My spread psychic cc

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross



















Layout 1

Card No. Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5 Card 6 Card 7 Card 8 Card 9 Card 10 Card 11 Card 12 Card 13 Card 14 Card 15 Card 16 Card 17 Card 18

Placement and Description Present - The Question. Present - The Influence and/or Obstacles. (This crosses card 1) Future - Thoughts and Ideas. Past - The Long Term. Past - The Recent Past. The Near Future, and what the Querent's Possibilities could be. Present - The Querent's Attitude including their position in the matter. Present - Views of Others and their Influences. Present - Thoughts and the way the Querent is thinking. Emotional area. Present - The Outcome. Near Future - The Querent's Attitude including their position in the matter. Near Future - Views of Others and their Influences. (The CENTRAL Card) Near Future - Thoughts and the way the Querent is thinking. Emotional area. Near Future - The Outcome. Distant Future - The Querent's Attitude including their position in the matter. Distant Future - Views of Others and their Influences. Distant Future - Thoughts and the way the Querent is thinking. Emotional area. Distant Future - The Outcome. Table 1

This can be quite a complex Spread, but it is fundamentally designed to give answers as well as be able to see the bigger picture. Not only do we have Past, Present and Page 1 of 9

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross Future placements by some of the cards, but we also have Near and Distant Future possibilities too. Now the future cards may not necessarily become reality, by manifesting themselves, but at least the Reader is able to see the possibilities and thoughts the Querent may have long-term. This Spread has been designed by myself over the past 14 years or so and is called, "Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross," or CPCC for short. With "Focus Area." I have not mentioned the Focus Area as yet, because I want you to get used to the basics of this spread first. What can this Spread do that no others can? Well first of all let me explain how it was developed. Over the years I would use from four to maybe seven or more spreads for different types of readings and questions. Great you might say. "Practice makes perfect." Well it wasn't that I never practised, it was more the spreads than anything, that would cause me to doubt in what I was seeing in the cards. I knew that spreads could be designed for different uses. So I set about to design a specific type of spread. Now this spread had to have everything. Like a basic motor car that has been suped-up. As they say. First of all I was using the Psychic layout of the Celtic Cross for my general readings and so the new design had to be similar to this. Also as my readings became more and more in depth due to the Querent requesting more of what I was seeing, it was becoming difficult to see more. The only answer to that was, to use another type of layout/spread for say a quick yes/no answer on what had just been discussed. Mainly to prove to the, obviously more sceptic of my clients, that what I had already said "WAS TRUE." It became a normal practice, which was starting to make me doubt my own skills as a reader. So, something had to be done to solve these problems. I needed a system that would allow me to Focus deeper around certain cards within the spread and that is how the Focus Area came into being. Looking at the layout (Layout 1) above, you will notice that instead of only1 column to the right of the cross, there are 3. Look at the next layout and I will explain further. If you have a look at (Layout 2) below I have shaded the normal shape of the Celtic Cross in Yellow and you would expect that column 1 represents the present, as it does. So the spread is exactly the same layout as that of the Psychic Celtic Cross, but this time with 2 extra columns, to the right of the first. They are Near Future and long-term Future or Distant Future as I've named them. These two new columns can be used for Future Focus and the possibilities of the Querent actually doing something to change their situation. The reason why is, because the cards should be showing the future influences. If the reading of the cross and first column is good, then the future cards should show improvement, if not then something has or will go wrong. The client must be made aware of this and told that they must work harder once the balance has been restored, and not just sit back expecting it all to be happy families from there on. And so we can now see by having the extra two columns that we are able to achieve more in a general reading than we could do previously with the standard Celtic Cross. Page 2 of 9

Copyright  S Bloom All rights Reserved 1994-2009

Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross It has now become more accurate, predictable and easier to understand what the future really does hold for the client.



Near Future

Distant Future


















Layout 2

OK. Happy with it so far? Of course you are. You also have a better chance of confirming one card with another, as there are another eight cards on the table. The next area we need to look at is the middle card, card 12. This card is classed as the central card in the main part of the spread. It is surrounded by 6 cards, unlike card 1 that only has 4 cards round it. This card is what you might call the main influential card of all. It has more power and potency on the reading than any other card. It should not be moved at all costs. As I will explain later. It also has a strong influence on those 6 cards round it too. If any of them are negative and if card 12 is a major it will conjunct with it's surrounding cards, bringing the influence of that central card to bear on the others. So please be aware how really powerful this card can be. On the other hand if it is a minor, then it won't have such a great effect at all. Now if it is a court card, then the power of that card supersedes all other cards in the whole spread because it could be a person. If it does turn out to be a person then he/she will be having a great deal of effect on the client at the present time and in the near future.

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross We also have four rows to go through before we get to the Focus Area. 2


















This line is the Final outcome line. Possible manifestations can become reality here. This is the thoughts area, where thinking of the future and the question "will it work" happens. This line can become reality and manifest in the present or the Future. This line should have already manifested itself. It has Happened or is about to.

Layout 3




This line should have already manifested itself. It has Happened or is about to.

Layout 4 The first row I will deal with is where cards 7,11 and 15 are placed. Some readers call the 7 card "The Querents attitude" (Table 1) I also believe that it is their position in the matter. Basically where the Querent stand right now. Similarly this is the same for cards 11 and 15, but remember they are in the future. These cards should have manifested by now, well certainly card 7. The other two will start to manifest as the time gets closer to their future status. Question? So in the example above, card 7 (The Fool), what do you think has happened or about to happen?

