Free, take one Volume 83, No. 4 Oct. 29-Nov. 4, 2009
CWU’s Drug & Alcohol Policies How academics, housing & financial aid respond to substance abuse violations
p. 3
Pot, Adderall & Pills What students are really buying, selling & using
p. 10
Growing Green: A Photo Essay
An inside look at a local marijuana enthusiast’s grow room
p. 14
During the 2008-09 school year, Central students committed 637 alcohol and 196 drug violations. From DUIs (p. 7) to date rape (p. 8), students face legal, financial, and emotional consequences. Learn what CWU is doing to combat drug and alcohol abuse (p. 2), as well as what students think of partying too hard and legalizing marijuana (p. 10), inside this issue.
Athletics Drug Testing How the NCAA & CWU test for performance-enhancing drugs
p. 21
Zombies Walk the Walk p. 13
I-1033 & Referendum 71 p. 3
Longboarders Unite p. 23
Photos and graphics, from left to right: Quinn Eddy, Brian Iiyama, and Sidney Odingo. Cover photo by Brian Iiyama/Observer