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SHAPING THE FUTURE How FVC is playing a pivotal role in reshaping the way organisations operate through digital technologies

K.S. Parag Managing Director - FVC





Dubai will unleash a new era of global AI dominance, as the UAE hosts the world’s largest tech and start-up show, converging the best minds, future-focused governments, and most advanced companies to redraw the boundaries of the AI economy and shape the future of the globe’s next big technology shift.

“We look forward to introducing several initiatives at the event including India Central, the biggest showcase of Indian start-ups ever assembled outside India; Asia Fast 100 and Africa Fast 100, the event’s largest showcases bringing together more than 100 leading start-ups from each continent for an intensive programme of conferences, networking events, and dedicated pitch competitions; and Launchpad Dubai, a first-of-its-kind initiative providing local and international tech businesses including start-ups, scaleups, and unicorns opportunities to accelerate their business and kickstart their operations in Dubai through a one-stop experience at DCDE’s booth at Expand North Star. “Hosting this event enables us to harness the full potential of the digital economy by connecting stakeholders from the government sector, investors, and accelerators with the world’s leading industry experts, innovators, and tech start-ups,” added Al Gergawi. “By bringing the global start-up ecosystem together in the emirate,

For the first time, GITEX GLOBAL –

better for everyone everywhere,. GITEX

Expand North Star supports our drive to

independently rated globally as the

GLOBAL is where the best and brightest

transform Dubai into one of the world’s

best tech show in the world – shall

minds come together to shape the

leading digital economies in line with

take place in two mega venues as its

future of technology. Dubai is a global

the ambitions of the Dubai Economic

43rd edition prepares to welcome 6,000

market and through GITEX GLOBAL, we

Agenda (D33).”

exhibitors and 180,000 tech executives

are pushing the envelope by showcasing

from 180 countries from 16-20 October

new technologies including the

highest involvement of public private

2023 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

transformational power of AI to inspire

partnerships yet as more than 250

everyone and shape a better future.”

government entities intensify their

Its powerhouse start-up show, Expand North Star hosted by the

Expand North Star 2023 accelerates

strategic collaborations amplified by

from 15-18 October 2023 at the stunning

global VC investment revival

bold commitments toward digital

new Dubai Harbour venue. More than

The influx of global interest in the UAE


1,800 start-ups across the events will

will see Expand North Star host the

explore rising opportunities in one of

largest line-up of 1,000 investors from

dive into the biggest reflections of the

the world’s most agile, diversified, and

70 countries with $1 trillion under

AI era with the return of AI Everything –

technology-enabled digital economies.

management, as they look to ramp

the year’s largest showcase of AI

The blockbuster duo, organised

up the global VC start-up investment

solutions and concepts – and the Global


DevSlam coder and developer meet-up,

million sq. ft of exhibition space, a

It arrives as the UAE companies

The annual five-day event will deep

while the hyper popular GITEX Cyber

40 percent increase over the previous

clinched the lion’s share of US$4 billion

Valley will take the fight directly to the

year, inviting the world to the year’s

in start-up funding across the Middle

dark cyber-criminal underworld.

most anticipated dialogue and deep

East and North Africa in 2022, fetching

scrutiny into a new tech paradigm

investments to the tune of $1.85 billion

economy towards the deep tech

experimenting in AI, the cloud, Web

across 250 deals, a five percent increase

revolution and green tech world

3.0, and a sustainable digital economy.

in value over the previous year.

missions has also propelled the

His Excellency Omar Sultan Al


futuristic digital city visions and

Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy runs

by DWTC, comprise a combined 2.7


GITEX GLOBAL 2023 will see the

“Expand North Star reflects Dubai’s

The expansion of the global digital

genesis of GITEX CTO World Congress,

Olama, UAE Minister of State for

strong commitment to enabling

the year’s largest gathering of tech

Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy

ambitious start-ups to thrive in the

architects and disruptors; GITEX

and Remote Work Applications, and

emirate,” said Saeed Al Gergawi, Vice

Impact on advancing a net zero carbon

Chairman of Dubai Chamber of Digital

President of Dubai Chamber of Digital

future through green technologies;

Economy, said, “We are working with AI

Economy (DCDE), host of Expand

and Future Urbanism Expo moulding

policymakers to ensure that the world is

North Star.

the future smart cities of the world.


ELITSER TECHNOLOGIES Jignasu Rathod, CEO of Elitser Technologies, on the company’s remarkable journey of growth and transformation over the past two decades. journey, making it truly unforgettable. Over the years, we have transformed from a mere product company into a comprehensive

which has, in turn, heightened the security challenges faced by enterprises. To address this, we have partnered with reputable brands that offer unified platforms equipped with advanced components, designed to secure multi-cloud environments. Our solutions provide customers with a unified, single-pane-of-glass view of their cloud infrastructure. Additionally, we streamline their cloud compliance monitoring, aiding them in adhering to various standards such as SOC2, PCI, HIPAA, and more. The post-pandemic market has

system integrator, offering solutions

shown increased flexibility in terms of

encompassing every facet of IT,

conducting operations across multiple

ranging from helpdesk and end-user

geographical locations, with a focus

management to data center and IT

on reducing day-to-day operational

security. Our commitment has led us

costs. There has been a growing

to significant investments and growth

demand for hybrid managed services,

in our service offerings, including

combining nearshore and offshore

process consultancy, NoC/SoC

resources. Our strategic investments in

establishment and management, and

technologies supporting this approach,

a wide range of Managed Services.

combined with our global presence in countries offering cost-effective

The technology landscape has seen

workforce, enable us to deliver highly

significant changes over the past

efficient solutions to our clients,

20 years. How has your company

ultimately helping them lower their

adapted to these changes to remain

operational expenses.

relevant and successful? Over the past two decades, technology

Looking ahead, what is your

has experienced a rapid and

company’s vision for the next

How has your company evolved

transformative evolution. During

20 years in terms of continued

and grown since its inception two

this period, we have witnessed the

innovation and growth?

decades ago?

