FREE - TAKE ONE — VOL. 86. NO. 5 — Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2010 —
5 cups of coffee (107.2 mg of caffeine)
6 bottles of beer (5% ABV per bottle)
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
the Observer staff Editor-in-Chief Anthony James Managing Editor/ Graphic Designer Katherine Reese News Editor Kelly Requa Asst. News Editor Luke LaSalle Sr. News Reporter Alex Pynsky Reporters Nicole Swapp, John Baran, Kelsey Hopkins, Lindsay Trott, Erik Fleis, Hayden Rapp, Preston Prendergast, Scene Editor Amanda Miller Asst. Scene Editor Lindsy Wheadon Reporters Reda Lee, Nichole Williamson, Marc Tratar, Kelsee DodsonCarter, Sophia Worgan, Janaye Birkland, Giancarlo Gonzalez
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NEWS News Editor
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Kelly Requa
Initiatives aim to open liquor sales to retailers Both would close state liquor stores, could allow over 10 times the current number of private stores BY NICOLE SWAPP
Staff Reporter
Central Washington University (CWU) could face more underage drinking if Initiatives 1100 and Initiative 1105 pass this November, ending Washington State’s monopoly on liquor sales. Washington, along with 19 other states, controls the sales of hard liquor – earning the state $350 million a year to share with local governments. Gail Farmer, director of the CWU Wellness Center said, “If the environment changes and alcohol is more available, there is a great significance that drinking will increase.” According to a survey done by the American College Health Association (ACHA) in 2008, 28 percent of students at Central do not drink or have not had a drink in the last 30 days, from the date of the survey. The survey concluded that 71 percent of students were considered low risk – meaning they don’t have more than four drinks. 29 percent of students were considered high-risk and of that 29 percent, 9 percent were considered very high-risk, meaning nine or more drinks. “Most of our students make low risk choices, most of the time,” Farmer said. “There are a minority of students who make high-risk drinking choices.” I-1100 and I-1105 would both end the states sale of hard liquor allowing private distributors, like Costco, to sell liquor in Washington. In California, Costco sells a bottle of vodka for $20; that same bottle sells for over $47 in Washington. If voters decide in favor of I-1100 and
I-1105 – courts will have to make the final decision on the new law. If approved, I-1100 would begin June 1, 2011 – where retailers would be able to sell hard alcohol. I-1105 would begin October 1, 2011 for “persons holding a spirits distributors license,” according to the initiative filed. Washington could face losing $131,000 for fiscal years 2011 and 2012 – if initiative I-1100 is passed, according to a fiscal impact report. The state however would gain revenue as the liquor control board charges a yearly fee, as well as a onetime application fee. “There shall be a one-time application fee for the general liquor distributor’s license of two thousand dollars and to be submitted with the application for the license and to be refunded if the application is not granted,” according to the initiative filed. One of the major concerns for approving I-1100, as well as 1-1105, is that hard alcohol would become more available for teens to get. According to the Protect our Communities website, which opposes both I-1100 and I-1105, approval of the initiatives would mean more than ten times the current 315 state-run stores would be selling hard alcohol. “Accept and deposit into the general fund-local account and disperse, subject to appropriation, federal grants or other funds or donations from any source for the purpose of improving public awareness of the health risks associated with alcohol consumption by youth and the abuse of alcohol by adults in Washington.” The initiative filed stated that all the
MORE LIQUOR ON THE SHELVES Two initiatives on the ballot could end Washington State’s monopoly on liquor sales, placing liquor on the shelves with wine.
money earned would go into the general fund and only be used for “public awareness of the health risks associated with alcohol consumption by youth and the abuse of alcohol by adults in Washington.” Initiative 1105 would require all state run liquor stores to close by April 1, 2012. This initiative would require private sellers to pay the state a percentage over five years – the percentage would be decided by the liquor control board and legislation. According to the State of Washington Voter’s Pamphlet, Washington could lose anywhere from $486 to $520 million and a
total of $210 million over the five year period. However, the state would gain a one time revenue of $27.8 million for selling off its current liquor distribution center. Over 25 years ago, Central was known as the party school – but has yet made the cut since then. The 2008 survey by ACHA proved that Central is currently a low risk school and graduation rates don’t reflect a party school reputation, according to Farmer. “We arew in the top third of graduation rates in the Northwest – that doesn’t equate to a party school,” Farmer said.
Murray, Rossi vie for Washington U.S. Senate seat Incumbent Democrat Patty Murray faces strong opposition from Republican candidate Dino Rossi
Staff Reporter
There is no hiding that the economy has been in a downward spiral for some time now. This has sparked hope among Republicans that the party may be able to take control of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives after election day this Tuesday. One of the seats up for grabs is a U.S. Senate seat for the state of Washington. Incumbent Patty Murray has had the job for three six-year terms, but she faces strong opposition from Republican Party candidate Dino Rossi. “Dino is going for a new medium after being unsuccessful against Governor Gregoire twice,” said Kelly Jensen, president of Central Washington University College Republicans. “He is very passionate about Republican constituents, and the Senate is a great way for him to show this.” Jensen said she believes a balance of a Democrat in the White House and a Republican Congress would be a great way to dig the country out of the current hole it is in. According to the 2010 Washington State Voters Pamphlet, Murray’s goal has been to “always put Washington state’s families first.” She said she has supported “critical transportation projects … and invested in private industry, our ports, military bases, and Hanford cleanup to create thousands of jobs.” She also said she “voted to end tax payer bailouts and put money back in [resident’s] pockets through middle class tax cuts.”
“Senator Murray has proven to support workers as opposed to big business and corporations,” said CWU College Democrats President Nichole Orrell. “She is also a huge supporter of education and has voted to increase funding and raise standards for schools.” Murray also said she plans to invest heavily in education. A former pre-school teacher, Murray said “I’ve always worked to make our schools the best they can be: by lowering class sizes, supporting early education, ending gang violence, helping families pay for college, and giving our workers critical training services.” Their voting history shows that neither Rossi or Murray supported the large bailouts of Wall Street and the auto companies. The difference between the two is what their campaigns are focused on. Rossi’s focus is on federal spending and lowering the U.S. national debt, which has reached $13 trillion. He blasted the current Congress for mortgaging “Americas future by passing trillion dollar budget deficits, wasteful stimulus packages, and Wall Street bailouts.” His platform in the voter’s pamphlet says he plans to “cut the massive growth of federal spending that has created these
Initiative 1053 This measure would restate existing statutory requirements that legislative actions raising taxes must be approved by two-thirds legislative majorities or receive voter approval, and that new or increased fees require majority legislative approval. Initiative 1082 This measure would authorize employers to purchase private industrial insurance beginning July 1, 2012; direct the legislature to enact conforming legislation by March 1, 2012; and eliminate the worker-paid share of medical-benefit premiums. Initiative 1098 This measure would tax “adjusted gross income” above $200,000 (individuals) and $400,000 (joint-filers), reduce state property tax levies, reduce certain business and occupation taxes, and direct any increased revenues to education and health. Initiative 1107 This measure would end sales tax on candy; end temporary sales tax on some bottled water; end temporary excise taxes on carbonated beverages; and reduce tax rates for certain food processors. Referendum Bill 52 This bill would authorize bonds to finance construction and repair projects, increasing energy efficiency in public schools and higher education buildings, and continue the sales tax on bottled water otherwise expiring in 2013. Senate Joint Resolution 8225 This amendment would require the state to reduce the interest accounted for in calculating the constitutional debt limit, by the amount of federal payments scheduled to be received to offset that interest. Engrossed Substitute House Joint Resolution 4420 This proposed amendment would allow a court to deny bail for a person charged with a criminal offense which, upon conviction, could result in a life sentence.
huge deficits and will double our national debt in five years.” He also promised to pass a balanced budget amendment and “fix the tax code to reward work, saving and the investments that create jobs while closing special interest loop holes that favor the politically connected.” He also promised to replace Obama’s healthcare bill by “taking power away from big government and insurance companies and giving it back to patients and their doctors.”
CWU Political Science Chair and Professor Todd Schaefer said he believes Rossi is trying to run for public office for the third time because of how things are being run in a Democrat-heavy Congress. “Rossi can smell a win this time,” Schaefer said. “He has lost twice now, people know who he is, and plus, the National Republican Party is throwing money in the hat, so obviously they think he has a chance this year.”
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
case closed?
