Manchester Development Plan, Written Statement, 1961

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Manchester Development Plan 1961, Written Analysis This report has been digitised by Joe Blakey and Martin Dodge from the Department of Geography, University of Manchester. The digitisation was supported by the Manchester Statistical Society’s Campion Fund.

Permission to digitise and release the report under Creative Commons license was kindly granted by Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council. (Email:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. 6 September 2013.




R. Nicbolas, C.B.E. B.Sc, M.T.P.I. City Sawqor.


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List o f Appendices Introduction

Opposite 1

Section 1


Section 2

- Shopping (other than in Central Area)

Section 3

- Education




- Open Space . . . . . . . . . . 5 - Miscellaneous ~ s e s ' ~ n c i 1 l ato r~

Appendix 1

- Distribution of Population.

Appendix 2

- Open Space Programme.

Appendix 3

- Industrial Areas.

Appendix 4

- Road Network.

Appendix 5




Section 4 Section

Residential Development



Section 6

- Industry

Section 7

- Central Area of the City

Section 8

- Minerals

Section 9

- Roads


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Section 1 0

- Cmmunications

Section 11

- Tree Planting . . . . . . . . .

Section 12


Section 13

- University.

Section 14

- Cultural Area ...

Section 15

- Health

Section 1 6

- Designations


Public Utilities


... ...

. . . .

Road Programme.


y The Development Plan f o r t h e Manchester County Borough prepared under t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e Town and Country Planning Act. 1947, c o n s i s t s o f (a) a .Town Map. (b) a Programme Map. (c) t h r e e Designation %Mapsand (d) t h e W r i t t e n S t a t e m e n t c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s document.

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Areas on t h e Town Map f o r which n o n o t a t i o n has been used r e p r e s e n t land f o r which t h e e x i s t i n g uses a r e intended t o remain f o r t h e most p a r t undisturbed.

The purpose o f t h e Development Plan is t o g i v e a broad i n d i c a t i o n o f t h e C o u n c i l ' s i n t e n t i o n s r e l a t i n g t o t h e f u t u r e use pf l a n d i n t h e c i t y r a n d t o provide a g e n e r a l framework w i t h i n which t h e Council may c a r r y o u t t h e i r d u t i e s o f both c o n t r o l l i n g an2 promoting development.

I t i s s t r e s s e d t h a t t h e Town Map and t h e Programme Map should be read in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h i s h i t t e n Statement. The C o u n c i l ' s f u l l i n t e n t i o n s w i t h regard t o p a r t i c u l a r forms of development a r e n o t i n a l l c a s e s c a p a b l e of v i s u a l p r e s e n t a t i o n , and t o a v o i d m i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n shown on t h e b a s i c maps i t i s e s s e n t i a l t h a t r e f e r e n c e be made t o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p a r t s of t h i s Statement. I n c a s e s o f c o n f l i c t between t h e B r i t t e n Statement and t h e maps. t h e p r o v i s i o n s of t h e Statement s h a l l have precedence.

The Development Plan o u t l i n e s development expected t o take place d u r i n g t h e Plan period and a l s o i n c l u d e s long term p r o p o s a l s f o r roads and c e r t a i n o t h e r a r e a s where c o n s i d e r e d necessary t o g i v e proper guidance t o p r o s p e c t i v e d e v e l o p e r s . The Plan p e r i o d ends i n 1971.



t h e s t r u c t u r e o f t h e Development Plan is a s follows:-

(a) The Town Map a s supplemented and q u a l i f i e d by t h e d e s c r i p t i v e m a t t e r i n t h i s Written Statement shows t h e land uses i n t h e C i t y a s they a r e l i k e l y t o e x i s t a t t h e end o f t h e Plan p e r i o d , i n c l u d i n g both s p e c i f i c development expected t o be undertaken during t h i s period and e x i s t i n g development l i k e l y t o remain s u b s t a n t i a l l y undisturbed. (b) The Programme Map a s supplemented and q u a l i f i e d by t h e d e s c r i p t i v e m a t t e r i n t h i s W r i t t e n S t a t e m e n t shows:-

(1) S p e c i f i c items of development expected t o be c a r r i e d o u t t h e Plan period.


(2) Areas w i t h i n which development. of an a p p r o p r i a t e type but n o t c a p a b l e o f d e t a i l e d d e f i n i t i o n . i s expected t o t a k e p l a c e t o an e x t e n t s u f f i c i e n t t o s e c u r e s u b s t a n t i a l l y t h e d e s i r e d predominant use o f t h e a r e a .

It i s s t r e s s e d t h a t t h e purpose of t h e Plan p e r i o d programme a s a whole i s t o g i v e an i n d i c a t i o n o f t h e a r e a s and t h e o r d e r i n which, a t t h e p r e s e n t time. i t i s proposed t h a t development should proceed. I t may from time t o time appear e x p e d i e n t t o advance o r r e t a r d s p e c i f i c proposals. o r t h e d e v e l o p e n t of c e r t a i n a r e a s . and o p p o r t u n i t i e s w i l l occur a t each quinquennial review o f t h e Development Plan f o r such adjustments t o be made i n t h e l i g h t of t h e s i t u a t i o n then e x i s t i n g . I t i s f u r t h e r s t r e s s e d t h a t i n t h e meantime no g u a r a n t e e can be given t h a t t h e whole o r any p a r t i c u l a r p a r t o f t h e development proposed f o r t h e f i r s t f i v e y e a r s w i l l i n f a c t t a k e p l a c e d u r i n g t h a t period.