emergence of numerous innovative

Many factors, including technological

The journey has been remarkable,

technologies that have simplified

advancements, societal needs,

spanning two decades, from a modest

and made enterprise IT more cost-

regulatory shifts, and competition

three-person company to a thriving

effective. We transitioned from the era

dynamics will shape Elitser’s vision

organization with over 250 members

of on-premises solutions to embrace

for the next two decades. Throughout

across more than seven countries. We

cloud computing, mobile technology,

our history, we have demonstrated

are proud to serve over 900 enterprise

Big Data and advanced data analytics,

flexibility and adaptability in our long-

clients. Our heartfelt thanks go out to

IoT, and the shift from traditional data

term vision, enabling us to respond

all our valued customers, partners, and

centres to environmentally friendly

effectively to evolving technologies.

vendors who have been unwavering

green data centres. Furthermore, we

Our commitment to being agile

supporters throughout this incredible

have now entered the era of process

and responsive has allowed us to

automation and AI robotics.

swiftly identify market demands and

To meet the demands of our customers, we have consistently forged

Many factors, including technological advancements, societal needs, regulatory shifts, and competition dynamics will shape Elitser’s vision for the next two decades. 6


partnerships with the right vendors and

requirements, ensuring we consistently deliver our clients the best solutions. We firmly believe in the quality of

collaborators, allowing us to acquire

our products and partnerships and

new technologies and expertise,

have cultivated expertise around these

thereby ensuring our competitiveness

offerings. Our goal is to continue

and relevance in the market.

serving our existing clients and expand our presence across multiple regions

Can you highlight any groundbreaking

within the MENA and Asia Pacific. By

technologies or solutions that you’ve

the end of this year, we will have fully

introduced to the market?

operational offices in Saudi Arabia and

In recent years, there has been a

Oman, further expanding our footprint

significant surge in cloud adoption,

in the Middle East.


FINESSE Sunil Paul, MD of Finesse, explains how the SI is guiding organisations through their digital transformation journeys.

Consulting and Advisory Services

technologies, such as generative AI

: Successful digital transformation

based chatbot systems for efficient

starts with a clear strategy. Our 1CXO

customer support, natural language

service provides comprehensive

processing (NLP) for sentiment

strategic guidance across numerous

analysis, image recognition via

critical domains. Among the areas

computer vision, predictive analytics

we provide advisory services are ESG

for data-driven decision-making, and

(Environmental, Social, Governance),

robust cybersecurity measures. These

Customer Experience, Digital

capabilities streamline operations,

Transformation, Corporate Services,

provide valuable insights, and ensure

Information Management, Data Privacy,

the highest level of cybersecurity for

Cyber Risk and Information Security.

your digital assets.

Our experts are on hand to discuss how

Extended Cybersecurity arsenal:

these services can help your business

We have significantly enhanced our

craft effective digital strategies.

cybersecurity products and services,

Finesse - Enabling Digital

in recognition of the constantly

Transformation: This is our flagship

evolving threat landscape. Our

offering for businesses seeking

advanced threat detection algorithms

seamless technology implementation,

are powered by machine learning and

systems integration, and ongoing

behavioural analysis. Additionally, our

support. We understand that every

incident response capabilities have

organization is unique, and their digital

been enhanced to provide proactive

transformation journey should reflect

protection, guaranteeing the utmost

their specific goals and challenges.

security for your digital assets.

At GITEX 2023, we’ll showcase how

Sustainability Initiatives: Our

we customize technology solutions

commitment to sustainability

to meet these unique needs, ensuring

initiatives reflects our dedication to

technology aligns perfectly with

a more environmentally responsible

your business objectives. Portfolio of

future. These initiatives focus on

solutions on display includes for AI

reducing carbon footprint, promoting

Chatbots, BI & Analytics, ECM, CRM,

eco-friendly practices, and optimizing

Can you provide an overview of your

RPA, HCM and Corporate Treasury

operational efficiency. This not only

flagship products or solutions being

bundled with our 24/7 applications

benefits the environment but also

showcased at this year’s Gitex?

managed services support.

drives cost savings and aligns with

At GITEX 2023, we are excited to

Cyberhub 24/7 CSOC – Securing

eco-conscious customer expectations.

showcase a range of products, solutions

Digital Transformation: Cybersecurity

and services aligned with our theme,

solutions & Managed Security

How does your product fit into the

“Holistic Digital Transformation

Services: Cybersecurity is paramount

broader tech ecosystem or industry

Solutions: Advising, Enabling, and

in today’s digital environment.


Securing.” These offerings are

With our state-of-the-art Cognitive

Our products are strategically

designed to address the diverse needs

Security Operations Center (CSOC) and

positioned to align seamlessly with

of our customers in today’s rapidly

Network Operations Center (NOC) in

the broader technology ecosystem and

evolving digital landscape.

Dubai, UAE, and our extended NOC &

industry trends. In today’s rapidly

SOC facility in Bangalore, India, we

evolving digital world, having a well-

Our booth will feature the following

will exhibit our extensive range of

defined digital strategy is crucial.

key highlights for visitors:

cybersecurity products, solutions, and

While many businesses are eager

1CXO – Advising Digital

services. Visitors will learn about our

to join the digital transformation

Transformation: Digital Strategy

proactive approach to threat detection,

bandwagon, they often fail to

prevention, and incident response.

strategize and plan effectively, which results in suboptimal results. Our

Our products are strategically positioned to align seamlessly with the broader technology ecosystem and industry trends.

Can you highlight any recent

1CXO service provides businesses

advancements or updates that make

with the expertise needed to navigate

your offering particularly exciting?

this dynamic ecosystem, advising

We are thrilled to highlight some

on industry trends, emerging

recent advancements and updates that

technologies, and best practices.

make our offerings at GITEX 2023

We ensure that our clients’ digital

exceptionally exciting:

initiatives are not only future-proof

Enhanced AI capabilities: Our solutions now include advanced AI



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FORTINET Alain Penel, Vice President, Middle East, Turkey & CIS, Fortinet, says the security vendor is gearing up to unveil a powerful array of cybersecurity solutions and innovations. Can you provide an overview of your

with better protection across the

flagship products or solutions being

entire digital attack surface, reduced

showcased at this year’s GITEX?

complexity, better risk management,

At GITEX 2023 we’ll be showcasing

and faster time-to-prevention.

an array of advanced cybersecurity solutions and innovations, including

What sets your product apart from

SASE, SD-WAN, OT, Cloud, SecOps,

competitors in terms of innovation,

and the Fortinet Security Fabric.

features, or technology?

