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Photo: Christy Strever -

5 June 2013 #366

Published fortnightly by CXpress (Pty) Ltd - PO Box 1449, Plettenberg Bay 6600 - 6 Park Lane, Plettenberg Bay - Tel: 044 533 1004 - Fax: 044 533 0852 Email: / Web page: Printed by Group Editors


Plett protests Small boat harbour developers rethink their proposal - turn to page 3

Weekend crime update p3

Knysna property news p8

In/outdoor feature p12 & 13




News & Views

June 5 - 2013

Van Huyssteens trek saam in Wittedrift dié maand


ER viering van die 240ste bestaansjaar van die Van Huyssteens in Suid Afrika word ‘n reunie van 28-30 Junie by Wittedrift Hoërskool en koshuis gehou – en alle Van Huyssteens en hul verwante word hartlik uitgenooi. Geslagkundige Charles Hill van Kaapstad vertel: “Dit was op 13 Mei 1773 dat stamvader Rutger van Huyssteen as 20-jarige huursoldaat vanuit Nederland in diens van die VOC op pad na Batavia in Kaapstad voet aan wal gesit het, weens siekte op see sedert 20 Oktober 1772. Hy het toe Suid Afrika sy woonplek gemaak.” Charles se vrou Annietjie, wie in 2009 oorlede is, was ‘n nooi Van Huyssteen van De Vlugt en hy sê die gogga het gebyt toe hy

ANTIEKE SEEREUS: As ‘n VOC huursoldaat op pad na Batavia het stamvader Rutger van Huyssteen op 13 Mei 1773 op die boot ‘Azia’ in Kaapstad aangeland - en gebly! - en hierdie replika van die vaartuig word in Nederland bewaar Foto: HD van Huysteen

haar familielyn en stamboom in 2005 begin navors het. “Die data op my samestelling het so uitgebrei met inligting wat gedurig ontvang word, ook vanaf Van Huyssteens wat glad nie direk by Annietjie inskakel nie. Maar die idee is om een groot Van Huyssteen stamboom daar te stel om saam te praat en jou eie voorgeslagte te ontdek ter bewaring vir jou kinders en hulle nageslag.” Op Facebook is ‘n Van Huyssteen Families groep geskep waar lede heerlik onder mekaar gesels, en alle belangstellendes word gevra om met Charles in aanraking te kom by 021 591 7536 of 082 320 1697, of stuur ‘n epos na families@vanhuys vir reunie bywoning besonderhede.

Rutger se eed aan George III


OLGENS die Nederlandse rekords wat HD van Huysteen van Wadrift nagegaan het, is meeste geskiedkundige data in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog vernietig. Hy het self die foto hierbo geneem van ‘n replika van die skip Azia, vervaardig volgens eeue-oue bouplanne van die oorspronklike vaartuig wat wel behoue gebly het. Daar bestaan ook ‘n uittreksel van die VOC se skeepsrekords wat Rutger van Huyssteen se igigxgpu uiteensit, en die foto regs wys Rutger se eie handtekening, op die regter-

kantste blad vierde van bo. Sy eed van getrouheid, ook in die skeepsrekords, lui: “Ik zweer dat ik gehouw en Getrouw zal zyn aan zyne Majesteit George den Derde, van Gods genade Koning van groot Brittannie, Vrankryk, Ierland, verdeediger van het geloof &c. &c. &c.” Sê geslagkundige Charles Hill: “Behoede my hoe daar verskeie variasies van die van se spelling is! Rutger se eie handtekening wys dat hy dit self as Van Huyssteen skryf, maar daar is klomp enkel-s afstammelinge in Suid-Afrika.”

Notice Board • Join the Bitou Community Veterinary Clinic (CVC) Quiz tonight (Lwpg" 7) at 7pm at Kitchen Café at R100 per person. Phone 044 533 3100 to book - you’re sure to enjoy a fun evening for a great cause! • Don’t miss the Plettenberg Bay Bowling Club bazaar on Lwpg" 9, when you could win a R100 lucky customer prize. You’ll have a chance to browse through many stalls as well as the opportunity to try your hand at bowling. The Club Café will serve delicious snacks so make a stop in Challenge Drive this Friday between 9am and 12 noon for a bowling bazaar of note. Phone Julie on 072 407 7643 for more information. • The next meeting of Gardening @ Leisure will be held on Lwpg"9 at Sassenheim Cut Flower Estate on the N2 twixt Plett and Knysna at 10am. Speaker for the day is owner of the estate Daan Barnhoorn, who will talk about the cultivation of Liliums and Chrysanthemums for the cut-flower market. Remember to bring a cup for your tea and a chair. There will be

a raffle so bring some money - you will also be able to buy cut flowers at a very reasonable price. Email Denise at rogvoy@ for information. • The Knysna Plett Concert Series presents Russian pianist Vassily Primakov at the Knysna DRC hall in Fitchat Street on Lwpg" 39. Since the release of his Chopin piano concertos recording, Primakov has been hailed as a pianist of world class importance. Tickets at R100 (scholars pay R20) will be available at the door from 6:45pm and the programme, including works by Chopin and Liszt, starts at 7:30pm. • The Whitehouse Theatre is gearing up to host the Plett Fringe Festival from Lwpg" 43/ 4;. Over the nine days of the festival, 11 performances encompassing drama, comedy, magic, song and dance will be staged. All of the acts are to be presented at the upcoming Grahamstown Arts Festival and all of the artists have kindly agreed to stop en route to the Eastern Cape to stage an extra performance. The festival is in

support of the Kids of Kurland project, which raises funds for children of the impoverished Kurland Village in The Crags. Prior to each performance various bands will play in the Whitehouse forecourt and a selection of snacks will be on sale. A festival guide can be obtained at The Old House Shop and at the information kiosks in Plett CBD and at The Market Square, or visit www.kidsofkurland. com for the full programme. Buy tickets at R100 per show from The Old House Shop or call Ann Fermor on 082 452

8764 for further information. • The Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport is calling all Garden Route arts organisations and drama groups: apply now to be part of the Gfgp" Ftcoc" Hguvkxcn. Criteria include that groups must consist of eight members max, inclusive of scriptwriter and director; must be amateur and active in the drama genre in their community; and that members should be between 15 and 35 years of age. For application forms and to register, contact George Arts Theatre on 044 874 3142.

