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Saying goodbye: CWU faculty and administration reflect on their experience


book page, I’m posting pictures of things I know will stir up memories. So far, I’ve posted a picture of some paper binder clips, a case of Pepsi and a stress ball. I still have to post pictures of fake pumpkins, a pill box filled with earbuds, and a bowl of Werther’s candies. Each item comes with its own CNW story.

And who could forget office chair-racing down Lind Hall?

What will you miss most about CWU?

Telling students their work sucks. Explaining why their work sucks. Then showing them how to make it suck less.

What do you plan to do next?

I’m planning to build a massive eBay empire focused on fine china, unique Christmas ornaments, and vinyl LPs. Start following AdventureAunt on eBay now!

Work toward getting a paid acting gig. (I plan to win the Best Supporting Actress Oscar when I’m 83.)

Terri Reddout:

Senior Lecturer and “Goddess of Broadcasting”

How long have you been at CWU?

I started teaching here in the Fall of 2011. Before coming to CWU, I taught at Weber State University in Utah for 12 years.

What is your favorite memory from being a communication queen? Too many to count!

What is the best piece of advice you would give students?

Do your job well but find a balance between work and the rest of your life.

You’re going to make mistakes. Start making them. Then, learn from them.

Jeffrey Stinson:

Dean of the College of Business

How long have you been at CWU? 15 years

What is your favorite thing about your position?

I get to work with a great group of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni. The energy, ideas, and innovation that come from working with these smart people is by far the best part of my job.

What is your favorite memory from CWU?

Probably the first CWU Mariners Night. Working with Dr. Pritchard to see 1000 CWU community members and friends gather was very exciting. Of course, it would have been hard to imagine what the event has become. Commencement every year would be a close second.

What will you miss most about CWU?

The wonderful, smart, innovative people.

What do you plan to do next?

I will be dean of the Johnson College of Business and Economics at the University of South Carolina-Upstate.

What is the best piece of advice you would give students?

Take advantage of all of the opportunities that are available to you as a student. Get engaged and build your network. These are keys to student and career success.

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