You’re better off in a union!
The Communications Workers’ Union is committed to providing its members with a voice in the workplace. For more information please contact: Communications Workers’ Union Ceard Chumann Oibrithe Cumarsáide 575 North Circular Rd Dublin 1 Tel: 01 8663000 Fax: 01 8663099 Email: For more information on what the CWU can do for you visit us here:
12345 8 7 6 9 10 GOOD REASONS TO JOIN
If you’ve ever wondered what a Trade Union does and why you should reasons why a Trade Union can help you: join one, here are
1. A VOICE FOR YOU IN THE WORKPLACE Trade Unions are designed to help members have their say and become involved in their own workplace. The CWU believes that you have the right to influence improvements in your working conditions and to have a say when there are changes planned. Your union is your voice in the workplace.
2. BETTER PAY AND BETTER WORKING CONDITIONS Trade Union members are, on average, better paid and enjoy better working conditions than non-union members. Unionised workplaces also enjoy better working conditions, with unions frequently negotiating entitlements for members that are over and above the statutory, legal minimum.
3. INDIVIDUAL ADVICE, GUIDANCE AND REPRESENTATION The CWU can provide advice, guidance and representation to you if you need to deal with a grievance or disciplinary procedure. This is an important service that ensures your rights are respected and that you benefit from the guidance and advice of an experienced trade union representative. Remember, you are entitled to trade union representation in these proceedings whether or not your employer recognises a trade union.
4. COURSES, EDUCATION AND TRAINING SERVICES There are a wide variety of education and training services available to CWU members. Workers in unionised workplaces are also more likely to receive jobrelated training. The CWU provides courses to help you learn new skills, improve existing ones and develop your career and is committed to helping members develop their confidence and ability through a programme of lifelong learning.
5. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS The CWU offers special discounted rates with well known companies on insurance and other financial services as well as special offers on a number of products and services. See for the most up to date information.
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Trade Unions ensure employers comply fully with Equality legislation and support and represent members who are the victims of discrimination. All workers have the right to equal opportunities and treatment and have the right to dignity at work.
7. HEALTH & SAFETY Trade Unions ensure that Health and Safety rules and regulations are adhered to. Everyone has the right to safe working conditions and a healthy environment.
8. LEGAL AID A trade union can protect you from unreasonable behaviour by your employer and can represent you in the case of an unfair dismissal. When redundancies are threatened, members will find unions can provide valuable help and assistance. They will understand your legal rights, and often be able to negotiate a deal much better than the legal minimum redundancy payments.
9. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The CWU can provide financial assistance in the form of sickness/ personal accident benefit and various medical and distress funds to its members. Ask your workplace rep or contact CWU head office for more details.
10. IMPROVED CONDITIONS BOTH IN AND OUT OF THE WORKPLACE Trade unions campaign on a national level with government to improve the pay, terms and conditions of all workers. Rights we enjoy in Ireland due to the work of trade unions include the national minimum wage, paid holidays, maternity leave and much, much more.
You’re better off in a Union