News & Views

June 5 - 2013




Plett objects to harbour proposal in NO uncertain terms Thousands of objections from Plett residents to the town’s proposed small boat harbour development have forced Western Cape Marina Investments to rethink its plans - JOHN HARVEY and YOLANDÉ STANDER report


N Saturday about a thousand residents and visitors gathered at Central Beach to form a human ‘no’ sign in protest against the development and along with thousands of objections through a petition by the ratepayers association, locals made it clear that they did not support the R4-billion development. PE-based CEN IEM Unit, which did the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), said it had been overwhelmed by the number of objections. “Our client has indicated that he will investigate ways of amending the proposal to make it more acceptable to the Plett community,” said CEN’s Dr Mike Cohen. Cohen said while there were 300 people who attended the

public hearings, he had received some 800 objections from Plett residents so far. “The objections have been phenomenal, and we feel this is obviously a high risk project because of that. We will have to rethink the proposal. We obviously have noted the fears that people have.” Plett Ratepayers Association small boat harbour portfolio holder Billy Nel said by yesterday thousands of objections had been received from residents and regular visitors from across the country and abroad. Community Environment Forum chairman Rudi Martin said he was also pleased with the turnout at the protest on Saturday. “We are not against progress, but we are opposed to the manner in which this devel-

opment is being done,” he said. The draft Scoping report for the small boat harbour was submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs in April, with the suggestion that it could have many economic benefits for the town. The development is envisaged to occur in and around the Piesang River mouth and Central Beach, covering 87’000m2. While residents were given the opportunity to learn more about the development at public hearings on May 18, the Environment Forum has questioned many of its facets. Representative Basil van Rooy en said details about the project were vague. “After numerous requests the developers have come up with a video showing a fanciful and SEEING RED: Locals and visiting Plett lovers rocked up in droves to protest against the proposed harbour development Photo: Ewald Stander

Weekend crimes: young woman raped, elderly woman held hostage Yolandé Stander


IOLENT crimes shook Plett this weekend after a young woman was raped and an elderly woman held hostage during a house robbery. On Saturday at about 1pm a 70-year-old woman was overpowered by a knife-wielding man in her home in Julia Avenue. Police spokesperson captain Bernadine Steyn said the victim was in the bathroom when she heard a noise at the front door. The suspect forced the front door open and threatened the home owner with a knife, demanding a firearm and cash. “He then ransacked the house and also took the safe, which was in one of the bedrooms, out

of the wall and forced it open,” Steyn said. The suspect took a 7.65mm pistol from the safe, and two bags containing several items from the house including a laptop, cellphone and clothes. He then fled the scene and hid in an abandoned house in the area. The victim contacted her security company whose officials managed to track him down. Steyn said when police arrived the man fired shots at officers who returned fire. During the shootout the suspect was fatally injured. Police are still unsure if he was shot by officers or if he shot himself. A case of house robbery has been opened and the Independent Police Investigative Directorate was informed

of the incident. In another incident, a 22-yearold woman was raped near Plett’s Shell Ultra City on Friday at about 1:30am. She was walking along Main Street from one nightclub to another when a red Volkswagen Golf with four men stopped next to her. Steyn said the woman was forced into the vehicle by the men, one armed with a knife, before they drove off. “They robbed the victim of her jewellery and cellphone. after which she was allegedly raped by one of the suspects.” Police have opened a case of robbery and rape. If anyone has information that can help police with their investigation they can contact constable Landie Carolis on 044 803 4618.

obviously incorrect artist’s impression of the supposed development which was shown to the public on 18 May, but the architect concerned made it very clear that this was pqv the real thing since a final design would cost millions and the developer will not lay out that kind of money until he has approval for the project,” he said. “The developer is pretending that the purpose is really to establish a small boat harbour. That is patent nonsense. No small boat harbour can be viable in the Piesang River mouth. “It will need massive break-

waters and constant dredging, and cost millions per year to keep going. You cannot earn back this sort of money from some small boats, most of which will only be used for two months of the year. “Just as an aside, the municipality will have to demolish the desalination plant on which it spent close to R30-million not so long ago, and will probably have to bear the cost of relocating it, for the developer makes it clear that he will not. “The developer reckons the desalination plant was constructed illegally. He will mag-

nanimously pay for the cost of a separate EIA (a tiny portion of total cost) but not for actually building another desalination plant. This cost will probably run to at least R50-million funded by - guess who? - the ratepayers,” Van Rooyen said. The Forum is working with local lawyer Elbie Burger and the ratepayers with Cape Town law firm Edward Nathan Sonnenberg to protest the project, which has been mooted for the past 15 years. *Cnuq"ugg"vjg"ngvvgtu"qp"rcig" 37"cpf"vjg"uvcvgogpv"htqo"Rngvv" Dwukpguu"Ejcodgt"qp"rcig"70+




News & Views

June 5 - 2013

‘The time has come in Bitou to put the past behind us’ An attempt by Plettenberg Bay-based civil rights organisation the Justice and Equality Front (JEF) to have members of the DA brought up on sedition charges has failed JOHN HARVEY reports


OR the past few months the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) had been studying a docket containing affidavits to the effect that members of the DA and a Plett township group sparked public violence to unseat the ANC in Bitou Municipality in 2007.

However, in a letter to JEF attorney Hardy Mills, the Western Cape Director of Prosecutions gave reasons as to why not to prosecute. He said the allegations were vague, there was no substantive evidence, the charges did not meet the description of the

alleged offences, and there was not a reasonable prospect of a successful prosecution. The complaints of sedition were laid with police by Mills in 2011. The JEF comprises a group of 10 Garden Route lawyers and additional members who seek to monitor corruption

in local municipalities. The complaints stem from unrest that bedevilled Bitou in 2007. The JEF alleged a group comprising DA members and the political organisation Quina Mhlali Qina (QMQ) were behind the unrest that included the destruction of cars and assets and the burning of ANC members’ houses in May of that year. QMQ comprised influential

township members who were seeking good governance in Bitou Municipality, and worked closely with members of the KwaNokuthula community in particular. The claims were based on the testimonies of two former QMQ members, who told DPPappointed investigator warrant officer Vernon Jantjies that QMQ leader and current Bitou mayor Memory Booysen and then DA councillor Johann Brummer took care of the logistics and were fundamental in the planning of the operation to stir unrest. There were, however, questions that Jantjies was suddenly pulled from the case while he was still investigating the matter and forced to hand over the docket. Mills has accepted the decision of the DPP. “I’m sure the

NPA left no stone unturned in reaching their final decision. Although it solicited severe criticism from many in the legal fraternity, I am more than willing to accept the outcome. “The time has come in Bitou to put the past behind us and start working together in building a better life for all,” he told CXPRESS, However, fellow JEF member Mary-Anne Mngomezulu was not as satisfied with the result. “The interference into the investigation itself needs to be investigated. The investigator being intimidated, refused access to a vehicle to drop the file off in Cape Town, his removal from the case... the time has come for our Premier, Ms Zille, to respect the people’s right to know who was behind the DAfunded black on black violence in Bitou.”

Budget, awards, bucks presented by Knysna mayor Knysna mayor Georlene Wolmarans, right, delivered her annual state of the town address on May 30, detailing every facet of governance and presenting the 2013/14 budget. She also awarded 25-year Long Service Awards to staffers Marionette Franzsen and Elna van den Berg, and donated R10’000 towards two local sailors’ participation at an international tournament in the UK (read their story on page 16). Cllr Wolmarans closed proceedings by thanking her municipal manager, directors and staff for their ‘continued hard work in delivering services in line with the municipality’s vision of creating a town where people and nature prosper’, as well as the deputy mayor and speaker, members of her mayco, and all councillors for their ‘active and at times very lively inputs’, saying: ‘This is what democracy is about.’ (Visit where the full address will have been posted by June 6, on the News & Views page of issue 366.)

