30 January 2019
Published every Wednesday by CXpress 2006 (Pty) Ltd - PO Box 1449, Plettenberg Bay 6600 - 6 Park Lane, Plettenberg Bay - Tel: 044 533 1004 - Fax: 044 533 0852 Email: editor@cxpress.co.za / advertising@cxpress.co.za Web page: www.cxpress.co.za Printed by Group Editors
Vote for South Africa’s future
Photo: Timothy Twidle
‘Generations’ star Kope Makgae on Friday held students of Murray High School in KwaNokuthula spellbound with his address on the importance of voting in the upcoming elections. Read the story on page 5.
Sex pest gets slap on the wrist - p3
English slapstick at its best - p4
Readers have their say - p11
the bedroom shop furniture & linen emporium
30 January 2019
Ticket sales for 10-year-old Knysna Literary Festival open on Friday T HE 10th Knysna Literary Festival boasts an exciting programme that not only includes some old favourites, but is also spiced up with great new additions. Taking place from March 8-10, ticket sales open on February 1 at 8am at the Knysna Pam Golding Properties offices in Gray Street. As demand for tickets grew over the last few years, the first sales day is synonymous with long queues and festival founder Ling Dobson said coffee will be on sale, while wellknown local musician Lani Groves will entertain everyone while they wait. Dobson said flagship event ‘The Delicious Word Journey’ is back and taking place at Simola Golf and Country Estate this year. “Authors taking part in this popular event are JJ Tabane,
Emma Sadleir, Sihle Khumalo, and Bonang Mohale. “We are also excited to welcome David Higgs to join the team at île de päin for ‘Chef’s Playdate #2.0’ - and due to popular demand, sales to both these events are limited to six tickets per person.” Political affairs will once again be under the spotlight with The Game Changer by general Bantu Holomisa, the ever popular ‘Fate of the Nation’ discussion with Adriaan Basson, Ralph Mathekga and Adam Habib, and the panel discussion ‘On the Brink’ with JJ Tabane, Claire Bisseker, Chris Holdsworth, and Bonang Mohale. Still covering current affairs, Adam Habib will discuss his book Rebels and Rage, and Tony Park his action-packed thriller exposing poaching in Africa, Scent of Fear.
RUBBING SHOULDERS WITH SCRIBES: Knysna Literary Festival affords CX Country residents the opportunity to get into the heads of some of South Africa’s top authors, and getting them to autograph your copy of their best work, to boot
Other authors on the programme include Emma Sandlier with Selfies, Sexts and Smartphones, the amazing rugby story of The First World Champions by Michael Charton, and Vanessa Raphaely with her debut novel, Plus One. Dobson said they were look-
ing forward to another exciting and thought-provoking festival. “The programme includes something for everyone, and we know it will not disappoint!” For more information and the full programme, visit www. knysnaliteraryfestival.co.za or call 044 382 5574. Tickets are available at the Pam Golding Properties offices in Knysna, or online at Quicket. For further details, see the advert on page 6.
GREAT EXPECTATIONS: Festival founder Ling Dobson says there’s no doubt this year’s programme will once again satisfy the full scale of literary aficionados
Advanced Hearing
30 January 2019
Bitou sex pest granted business as usual, while child victim’s life is forever ‘in turmoil’ Correctional supervision as an option for sexual predators has come under fire after a Plettenberg Bay man, who pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of a young local girl, was sentenced to three years under correctional supervision in the Knysna Magistrate’s Court last Thursday - YOLANDÉ STANDER reports IKE Wise from Harkerville pleaded guilty to charges relating to, among others, touching a 10-year-old girl’s private parts in 2017. He was sentenced to three years’ correctional supervision, the payment of 22 therapy sessions for the victim, and three years’ imprisonment, which were suspended for three years. No minor children may sleep over at his place of residence and his name has to be recorded in the national sex offenders register. Local anti-child abuse organisation The Green Hearts spokesman Janet Harding said correctional supervision did “not work”. “Wise will continue with his life unabated, while the victim will live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of her life. The sentence does not fit the
crime,” Harding said. She highlighted George dentist Ian Venter’s case as an example of how a similar sentence did not work. In April last year, Venter was convicted of sexually assaulting a then 12-yearold boy during a sleepover
PREDATION WITH IMPUNITY: Harkerville resident Mike Wise got off lightly when taking into account that his victim’s life has been altered forever
at his Herold’s Bay home on April 11, 2015 - this after the father of three was sentenced in December 2014 to four years under house arrest following his conviction on several charges, including sex with a minor boy. Sentencing in the latest case is set to continue in George Regional Court on February 18. One of the conditions of the sentence handed down to Mike Wise was an apology to the family. “This is an example of paternalism in its crudest form and completely inappropriate,” said Harding, adding that another outrageous condition was not allowing minor children to sleep over in his home. “No mention was made about casual visits to his place of residence or his attending gatherings where children are present. He has been granted freedom to at-
District municipality reveals plans for balance of waste-management property HE development of a regional waste management facility on the property of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), known as Farm 419, will be finalised by the end of 2019. The facility will occupy about 70% of the 205-hectare property (approximate size: 143.5 hectares). A private partner was selected by GRDM and a Public Private Partnership agreement will soon be entered into between the district council and the company. Constructing and operating the facility for a period of 10 years will be the responsibility of the appointed company. Bitou, Knysna, George, and Mossel Bay municipalities will make use of