ROSLYN PRESS CONFERENCE Ken Briggs, professor and department chair of physical education, school and public health, explains the contents of a can of a Four Loco, the prime suspect in the Roslyn case, to the media. BY NICOLE SWAPP, ANTHONY JAMES & JOHN LaSALLE
Observer Staff
Date rape drugs did not send nine sick students to the hospital after a Roslyn party on Oct. 8. Instead, police at a press conference Monday blamed an alcoholic energy drink called Four Loko – sometimes called a “blackout in a can.” Blood alcohol content levels of the students averaged .23 – almost three times the legal limit. WHAT IS FOUR LOKO? Four Loko is a caffeinated malt beverage made by Phusion, a Chicago company. The drink’s high alcohol content, combined with its stimulant effects and $2.50 price, makes it a popular choice among college students. Officials said one can of Four Loko contains 12 percent alcohol by volume and roughly 1,000 milligrams of caffeine, equivalent to six beers and five cups of coffee. Ken Briggs, professor and department chair of physical education, school and public health, said he has talked to some students about the drink. One student told him that the first can of Four Loko is “real tough to get down, but from then on it goes down like soda pop.” Chief Scott Ferguson of the Cle Elum-Roslyn Police Department said of the nine who were transported to the hospital, blood-alcohol levels ranged from .123 to .335. “I want to remind people that .3 can be considered lethal,” he said. University Police Chief Steve Rittereiser added, “We almost lost one student.” SKEPTICISM Some students on campus are skeptical that Four Loko was the only culprit in the case. “It seems like the easy solution,” said Kyle Koons, sophomore undeclared. “Most of the people I’ve talked to have the same thought as I do – that it couldn’t be directly from the Four Loko.” Travis Decker, senior history and political science major, also has doubts. “I’ve heard on the news that this girl doesn’t remember drinking Four Loko but remembers having two drinks,” Decker said. “I find that hard to believe because I don’t personally know any person who can have two drinks and then black out.” Though authorities have announced that Four Loko was to blame, in addition to other alcoholic beverages, some students said they think the investigation should continue. “If I was one of the students who was hospitalized I would want more research to be done,” Koons said. THE PARTY Late on Oct. 8, police arrived at the house in Roslyn after finding a passed-out girl in a nearby Safeway parking lot. Initial reports said when police
arrived, a possible sexual assault was in progress. But according to Rittereiser, the police concluded after multiple interviews with students that the sex was consensual. Because of the number of partygoers passed out and the severity of the incident, police initially believed drugs such as Rohypnol could be to blame. Police said at the press conference that the investigation concluded no drugs were given without permission and toxicology reports showed only a slight amount of marijuana in some of the hospitalized students, police said. Rittereiser said some students at the party admitted to drinking vodka, rum, beer and other alcohol in conjunction with the Four Lokos. Central student Taylor Fish said he arrived at the house to give a friend a ride home and found four or five unconscious girls lying on the grass. Another girl’s face was covered in blood. “It just looked like a trauma center,” Fish said. “It was gruesome.” Six females and three males were transported to Kittitas Valley Community Hospital and one male was later transported to Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital. “Everyone that was hospitalized had drunk Four Loko,” Rittereiser said. Soon after, police began interviews with students and interviewed 56 people overall. Three of the 56 were not students, but came with friends who are students. INEXPERIENCED DRINKERS The people at the party ranged in age from 17 to 19, so it is presumed that they were all inexperienced drinkers, Ferguson said. Briggs said since most of the students at the party were freshmen, their general mindset was to get as drunk as possible. “They were all inexperienced drinkers that lack tolerance and it takes time for tolerance to develop,” Briggs said. “They were rocked by the alcohol put in their body.” State Attorney General Rob McKenna said young people are more sensitive to price than older people. “The $2.50 for the equivalent of five to six beers worth of alcohol is an attractive bargain to them,” McKenna said. “The cheaper that it is, the more they are going to consume.” Decker said many students are attracted to Four Loko because they don’t have to drink as much to get drunk. “They taste good and it’s a good way to start out the night,” Decker said. “You don’t have to drink as much to get on the same level as you would drinking beers.” OFFICIALS RESPOND As of Monday, President Jim Gaudino announced that Four Loko, along with other caffeinated
alcoholic beverages, are banned on campus effective immediately. According to other news sources, Ramapo College in New Jersey also banned caffeinated alcoholic drinks after a student’s blood alcohol level reached .40 percent after drinking them. McKenna said that someone who drinks an alcoholic energy drink is four times more likely to drive drunk due to the caffeine. “This is a concern that the attorney generals of this country have shared for more than three years,” McKenna said. “These alcoholic energy drinks, including Four Loko, are large, heavily caffeinated and have more alcohol in them. However, they are flavored in a way that masks the flavor of the alcohol so people do not [realize] what they are consuming.” Authorities said there is not much difference between drinking vodka mixed with Red Bull or a Four Loko, except that when mixing vodka and Red Bull, “you know how much you are consuming,” McKenna said. Phusion released a statement Monday that said their products are safe, and that combining caffeine and alcohol has been done for years. “The unacceptable incident at Central Washington University, which appears to have involved hard liquor, such as vodka and rum, beer, our products, and possibly illicit substances, is precisely why we go to great lengths to ensure our products are not sold to underage consumers and are not abused,” the statement said. McKenna said he and other state attorney generals have been working to get caffeinated alcoholic drinks banned nationwide. “In 2007, when we were first really becoming aware of this issue, a dozen of us urged the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to stop alcohol manufacturers from making misleading health-related statements when advertising alcohol beverages combined with caffeine or other stimulants,” McKenna said. Soon after, major beverage makers Miller Brewing Company and Anheuser-Busch voluntarily removed caffeine from their beverages. Students interviewed this week had differing opinions about the campus ban. “I don’t know how they will enforce it, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea, said Veronica Tronquist, junior elementary education major. “I think that if you’ve never drank or know much about partying you could get hurt.” Hope Boyington, sophomore political science major, said, “I don’t like are people who already drink it who aren’t connected to the university but will be affected by nine freshman’s stupid decisions.” Steven Bond, freshman undeclared, thinks the ban won’t end the problem. “A lot of people who drink aren’t suppose to drink anyway,” he said. “People will still find a way to drink them.”
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Four Loko around the country The alcoholic energy drink (AED), Four Loko has risen in popularity over the past year and is making headlines across the nation. Groups and colleges are considering banning the drinks on and off campus.
According to Virginia the progressive effects of alcohol Tech’s “Alcohol Behavior Impairment Effects,” the table Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) at right explains the behavior and Average individual Subtle effects that 0.01 - 0.029 appears normal can be detected with impairment of an special tests individual at certain Mild euphoria blood-alcohol content Sense of well-being Relaxation Concentration 0.03 - 0.059 levels. Joyousness
Ramapo College of New Jersey recently banned the AED Four Loko after 23 intoxicated students were hospitalized over a few weeks – some from drinking the AED.
Talkativeness Decreased inhibition Blunted feelings Disinhibition Extroversion
0.06 - 0.10
A similar event occurred in White Plains, N.Y., this June where four teenagers were hospitalized after drinking the same AED. “The kids have a nickname for it, they’re basically calling it [cocaine] in a can,” said David Chong, White Plains Public Safety Commisioner.
Over-expression Emotional swings Angriness or sadness Boisterousness SuperHuman feeling Decreased libido
Reflexes Reaction time gross motor control Staggering Slurred speech
0.21 - 0.29
Stupor Loss of understanding Imparied sensations
Severe motor impairment Loss of consciousness Memory
0.30 - 0.39
Severe CNS depression Unconsciousness Death possible
Bladder function Breathing Heart rate
> 0.40
General lack of behavior Unconsciousness Death
Breathing Heart rate
0.11 - 0.20
Two students received serious medical attention this fall after consuming the AED at Cornell University.
Reasoning Depth perception Peripheral vision Glare recovery
The Bellingham-based grocery store chain, Haggen Food and Pharmacy, has decided to pull the AED off its shelves. Many other Northwest groups and grocery stores are rallying to have the drinks banned by the government.
What do you think about the ban of Four Loko on campus?
It helps us as a school distinguish ourselves that we’re above that. We’re not going to let our students be able to have that.
I think it’s misplaced blame on Four Loko. I think the blame should be on uneducated students – it’s not Four Loko’s fault, they didn’t hand them the drinks.
It doesn’t allow people to have the choice to choose or not to choose.
If anything, it might help the students rally together to rebel against it.
Katelyn Culbert–O’Leary Freshman, Undeclared
Roy Blodgette Junior, Communication Studies
Daniel Mailhot Junior, History
Brittney Eide Junior, Graphic Design
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Alumni Celebrated, awarded for achievements Ceremony honors alumni’s research and accomplishments since leaving Central BY HAYDEN RAPP
Staff Reporter
Over 100 Central Washington University faculty and alumni gathered in front of a lavish dinner held in the Sue Lombard dining hall last Friday for the 94th annual homecoming banquet. The homecoming banquet was also the site of the special achievement and alumni award ceremony, where distinguished alumni and faculty from Central were awarded for their various achievements. Dr. Ann Kiessling, class of ’66, was one of the winners of the distinguished alumni award. Currently, Kiessling is an Associate Professor for Harvard’s worldrenowned surgery department, and is also the director of the Bedford Stem Cell Research Foundation. Kiessling received her first bachelor’s degree in nursing at the University of Virginia in 1964, and then transferred to Central. It was here that she received her second bachelor’s in chemistry in 1966, and completed her master’s in organic chemistry in 1967. “When I attended here, what was very helpful to me were the small class sizes,” Kiessling said. “Since I was getting my degree in chemistry, it really helped to have smaller classes because we were able to get more one-on-one attention with the professors.” In 1971, Kiessling received her Ph.D. from Oregon State University and later completed some of her post-doctoral requirements at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. She then worked in the Department of Medicine at the University of California San Diego and in 1976 she became assistant professor at the Oregon Health Science University. In 1985, she took the position as associate professor of surgery at Harvard, which is the position she currently holds. In 1996, Kiessling established the Bedford Stem Cell Research Foundation, which exists to conduct stem cell and related research for diseases and conditions which currently have no effective methods of treatment or cure. Because of the stem cell research the foundation conducts, many of the projects are unable to receive federal funding, so most funding for this foundation comes from private charities and organizations. “It’s hard to believe, but I spent over 11 years of my life in college to get where I am today,” Kiessling said.
DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI Dr. Cricket Sanz (top) and Dr. Ann Kiessling were honored at the homecoming banquet last week for the achievements they’ve accomplished in their fields of study since leaving Central.
Dr. Crickette Sanz, class of ‘97, was another award winner who was recognized at the ceremony. She received the special achievement award for her significant research in chimpanzee behavior, and her many trips to the Congo for her field research. Currently, Sanz is assistant professor of the physical anthropology department at Washington University in St. Louis. In 1997, Sanz completed her bachelor’s at Central in psychology, and received her master’s in experimental psychology in 1999. By 2004, she had completed her Ph.D. in anthropology at Washington University, where she now holds her assistant professor position. “Here at Central, I wasn’t so much treated as a student, but I was treated as a future colleague,” Sanz said. Some of Sanz’s research on the behavior of chimpanzees has even been pub-
lished in National Geographic. She has taken multiple trips to the Goualougo Triangle in the Congo with her husband David Morgan. Some of her field research has been published in the April 2003 and February 2010 issues of National Geographic. “Central has an expectation of excellence for their students,” Sanz said. There were also other distinguished alumni award winners at the ceremony. Brent Johnson, class of ’88, was awarded by the college of business; Ray Conner, class of ’79, was awarded by the college of education and professional studies; and Christine Sleeter, class of ’72, was awarded by the college of arts and humanities. Along with the distinguished alumni awards, there were also the excellence in teaching awards that were awarded to professors at Central. Fang Wang, Teresa
Walker, Dion Rivera and Matt Altman were awarded the excellence in teaching awards for their work as professors here at Central.