Attendees will have the chance to

Fortinet’s success lies in our broad,

uncover our expertise in securing IT/

integrated platform, proprietary

mentioned above, we also recently

OT convergence, including how we

ASIC security processors, and ability

announced two new SD-WAN services.

work to ensure that OT environments

to converge networking and security

The new underlay performance

have the highest level of protection.

on-premises and in the cloud using

monitoring service simplifies

a single FortiOS operating system.

operations and enhances the digital

Year to Imagine AI in Everything’,

Furthermore, while many of our

experience, and the new Overlay-as-

we’ll also be demonstrating how

competitors OEM their security

a-Service offering facilitates rapid

we’re at the forefront of creating an

intelligence from different vendors,

deployment, eliminates redundancy,

intelligent cybersecurity ecosystem.

FortiGuard Threat Intelligence has

and when combined with FortiSASE

With an emphasis on detecting,

been built in-house, allowing us to

and secure private access, ensures

protecting, and proactively responding

apply AI consistently across different

seamless interconnection of

to evolving threats, Fortinet places

sources to expand the scope and scale

locations. These new services serve

a premium on Threat Intelligence.

of how and where it can be used.

organizations seeking a more holistic

In line with this year’s theme ‘The

and integrated approach to security

Cybersecurity specialists will be able

We also recently announced the

to engage with everyone and discuss

new FortiGate 90G, our first next-

individualized security solutions based

generation firewall and secure

on specific needs.

SD-WAN appliance to run the new

How does your product fit into

SP5 security processor ASIC, designed

the broader tech ecosystem or

How does your product address

to deliver industry-leading security

industry trends?

specific challenges or needs of your

functions, performance, scalability,

In line with this year’s GITEX theme –


and power efficiency at a cost-

‘The Year to Imagine AI in Everything’

Fortinet secures over half a million

effective price.

– we recognise the profound impact

and networking challenges.

that AI can have on enhancing

enterprises, service providers, and government organizations around

Can you highlight any recent

cybersecurity strategies. With the

the world. Our broad, complementary

advancements or updates that make

ever-evolving threat landscape, AI-

portfolio of cybersecurity solutions

your offering particularly exciting?

powered technologies are helping

is built from the ground up with

In addition to the new FortiGate 90G

us to not only predict and prevent

integration and automation in mind,

cyberattacks, but also respond to them

enabling more efficient, self-healing

in real-time. Fortinet has been at the forefront of

operations and a rapid response to

AI and machine learning innovation

known and unknown threats. The Fortinet Security Fabric is at the heart of the Fortinet security strategy. It’s a platform organically built around a common operating system and management framework to enable broad visibility, seamless integration and interoperability between critical security elements, and granular control and automation. Through the Security Fabric, we’re able to provide customers

With the ever-evolving threat landscape, AI-powered technologies are helping us to not only predict and prevent cyberattacks, but also respond to them in realtime.

for years. Incorporating AI into our Security Fabric, Fortinet’s response centers on an integrated approach, leveraging AI-driven technologies for proactive threat detection and response. Our solutions span from securing IoT devices to fortifying edge environments, to addressing the intricate interplay between cuttingedge innovation and security. GITEX INSIGHT



FVC K S Parag, MD of FVC, says the VAD is at the forefront of reshaping the way organisations operate by harnessing the power of digital technologies. What are the current trends in unified collaboration tools and technologies, and how are they shaping how organizations work? The prevailing tendencies in UCC (Unified Communications and Collaboration) emphasize simplicity in collaboration, the capability to invite individuals regardless of the platform they use, and, perhaps most importantly, enabling collaborative work on documents in a twodimensional rather than onedimensional manner. How has the remote and hybrid work culture influenced the adoption of unified collaboration platforms, and what innovations have emerged as a result? After the COVID-19 pandemic, companies recognized that it wasn’t essential for everyone to be physically present in the office. Work could be effectively distributed between in-person and remote settings to achieve the best work-life balance for employees. As a result, there has been a significant surge in the adoption of both MS Teams and Zoom, making these platforms ubiquitous in organizations. As these platforms have gained widespread adoption, they have spurred innovations, not only from the platforms themselves but also

the smooth transition from voice to

for both platforms has proven to

from hardware manufacturers. These

video calls, among others.

be one of the most impactful tools in alleviating video fatigue and

innovations aim to simplify adoption

12 12

and make virtual meetings as natural

With the rise of video conferencing

enhancing employee productivity.

as in-person ones. We’ve witnessed

fatigue, what strategies are emerging

The AI virtual assistant seamlessly

the evolution of features such as

to enhance the user experience

integrates into meetings, taking

seamless collaboration during

and make virtual meetings more

notes and minutes on your behalf

meetings, noise reduction, presence

engaging and effective?

if you happened to miss a session.

indicators, instant messaging, and

Introducing AI as a virtual assistant

This capability enables you to catch


up on anything you may have missed


Data Privacy: To address

objectives and goals. The second step

during the meeting, ultimately

this challenge, clear policies and

involves determining whether the

boosting productivity and reducing

authorization should be established

customer is prepared for a change

the impact of video fatigue.

at various levels to minimize the risk

or if there exists a compelling value

of data misuse.

proposition that justifies a change.

In what ways are artificial


Security: Security breaches or

Lastly, the Proof of Concept (PoC)

intelligence and machine learning

compromises are critical challenges

or demonstration should align closely

being integrated into unified

in AI deployment. Implementing

with the stated objectives, ultimately

collaboration solutions to provide

robust security measures, including

guiding the path toward a

smarter and more efficient

multi-layered protection and


authentication systems, is essential to prevent such breaches.