Source claims more than a million swiped by SANParks guards HE Garden Route National was told by sources close to the activity. The investigation had T Park Controls has institutpark that it was a “substantial” uncovered evidence which ed a series of new preventive amount, with a figure of R1.3led to the five members being John Harvey

measures after five gate guards at Tsitsikamma were fired last week for pocketing money paid by motorists at the Storms River Mouth gate. According to SANParks Garden Route National Park spokesman Nandi Mgwadlamba, permits granting access to the park have been intensified, while manual documentation is checked daily against the electronic system to ensure that any irregularities are spotted promptly. Although SANParks officials have not disclosed how much money was stolen, CXPRESS

million suggested. The sources had also seen the guilty guards driving around in Land Rover Freelanders in their personal capacity. Thus far in 2013, 139’768 guests have visited the Storms River camp. About 50’929 were overnight visitors. An additional 4’051 were visitors to the National Park, and 288 were day visitors. The Big tree lured 48’742 visitors. Mgwadlamba said: “Following an intensive investigation, SANParks has dismissed five gate officials in connection with their involvement in fraudulent

charged. “Internal disciplinary procedures had then been followed and five members of staff had been found guilty of defrauding the organisation by pocketing entry fees at the gate.” One of the gate officials has subsequently appealed against his dismissal. “SANParks will act with resolve to bring any staff members involved in fraudulent activities to book. We owe it to the public and to ourselves that we should have a zero tolerance approach when it comes to any form of theft or corruption.”

News & Views

June 5 - 2013


Local artisan blows new life into century-old ox-wagons Words & photo: Bob Hopkin


highly-skilled carpenter and metalworker from Rondevlei near Sedgefield, Gavin Margrate, is living his dream of restoring and creating Voortrekker-era ox-wagons and

contemporary furniture. As an avid African historian, this work is pure pleasure as he feels strongly that all local history is valuable and needs to be preserved. The current special-

ist contract is for an exclusive nature reserve in the Eastern Cape where the owner wants to give his guests a ‘turn of the 19th century’ experience. Gavin’s first involvement in NEW LEASE ON LIFE FOR OLD WHEELS: Gavin Margrate and the first oxwagon, dating back to 1912, restored by him in Rondevlei

Is ‘NO’ the image of Plett we want to share with the world? Plett Business Chamber chairman BARRIES FERREIRA urges residents to make informed decisions about the proposed small boat harbour development


IKE many people reading here, I have been bombarded these past weeks through e-mail and social media with opinions and campaigns concerning the small boat harbour proposed for Plett. Some professed that this would be the death to our town, others urged us to spell the word ‘NO’ on Central Beach. I think that it may be time to share my personal opinion on this matter. This statement is not about whether the development should happen or not (even though, personally, I support the concept of a small boat harbour in Plett); it is about the negativity that, like a cancer, is growing in our town. No good thing has ever been born out of negativity; negativity breeds depression and negativity is the stuff that economic destroyers and vampires feed on. Believe it or not but Plett, like everywhere else in the world, needs change to survive - call it evolution, call it adapt or die, it is the infinite power of change. No change can ever come from the word NO. I bet the word NO has never featured in any great event or outcome. If that was the case, we would never have had aeroplanes, moon landings,

ocean crossings, the Internet, Apple iPhones, Samsung, rock n roll... Shouldn’t we start changing our mind-sets? Shouldn’t we try being part of a solution? Consider words like: “I don’t like this, but how about that?” or “Not here, how about there?” In other words, be constructive not obstructive. Granted, that would be much more difficult to spell out on a beach! The same goes for the hanger owners at Plett Airport. I find it inexplicable that nobody is willing to come to the party and work towards a feasible solution. Is the word ‘NO’ really the image of Plett we want to send out to the world, through print and social media? Are we not running the risk that the world will perceive this as ‘Plett says NO to economic development, Plett says NO to employment and job creation, Plett says NO to tourism’? Is NO the word that we want people to associate with Plett? Interestingly, 99% of the people I spoke to who planned to vote NO small boat harbour with their bodies on the beach, had not even read the scoping report. I could not help wondering

whether this is simply because it’s so much less trouble, a much easier way out, to just say ‘no’ than to battle your way through a document, or to go to the trouble of researching the issue yourself. It reminded me of this quote from Cvncu" Ujtwiigf: “People said it because other people said it. They did not know why it was being said and heard everywhere. They did not give or ask reasons.” If this is the case it is very, very sad... and very scary. I am not saying that you should or should not support the small boat harbour. All I am asking is that you get your hands on all the information, read through the documents, ask questions to objective parties, and then make up your own minds. Let’s not follow the bad example of a certain group that objected to the harbour in the media through a press release even before the Scoping report was released, or before we had any idea of what was being planned there. Be positive. Be Plett. A positive frame of mind can only promote prosperity. *Rncegogpv" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" ycu" rckf" hqt" d{" Rngvv" Dwukpguu" Ejcodgt0+

the project began five years ago, when he was asked to create totally authentic Boer campsites - which he did by handcrafting wooden furniture based on designs of the period that he had researched in museums and on the Internet. Apart from subcontracting the tent canvas manufacture to a company in George, he made all of the furniture for four campsites, from beds to tent poles and dining tables to water buckets.

These sites proved so popular, in particular with overseas tourists, that the owner now wants to expand the experience so that his visitors are totally immersed in an 1800s atmosphere from the moment they arrive. “Guests will be met at the entrance to the reserve where their luggage will be transferred into traditional carpet bags. “Then they will be invited to climb aboard a restored oxwagon pulled by a team of 10 animals for a five-hour journey to their campsite, escorted by outriders with black powder rifles,” he said. The first restored ox-wagon, dating from 1912, has just been completed and will be joined by two others awaiting restoration by Gavin. He explained that,



while the design of the wagons had evolved to high levels of sophistication for the period, the original makers were not averse to using materials from their adversaries. “As most people know, the Voortrekker wagon used a combination of differing local woods to optimise its strength and manoeuvrability, but most of the solid steel axles came from England and the load bed is Oregon pine from Canada imported by the British.” He added that, while he enjoyed the work immensely, there was always a touch of sadness when his handiwork left for delivery. “At least I have the satisfaction that others will enjoy my creations for many years to come,” he said.




