Fall 2019 Issue Two

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Season-Ending Injuries in College Athletics

O N T H E C OV E R College athletes, coaches and other professionals share their experiences with season-ending injuries. Graduate student and rugby player Cole Zarcone is pictured sitting on the sidelines watching his teammates play without him. Photo by Zahn Schultz Design by Krista Kok



1 2 It’s More Than Just a Game:

2 6 Life After Conviction: How Individuals

Understanding the Meaning and Practice of Hunting 1 8 The Cost of College 2 2 Reduce, Reuse, Renewable.

with Felonies are Breaking Barriers to Higher Education 3 2 Season-Ending Injuries in College Athletics 3 8 Experiencing Epilepsy

what’s INSIDE

Photo by Dylan Gilbert



4 4 College Climbing & Learning all About

5 4 Michael Eury

the Basics + PULSE Playlist



5 6 The Hidden Dangers of Caffeine

4 8 The Young and Not-so-Well Rested

5 8 Central Secrets: Family Edition

5 0 Checking in with Your Mental Health

6 0 Bar Calendar 6 2 Concert Calendar


Madeline Wilson editor-in-chief

Krista Kok art director

Zahn Schultz director of photography

Emily Messall assistant editor

Angela Kyle assistant editor

Joanna Santana social media manager



editor-in-chief Madeline Wilson

director of photography Zahn Schultz

assistant editor Emily Messall

photographers Dylan Gilbert Jack Royer

assistant editor Angela Kyle

Writers Spencer Clifton Matt Escamilla Kiersten Kimminau Meghan Moss Elena Peyton Jones Rachel Retchless Apollo Whyte Kyle Wilkinson

Design art director Krista Kok senior designer Shoshanah Davis designers Anthony Cole Jenae Harris Sara Roach

Multimedia videographer Helen Nguyen social media manager Joanna Santana

Promotions event planner Angela Kyle website manager Joanna Santana

Advertising business manager Cait Dalton 509-963-1026 cait.dalton@cwu.edu

Advising faculty adviser Jennifer Green jennifer.green@cwu.edu

for more exclusive content, visit us at

PULSE magazine is a student-run lifestyle magazine, both in print and online at www.cwupulsemagazine.com. PULSE produces two issues an academic quarter. Student editors make policy and content decisions for the magazine, which serves as a public forum for student expression. PULSE serves the Central Washington University community with informative, engaging and interactive content covering campus and community life, trends and issues, and providing practical magazine and multimedia training.

EDITOR’S NOTE Recently I was able to attend the ACP/CMA Fall National College Media Convention in Washington, D.C. During the event, the PULSE staff had the opportunity to meet journalism professionals, attend informative sessions and learn the results of our numerous award nominations. Our hard work and dedication over the past year earned the PULSE staff two Pinnacle Awards and two Pacemaker Awards. A lot of work goes into each story that is published and we are fortunate to have our efforts recognized by many influential individuals within the journalism field. As with every issue of PULSE and award nomination, I am always excited to be able to share our work with other schools and professionals. Yet I most look forward to hearing from our readers on what they enjoyed the most about reading new issues of PULSE. Follow us on social media to share your thoughts and favorite stories from each issue! At CWU you’d be hard-pressed to find a student who isn’t either carrying a fruity energy drink or a warm coffee. Students are typically buzzing from class to class after consuming their daily dose of caffeine. Yet this common drug can have dangerous aftereffects if taken in high doses. To learn more about the hidden dangers of caffeine turn to page 56. Do you experience the effects of rising tuition and costs associated with higher education? If so, flip to page 18 to learn more about other common financial, personal and lifelong effects of the increasing cost of education. Many college students are tasked with balancing the demands of playing a competitive sport while also managing schoolwork. However, for some, their athletic careers are cut short due to injuries sustained while playing their sport. Jump to page 32 to read more about what it means to be a student athlete who has experienced a season-ending injury. This issue is packed with multiple stories that are personal to our staff and audience. Every time we begin to create a new issue, our staff pitches us ideas that inspire them or allow them to share an unbiased report of those who have similar experiences. Turn to page 38 to learn how one mother has conquered her own struggles to raise a son with epilepsy. I can’t believe my second print issue as Editor-in-Chief is quickly coming to a close. It feels like just yesterday I was walking into a room full of esteemed community members and student media leaders to interview for this position. Even though the year is going by quicker than I expected, I still feel that I have learned so much in such a small part of my life. At the conference one of the speakers said that the greatest service people can receive is through the media. Every day that I work with reporters, develop new story ideas or interview new sources, I embody this belief. Here is to my second issue as Editor-in-Chief and to providing students with one of the best services I have to offer.


PULSE GOES... Contributions by Madeline Wilson | Photos by Zahn Schultz

Recently a few members of the PULSE staff traveled to the National College Media Convention in Washington, D.C. During this conference Editor-in-Chief Madeline Wilson, Art Director Krista Kok and Director of Photography Zahn Schultz, attended sessions throughout each day. In between sessions we were able to participate in on-site competitions, receive feedback on previous issues from other advisers and bring home multiple awards. We are thankful for every opportunity to learn from others on how to improve our publication and to continue making an impact on the student body and in the community.

Zahn Schultz, PULSE Director of Photography, stands in front of the Washington Monument while preparing for the Photo Shoot-Out, a competition held at the conference.

Squirrels are constantly running rampant across the streets of Washington, D.C. The one pictured above posed long enough to snap an up-close shot.

While trying to find inspiration for the Photo Shoot-Out, Schultz captured this image of an old-fashioned style building, common among D.C. streets.


Students from PULSE, The Observer and Central News Watch wait for the train in Arlington, Virginia.

A White House police officer is perched onguard alongside her K-9 Unit.

Fans and supporters of the Washington Nationals baseball team flock to the streets of D.C. for a parade in honor of the team winning The World Series.

While at the conference, PULSE, Central News Watch (CNW) and The Observer were able to attend award ceremonies to find out the results of our multiple nominations. First, PULSE was nominated for two Pinnacle Awards. We took home Second Place in Best Magazine Sports Page/Spread for “Keepin’ it Wavy” in Winter 2019 Issue Two and also won Second Place in Best Photo Package for “A Washington Outlook” in Fall 2018 Issue One. Also, CNW won a Second Place Pinnacle Award for Best Special Event Coverage for the Deputy Ryan Thompson memorial package. The next day we attended the Pacemaker Award ceremony, which some note as the most prestigious award a college publication can earn. PULSE was a finalist for a Magazine Pacemaker, an Online Pacemaker and for Local Climate Change Reporting. We took home the Online Pacemaker Award and won First Place for Local Climate Change Reporting. CNW also took home a Ninth Place Best of Show Award for their “RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.” package. Schultz also had the opportunity to compete in a Photo Shoot-Out, an annual photography competition hosted at the conference. The assignment was to shoot an environmental portrait of someone in their natural element who lives or works in D.C. The photo above won Third Place in this competition. The PULSE staff is thankful to be recognized for our dedication to journalism and is motivated to continue creating this amazing publication.


It’s More Than Just a Game:


Meaning Practice of Hunting the and

Story & Photos by Kyle Wilkinson | Design by Anthony Cole

As you scroll through Instagram, you’ve likely seen multiple posts of your friends showing off their most recent hunting excursion. In Eastern Washington specifically, it is wellknown that hunting is a popular sport among college students, but you may not be aware that there is a lot more to it than camouflage and Instagram posts.



The Appeal Appeal The to to


“I think that for people, especially in Ellensburg, there’s not much to do,” says Jayce Kadoun, senior Digital Journalism major and Central News Watch reporter. “And being outside is awesome, but there’s only so much you can do outside. I think that putting your all into something like hunting is a good way to keep your mind clear… It helps you stay on top of everything else in your life.” Some say that one of the most appealing aspects of hunting is being able to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of a city and transition into the peace and quiet. Being able to unplug from one’s daily life and connect with nature has been said to be a crucial aspect of hunting. “To me, one of the big draws is just getting away from it all,” says Joseph Schliesman, lifelong hunter and hunter education instructor. “Getting away from the phone or the computer or email… I especially love it when I’m in a place that doesn’t get service whatsoever and I can just [say], ‘alright, I feel good out here, I feel completely on my own and self-sufficient now.’” While some may have a set idea stored in the back of their mind about what it means to hunt, until you are able to experience the sport for the first time, you may not be able to see the impact.

“We try to make sure that [students] understand that… It’s not about the killing,” says Deb Essman, retired game warden of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Deb and her husband Bill Essman, also a retired game warden, teach hunter education through the local Kittitas County Field and Stream Club. Spending time outdoors can include experiencing the hunt, seeing animals and understanding their behavior. “Everyday when you’re hunting, it’s like Christmas,” explains Deb Essman. “You never know what you’re going to run into. And you can go all day and never see that species that you’re hunting, and then it’s always out of the clear blue sky. ‘Oh, there it is!’” For some, being disconnected in the mountains is just a part of life. “I’ve always been in the mountains, every chance I get,” says Bill Essman. “Even now I can only go so long… two or three days and I have to go to the mountains.” Although hunting can be entertaining and a source of escape, there is baseline information that may be needed for beginner hunters before they head out for the first time.