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross 8



This line can become reality and manifest in the present or the Future.

Layout 5 The second row is a bit more complex than it looks. "Views of Others and their Influences." (Table 1) Now I believe this is where the power is. The kick ass cards, so to speak. Simply because we can't change these cards or their influences because they are out of our control somewhat. Why? Because it is opinionated views from other people, be those opinions encouragement, direction or maybe critical and uninvited. Whatever they are, a situation will start to arise simply because these cards are about to become reality. They have already manifested or about to manifest. That's the crux of the matter at this point. So with that in our mind's eye we can at least see what is happening at this moment in time or is about to happen, very soon. Now take a look at the 3 cards, starting with card 8. (The Knight of Swords). (Layout 5) Question? So in the example above, by just quickly glancing along the 3 cards we can see what? • • • • • • •

A hopeless situation! Things will get worse before they improve! Someone will help with the situation! Someone will interfere and cause disruption! There is light at the end of the tunnel, and the journey be it hard is starting to improve! A very bright and fulfilling future lies ahead along with some strong movement, indicating that further work on the issue is needed! None of the above, but I see this______________________________________! 9



This is the thoughts area, where thinking of the future and the question "will it work" happens.

Layout 6 The third row now becomes quite interesting. " Thoughts and the way the Querent is thinking." This is also an emotional area too. (see Table 1) Thinking and thoughts, can be good, bad or indifferent. They can also be very dangerous too. According to the Kabbalah, just by thinking unpleasant or terrible thoughts about someone, is termed as, "Character Assassination." Emotions also have to be checked by the Reader at this point. So we have to ask the Querent at this point, what they believe is the situation and what lies ahead for them. But first you must explain the cards you see and what you believe the Querents thought process is. Question? Page 5 of 9

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross So in the example above (Layout 6), how can you determine what they are and will be thinking? Also you will have to consider their emotions, are they down or on a high? Are they overwhelmed with everything that has or is happening to them at this time? Are they feeling the pressure? Are they feeling depressed and stressed-out? Whatever the cause, there is always a remedy, so don't give up at this point in the reading. At this stage, you will be as close to the Querent, Psychically and intuitively as they will be discussing their inner feelings with you now. 10



This line is the Final outcome line. Possible manifestations can become reality here.

Layout 7 The fourth row is the final step before you are introduced to the "Focus Area." "The Outcome." As it states, this is the Outcome but not necessarily the Final Outcome! The reason being is that there are still two more columns before the reading ends. Also by linking this with card 6 The Near Future it will become more obvious as to what the outcome will be. You can do this with all 3 cards (10,14 and 18) in turn. Because you have 3 columns and not 1 in this spread, once you have finished interpreting card 10 you must go back down to card 11 and start to read the next column upwards (Layout 8). So just to point out here, the Final Outcome is the Present for column 1, the Near Future for column 2 and so on for column 3. Card 18 really does mean the Final Outcome and the end of the reading. 10












Layout 8 Page 6 of 9

Copyright  S Bloom All rights Reserved 1994-2009

Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross The Focus Area The "Focus Area" as I call it, gives the reader a more in-depth understanding of certain cards, by taking 1 card from the spread and focusing round it. The reader is limited to which cards can be focused on. After many, many tests on the use of the "Focus Area," I finally came to the conclusion that the only cards that can be focused on, without getting too confused or disruption of the flow of the reading, are as follows:Table 2 Card No. Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5 Card 6 Card 7 Card 8 Card 9 Card 10 Card 11 Card 12 Card 13 Card 14 Card 15 Card 16 Card 17 Card 18

Can be used to Focus on. Yes/No. No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

How to use the Focus. 1. From the spread we select a card that needs to be looked at in depth, for whatever reason. I usually ask the client, "Do you want me to clarify this area." If the client agrees then I will select the card and place it, out of the spread and to the right side. 2. Once placed on the right by itself, (Layout 9) I now place 4 cards from the remainder of the deck, which has not been re-shuffled. Take them from the top, with the left hand, and place them as in the (Layout 10). 3. What we now have is a totally separate Cross, with the selected card in the middle.

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross Step by step Example:7

Layout 9 OK. We want to look deeper at the "Fool," card 7. We already understand from its placement in the spread along with its interpretation what is expected from this card. You may have explained that it constitutes "A new venture of some kind, A leap of faith, etc." The client has asked, at this point, "What is this New Venture?" Now you can pull the card out of the spread and do your focus. 2





Layout 10 Finally we need to know what the placing of the 4 cards we have just laid mean. Card No. Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5

Placement and Description Present and Future thoughts - What the client thinks could be the Outcome. Present and Past manifestations - What was happening and still is. Physical. Past and Present thoughts - What the client has already experienced. Present and Future manifestations - What is to come, unless changed by the client. Table 3

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Cybees Psychic Celtic Cross The four new cards are also linked to form 2 new areas. The Thoughts or Thinking group cards 2 and 4 and the Reality or Manifestation group cards 3 and 5. Take a look at (Layout 11) below. 2





Layout 11 This now gives us even more information than previously thought, and enables for a much deeper interpretation of the majority of cards. Use of the Focus Area with other spreads. The Focus Area can be used with any spread and was developed for this purpose. I see no reason why it can't be used within other spreads in varying degrees. I am not going to illustrate the point in this document but will use 3 other commonly used spreads to show the effect in my next Lesson.

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Copyright  S Bloom All rights Reserved 1994-2009

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