who distribute these publications around the world.

PHOTO: Eddie Tait

Tuesday 31 July

Weekend 4–5 August

Friday 10 August

An Every Home for Christ initiative in South Africa’s Free State is seeing children winning others in their classes to the Saviour through the use of special booklets. Pray for more fruit from this witnessing.

Violence and intolerance against Christians in Indonesia almost doubled last year. The hotbed of Islamic extremism is West Java, the most populous province that includes the country’s capital, Jakarta. The Wahid Institute, a Muslim organisation that promotes religious tolerance, said that worse could come this year if the authorities continued to overlook the threat of extremism. Pray for Indonesia.

CWR is holding a studies skills course at Waverley Abbey House today, led by Mary Higginson and Kathy Overton. Pray that those attending will be encouraged by what they learn.

AUGUST ‘... whatever is true ... noble ... right ... pure ... lovely ... admirable ... excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.’ Philippians 4:8

Wednesday 1 August A UK survey among 7- to 16-yearolds found that 61% have a mobile phone with internet access and that a young person’s home life increasingly revolves around this gadget, replacing television in their bedrooms. So parents find it harder to control what their children are watching. Pray about this. Thursday 2 August Mobile phones with internet access, laptops and tablet-style computers mean, among other things, the drastic decline of family members watching a television programme together. Pray about this – and for children to be drawn to wholesome, and Christian, material through the gadgets they use. Friday 3 August Publication of the first new Bible translation in Norway for 30 years saw it top the bestseller list last year. Pray for ongoing demand – and that Norwegians’ spiritual hunger will be satisfied by God’s Word.

Monday 6 August The Armed Forces’ Christian Union is a fellowship of those serving in the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force who desire to grow in their faith and share it with those they serve with. Pray for members and their witness to fellow service men and women. Also, Mary Higginson is leading a four-day seminar on ‘Developing an Integrated Christian Approach to Counselling.’ Pray for those attending to apply a Christian world view in their professional practice. Tuesday 7 August Tasting the goodness of God is the August theme of CWR’s Inspiring Women Every Day notes, written by Helena Wilkinson. Pray that through them readers will learn to deepen their dependence on the Lord. Wednesday 8 August A warlord who confessed to killing nearly 20,000 people during the 14-year civil war in Liberia is now an evangelist who also seeks forgiveness from those whose lives he has harmed. Pray for the ministry of Joshua Milton Blahyi.

Weekend 11–12 August CWR’s Insight days on Stress are more important than ever in an increasingly stressful world. Pray for those attending the latest of these seminars on Saturday, led by Beverley Shepherd. Also pray for people you know who are under particular stress at this time. Monday 13 August ‘Everything together under one Head’ is the theme of Ephesians – Peter Hicks has written about it in CWR’s August Cover to Cover Every Day notes. Pray for readers to be challenged to be the people through whom God’s purpose for His world becomes a reality. Also pray for this week’s ‘Introduction to Biblical Care and Counselling’ course starting at Waverley Abbey House today. Tuesday 14 August Copies of CWR’s YP’s for New Christians notes are being given out at summer camps. Pray for those who receive them. Wednesday 15 August Life is increasingly hard in the countries of the Former Soviet Union. In eastern Ukraine, a predominantly mining area, the International Miners’ Mission is supporting ministries to those PAGE 19

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caught in the addictions trap and the development of rehabilitation centres. Pray for this work.

Children in orphanages in eastern Ukraine supported by the International Miners’ Mission are being drawn to Jesus (16 August)

Thursday 16 August The International Miners’ Mission is also supporting orphanages in eastern Ukraine. There is no pressure on the children to become Christians, but the loving atmosphere, activities, daily prayers and conversations about Jesus have led to some accepting Him as their Saviour. Pray for this ministry. Friday 17 August Weariness is a problem Christian leaders face, but are often loath to admit because of high expectations from their congregations. Pray for those you know (they may even be the ministers of your local church) to take adequate steps towards refreshment and restoration. Weekend 18–19 August CWR is holding a new seminar at Waverley Abbey House on Saturday called ‘Living Singly for God’s Glory’. Pray for those attending to find much value and encouragement as Julia Morgan and team lead it. Also take this opportunity to pray for the needs of your single friends. Monday 20 August The first study week at Waverley Abbey House for Year 1 BA in Counselling 2012–13 students starts today. Pray for them as they absorb teaching from Irene Davies and team from today through to Friday. Tuesday 21 August Obtaining a divorce is easier than getting a driving licence, a senior judge has pointed out. The past 50 years of relationship free-for-all has left eight million children at the mercy of the courts because of the break-up of their parents. Pray for reforms in divorce law.


Wednesday 22 August The UK has the second highest abortion rate in Europe and a quarter of abortions are by teenagers. Pray about this, especially for politicians to see the urgent need for law reform and for teenagers to receive the right information, teaching and counselling. Thursday 23 August

tomorrow. Pray for them as Heather Churchill and team lead them. Tuesday 28 August Some Christian leaders in Russia say that the position of Protestant Christians is more precarious now than in the years under Communist rule. Pray for continued freedom for evangelicals to meet, worship and witness in Russia. Wednesday 29 August

‘Jesus, fully man, fully God’ is the core topic of the current issue of Mettle, CWR’s Bible study notes for 14– to 18-year-olds. Pray for readers to be encouraged by knowing that Jesus is fully able to identify with them.

Bhutan, in the Himalayas, is one of the world’s least evangelised nations. But interest in the gospel has been rising recently. Please pray for Bhutan, where Lamaistic Buddhism is the official religion.

Friday 24 August

Thursday 30 August

In Afghanistan converts to Christianity from Islam live in danger of death at the hands of the government, Taliban or other armed groups. Pray for their protection.

Many more labourers are needed for the spiritual harvest fields. Cambodia is one such place. Pray for more workers willing to travel to remote villages to share the gospel.

Weekend 25–26 August

Friday 31 August

In Senegal, which is overwhelmingly Muslim, an international ministry has been helping Bible school graduates to learn practical skills to support themselves in their ministry of the gospel. Pray for them as they work and witness to Christ.

George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation, has urged young Christian people in Europe to ‘go’. He said that ‘if we are serious about global missions we need to include mission work as a legitimate career for this generation’. Pray for this challenge to be taken up.

Monday 27 August It is the turn of Year 2 BA in Counselling 2012–13 students to come to Waverley Abbey House for five days of study starting


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