The Locavore Locavore The


You’ve likely heard of the terms carnivore and herbivore, probably relating to a dinosaur’s eating habits, whether it ate plants or other dinosaurs. Humans are frequently referred to as omnivores, or an animal that eats both plants and animals for sustenance. But have you ever heard of the term locavore? Locavores are people that prefer to purchase food and produce from locally grown farms according to Lexico, a dictionary produced by Oxford University. This is thought to reduce the need to ship food long distances and strengthen the desire to eat more organically grown food, according to the American Society of Agronomy. Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn more about locally sourced food and have considered harvesting your own meat. Schliesman believes that introducing more people to hunting should focus on pridefulness for providing wild game for yourself and others. “There’s no denying harvesting an animal is exciting and fun,” says Schliesman. “But there’s also a sense of respect you need to have… It’s okay to feel some regret because you just took an animal’s life. But at the same time, you’re going to feed your family now for the next eight months. That’s something to be proud about.” Schliesman points out a section on cooking wild game in this year’s edition of the WDFW Hunting Regulations. “There’s just a whole bunch of recipes [the WDFW] collected from people and how they treat their game animals as far as food goes,” says



Schliesman. “There’s definitely a big push right now to… show that you’re not just out there to kill something. There’s a real reason behind it.” Many hunters say they have an immense sense of pride for providing their families with meat from animals that they have harvested. “It’s about going out and providing your family with some sustenance… and contributing to the table,” explains Schliesman. Many hunters that harvest their own meat have specific processes for providing this source of food to their families. “We bring our meat home, we put butcher paper on the [kitchen] island and we cut up all of our own meat, we grind our own burger,” says Deb Essman. Some of the Essmans’ students have never had an opportunity to eat wild game and they always ask, “‘Well, what does it taste like?’” says Deb Essman. “It doesn’t taste like beef. It tastes like bear, it tastes like deer, it tastes like elk. They’re all a little different, but they’re all good if you take care of them right in the field.” For some, shooting and butchering wild game completely eliminates their weekly trips to the meat department at the grocery store. Kadoun explains, “I look forward to filling my freezer… I know exactly where [the meat] came from, and what it’s made of.” If you find yourself looking over the meat counter for that prime cut and are interested in how it is sourced, hunting can be an outlet for learning about the harvest and preparation of meat.

The Role of


If you are a beginner hunter or are interested in the practice, it may be difficult at first to understand the role of conservation in hunting. It is common knowledge that the stereotypical image of a hunter, one who participates solely to shoot animals, is usually negative. However, the responsible hunter can be one of the largest proponents to wildlife and habitat preservation, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. According to the book “Key Topics in Conservation Biology”, habitats that otherwise might be used for human purposes are protected to promote hunting and wildlife preservation. The act of hunting may help sustain wild habitats that otherwise might not be protected. Prior to the establishment of the North Ameican Hunting Model, wildlife populations were dwindling, but with the implementation of game management laws that restricted the harvest of a game species, populations started to come back, according to The Wildlife Society. Hunting is a form of wildlife management and without it, there may be more detrimental effects to game species than just changes in populations. “We want the kids [we teach] to understand they are wildlife managers, they are a tool of wildlife management,” mentions Deb Essman. “When they are hunting, they are helping sustainability of… whatever species it is because we’re pay-

ing for wildlife managers to decide what numbers… the population should be [at]… We tell them you need to be proud of what you’re doing.” The money that hunters put into their sport directly benefits the game they pursue. The Pittman-Robertson Act, established in 1937 uses monies from the purchase of firearms and ammunition to go back into hunting conservation management, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Between 2006 and 2017, $6.2 billion was generated through the Act and put back into wildlife conservation and hunter education training, according to the Congressional Research Service. “Hunting is conservation,” says Schliesman. “We are conserving through our dollars… to protect wildlife and increase wildlife. It’s not like hunting is a take-only sport. Hunting is a humongous contributor to wildlife and conservation in general.” If you’ve been curious about where the money from hunting purchases is going, it’s cycling back into the wildlife and habitat, and that’s for both hunters and non-hunters to enjoy. Deb Essman comments, “You feel good about it as a sportsperson… Because you know you are putting your money where your mouth is, as far as conservation goes. We are the number one supporters of conservation in this country. If every hunter… stopped buying licenses and tags, the conservation model as we know it would fall apart.”




Making Traditions Traditions and and Making

Breaking Breaking Stereotypes Stereotypes

Many say the act of hunting also strengthens relationships and brings people closer together, especially as a family. “From the year I was born, my mom took me to camp,” explains Schliesman. “That was sort of what the catalyst was, my grandma and even my mom sometimes would bring me to camp in a yearly tradition.” In some families, teaching children how to hunt is considered a passing on of knowledge and lifestyle. “I always worshipped my grandpa [pictured above], he was a real cowboy,” says Bill Essman. “I tagged around with [him] in the hills… he started to let me go when I was six or seven.” Being a part of nature and experiencing the wild with others has been said to bring people together because it not only introduces people to the sport, but also can create lasting relationships. “I think that… I would be close to my dad no matter what,” says Kadoun. “But the fact that we [hunt] together is one of the things that keeps us so close. And I strive for that someday as a dad, to be able to do that with my kids.”



Hunting can be popular as a shared activity within families, but location may also play a role in people’s decisions to learn about hunting. For Ellensburg and Kittitas County specifically, Central Washington University seems to bring more college-aged people into the sport. “I think some of the city kids get over here,” says Bill Essman. “And they get hooked up with a local kid… talking about hunting and maybe go for a ride in the hills with their four-wheel drive, see some critters and get… all excited about it.” If you’ve had a fear that hunting is an old man’s sport, this may not always be the case. In addition to college students, there’s also been a possible increase in women’s interest in the sport. Deb Essman explains, “We definitely are seeing more women… If we have 30 students, 16 of them will be female. We always have a couple more women and girls than we have boys and men.” Despite who is participating in the sport, whether it be seasoned hunters or new college students, it may be beneficial to look into hunter’s safety courses.

Hunter Education and and


If you are interested in learning more about the technical side of hunting, attending an education course or training might be the next step in expanding your knowledge of the sport. One specific program is the hunter education deferral program, where once in thier lives, hunters with vast experience are able to accompany beginners and teach them basic skills, according to the WDFW. “I think [the program is] really important for people that are on the fence,” says Schliesman. “Maybe they’ve thought about it… but they don’t want to go through the whole class… I think that’s a really great way to get somebody out and check it out.” This program may be of interest to beginners specifically because it only occurs once in their lives and gives people the chance to decide if they are interested without the commitment of an entire class. While a one-time training could be useful for people who may not know much about the sport, for those who want to get started right away, there are a few courses that are required. The American Hunting Lease Association (AHLA) explains that

“All hunters born on or after January 1, 1972 must complete a hunter education course to qualify for a hunting license.” These courses can be taken online or in-person, and include field tests are required before providing someone with their certificate of completion (AHLA). The WDFW also provides courses specific to hunting safety, where “firearms and outdoor safety, wildlife management and hunter responsibility” are the main subjects that are covered. Schliesman adds that, “If they take [the] barrel [of the gun] and put it near somebody or in [an] unsafe direction, then they’re out, they’re done… That’s just how serious we are about safety.” If you’re interested in getting started with hunting when the next season comes around, it might be time to decide which training route is best for you. Hunting is considered by many to be more than the action of killing an animal. For some people it can be about their experiences in the field, providing for the family, passing on a tradition or protecting wild game species for years to come.




The of




College Story by Spencer Clifton | Design & Illustration by Sara Roach

Anyone pursuing education beyond high school knows the chunk of change that comes with a four-year degree. While some students have access to money for college, others may be scrambling for cash. Investing in your education is considered by many to be a worthwhile choice, but before starting this journey, you may need to ask yourself: What are the overall costs of college? According to America’s Debt Help Organization, roughly twothirds of college seniors that graduate leave school with some amount of student debt. With the current costs of tuition, students may feel pressured to find alternative methods to afford their education.