News & Views

June 5 - 2013

Awards for overall excellence bestowed on Plett Primary School P

LETTENBERG Bay Primary School is doing extremely well and the community it serves deserves to know all about it. The school has achieved two remarkable accolades this year. In order to understand how it fares against the rest of Western Cape schools, Plett Primary uses three systems to evaluate its academic performance - the Systemic Evaluation produced by UCT, the Annual National Assessment (ANA) produced by the Western Cape Education Department, and the school’s own exams. Plett Primary measures itself across these three assessments in order to confirm its rating, so instead of only looking at exam results, these are measured up against the two external assessments. Grade 3 and 6 are focal points, as these years highlight the end of foundation phase and

of senior primary respectively. The 2012 Systemic Evaluation awarded the school these five accolades: Over 80% pass rate in Grade 3 Mathematics; over 80% pass rate in Grade 3 Literacy; over 80% pass rate in Grade 6 Mathematics; over 80% pass rate in Grade 6 Literacy; and overall academic excellence throughout the year. Plett Primary has only received the fifth award - regarded all round as a major feather in any school’s cap - once before, in 2010. Over and above these certificates, which are proudly displayed in the school’s recep-

tion, Plett Primary received a R15’000 reward from the Western Cape Education Department. This brings the financial reward from these assessments to approximately R60’000 over the past four years - an excellent achievement indeed. The second accolade that deserves mention involves the Western Cape Education Department’s Whole School Evaluation (WSE). Every five years, the department does a comprehensive evaluation which not only covers academic performance but also how the school is run, whether it functions correctly, whether policies are

Bitou first citizen and company enjoy Greenwood hospitality

Greenwood Independent students and staff welcomed Bitou mayor Memory Booysen and councillors to their school on Tuesday May 14. The charmed office bearers were treated to the pre-school kids’ Jiggle Bugs demonstration - movement sessions helping them to grow and learn while having tremendous fun. Everyone then watched a wonderful performance by Drum Tree-O, which was followed by a short interlude of song by the Greenwood choir. In the photo, mayor Booysen, centre, gets acquainted with the Grade 6 & 7 students, with headmaster Brett Frost at right.

Eden students get firsthand look at water matters


N its quest to encourage youngsters to pursue careers in water-related fields, the Department of Water Affairs this year again partnered with Cell C to expose 40 learners from disadvantaged communities in Eden to the important business of H2O. The group of enthusiastic students received this first-hand experience of the department’s doings during the 11th anniversary of Cell C’s Take a Girl Child to Work initiative. Firstly, they were introduced to the water and sanitation industry, the process being explained in detail from capturing and purification to distribution. From the Ganzevlei waste water treatment plant it was on to Ganzevlei River to check on its ecological health, before visiting Akkerkloof Dam. Participating schools included Thembalethu’s Imizamo Yethu High in George, Knysna Secondary (Hornlee), Percy Mdala High (Khayalethu South), and KwaNokuthula-based Murray High School in Plett. With only months before final exams, Meldima Kamfer from Plettenberg Bay said that it was a very fruitful excursion: “The Ganzevlei water treatment

works was the most interesting site visit for me.” Before, Meldima dreamed of becoming a social worker but after the tour, she had changed her mind. “I am now interested in a career in the water sector. I am really eager and determined to do well in school and upgrade my marks this quarter. “I will definitely look at the guide we were given for careers in the water sector. The whole process of purification and the chemicals used to clean water is very interesting.” The excursion did not only encourage learners to study in water-related fields, but also to be water ambassadors. Siphiwo Yamaphi from Imizamo Yethu Secondary said: “Our expectations were definitely met - we did not know we wouldd be taken on site visits. “The purification plant was amazing and changed my perspective on waste, so I will now tell my family and friends of the importance of saving water. Even at school I am motivated to do a water-saving project.” After a long day of learning, participants were awarded with certificates of attendance from the Department of Water Affairs and Cell C.

in place, how teachers set and achieve targets, whether the SGB functions and much more. All nine focus areas set out by the department are covered and the evaluation takes place on the school premises over a three-day period - and the latest WSE results are tremendous, as Plett Primary received a grading of 4 (on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best). The method of evaluation is tricky indeed as figures are rounded down, not up, e.g. even if you score 3.9, then your grading is a 3, meaning that the achievement of a 4 is all the more impressive. Out of 147 questions asked, an excellent rating was attained in 138 instances. On the postevaluation report, 36 points were positive and only seven needed improvement (visit the school’s brand new website at to read the full report). Overall, Plett Primary continues to excel in its assessments so its staff, its pupils and their families, and the entire Bitou community should hold their heads high with pride in the school and its superior education system. Concur headmaster Hendrik Bester and his team: “Yes, we are doing something right!”

Social Scene

June 5 - 2013




People, places & events

LIEFDESMAKIETIE: Andries & Ilze du Plessis (née Wessels) is op 29 Maart in Wittedrift NG Kerk getroud, gevolg deur ‘n genotlike onthaal op Mahlangeni Farm. Nou reeds 30 jaar ‘n Plettie, kan Andries inderdaad as ou ‘local’ geklasifiseer word en Ilze, oorspronklik van Welkom af, bly reeds sewe jaar in die dorp. Geluk en beste wense vir n lang en liefdevolle lewe saam in die mooiste baai. - Foto: Liza Wigley

DRAMA ALIVE IN PLETT: Enjoying the opening performance of the comedy thriller ‘Murdered to Death’ in Plett on May 28 were, above from left, Knysna theatre lovers Charles Rathbone and his wife, former TV personality Penny Smythe, with Sue & Chris Conyers. At right is a scene from the play, which enjoyed a sell-out five-day run last week, to the effect that two more performances have been added on June 6 & 7 at St Peter's Anglican Church. From left are Margaret Craddock (played by Joy Sachs), Bunting the butler (Michael Lond), colonel Charles Craddock (David HallGreen), constable Thompkins (Brian Hardy), Dorothy Foxton (Juliette de Gersigny), Elizabeth Hartley Trumpington (Kim Seller), and Joan Maple (Nita Davis). The production, a spoof of the Agatha Christie whodunit genre, is staged by the Bitou Amateur Theatrical Society.

VIVA AFRICAN UNITY! This year marked the 50th anniversary of Africa Day - an annual commemoration of the 1963 founding of the Organisation of African Unity, presently recognised as the African Union. The organisation, comprised of 53 member states, has brought together the continent to collectively address challenges such as armed conflict, climate change, and poverty. Celebrated on May 25 this year, kids at The Crags Eco-preschool got into the spirit with brightly painted faces and fun activities to honour African unity and culture. In the pic from left are Jasper, Amalia, and Taylor. Take note, too that the school hosts a music evening with Steve Newman and local jazz musicians at Barnyard Theatre on June 8. Call Inge on 072 605 8573 for info.

MOOI NOOI BOOI: Geluk aan Bukelwa (née Booi) en Bennie Jonkers, wat in Plettenbergbaai die knoop deurgehaak het op 27 April. - Foto: Shani

PLETT’S PRETTIEST: Wittedrift High annually presents a spectacular Mr & Miss Wittedrift event, and this year, 2012 winners Saaniya Yacoob and Luke Olsen handed over their tiara and trophy to Hannah Maclean and Ruan van Niekerk, pictured at right. All the contestants - 10 girls and 10 boys - worked extremely hard to look their best on the night, with outfits meticulously designed for each category to match the circus theme. Helium balloons, bright lights and the delicious smell of popcorn got everyone excited for the show to begin. The school says huge thanks to judges Carol Jackson (a previous Miss SA), Leigh Dunn, Diana Bronkhorst and Andrew from Evolve. Another big thank you goes to the sponsors who donated awesome prizes, Paul le Roux who helped setting up of UV lights, and all the students and locals who came to support the event.

