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Nov/Dec2012 bible locator old testament Genesis exoDus levitiCus numbers Deuteronomy Joshua JuDGes ruth 1 samuel 2 samuel 1 kinGs 2 kinGs 1 ChroniCles

2 ChroniCles ezra nehemiah esther Job Psalms Proverbs eCClesiastes sonG of sonGs isaiah Jeremiah lamentations ezekiel

Daniel hosea Joel amos obaDiah Jonah miCah nahum habakkuk zePhaniah haGGai zeChariah malaChi

new testament matthew mark luke John aCts romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians

ePhesians PhiliPPians Colossians 1 thessalonians 2 thessalonians 1 timothy 2 timothy titus Philemon

hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John JuDe revelation



Pens for 3- to 6-year-olds Every Day with Jesus Topz for 7- to 11-year-olds Inspiring Women Every Day Mettle for 14- to 18-year-olds Life Every Day (Jeff Lucas) Cover to Cover Every Day

YP’s (formerly Young People’s Every Day with Jesus) is published by CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8EP, UK © CWR, 2012. All rights reserved. This ‘Abe’s travelling, the future’s unravelling and Christmas star is dazzling’ issue would never have happened if it wasn’t for … Text: Paul Thompson @ Digital Dimensions • Senior Editor: Lynette Brooks • Concept development, editing, design and production by CWR • Photographs: Vetta/Ranplett (cover) • Printed in England by Linney Print • The text in YP’s is republished every four years, working to a rolling four-year programme for 11- to 15-year-olds.


Well, it’s nearly the end of another amazing YP’s year – and what a year it’s been! We’ve met the Wisdoms, the Ephesians, Elijah and Elisha, the Trinity and Timid Tim. We’ve studied our Divine Design, how to survive testing times, our attitudes, and peeked inside God’s Tent. And then there were Insite’s offerings: Operation Mobilisation, Christians in Sport, homelessness, holidays … too much for my little brain to take in! This Insite is just as spectacular as all the others have been – but it is sadly the last one Becky will be writing. She tells you why and bids you ‘au revoir’ inside, and on behalf of all of you, and the YP’s Team here, we want to thank Becky for all her contributions and pray she carries on doing great stuff for God in the future. As we say goodbye to 2012 and start to think about 2013, I pray that God will help you to live out all the things you’ve learned this year. May what He has been teaching you travel that huge journey from your brain to your heart and take root, so that your life will be fruitful and pleasing to Him as you go through into the New Year – knowing just how much He loves and accepts you. And, may you then in turn show that love and acceptance to your mates and family. See you next year!

l a i r o t i ed

He ’s bu call t y ed – A h knou prAbra bra is l ow oba m, him ha ate him bly m r u h wh eadp in . Wenamby ere s of Ur pic e ’s h f to as k e g er he oin … g?


THURS 1 NOV Genesis 11:27–32; Hebrews 11:8

‘By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went ... ’ Hebrews 11:8 Ten mo gene s r ma t gla ation m r cen ketp orou s on f la ga tres i ce w s pla rom N v c n a chu e bum the s on es to oah, e w l o the gged per c orld of th ive w ne o f th rop . Th as eb i F n a ao U e e w ne- r Eas ith s and e loc st sh r. Th a h mo t s o of re torey . Abr igh-c train l farm ppin e C up a wa g s you anaa ma mud m pr lass g (cam land l n. rke -br Th ls of oba th o e ods l) r the ere t th ick e b ali watc The l tem we cit ho ly gr from an sed hin ad m y u r e at ak w t g Ab ple to e sev . ent se (co w up fro e – t hat th othe ho ha r )w nsi in h m rs (Jo am’s wer ( eral t ds eG e i d t t H G wo e z e hin p s f od red od ave he F rsh ent in h. 24 ather iggu mple y t w l h o o a b t r s e elie loo od – ho h u co ip id his of heir b :2). E , Tera at) in and v k u a ol e w eve s d l v a n t d tha at He as re deli dn’t s peo ilt lef ack g en th h, wo the c larg s w v h t b a r t i ee a e p o e t r o G l a s y. re e u hi s a o Ab le h over rden ugh lea goin gh h d wo ws 11 nd fo d No or a r sa the pped v e g u at am’s d tur from : r n e 8 yc ido .H did ld d hi ah –1 hi the Ur n f t an amily ed a he g see th ould ls up s hou e kne n’t k look 0. Ab m! c w dh r a s d ity ra w h now s i ft ead deci ay fr eat F e laye ig de de w e to e w er h m In loo om rs tow ded the signe as th roug woul here im ard to le Noa d, bec dh hi at da he me t h a h st o a he ve th ’s G So me a antim nd bu e wo in a ve to rug u t e s od. Ab i e e n l l n t , Ter ram om t. B if G by d en ged cen a lan e of ah an and dic h od w God – d up ut d tow e in a d h r h nt ds is e h a kn ew n on is ne wife man ed hi aven! m ph the wh – Sar t s e o o at wL ai, lay road his be it. to ot, ah ead Har head fath er e an . – o d out nly Go d