A Guide to Baseline Funding Federal grants, scholarships, parental help and student loans are just a few of the methods college students use to fund their education. While some students may get help from family members or rigorously apply to scholarships, others might have to take an alternate route to supply the needed funds. According to Inti Valverde, the associate director of Financial Aid, roughly 85 percent of the total student body at Central Washington University (CWU) receives some form of student aid. Financial assistance comes in many forms such as “gift aid, scholarships and tuition waivers; those you don’t have to pay back, [or] self-support, which are student loans, whether from a private lender or the government,” says Valverde. Then there are also “tuition vouchers from the states and institutions. Employers [also] contribute money, and tribal awards are available to some.” Michael Javelli, junior Film major, discloses that some of his college money came from scholarships he had filled out in high school. “They were scholarships through the rotary club in Kent, Washington for about $1,000,” says Javelli. Although grants are also available for some students, not all have the opportunity to receive federal aid. “My academic standing was too low,” to receive funding from a grant, explains Lilianne Stevens, an undeclared junior. There are a number of qualifications students have to meet in order to receive aid. Valverde says, “For state funding you have to be a Washington resident and meet some medium family income guidelines.” Some students are able to split these costs of financial aid with their parents. Stevens mentions that she has “taken out $9,000 [herself]. [Her] parents have



taken out the rest of the loans in their name,” in order to maximize her ability to afford college. Javelli says, “My parents pay for a majority of it with the compromise that I have to pay for food and my housing.”

Even with financial help from scholarships or family members, students may not always be able to keep up with the constant changes in tuition costs. The Increase in Tuition: Fact or Fiction? Since the economic crash in 2009, there has been a noticeable rise in tuition costs, according to Valverde. With this growth in tuition you might expect a rise in student aid as well; however, this is not necessarily the case. Valverde explains, “We saw a rise in students because of lost jobs but not necessarily a rise in students seeking financial aid. That 85 percent [of students receiving aid] has been pretty constant regardless of the size of the student body.” With the economy crashing and people searching for jobs, a return to college to better their career was deemed necessary by many. Although student loans have not increased with the rise in tuition, Valverde adds “The trend is that students are more leery about taking out loans in the last three years.” Tuition is not the only cost students have on their shoulders going into college. Jenna Hyatt, the associate dean of Housing says, “The cost for housing rates have increased annually in an aggregate with dining between 2-5 percent each year over the last 10 years.” As of this Fall, “The 2019-2020 academic year cost

of attendance calculated for financial aid for housing in a standard double is $2042/quarter for housing,” says Michael Seraphin, director of Housing Operations. During the same year, there were “2948 students in our 20 residence halls and 716 students living in our 5 apartment complexes” on campus, adds Seraphin. Ethan Lycan, CWU alumnus, knows all too well the pain of student debt. Like many college students, Lycan has accumulated over $40,000 of student debt in the course of six years. “I found out my student loans affect my credit. It is extremely difficult, with my credit score, to get refinanced. Without the ability to refinance my debt, I have $200 minimum I have to pay a month for my debt,” says Lycan. “My student debt is also impacting my ability to go into the Navy... If you have any bad history or mismanagement of money, you will be denied security clearance.” Budgeting 101 When going into college, many say it is important to factor in other costs such as food, housing and utilities, rather than just tuition. According to the CWU Financial Aid website, the first step in budgeting is to look at the kind of financial predicament that you are in. One possible way of assessing your situation is by tracking how your money is coming in and comparing it to the cost of the necessities, according to GreenPath Financial Wellness. Also, saving can be a beneficial strategy in planning ways to buy the things you need rather than the things that you want. Stevens says, “I spent a majority of my summer working to pay off debt… and save

money in my savings account in order to afford to live off-campus this year.” Whether you receive financial assistance or pay for college on your own, there are ways to make it easier on yourself. Applying for scholarships or discussing your options with a Financial Aid counselor may just be the first step towards lessening the financial impact of higher education.

Washington College Tuition Prices: UW: $10,081 WSU: $9,884 CWU: $6,603 EWU: $6,110 WWU: $6,731 Source: Washington Student Achievement Council




REDUCE, REUSE, RENEWABLE. Contributions by Elena Peyton Jones & Emily Messall Photos by Dylan Gilbert | Design by Sara Roach

If people do not stop depleting the world’s oil supply at the current rate, in 51 years there will be no usable oil left, according to Our World in Data. Then if natural gas is used to fill the gap left by the absence of oil, gas reserves will be empty in just 53 years, and once there is no more oil or gas, coal deposits will only last 114 years, according to the same source. Without the use of renewable energy to reduce consumption, what will be the effects on your family line in 218 years? Take a look at some of the ways that Central Washington University (CWU) students and residents of Eastern Washington are trying to conserve energy and reduce resource consumption.



The setting sun doesn’t stop windmills from doing their job, especially in a location as breezy as Ellensburg.

Senior Lecturer of Environmental Science, Holly English, explains that our “generation is facing perhaps the greatest crisis that humanity has faced ever, which is climate change.”


The windmills at the Wild Horse Wind & Solar Facility generate “enough electricity to power 60-70,000 homes” says Sheynia Martin, senior Mechanical Engineering Technology major and employee at Wild Horse. FALL 2019 | ISSUE TWO



“Our mission is to support education, community health and environmental stewardship on campus by examining the social and ecological implications of our food system,” according to the webpage of the Wildcat Neighborhood Farm, CWU’s on-campus garden. 24


The students pictured are at the most recent Sustainability Cafe discussing the potential impact of waste reduction in residence halls.

of graduate students self-report doing the same

The sun continuously casts a luminous shadow across the of graduate students self-report doing theearly same Wildcat Neighborhood Farm in the morning. FALL 2019 | ISSUE TWO



Life After

Conviction How Individuals with Felonies are Breaking Barriers to Higher Education

Story by Madeline Wilson & Emily Messall Designs & Illustrations by Shoshanah Davis



Do you ever feel as if your past decisions are like a giant cloud of fog, constantly lingering above? Maybe you cheated on a test or you scraped the side of your parents’ car without telling them the full truth. Everyone faces major decisions or events that can alter the future course of their lives. For some, this entails learning to live with a prior record or conviction. According to Brookings.edu, an estimated 120,000 college applicants in the United States have prior felony convictions, based on data from a survey conducted by the State University of New York. Although this is a small portion of the total population of 1.5 million individuals in prison and 1.9 million on probation according to The PEW Charitable Trusts, there may still be many members in the community and students on college campuses impacted by prior felony charges.




The Road to an Education

While some people choose to seek employment after arrests, charges or time in prison, others may try to gain an education like any other prospective student. Every school has different policies for disclosing prior records on applications. JoAnn Page, Assistant Director of Operations in the Office of Admissions, explains that “we don’t ask that question on our application and if they’re currently in prison, [and] have access to a computer, they can apply.” For the people who are no longer in prison but have prior charges, they “would just apply normally,” adds Page. However, some people indicate that there is still a lack of knowledge surrounding application processes and if colleges are willing to accept these diversified applicants. Senior Lecturer in Information Technology and Administrative Management, David Douglas, is familiar with questioning education’s role in his life because of his time served for felonies over 20 years ago. “I had no plans. I was actually a chemical dependency professional working here in the community and I came back to school to start what



I had finished years before. I came back to get a bachelor’s degree.” Because of strong role models in his life at the time, he “was encouraged to try a master’s program [and] for a kid from the streets of Tacoma with a GED,” this forced him to overcome many self-doubts surrounding his place in education.

New Job Opportunities

Douglas’ experience with applying to college may not be that different from those who do choose the route of employment post-incarceration. WorkSource Lead for People for People Laura Villegas-Chouinard explains, “Self-employment [or] construction are probably places where justice-involved [people] could definitely seek some type of opportunities.” There are many careers, especially within the areas of construction and trade skills that may be suitable for those with felonies. According to College Consensus, an education and employment rankng company, electricians and carpenters are some of the highest paid positions within the construction field for these individuals. However, for some, physical labor may not be the most appealing working environment.

One of Villegas-Chouinard’s roles within her position at WorkSource is to provide clients with a wide range of career choices that are suitable to their interests and skill-level. She explains that “The main thing to be successful is to know our community… and have a really good communication with our businesses,” in order to provide people with the knowledge of what jobs are available to them.

Understanding the Mindset

The felon’s mindset and outlook on the future may also play a role in their ability to find these educational and career opportunities within the community. Some people can be highly motivated to re-enter their former life or search for new openings. Page explains, “somebody that’s really persistent, they [will] get help from the outside and they make it happen,” if they feel determined enough to achieve their goals. However, this is not always the case for everyone with a felony record. If “they’ve been incarcerated for months or maybe a couple

years… they come out feeling like they have no hope,” says Villegas-Chouinard. In the case of those who are ready to gain employment right as they are released from incarceration, Villegas-Chouinard adds, “you see that hopelessness and they share with you that fear of that disclosure. ‘At what point do I tell a potential employer that this has been a small piece of my life but it does not define me?’” Self-disclosure of past decisions or personal experiences may be a daunting concept to some individuals. For those who do understand this hesitation to discuss incarceration, Douglas recommends, “step[ping] into the fear a little bit. Try to get your story out there about where you are now compared to where you’ve been and see what happens.”