Photo: Sarah Hume

Photos: Timothy Twidle

ERNIE, WATCH YOUR BACK… Congratulations to Curgan Boscombe, who received the prize for best junior player during the Plett Pre-primary golf day at Goose Valley on Saturday May 25. For his prowess on the course, the Big Easy in the making received a hamper of excellent goodies from The Sweet Shop.





June 5 - 2013

Global acclaim for Garden Route

Prime lagoon-front stands now selling in Knysna


IGH-END home buyers and international property investors are turning to the Garden Route, with Knysna and Plettenberg Bay already reaping the benefits of increased exposure to the tourist market in recent years. This is according to Ling Dobson, area principal for Pam Golding Properties in Knysna and Plett. “The Garden Route is now globally acknowledged as one of the most scenic stretches of road in the world, with international travel website www.vir ranking it sixth in its Top 10 Coastal Drives online survey. “According to this website, which has over 1.3-million subscribers, the Garden Route is recognised for its abundance of wild flowers, secluded bays and quaint villages, and towns such as Plett, Knysna, Wilderness, and Sedgefield. “Receiving global acclaim for this spectacular region, with no less than 11 Blue Flag beaches, is gratifying and the recent announcement by Tourism minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk, that some 9.2-million tourists visited SA in 2012 - over 10% more than in 2011 - augurs well for positive exposure for and interest in the region in the future,” says Dobson. “We are seeing more and more international investors returning and a growing number of enquiries from South African buyers, particularly for upmarket homes. The general price range in demand is from R3million upwards, and in addition to our R23-million sale of a home in Pezula Private Estate in Knysna at the start of this year, we are currently negotiating a number of high-end property sales in the R12 to R18-million price range.

“Our combined sales turnover for Knysna and Plett in March and April was R40-million and in May another R15-million (to which Plett contributed R12.57million), compared to a total of R14-million in sales in Knysna for the same period last year which was prior to my acquiring the PGP franchise rights for Plett,” she says. Pam Golding Properties is marketing a new development located on the site of one of Knysna’s iconic holiday resorts of years gone by, the Brenton Caravan Park, which is situated in a prime, tranquil site under the well-established milkwood trees right on the edge of the lagoon. Explains Dobson: “The site is being transformed into an ecofriendly resort, Lake Brenton, with a show house already well under construction. There is simply nowhere else in Knysna where you can buy vacant land right on the edge of the lagoon, with stands of approximately 500 square metres, priced from R580’000 to R1.99-million for the prime locations. “Enquiries already received are from leisure home buyers and locals, as well as those from other regions looking to reside here permanently.” There is a total of 62 stands, and the heart of Lake Brenton will consist of rehabilitated forest which will attract birds and wildlife. The resort will include a tennis court, clubhouse, games room and swimming pool, while a toddler play park will be created within the clubhouse area. With its own slipway feeding into the Knysna estuary, it is an ideal venue for all water sports including sailing, powerboating, water-skiing, canoeing and angling.

The point on the north side of Lake Brenton is considered by many as the best inshore spot for kite-surfing, and the lake also accommodates jet-skis. Building specifications are on a small footprint under and around the protected milkwood trees and conform to strict eco-standards. With a growing worldwide emphasis on sustain-

able design, architects and town planners are working together to assess the impact of buildings on the site’s environment. As a result, the architecture at Lake Brenton is a direct response to the planning and development conditions defined by the town planning code of the local authority. The architectural style retains

its rural character and is designed to blend into the natural landscape, with a lightweight structural system, narrow spans, natural colours, quality finishes and a fresh interpretation of the traditional Knysna cabin. All homes will need to be in wood, glass and steel and raised off the ground, and no existing trees may be felled.

ESTUARINE AESTHETICS: A view of Lake Brenton in Knysna, where Pam Golding Properties are marketing vacant stands

This prompt, direct medium markets your business minute by minute


XNET SMS Directory is a Garden Route-based business and service listing, conveniently available to anyone who has a mobile telephone. Standard SMS rates apply, meaning whatever your service provider charges you for an SMS is what this service will cost you - neither the sent SMS nor return SMS is charged for. This is not a subscription and no money will be taken off your airtime balance for this purpose daily, weekly or monthly. This is how it works: Perhaps you are looking for a business’ contact details, or a service type, but are nowhere near a computer or a phone book. All you now need to do is SMS ‘Find’ followed by the business name or service type, as well as area, to 43366. For example, SMS ‘Find newspaper Plett’ to 43366, and a return SMS will be sent to you with the CXPRESS contact details and physical address.

There is no need to have a pen and paper ready, as the SMS is saved to your inbox. (It is not necessary to include the inverted commas, as this is only an indication of the text to be used.) Operating in Knysna, Plettenberg Bay, Sedgefield, Wilderness and George with more areas to follow, it is important to include the relevant area at the end of the SMS, otherwise you will receive listing information for all areas. Various advertising options are used to ensure maximum exposure, and the service benefits business owners as follows:

Keywords are offered to describe your business and/or service. You could also choose to make use of the cXnet Referral Service that gives you the Lead Generator - in other words, you receive SMS notification of the contact details of the person who has searched for either your business name or keyword. All these options add to your unique Audience Builder. This data is collected immediately and the info is available to you as you choose to receive it. At this stage, cXnet has accumulated over 2’000 unique cell

The developers aim to create an ultimate paradise getaway in an eco-friendly holiday destination, with unspoilt beaches, coves, caves and forest. The protection of flora and fauna is a priority and the intention is to keep this resort secluded, unspoiled, natural and with a tranquil feeling of remoteness. Knysna itself offers a host of activities - take a ferry trip or a sunset cruise, hike or cycle in the beautiful forests, walk on the beach or enjoy sun-downers overlooking the estuary. With a rich history, gourmet restaurants (not forgetting the renowned Oyster Festival held annually in July) and a variety of arts and crafts rambles, numerous other sporting and recreational facilities in and around Knysna include three golf courses - Simola, Knysna and Pezula - and a bowling club in the centre of town. Email knysna@pamgolding. or ling.dobson@pamgold or phone 044 382 5574 for further information. Ugg"vjg"Rco"Iqnfkpi"Rtqrgt/ vkgu"nkuvkpiu"qp"rcig";0

numbers that are offered as a start of your Audience Builder. So should your business have a special to offer, an SMS Campaign could be sent to this audience, notifying them of your special. The benefit of this marketing tool is that it is direct, real-time marketing - no need to wait for an email to be read, or for flyers to be handed out. What you need to ask yourself is: Does any other marketing medium offer a service as prompt and direct, as well as minute by minute? Various options are available for all businesses wishing to make use of this service. Contact Lauren on 044 382 3279 or at for more information.