the waste management facility, which will deal with domestic and hazardous waste disposal. Mobile chipping and crushing facilities will be included to assist the four local municipalities with green waste management. In addition to the regional landfill facility, two proposals - from Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Moumakoe-Geza Joint Venture - were received and are subject to all applicable legislation, application requirements, and approvals. Sufficient land (about 30% of the 205 hectares) is available on Farm 419 for these developments. Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants
The Garden Route Investment Conference held in March 2018 stimulated the interest of two multi-national companies to invest in the Garden Route. Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants approached GRDM with a proposal stating its intent to erect a chemical plant that will support the wide variety of sectors in the region and outside portion of Farm 419 in Mossel Bay. The size will be determined once the necessary plans are finalised, presented to the district, and approved by Mossel Bay Municipality. Necessary studies, including an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), will To page 4
tend festivals and markets to sell his wares with no restrictions whatsoever.” Harding said this inferred a “complete lack of consideration and deliberation, where the rights of the predator were deemed more
valuable and significant than those of an innocent child, whose life has been thrown into turmoil by this heinous crime”. Candice Ludick of the Total Shutdown movement agreed. “This is a prime
example of how men with power and money are very often not held accountable for their actions under the justice system. “Our legal system is skewed in favour of the perpetrator. Our constitutional rights are being violated in courts of law every day as a result of people not doing their jobs properly,” Ludick said following last week’s sentencing proceedings. Garden Route Media
30 January 2019
Brexit and the Commons slapstick show - a luta continua… If parliamentary debates were not so mesmerizingly funny, you’d want to cry, writes STUART MURRAY E have just returned to Plett from a family visit to Ireland and the UK. Not surprisingly, friends here ask: “What on earth’s going on with Brexit?” It must be today’s most common question - to which I have the most common answer: “Your guess is as good as mine” (or that of Theresa May, I might suggest). What is clear, however, is that normally passive Britons are totally gatvol with their Parliamentary representatives - and with the whole democratic process as it bumbles around whether to quit the equally hamstrung European Union. Concern is the common denominator. What does the future hold in terms of trade, security, currencies, jobs even travel? No one is sure. At present the spotlight rests on the outcome of UKEU arm-wrestling entwined in the Better Deal/Bad Deal/ No Deal face-off. All but ignored is the fact that the issues are much wider and far-reaching. There are, for example, 28 member states in the European Union. All of them have concerns about the outcome. Take the main role-player, Germany. No other country in Europe would suffer more than Germany. And there is more to this than trade. German leaders, including Angela Merkel, feel that Britain’s exit would
raise the spectre of other countries wanting to leave - or at least securing special favours from Brussels to remain. A survey by Ipsos Mori suggested that 55% of French people would like a referendum on the EU, while 48% of Italians would like to quit the Union. There has been growing criticism of the EU and the euro, mainly from the German right. Similarly in weakened France, where right-wing supporters of Marine Le Pen have been growing more powerful, Brexit could hand Le Pen an important political boost. According to Britain’s Guardian newspaper, Berlin finds it has more in common with London than any other European capital. Without Britain, Germany would stand alone in Brussels negotiations. In France, officials have been extremely cautious about Brexit, and few politicians are being drawn on the subject. However, it is common knowledge that the French have long seen Britain as a counterweight to Germany. Poland is acutely aware of the ramifications of Britain quitting. In the EU political fencing ring, the Poles view a possible London/Warsaw axis as a counterbalance to Berlin and Paris. But, nearer to home is the fact that some 600,000
Poles work in Britain. Will their rights continue to be observed? For Italians, too, the biggest threat posed by Brexit is probably that Italians could lose their right to free movement and with it the right to work in Britain - a hedge against unemployment in Italy’s failing economy. Moreover, there are as many Italians working in Britain as there are Poles. Many Italians, in business and in politics, perceive a domino effect if Britain quits. Spain is another EU member that does not want Britain to leave. The UK is Spain’s fifth biggest export market and, according to the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade, more than 200 Spanish companies operate in the UK. In terms of the Union’s common currency, only 19 EU countries use the euro. Those who don’t include the UK, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, and the Czech Republic. Only the UK and Denmark opted never to use it. So far, the euro has held up well against the US dollar and the slipping pound. But bets are hedged on the currency markets immediately after a British exit. But what sort of exit? The International Monetary Fund has warned that Britain crashing out of the EU without a deal would
Knysna Municipality strives to maintain its position as a premier tourist destination in South Africa – a place where peace, prosperity and harmony prevail, ensuring an exceptional lifestyle for residents and visitors alike.