The Stigma of Incarceration

But, before one can fully understand the mindset of a felon, it may be beneficial to learn what stigmas exist surrounding conviction that is causing these fears. “Research shows that people think negatively of ‘criminals.’ People often think of stereotypes




such as low socioeconomic status and minority race… and associate negative personality traits with the word ‘criminal,’” according to the article “Jail Inmates’ Perceived and Anticipated Stigma: Implications for Post-release Functioning” found on the PubMed Central archive of the National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine. When people are faced with employers that disqualify them from positions based on these assumptions, “That confidence level is almost unintentionally ripped from them for whatever caliber of incarceration they faced,” says Villegas-Chouinard. Yet there are some ways in which people, including felons, can work toward breaking that barrier within society. “We do as an institution, as a community, as a society, need to continue working toward lowering the stigma… toward people who have had convictions, because people’s lives do change,” reccomends Douglas. “We cannot continue to punish someone years after they’ve served their sentences or paid their fines… and they want to be [a] part of [the] communities they live in, but they can’t because of something that happened years ago.” Local non-profits, charitable organizations and even businesses may also play a role in removing this stigma. When collaborating with these local companies, “It’s just the communication that can make or break an opportunity or remove that helplessness,” explains Villegas-Chouinard. Lastly, it may not only be important to collaborate with organizations and businesses in providing this information, but also to remove that wall between identifying as a felon versus a person. Villegas-Chouinard advises, “I can safely say we’re all driving our own bus and things that happen in one’s life shouldn’t define them.”



Companies That Hire Felons:

Best Western Verizon


Dollar Tree Goodwill

Hampton Inn



Source: WorkSourceWA




Story by Kiersten Kimminau Photos by Zahn Schultz Design & Illustration by Jenae Harris

After working hard through the off-season, putting in effort during training and spending extra time at the gym, athletes come prepared to take on their competition seasons with gusto. In potentially the best shape of their lives, there’s nowhere to go but up. That is, until a freak accident happens. Maybe they landed on their foot wrong or maybe an overworked tendon snapped. Whatever the reason, an athlete’s season can end unpredictably before it even begins.



Stuck on the Sidelines

Every sport comes with its individual risks and challenges as athletes are constantly pushing their bodies to the limit. Nicole Soleim, a junior Dietetics major and cross country athlete, explains that she has endured multiple stress fractures, a hip impingement, bursitis and a broken toe that have taken her out of competition for about a year. Although facing these injuries has been a challenging experience, her love for running has kept her fighting and working towards recovery. Pictured is Cole Zarcone, a graduate student in Information Technology and Administrative Management and rugby player, who has also dealt with multiple injuries throughout his career. He says that he’s been in a boot for over a month with partially torn ligaments in his ankle, but if all continues smoothly, he only has a couple more weeks until he can rejoin the team in practice. “Once I get out of the boot, then it’s slowly doing more exercises to build and come back to play,” explains Zarcone. A serious injury could last for one year or it may only last one month; types of injuries and their recovery processes vary across the board. However, frustration and grief are emotions that many athletes say they feel when they can’t compete in their favorite sport. But how do athletes overcome these obstacles and stay motivated in the face of such setbacks?




When you realize the power of positive selftalk... you will see changes. Bryan Contreras

assistant coach, cross country and track



Learning to be Positive

If you have ever competed in a sport and been injured, you may be familiar with the disappointment and sadness that comes with sitting on the sidelines, watching your teammates play the game you love. Instead of being discouraged, an injured athlete can choose to reflect on how they can work through this time in their life and come out victorious next time. The power of positivity is one remedy used to get athletes through the toughest times according to Bryan Contreras, assistant coach for the university cross country and track teams. Positive self-talk is something “you have to practice every single day like you practice training and working out,” he says. Negative self-talk, on the other hand, “unfortunately, is easy and takes no practice whatsoever,” explains Contreras. When something doesn’t go as planned, a natural impulse may be to become disheartened and think about everything that went wrong. Pulling oneself out of that mindset and learning to focus on the positive can be a very serious struggle. “That’s the hard part about being positive — focusing on the little bits of things that are better than these bad things we’ve gone through,” says Contreras. “When you realize the power of positive self-talk… you will see changes, but when you see changes, don’t expect them to be super grand, super immediate changes.” Progress may not come easily, and although implementing change can feel like a slow and tedious process, the results can be worth the wait.

Accepting Grief

Athletes can become so wrapped up in the physical preparedness of their bodies that they may often forget how much participating in sports can rely on mental health as well. An athlete may feel physical pain, but this is often paired with emotional pain. Max Shannon, a doctoral intern with the Student Medical and Counseling Clinic (SMaCC), stresses the importance of accepting grief as a part of healing.

“Grief teaches us what we actually want in life through loss.” Addressing the grief head first may allow athletes to heal, grow and possibly overcome the mental trauma following a serious injury. Donté Hamilton, a senior Sports Management major, had his football season taken away from him due to a microfracture and multiple contusions in his ankle. However, not shying away from his grief and emotions has allowed him to build an even greater appreciation for his sport. “I love the sport so much and having it taken away from me, due to injury, just makes me not want to take any moment for granted and enjoy every little part of the process,” says Hamilton. Instead of constantly wishing you were back in the game, you can choose to accept and take advantage of where you are now, potentially allowing for growth outside of athletics.

You are not Alone

The fear of missing out is extremely real when your team gets on a bus to go to a competition, and you’re left behind. Instead of having to watch your friends play and do everything you can’t, it’s often said to be easier to withdraw completely. As time goes by, you may begin showing up to practice less and less, until one day you just stop showing up completely. Contreras warns athletes to resist this common urge to stay away from your team. Even though it can be hard to keep showing up, he believes it’s important for athletes to stay close and involved with the sport. Contreras adds that teammates can encourage their injured teammate by saying things like, “‘We want you to be here and we miss you being around even though we know it’s hard for you.’” Letting an injured athlete know that they are valued may go a long way, because suffering from an injury does not always have to mean saying goodbye to your sport and team completely. Despite being injured and having to sit out of practice, Zarcone still feels supported by his rugby teammates. “They’re always asking me how I’m doing, how I’m feeling… they’re really supportive and they’re hoping I can come back as soon as possible,” he says. Injured athletes may need to hear that they are never alone in their struggles. Hamilton says his teammates have helped him cope by “keeping positive and treating [him] normal...joking around and laughing.” It may be comforting to know that even when it seems like everything was yanked away from an athlete, their teammates will always be there to keep their spirits high.




The Road to Recovery

This journey to restored health is one that may take patience but for passionate and driven athletes eager to return to their sport, the healing process may feel never-ending. Even when an athlete is given clearance to return to competition, it can feel like a game of catch-up trying to restore the fitness that was lost from extended time away from the sport. Although it might feel great to practice pain-free, it may still be hard for athletes to come back not feeling like they’ve missed out and fallen behind in progress. Old goals suddenly may feel out of reach as athletes wonder how they’ll make up for all the lost time. Understanding this sentiment all too well, Contreras wishes he “had a magic answer to make it better.” He can relate to the struggle of feeling lost and hopeless after suffering from injuries in his collegiate competition days. Having gone through the experience and successfully come out the other end, he urges athletes to stack the little victories every day.

Embracing Growth

After his days competing in collegiate athletics came to an end, Contreras recalls thinking, “‘If I was done, then who the heck was I?’” This is a feeling many athletes may be able to relate to. Sports may take up a huge part of a student athlete’s life, so when it’s over, what comes next? Everyone may eventually face the fact that nothing lasts forever; this is no different for athletes. When it comes to their sport, time may be limited. When it’s time to say goodbye to that part of your life, it may feel like saying goodbye to a crucial part of your identity. Now an athlete may be tasked with finding productive ways to fill time that was once spent practicing and playing the sport



they loved. Finding new outlets does not necessarily mean having to completely avoid your sport and the parts of it that make you happy. In addition to physical prowess within a sport, athletes may also gain other skills that can be applied throughout many aspects of life. Cindy Bruns, director of CWU Counseling Services at the SMaCC, urges athletes to think, “How do you take those strengths” gained from competing in sports, “and find other avenues in which you can let those out? Because they don’t go away, they just transform.” At first, it may be difficult to accept that your outlets need to be adjusted. Soleim says, “There was a point in time where it could have been an option that I was not going to be able to run anymore, and that hit really hard.” Even though this possibility was hard to handle and navigating injury is still a struggle to this day, Soleim also realizes,

“ you are more than your sport.” An athlete can remind themselves over and over that their sport does not define them. Yet it still can be frustrating when a large portion of your identity, athletics, gets taken away. Contreras says, “When we get in a situation where we can’t do the thing we want to do, we can get lost,” and start questioning “where we’re at and who we are.” However, he says if you “change your thinking dial just a little bit, it can add to who you’ve been and who you’re growing into.” Injuries can seem like the absolute worst outcome, but try switching that dial. Think about all of the opportunities for growth that can come out of pain. Maybe the storm you’re facing is actually a stage for something new to come.

