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Word Search: Places to Go For Spring Break
The Tower (Upright)
Dramatic events will send you into a tumultuous upheaval but shape you to be a wiser person.
Queen of Swords (Reversed)
Your relationships with people are clouding your own individual judgment and emotions. Unwise decisions result from peer pressure.
Seven of Cups (Upright)
The things and ideas that you deem as only coming true in your wildest dreams have the potential to be real.
The Devil (Upright)
Although you may blame the outside world for feeling trapped or stuck, at the end of the day you make your own choices. If you don’t like how things are, change how you act.
Ace of Cups (Upright)
Now is a great time to socialize and get to know new people, you’d be amazed how a single conversation can spark a lifelong friendship.
Three Of Coins (Reversed)
Your hard work will pay off in the distant future. Although that sounds abysmal and too long-term, you will be repaid exponentially.
The Magician (Upright)
Tap into the resources around you. Everything is aligned in your favor! Whether that be applying for a job you might feel unqualified for or just attending a club meeting, good things happen to those who seek them.