INTENTION TO INCUR LONG-TERM DEBT Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 46(3) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003, that the Municipality of Knysna intends to incur the following long-term debt in order to finance 2018/2019 capital projects: 5-YEAR LOAN Loan Amount: R2 800 000,00 Fixed or Floating Rate Purpose: to fund approved 5-year capital projects for the 2018/2019 budget 10-YEAR LOAN Loan Amount: R7 090 000,00 Fixed or Floating Rate Purpose: to fund approved 10-year capital projects for the 2018/2019 budget 15-YEAR LOAN Loan Amount: R50 348 000,00 Fixed or Floating Rate Purpose: to fund approved 15-year capital projects for the 2018/2019 budget No security to be provided for any of these loans. Detailed particulars of the proposed debt can be obtained from Mr. Anthony Morgan of the Knysna Municipal Budget Office, Queen street, Knysna. (Tel. 044 302 6436) The public is invited to submit written comments or representations on the proposed debt to the Director: Finance, P.O Box 21, Knysna 6570 on or before Friday, 01 March 2019. The proposed debt will be considered by the Knysna Municipal Council at its meeting to be held on 24 May 2019. P HARIPARASAD ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER CLYDE STREET KNYSNA 6570 135738 CX PRess www.thecandocompanyco.za
inflict significant economic pain across Europe, leaving the region without any winners. Economic growth across the remaining 27 states could fall by 1.5% by 2030. Economic growth in the UK would drop by twice as much. A deal seems a distant hope as EU leaders dig in their heels. So will the growing number of “remainers” triumph? There are two main issues in this respect. One is that
there is no constitutional precedent by which to overturn the result of the Brexit vote - and then to hold another. And what doesn’t yet appear to be a point of debate in amid the Commons uproar is that if the UK decides to remain, how will the EU mandarins react? Can they, in terms of the EU rules and rights, turn around and demand a price - compensation for the cost of all the dithering, work,
concerns, losses (sleepless nights?) caused by the Brexit turmoil? Who knows? Remain might be just as damaging as a no deal/hard exit would have been. Nothing comes without cost. • Stuart Murray is a former senior assistant editor of Financial Mail and cofounder, editor, and CEO of Finance Week (stuartmurray758@gmail.com). He is retired and lives in Plettenberg Bay.
Data-cleansing on the cards for Knysna NYSNA Municipality will soon commence with a clean-up of customer information to improve the reliability of its revenue data, which will ultimately result in improved revenue collection for the municipality. Service provider Ntiyiso Consulting has been appointed to conduct the survey that is expected to take approximately three months to complete. The project will include customer data cleansing, quality checks, data
enrichment and billing cleansing, as well as data verification, monitoring and verification. Once the clean-up is complete, the new accurate data will assist the municipality with timely and accurate meter readings, correct billing as a direct result of accurate readings, timely billing due to automating the meter-reading process, and a reduction in billing errors. Additionally, it will reduce administrative errors and queries on the
exceptions report, while ultimately eliminating the system of estimations. Knysna mayor Mark Willemse said: “I hope residents will support this initiative and open their doors to the 22 field workers appointed to collect data from door to door.” The data collectors will wear branded identity cards and yellow vests. Should residents have any doubts, they may contact the Finance Section on 044 302 6597/6550 to confirm a field worker’s identity.