Athlete advice Football:


“Athletes with injuries and athletes in general must maintain a great diet and sleep routine. I personally believe that plays a huge role in being able to perform your best and keep your body in the healthiest shape possible.” -Hunter Eckstrom, sophomore Sports Management major

“Try to just listen to an injured teammate, because most of the time they need to just vent about how they feel that they’re not on the court competing with the team. I’m not the best when it comes to telling someone to stay strong or say something inspirational. I just like to make sure they’re heard and that they know I care.” -Gabrielle Aihara, senior Finance major

Rugby: “Trust the recovery process. Do everything the trainers are telling you to do, help yourself in every way. Whether that’s sleeping, eating, even if you’re just stretching at home — just trust the recovery process.” -Max Riseham, junior Economics major

Track & Field: “It is important to get support from coaches, teammates, friends and family after an injury so you can make a fast and full recovery to return to competing.” -Angus Beaton, junior Public Relations major

Cross Country and Track & Field: “You get through it, and even if you don’t, there’s more to life.” -Nicole Soleim, junior Dietetics major

Basketball: “Always stay positive, and focus on the good things, like having more time to put in towards your schoolwork & family. Also, watch films, learn more of a game for whatever sport you play; use that time to sharpen up your mental.” -Gamaun Boykin, senior Information Technology and Administrative Management major




WARN This video may contain flashing images and trigger seizures in those with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.



NING Look familiar? These types of visual warnings can be found at the beginnings of films, videos or video games to alert viewers with epilepsy of potential dangers throughout the visual show. â–ˇ.




Story by Angela Kyle | Design by Anthony Cole

What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is “a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain,” according to Lexicon, a dictionary created by Oxford University. Seizures are commonly known to play a role in epilepsy, but they might be more complicated than you think. When you think of a seizure, you might imagine someone falling to the ground and shaking uncontrollably, but this may not always be the case. Seizures come in many different forms as there are over 13 types of seizures, according to The Epilepsy Foundation. Two more common types of seizures are absence seizures and generalized tonic-clonic seizures, as clarified by The Epilepsy Foundation. “Absence seizures involve brief, sudden lapses of consciousness,” explains Mayo Clinic. “Someone having an absence seizure may look like he or she is staring blankly into space for a few seconds. Then there is a quick return to a normal level of alertness.” On the other hand, a generalized tonic-clonic seizure is one that “ involves the entire body… The terms seizure, convulsion or epilepsy are most often associated with generalized tonic-clonic seizures,” explains MedlinePlus. Director of Operations and Programs with Atlas Assistance Dogs and individual with non-epileptic seizures Molly Neher states, “It doesn’t look like



a generalized falling on the floor and seizing, sometimes I stare off into space… [It is] important to understand [that] epilepsy isn’t just about the seizure itself, it’s everything including what happens prior and after, side effects of the medication, what you can and can’t do and constant worries.”

1/26 people will develop epilepsy in the U.S. at some point in their life*

The Impact on Lifestyle and Education Now that you know what epilepsy is, you may be wondering how living with the condition can affect someone’s daily life. Executive Director of the Epilepsy Foundation Washington Chapter Kevin Koppes states, “The range of impact on individuals can vary based on how severe their epilepsy is. Many individuals can live very functional lives if their seizures are under control through either medication or surgery.” However, Koppes notes that “Others… [may] not be as lucky [and] can struggle with it daily, oftentimes having multiple seizures a day. The biggest impact to teenagers and adults is that individuals with uncontrolled seizures are unable to drive, and thus enjoy the freedom and independence associated with that.” Preston Fowlks, freshman Computer Science major and son of PULSE Assistant Editor and story author Angela Kyle, mentions that the major impacts epilepsy has in his life are the inability to drive and his socialization with peers. “It also impacts my motivation to get things done, like classwork and going to classes,” says Fowlks. Neher adds that “the initial complete loss of independence from when [she] was a freshman in college” was a struggle she once dealt with as well. She explains that she “had to go back and live with [her] parents” and it was her service dog that gave her more independence to go out and do things without worrying as much. Taking it one day at a time, learning as you go along, being your own advocate and searching for resources and accommodations may become a part of your life when you have epilepsy. Whether the issue is not being able to drive or complete exhaustion, it can come down to figuring out how to deal with epilepsy in your own way, at your own pace and finding ways to lessen the impact it has on your day-to-day life. Due to “having epilepsy, I am tired [all the time] and just want to sleep,” says Fowlks. “I have to find a balance within my limits of how much work I can realistically get done for the day.” Koppes states that his biggest challenge is “missing medication, [which] is the number one seizure trigger. It is important that college students are good about taking their medication on time.” He continues, “Alarms, phone apps or

even roommates could serve as good reminders to take medication. Other triggers that students should be aware of include stress and lack of sleep, both of which are highly associated with college life.” Attending a university may already be a stressful experience with constant deadlines for papers, timed exams and the overwhelming desire, for many, to do well. For some, it takes a lot of determination, dedication and late nights to get through the requirements of college life. It may be helpful to find a balance and make sure that students are taking care of their bodies while they are expanding their minds. Koppes explains that “It is important that students be mindful and plan their studying time carefully, so they are getting enough sleep.” He was quick to remind students with epilepsy that, “another seizure trigger is alcohol, so avoiding that is a good idea.” Living with epilepsy might not always be easy, and not everyone with the condition manages it in the same ways. Finding new methods to adjust and make small changes in everyday life may make it easier on your mind and your body in learning how to live with epilepsy.


74,600 people in the

WA currently

state of are

living with


*The Epilepsy Foundation Washington (EFWA)




My son has epilepsy. This is my perspective. For me, I feel like every day I am constantly checking texts and voicemails to make sure I haven’t missed anything from my son. Every time the phone rings, I am terrified what the news may be. Has he had a seizure? Is he hurt? It’s a struggle not knowing; living on the edge of the unknown. I don’t know if it’s because I am such a to-do list writer, or if I have anxiety about the future, or I can’t handle what I can’t control, but it is hard for me to have a son that has epilepsy. I feel as though I can’t control or know from day-to-day what to expect from our lives. I sit down every day and write a list of what to do for the day. I plan my weeks in full, from school to the kids’ schedules — the list seems never-ending. But living with a child with epilepsy means at any moment all of those things could be a complete wash. I don’t know if instead of going to class, or going to my daughter’s school, I could be rushing to him, administering the medication, evaluating his injuries and taking him to the hospital. Every single day, this is in the back of my mind. I have no control over anything and I feel helpless. I am supposed to be taking care of my son; I don’t know what I am supposed to do except be ready to jump at a moment’s notice and prepare for a hundred different scenarios. Sometimes I replay how traumatic those memories of his seizures are. I’ll never forget the day everyone else was enjoying the lunar eclipse while Preston and I just stayed home. It was supposed to be a regular day for us, but suddenly I heard barking from Baylor, Preston’s service dog. I ran downstairs ready to yell at Baylor, but when I got downstairs Preston was on the floor, face covered in blood and shaking. His dog was alerting me, but I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know what to do at first. Something kicked in and I saw he was choking. It was scary to see him covered in blood; I don’t even know where it was coming from. After what seemed like an eternity, the seizure stopped. This time, his breathing had stopped and I had to give him rescue breaths and call 911 for help. By the time paramedics arrived, Preston was breathing shallow, short breaths and they took him to the hospital. I walked back into the house to get ready to follow.



I collapsed on the floor, staring at the vacant place where he was on the linoleum just a few moments ago amid all the blood. I called my husband, and he had a friend drive me to the hospital. I was in no condition to drive myself. Everyone in the hospital threw so many questions at me, and my mind just blanked. I couldn’t remember anything. “No, I never saw the fall. I don’t know if he hit his head, his arm. I can’t remember the name of his neurologist. I don’t remember how many milligrams of whatever medication he took.” I felt like a total failure — I wasn’t ready for his needs. Fast forward to today: we made it through high school with the help of accommodations and the grace of the onsite nurse. For the most part, we managed to allow Preston a “normal” high school experience. His junior year, he ended up doing online school because of constant doctor and neurologist appointments. He spent his time doing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) tests, scans, completing questionnaires and visiting endless hopsitals. Looking back, he should have been going to homecoming, basketball and football games and skipping class with friends. He should have been learning to drive a car. He didn’t get those memories and I feel what I call ‘mom guilt’ for that missed year of ‘normalcy.’ I cried at graduation for many reasons. One reason was, of course, being extremely proud of my son. Another reason was the pure exhaustion and befuddlement that we made it to this point. He graduated with his class and was headed off to college. I have never felt more pride and relief at the exact same moment. I remember turning to my husband and saying, ‘That took a lot of work!’ This past week, I found myself at a conference for epilepsy at Seattle Children’s Hospital. I was surrounded by families that can relate to everything that we have been going through. I was thinking about how there are so many of us involved in Preston’s epilepsy. Every one of us has a different perspective and a different reaction. As I listened to speaker after speaker from neurologists to service dog trainers, I saw myself doodling on the paper in front of me.