ASCWU-BOD aims for more student involvement Events, clubs and open forums encourage students to get involved and share their ideas Staff Reporter
The Associated Students of CWU Board of Directors (ASCWU-BOD) is a program meant to help and represent the students of Central. But many students don’t even know where it is or what it can do for them. Lead officer of public relations Whitney Hahn and other BOD members want to make sure that changes. According to Hahn, the BOD’s objective is to help students. If students have questions or complaints about prices, tuition, food choices, fi nancial aid, books or just about anything, the BOD can help point them in the right direction. “We’re here to be a resource,” said Steven Ross, vice president of student life and facilities. “There’s tons of ways to get involved. If a student has a voice, that’s a way to get involved.” One of the ways the student BOD seeks to help fellow students is to get involved with clubs. This year Hahn and the BOD formed a new club, the Business
Networking Club. According to the mis- by the BOD officers. Students were able sion statement, one of the main goals of to use the ropes course and the night the club is to “help students grow their ended with a bonfi re and s’mores. BOD contact list, build their confidence and President Gabriel Munoz was surprised get them ready for landing their future by the high attendance and received career.” positive feedback Above all, the We’re out there trying from faculty and BOD wants to be students claiming it very present on to pump people up and get was the best wildfi re that school spirit. campus this year. in years. “The BOD “I really didn’t wants to be everySTEVEN ROSS know how fun it was where the students VP of student life and facilities going to be,” Muare,” Hahn said. noz said. “I saw a lot “We want to know of people that don’t what they’re doing, where they’re going normally go to events.” and what their concerns are.” Ross said the event took coordination This is why the BOD was present at with many parties and even had over 10 Central events like Battle in Seattle, the sponsors, Ross said. homecoming football game and dance, “It was a huge success, I’m really and helped plan and promote Welling- proud of the student body for coming ton’s Wildfi re. out and showing that Wildcat pride and Wellington’s Wildfi re had high at- school spirit,” Ross said. “We’re out there tendance compared to last year, with an trying to pump people up and get that estimated 1,000 students in attendance, school spirit.” Hahn said. The event had music hosted Ross explained that last year a lot of by 88.1 The ‘Burg and free food prepared students complained that they didn’t
know who the BOD was or didn’t know where to fi nd them. “We’ve had tons of student traffic this year,” Ross said. Students can also fi nd many opportunities for helping out through the BOD. “We have committees, 100-some clubs, anything from volunteer opportunities to school spirit,” Ross said. The BOD also has open forums every Monday at 7 p.m. in the SURC pit. One of the biggest challenges for the BOD every year is letting students know they’re accessible. The BOD wants the campus community to know they’re students too and are approachable, Ross said. Munoz echoed his sentiments. “This year we want to be as active as we can be in student events and give voice to students’ ideas and opinions,” Munoz said. “I want students to know where to go when they have a problem, and know what the BOD can do for them.” The BOD office is on the second floor of the SURC in room 236 and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Style Your Sole raises student awareness
Honor society hosts TOMS decorating event, donates shoes to children around the world BY JOHN BARAN
Staff Reporter
Students from Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), a campus honor society, are sponsoring Style Your Sole for the first time, in order to raise awareness and help the shoeless in other countries. “Style your sole is pretty much getting the word out about kids who don’t have shoes who need them,” said Jacqueline Runnels, secretary of ODK. According to Alyssa Caudill, vice president of ODK, students can buy a pair of TOMS shoes for $50, and on the Nov. 18, the shoes will be decorated by club members. For each pair of shoes bought for Style Your Sole, TOMS shoes will donate a pair to a child in another country, such as Argentina, where 10,000 pairs have already been donated. “A lot of times we forget about those in need,” Caudill said. “Nobody thinks about not having shoes.” On November 18, students get to choose the design that goes on the shoe. Caudill expressed interest in possibly having local artists help decorate the shoes. “It’s totally up to you,” said Kaycee Coakley, President of ODK. “It’s all your own.” According to Runnels, shoes are more than just for fashion. “Students should come to this event because it’s very important to know that shoes not only protect people’s feet from rocks,” Runnels said. “There are serious diseases’ that come from the soil that can be prevented just by wearing shoes.” Podoconiosis, a disease related to elephantiasis, causes swelling of the feet and
STYLE YOUR SOLE For every shoe purchased for Style Your Sole, TOMS shoes will donate a pair to a child in another country.
legs. Podoconiosis is completely preventable by wearing shoes. According to Caudill, the $50 fee covers the shoes, shipping, as well as the art supplies. They can order any size shoes, including children’s sizes. The club hopes to have at least 30 people participate in this non-profit event.
Coakley also hopes that this event will help promote “One Day Without Shoes,” another event which raises awareness about those who live daily without shoes. Students check their shoes in at the SURC on April 5, 2011 and walk around all day barefoot. “The more people purchase, the far-
ther the program can go out,” Caudill said. The last day students can purchase shoes for Style Your Sole is Nov. 3 at 5 p.m. Students can pay cash or check for the shoes by going to SURC room 260. Questions may be emailed to ODK at
Clubs growing at Central Local alumni in Election New groups mean more options for students BY ERIK FLEIS
Staff Reporter
There are many different types of clubs at Central; odds are you know at least one person who belongs to one. Trevor Bevier became the club insurance coordinator last year during winter quarter. He worked with the prior VP of clubs and organizations with a lot of success. Bevier is now the vice president for clubs and organizations, which makes him the chairman of the club senate. He wanted the job as VP of clubs and organizations because he had invested so much of his own time that he did not want to walk away. “My goal was to come in [to the BOD],” Bevier said. “Use my expertise and just give something back to the college, because the college has given me so much.” Part of Bevier’s job is to manage the club insurance coordinator. The BOD purchases an insurance policy that covers club’s activities and events. Bevier is involved in a couple clubs himself including the CWU Mock Trial Club. On Monday, Oct. 18 there were over a dozen new clubs recognized this year. Among those new clubs were: the CWU Economics Association, the College Democrats of CWU, and the Baha’i Club of CWU. Steve Furst is the president of the CWU Economics Association, which has not been a club on campus for around three or four years.
“When we were getting the economics club started Bevier was very forthcoming with the information and helpful with getting it reinitiated and restarted,” Furst said. “There is a lot of paper work that goes into starting a club. He and I worked pretty closely together on getting that started.” According to Bevier the clubs and organizations office is responsible for overseeing the recognition process of clubs and ensuring that each club submits a recognition packet in order to become a recognized club under the ASCWU– BOD. College Democrats is another club that received recognition this year. In college democrats, students can come together, network, discuss issues and engage in various activities that are typically affiliated with the Democratic Party. Nicole Orrell is the president of the College Democrats. “Trevor and his office have been nothing but helpful and professional every time I have had a question or concern,” Orell said. “With this being an election year there was a bit more interest and now we are recognized and ready to pick up the ball and start running with it.” Each club is responsible for appointing a senator, who submits requests to the senate, there it will be voted on to determine if the request is denied or approved. According to Bevier, clubs receive budget funds to use for what they would like. Each club is allowed $2,000 per year, and they can request $1,500 per quarter and $300 per person per request.
Two Central grads battle it out for house seat BY ALEX PYNSKY
Staff Reporter
Jay Clough, a Central Washington University graduate and former Marine, is taking on long-time incumbent Doc Hastings for the District 4 U.S. Representative seat. Clough has never run for public office. He believes his fresh face can bring a different kind of view to Congress — a view that is not just looking toward the next election, but further into the future. Clough said he plans to turn central Washington into “the hub of the green energy” because he believes that with the state’s “ample supplies of land, energy and workers, there is no reason we should not be.” Hastings, who has served in Congress since 1995, said “the number one focus must be creating jobs, getting our economy back on track and stopping out of control spending that has left our nation with the largest deficit in history.” Political Science Chair and Professor Todd Schaefer, said that in a debate in Ellensburg last week, “Hastings made it clear who he was going to go after, mentioning Nancy Pelosi and President Obama.” “When Jay came and talked to me about running I told him the realities of the situation with the Democrats,” Schaefer said. “The reality is it is going to be an uphill battle in order for him to win.”
Schaefer said that the debate was a friendly one, in that nobody “mopped the floor with anyone.” Schaefer said both made really good cases for why they should win the seat, but that with the climate and way the district votes, Democrats will always have a tough time in Eastern Washington. Along with these two races, there are several important initiatives on the ballot this November. The main ones affecting students are I-1100 and I-1105 concerning liquor sales and I-1107, which concerns taxes on candy, bottled water and other food products. I-1107 would end sales tax on candy and end the temporary sales tax on some bottled water. It would also end temporary excise taxes on carbonated beverages. Kelly Jensen, president of Central Washington University College Republicans, said she believes this initiative will affect students the most out of any initiative on the ballot because if passed it could potentially put money back into the empty wallets of college students.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Halloween: Honoring Dear Editor, the dead or Hershey’s? Like most holidays, the meaning of Halloween has changed from its original one to commercialization and a reason to drink
Why has Halthen it’s an excuse to party. loween become Commercialization of holidays goes such a commercialfar beyond Halloween. I’ve seen prodized holiday? To ucts being promoted for everything from me, it serves little St. Patrick’s Day to Arbor Day. Trying purpose other than to make a buck on a day for planting an excuse to get trees? Give me a break. dressed up in cosA few holidays seem to serve little tumes you wouldn’t more purpose than a reason to get hamwear otherwise and mered. get wasted. For example, a bunch of my WASPANTHONY JAMES Halloween was Editor-in-Chief y friends celebrate Cinco de Mayo. the last day on the Most of them haven’t been to Mexico Celtic calendar and and all don’t know the true meaning of was called All Hallows Eve before All the fifth of May to the Mexican people, Saints Day, a day meant to honor the but rather a day to drink Coronas and dead. In what way does dressing up as smash pinatas. a nurse in a short skirt Probably the bigand revealing top or gest example of holilike the Brawny paper Commercialization day commercializatowel man honor the of holidays goes far tion comes on Dec. dead? Christmas, origibeyond Halloween. 25. But like every other nally celebrated by I’ve seen products Christians to mark holiday, American consumerism has manbeing promoted for the birth of Jesus, aged to commercialize has become everything from St. now it over the years. The about spending thouPatrick’s Day to Arbor sands of dollars at the majority of the AmeriDay. Trying to make mall on crap and pass can public, especially children, probably a buck on a day for around a useless fruitdon’t know Halloween planting trees? Give cake. as anything other than Spending time me a break. a time to dress up and with family does the either trick-or-treat or Christmas urge for go out and party. me. A few years ago, Halloween is another excuse to party we decided each family member would and drink a lot of Busch Light, when on choose another name out of a hat and any other night you’d go for a classier buy only that person a gift with a maxibeer. Most students are 20-somethings mum value of $50. Since then, Christand we’re in a recession. That alone is mas has been less stressful, less expenenough reason to drink crappy beer. sive and we’ve been able to save money. Do college students really need anSo this Halloween, try something difother reason to party? If the day of the ferent: ditch the costumes and just have week ends in “y,” a midterm isn’t due in a party. Then it’s just like any other day. the next three hours and you’re awake,
In the wake of the events in Roslyn, as a campus community we have an obligation to do more than shrug our shoulders and tell ourselves that this is just a particularly well-publicized instance of normal behavior for college students. We seem to have dodged a bullet with this party: no one died, and there were no confirmed reports of sexual assaults. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have to worry about these issues. This is an opportunity to reflect on what we should learn from Roslyn, and to think about our responsibility as a community to prevent this or similar events from happening again. We need to ask what we need to do as individuals, as an institution, and as a community to intervene in a campus (and national) culture in which alcohol abuse is commonplace – even though we know that many students are making responsible choices. We know that nationally alcohol is the number one date rape drug, and that high-risk drinking leads to various kinds of harm – both for the person who is drinking and for those around them.
