Issue 2: Aug. 31, 2012

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observer the

volume xliv, issue 2

friday, 08/31/12

Behind stone walls, part 1: entering the Dittrick Medical History Center >>tylerHOFFMAN editor-in-CHIEF<<

Editor’s note: Each day sickly patients and concerned families arrive at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, searching for hope in the medical expertise that fills the institution’s corridors. Less than a block away behind stone walls lays a different building — one that holds the road map of where medicine has been and where it is going. In this multipart series, The Observer explores the Dittrick Medical History Center — from the artifacts within it to the faces behind it — in an effort to shed light on one of the university’s most underappreciated resources. The elevators across the campus of Case Western Reserve University come in many shapes and sizes. Some are large, feature four buttons, and serve only to remind you that taking the stairs would have been 10 times faster. Others are small, host an array of buttons, and make you hope your lunch is fully digested before climbing inside. Then, there are the unique elevators. Adorned with multiple doors and more buttons than a typewriter, these are the elevators that silently promise to take you

somewhere special. This is the type of elevator by which the Dittrick Medical History Center can be reached. Timidly tucked away on the third floor of the Allen Memorial Medical Library, which occupies the corner of Euclid Ave. and Adelbert Rd., the Dittrick reflects two histories. Its exhibits portray the history of medicine and a promise to make it relevant for every person – from student to teacher and patient to doctor – who emerges from the Allen’s antique elevator. Beneath its façade, however, lie subtle impressions of more local creation: the history of the university and the city in which it lives. When visitors first set foot on the museum’s floor, they are greeted by Juno, a transparent female figure who draws attention with her complex network of veins, arteries, and bones. Around Juno’s personal corner stand shadowboxes revealing medical instrumentation from eras long since expired. But across the hall from these displays sits something equally intriguing: a glass pane door that peers into a dimly lit study. A museum in its own right, the pleasantly aged office behind this


Phishing in the CWRU Pond >>samLEHENCKER campus.issuesREPORTER<<

On the weekend prior to Welcome Weekend, Aug. 18-19, 75 students were affected by two separate “phishing” emails sent out to users by entities masquerading as CWRU’s Information Technology Services. The content of these emails included requests for users to reply to the messages with their CWRU Network IDs and passwords. Another phishing attack, occurring that same weekend, asked that users reply with CWRU Network IDs and passwords on a Google form. The email also contained text baiting users to view a private message from an old friend wishing to get back in touch. ITS was quickly alerted about the phishing scams and worked with Google to get the forms removed from the web. This is not the first instance of phishing attacks at CWRU. One scam even included an accurate replication of the CWRU Single Sign-on page. When people logged their information into what they believed was a secure CWRU system, they actually typed their Network IDs and passwords into a spamming database. There are many ways to tell if

an email is a phishing message or a legitimate directive. Phishing emails usually have some standout qualities. Most appear to be sent by legitimate organizations, but recognizing a few red flags will help to ensure that you are not spammed. Phishing emails almost always contain requests for your confidential information. Spam emails may contain a sense of urgency like, but not limited to, threats of account deactivations. Spam emails can also contain links that urge you, a little too desperately, to click on them. It may also contain a link that looks like it connects to a valid website but redirects to a spamming site. To avoid the bad links, you can scroll your mouse over the link and the real URL will appear in the bottom corner of your browser or in a pop-up box. The biggest red flag is incorrect grammar and spelling. Emails from ITS and CWRU will never ask you to provide both Network IDs and passwords. The ITS service desk may request your Network ID, but will never request your password. If you see one requesting both pieces of information, it is definitely a phishing email. ITS does contact users

Environmentalist receives prestigious CWRU Inamori prize

>>jennaMILLEMACI asst.newEDITOR<<

This Thursday, Sept. 6, Case Western Reserve University’s Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence will be presenting the exalted 2012 Inamori Ethics Prize to David Suzuki, a 70-year-old Canadian author, director, producer, and environmental activist. Suzuki has produced over two dozen film series and documentaries focusing on sustainability and has authored over 50 books, including children’s books that aim to teach future generations about sustainability. Since 1979, Suzuki has hosted the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s The Nature of Things, and his most recent film, Force of Nature, won the People’s Choice Documentary Award at the 2010 Toronto

“[Suzuki] has shown he is

not only interested in nature and science out of intellectually curiosity, but because he cares deeply about the planet that we are leaving for the future.” -Shannon French

International Film Festival. He co-founded the David Suzuki Foundation in 1990, the main missions of which shannon snyder/observer are transforming the economy, Upon entering the Dittrick, visitors are welcomed by protecting the climate, reconJuno, a transparent female figure. necting with nature, and building communities of individuals to live healthier, more fulfilled, and just lives. “[Suzuki] has shown he is not only interested in nature and science out of intellectual curiosity, but because he cares deeply about the planet that we are leaving for the future,” said Shannon French, Ph. D. and Director of the Inamori Center. Severance Hall will be hosting the two main events: the Inamori Ethics Prize Academic Symposium at noon and the Inamori Ethics Prize Ceremony and Recipient Lecture by David Suzuki at 6 p.m., at which he will receive the prize and deliver his public lecture. “That will be a lively panel discussion, just a vigorous conversation among some pretty awesome experts in the areas of environmentalism, sustainability, and so forth,” French said of the Academic Symposium.

to INAMORI | 2 angie li/observer Seventy-five students were affected by two separate phishing email scams on the weekend prior to Welcome Weekend. about their technology account, usually to remind users about password expirations. If you believe you responded to or received a phishing email,

please call the ITS 24/7 Service Desk immediately by calling 216-368-HELP. Make sure to change your password at help.

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