When you are a child, you never consider that one day you might struggle with an eating disorder. However, eating disorders are common amongst college students and you or someone you know, may currently be dealing with this issue.
Story by Emma CrowE Design & Illustrations by Sarah Stewart
e a t i n g disorders: more common than you’d think
n a 2017 Healthy Minds Survey administered by the CWU Wellness Center, 10% of CWU students who participated had a positive SCOFF result. That means 1/10 CWU students who participated in the survey were identified as possibly having an eating disorder. SCOFF is a baseline questionnaire that detects aspects of eating disorders through five questions, which make up the acronym:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Do you make yourself SICK because you feel uncomfortably full? Do you worry that you have lost CONTROL over how much you eat? Have you recently lost more than ONE stone (14 lbs.) in a 3 month period? Do you believe yourself to be FAT when others say you are too thin? Would you say that FOOD dominates your life?
If you or someone you know answered yes to two or more of the questions you may want additional screening for an eating disorder. There are various types of eating disorders, identifying behaviors, and support and treatment options.
FALL 2021