District municipality’s plans for balance of waste-management property From page 3 have to be undertaken for this proposed development. Moumakoe-Geza Joint Venture Members of the Moumakoe-Geza Joint Venture have recently requested to lease 10 hectares of GRDM land,
which forms part of Erf 419, adjacent to PetroSA for the construction of lubricant oil or a lube oil blending plant. The plant will have the capacity of producing 20,800,000 litres of blended products per annum. Studies have revealed that
South Africa has a lubricant demand of 2-million barrels per year. This project is, therefore, a win-win solution for the Garden Route in terms of social and economic development. Necessary studies, i.e. EIAs, will also be undertaken.
30 January 2019
Execs, celebs, and councillors join forces to emphasise the importance of education and ‘your vote’ Words & photos: Timothy Twidle
HE two most senior office bearers of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) - chairperson Sifiso Mtsweni, and executive director Ankie Motsoahae - visited Murray High in KwaNokuthula, and Plettenberg Bay Secondary in New Horizons on Friday January 25. They were accompanied by well-known actor and rapper Kope Makgae, Skeem Saam star Clement Moasa, and Idols SA 2018 winner Yanga Sobetwa. The purpose of their school
visits was to encourage those of an age eligible to vote in the upcoming provincial and national elections, to register for the voters’ roll at either a voting station or an Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) office, over the course of the weekend - the final possible occasion for this purpose. At both schools the party, joined by Bitou deputy mayor Sandiso Gcabayi, and councillors Monica Seyisi and Phakie Mbali, received a rapturous welcome from the learners.
YOUTH AT HEART: National Youth Development Agency chair Sifiso Mtsweni, right, and executive director Ankie Motsoahae, second from left, visited Bitou schools on Friday and also met with the Bitou Speaker’s office manager Howard Smith, left, councillor Phakie Mbali, centre, and Plett Secondary School principal Juan Jullies
WORKING TOGETHER: Bitou councillor Monica Seyisi is flanked by well-known actor and rapper Kope Makgae, left, and local NYDA volunteer Asanda Ngcoza of KwaNokuthula
After short speeches of welcome by principals Zinzile Bubi of Murray High and Juan Jullies of Plett Secondary, each member of the party addressed the assembled learners. Mtsweni implored the youngsters to attend school regularly: “Don’t stay at home - your education is important. Be responsible and grow into dutiful adults. And part of being a responsible adult is to participate, to register, and to vote.” Makgae said: “You must strive to make something of yourself. You owe it to your family, your school, your friends. Make yourself proud of who you are.” Warming to the same theme, Motsoahae encouraged the sea of faces before her to believe in themselves. “Lead a moral, upright and honest life. Part of being a good citizen is in deciding who you want to lead you. “The vote of young people matters, so register to vote. You must become involved for you have to be the leaders of the future,” she said. The party departed both schools to loud cheers, many smartphone photographs of learners with their favourite stars, and much goodwill. The NYDA was founded in 2008 and is based in Johannesburg. The agency seeks to lead, direct and facilitate the development dynamics of the youth of South Africa, which in common with many developing countries has a large percentile of its population (42%) between the ages of 18 and 35 years.
30 January 2019
30 January 2019
That sinking feeling: a first-hand account by the sole surviving commander of a French-built submarine fleet EMBERS of the Van Plettenberg Historical Society are stoked to kick-start their programme for 2019 with a visit from rear admiral Theo Honiball, who will talk about his days as commander of a Frenchbuilt flotilla of DaphneClass submarines. Starting as a young man in the South African Navy, admiral Honiball’s illustrious career spanned more than three decades, during which time he served on 19 warships from seven countries, including Argentina, the United Kingdom, France, Norway, and the United States. Seconded to the National Intelligence Service at the State Security Council under past president PW Botha, admiral Honiball
METTLE SHOWN: Among other achievements, Theo Honiball is the recipient of both the Southern Cross and Military Merit medals
was awarded both the Southern Cross and Military Merit medals while serving in France. His biggest claim to fame, however, is that he is the sole surviving com-
mander of a DaphneClass submarine. With his characteristic wit, Theo Honiball has suggested the title of his talk to the Society as ‘That Sinking Feeling’.
