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Sports Spectated

By: Isaac Hinson

“I was trying to push myself even harder because I knew it was my last year, and the year before I definitely didn’t do as good as I wanted to do,” said Seaton. “I had that in the back of my mind like, ‘You don’t have enough time to sit around and wait,’ so I would make myself do stuff all the time. And I look back on that like ‘Man, that might not have been the best idea.’ But it seemed right because this sport was more important to me than anything else and putting that time into something that you had such a passion for, it didn’t really feel like much of a chore.”


Seaton says that as the season started to slip away from the Wildcats it got harder to see the value in the work she put in.

“As the season started dying down and as our record started going down a little bit, it was definitely hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Seaton. “There was a point where we knew we weren’t going to the postseason and that was rough.”

But losing the opportunity to play in the postseason ultimately relieved Seaton, she said.

“That was right before our last series at home,” said Seaton. “Then [that] series was just to have fun. That was kind of nice because that weekend literally nothing mattered.”

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