Water Conservation AROUND THE HOUSE
Here are some ways to conserve water around your house and to make your home more water efficient: • • • • •
Turn off the faucet when lathering hands, brushing teeth, or scrubbing dishes. Use hand sanitizer sometimes instead of washing hands in the sink. Shower instead of taking a bath. Showers use less water than filling up a bathtub. Switch to a low-flow toilet that uses less water per flush. Turn your existing toilet into a low-flow toilet by putting plastic bottles filled with sand in the tank to trick it into using less water.
Change your shower and faucet heads to ones that use less water
Run full loads of laundry to maximize the use of each load. Wash by hand if you only have a few articles of clothing that need to be washed.
Use a dishwasher which conserves more water over washing by hand and only run it when full.
Buy organic fruits and vegetables because less water is used in production. Rinse fruit and veggies in bowl of water instead of rinsing them under running water.
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Steam veggies - uses less water over boiling. Check your plumbing for leaks so no water is wasted. Use your pasta water to water your plants. Water plants in the early morning or evening so the water does not evaporate in the heat. Water plants by hand irrigation systems can waste a lot of water. Check garden hose for leaks.
For more tips visit mindfulofthehome.com/ways-to-save-water-at-home/