Kurland Hotel hibernates until next month


proud member of Relais & Châteaux, Kurland Hotel in The Crags near Plett is taking its annual hibernation this month and looks forward to welcoming guests when it reopens on July 1. Present MD Peter Behr will then take over the business and full operation of Kurland Hotel while continuing to run the estate. Reservations will remain open for hotel and restaurant bookings throughout June. During the winter months,

while Kurland Homestead restaurant goes on vacation, Katarina’s bistro plans various new menu options for lunch and dinner - especially for Sunday lunches, which have become renowned with the local community as an ideal place for families to enjoy languid lunches together. From July 1 until December 14, Kurland Hotel will also offer its ‘Stay for 4 and pay for 3 Nights’ package, with children under the age of 12 years stay-

ing for free, making it a perfect opportunity for family travel. Comments Peter Behr: “There are so many activities and tourism options for a great midyear vacation travelling from Cape Town, along the Garden Route and onto the Eastern Cape, and we hope that our winter offerings will entice guests to experience the warm heart and welcome of Kurland Hotel.” Please email reservations@ or call 044 534 8082 to book.


June 5 - 2013







June 5 - 2013


Who will the four Grand Prize winners be? Find out in CXPRESS of June 19...

THE GRAND PRIZES • Dog Category: An Axiss Dogpowered Scooter valued at R3 999. • Cat Category: Cat bed, scratching post, food & treats valued at R650. • Bird Category: Daro bird cage suited to bird size up to the value of R1 000. • Other Domesticated Species: A R500 Pet Pool Warehouse voucher.

Sponsored by:


June 5 - 2013



‘Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.’ - Groucho Marx


One wish, your last call...

South African was sitting with an Aussie and an Englishman in Saudi Arabia, sharing a smuggled barrel of beer, when all of a sudden the police entered and arrested them. They were initially given the death sentence but contested this, and were finally imprisoned for life. But as it was a national holiday, the sheikh decided they should be released after each receiving 20 lashes

of the whip. As they were preparing for their punishment, the Sheikh suddenly said: “It’s my first wife’s birthday today and she asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping. But you can not wish to not be whipped!” The Englishman thought for a second then said: “Please tie a pillow to my back before whipping.” This was done but the

pillow only lasted 10 lashes before the whip went through. The Englishman cried in pain. The Aussie saw this, and said: “Please tie two pillows to my back before whipping.” This was done and lasted for the whole 20 lashes. The Aussie stood up smiling. The South African saw this, but before he could make his wish, the Sheikh said: “As you are from South Africa with all

that crime, a cricket team who is always losing in a final and a rugby team who can’t win anything, you are permitted to have two wishes!” The South African thought for a second, then said: “Thank you most royal and merciful highness. My first wish is to receive a 100 lashes with the strongest, toughest whip available.” “If you so desire,” the sheikh replied with a questioning look on his face. He then asked: “And your second wish?” “Tie the Aussie to my back.”

When blondes get out


blond from Pretoria is sitting in the bar with two guys beside her. The first guy says to the barman: “Johnnie Walker, single.” The second blurts: “Jack Daniels, single.” At that, the bartender approaches the lady and asks: “And you ma’am?” She answers: “Katryn van der Merwe, married.”

Just when you think things are as bad as they can get...


guy walked into a bar one day and said to the barman: “Give me a triple shot of vodka.” The barman said: “You must have had one hell of a day.”

“Yes, I’ve just found out my older brother prefers men.” The next day, the same guy came into the bar and asked for two triple shots of vodka. When the bartender asked what

the problem was today the guy said, “I’ve just found out that my younger brother likes men too!” On the third day, the same guy came into the bar and ordered

Magic coin


FTER putting their threeyear-old child, Brian, to bed one night, his parents heard muffled sobs coming from his room. Rushing back in, they found that the child was crying hysterically when he saw them. He told his parents that he had accidentally swallowed a fivecent coin and was sure that he would die. The father, in an attempt to sober him down, took out a coin from his pocket and pretended to pull it out from Brian’s ear. The child was really thrilled and stopped crying at once. In a flash, he snatched the coin from his dad’s hand, swallowed it, and then cheerfully demanded: “Do it again, Dad!”

Die seuntjie kom by sy juffrou in die klas en sê: ‘Juffrou, ek wil juffrou nou nie bangpraat nie, maar my pa sê as my punte nie drasties verbeter nie gaan iemand ‘n groot pakslae kry.’

On the shopping list


Y father was completely lost in the kitchen and never ate unless someone prepared a meal for him. When Mother was ill, however, he volunteered to go to the supermarket for her. She sent him off with a carefully numbered list of seven items. Dad returned shortly, very proud of himself, and proceeded to unpack the grocery bags. He had one bag of sugar, two dozen eggs, three hams, four boxes of detergent, five boxes of crackers, six eggplants, and seven green peppers.

three triple shots of vodka. The bartender said: “Doesn’t anybody in your family like women?” The man downed the first drink and said: “Yeah, my wife.”





June 5 - 2013

Indoor / Outdoor Services

Indoor / Outdoor Services

June 5 - 2013

Enjoy a real fire this winter while saving on fuel ITH electricity W costs soaring, homeowners are seeking

CHARMING HEAT: This pretty and efficient Charnwood closed combustion stove is also easy to control, making it perfect for the first-time stove owner

new ways to create a warm and cosy home. Closed Combustion Stoves (sometimes called ‘slow combustion stoves’) have enjoyed an enormous surge in popularity in recent years. The right stove can provide you with up to four times the heat of a standard open fireplace, while consuming only a third of the fuel. Unlike ‘pellet’ stoves, they operate with a natural (unassisted) flame, burn a variety of fuels including wood and anthracite, and still provide a highly efficient

fireplace. There are a variety of units available in the market. Charnwood are the UK’s leading manufacturers of stoves and have been producing closed combustion stoves for over 40 years. This heritage has enabled them to produce a range of units that are highly efficient and yet the easiest to control, which is perfect for the first-time stove owner. If you have been considering a move towards ‘closed combustion’, come and view two of the models at Pennypinchers Plett now and enjoy a real fire this winter.