Practically speaking, students need to look out for themselves and for each other: if you see someone who is vulnerable, do something to help. Faculty, staff, and administrators need to think about how best to help our students to make the right kinds of decisions. We are all responsible for the safety of women and men of this community.
Cynthia D. Coe, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Womenʼs Studies Program Kathleen Barlow, Associate Professor of Anthropology Ruthi Erdman, Instructor in Womenʼs Studies and the Douglas Honors College, and Director of the Humanities Program Barbara Flanagan, Assistant Professor of Political Science Pamela McMullin-Messier, Assistant Professor of Sociology Christine Sutphin, Professor of English Katrina Whitney, Director of the Center for Student Empowerment
Dear Readers, The Observer welcomes brief letters (300 words or less) from readers on current issues. Please include your full name and university affiliation: year and major, degree and year graduated, or staff position and department. To be printed in the following weekʼs issue, please e-mail your letters to by 5 p.m. Monday. The Observer reserves the right to edit for style and length. Anonymous letters will not be considered.
Corrections – In a story titled “Conflict of interest delays S&A committee” (Issue 4), the Diversity Education Center was listed as receiving a $30,000 increase in base funding. The center’s funding this year is the same as last year.
Educate, don’t eliminate Four Loko
Instead of banning caffeinated alcoholic beverages, including Four Loko, CWU should teach students how to be safe and responsible with alcohol
– The name of Ryan Kellogg was misspelled in a story titled “Club 301 – ‘Classy’ nightlife option opening soon” (Issue 4). – “Millions in gov’t grants awarded to CWU faculty” was written by Staff Reporter Lindsay Trott
About The Observer Deadlines: Weekend sports information: Monday 3 p.m. -5 p.m. Letters to the editor: Sunday 5 p.m. Entertainment, meetings, calendar events: Friday 5 p.m. Display ads: Friday 5 p.m. Classified Ads: Friday 5 p.m.
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Contact us: Observer Newsroom: CWU, 400 E. University Way Boullion Hall 222 Ellensburg, WA 98926 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 509-963-1073
SCENE Scene Editor
Amanda Miller
Demetri Martin Comedian brings off-the-cuff hilarity to Central’s homecoming
Staff Reporter
Looking comfortable in jeans and a white T-shirt with “person” written across the front, comedian Demetri Martin walked onto the SURC Ballroom stage last Saturday ready for a night of comedy. The only thing lit up in the room was the stage and a spotlight beamed off of Martin’s brown, shaggy but smooth hair. Martin arrived in Seattle last Saturday surrounded by life and buildings. He said he fell asleep with civilization and woke up to nothing when he arrived in Ellensburg. There was nothing but a tanning salon and Dominoes on the right side of the road and a college campus on the left side. He joked about what students at Central do on the weekends. “What are you doing this weekend? I’m going to get a fake tan and a real pizza,” he said. Spending a couple of minutes discussing Ellensburg, Central Homecoming and the stage, Martin even discussed the bright green exit signs in the room. “I have jokes too, I just wanted to get comfy,” he said. On the flight to Seattle, Martin sat next to a gentleman who was picking his nose, rolling it up and sprinkling it on the floor. Not wanting the flight to be awkward, Martin didn’t confront the gentleman. “I just let him sprinkle his snots by my leg,” he said. Most of Martin’s jokes were random and bounced around. Many of the jokes he told were spur-of-the-moment, right off the
top of his head. “His improv is even better than his material,” said Becky Sturgis, junior law and justice major. He had one joke about when automatic towel dispensers don’t work properly and he stands there, waving his arms back and forth in front of the dispenser to no avail. “I look like a shitty magician,” Martin said. Training bras was another topic Martin spoke about. He explained how he didn’t know that girls had to train their chest. If you see some old lady walking down the street and wonder what that is, you should know that “those are untrained titties,” he said. During the performance Martin broke out his famous giant notepad, within which were drawings and doodles that he shared with the audience. “He finds stupid things in life that are absurd and stupid and he has you look at them in a humorous way,” said Laura Stueckle, clinical research assistant. One drawing was a Rubik’s Cube and a drag queen. According to Martin, they both have something in common: each is “very colorful but I don’t want to do it.” As Martin flipped through the giant notepad, there was a drawing of a question mark, which he described as an exclamation mark with scoliosis. On another sheet he had drawn out the words “I could really go for a brownie right now.” Martin explained that it is OK to say if you are a chef, but if you are a scout leader then that is not okay.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Growing up from a town next to where the Jersery Shore cast is from, Martin incorporated a joke about the show’s characters. The Jersery Shore cast is always found at a club fist-pumping with the laser and strobe lights. He finds it odd that strobe lights are still allowed to be used even though they give some people seizures. He said it’s like telling someone, “I understand you might swallow your tongue but these guidos need to party.” In the corner of the stage was a keyboard and piano bench. Martin walked over, sat on the bench and asked for some moody lighting. The lights went dim as he played a fancy melody while telling jokes. “You don’t know what you got till its
gone, unless you have STDs,” he sang. During the piano-playing, Martin took out some lists and started reading them off: lists about how to end an awkward silence, ways to propose to a lady and things he would rather do than try to get into a night club. Martin said he would rather wipe his ass with a rabbit, lick a pay phone and watch VH1 than try to get into a night club. Throughout the entire performance Martin was interactive with the audience. At one point a girl asked if she could come up on the stage. He allowed her to sit on the piano bench as he continued his performance. The girl crawled up on the stage. “That’s a classy way to get on stage,” Martin said. When he asked her what her major was the girl responded with, “I’m in high
school.” The mood on the stage instantly turned awkward as he realized her minor status. Along with his giant notepad and piano-playing, Martin also brought fliers to show the audience, which he created and illustrated himself. One flier was for guitar lessons and the text read, “learn how to play guitar and/ or with my balls.” The next flier was plain and white with the words “man with van and fetish” printed across it. The audience yelled out questions and jokes that they wanted Martin to tell. One person asked if his hair was soft. “That sounds like something someone would say before they kill you,” Martin said. Grabbing his guitar and strapping on his harmonica, Martin started to end the
show. While playing the both at once he told the audience about the one time he saw rice milk in the store. “I didn’t even know rice had nipples.” Vicky Chavez, senior accounting major, said she has always looked for the opportunity to see Martin. “I’m glad I finally got to see him after waiting for years,” Chavez said. “He takes everyday things and incorporates his personality and music into it. It makes it real.” Check out Demetri Martin’s website at: For information about his show on Comedy Central, visit:
Stories for Sudan Central students write/illustrate for kids abroad
completed in November of 2011. The purpose of the Malual Library and Education Center is to provide a If you give a child from the United venue that will aid in training teachers States a book as a present he or she often and Sudan’s future leaders with the goal sees it as punishment, but for a child in of working toward peace through literacy. Sudan that book is a message of hope, “I am participating in the event because education and opportunity. I really like what it stands for. Illiteracy is This week Central students are getting a rising problem, even in the US, and for the chance to deliver such messages me to have an opportunity to spread my directly to Sudan, without leaving city love of reading to some young kids I don’t limits, by writing and illustrating stories even know is an amazing opportunity,” through a project said Elizabeth sponsored by Charboneau, the Center for senior film and YOU CAN SUBMIT A STORY! Excellence in video studies — Books must be submitted to SURC Leadership (CEL) major. called “Stories for Last year a 260 by 2 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 4 Sudan.” total of 27 books — The CEL will pay for binding “This event will were written by and laminating reinforce the fact Central students. — Use paperclips to bind your stothat you can always The books were do something to sent to someone ries, not staples help others, and in Virginia who — You may include your first that there is no hand-delivered name and a photo of yourself, if greater gift to give them to Sudan than your time,” you’d like, but do not include your because there is said Hannah no postal service last name or any other personal Elledge, freshman there. information business major. This year “Giving your time the event has to a cause like this expanded beyond can only help you grow as a person.” Central – students from several local All of the books written by students elementary and middle schools are also will go to the Malual Library and creating books for their Southern Sudan Education Center in Southern Sudan, peers. which, according to Alyssa Caudill, event “I think it’s a great opportunity for coordinator for the CEL and senior CWU students to reach out globally,” elementary education major, will be Caudill said.
Staff Reporter
MISTY This is the fifth page in the story Tate wrote and illustrated for the Stories for Sudan program last year. The book is titled “Misty, the Lion Who Always Fell Down.” Misty’s friends laughed at her because she wasn’t good at catching food.
