Mar/Apr2012 bible locator old testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel
Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
new testament Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians
Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon
Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation
For adults
Pens for 3- to 6-year-olds Topz for 7- to 11-year-olds Mettle for 14- to 18-year-olds
Every Day with Jesus Inspiring Women Every Day Life Every Day (Jeff Lucas) Cover to Cover Every Day
Young People’s Every Day with Jesus (YP’s) is published by CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8EP, UK © CWR, 2011. All rights reserved. This ‘master-planning, time spanning, through the hard times still standing’ issue would never have happened if it wasn’t for … Text: Paul Thompson @ Digital Dimensions • Senior Editor: Lynette Brooks • Concept development, editing, design and production by CWR • Photographs: Getty/Stone/Dirk Anschutz (cover) • Printed in England by Linney Print • The text in YP’s is republished every four years, working to a rolling four-year programme for 11- to 15-year-olds.
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Do any of you write blogs? I never have, but I’ve read many – from the brilliant to the boring! This issue of YP’s kicks off with one of the more exciting ones! OK, maybe it’s not quite how Paul, the original writer, did it, but we’re looking at his letter to the Ephesians as if he were blogging it far and wide! It’s got some brilliant advice and encouragement for us all – and there’s some bonus video blog on the YP’s website ( linked to various days throughout this issue, featuring our ubertalented designer Si Ray. Make sure you check it out, and get interactive with your awesome heavenly Father! Also this issue, we get ready for Easter with our section ‘The One’, as we track the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. We get to see that nothing was left to chance in these momentous, world-changing events. God was and is in control, and – absolutely amazingly – we have an important part to play in His ongoing story and plan! We finish with ‘Divine Design’. If you ever wanted to wear the best designer label – look no further! You are a living, breathing, unique piece of craftsmanship from the most brilliant Creator and Designer – God Himself! Cool, eh? Happy Easter!
al i r o t i d e
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log on Ephesus
Today we to the things Paul wrote to the Christians at . Paul won’t mind us looking at his letter. like a modernday blog, he knew would be read and . Ephesus was one of the most important ports in the . Paul expected his letter to move on from Ephesus inland and overseas to Christians everywhere – including
his words wide Roman
encourage you!
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Thurs 1 Mar To view Paul’s video blog to the Ephesians, log on to the YP’s website at
Ephesians 1:1–2
‘... To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus ...’ Ephesians 1:1
So who were the ‘saints’ Paul was writing his blog to? They certainly weren’t sombre looking figures with neon, daybright halos. These ‘saints’ were just ordinary people who had become followers of Jesus. All Christians are saints, not just a select few. Paul had spent over two years in Ephesus telling its citizens about Jesus. Many had become Christians and gossiped the gospel inland and overseas. But being a Christian in Ephesus was no easy life. The city was the hot spot for the worship of the fertility goddess Diana (also known as Artemis). Diana’s temple was state-ofthe-art stuff (one of the seven wonders of the world). And the traders who sold Diana souvenirs (silver statues, mugs, cart stickers, furry dice etc) got fairly heated when their customers became Christians and their sales figures dropped. Two of the local Christians, Gaius and Aristarchus, were jumped by an angry mob of redundant tradesmen and dragged into the 24,000-seater stadium overlooking the harbour. Only the intervention of the town clerk saved their lives. Paul was ushered out of Ephesus for his own safety. Later, while a prisoner in Rome, he wrote this blog to encourage the hard-hit Christians in Ephesus. ‘Saints’ he called them ... not because of anything they had done but because Jesus had forgiven them.
Have you ever considered yourself as a saint? It doesn’t mean you should put ‘St’ before your name on your school exercise books. Neither is it a title you earn or deserve in any way. Christians are saints because Jesus has cleaned them up and made them holy. So give Him the credit for your saintly status.
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Fri 2 Mar EPHESIANS 1:3–10
‘In him we have ... the forgiveness of sins ...’ Ephesians 1:7
Paul could have written:
Paul wrote this entry in his blog while in prison, as he awaited trial in Rome. Was he feeling sorry for himself? Not at all. He was more worried about the Christians in Ephesus than his own future. Just look at Prison food is disgusting. the positive way he begins. My cell is damp and vile.
Boring! I’ve been waiting nearly two years for my trial. Uh-oh, I don’t want to become lion meat. Moan, grizzle, grizzle. Nobody loves poor old me.
but paul writes:
Praise! Knowing Jesus means we have an exciting future – big blessings. Amazing! Even though we don’t deserve it, Jesus loves us. Believe it! Jesus gave His blood when He died on the cross to pay the death penalty we deserve for disobeying God. Feel good! When we ask God to forgive us He makes us 100% fit for heaven. Yes! God has chosen us – and we have chosen Him. Not only are we forgiven but God makes us His children. Praise! God lets us know about Himself and His plans for the future.