ows God kn e t that s us u a r c t e b sy to scene ver ea lse. quit a e o e t r It’s ne e h h g omew t’s tou gs to be s best! I en brin ts you n ft a o w d o G itions God h b it m a , g on w itudes t t ding it a n Movin r fi ou re you e – to A g our . n s a e h c c an es in y cumst chang and and cir o adjust to d o G lt t h with difficu throug im! alk it H T o ? t fe e li tur our fu trust y


fRi 2 NOV Genesis 12:1–9

‘I will make you into a great nation ...’ Genesis 12:2

made some d o G n a r a ld as at H m – he wou a r While he w b A to s e omis er of amazing pr ead Honcho, the fath H rs become the n. Four thousand yea o a great nati t those promises out. s later, let’s te oSe WHo bleSS TH doeS God S? e JeW bleSS TH at y shows th Yes, histor s that have on ti na d s an individual nefited be ve Jews ha helped the s. ay in many w themselves oSe WHo AInST TH IS God AG JeWS? InST THe Are AGA le things ib rr te many Although h people in is w to the Je were done , the Nazi World War the Second royed. st de lly fina regime was

rAM’S So dId Ab oMe A AnTS bec deScend ? n ATIo GreAT n ’ there’s says ‘I will When God became am br A . it ng no changi s, but the on ti na l vera father to se about is on God was great nation m atte pts to pite many Israel. Des the Jews, te la annihi completely God nd ill in the la they are st . am br A promised to SSed? brAM ble So WAS A h great it w d se bles Abram was lived in he as power wealth and gr s eatest owever, hi ith Canaan. H le to talk w ab be as to blessing w r. any matte God about

AMe brAM’S n So HAS A ? T A e r G becoMe d Christians ly Jews an s It’s not on but Muslim am t Abrah of ns io who respec ill m noured by too. He’s ho wide. ld or w le peop


en yone be HAS ever rAM’S oUGH Ab r H T d e WS? bleSS Je e AnTS – TH deScend born as a as w s su e Je the Yes, becaus anyone in ugh Jesus me co be Jew. Thro d an be forgiven world can h God. it w s friend

N BE Ho CA YoU W r o F GoD IS k WHEN U? ok bac can lo ST Yo IN A l …’ at we il AG h w t t ‘I a gre ill pt His Isn’t it God ke od says, ‘I w ? e how G at ? h t m e a r v and se e b s to A ou beli e y is o ! m d g o in pr you.’ appen leave that h never n stop a c g nothin

leave l never t You’l w a o h th r u e b Yo n. remem thank e. Ame me to Lord, m lp e to h s e e s is a m le o P r me. our p kept Y You’ve

‘Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife?’ Genesis 12:18

Abram is settled in the promised land. He’s built an altar to God. What more does he need?

ck …’ will that? g!

SaT 3 NOV Genesis 12:10–20

Food For STArTerS!