Q&A: budding “Stories for Sudan” authors
Staff Reporter
Q: Why are you participating in Stories for Sudan? Hannah: When I saw the fliers, I knew immediately that I wanted to participate in this event. I have been following the conflict in Sudan for the past few years and my heart goes out to all those people’s lives that are being affected. This event seems like my small way of helping those people. I just think that if my storybook can make someone smile or forget about the bad things, even for a minute, then it is totally worth it. Q: Is this your first time participating in an event for Sudan? Elizabeth: No, this isn’t my first time participating. I wrote a story last year too. It was fun getting to color and come up with a story. Hannah: This is the only event that I’ve done so far, but I don’t plan on it being my last. Q: Does this event let you have a personal connection with the people of Sudan?
MISTY This is another page about the lion named Misty. After a lot of practice and determination, Misty successfully caught her food and gained her friends’ respect.
Elizabeth: I think so. As kids, we talk about how ‘someday, I’m going to be a writer and write stories for lots of kids to
read.’ This is an opportunity to do that. For me, knowing that a kid in Sudan is going to be reading my story, and that they will have it for who knows how long, makes me think about them - kind of wonder how they are doing, if they like my story or if they are learning anything from it.
Hannah: I think that this event can definitely offer those participating a chance to develop a more personal connection with the people of Sudan and help them to become more aware of the situation there.
Q: Is there anything that you would like to share that you think students should know?
Elizabeth: I would really like to stress for people to consider coming. It doesn’t take much, the supplies are provided; all you have to do is bring your imagination. Help spread the gift of reading to kids on the other side of the world with just one book.
Hannah: I think it is vital that CWU students continue to become more globally aware and educate themselves on issues like this. After all, we are ‘tomorrow’s leaders’ and could potentially make decisions that directly affect people in other countries, like Sudan. And, more importantly, I think it is critical that we all try to remember that sometime throughout life, everyone will need help, so just take the time to help those in need in any way that you can.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010 11
Mr. and Ms. Central talent contest showcases creativity This year’s new campus celebrities worked hard for their wins BY NICHOLE WILLIAMSON
Staff Reporter
The SURC ballroom hums with anticipation, every seat is filled and people line the back wall. Eyes are focused on the stage as Cameron Daniels perches on a rickety stool under the glare of eight spotlights for the Mr. and Ms. Central Contest. “This song is for all the girls who’ve never had one dedicated to them.” Daniels says, and the audience erupts into applause. As Daniels begins to sing “Collide” by Howie Day, while accompanying himself on guitar, a cell phone is raised. Two lines later cell phones across the room are waving in time. As he trails off, the audience erupts again and all the girls in the audience scream in delight. Several performances later, Emily Salisbury walked on stage and took the audience on a musical flashback to when Nelly, the Spice Girls and Vanilla Ice ruled the world. She even preformed the first few lines of Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” After playing 30-second clips from each of the artists on her guitar, Salisbury surprised audience members with a full rendition of Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy.” “The talent was fabulous – all the scores were really close,” said Sara Healas, Residence Hall Association (RHA) vice president. Over 34 Central students from the 18 residence halls on campus competed this year in the Mr. and Ms. Central contest. The talent show began 12 years ago but has only been part of homecoming for the last several years. The RHA plays a major role in the planning and hosting of the event. “I would say that RHA is continually proud of the students on campus and their eagerness to be involved and their talent to showcase,” said Ashley Stubbs, executive president of the RHA. And the winners are... This year’s Mr. Central is Cameron Daniels, a 19-year-old undeclared freshman from Lake Quinault, Wash. who represented Quigley Hall. Daniels plans to eventually get into the education program with the intention of becoming a high school math teacher. Daniels picked up guitar in middle school and has been playing ever since, but doesn’t often perform in front of large audiences.
MR. CENTRAL Cameron Daniels played his own rendition of Justin Bieber winning the crowd over emediatly MS. CENTRAL Emily Salisbury played her own version of a few songs for this years Mr. & Ms. Central
Winning the battle with stage fright was hard but was worth it. “It’s definitely a confidence boost when you look out there and everyone is having a good time,” Daniels said. Daniels was surprised that he won but was happy with his performance. “When I saw all those cell phones waving, I knew I was up there,” Daniels said. Perhaps the biggest surprise for this small-town boy was the instant celebrity status that went hand-in-hand with winning this competition. “I made, like, nine friends on Facebook in the last 12 hours. It’s insane,” Daniels said. Emily Salisbury, a 19-year-old freshman who lives in Sparks Hall, took home this year’s Ms. Central title. Salisbury is originally from Puyallup, Wash. and has been performing on stage for years. Salisbury is currently undeclared but intends to become an arts and theater major and hopes to one day grace the stages of Broadway.
Lion Rock Visiting Writer Series Author Jess Walter shares his novels, sarcastic humor, with Central Students
r o e kBY REDA LEE eStaff Reporter e Jess Walter brought laughter to a room full nof Central students and ecommunity members. nWalter was on campus oon Oct. 18 as part of the Lion Rock Visiting Writer Series, which is presented uby the Department of kEnglish and the Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities. s English professor Terry tMartin introduced Walter lto the crowd. “I’d already .read two of his books and nloved his work, but to hear ehim read it aloud was a
true gift,” Martin said. “I’m not alone in admiring his writing.” Walter read from his latest novel, “The Financial Lives of the Poets.” Walter’s writing combines sarcasm and humor. The linguistics of his novel had an upbeat suburban feel with a twist of cynicism. Walter only read the first chapter of his novel to the audience, but judging from the sounds of laughter, the crowd wanted to hear more. The first chapter of
his novel let the audience in on a family man’s jobless life. During a run to a 7-Eleven after a long, tiring day he finds himself frustrated by how expensive a gallon of milk is. On the way back to his car, he runs into a couple of 20-year-old thugs who need a ride to a party. With some hesitation, he agrees to give them a ride and finds himself reminiscing about what he was like at their age. The way Walter delivered his novel made it seem as though he was the main character. His use of language was hilarious and kept the crowd laughing and engaged; Walter was an unintentional comedian. Walter was part of the first generation in his family to go to college. He wanted to write novels that made people think of things that they otherwise might not have thought of before. He started out as a journalist and built up his writing career form there.
After years of working toward his dream career, Walter has finally become successful and published his novels. “I did everything I could to become this dream I had,” Walter said. “Don’t take no for an answer. Just write and write and write and develop your voice.” Walter’s inspirations for his novels come from life experiences and reading. He reads about 70 to 80 books a year for motivation. It took Walter nine years to write his first novel, but he can now finish writing a novel within a couple years, depending on the content. Every novel is different and has its own timing. Walter plans on writing until he is no longer able to write. “I enjoy his humor and his intelligence,” said Lisa Norris, assistant English professor. “He is also motivationally curious about people and open to them. I was impressed and grateful to how he responded to students.”
“I’ve definitely always wanted to be in theater,” Salisbury said. “It’s always been a passion of mine. I thought, why not make it my career?” Last year, Salisbury received a “5th Avenue Honorable Mention” from the 5th Avenue Theatre for her role as Eponine in the play “Les Miserables” during her senior year of high school. While she enjoys her time on stage, performing in the Mr. and Ms. Central Talent Contest was something new. “I hadn’t ever really done a big formal performance with my guitar before,” Salisbury said. “It was awesome – it felt really cool.” Like Daniels, Salisbury is also enjoying her newfound fame. “When I got home I had seven new Facebook requests,” Salisbury said. “It’s weird. It’s cool though. I’m digging it.”
“Dual Survivor” star to speak Tuesday BY NICHOLE WILLIAMSON
Staff Reporter
Cody Lundin, founder of the Aboriginal Living Skills School and star of the Discovery Channel’s hit new show, “Dual Survival,” will be coming to Central on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Lundin will be speaking about physical and psychological primitive living skills, such as mental preparedness, and self-reliance, which are necessary for outdoor survival. Following his speech will be a question and answer session. “Lundin is constantly stressing mental preparedness. Survival is 90 percent mental,” said Mark Dorsten, Lundin’s assistant. Lundin has written two books, “98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive!” and “When All Hell Breaks Loose: the Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes.” Lundin will be speaking in the Student Union and Recreation Center Ballroom at noon and 7 p.m. Admission to both events is free. He will also be available to sign copies of his books, which will be COURTESY OF CODYLUNDIN.COM for sale after the event.
12 THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
African sculptor shares technique BY GIANCARLO GONZALEZ
Staff Reporter
Alexander Chitungo, forged as an artist from gruesome national tragedy, shoulders his responsibility. He teaches an ancient African sculpting technique while spreading a message of love. As one of Zimbabwe’s major sculptors to have emerged since 1980, Chitungo embodies his ideals and expresses it through the black springstone he carves and chisels in the Shona style, revealing forms of inclusion and spirituality. This fall, Central students will appreciate and learn this technique as well as meet a remarkable man. Chitungo, born Aug. 3, 1969 in the small town of Marondera, Zimbabwe, went to Tomlinson Primary School, where he was in the safety of a police camp. His teachers were police officers and his father worked in corrections as a warden. The friendship between both law enforcement agencies meant a stable world for all who were fortunate enough to live there. While there was order and protection inside the town, chaos and fear prevailed in the countryside. During this time, guerillas would cut off the upper lip of their perceived enemies and commit atrocities worse than this on an epic scale. Chitungo remembers his mother going by bus to visit her family outside of their town, into the heartland and fearing the guerilla’s impromptu roadblocks. “Travel was done by night in order to camouflage their movements and if they were detected, they’d get off the bus and sneak around until the bus passed the roadblock and then they’d all get back on
and continue traveling,” Chitungo said. His creativity was greater than his desperation and his concentration allowed him to pour his energy toward his emerging talent. His precociousness would sometimes get him into trouble: Once, when given an assignment to carve a table out of wood, he chose to sculpt a figure instead and was punished by his teacher. Nevertheless, he completed his education at one of the best schools in Harare, Prince Edward in 1986. In 1990, he began working with his friends, Tenderai Marezva and Lincoln Mutetwa, renowned artists in their own rights within the Shona sculpture style. He worked with them for two years before going on to develop his own style. His recurrent theme, “Voices of Reality,” is a blend of African sculptural technique and his message of love, family and togetherness. Chitungo’s fluid creations are characterized by their voluptuousness and their aesthetic and emotional force. The graceful lines of his sculptures flow seamlessly from recognizable images, such as birds and women, to the abstract and spiritual. He also plays with positive and negative shapes to create intimate pieces. His subjects are frequently family scenes of love: a mother raising her child, a family of three holding hands or an expectant mother with her hand on her womb, recounting gentle, loving moments in life. Chitungo has exhibited his works in such countries as the United States, France, Holland and South Africa. Even after his successes, he never forgets about artists needing help. Whenever he travels, he sets aside money and ma-
terials for sculptors to pick up from his home in Zimbabwe. When he returns, he visits those sculptors to see how their work is coming along. Afterwards, Chitungo takes it upon himself to help sell their sculptures, doing his best to nurture sculptors from his homeland. Central students this quarter have learned the Shona sculptural technique from Chitungo and it’s his wish to pass along this knowledge to anyone willing to learn. “For me, it’s important that this beautiful and ancient style goes on, not for me to treat it as something precious that I keep only to myself,” Chitungo said. The tragedy of his nation forged an internationally renowned sculptor in Alex Chitungo. Fame did not blind him or silence him, rather, his philosophy on the loving bonds of family speaks loudest through his sculptures.