Read CXPRESS online @

June 5 - 2013


On the Soapbox

June 5 - 2013

Letters to the Editor

Email: - Fax: 044 533 0852 - PO Box 1449, Plett 6600

By helping the unemployed, we ultimately help ourselves The problem of unemployment among the largely unskilled local black populace is not going away. Over years of employing casual labour, I have come to the following conclusions: • It is unsafe for the average homeowner to pick up casual labour. • These folk need additional skills-based training. • Many have really poor language skills and need additional schooling. • There is work available, but innovative pro-active thinking and municipal cooperation are required. In Knysna, Andre van Niekerk has registered Ama Sebenza Sebenza as NPO and, with the help of the SAPS, has screened over 100 unemployed people. All that’s needed now are photo


ID badges. If volunteers can be found in Plett and Sedgefield, then it will be possible to list and screen unemployed workers in these two towns as well. I am pretty sure there are other self-employed business folk like myself who would be prepared to undertake skills training for these chaps. While times have been tough economically the last few years and a lot of us are struggling financially, there are opportunities to create work if enough local folk work together to help and get a structure in place. Just the huge amount of alien vegetation in the area offers great opportunity, as the existing system in place is ineffectual, to say the least. Then, huge opportunities exist in waste recycling. Currently,

private companies are paying for the privilege, but the responsibility is that of homeowners and municipalities. Spending over R8-million annually to get Knysna’s waste trucked to the PetroSA landfill is a copout and an avenue that won’t be open forever. As a pilot project in Randburg proved, waste has to be uqtvgf at source. My suggestion is that unemployed folk are given a route and collect waste, working with the existing system. However, homeowners would be required to fill three cardboard containers with glass, one with paper and another with tin/plastic. When one is full, it is left for the street collector to pick up. Unrecyclable material goes in black bags, compostable waste

goes in white/green bags, and unwanted items are left on the pavement for the municipal pickup truck. Ratepayers that participate although it should be mandatory, as in Europe - would qualify for large rebates. Additionally, I recommend coloured T-shirts to assist potential employers to identify the kind of labourer they are looking for: blue for buildingrelated workers, green for gardeners, and yellow for general unskilled labour. Car guards need to be cleaned up and trained to serve as tourism ambassadors, instead of annoying smelly dirty nuisances. They could hand out local maps, postcards and Knysna souvenirs to assist our visitors. If anyone is interested in getting involved, or can get me an appointment with our mayor, do contact me post haste at melo_ or on 084 872 7233. Ogncpkg"Qnkxgt."Mp{upc

Support for Mr Cox but NOT for small boat harbour You deserve our thanks and commendation for making space for the detailed letter by Patrick Cox regarding the proposed harbour development in the estuary of the Piesang River at Plett in CXPRESS of May 22 *xkukv"ezrtguu0eq0|c"cpf"enkem"qp" vjg"Ngvvgtu"rcig"qh"kuuwg"587+. Mr Cox eloquently reminds us

(if we needed reminding) what it is to be happy people, happy with the nature given simple pleasures that appeal to ‘children’ of all ages. Thanks are also due to the Plettenberg Bay Community Environmental Forum for the excellent appeal that they are currently circulating by email.

No two ways about it: we all HAVE to recycle

They deserve the unqualified support of every nature-loving South African. Plett is well served by the quirky Keurbooms estuary to the east and the Robberg Nature Reserve to the west: fight for the bit in-between. Ft"Ejtku"Iqy."Mp{upc ----We write to give our 100% support and endorsement to the excellent letter by Patrick Cox, published in CXPRESS. He expresses so well how we all feel. Some developer sees a money-making opportunity, regardless of the fact that would

destroy the magic of Plett - not just the best seaside place in South Africa, but arguably the whole world - at a stroke. This site is precious and very sensitive and lives in the hearts of many thousands who have visited and love Plettenberg Bay. So please, Mr Developer, go somewhere else to make good business, which we do not begrudge. PLEASE do not ruin this iconic stretch of river mouth and beach in the best resort in the world. Lqjp"("Ejctnqvvg"Hqtf." d{"gockn

Crags recycling project requires your assistance

David and Brenda Scott of Plett sent this pic and wrote: ‘We recently started recycling seriously and were amazed at the result. We put plastic, paper and metal in one bag and all organic matter (peels, etc.) in another. You can see from the photo that the volume of organic waste is far smaller than the volume of recyclable material in the black bag, which could obviously be compressed more to reduce the volume. The message is simple - one has to recycle! Yet, a drive around our part of town revealed only one other house had put out some material for recycling. (Of course, some houses are vacant at this time of the year.) Please remind CXPRESS readers that we should all be making an effort.’

Don’t short-change Oom Fanie I Googled the Van Rooyens of Plett and found an article on your website, but would like to point out that my grandfather Oom Fanie, who passed away in 1982 - was 92 years old and not 84 as stated.

Hcpkg"xcp"Tqq{gp."d{"gockn *Yg‚nn" dg" uwtg" vq" rcuu" qp" vjku" eqttgevkqp"vq"Cpftkg"xcp"Tqq{/ gp."yjq"mkpfn{"rtqxkfgf"wu"ykvj" ctvkengu" qp" vjg" jkuvqt{" qh" vjku" rtqokpgpv" nqecn" hcokn{" uqog" {gctu"ciq0"⁄"Gfu0+

A Bitou law enforcement officer during 2011/12, I decided last year to do something for my community in The Crags instead of feeling sorry for myself. With no money, I started my own recycling project to ensure that The Crags became a cleaner and healthier environment. In return, participants receive food, clothes and stationery, and the kids get sweets. Up to date there are 50 volunteers keen to bring this project to fruition, so I’m asking all your readers to assist by donating some of the above-mentioned items, as well as a laptop. Our other project in the pipeline is a community garden to help those in need at their soup kitchen. I thank the following people

in advance for their advice and assistance: Ronald Bouwer and his PA, Anthony Fourie and his PA, Collin Koopman, Francine Mabie (a HUGE thank you), Kenneth and his team from Qolweni, the Recycling Founders, cllr Neville de Waal, Olga Davids and all the volunteers, Mitze Barnardo, and DJ Mervin (for raising money through his disco equipment). I also thank all of those good people who will be assisting us in the near future. Please phone me on 072 893 8621 if you would like to get involved. Fcngpg"Vj{u."Rngvv *Xkukv" yyy0ezrtguu0eq0|c" cpf" enkem"qp"vjg"Ngvvgtu"rcig"qh"ku/ uwg" 554" vq" tgcf" oqtg" cdqwv" Fcngpg‚u"iqqf"ugtxkeg"cu"owpk/ ekrcn"ncy"gphqtegt0"/"Gfu0+