Paul didn’t focus on his problems but got worked up about all that Jesus had done, was doing, and would do. And the result was praise! Every opening sentence in his blog is full of Jesus. Next time you meet with other Christians, talk about the great things Jesus has done for you. Rather than get wound up with a problem, unwind with the solution – the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus, You have done so much for me. Help me always to remember how much I have to be thankful for. Amen.
keep watching @ 4
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Sat 3 Mar EPHESIANS 1:11–14
‘Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit ...’ Ephesians 1:13
Have you ever received an email saying ‘Dear ... (your name), you have been personally selected to receive one of our star prizes’? Always read the small print because there’s normally a catch. However, when Paul wrote something similar to the Christians at Ephesus, there were no strings attached.
Dear______________________(your name), Congratulations. You have been personally selected by the Lord God Almighty to receive eternal life. Yes, and there’s no charge – it’s absolutely free! Yes, FREE! The cost has been paid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ. Just look at the benefits: A clean sheet. All your independence and mistakes forgiven. A free place in heaven with purpose-built accommodation. A new family. You are adopted as a child of God. So what’s the catch? The only condition is that you believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead to make all this available to you. And that’s a life-changing decision. Dropping yourself from number one to let Jesus in at the top is never easy. But look at the guarantee that comes with this amazing offer. When you believe in Jesus you will receive the Holy Spirit. Yes, absolutely free! The Holy Spirit is God’s 100% guarantee that you belong to Him forever. Yours sincerely, Paul (Promotions Manager for Jesus) P.S. This offer has a closing date – AD WJR (when Jesus returns).
Goods unloaded from the
ships in
Ephesus were lined up on the quayside. Owners would attach
a seal to
their goods to mark them as being theirs.
Do you realise that God has put His mark of ownership on all Christians? His seal is the Holy Spirit who comes to live within us when we trust in Jesus. Thank God for His
great offer and
the guarantee He gives with it. 5
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Sun 4 Mar EPHESIANS 1:15–23
‘I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.’
Paul had spent two years with the Christians at Ephesus, teaching and helping them. Now he was many hundreds of miles away in Rome. was it a case of
‘ out of sight, out of mind’?
Ephesians 1:16
Paul’s blog ‘To do ...’ list
Thank God for the Christians at Ephesus. All of them – not just the ones I like.
Pray for each Christian at Ephesus by name. Gaius, Aristarchus, Timothy ...
Praise God that they’re really trusting Jesus despite getting some rough treatment. Praise God for their love and care for each other.
04 ASK (and keep asking):
That they’ll get to know God better. Also that they will appreciate all that God has done, is doing and will do for them. Particularly, that they’ll learn more about God’s awesome power – the same power that raised Jesus to life and put Him in the No. 1 spot in heaven. The ultimate power! NOTE: Never stop thanking God for these people.
Do you remember to pray for other Christians? Do you give thanks and praise for them? Do you ask God to help them in specific ways? Do you tell them that you are praying for them? Paul did. Why? He cared about them. List some of the people you know and make your own prayer diary. Paul never stopped praying for those on his prayer list. It’s a real challenge.
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Are you dead or alive? Paul explains that we can be fighting fit but be ‘lifeless’ as far as God is concerned. Is Paul dead right? Is he dead on?
The living dead
Starring: All of us ‘A horror story of people born in darkness’ ‘Ruled by an evil power’ ‘A nightmare on selfishness street’ ‘Unwholesome desires that are never satisfied’
Mon 5 Mar EPHESIANS 2:1–5
‘But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ ...’ Ephesians 2:4–5
The living alive
Starring: Those rescued by Jesus ‘The greatest love story ever told’ ‘Promoted to rule with Jesus’ ‘Given amazing benefits’ ‘Put into action doing good’
The worshippers of the goddess Diana had to earn her approval by their pious actions. They thought the more they prayed, gave and went to her temple, the more likely she would be to favour them. God’s not like that. We can’t impress Him that way. We can’t work our way into His good books by putting in overtime on prayer and good deeds. As Paul points out, if we could earn our way into heaven by collecting good deed tokens we would only get fat headed. Paul stresses that it is ‘by grace’ we are ‘saved’. In other words, it’s all down to God loving us – and us trusting Him. We can only be transformed from being ‘living dead’ to ‘living alive’ by Jesus. Don’t forget to give thanks for the LIFE He has given you.
Lord, thank You for loving me so much! Thank You for setting me free and giving me life. Amen.
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