AI has unquestionably elevated


AI Adoption: To facilitate AI

successful sale. How has the threat landscape evolved in recent years, and what

virtual meetings, making them

adoption within the organization,

are the key drivers behind the

nearly equivalent to face-to-face

comprehensive training for the

increasing importance of deep dark

interactions. Two crucial aspects have

user community and effective

web monitoring?

contributed to this transformation.

administration are crucial. These

The key drivers emphasizing the

Firstly, AI has significantly improved

measures can significantly support

significance of deep dark web

meeting quality with features like

monitoring encompass: safeguarding

noise cancellation and director voice

digital risk and preserving brand

control, among others. Secondly,

integrity, vigilantly observing

AI’s capability to record meeting minutes and action items, then distribute them to participants, has resulted in heightened productivity and improved the overall quality of employees’ work time. How is artificial intelligence being customized and adapted to meet the specific needs and challenges of different industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing? Present-day AI possesses remarkable capabilities for analyzing and predicting information at a pace

Security breaches or compromises are critical challenges in AI deployment. Implementing robust security measures, including multilayered protection and authentication systems, is essential to prevent such breaches.

cybercrime endeavors, tracing the activities of threat actors and ransomware groups, and executing incident response strategies through takedowns and adversary engagement. With the changing tactics of cybercriminals, what are the best practices for ensuring the security of web applications and data? Delivering Threat Intelligence and Mitigation to customers with a comprehensive perspective of their attack surface, encompassing the surface, deep, and dark web, is of utmost significance. Cybersecurity

surpassing that of the human brain. In various fields, such as healthcare, AI

the successful integration and

solutions rooted in intelligence

has demonstrated exceptional prowess

utilization of AI technologies.

and driven by extensive visibility have demonstrated superiority

in predicting medical diagnoses more accurately than human doctors. AI

Are any emerging AI trends

in monitoring the dark web,

conducts comprehensive data analysis,

or breakthroughs particularly

cybercrime activities, and the

resulting in superior patient diagnoses.

promising or disruptive in specific

actions of threat actors.

Furthermore, AI has ushered in


innovation and efficiency within

AI trends are causing disruptions,

How can organizations strike a

the manufacturing sector by

particularly in the healthcare sector.

balance between security and user

eliminating routine and repetitive

Through precise predictions based

experience when implementing web

tasks, thereby enhancing agility

on analytics, AI has accelerated the

application security measures?

in product manufacturing and

diagnosis of life-threatening diseases

Organizations can effectively

delivering a more substantial return

such as cancer, making it faster and

achieve a harmonious equilibrium

on investment (ROI).

more efficient.

between user experience and

Additionally, AI has proven to be

security by equipping employees

What are the key barriers to AI

highly productive in the realm of

with robust authentication tools

adoption in various industries,

research and development, aiding in

and implementing web-based

and how can these challenges be

product design and supporting cost-

Dynamic Application Security Testing


effective manufacturing processes.

(DAST) solutions to ensure that

The primary obstacles to the adoption of AI include:

The first crucial step is to comprehend the customer’s

web applications remain free from vulnerabilities. GITEX INSIGHT




Can you highlight any recent advancements or updates that make your offering particularly exciting? Generative AI has emerged as a

Bassam Rached, IBM Business Unit Leader at GBM, highlights how the company aims to empower organizations on their transformative journey toward operational excellence.

transformative technology with a multitude of compelling use cases for businesses across various industries. A noteworthy inclusion in our portfolio is our IBM WatsonX offering. WatsonX provides our customers with an AI and data platform that combines the power of predictive, prescriptive, and generative AI in a single integrated studio. We recognize

Can you provide an overview of your

business and infrastructure solutions

significant opportunities in harnessing

flagship products or solutions being

coupled with our subject matter

the WatsonX AI platform to drive

showcased at this year’s Gitex?

experts are helping businesses deliver

innovation and enhance operational

GBM is a leading end-to-end digital

their digital transformation visions for

efficiency, particularly in domains such

solutions provider, offering the

the future.

as customer service, digital workforce,

region’s broadest portfolio supporting What sets your product apart from

infrastructure solutions, business

competitors in terms of innovation,

solutions, Cloud and Security

features, or technology?

offering around technology business

solutions, as well as professional

We have nurtured partnerships with the

management and FinOps. With

and managed services to deliver and

world’s leading technology companies

the increasing adoption of cloud

manage such environments.

and invested in a talented, skilled

technologies, Apptio’s FinOps solution

At this year’s GITEX, we will be

workforce to implement solutions that

aids these organizations in enhancing

focusing on sustainability, driven by

cater to customer’s specific, complex

their cloud expenditure management

our commitment to accelerate both

and diverse business needs.

and effectively overseeing the

our clients and the region’s ESG

As an organization with deep roots

chain operations. Apptio is another exciting

financial aspects of their technology

adoption in alignment with regional

in the UAE and the region, our goal

investments, while correlating these

commitments to COP 28. Alongside

continues to be focused on helping

spendings to the business value for

this, we will also showcase cutting-

organizations accelerate their national

effective decision-making.

edge solutions tailored for AI Ops

and business transformation initiatives

(Artificial Intelligence for Operations)

with speed and purpose as we work

Are you collaborating with any other

and business automation, with the

together to power their innovation

companies or partners to enhance the

overarching goal of empowering

agenda. A lot of the work we do is

value of your products?

organizations on their transformative

focused on bringing digital resiliency to

At this year’s GITEX, we will be

journey toward operational excellence.

the heart of the digital transformation

sharing a booth with IBM. We

journey for regional organizations,

are proud of our long-standing

How does your product address

with many of them leveraging cloud,

collaboration, which is aimed at

specific challenges or needs of your

security, and digital business services

synergizing our strengths and


to become digitally resilient and

harnessing IBM’s extensive products

We are increasingly supporting

subsequently business resilient.

and experience to create innovative

organizations to incorporate AI/ML,

offerings that provide even greater

Big Data and Analytics to develop a

value to our customers and the market

future-ready IT infrastructure and

as a whole.

re-imagine how technology can improve their businesses. Essentially, we are enabling companies to think long-term when adopting new technologies, by focusing on changes that support business priorities rather than adopting multiple technologies, all at once. We support our clients in their different stages of digital journeys to achieve business resilience by embedding key technologies in their overall operational models. Our digital


human resources, finance, and supply

our clients with industry-leading


At this year’s GITEX, we will be focusing on sustainability, driven by our commitment to accelerate both our clients and the region’s ESG adoption in alignment with regional commitments to COP 28.

