Spring is right around the corner! Here are a few tips to give you a head start:
Finish up your seed and plant orders Keep an eye on houseplant pests Get your garden tools in order and your mower back in shape Prune trees and shrubs, both ornamentals and fruit Use an acid-type rhododendron fertilizer to feed evergreens, conifers, rhododendrons, azaleas & camellias Use an all-purpose fertilizer to feed roses and other deciduous trees and shrubs. If using dry-type fertilizers, water them in thoroughly Check flower beds for plants that may have heaved Replace mulch as needed Check outside plants and trees for animal damage Cut some branches for forcing indoors Rejuvenate holly bushes with a hard pruning Check evergreens for signs of desiccation Start seeds of cool-season vegetables and flowers Start to rejuvenate annual flower beds Harvest winter crops before they bolt Trim back any branches that were damaged by the ravages of winter Apply dormant oil fruit spray Take notes and buy some shrubs and tress that you would like to see in your winter garden next season For more on gardening, please go to: http://gardening.about.com