Read CXPRESS online @ www.cxpress.co.za
The talk takes place on Thursday February 7 at 5:30 for 6pm at the St Peter’s Anglican Church hall in Church Street, Plett. Entrance is R30 per person and subscriptions cost R70. Email lesley.mallows@ gmail.com or mike.kantey @gmail.com for further details, and see the advert on this page. • Theo Honiball was the first person interviewed by CXPRESS contributor Gigi Lewis when she commenced her popular ‘People Around Town’ column back in 2011. Interested parties are welcome to email esther@ cxpress.co.za for an electronic version of page 2, featuring the story ‘Getting to know Theo Honiball’, of that year’s May 4 edition.
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30 January 2019
Humorous titbits Two mongooses A zookeeper is ordering new animals. As he fills out the forms, he types ‘two mongeese’. That doesn’t look quite right, so he tries ‘two mongoose’, and then ‘two mongooses’. Giving up, he types: “One mongoose, and while you’re at it, send another one.” Silence! A man enters a library and asks: “Can I have a pint of lager and a packet of chips?” The librarian says: “I’m sorry, but this is a library.” Then the man whispers: “Oh, sorry, can I have a pint of lager and a packet of chips?” Honoured at 84 I just took a leaflet out of my mailbox, informing me that I can make love at 84. I’m so happy, because I live at number 82. So it’s not too far to walk home afterwards. And it’s the same side of the street. I don’t even have to cross the road! Dig this! Back in my hippie college days, a professor came up to me in the cafeteria and asked: “Ya dig?” I thought to myself, this guy’s pretty far out. I answered: “Yeah, man. I dig!” That’s how I got hoodwinked into joining his archaeological expedition… Cadet critique A young soldier is up before his commanding officer for a reprimand. After going through a list of his misdemeanours, the officer says: “And another thing, I didn’t see
you in camouflage practice this morning.” “Thank you, Sir,” the soldier replies. That’s a heavy shirt Two brothers are fast asleep when the eldest hears a thud sound. “What’s that sound?” he asks his brother. “Oh, it’s just my T-shirt falling off my bed,” his younger brother replies. “Your T-shirt? Why was it so loud?” the eldest brother asks. “Because I was still in it,” comes the reply. Advice from mother A daughter asks her mother: “What are the character qualities I should look for in a marriage partner? You know, for someone I will be spending eternity with.” Her mother replies: “Go ask your father, he did better than I did.” Mindless John’s wife wakes up one morning feeling completely deflated. “My word, I feel like my mind has almost completely gone!” “Are you really surprised?” John asks. “Why would you say that, John?” “Because you’ve been giving me a piece of it every day for 50 years.” Write an essay The teacher says: “Write an essay with the title ‘If I Were a Millionaire.’” Everyone but Joe, who leans back with arms folded, begins to write feverishly. “What’s the matter,” the teacher asks. “Why don’t you begin?” “I’m waiting for my secretary,” Joe replies.
What’s the password? OHN: “What’s the Wi-Fi password?” Barman: “You need to buy a drink first.” John: “Okay then, I’ll have a coke. How much is that?”
Barman: “R20.” John: “There you go. So now what’s the Wi-Fi password?” Barman: “You need to buy a drink first... No spaces, all lowercase.”
Don’t be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace.
ANTIDEPRESSANT RECIPE Ingredients: • 1 banana • 150g spinach • 1 tsp crushed ginger • 1 lemon • 1 cup of green tea Preparation: Throw everything away and open a bottle of wine.
Die hasie en die vark IE hasie loop verby ‘n vark wat vreeslik sit en huil. “Hoekom huil jy so, vark?” vra die hasie. Die vark snik en sê hy is moeg daarvoor dat mense lelik van hom praat. “As jy lelik eet, sê hulle jy eet soos ‘n vark. As jy
vuil is, sê hulle jy is so vuil soos ‘n vark. “As jy lelik praat, sê hulle jy is varkerig. Ek’s moeg daarvan dat almal so lelik met my is.” Die hasie kyk hom so in sy ogies, sit sy pootjie op die varkie se skouer, en sê: “Sulke varke!”