How does your product fit into the broader tech ecosystem or industry trends? There is no doubt that achieving operational excellence is pivotal for staying competitive and excelling in any market in a technology-driven world. Thus, our primary focus at this year’s GITEX centers on AI Ops and business automation, both integral components in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.



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LENOVO Alaa Bawab, General Manager, Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group, MEA, on how the company is driving the seamless integration of AI into our everyday lives.

the flexibility of a cloud-like, pay-as-

years towards AI. This investment

you-go model for their on-premises

will be directed towards providing

infrastructure. This means they can

AI devices, optimizing computing

scale their computing, storage, and

infrastructure for AI, and seamlessly

networking resources up or down as

integrating AI-generated content

needed, without the burden of upfront

into intelligent solutions for various

capital expenses.

industries. We aim to assist customers

Our vision is to offer HPC as-a-

in boosting their productivity.

service, so anyone – from small startups to graduates – can take

Are you collaborating with any other

advantage of advanced capabilities to

companies or partners to enhance the

support their digital transformation.

value of your products?

This will in turn support the UAE’s

We recently partnered with Al

vision of transitioning to a knowledge-

Hathboor, where we launched

based economy and will allow

high-performance computing (HPC)

innovation to be accessible and at the

and AI as a Service at the Sharjah

cornerstone of the country’s social and

Research Technology and Innovation

economic development.

Park (SRTI) for a new sustainable data center. This partnership marks

What sets your product apart from

a milestone for both us and SRTI,

competitors in terms of innovation,

as we brought to the region the first

features, or technology?

data center to use Lenovo’s patented

We believe that Lenovo is present

Neptune Liquid Cooling Technology,

with you at every stage of your day,

which will greatly improve energy

Can you provide an overview of your

from a smarter commute, and smarter

efficiency and sustainability of services

flagship products or solutions being

education, to a smarter workplace. We

delivered by Al Hathboor.

showcased at this year’s Gitex?

understand that in today’s world where

uses efficient liquid cooling to

This year at GITEX, we are aligning

of data within the AI space, there will

reduce cooling requirements in

with the event’s theme of “The Year

be a requirement for smart hardware

the data center, reducing energy

to Imagine AI in Everything” and

devices, HPC, and data centers, all of

consumption and contributing to

adopting a holistic approach for our

which fall within our offerings.

sustainability goals. The solution is

participation. We aim to showcase AI

With data growing at an exponential

designed for sustainable performance

and its seamless integration into our

rate, around 2% of global electricity

and scalability, while supporting

daily lives by bringing AI and High-

is used to power data centers and

the emergent demands for HPC

Performance Computing (HPC) out

is reportedly increasing by 12%

workloads without compromising on

of the research lab and into the real

annually. We believe that it is crucial

performance. Through our solutions,

world. Not only will we be showcasing

for companies to demand greater

SRTI will be able to drive new

our products, but we will also be

efficiency and sustainability from how

innovations, such as creating Large

taking visitors and customers through

data centers are powered. Fortunately,

Language Models similar to GPT-3

an experience of real-life solutions

Lenovo was an early, aggressive

while also empowering organizations

that will showcase how Lenovo drives

adopter of liquid cooling in servers.

to reap the benefits of advanced AI to

the use of AI in technology that we use

This makes us stand out as we have

their own operations.

every day, from our buildings, grocery

implemented sustainable practices

shops, offices, classrooms, to critical

at every crucial stage of our product

How does your product fit into the broader

infrastructure such as citizen safety,

cycles, whether it is recyclable material

tech ecosystem or industry trends?

energy, civil defense, and aviation

in our hardware, sustainable practices

We understand the change in dynamics

logistics among others.

in our supply chain, carbon offset

of today’s world, especially with the

programs for consumers and liquid

large-scale adoption of AI. This not

cooled data centers.

only demands stronger but also,

How does your product address specific challenges or needs of your


The unique thermal solution

there has been a massive explosion

smarter hardware. At Lenovo, we cater


Can you highlight any recent

our solutions to drive AI development,

At Lenovo, we are firm believers in the

advancements or updates that make

while also serving as a catalyst in the

democratization of technologies such

your offering particularly exciting?

adoption of AI. This also aligns with

as AI to consumers and businesses.

We are excited to share our recent

our 3S strategy, which means more

The upfront costs of AI infrastructure

accomplishment of surpassing

powerful infrastructure with GPUs,

can be quite overwhelming for most

$2 billion in revenue from AI

NPUs or heterogeneous computing,

businesses, hence why we are also

infrastructure. Looking forward,

and more powerful devices. This

showcasing our Truescale solution.

Lenovo is dedicating an additional $1

strategy is in place to ensure future-

With TruScale, organizations can enjoy

billion investment over the next three

proofing, accessibility, and security.