I drew a large circle with the word ‘epilepsy’ in the center. Around the large circle were smaller circles with mom, dad, Preston, siblings, neurologist, professor and Baylor written in each one. We are all a part of this journey, adventure — whatever you want to call it. We all have a part in this. Preston is experiencing so much that I don’t understand, because it’s his body. No article or neurologist can ever understand or come close to relating to what he is going through. Preston will never understand what his father and I go through and experience our fears. His siblings may seem unaffected to him, but I know a different story when they ask me how Preston is doing today. The neurologist is focused right now on targeting where the seizure is occurring and wants to do a week-long seizure study in the hospital. His professors wonder why he seems so tired. They may be thinking he partied too hard last night with friends. We are all dealing with epilepsy, but we all have different perspectives or focuses. I will never understand my son’s perspective — his reality that he is living every day. I know that I am beyond proud of him, scared for him and most importantly in awe of his motivation to succeed and go to college while dealing with the threat of a seizure every day. For me, I will continue to worry daily, educate myself and be my son’s advocate. At the beginning of each day, I will still wonder in the back of my mind if today will be a seizure day; at the end of each day I will be thankful that it wasn’t. -Angela Kyle, senior Interdisciplinary Studies major

I have epilepsy. This is my perspective. How epilepsy started for me: randomly one morning at camp, I was out running when I suddenly felt dizzy and tired. That morning I had my first seizure. Waking up on the ground, I heard everyone yelling, “Are you okay, what’s happening?” ‘It’s all so crazy’, I thought to myself.

Before I knew it, I was going to the hospital where I learned that I had had a seizure and I may have epilepsy. I didn’t completely understand what was happening. We spent most of that day in the hospital, and it’s honestly a complete blur for me. My life changed to doctor appointments constantly, and so many limitations on my life. A list a mile long of what I can and can’t do from now on. I couldn’t believe the list of things that I was being told I couldn’t do anymore. I had to come to the realization that my first seizure happened, and I am only 16 years old. All I can keep thinking is ‘I have never even had the chance to learn how to drive and now I don’t know if I ever will.’ Not being able to drive has made it so that I was unable to experience so many things on my own at my own pace. With having epilepsy, it was annoying to see my younger sibling drive and do things on his own. He has a car and can drive, and I can’t. I feel like I have zero independence. The summer after developing epilepsy, I decided to take a break from school because I was unsure of my new limitations and what I could and couldn’t do in my daily life. Online classes seemed to be the best option at that time. Even with epilepsy and side effects from medications, I was able to graduate from high school and go onto college. College! Now that I am in college it’s amazing. I have a schedule that I make, I can choose how much I want to do and succeed at my own pace. I now have more independence. I’m majoring in Computer Science and soon will be deciding on a minor. The future? Well, right now I take it day by day. I’m always tired. I have days where even after a full night’s sleep, I still crash after classes — I am that tired. I just see what I can get done on those days. What I can’t get done, I will get to tomorrow. I have been dealing with epilepsy for years. It’s a rocky road, but my family and I will figure it out. I’m just going to give it time, and I know it’s a slow and difficult process. -Preston Fowlks, freshman Computer Science major





College C Li m bi n g Learning all About the Basics

Story by Emily Messall & Madeline Wilson Photos by Zahn Schultz | Design by Jenae Harris

A slight chill runs up your spine as the crisp Yakima wind sweeps past you. You hear birds off in the distance chirping at each other while casting large bellowing shadows below. Little pieces of rock trickle all around as you scale the side of a rock formation along the Tieton River. If you are wellassociated with the sport of rock climbing this may sound all too familiar, but for some, climbing can be a foreign concept. With a multitude of locations available near Kittitas County, this year-round sport may be your next adventure. 44


Rock climbing is a sport that many say doesn’t require specific locations, other than the right type of rock formation, or a rock wall at a gym. It’s an indoor and outdoor sport, so it can be enjoyed even during the harsh winters here in the center of Washington state. There are so many different types of rock climbing, making it a sport for people of all skill levels to enjoy. Bouldering and rope climbing are two of the more popular types around Kittitas County, according to Emma Lemert, senior Marketing major and president of the Climbing Club. Lemert describes rope climbing as using a rope to climb up a large wall or cliffside. If you are interested in a beginner’s guide to rope climbing, the Recreation Center is a great place to start your journey. Bouldering differs from rope climbing because it mostly utilizes hand and foot strength while scaling up rocky surfaces with no ropes or equipment. With this form of climbing, you’ll only need a helmet and a crash pad to break your fall, says Lemert.

Gaining Rock-Hard Muscles

Strength and endurance are key components to becoming successful in both bouldering and rope climbing, according to Lemert. However, it can also be a sport that helps build these physical skills because it works out muscles you might not even know you have. “Everyone thinks it’s biceps, but it’s not,” says Lemert. “Core, forearms and back are the main muscle target groups.” Not only does it exercise various muscles, but rock climbing has also been said to be good for the brain. Lemert mentions that it requires mental endurance in addition to the physical demands. Telling yourself not to let go even when your arms are shaking takes a lot of mental endurance as well as physical. Walter Jordan is the founder of the Yakima Climbing Scene, which is a local climbing group that is a member of the

Washington Climbers Coalition. He mentions that what he likes most about climbing is that

“you can go as deep into it as you want. It isn’t just the physical part, there is a huge mental piece, there is gear and skill development to nerd out on.”

Avoiding a Rocky Start

There are a handful of ways to begin rock climbing, starting with finding the right location. One place to start is right here on campus. In the Recreation Center, you can see students scaling the rock wall. “Whether you are new to climbing or you have been doing it for years, the CWU Climbing Wall offers clinics and classes that will suit your needs,” states the Climbing Wall’s webpage. If you are interested in starting a regular climbing cycle but would rather not participate outdoors during the harsh winters, the Climbing Wall’s webpage notes that there are also rock climbing physical education courses offered as well. If bearing the seasonal weather doesn’t bother you, you could give outdoor climbing a go. While Kittitas and the surrounding area has been said to be barren with little to do, you just have to consult the experts to know where to climb. Sarah Sanders, junior Chemistry major, mentions that Vantage is where she goes climbing the most. Vantage has many large rock formations good for bouldering.




Among a multitude of unique locations, Jordan take you” are a few of the things Sanders advises new climbers to have. mentions that the Tieton River is his favorite place to climb. “Every crag has its own unique atmosphere. So now that you know the basic equipment you’re going to need, it’s The character of rock and the style of the climbing is different at each cliff and they all have a unique time to find the best place to get all the setting and view that… is always changing with the essentials. Sanders and Lemert both recommend seasons.” Frenchman Coulee, the Tieton River and getting gear at a sports retailer like REI. If you’re looking for somewhere local, Lemert Horsethief Butte are all popular places for climbing across Washington, according to the Yakima suggests checking out Mountain High Sports, Climbing Scene. At each of these locations, you can located on 4th Avenue. New gear can be expensive, and students going to find rock formations of all shapes and sizes that are perfect for any variation of climbing. college might not always have the money ready to pay for brand new gear. The Tieton River, Vantage, and Horsetheif Butte all offer areas for rope climbing Even though new gear can with “more than 100 climbs” be costly, it’s still important “A pair of to keep in mind the safety that are easily accessible on foot, according to the Yakima Climbing shoes, some concerns when it comes to purchasing used gear. Jordan Scene’s website. If you’re more interested in bouldering, Vantage advises, “be[ing] cautious chalk and holds larger formations that are about [it]. Make sure you better for that. somebody to can verify the condition of Whether you start learning anything you are going to be climb with” trusting your life to.” indoors at a gym or outdoors against real rocks, you’re bound to Another option is asking be rolling with the professionals in no time. around to see if any friends or family have used gear you could borrow or buy from them, mentions Lemert. According to their website, Equipment to get you Outdoor Pursuits and Rentals, located next to Rockin’ and Rollin’ the Student Union and Recreation Center, also Once you have picked your location and are mentally rents out equipment for different varieties of rock ready for your first climbing excursion, there isn’t climbing. much extra equipment needed. “A pair of shoes, some Rock climbing is a sport that anyone can enjoy, as chalk and somebody to climb with” are the three long as you have the drive, location and gear to do ingredients that Lemert recommends for beginning it. Whether you choose to brace the cold outdoors climbers. “A positive attitude and a couple of bucks or stop by the climbing wall, the sport is a wellor knowing people who climb who are willing to recommended way to exercise your body and mind.

Matthew Trinkle was a CWU student and dedicated member of the Climbing Club. Trinkle passed away in 2012, and his parents now graciously offer a $500 scholarship in his name for active members of the Climbing Club. For information on the scholarship, please visit Scholarship Central. To read further reporting on this student please visit The Observer online.