VIP service inspires return to honourable business practice I like making a special effort to thank people for superb service. We always bitch about the awfulness of this and that, but so few make the effort to applaud people for going the extra mile. VIP Car Clinic in Knysna could have ripped me to pieces on bogus charges and fees. Instead, they drove my car to George to another turbo repair company, who could also have hit me with a R7’000 bill, but actually told me that there is nothing wrong other than a blocked pipe. VIP drove my car back, washed it, ycujgf" vjg" gpikpg, performed a minor blockage repair, and even sent vyq drivers to deliver it to my house. Neil du Plessis point-blank refused to charge me for his time or anything else. I begged him to at least bill me for an hour’s labour but he said “never”. I was blown away by his honesty and superb service. I have never met Neil or known about VIP Car Clinic but was referred by a car rental company in Sedgefield. I was both awed and ashamed by this company – awed because they showed me that honest people still exist, like caring neighbours back in the 1970s, and ashamed because of the belief that the moral fabric of our modern world has declined to a point where everyone is in it for each last cent they can squeeze out of you, no matter how corrupt or deceptive or immoral it

may be. The business world has become an unpleasant place and we have grown desensitised and used to being used. VIP reminded me of what SA was like 30 years ago, of the values many of us had, the sense of community, of finding joy and pleasure in being of service and, most of all, the belief that we could charge an honest fee for honest work done. Is it just me or do modern people see all customers as uninformed patsies to be ripped off, overcharged, fleeced for every cent? This is even more so in the tourism business. There is no need to be honourable and decent in our dealings because today’s customer, the tourist, is gone tomorrow. Do we no longer depend on the repeatbusiness model? Let’s regain a sense of honesty, dignity, and respect for our valued customer, giving our very best because that is who we are, and treating with great respect those who are the lifeblood of our business, our bread and butter. My salute and immense gratitude to VIP Car Clinic’s Neil and Corrie for unbelievable honesty and for reminding me what joyful business used to be. You are a lighthouse of inspiration and have won my utter respect, awe and devoted patronage. Fgqp"fg"Mqem."Mp{upc




Sport & Adventure

June 5 - 2013

Young Knysna sailors aim for UK glory U

NTIL recently Knysna teenagers Wanga Mbabe and Bhekumuzi Hani did not even know what sailing was, but now they will be competing with the world’s best. The two will be representing South Africa at the RS Tera World Championships in the Tera Pro class in Weymouth, England next month after proving they have what it takes to sail competitively. Wanga and Bhekumuzi are junior development sailors trained by the Knysna Yacht Club sailing academy and were shown the ropes by coach Mike Pogodin, who will accompany them to the UK. “While I was growing up sailing never crossed my mind. I didn’t even know what sailing was until Mike came to our school about two years ago and told us about the sport,” Bhekumuzi said. The two youngsters were also only recently taught how to swim and have never travelled before. Pogodin said they had only been sailing for two seasons, but had done consistently well at every regatta entered and soon qualified for the world championships. Wanga, who moved to Knysna from Durban three years ago after the death of his mother, started sailing in 2011. He now lives with his grandparents in Khayalethu Valley and is in Grade 11 at Percy Mdala High. Since taking up sailing Wanga has developed a passion for the ocean and aspires to become a marine engineer, and also considers joining the Sea Cadets to assist him to gain entry into the SA Navy.

Bhekumuzi started sailing just over a year ago and achieved his first win at the Commodore’s Cup in April last year.

This year he received the Most Improved Novice Award, won the Junior Devereaux Trophy, and was placed second for the

SAILING AWAY: Wanga Mbabe, left, and Bhekumuzi Hani will represent SA at the RS Tera World Champs in England next month - Photo: Ewald Stander

Yolandé Stander

Junior Aggregate Trophy. He lives with his sisters and brother in Concordia South and is in Grade 10 at the new Concordia High School. He wants to combine his love for the ocean and his passion for cooking to become a chef on board a ship one day. They hope to make South Africa and Knysna proud of them at the world championships. “I am just going out there to do my best,” Wanga said. Until leaving for England, they continue with a rigorous training regime. The Knysna Yacht Club gencom has launched a fundraising campaign to assist the two young sailors to reach their dream to compete in Weymouth and represent their country and both boys are finding ways to help raise funds. The amount needed to cover all the costs is R100’000. Several pledges have been received including R10’000 from the club, but there is still a long way to go to reach the target. Ictfgp"Tqwvg"Ogfkc

‘Martial arts mom’ now ready to punt your brand across the globe Sedgefield single mother Jeanne-Mari Scholtz has for the second consecutive year been raking in gold and a silver medals during several NMA-ISKA events, and she is currently gearing up to compete against the world’s best kick-boxers in the US of A


EANNE-MARI Scholtz was at a personal low a couple of years ago when stumbling upon the sport of kickboxing. “After losing nearly everything, I was looking for a sport to help me bully-proof my boy, Danny,” says Jeanne-Mari, who also has a teenaged daughter, El-Zané. “I started kickboxing and it was like a duck to water, I was a natural!” After some strenuous effort, she was still taken by surprise when winning five gold medals and a silver at last year’s SA National Martial Arts/International Sports Karate Association (NMA-ISKA) champs. “Things escalated quickly and by November last year, I was selected as part of the Protea team - yes, me, a 39-year-old single mother of two!” Visit to find out everything about this exciting competition, where Jeanne-Mari will compete in different styles of martial arts, kickboxing and submission grappling. A quick look at the tour details will also reveal the substantial costs involved. “Sadly, my medals are not worth anything when they’re melted down,” jokes JeanneMari. But she’s dead-serious when adding: “All these doors have opened and opportunities have presented themselves, but I just don’t have the capital to realise my dreams.” An amount of about R40’000 is required for Jeanne-Mari to attend the world championships in Orlando - and, business owners, this is where you can help and be helped at the same time. Mixed martial arts is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and, says Jeanne-Mari, “I’d be very happy to advertise your brand while doing my utmost to bring the title home. “I’m willing to put my face on your products if that will help them sell, and of course create awareness all over the world of what your company does and the services you provide.” There are many good reasons to sponsor Jeanne-Mari’s US participation; she is a South African, she is naturally talented, and her exposure of your branding will ensure excellent global exposure for any company. You can contact her at j-m@ or on 082 337 9204, or check out her Facebook page Jeanne de Art. Spon-

sorship could take the form of funds or equipment, and a detailed budget statement and list of equipment required is available on request.

If you can make a direct deposit, do so at: J Scholtz ABSA (branch 632005) savings acc no 914 169 6832. Use name and contact number as reference.

HARD-CORE, SOFT HEART: Jeanne-Mari Scholtz shows off her hard-won medals at the NMA-ISKA Cape Classic last month

Plett 10s dominate national tennis tournament


HE SWD Sportscentre Mini 1 Tennis Tournament took place in Hartenbos recently, a Tennis SA event that counts towards national rankings. The 10 years and younger age group was totally dominated by Plett players (out of the last eight competitors, five was from Plett and one from Knysna). The tournament was won by Ben Dugmore with Luke Schultz second. Liam Schultz and Jason Fogle of Knysna made the semi-finals, while Tieg Schultz and Jean du Plessis made the quarters. There is great excitement ab-

out tennis in Plett and those involved are working hard to lift the game to its next level. Kudos go to all coaches training these players through the years, and to current mentors Monica Neethling, Dave Olsen, Debra Hyde, and coaches from Gr8 Tennis Academy in George. Triplets Liam, Tieg and Luke are the proud property of Richard and Jane Schultz - both SWD players, who spend a lot of time on the court with their sons. We wish all these youngsters luck for the next SATA tournament from July 27-29 in George. DOUBLES FINALS FRIENDS: Triplets Luke, Tieg and Liam Schultz with their big buddy, Ben Dugmore

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