16-20 • OCT • 2023




and functionality of our products. A particular emphasis on quality means that all of the sleek design and professional specs are designed

Fissal Oubida, GM of Middle East , Africa, and the Indian Subcontinent & Global Marketing Director of Lexar explains how the vendor is ushering in a new era in memory and storage solutions.

to consistently bring customers unmatched performance and value. Lexar product designs are rigorously tested with over 1,100 digital devices at the Lexar Quality Labs to assure performance, quality, compatibility, and dependability, making it one of the most uniquely designed and trusted brands in memory solutions. Can you highlight any recent advancements or updates that make

Can you provide an overview of your

your offering particularly exciting?

flagship products or solutions being

Data storage requirements for

showcased at this year’s Gitex?

professional photographers,

At GITEX Global 2023 Lexar aims to

videographers, and content creators

showcase the future of flash memory

from the media and entertainment

solutions. We will be demonstrating

industry is ever-evolving can be

our new, expanded portfolio that is

to accelerate workflows. The products

rather complex. Given that both

designed on Lexar’s corporate pillars

are designed to enable photography

these industries continue to face

of Reliability, Data Security and Quality

and videography professionals and

unprecedented challenges in the

for photographers, videographers,

enthusiasts get their best shot, while

digital era, the demand for high-

gaming professionals, content creators

allowing gamers to play at their peak

quality content, the proliferation of

and PC enthusiasts.

without worrying about load times,

formats and platforms, the need for

stuttering graphics, or game lag.

scalability and agility, and the threat

The new product lineup includes microSD cards, internal SSDs, DRAM

of cyberattacks are some of the factors

and portable SSDs, which are designed

What sets your product apart from

that put pressure on the industry’s

to work seamlessly with multiple

competitors in terms of innovation,

data management capabilities.

devices such as sports camcorders,

features, or technology?

tablets, smartphones, and even drones.

For more than 25 years, Lexar has

technologies such as artificial

As is the case with all Lexar products,

been trusted as a leading global brand

intelligence and Internet of Things,

the newly expanded portfolio will offer

of memory solutions – so we know

the proliferation of smart phones

high-speed performance combined

first-hand just how quickly data is

and laptops and the steady decline

with higher memory capacities,

transforming our world. Our award-

in the prices of consumer storage

allowing users to capture, access,

winning lineup performs second-to-

devices, such as HDD and SSD, are

play video/games and transfer high-

none and includes memory cards, USB

some of the factors driving the Middle

definition multimedia files including

flash drives, readers, and solid-state

East and Africa data storage market.

4K video at blazing speeds.

drives for retail and OEM customers.

Further, the digitization of information

The brand’s commitment to

in residential and commercial

memory solutions with a unique

innovation and pursuit of combining

places, along with surging usage of

rugged design that are water and dust

the best in aesthetics and practical

mobile computing devices such as

resistant, capable of handling shocks

value shows through in the designs

laptops, smartphones and tablets are

Moreover, Lexar will be showcasing

from a height of 3 meters.

The increasing penetration of

significantly contributing to the rising demand for next-generation memory

How does your product address specific challenges or needs of your customers? Our award-winning range of memory and storage solutions are designed to specifically meet the unique needs of consumers in the Middle East and Africa region. Lexar’s product portfolio has a proven track record of allowing content creators to capture for longer, while offering superior transfer speeds



solutions that can securely store huge

The brand’s commitment to innovation and pursuit of combining the best in aesthetics and practical value shows through in the designs and functionality of our products.

amounts of data, and load, reload and identify relevant data in real time. How does your product fit into the broader tech ecosystem or industry trends? Lexar is geared towards providing the best innovative technologies and solutions to help our consumers across markets access, protect, and store their most valuable digital data.



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NETBRAIN TECHNOLOGIES Nadir Boukhibar, Strategic Regional Manager – EMEA South, NetBrain Technologies, explains how the company addresses the complex challenges faced by organisation in managing their networks. Could you elaborate on NetBrain’s evolution and what are you showcasing at this year’s Gitex?

issues, and mitigates the impact of security attacks. 3. Diagnostic Automation: NetBrain addresses 90% of

First, I’d like to mention that

repetitive incidents rapidly,

NetBrain has been in the market for

integrates with ITSM, SIEM,

over 19 years. When we started, we

telemetry, and NPM tools for

focused on network discovery and

holistic observability, analyzes the

NetBrain’s uniqueness lies in its

limited topology functionalities.

impact on applications, triggers

ability to replace multiple products

However, as networks grew and

automated troubleshooting, and

with a single, integrated solution.

challenges evolved, we listened

enables self-service chatbot

Many customers are seeking a

to our customers and adapted to

support for mapping and

single-pane-of-glass solution, and

address both current and future


we excel in providing that. We also

network challenges. Today, NetBrain

4. Application Performance: Our

offer seamless integration with

stands as a NextGen intent-based

solution monitors all application

most monitoring and ITSM systems.

no-code network automation

paths across LAN, WAN, SDN,

NetBrain NextGen is an intent-

platform. It transforms labor-

SD-WAN, and public clouds. It

based, no-code network automation

intensive workflows related to

analyzes the impact on critical

platform, making it stand out as

diagnostic troubleshooting, change

applications, maps trace paths

a solution that transforms labor-

management, and outage prevention

in a unified dashboard, and

intensive tasks into highly scalable

into highly scalable automation

automatically verifies and enforces

automation without requiring

that machines can execute

every application trace path

programming or development

without requiring programming

against baseline topology, state,


or development resources. We will

and condition for connectivity,

How does your product address the specific challenges or needs of your customers?

current changes with future ones,

Can you highlight any recent advancements or updates that make your offering particularly exciting?

verifies network changes against

We have recently introduced

design and policies, enforces

several exciting features, including

network design rules, enables

a self-service bot that enables

The capabilities of our product

rollbacks to restore previous

users to create chatbots via a no-

address various use cases:

configurations, and provides

code wizard and share them with

1. Hybrid-Cloud Visibility: Our

alerting for intent violations.

operational teams for diagnosing

6. Network Security: Our product

user experience issues, thereby

showcase these capabilities at Gitex this year.

performance, and security. 5. Protecting Changes: NetBrain safeguards against overwriting

solution auto-discovers hybrid networks, maps them with

provides continuous security

reducing the immediate involvement

visual diagnosis overlays for

observability and verification,

of network engineers. Additionally,

troubleshooting, and provides

enabling the establishment of

we have introduced the Intent-Based

real-time network details in

application-specific security

Network Assessment Library, which

dynamic maps. It offers contextual

profiles and controls. It also

encompasses an extensive collection

understanding of connectivity,

automates Security Orchestration,

covering the most common

performance, and security.

