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NOV/DEC2011 It’s winter here in the UK – a time when not an awful lot grows (except perhaps belly button fluff from wearing thick woolly jumpers!). But, even without physical warmth, it’s good to know there can be growth in our lives because God is working in us. The impact of His Spirit means things can happen all year round! As we come to the end of another year, it’s good to look back and ask ourselves if we’ve grown over the last twelve months, not just according to Auntie Mary and the notches on the kitchen wall, but in our faith and maturity in God. All the sections in this splendiferous YP’s will help you to keep on growing in God (or indeed to start, if you haven’t already!). You can always ask God to help the fruit of the Spirit grow in your life (see Gal. 5:22), and I hope the first section will really encourage you in that. Then we dip into the book of Romans and, boy, will it help your faith and understanding grow! And finally, maybe the section on angels will help you to grow wings!! (Only kidding – no letters please ) So, I pray God will show you some great new things about growing as you read this issue. Oh, and have a fab Christmas. See you in 2012 … Oh and YP’s will be £2.85 from the next issue. Still a bargain you must agree!

l a i r o t i ed


OLD TESTAMENT Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel

Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

NEW TESTAMENT Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians

Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon

Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation

OTHER CWR DAILY BIBLE-READING NOTES: FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Pens for 3- to 6-year-olds Topz for 7- to 11-year-olds Mettle for 14- to 18-year-olds

FOR ADULTS Every Day with Jesus Inspiring Women Every Day Lucas on Life Every Day Cover to Cover Every Day

Young People’s Every Day with Jesus (YP’s) is published by CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8EP, UK © CWR, 2011. All rights reserved. This ‘fruit-filled and spirit-full, Roman faithful, guardian angel’ issue would never have happened if it wasn’t for … Text: Paul Thompson @ Digital Dimensions • Senior Editor: Lynette Brooks • Concept development, editing, design and production by CWR • Photographs: Getty/Blend Images/Jose Luis Pelaez Inc (cover) • Printed in England by Linney Print • The text in YP’s is republished every four years, working to a rolling four-year programme for 11- to 15-year-olds.

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23/6/11 12:28:25

t i u r fof the t i r i p S The first Christians lived in a hot Mediterranean climate ideal for growing fruit. So when Paul was explaining how the Holy Spirit changes people he told them about the special fruit God had planted in their lives.


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1st November GALATIANS 5:22–26


‘... the fruit of the Spirit ...’ Galatians 5:22 night. n’t ripen over y. Oranges do da a in stant. on in el an m a princes in You can’t grow turn frogs into t n’ es do t iri Sp And the Holy H ow? e Lo rd Jesus. e m ore like th m co ou gh ts be th to ur u yo ly wan ts yo fl uence over in e or m Go d definite ve to ha e. Se e if yo u e H oly Sp ir it d it ta kes tim An . it d un ou r By allowin g th ro no way t Go d fill ou t Th ere’s just ve w hen we le ha e w an d ac tion s. ts fi ne e th e lis t of be 23): ca n co m plet rses 22 an d ve at g in ok lo ut ho it (w lives

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re going to few days we’ xt ne e th er Ov teristics h these charac munch throug linked: love y of them are of Jesus. Man ings joy. ness; peace br involves kind Holy Spirit accident. The This is not an ese qualities not fruits. Th t, ui fr es uc prod ENGAGE// t one – rate things, bu are not sepa r of Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives within Christians the charac te to help them grow more like Jesus. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so others notice the difference. Remember that God wants fruit not religious nuts!


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2nd November




1 JOHN 4:7–12 ‘... God is love.’ 1 John 4:8

e v o L FIRST ON THE LIST OF THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS LOVE. BUT WHAT IS LOVE? We use the word in so many ways ... to describe the way we feel about our parents, the opposite sex, our favourite crisps, our best pizza topping, our pet hamster ... So what kind of love are we on about here?

Parts of the Bible were originally written in Greek, and the Greeks used three different words for love. The kind of love that said, ‘Phwoah, check out that bit of alright,’ was called ‘eros’. It is a selfish desire to get, not to give. The kind of love that said, ‘That’s an OK person’, was called ‘phileo’. It is a close friendship between people who get on well together. The third kind of love – the one listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit – is called

‘agape’ (pronounced ag-ap-ay). It is love that gives without looking for anything in return. Eros says, ‘Gimme what I want.’ Phileo says, ‘I’ll like you if you like me.’ Agape says, ‘I love you no matter what.’ God’s love is agape love. Despite the way we ignore Him, He still cares deeply about us. It was agape

love that took Jesus to the cross to die so we could enjoy God’s forgiveness. And it’s agape love the Holy Spirit brings to our lives. It helps us to love the unlovely and help the helpless.