ARTIST Shona Sculptor Alex Chitungo shares his theme, “Voices of Reality,” with Central students this quarter.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010 13
Five Minutes With...
Rachelle Bunch
Ask Tina Sparkle! The advice column where students write in and this drag queen tells it like it is
Central jazz singer performs downtown tonight
Staff Reporter
Rachelle Bunch will perform at 8 p.m. tonight at Bertine’s, with guitarist Jeff Johnson and guest appearances from Evan Norberg and Daniel Schreiner. Bertine’s is located at 117 E. 4th. Ave.
Rachelle Bunch discovered her love for jazz music while attending Columbia Basin College. While there, she took part in a jazz group called Freeform and started doing solo gigs at local wineries. She continued her education at Central, focusing her studies on jazz, while working on her jazz piano. She is a senior music education major. Q. What is it like to perform in Ellensburg? What’s the reception like? A. Performing in the ‘Burg is great! I get a lot of support from my friends here in Ellensburg. The music department is very supportive here and the local community is wonderful. Q. What are some of your favorite composers or artists? A. I am inspired by classic jazz artists like Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald and
other various artists. I am also inspired by many newer artists like Kurt Elling, Sara Gazavek, and Jane Monheit. Q. What are some common misconceptions about jazz? A. A lot of people think that singing in a jazz choir is like singing in a show choir. Jazz is also a dying genre of music. It is a difficult style to understand if you are not educated about its history and why things are done the way they are. Q. So you write your own music or songs? A. I am actually not an original songwriter. I do, however, arrange charts for vocal jazz choirs to sing. I have learned a lot from my mentors and hope to learn more in the future. With each chart I arrange, the easier it gets. Q. Who would be your dream collaboration? Kurt Elling and his trio.
Fright Festival on the Farm Central students sponsor K-5 event Saturday BY NICHOLE WILLIAMSON
Staff Reporter
The first “Fright Festival on the Farm,” which caters to children, grades kindergarten through fifth, will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. this Saturday at Olmstead Place State Park. “It’s a lot of old-school fun,” said Lorinda Anderson, director of the Don & Verna Duncan Civic Engagement Center (CEC). The fun will include carnival games, crafts, face painting, a cakewalk and a psychic. There will also be tours of the grounds and a haunted barn that clubs can volunteer to set up a room in. This is the first Halloween festival to take place at the park and is only the second time that the CEC has used the park to host an event. The CEC used the park last year to host a spring fling event that went so well that they were invited back by the Park Ranger Brandon Hoekstra. “Brandon wants to promote awareness to the park,” said Krista LaComb, service-
learning fellow for the CEC. Olmstead Place State Park is one of the oldest working farms in the state and covers 217 acres. “It’s the only state park that’s a working farm still,” said Katie Johnson, servicelearning fellow for the CEC. “There’s a bunch of historical buildings and farm equipment.” The CEC currently has 56 volunteers signed up to help at the event, but is still looking for more. They are currently looking for volunteers to help with centers, crafts, activities and games as well as for the set-up and breakdown of the festival. It’s an “awesome way to join the kids of Ellensburg with volunteers,” LaComb said. Interested students have until Friday to sign up by calling, emailing or dropping by the CEC office, which is located in SURC 256B. “Just kind of giving back to the community while having fun is a huge benefit [as well as] spending time doing something for others instead of yourself,” LaComb said.
5k Fun Run raises funds for breast cancer research
Staff Reporter
Running is a hobby for many students at Central Washington University. Staying in shape and making healthy choices is a must for these students. The 5K Fun Run last Saturday was a success in supporting and raising money for breast cancer research. A portion of the race’s registration fee went directly toward the fight against breast cancer in Kittitas County. This was the second year the Civic Engagement Center promoted breast cancer awareness during the run, but this was the ninth annual 5K Fun Run.
The run started at the Tomlinson Stadium and continued across campus. Runners enjoyed the opportunity to contribute toward their personal fitness while showing their competitive sides. Weeks of training and hard work created an easier run for many competitors. “The run is designed to provide a fun recreational activity that offers a healthy alternative to other homecoming activities,” said Eric Scott, CWU intramural coordinator. Students have a chance to socialize while engaging in a good cause. Each year the run is honored as a treasured homecoming event.
Dear Tina Sparkle, I really want to ask a friend out on a date, but I want it to be a DATE date and not just another “hangout” session. Any fun ideas for a first date in Ellensburg? Something a little more special than beer pong or Wing Central? PLEASE HELP! Dateless in the ‘Burg Dear Dateless, I do know that there are some amazing little places that you might over look to go eat, such as The Ellensburg Pasta Co. and The Palace, which are located on Main Street, and the Yellow Church Café, located on S. Pearl Street. All of these places have a nice “going out to enjoy a meal together” feel, more classy and less football and beer time. There’s also a bowling alley and even a movie theatre. Now I do realize it is a friend and do you really want to potentially sacrifice your friendship? This is an important question that you need to ask yourself. What a lot of people tend to forget is that a “boy/girlfriend” is just a really good friend that you feel you can share your life with. So when someone says, “I just want to be friends” it confuses the shit out of me to the point of wanting to ask “why can’t we be better friends?” But do realize that once you make it known you want to date your friend, they might get a lil’ weirded out. Now that all of that is out of the way, let’s get down to this “DATE date.” When you go out on a date, try to keep the last thing you guys do out on the town
something social. For instance, if you go to a movie you can’t really talk during it, and the drive home after only leaves so much time to actually talk. So plan to go out to dinner after an early evening movie, more time to talk about the movie and you’ll both get to know a little more about each other. And the most important of all dating rules for first dates is to use the coffee trick. Plan to go get coffee at around 3 p.m., not too late in the day, so if it goes horribly wrong you can still plan stuff out with your friends. Arrive about 10 minutes before you guys had planned to meet and get a cup of water – it’s usually free so you aren’t out any money for the next step. When he or she comes in, be sitting down at a table waiting for him/her. This lets your date know that he/she should buy a drink now. After your date has gotten his/ her drink, you guys can start chatting. If at any point you find you really don’t want to see this person anymore, just let him/ her know that it probably isn’t going to work out. It might seem “bitchy” but it’s honest, and people need to stop beating around the bush with each other. Be straight-forward and honest. Hope it goes well. Let me know! Love, Tina
Send Tina Sparkle your questions! E-mail her at:
Thursday 28 Unheard Voics Open Mic Night / Pink Tie-Dying 7 - 10 p.m. D&M Coffee Third & Pine FREE
Saturday 30 Raw Space 1 year anniversary 9 p.m. Raw Space 119 E. Fourth Ave $5 ALL AGES
Saturday 30 Alley Cat Artistsʼ “Rag and Bone Bazaar” 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Southwest corner of Fourth and Ruby
Sunday 31 Boo Central 5 p.m. SURC Ballroom FREE
Monday 1 William Pack Lion Rock Visiting Writers Series 7:30 p.m. Mary Grupe Center FREE
Wednesday 3 “Afghanistan and the Islamic Narrative today” 7 p.m. SURC Theatre FREE
14 THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Scary movies
“Trick ‘r Treat”
Staff Reporter
A confusing and frustrating film, “Trick ‘r Treat,” puts a slightly humorous spin on the classic tales of Halloween: the bus driver with a shady past, the college virgin, the high school principal with unusual extracurricular activities and teenagers looking to cause some trouble. While all the stories are interwoven by a creepy child-like character, Sam, the constant jumping forward and backward leaves holes in the plot and too many unanswered questions. The film focuses closely on honoring the age-old traditions of Halloween, such
as leaving jack o’ lanterns lit to ward off evil spirits. Failure to follow the rules can lead to some gory consequences. Directed by Michael Dougherty and released in 2008, “Trick ‘r Treat” isn’t a must-see film of the horror genre but it’s good enough to warrant a rental viewing.
“The Shining”
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP The graveyard was only one part of the lawns decorations which included flying gouls and pumpkin lights. Graveyards were a popular decoration for front lawns which often included the return of the undead. Skeletons crawled out of flower beds in this front yard and monsters were hiding by the front door. Carved pumpkins are simple decorations that students can create themselves with any design they want.
Halloween party tip #1: watch your drinking BY PRESTON PRENDERGAST
Staff Reporter
Halloween is all about having a sweet costume and a good time, but one thing students can forget about during this spooky fall festival is being safe. Officer Mark McPherson of the CWU police department said students should be extra careful with their beverages. “Never leave your drink unattended, if you leave it alone than pour it out and get a new one, this goes for both men and women,” McPherson said. “Also, open your own drinks and don’t take opened beverages from strangers or you might end up like Stiffler from American Pie.”