30 January 2019
THIS TROUPE IS CONTAGIOUS: South African drama company Contagious Theatre, whose work has been enjoyed by audiences both locally and abroad, will stage ‘Silkworm’ at Plett’s Whitehouse Theatre on February 16. The story is told through the eyes of gregarious but sociallyawkward Georgina, who is about to experience the single most important day of her life. On this occasion, she takes the audience on a journey that reveals how the small things are, ultimately, big things. ‘Silkworm’ makes extensive use of storytelling and clowning techniques borrowed from Italy’s Helikos School of Theatre Creation, adding a dollop of humour and a touch of whimsy. The result is a theatrical experience that explores, pushes, and ultimately punctures the gossamer thin veil that divides the wistfully surreal from the frighteningly real. ‘Silkworm’ is directed by Jenine Collocott and stars Taryn Bennett, at top right, as Georgina, with additional dramaturgy by Nick Warren. The show is part of the annual Plett Performing Arts Festival see the advert on this page for further details. Tickets are available from The Old House Shop or call Ann Fermor on 082 452 8764 and visit www.contagioustheatre.co.za for more information. Other dates that performingarts aficionados can absolutely not afford to miss include two evenings of entertainment for the benefit of the Plettaid Foundation/ Hospice Plett: ‘Cat in Cabaret’ with Cat Simoni on February 13 is staged at The Grand Africa Rooms & Rendezvous. Doors open at 6:30pm and guests will enjoy a complimentary glass of bubbly and tapas on the terrace, before being seated at by 7pm. A two-course dinner will be served during the evening. Tickets cost R200, as do dinner (the R200 for dinner to be settled directly with The Grand). ‘My Father’s Coat’ with Michael Charton will be staged on March 1 at Piesang Valley Hall, and is the realisation of Charton’s decade-long ambition to make the incredible story that is South African history accessible to all citizens. Tickets at R250 include a complimentary glass of wine and canapes. Email aconyngham@telkomsa. net to book your seat.
People, places & events
Building the Future
PHASE 1 & 2
NOW SELLING PRICED FROM R575 000 WHAT’S BLOSSOMING AT HUM BEE FLORA? Bruno and Ulrike Baldzuhn invite readers to the Open Day on their working cut-flower farm on Sunday February 3 from 10am to 3pm. The entrance donation of R100 per person (kids enter free) will sponsor the transport costs of Anneke Lamont’s music tour in aid of Hospice during October this year. Says Ulrike, who has been selling her beautiful floral wares at Harkerville Saturday Market and further afield for the past 25 years: “We have always been an organic farm, so use no chemical fertilizers or chemical spraying, and we grow only what agrees with our particular climate.” Hum Bee Flora is situated 2.5km from Harkerville Market along Plett’s Airport Road. The 10ha farm is clearly signposted at left when travelling away from the N2; when coming from Plett Airport’s side, it’s a right turn just after Tharfield Farm, about 10km from the Robberg Reserve turnoff. There will be walks suited to everyone’s needs on Sunday - some short and easy, some longer for those who want to see where the proteas are growing, or venture down through the forest to the big irrigation dam. Please wear sturdy walking shoes and bring a sun hat along. Email ulrikebald@ gmail.com or call Ulrike on 082 414 1091 for additional information, and turn to page 5 of the January 23 edition at www.cxpress. co.za to find out more about Anneke Lamont’s planned concert tour.
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30 January 2019
30 January 2019
Letters to the Editor
Email: editor@cxpress.co.za - Fax: 044 533 0852 - PO Box 1449, Plett 6600
Race card not to distract from littering scourge I write in response to an article by Wandisile Sebezo [read ‘Of Odland picnics, South African beaches, and the public slaughter of sheep’ on page 4 of the January 16 edition at www.cxpress.co.za]. This opinion piece followed a letter by Rodney Grosskopff [‘This ain’t no picnic…’ on page 15 of the January 9 edition], relating to anti-social behaviour at the picnic site over the festive season. A “sinister agenda” is mentioned by Mr Sebezo in an attempt by ‘whites’ to “block the black population of our town from enjoying themselves in that particular spot” off Odland Street. Now come on Mr Sebezo, do you honestly think that any of the people of South Africa are prohibited from enjoying themselves on public open spaces and, if so, by whom? Do you really think that the Odland picnic site and the beaches of Plett or anywhere else in SA are reserved for a “select few”? Frankly, this type of talk is simply running the race card and, in fact, is spinning tales to divide the people of our country racially. Let’s not buy into this way of thinking;
let’s rather join hands and agree that our municipality is being paid well to look after our town and its people, but that it’s not doing its job properly or fairly. I don’t know exactly who was at the picnic site over “the festive season” but Mr Sebezo’s letter suggests that it was “locals from Kwano, New Horizons, Kranshoek, Qolweni and other black areas”. I’m sure that these communities would not like his insinuation that it was they alone who were the perpetrators of such bad behaviour. We have Municipal Law Enforcement officers who are paid by Bitou to do a job - to enforce the municipal bylaws - and they are supposed to be aided by the SAPS. What is more important in the story is that our beaches, our road-verges, our recycle points and our municipal rubbish bins are simply being abused by our population. It would appear to the casual observer that neither the municipal rubbish removal department, nor the appointed recycling department (for one reason or another) are able to keep up with the problem. The dropping of trash on roadsides, dumping of
building rubble in bushes, and leaving the remains of a picnic for others to clear away constitute horribly disrespectful behaviour and cannot be defended by anyone. Bitou Municipality cannot keep up with it, which is why the Keep Plett Clean initiative has been formed and is so successful. It is unacceptable that some members of the public are still littering and therefore not helping the situation. A few weeks ago on Facebook, a resident of Kurland Village was complaining about the litter situation in The Crags. The answer has to come from the people on the ground, the people and residents of each suburb; it’s about awareness, and once we have decided that we don’t like seeing litter and trash in our midst, we’ll begin to pick it up ourselves and not leave it for other people (like the private Keep Plett Clean volunteers) to do. Having said that, we are all paying rates and taxes to our municipality in one form or another, and they are mandated to remove our rubbish, and to dispose of it in a responsible and acceptable manner.