The Young & the Not-so-Well Rested Story by Austin Kong Designs & Illustrations by Shoshanah Davis

It’s a typical Thursday night; you’re laying in bed scrolling endlessly through social media when you suddenly notice it’s already 3 a.m. As you try to fall soundly asleep, thoughts about your final presentation or the date you’re going on this Saturday pop into your head and all hope of sleep is lost. Those restless nights may just be a fleeting issue or it could be the beginning of insomnia, one of many sleep disorders that can plague any unsuspecting college student.



Defining Insomnia

According to Mayo Clinic, there are two different types of insomnia: acute and chronic. The website also notes that for a person with acute insomnia, the sleepless nights may last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, but with chronic insomnia, the person suffers for months on end. Insomnia can be caused by many different factors. Most cases are due to stress from outside sources, according to MedlinePlus. Many say that students face common stressors like school, work or even financial issues — all of which can be causes for this sleep disorder. While some may believe that insomnia is only defined by the inability to sleep, it also can be apparent through repeated cycles of waking up during the night, according to the Valley Sleep Center.

If that doesn’t help and the insomnia is still present, it might be time to see a doctor. “I would say you go seek out a physician,” recommends Greenwald. “Then the physician would have that conversation with you… [and] be able to figure out” possible causes for your sleep issues.

Hitting the Snooze Button

Dealing with insomnia can be particularly annoying for college students, especially during midterms and finals where everything is hectic. Upon the recommendation of Greenwald, if the sleepless nights are increasing and interfering with your ability to work and learn, it may be time to check in with your doctor and find a solution.

Insom-need of Sleep

“Sleep is one of those things that every individual has a certain amount that they require,” says Ralf Greenwald, associate professor of Psychology. “For students it’s not uncommon to [not] get… enough sleep. The six-to-eight hour range — that’s recommended. But school, job[s] [and] life demands can prevent that from happening.” As college students, many may experience restless nights due to late-night homework sessions or maybe the procrastinated last-minute project. But to some students, sleep is unattainable not because of lingering schoolwork, but because they are physically incapable of sleep. For sophomore Education major Autumn Buchanan, insomnia has plagued her every night since “either the end of [her] senior year of high school or when [she] came to college.” Like some students, Buchanan’s sleep may have been affected by the transition from high school to college, when the stress of moving and being on your own is at its peak.

The Solution: Nuts

There are many different remedies for the inability to sleep brought on by major transitions or stressors. Buchanan explains that “not drinking [caffeine]” was one of the first remedies she tried aside from melatonin, a commonly known sleep aid. If giving up caffeine doesn’t give you the desired results, you may want to try pistachios as an alternative remedy. According to the American Pistachio Growers, these nuts have about 660 nanograms of melatonin per gram of pistachios, which is more than most foods.

Insomnia Fast Facts

About 30% of the population suffers from disrupted sleep. 68% of people ages 18-29 experience symptoms of insomnia. 59% of people ages 3-64 experience symptoms of insomnia. 44% of people over the age of 65 experience symptoms of insomnia. 66% of parents report insomnia symptoms. 54% of childless individuals report symptoms of insomnia. Source: National Sleep Foundation

Activities for Winding Down at Night Reading Stretching Meditation Listening to Music

Source: VerywellHealth




Checking in with Your

MENTAL HEALTH Story by Emily Messall & Madeline Wilson Contributions by Meghan Moss Design & Illustration by Krista Kok

Nearly 25 million adults have been on antidepressants for various mental health disorders for at least two years, according to the The New York Times. For the average college student, this is about half of what many say are the best four years of your life. College has been known to take a toll on your mental health, but before deciding that taking antidepressants is what you need, you may want to dig deeper into the risks and benefits of prolonged use.



other risk factors for depression.” Because of this newfound independence, some college students may take their health into their own hands by acquiring different types of medications in ways that aren’t always the safest. “Those predisposed to experiencing mental illness, significantly increase these risks when engaging in substance use. Many who already have mental health concerns self-medicate with substances that can worsen their conditions over time,” explains Stochosky. “By having balance in one’s various domains of wellness, it is less likely that their mental health conditions will derail them academically or in general,” she adds. While some students may be predisposed to mental health issues, others may develop new disorders while in college. Students who are a part of minoritized identity groups or who have experiences of discrimination and marginalization are also at risk for depression, explains Bruns. “Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, or having variations in the development of genital organs that aren’t clearly male or female,” are all risk factors for depression, according to Mayo Clinic. The National Institutes of Health also notes that major depression was most prevalent among Hispanic followed by African Americans.

Finding a Diagnosis The 411 on Mental Health Risk Factors

“Depression and other mental health disorders often surface in one’s teens or early twenties,” explains Joy Stochosky, assistant director of Case Management, a department within the Student Success division at CWU. “Many traditional-aged students experience their first major depressive episode while in their first [years] of college.” There are many factors specifically related to gaining independence, that may contribute to this surge in mental health issues within those beginning years. “Young adulthood is a time of learning about one’s identity and understanding,” says Cindy Bruns, director of Counseling Services at the Student Medical and Counseling Clinic (SMaCC). “Students moving away from previously supportive environments or who are recently coming to understand parts of their identities may feel isolated and unsure… which can lead to social isolation and

Before you begin to self-diagnose your most recent bout of a bad mood, it may be beneficial to your mental health to understand what clinical depression can look like and how a doctor may diagnose disorders like depression or anxiety. According to Mayo Clinic, common signs and symptoms of depression can include: “feelings of hopelessness… loss of interest in normal activities… sleep disturbances… reduced appetite… trouble concentrating… [and] frequent thoughts of suicide.” When doing a self-evaluation in order to determine if you may be experiencing a mental health disorder such as depression, it may be important to know that everyone experiences natural moods and emotions, says Stochosky. Learning the common signs, understanding that you are not alone and discussing the issue may be some of the first steps toward recovery. “Do not isolate yourself or avoid addressing depression symptoms,” warns Stochosky. “The sooner you can catch it and get help, the better the outcomes.” After self-diagnosis, there are a multitude of resources on campus that may be helpful to you. One FALL 2019 | ISSUE TWO



“A number of people elaborated the idea of antidepressants as a life-saver in more literal form, implying that medication had prevented them from committing suicide.” The National Institutes of Health



of the first stops you might make is to the SMaCC, a service for students that provides different types of counseling and free online screenings, according to the SMaCC website. Stochosky recommends completing the online screening offered to students and adds that if you think you might be suffering from depression, talk to someone — a peer, a family member or even a resident assistant.

The Role of Antidepressants

Aside from counseling, it is commonly known that antidepressants can play a role in the lives of those with diagnosable mental health conditions. If you are on a medication that is working, you should be experiencing improvements to your wellbeing over time — especially when paired with therapy and other treatment recommendations, explains Stochosky. She also says to keep in mind that no one medication works for everyone with depression, which is why there are so many out there. If one does not work as you hoped, Stochosky believes that it is worthwhile to consider trying something different with guidance from your medical provider. Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Kristin Karns says she does not think antidepressants are a first step in most circumstances. Yet she does not deny that there are times when antidepressants could be a life-saving treatment. “A number of people elaborated the idea of antidepressants as a life-saver in more literal form, implying that medication had prevented them from committing suicide,” according to The National Institutes of Health. Although antidepressants can be used in an emergency or situations in which life or death is involved, there are still other solutions that may be more influential in your mental health journey. “While antidepressants can be incredibly helpful and even potentially lifesaving for the most severe depressive episodes, seeking balance through the resources and recommendations available to us can drastically improve our collective quality of life,” says Stochosky. It may also “reduce our susceptibility to experiencing depression and other mental health disorders at the frequency and severity rates being reported in recent years.” Now that you have baseline knowledge of antidepressants, the next step toward improving those bad days might be to determine if there is a pattern. You may also want to consider talking with a doctor to figure out if taking antidepressants is the best option for you.

FACT OR FICTION? 1. Antidepressants can cause weight gain. 2. My personality will change with the use of antidepressants. 3. Insurance won’t cover my prescription of antidepressants. 4. If I start taking an antidepressant, I’ll have to take it my whole life. 5. Antidepressants may interact with other medications. 6. Antidepressants are always addictive. 7. I won’t know right away if the antidepressant is working. 8. I should keep taking medication even if I start feeling better.

Sources: Rush University Medical Center, WebMD & Here to Help

Flip for answers... 1.Fact 2. Fiction 3. Fiction 4. Fiction 5. Fact 6. Fiction 7. Fact 8. Fact FALL 2019 | ISSUE TWO



Contributions by Angela Kyle Photo provided by Michael Eury Design by Krista Kok

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Michael Eury! Eury is an American writer and editor of comic books and reference works pertaining to comic book and pop culture history. His lengthy bibliography includes work for Arcadia Publishing, Comico, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics and TwoMorrows Publishing. He also recently received the coveted 2019 Will Eisner Award for the Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism at the San Diego Comicon for being the editor of Back Issue Magazine. Eury was also one-of-five people nationwide awarded the “Spirit of the Hearing Loss Association of America” award after being diagnosed with otosclerosis. Continue reading to learn more about Eury’s inspirations for his work and his advice to students.