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EN GAGE // city full of Corinth was a gross hness, fis sel eros attitudes – ss and ne ed ad rudeness, pig-he reminded ul Pa ss. ne bad-tempered that Holy the Christians there patient, Spirit love was kind, os love truthful and loyal. Er e was in. was out and agape lov u show? yo What kind of love do agape – h wit u Ask God to fill yo e. 100% pure lov


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3rd November JOHN

LUKE 23:26–38 ‘Father, forgive them ...’ Luke 23:34


So w de hat d a san o l da ? Is it es ‘a ls o ga p v al it. It i er th ovey- e’ me st Jes he eir so dove an in us w yn ck ult a He p w a s s b e tr a Jus imat s and otion racti yed sla p , t lo e c ped d for ce? sm , p u eser t h o i a e l n ka d ch e llen e a peo Wha And d, w and d t h ow t t i a s h ow ip p e d ask g ge. T stra ple w ’s th in g o es H e d, r ned b a p n c h h r fo r e id y u ci f e f ger o w e big in a c re a c t ie d , icu l e d H is fr th e in s? a i h av e ulti rack r ? Is He a Far ear e gim mat in g n d sp n ds . H c t i o a l f bit t Cor d a r e e e n e t o o i nt r? ne n n ag w r ie a . nti from a p e o f a n g Is H e o th t . T h e a s f r a er. dur Ten Bo in g nH med out love els in g om, e w fo r to by ro b w W

y as aC b as l r ng. orld king last H eveng e d co r r u p War hristia out t God is ene e? Is n la II , o sha one to b o f f i c i He o m ie to f dy w ke h n ce of t e o s n h r cr u a ls . int th give bee he gu er han spoke o sur elly the o obliv e hotli v i ve na a rd d a b a m ne t ion? out d th . Ye s h a p r i s o n s a t R t th e o e f s N h o rg a ve e en d o N az – fo ke h er i rgiv , He sh aven s h e i s h a n a n d h e n s b r u c . I n h o ve n e s s i c o n c e th ow s e r ro r d, b k, t r si ask n a em! tr t o u t e d G o u t o n s t e r h h e d e a s h e r a m e e a ti o n cam re a ad d d to ti n g e co h er th c l i si n gn ps . am ie d . h did han d Sh e p w h is e d h A m a n a s el p h e g G o so a g re i f i t w r f o r g d h a d f co u l d e re s h i m a s e at f e eeli re a bi ive him orgive n’t bea had n th n r to g f loo o f l t o f w o to o . i s ma ov Sh o ded ov e e a n d d , a n d e h e l d n EN GAGE // as s r he f o rg he r. i ve n everyone es s C.S. Lewis said that is a ess en giv says that for ve ha y the til un great idea e Ar e. giv for to someone give you struggling to for to fill you someone? Ask God give, with the power to for m. forget and love the


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6th November



ACTS 16:16–32


‘About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God ...’ Acts 16:25

Two men with every cause to complain start to sing hymns and the jailhouse begins to rock. They are the ones who should be rattled but the prison gets rattled instead. Why are these men reacting like this? Paul and Silas set off for a prayer meeting and ended up in prison. Were they caught speeding? No, but by the power of Jesus they had helped a young fortune-teller to break free from the grip of evil spirits. The girl was freed but it caused such an uproar that Paul and Silas were flogged and locked in the slammer. Life just doesn’t seem fair at times! So how did they feel about being stretched out with their lacerated backs in contact with the cold, filthy prison floor? Sad? Miserable? Lonely? Did they decide never to go to a prayer meeting again? No, they spoke with God and were so full of the Holy Spirit they burst out in song.

ENGAGE// Yesterday we learnt that joy comes from doing what God asks, not getting what we want. Paul and Silas suffered for obeying God but experienced great joy. Their singing shook the prisoners and God’s power shook the prison. And they left the prison on a high note. PRAY Father, thank You for the joy of the Holy Spirit that isn’t affected by things around me. Help me to talk to You about what is going on in my life – my troubles and struggles. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can deal with difficulties today. Amen.


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