This is not happening, and our ward councillors should be held to account by us, the residents, when we vote for councillors to represent us in council meetings - even though their decisions can be overruled by our mayor. Do you know who your ward councillor is? Do you have his/her contact details? Do you correspond with him/her about your problems? Is he/she listening? Do you attend your ward council meetings? We should all be involved in matters concerning our town. I’d like to congratulate every member of the Plett Clean campaign, and every business that supports it by donating money. Thanks to them, our town is a great example of what it takes to overcome difficulties caused by individuals without conscience, who continue to drop their litter in public spaces. Keep Plett Clean deals with the most unsavoury, disgusting messes left by the public in our car parks, our recycling depots, our picnic sites, and our roadverges. Please, let’s join together and try to Keep Plett even Cleaner! ‘Litter Quitter Heavy Hitter’, Plett
Shameful state of Kranshoek National Park needs action Recently I took family and friends from Spain and the UK to the Kranshoek National Park in Harkerville - which used to be a very attractive tourist site, especially the view point. We didn’t mind to pay the entrance fee, as such monies were to go towards the upkeep of park facilities. After having passed the gate, we found the road in an absolute terrible condition - so much so that despite very slow and careful driving, the oil sump of one of the hired cars was damaged by a rock. The vehicle needed to be towed to the Sasol service station and replaced. Arriving at the viewpoint, we found the onceattractive picnic spot in a rather sorry state. Since the fires of nearly two years ago, nothing but NOTHING has been done to at least partly restore the area for visitors. No benches, no tables, and the lawn invested with ants crawling up your legs in seconds. And with the wooden safety fencing along the steep fall totally gone, it makes the area extremely dangerous, especially for children. Why don’t SANParks administration warn visitors at the gate? Shamefully, they don’t, and still ask the hefty tourist entrance fee. No receipt is issued, and
one has to ask yourself: Where is the money going? Evidently not towards the upkeep of the park. Needless to say, we and our overseas visitors were shocked and very disappointed and can only warn others. Stay away from Kranshoek National Park. Lena Blanc, Plett SANParks Regional Communications manager for Garden Route National Park Nandi Mgwadlamba responds: I thank CXPRESS for affording SANParks an opportunity to comment. Kranshoek is not only a tourist attraction because of its richness in biodiversity, but also due to its rich cultural heritage. The June 2017 fires ravaged the area, including a chunk of national park land and neighbouring private land. Our teams in the field have worked at the advice of scientists and began maintenance on less-affected areas by re-routing some of the trails. Due to extensive damage from the fires that swept through the Harkerville area, we have not been able to commence rehabilitation efforts until fairly recently. This resulted in the closure of the Kranshoek viewpoint and the short walking trail along the ridge. These two areas are still closed due to their
sensitivity and various delays, but will hopefully be rehabilitated within the next six months. Signage and physical barriers have been put up at the Kranshoek picnic site and entrance to the viewpoint to indicate the closure. Where Ms Blanc reports the absence of a wooden safety rail, is the closed-off part of the walking trail which will only be re-opened once it has been made safe. A structural engineer was appointed to recommend solutions for stabilising the viewpoint, which will require significant investment. Hence, this has not yet been implemented. There are no tables or benches as it is closed and barricaded off. There are, however, picnic tables, braai areas, and refuse bins available at the Kranshoek picnic site, and some replanting of trees has already been done. On July 4, 2017, SANParks announced its support of the Knysna Oyster Festival by publicising open routes (see https:// www.sanparks.org/about/ news/?id=57210). Visitors were alerted to four additional updates in 2017 and 2018, regarding hiking and cycling trails in Harkerville, which are still available on the SANParks site and social media.