What is your greatest accomplishment? Having earned the respect of the readers of my books and magazines and the people who work with me to produce them, and to be told that my work has value. It may be a tired cliche, but when you do what you love for a living, you’ll never ‘work’ again. I adore my job as a writer and editor and feel blessed that my hard work and dedication, plus the mentors who have guided me, have led to career satisfaction.


What is your favorite movie or movie genre? Superman: The Movie (1978). Genre: I love murder mysteries and romantic comedies.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Doing exactly what I’m doing now — enjoying my work, family and community. I’m now 62 but I don’t see myself retiring.


What is your biggest fear? A devastating medical setback that would leave me and/or my wife in financial jeopardy (That’s a fear for a lot of people).


What advice do you have for students who want to work in your industry? Don’t give up! And be patient, but focused and prepared to work hard.


Who is your biggest inspiration? I have several: First, my parents imprinted me positively and negatively during my childhood… I was [also] greatly inspired by Christopher Reeve, the late actor who played Superman… After Reeve’s devastating horseback-riding injury… [that] left him a quadriplegic… his bravery to advocate for people with disabilities made him a real superman to me and inspired me to deal with my own disability, my adult-onset hearing loss. Lastly, Jesus Christ. I liked Jesus’s example of tolerance, love and acceptance, and try in my meager way to emulate that as best I can.


What is your guilty pleasure food? Ice cream! It is never too cold for ice cream! And I don’t feel guilty about it (well, unless I [have] pigged out on a pint — that’s why I don’t like to bring it into the house too often, because it’s my kryptonite!).


What is the best piece of advice you have been given? Advice my wife Rose and I received at our wedding in October 1997: ‘Don’t be selfish, and everything will be alright.’




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Story by Rachel Retchless Designs & Illustrations by Shoshanah Davis One teaspoon of concentrated caffeine will keep you buzzing as if you drank 28 cups of coffee, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Good thing that’s not the most popular way to consume caffeine. Enter any Central Washington University (CWU) classroom or just walk through campus and you will see students drinking all kinds of caffeinated beverages. Maybe they are sipping on colorful iced energy drinks, or possibly a hot coffee or tea. Here at CWU you can see a caffeine culture. This is also being reflected all over Washington state — the origin of the largest coffee chain in the world: Starbucks. But in a caffeine-loving university, are the hidden dangers of caffeine being overlooked?

Initial Dangers

Caffeine is a substance that occurs naturally and when ingested, stimulates the brain and spinal cord, according to MedlinePlus. When consumed, caffeine has been said to cause people to feel more awake, but in excess, may have lasting side effects. Amy Morris, junior Public Relations and Digital Journalism major and staff reporter for The Observer, says she regularly drinks about three cups of coffee a day and has concerns about possible health effects. “I



do wonder if it causes heart problems also because it has so much caffeine in it.” Kelly Pritchett, professor of Nutrition and Sports Nutrition, says the short answer is no, but that an individual’s reaction to caffeine depends on their metabolism. She points to research showing that caffeine is not going to cause future heart problems unless someone is genetically highly sensitive to caffeine, which isn’t knowledge people generally have. To address Morris’ concerns, caffeine could potentially cause problems for those who already have a heart condition, according to The National Center for Biotechnology Information. “Studies have found that low to moderate caffeine use (100-200 milligrams per day) can lead to a decrease in cardiovascular disease, [and] can be protective against Alzheimer’s,” says Family Nurse Practitioner at the Student Medical and Counseling Clinic (SMACC), Shawn Marie Fox.

Caffeine and Anxiety

There are also other side effects of caffeine related to anxiety. Morris describes that it “can give you the shakes and give you anxiety… and sleeping problems if you drink it too much.”

People who drink caffeinated beverages can probably relate to these effects, including Lachlan Keenan, junior Computer Science major, who says that “[his] hands get super jittery” after having a drink with caffeine in it. So how does caffeine affect anxiety beyond getting the jitters? Fox mentions how an excess of caffeine can also cause “agitation and irritability.” Based on the findings of the article “Caffeine Consumption and Self-assessed Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Secondary School Children” in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, the amount of caffeine being consumed is the key. One study mentioned in the article concludes that “250 milligrams of caffeine can increase elation in healthy volunteers, whereas 500 milligrams increases irritability.” The article also mentions that, “In some cases positive effects of caffeine have been observed. For instance, low doses have been shown to reduce anxiety and elevate mood.” If you are looking for that afternoon pick-me-up, it may be beneficial to consider the dosage and the type of the drink prior to purchasing.

may be fine for your roommate, but could be too much for your body to handle. To enjoy the positive effects of caffeine, trying different doses each day may be the first step. “In a container that holds hundreds or even thousands of servings, it is very difficult to tell the difference between what is a safe amount and what may be a toxic or even lethal amount of this bulk product,” explains the FDA website. Fox summarizes that, “Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant. If used in moderation, taking your individual response to it into consideration, can be safe, and even healthy and enjoyable.” So, keep on caffeinating, CWU — just in moderation.

Energy Drinks vs. Coffee

Which type do you prefer?

Aside from coffee, students at CWU can often be spotted consuming multiple energy drinks each day. Although both contain caffeine, energy drinks may have different effects than coffee. Pritchett describes energy drinks as “unpredictable” when it comes to caffeine and ingredient content because they aren’t regulated by the FDA. “If you’re going to grab one, I would grab a reputable one,” she adds, explaining that well-known brands have more commonly known ingredients. “Energy drinks are also not regulated as stringently as to the total caffeine content, so they can contain very high levels of caffeine,” says Fox. “Care needs to be taken when looking at energy drinks — pay attention to the caffeine amount. Caffeine overdoses can occur.”

Consuming Caffeine Safely

You now know some of the effects of caffeine when consumed in both moderation and in excess. So, what does appropriate caffeine consumption look like? Both Pritchett and Fox suggest following the FDA recommendation of no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Each individual will also have different caffeine tolerances, according to Pritchett. 400 milligrams

Students across CWU were randomly polled for their responses to the following questions: Do you consume caffeine regularly? Yes: 75% No: 25% Coffee: 43% Energy Drink: 20% Tea: 24% Other: 13%

How many times a day do you consume caffeine? 0: 18% 1-2: 66% 3-4: 7% 5+: 9%

Why do you consume caffeine? Stay awake: 45% Taste: 29% Social Aspects: 5% Other reasons: 21%




Central n Secrets o i t Edi ly i m Fa

Contributions by Emily Messall & Joanna Santana Design & Illustration by Krista Kok

Every family member has secrets that they try to keep hidden or ignore until they go away. Whether it is the fact that your parents lied to your little brother about his hamster going to the big wheel in the sky, or the fact that you snuck out every night of your senior year, each person has their own set of family secrets. PULSE used social media to ask students to give up the hidden family jewels. These are their secrets.







MONDAY Iron Horse Brewery $5 Tasting Menu The Porch $5 Mojitos The TAV $1.50 PBR Wings $2 Bud Light The Mule $1 off all Mules

TUESDAY Blue Rock $1 Tacos Iron Horse Brewery $5 Tasting Menu The Palace 88 cent Tacos $2 Coronas $3.75 Loaded Coronas The Porch $2 Tacos $2 Coronas $5 Loaded Coronas $3.50 Well Tequila Shots

The Mule $6 Mexican Mule, $3 Pacifico, $5 handcrafted margaritas

WEDNESDAY Blue Rock $5 Burgers Iron Horse Brewery $5 Tasting Menu The Palace $4 Moscow Mules The Porch $5 Glasses of Wine The TAV $7 Domestic Pitchers Wings $2 Coronas $3.50 Loaded Coronas $5 Coronitas 301 Ladies Night - $1 Wells The Mule $2 beer specials $3 well drinks 10% off food purchase with Wildcat ID for staff & students

The TAV $7 Domestic Pitchers Wings $.59 Wings 1/2 off Bomb Shots



*PULSE does not condone underage or irresponsible drinking

THURSDAY Blue Rock $1 Beer $5 Long Island Iced Tea The Porch $4 Pints The Palace 88 cent Tacos $2 Coronas $3.75 Loaded Coronas The TAV $5 Wells $2 Tequila Wells The Mule Wear your Mule Merch & get 10 % off food purchase

FRIDAY The Palace $3 Fireball Shots The TAV $2.50 Fireball Shots

SATURDAY The TAV $2.50 Fireball Shots

SUNDAY Wings All Drink Specials The Mule All Day Happy Hour

Happy Hour

301 5-7 p.m. & 9-10 p.m. everyday

Blue Rock 2-6 p.m. Thursday & Friday

The Palace 4-7 p.m. everyday

Roadhouse 2-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday

The Porch 3-6 p.m. everyday

The Mule 3-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday All Day on Sunday

Design & Illustration by Sara Roach











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