When the famine struck I wonder if Abram and Sarai had any regrets about leaving Ur. Did they have doubts they had done the right thing? Did they have doubts God cared about them? Abram and Sarai headed south into the fertile Nile valley in Egypt in search of food. News that there was a beautiful woman in town reached Pharaoh, who wanted to add her to his collection. At this point Abram bottled out of trusting God. Yes, the man of faith lost his head! He was afraid to say that Sarai was his wife in case Pharaoh did him in. So he pretended Sarai was his sister. (Mmm, that was brave – not!!) God, however, wasn’t having any of this. He had plans for Sarai to be the mummy of a great nation, not an Egyptian mummy. So Pharaoh was taken out of action with a serious illness until the truth came out. Abram got himself into a super mess by telling lies. He had let God down, but God didn’t let him down or go back on His promises. God made sure Abram and Sarai were allowed to return to the promised land with all the food they needed.

way d your riggle w being r y e b v ou e ation Have y ifficult situ God is ad truth? out of ith the ip Him it h w s l r a o ic who w in Spir e econom s o im h H and t d, orship w truth, o h t it Go o learn ight w t a ht r d t e ig s e a n r be , be st truth. be others l h and in il it w w ur life aight be str and yo ourself t. y h it w ou htened straig


SUN 4 NOV Genesis 13:1–13

‘There Abram called on the name of the Lord.’ Genesis 13:4

Abram hit , t p y g e n i bother orted After a lotteaturned to bethel and sere was the road, r with God. but next th things out er at the ranch … a lotta both Lot d his nephew at Abram an th d as ul w co m an le The prob e, far more th eep and cattl Their . ea ar e th had a lotta sh es in ering by the pastur e herds, bick be supported ard above th he on be ce d oi ul ch co st herdsmen right had fir g. Abram by m not hi lin bb to it ua sq ed d is an d prom – that r all, God ha himself first the land. Afte d not to put de ci t de Lo m d ra re offe Lot. But Ab in Egypt. He into trouble m hi t go d ha stead. first choice in rtile Jordan to take the fe . He decided dy ram. ee Ab gr to as w ns Lot mountai g the barren al but didn’t de or valley, leavin po a ng he was getti as friends Abram knew part company ted them to an deal? w d e ba H a n. ai ch su compl g. But was it in el . Had fe on ill si y ci e de without an God about th dangers talked with e t th no t d ou ha d t te Lo poin e d would have morrah – th he done so Go dom and Go So ar ne e liv in bad news e at tim of going to ul e th e cities were a lotta grief. people in thes walking into as e. w t Lo e! but a thin tim e – big tim ttl ca t gave him fa mily much fa s hi d Lot’s decision an him d it brought And in the en e. heartach


Making choi ces is never easy. What seems best for us may not be best So use your for us. head! It mak es sense to with God fir talk st and ask fo r His advice Talk with Go . d about your friendships lot was dete too. rmined to go his own way and ended up hanging ar ound with so fairly undesi me rable charac ters. Go God’ way and yo s u’ll always have Him as closest Frie your nd.

mON 5 NOV Genesis 13:14–18

‘Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.’ Genesis 13:17

So had Abram been left with second best? once lot had chosen his lot, God showed Abram a lot more. Lot rushed off to claim his prize pasture land, a 25-mile stretch of the fertile Jordan valley. Abram remained on the hill top (just north of where Jerusalem is today). His head was down. What was he thinking? Was he worried about the future? How would his flocks survive in the wild rocky hills? And what about God’s promises to him? ‘What’s with the jaw on the floor? Don’t look down – look up!’ It was God speaking! God always honours those who put Him first. There was no way Abram was going to come out of this second best – not with God in charge. God told Abram to look up, then look around. He could see for miles in every direction, right out to the coast, along the Jordan valley, and over the hill ranges. As he looked up, things started looking up. God promised that all this land would be his – including the patch that Lot had selfishly chosen. It would become his family property forever. (Check out your atlas and you’ll see Abram’s descendants, the Jews, really do occupy all the land Abram saw that day. God keeps His promises.) God’s gift to Abram was better and bigger than any Nationa l Lottery payout. So ho w did he cele brate? After a quick tour of his va st new family estate Abram built an altar and worshipped God. Instead of ending up as a down-an d-out, he ende d up going out, then do wn – in prai se to God.

econd with s n ds up n o whe e S r . e t rs e ev make, God fi o no on g t s in t n y put ou decisio best b ants y ficult ve dif God w a t h g a u h in o y hw y do throug r lose out b think e v e s you n to do. God ha ay. His w t what a s g k o in lo th ea Him? ot tak orship Why n and w u o y r done fo


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