Automation, and Response (SOAR)

operating conditions in large


enterprises. Another new feature

2. Preventing Network Outages: Our product eliminates configuration drift, safeguards fault tolerance investments to prevent downtime, proactively detects transient and performance

is CLI to no-code automation,

What sets your product apart from competitors in terms of innovation, features, or technology?

wherein our product now provides the capability to transform CLI commands into no-code automation for auto-diagnosis. GITEX INSIGHT



SENNHEISER SET TO OFFER A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON MEETINGS Newest member of the TeamConnect Family will be front and center, showcasing the unprecedented flexibility it brings to meetings for every room size and setup. Sennheiser is returning to

sized (TeamConnect Ceiling

Solutions and the TeamConnect

release of the Sennheiser Room

GITEX 2023 to unveil UC

Medium) or large TeamConnect

Intelligent Speaker will

Planner. Launched earlier this

solutions that bring in a new

Ceiling 2 the TeamConnect

redefine the expectations

year, the Room Planner is an

era of conferencing technology.

Family, Sennheiser’s

of unified communication,

intuitive room configuration

The Sennheiser booth will

Unified communications

hybrid learning and business

tool that helps customers find

feature refreshing ways to see

meeting portfolio “Made

collaboration experiences. We

the most suitable Sennheiser

and experience the Sennheiser

for Collaboration”, will be

can’t wait for you to meet our

solution for their specific

Business Communication

demonstrated at the show.

growing Sennheiser family at

meeting room environment.

portfolio. In association with

“As a company that looks

channel partner Venuetech,

back on 75 years of impressive

Part of the Sennheiser

features that have been added

Sennheiser Middle East will be

audio success stories in the field

TeamConnect Family are the

based on user feedback. Visit

available at Booth B1 in Hall 3

of stage and television, we have

TeamConnect Bar Solutions

the Sennheiser booth or go to

to demonstrate the products

transferred our high-quality

- scalable, all-in-one

on display.

standards and pioneering spirit

conferencing devices, designed

to unleash the full potential of

into the world of collaboration,

to meet modern meeting

our TeamConnect Family with

TeamConnect Family, an

meetings and learning and

demands with a built-in

Sennheiser Room Planner.

agnostic conferencing

are known today as one of the

camera, microphones and

portfolio with state-of-the-art

most reliable business partners

speakers. With options for

Sennheiser’s award-winning

technology for spaces of all

in the AV industry,” says Mig

small (TeamConnect Bar S) or

assistive listening solution

sizes, will be in the spotlight.

Cardamone, Sales Director,

mid-sized (TeamConnect Bar

that enables inclusive meeting

Built on over 75 years of

Sennheiser Middle East

M) meeting and collaboration

and lecture participation by

spaces, the TeamConnect Bar

using the Bring Your Own

Sennheiser’s entire

experience, the TeamConnect


He further adds: “The

GITEX 2023.”

Version 2.0 includes new

MobileConnect is

solutions redefine expectations

development of the

Solutions easily integrate

Device (BYOD) concept. Users

for unified communications

TeamConnect Family is

with any platform and can be

can listen, talk and interact

and meeting and lecture

a good example of our

further enhanced with other

effortlessly with their own

solutions by offering problem-

ambition to create products

compatible products, including

smartphone or other Wi-

solving, user-friendly, and

that are intuitively usable,

those from Sennheiser.

Fi-enabled device. Visitors

sustainable products with


Also on display is the

to the Sennheiser Gitex

modern design and Trusted

and audibly better – while

ultimate audio solution for

booth can experience the

Sennheiser Audio Quality.

offering real problem-solving

smaller Microsoft Teams

engagement themselves via live

Three strong members of

capabilities. With state-of-

Rooms meetings TeamConnect

demonstrations. This will be the

the Sennheiser TeamConnect

the-art technologies on the

Intelligent Speaker

first time MobileConnect’s new

Family will be showcased.

inside and appealing design

Sennheiser is taking the

talk-back feature, Audience

Designed for meeting rooms

on the outside, TeamConnect

guesswork out of selecting

Mic, will be featured via on-

and lecture or collaboration

Ceiling Medium, TeamConnect

conferencing solutions for your

demand demonstrations at a

spaces that are either mid-

Ceiling 2, both TeamConnect

space with the upcoming 2.0

major show in the Middle East.



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SOPHOS Harish Chib, Vice President, Middle East & Africa at Sophos, on how the vendor is redefining the cybersecurity landscape with advanced solutions and services.

that most organizations cannot

threats for our customers before they

keep up and need every advantage.

become incidents.

Attackers constantly evolve their techniques to bypass defenses,

Can you highlight any recent

requiring high agility from security

advancements or updates that make

vendors and organizations to respond

your offering particularly exciting?

effectively. Sophos delivers superior

Sophos has integrated over three dozen

cybersecurity outcomes by giving

machine learning models into its

customers the advantages they

cybersecurity solutions. Behavioural

urgently need. We offer a prevention-

detection and prevention models in our

first approach that reduces breaches,

endpoint and server security prevent the

adapts defenses in response to an

execution of new variants of malware,

attack, and improves detection and

ransomware, and hands-on-keyboard

response. It’s all managed through

attacks by active adversaries. Our

the world’s most trusted cloud-

Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

native security platform, supporting

and Managed Detection and Response

your team’s detection and response

(MDR) platforms leverage AI and ML to

operations or our 24/7 Managed

automatically prioritize detections and

Detection and Response (MDR) service.

initiate case investigations. We have also integrated Generative AI policy

What sets your product apart from

enforcement into our network security

competitors in terms of innovation,

platform which identifies Generative

features, or technology?