Staff Reporter
Even after 30 years from its release, “The Shining” still brings it to the screen with ferocity and frightening pace, leaving movie goers stunned in its wake. This epic horror film rewrote the genre and made Jack Nicholson a film legend. His performance as Jack Torrance, a writer looking to get away with his family for the winter only to slide into insanity, made it his signature role. Shelly Duvall as his wife brings a level of hysteria that matches Nicholson’s power while their only son, played by Danny Lloyd, deals with manifest psychic powers that drive the narrative into the supernatural. The haunted hotel where the family stays oozes with evil and its ghosts play a
The CWU wellness center, located on campus, also has a handful of tips for students going out this weekend. “Everyone should be alert to drinking cups that are colored differently for men and women,” said Whitney Pickering, a wellness center coordinator. “When you go out this Halloween be sure to use the buddy system and to know where your buddies are at all times.” Jay Conrad, a wellness center coordinator, said that students can also easily control the quantity of alcohol they consume. “To help watch how much you drink, try using the little shot bottles instead of bringing a whole fifth,” Conrad said. “Also, be sure to charge your phone and keep it on you. You might need it to call 911 or your friends for help.” Students don’t have to go off campus to find a fun time this Halloween, as most residence halls on campus will be hosting events. “Every dorm will have their own special event for Halloween,” said Jordan Yanev, exercise fitness major
major role in the unfolding nightmare. Director Stanly Kubrick’s reworking of the script created the ghost girls in the hallway, the gushing blood in the elevator shaft and the infamous insane and macabre line, “Heeeere’s Johnny!” Stephen King wrote the novel but “The Shining” as a film is a whole other animal. It knocks you off your feet with its masterful tracking shots, its intense performances and its wild ending. Rent this monster and prepare to get your head blown off.
and Resident Assistant. “My dorm will be hosting a scary movie night so bring some popcorn and a warm blanket to hide under.” Although there are various events around the residence halls this weekend, there are no large school events available to students as a going-out alternative. A part of that is due to homecoming being the week before Halloween, and that event planners don’t know what students want for an event. According to Steven Ross, vice president for student life and facilities, the student board of directors would be willing to plan an event on Halloween in the future but they need student input to organize it. The student board of directors doesn’t approve of underage drinking, but they want all students to be smart and safe this weekend, Ross said. During this spooky Halloween night be sure to play it safe and get treats, not tricks. Be smart, use the buddy system and if you have to drink then bring your own to the party.
SPORTS Sports Editor
Kevin Proctor
Central reclaims first place in GNAC standings with win over Humboldt State
Sr. Sports Reporter
Homecoming weekend can only mean one thing: a big football game. Last weekend was no exception with Great Northwest Athletic Conference first place Humboldt State coming to town. Central got on the board first, scoring a touchdown off a 33-yard pass from sophomore quarterback Ryan Robertson to senior wide receiver Kollin Hancock. Hancock led the receiving squad with six catches for 95 yards. Starting off the second quarter, Central faced a fourth and inches on the first play. Once again freshman running back Louis Davis’ number was called. He got a few blocks and was able to give Central a big first down. The Wildcats kept moving down the field and were able to get another touchdown on a 38-yard pass to senior wide receiver Chris Smith. Central was not done scoring in the second quarter. They had gone through the air to get points on the board earlier in the game and this time they relied on the two freshmen running backs to come up big for the team once again. Ishmael Stinson had a 43yard run, the longest of the season for the Wildcats. A few plays later, Central got the ball down to the one-yard line. With faith in the young running back, the coaching staff called for Stinson to get the ball. Stinson ran hard and scored a touchdown to make it 20-7. Stinson finished the day rushing for 79 yards averaging 6.1 yards per carry. The Wildcats went for a twopoint conversion after their third touchdown of the game, but did not convert. “We had an alert on and one of the alerts we had on was a one-on-one with Demetrius Guice,” said Head Coach Blaine Bennett. “Out there on
HOMECOMING Senior wide receiver Chris Smith (6) and senior wide receiver Kollin Hancock (4) celebrate a touchdown pass. Central Washington reclaimed their first place standing in conference play after defeating Humboldt State 26-18 last Saturday at Tomlinson stadium.
the corner, we think that is an advantage for us.” Before giving up a second quarter touchdown to the Lumberjacks the Wildcat defense had not given up a score in 147 minutes of regulation play.
One of the leaders on the defense for the Wildcats was senior linebacker Adam Bighill. “I have been here for a long time and seen a lot of things,” Bighill said. “[I’ve] been in a lot of situations, so I can help rally
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
people around and help people to get on the same page.” Bighill led the team with eight total tackles, including one for a loss of two yards. By the end of the half the Wildcats had a 20-7 lead head-
ing into the third quarter. With 6:50 left in the third quarter, the Lumberjacks closed the gap on Central and kicked a 40-yard field goal to pull Humboldt State within 10 points. Central answered back and kicked a 44-yard field goal by sophomore kicker Sean Davis, to give Central a 13-point lead heading into the fourth quarter. Central scored once more off another field goal by Sean Davis in the fourth quarter. Davis finished the game 2-4 in field goal attempts. The Lumberjacks scored a touchdown and successfully went for two, but it was too little, too late. The Wildcats went on to win the game 26-18. Junior defensive back Dominique Gaisie had an impact on the game, having a couple of big kick returns and playing well on defense. “I felt like the game plan went really well against Humboldt State,” Gaisie said. “They got the victory on us last time, but we just regrouped, went over our mistakes and just got it together today.” Gaisie returned every single punt for Central, totaling a GNAC season high of 108 yards. In addition to those seven punt returns, he returned three kickoffs for 80 yards. Gaise joins kicker Sean Davis as the second Wildcat to win the award this season. Davis had won the award twice previous to his poor play of late. The Wildcats are now 6-3 overall this season and 5-1 in the GNAC. The win also leads Central to its ninth straight winning season. Central is off next week and will return to action Nov. 6 to take on Simon Fraser in their second to last regular season game.
GNAC Football Standings School
Conference W L
Central Washington Humboldt State Western Oregon Dixie State Simon Fraser
5 4 3 2 0
1 1 2 5 5
CONFERENCE LEADERS (left) A group of Central defenders led by senior linebacker Adam Bighill (44) pummel Humboldt State’s quarterback. (right) Freshman running back Ishmael Stinson dives to get a first down. After losing to division rival HSU earlier in the season, Central came back with a win last Saturday over the Lumberjacks.
THE OBSERVER • OCT 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Road struggles continue, Wildcats return home winless BY ANDREW HOGGARTH
Staff Reporter
The Central Washington women’s soccer team was away from home for both of their games last week, and their road woes continued to hinder the team. The Wildcats managed a total of just 10 shots and one goal in their two games. Their lack of offense translated into a 1-1 double overtime tie against the Western Washington Vikings on Thursday and a 3-0 loss to the Clan from Simon Fraser University on Saturday. The week’s results dropped the Wildcats to 4-9-1 overall and 4-6-1 in Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC) play. While the results were less than encouraging, the Wildcats actually played fairly well during Thursday’s tie to the Vikings. The first half was relatively slow with both teams combining for just five shots, with only one of those coming from the Wildcats. However, the Vikings were able to take a 1-0 lead into halftime thanks to a late goal. “That goal in the first half hurt us a little bit,” said Head Coach Michael Farrand. “But in the second half we responded very well.” The Wildcats answered back in the second half, as senior forward Kaycie Hutchins served a pass toward the front of the goal and junior forward Serena Tomaso finished it off with a tap in. Hutchins assist counted for her team-leading fifth of the season and the goal was Tomaso’s teamleading seventh of the year and
her third in as many games. “It was one of those games that we came out and played hard for the full game,” said senior forward Kaycie Hutchins. “They got an easy one early, but we never gave up. We played hard, they played hard and it evened out.” Though the game ended in a tie, the Wildcats did have some opportunities to win. With ten minutes left in regulation, freshman forward/defenseman Kaylee Osterman sent a shot in from the top of the penalty area, beating the goalkeeper, but the ball sailed high. “We had some legitimate chances to win that game,” Farrand said. “But at least with the tie it probably knocks them out of the regional competition. So in terms of a rivalry game, it was a small victory for us.” With the tie, Central remains winless in their three trips to Bellingham, their last road win against the Vikings being in 2007. On Saturday, the Wildcats came out and fought hard against Simon Fraser in the first half, not allowing a goal, but giving up seven shots while only getting off two of their own. Freshman goalkeeper Kori Butterfield made her second straight start after missing two games earlier this month, made four saves in the first half and kept Central in the game while the offense struggled to find its rhythm. “We played a 0-0 half, but still couldn’t figure out how to play together,” Farrand said. However, the constant pressure was too much for the Wild-
ROAD WOES Senior midfielder Ellie Eckroth defends against a WWU player. Central tied Western 1-1 in double overtime last Saturday in Bellingham.
cats. The Clan opened the second half with a flurry of shots on goal. Butterfield saved the first four shots, but eventually the shots started finding the net as the Clan scored two consecutive goals in the span of less than two minutes. “It was one of the worst games that we have played this year,” said senior forward Ellie Eckroth. “We weren’t mentally ready to play that game and it showed. But there isn’t anything we can do about it now.” Sophomore C.J. Balstad re-
lieved Butterfield shortly after the second goal, but the Wildcats simply could not stop the all-out attack from Simon Fraser. The Clan added yet another goal on a loose ball in front of the net in the 69th minute and cruised to a 3-0 victory from there. “I think that Simon Fraser was out for a little revenge,” Farrand said. “We beat them here [Ellensburg] when they thought they had the game won. And up there [Burnaby, BC] they wanted to win. They wanted it more and they just took it.”
The 0-1-1 week for the Wildcats leaves them with just one win when they play outside of the friendly confines of Ellensburg. After their home game against Saint Martin’s University today Central will go on the road to play Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Ore., where the Wildcats haven’t lost since 2006. However, Central will then finish the season in Seattle against the nationally-ranked Seattle Pacific University squad, where they are 0-7-1 in their last eight meetings.
Cross country runs amok, finishes 9th at WWU BY BRYCE HJALSETH
Staff Reporter
GEARING UP FOR GNAC CHAMPIONSHIPS Junior Krissy McGill paces herself in the Erik Anderson Memorial Invite in Spokane earlier this month.