We also alerted the public to a delay in working in some areas due to topsoil that had not fully recovered, as this would lead to degradation and pose a risk to visitors. The Kranshoek trail and viewpoint were among these areas. We regret that Ms Blanc might have missed the notice on our website, on social media platforms, as well as the physical warning and closure signs. We will work harder to ensure our staff at reception provide adequate information about the park’s offerings from the onset. Receipts should always be issued for any transaction done at SANParks’ reception and gates and visitors should insist on this. We will investigate Ms Blanc’s report that a receipt was not issued on this occasion and take further action if required. We would appreciate it if visitors could report any irregularities so that we can ensure this does not happen in future. We also assure visitors that fees contribute towards (but do not fully cover) the upkeep of facilities as well as the conservation of biodiversity in the park. We hope Ms Blanc will enjoy our new facilities in the near future. We encourage feedback online via www.sanparks.org.
Gratitude and a cautionary note Please could you advise the Plett public NOT to have passport photos taken before applying for a passport? The Department of Home Affairs refuses to use these photos! They take them anew, so don’t waste your money. ‘Aggrieved Pensioner’, Plett --I have been living in Plett for the last eight years, and never miss a week of reading CXPRESS what a great local newspaper! Lena, by email --Thanks so much for using our
copy [read ‘Congratulations to Oakhill matric class of 2018’ on page 5, and see the Oakhill advert on page 6 of the January 16 edition at www.cxpress.co.za] it’s very much appreciated! I’ve had a look online before the hard copy hit the streets and must say that I just love the eversion of your newspaper. Melanie Vogt, Knysna (Thanks a mill for your kind words, Melanie, and many congrats on the brilliant matric results of your daughter, Michaela, who scored a foursome of distinctions in her final exam. - Eds.)
30 January 2019
First carnival of 2019 bodes well for Nippers season Read CXPRESS online @ www.cxpress.co.za
PIPPED TO THE FLAG-POST: Summerstrand snatches victory from Plett in a closely contested flags item
TAKE A NUMBER: Plett star Mielen Viljoen, left, collects his winning number from one of the awesome ladies who did scoring duty on the beach to help facilitate the successful Plett/ Summies Carnival - see more pics at www.cxpress.co.za
AST weekend saw Central Beach abuzz with a multitude of Nippers, representing visiting Summerstrand and hosts Plett Surf Lifesaving Club (PSLC), battling it out for glory in less than perfect weather conditions. According to PSLC Nipper officer Deon Coetzer, this was the first carnival to date comprising only the two clubs. With a long history of competitive adventures shared, members of the local lifesaving fraternity regard the Port Elizabeth-based counterparts as unofficial ‘sister’ club. In excess of 100 youngsters ranging in age from six to 17 - since the inaugural Plett/ Summies Carnival also accommodated Micro Nippers and Juniors (aged 15+) in
certain categories - showed their skills in the surf and on the beach, egged on by family members and mates in the wonderful spirit inherent to the sport. After a raging southeaster made Saturday’s races all the more trying, Sunday dawned with nary a breeze, allowing for the conclusion around noon of a most successful first contest of the year. Lots of individual prizes were won by members of both clubs but after the final points tally, Plett was pipped to the post by the big-city visitors - “only because of numbers, of course,” chuckles Deon. He thanks everyone involved, including club members and parents, Bitou Beach Control, and
Storms River
Plett NSRI for a smoothrunning event, sure to grow in years to come. “Swift and efficient medical assistance was provided when required on the beach. The catering was top quality and all our committee members pulled their weight, ensuring that everyone parted happily after Sunday’s prize-giving.” Deon invites readers to witness the Nipper action first-hand this weekend, when Plett Surf Lifesaving will host its second competition of 2019, visitors hailing from PE, East London, and Mossel Bay. The fun starts at 12 on Saturday and a raffle to raise funds for Peter Auersperg will give entrants the chance to win great prizes from Sportscentre and Bay Boards.
TIN HOUSE Self-catering accommodation
IN STYLE: Plett’s Oliver Fermor steams along sporting his characteristic grin, with dad Chris and PSLC stalwart Ettiene van Rensburg providing side-line support aplenty
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