AI applications, backend APIs, and

Sophos provides customers with

websites. This enables organizations

comprehensive protection that reduces

to enforce Generative AI policies and

incidents, alerts, and response time

modify as they evolve.

while providing the opportunity for organizations to consolidate

Are you collaborating with any other

their cybersecurity spending and

companies or partners to enhance the

reduce their management burden

value of your products?

significantly. We do this through

Sophos works with over 25,000 active

differentiation in multiple areas:

channel partners and MSPs, as well

Scale of visibility: Over 560,000

with our Adaptive Cybersecurity

Can you provide an overview of your

MDR customers provides orders of

Ecosystem. Hundreds of developers

flagship products or solutions being

magnitude more visibility/insight

leverage our APIs to share information

showcased at this year’s GITEX?

into real-time threats, enabling us

with our platform as well extract

As a global leader and innovator of

to dramatically improve prevention,

information to their products and

advanced cybersecurity solutions,

detection and response.

services. We also have dozens of OEM

Sophos will showcase its latest

Adaptive protection: Context-

partners who leverage and integrate

cybersecurity innovations and services

sensitive defenses like Adaptive Attack

our technologies into their solutions.

including Sophos Managed Detection

Protection and Critical Attack Warning

For detailed information on those

and Response (MDR) and Sophos

enable us to scale defenses and prevent

integrations, please visit https://www.

Incident Response services that can

breaches during active attacks.

help organizations achieve optimal

Full-scale incident response:

cybersecurity results by implementing

Hundreds of security analysts,

How does your product fit into the

an effective cybersecurity strategy.

researchers, and threat hunters

broader tech ecosystem or industry

Additionally, Sophos will also highlight

discover, respond, and remediate


the new Sophos Incident Response

We are constantly innovating to

Retainer and focus on its complete,

provide more scale to our customers

integrated, Cybersecurity as a service

and partners through new managed

(CSaaS) that combines best-of-breed security services, software, and human expertise in a single, holistic solution. How does your product address specific challenges or needs of your customers? Cybersecurity is becoming so complex


as dozens of companies that integrate

customers and more than 18,000


Sophos delivers superior cybersecurity outcomes by giving customers the advantages they urgently need.

services, more automation in our endpoint and server security through context-sensitive defences, and always evolving our network security offerings to enable secure access from anywhere while accelerating performance, high availability, and advanced protections..



authorized domain expert partners who can tailor the solutions to solve critical business and operational challenges within their industries. Splunk Edge Hub is currently

GITEX Global will serve as an opportunity

available on Limited Availability Release in

for Splunk to showcase its commitment

the United States, with plans to expand to

to enhancing digital resilience, fortifying


cybersecurity, and guiding organizations

Splunk’s participation at Gitex is aligned

using its unified security and observability

with the global tech giant’s commitment

platform to ensure the security and

to furthering digital transformation and

reliability of their digital systems. In a

resilience worldwide. With advanced

significant testament to the importance of

committed to supporting our customers in

solutions in security, observability, and

this region, Gary Steele, President & CEO of

their transformation journeys.”

data analytics, Splunk is poised to empower

Splunk, will also be visiting the Middle East

This year, Splunk is set to take GITEX by

organizations in the MENA region to build

and attending Gitex this year. His presence

storm with a range of engaging activities

underscores Splunk’s dedication to further

and demonstrations. Attendees can pit their

solidifying its expectations from the Middle

driving skills against each other in Splunk’s

technologies, Splunk is looking forward to

East region.

Racing Driver Simulator. The simulator

forging new relationships and partnerships

allows participants to witness real-time

during GITEX Global. This event is an

data of their driving performance.

opportunity to connect with customers from

Ahmed El Saadi, Vice President for Middle East & Africa at Splunk, expressed his enthusiasm for this landmark event,

Splunk will also be showcasing its

resilient digital systems. In addition to showcasing its

different sectors, collaborate with industry

saying, “GITEX Global 2023 is an ideal

recently launched Splunk Edge Hub. Edge

experts, and gain insights into the unique

opportunity for Splunk to highlight the

Hub supports the vertical integration of data

challenges facing organizations in the

importance of digital resilience and

generated from sensors, IoT devices and


share insights about the rapidly evolving

industrial equipment — to enable improved

Splunk is honored to join forces with

cybersecurity and observability landscapes

decision-making in operational conditions

its trusted partners, Amazon Web Services

in the MENA region. We firmly believe

and asset monitoring on the journey to

(AWS) and Corelight, as well as their

this region holds immense potential for

greater digital resilience. Splunk Edge Hub

distributors, Redington and Mindware at the

technological innovation, and we are

will be exclusively distributed through

Splunk stand this year


organisations in swiftly building, launching, and managing custom digital solutions. This approach propels data-driven tailored

Liferay is poised to make a significant impact

experiences across stakeholders – B2B,

at GITEX Global 2023 once again. Liferay’s

B2C, B2E, G2G or G2C– through digital

core mission is to reshape the delivery of

channels. It offers the flexibility to streamline

customised digital experiences in the ever-

applications, accelerating delivery timelines

evolving digital landscape, and its presence

for organisations to exploit the power of

at this prestigious event reaffirms this

Liferay’s platform today without delay. With


Liferay Experience Cloud, organisations can

Focusing on empowering organisations

create a broad range of custom solutions,

to build applications and systems around

including customer experiences, employee

its platform, Liferay strongly emphasizes

portals, and solutions for suppliers,

leveraging industry expertise and embracing

distributors, and retailers.

advanced digital experience technologies. This

Digital Experience Platforms play a

approach empowers entities to harness their

significant role in enhancing full-service

proficiency, fostering innovation on top of a

customer experiences throughout the

flexible, scalable, and secure state-of-the-art foundation platform.

regionally endorsed open-source advantages,

Moussalam Dalati, General Manager,

on existing skills, proficiencies, and deep

Liferay provides flexibility for customers to

Middle East and Africa, Liferay, highlighted,

industry expertise. We focus on creating

create unique and tailored applications with

“Participating at GITEX Global for the

opportunities for organisations to craft

reduced complexity, expediting delivery.

6th year provides us a prime platform to

their applications and systems on a robust

At GITEX Global 2023, Liferay will host its

share our vision of delivering ‘resonating

platform, thereby eliminating the need for

regional partners, including Digital Processing

experiences’. We firmly believe in equipping

extensive investments.”

Systems, Palmira, Appswave, UAE Digital Lab,

businesses with the tools to build and deliver


customer journey. With globally and exceptional experiences while capitalising


Liferay’s innovative platform facilitates

and Link Development.



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