The Wildcat cross-country team finished in ninth place for men and eighth place for women at the Western Washington University Invitational in Bellingham last Saturday. The men were led once again by junior Manuel Santos for the fifth consecutive run. Central was beaten out by several Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC) opponents on Saturday. Alaska Anchorage finished in first place as a team for both men’s and women’s events, while Western Washington, St. Martin’s and Seattle Pacific all finished ahead of the Wildcats among the top ten. There were a total of 11 men’s teams and 12 women’s teams competing. “It was mixed for sure,” said Head Coach Kevin Adkisson. “We had a few people that probably could have taken the day off because they were sick but they still ran, so it’s always a little tough for those people to go out and push themselves when they are not quite at 100 percent. Unfortunately they usually find out that they are a little worse off than they thought when they decide they still want to tow the line.” The Wildcats were without a couple of key runners including freshman Nathan Power. “There were a couple of teams we could have gotten if we had Nate running,” Adkisson said. Santos finished his fifth consecutive run leading the men’s team, while being the only male runner that placed among the top 50 for the Wildcats. “He is a real strong runner and he is getting in better and better shape as the season goes on,” Adkisson said. “He has been battling a little bit of knee soreness himself but he has been holding strong. He always makes a good effort.” Santos finished his ten-kilometer run in 29th
place with a time of 33 minutes and 28 seconds. Junior Ryan Eidsmoe was the next Wildcat to finish behind Santos in 62nd place. He was followed by freshmen Nathan Minor, who finished in 69th place. Concluding the top five male runners for the Wildcats, were sophomore Jon Swanson and senior Tom Johnson, who finished 71st and 85th. All of the top five male runners for the Wildcats finished within 70 seconds of each other. For the first time in the season, the lady Wildcats had a better team finish than their male teammates. For the second consecutive week, senior Adriana Mendoza led the Wildcat women. She was the only female to place among the top 50, finishing the 6K 42nd with a time of 24:02. “I think we did well as a team, it was a tough course,” Mendoza said. “We’ve definitely had better races but I think we performed well. We have a lot more potential than we showed.” The next Wildcat to finish was freshman Taylor Kartes, who followed 37 seconds behind Mendoza, placing 56th. Junior Kelsey Kreft finished 25 seconds after Kartes, placing 62nd. The last of the top five female Wildcats were junior Krissy McGill and freshman Ashlee Sincraugh, finishing 66th and 83rd. The event was the lowest team score for the men this season. Prior, they had not finished worse than 6th place. The women’s team ended with the second lowest performance of the year, the worst performance coming at the San Francisco State Invitational two weeks ago where they placed 9th. This concludes the regular season for the Wildcat cross-country team. They will host their next meet at the GNAC Championships in Yakima on Nov. 6.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010 17
Senior linebacker Adam Bighill has become the heart of Central’s defense
three universities. Adam says he just wanted to play football -- that’s all that mattered to him. Eastern’s then head coach Beau Baldwin recruited Bighill and wanted him to come play for his team. As luck would have it, Coach Baldwin became the head coach for Central and Bighill has been a Wildcat ever since.
Staff Reporter
Most people only recognize Adam Bighill with a helmet, pads and a number 44 on his chest. As a student athlete, Bighill has come a long way to be where he is today, both as a student and a football player. Starting at a young age, he remembers playing football in first grade because he loved to hit people. Many years later, as a freshman going in to Montesano High School, he didn’t have to think twice about trying out for the football team. By the end of his freshman year he had the opportunity to play in the last game of the season, proving himself varsity worthy and launching his football career into full force. Bighill played varsity football the rest of his high school days, never having a losing season and traveling to playoffs each year. “I remember my sophomore year we lost in the quarterfinals against Othello,” Bighill said. “It was the cross-over game and we fought hard as a team, it was a great game for me as a player and for the team.” Losing his mother as a freshman and with a lot of life ahead has only given him more determination and drive. “I like to think she can come to all my games now and watch them from where she’s at, it means a lot to me -- she’s my motivation.” Bighill said. As a senior, with the help of his high school coach Eric Stanfield, Bighill marketed himself as best he could. By his 2007 graduation, Bighill was an allstate fullback and linebacker. Although the recruitment was scarce at Montesano, the big contenders that offered him scholarships were Central Washington University and Eastern Washington University, as well as other various division
Starting as a freshman in North Hall, Bighill was not a typical “red-shirt” and got the chance to play much sooner than most. By his third year varsity season Bighill had been a part of some of the strongest Wildcat football. Last season’s Wildcats were 12-1, losing only to Northwest Missouri State NCAA Division II quarterfinals 21-20. In the nine games last season, Adam had 78 tackles, which included 36 solo tackles, three sacks for a loss of 21 yards, two fumble recoveries and one interception. Despite all these accomplishments, Bighill is much more than just a Wildcat football player. He’s a dedicated student and friend. Typically stereotyped as a 5’ 10’’, 220-pound football player, the senior exercise science major spends most of his days balancing player position meetings, practice and weightlifting, as well as all his classes and trying to keep a social life. Although he doesn’t like to use the excuse of being a football player he says that it is hard when professors don’t understand his hectic schedule. “It’s really hard sometimes because professors don’t want to work with me because I am a football player,” Bighill said. “I’ve got position meetings from three to four, practice from four thirty to six thirty then weightlifting till eight thirty, then straight home to do homework.” By keeping his priorities straight, Bighill manages to keep himself on the honor role and plans to graduate next summer. Most people know him by his popular nickname “Bigs” and he can’t make it through the SURC without being shouted out to or waved at by many of his friends and fans. Many people admire Bighill in his life, both on and off the field, including sophomore outside linebacker John Koopman.
LEADING THE PACK (left) Adam Bighill celebrates with teammates after another Central Washington victory. (right) Bighill lays out the opposing team’s quarterback in the back field.
18 THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV 3, 2010
Volleyball holds onto fifth in conference, eyes playoff run BY JAKE ABBOTT
Staff Reporter
The Lady Wildcats volleyball team obtained a victory last weekend against Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. Central, currently holding fifth place in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference (GNAC), improved their record to 9-8 overall, 7-5 in the conference. With 11 tied scores and three lead changes, the Wildcats lost the first set 26-28. After the first set, Central jumped into the driver’s seat and it was smooth sailing from there. The Wildcats came back and dominated the next three sets 25-16, 25-16, 25-15. “NNU came out with good energy and we had some defensive miscues,� said Head Coach Mario Andaya. “We adjusted defensively the last three matches.� Senior outside hitter Kady Try was on fire as she generated 19 kills for the Wildcats with a .366 hitting percentage. The senior has had a commanding presence on the court this season. Senior middle blocker Kristel Baeckel also had a great performance as she produced 10 kills with a .333 hitting percentage. “Kristel did a really good job,� Try said. “Her and I had a lot of fun that game.� Overall, the Wildcats had a .211 hitting percentage. Their best and final set, Central never lost the lead and generated a .424 hitting percentage as a team with 17 kills. “We did a good job keeping pressure
on NNU,� Andaya said. “We had good performances from Kady and Kristel.� Junior outside hitter Meg Ryan had three aces on the night while Baeckel led the Wildcats with four. Junior setter Carlee Marble contributed 41 assists for the Wildcats. Defensively, the Wildcats had a trio who produced double digit digs. Led by senior libero Brandie Vea with 18 digs, Marble and Ryan each had 12. Central was able to hold the Crusaders to a .107 hitting percentage with 31 hitting errors. The lady Wildcats are on the road this week with two critical matches ahead of them. Central will be facing St. Martin’s University (SMU) tonight at 7 p.m. in Lacey, Wash. Even though St. Martins has a solid defense, they are currently last place in the GNAC with a 1-12 record, 1-17 overall. “You always have to take a team seriously,� Try said. “Every game is a chance to get better as a team.� On Saturday, Central will travel to Western Oregon University (WOU) to face the Wolves also at 7 p.m. “This is going to be a pivotal match,� Andaya said. “Standings wise, if we get ahead of them, we can get a late playoff run.� The teams last faced each other on Sept. 30 at Central. The Wildcats handled the Wolves in three straight sets (25-18, 2516, 25-12). WOU is currently ahead of Central in the GNAC standings in fourth place with a record of 8-5, 10-8 overall.
DOCUMENTARY Presented by Erin Davies
DOWN THE STRETCH Sophomore outside hitter Marcy Hjellum spikes the ball over the net. Central beat the Northwest Nazarene Crusaders 3-1 to improve to 7-5 in GNAC play.
THE OBSERVER • OCT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2010
Try, Gaisie earn GNAC Player of the Week Awards
#33 Kady Try
DEFENSIVE STOPPER Adam Bighill completes another tackle against Humboldt State last Saturday at Tomlinson stadium.
BIGHILL CONTINUED FROM P.17 “I admire his drive and how he wants to succeed on and off the football field, his determination too,” Koopman said. Head Football Coach Blaine Bennett also believes that he is always full of speed and gives 100 percent in every-
thing he does. “He has great work ethic and is an excellent student athlete,” Bennett said. “My advice to him is to continue following his dream and do it with the same passion and effort he plays football.” With dreams of being a chiropractor and playing in the National Football League, Bighill has a lot ahead of him.
But for now, it’s all about football for the senior linebacker. “In ten years I don’t know where I will be,” Bighill said. “It’s all up in the air right now because I have two distinct paths; one to chiropractic school and on, and one that involves football. Who knows where I’ll go? I’m just focused on football.”
#8 Dominique Gaisie
Senior Kady Try and junior Dominique Gaisie earned GNAC Player of the Week Awards in their respective sports last week. Try earned volleyball player of the week after finishing with 19 kills and a .336 hitting percentage against Northwest Nazarene. The Wildcats earned a 3-1 victory over NNU. Try leads the GNAC in kills and points per set. She is also ranked 10th in the nation in both categories. Dominique Gaisie was named GNAC Special Teams co-Player of the Week. Gaisie helped lead the Wildcats to a 26-18 victory over conference rival Humboldt State last Saturday, recording 108 return yards on seven punts. Gaisie also had 80 yards on three kickoff returns. Try was the first CWU player to earn the award in volleyball since 2009, while Gaisie was the second player to earn Special Teams Player of the Week this year.