A t t e n t i o n i s drawn t o t h e f a c t t h a t , f o r purposes o f s i m p l i f i c a t i o n . c e r t a i n d e t a i l e d land uses e x i s t i n g a t the time of survey. not c o ~ i s i d e r e d t o be of m a t e r i a l planning s i g n i f i c a n c e . a r e o m i t t e d from t h e Town Bap. This does not n e c e s s a r i l y i n p l y t h a t such uses w i l l have been e l i m i n a t e d o r changed by t h e end oC t h e Plan period, nor i n f a c t t h a t t h e r e i s an expressed i n t e n t i o n t o e l i m i n a t e o r change them. The Programme Map r e v e a l s where any s p e c i f i c change i s proposed.


The W r i t t e n Statement i s s e t o u t i n s i x t e e n s e c t i o n s , each d e a l i n g with a p a r t i c u l a r a s p e c t o f t h e Development Plan. Where a p p r o p r i a t e , s e c t i o n s a r e d i v i d e d i n t o two p a r t s , t h e f i r s t d e a l i n g with g e n e r a l planning proposals and p o l i c y (Town Map). and t h e second d e a l i n g w i t h s p e c i f i c development expected t o t a k e p l a c e d u r i n g t h e Plan p e r i o d (Programme Map); For d e t a i l s of t h e f a c t s and arguments underlying t h e proposals i n t h e Plan. r e f e r e n c e should be made t o t h e W r i t t e n A n a l y s i s o f t h e Report of Survey s u p p o r t i n g t h e Plan.

Part 8

(6) The Development Plan i s therefore based on the provision f o r Manchester people of approximately 55.800 dwellings b y July. 1971. of which 32.480 w i l l be constructed outside the City. Areas Primarily for Residential use.

Proposals f o r the Plan Period.



Proposals for First 5 Years.

to be

(b) The boundaries d i f f e r from those taken a t the time of survey as necessitated by changes of use l i k e l y to be achieved by 1971. I n some instances. where more permanent boundaries t o residential development a r e expected t o be established by 1971. u n i t s treated separately a t the time of survey are combined on the Town Map. Such u n i t s a r e i d e n t i f i e d on the Town Map and i n Appendix 1 by a combination of the o r i g i n a l u n i t index numbers.


(8) The estimated changes i n population within the City det a i l e d i n Appendix l represent a reduction from approximately 703.500 a t the time of survey t o 606.480. a t the end of the Plan period. The o v e r s p i l l (planned and voluntary) r e s u l t i n g from the housing proposals referred to i n paragraph 6. and taking account of the housing need a r i s i n g from the anticipated natural growth of population. is estimated t o amount t o approximately 137.500 persons by 1971.

(9) It is proposed t h a t i n principle the net density for r e s i d e n t i a l redevelopment s h a l l not exceed 90 habitable rooms per acre in any part of the City. Net density i s defined as t h e density per acre of land occupied s o l e l y by a layout of dwellings of any type. including the c u r t i l a g e s of such dwellings, any small public o r private open spaces included i n the layout. and half the width of any s t r e e t on which these lands abut (except Trunk. Class l and Class 11 roads where only 20 f e e t of the width of such road is included). Habitable rooms a r e defined as l i v i n g rooms, bedrooms and l i v i n g kitchens but not bathrooms o r s c u l l e r i e s .

(10) The Programme Map shows the areas proposed f o r resident i a l development and redevelopment during the Plan period.

(12) The substantial completion of the new development local authority housing i s expected to take place i n the f i r s t f i v e years. but the extent t o which redevelopment w i l l be carried out during t h i s period cannot be s t a t e d . (13) It i s intended t h a t redevelopment rill f o r the most part commence w i t h the clearance and replacement of u n f i t residenintended wholly f o r housing t i a l properties only i n areas purposes. in order t o ensure the m i n i m u m loss of r e s i d e n t i a l accommodation i n the e a r l y stages. Advantage w i l l be taken of small s i t e s already cleared. where the demolition of a few standing dwellings w i l l provide compact economic re-housing areas.

(c) The u n i t s on the Town Map do not necessarily represent proposed neighbourhoods. Except where affected by r e s i d e n t i a l proposals expected to be implemented during the Plan period they remain, as a t the time of survey. areas containing development generally uniform in character. Population Changes and Overspill.

Progranne Map.

(11) The Programme Map does not sholv i n d e t a i l s i t e s proposed f o r private housing. Such development w i l l take place w i t h i n the new development areas ar.d on various small s i t e s elsewhere i n the City.

(7) Appendix 1 compares the estimated p ~ ~ u l a t i o n . ~ r odensity. ss and acreage a t the time of survey and a t the end of the Plan period, f o r areas devoted primarily t o r e s i d e n t i a l use. In connection w i t h the indication of such areas on the Town Map. a t t e n t i o n i s drawn t o the following points:(a) The boundaries r e l a t e t o the primarily r e s i d e n t i a l a t 1971.


(14) The redevelopment programme proposed i n the Development Plan envisages the demolition ofapproximately 20.066 dwellings. Approximately 760 of these occupy land required f o r new majo; roads o r the improvement of e x i s t i n g major roads.


- Shoppino


(other than i n the Central




Citp) Part A (Town Map). ,

(15) Areas a r e shown on the Town Map f o r shopping use ( e x i s t ing and proposed) i n the new development areas of Wythenshawe ( r e s i d e n t i a l units 31 to 37 inclusiveland Blackley and Charlestown ( r e s i d e n t i a l unit 2). I n the case of the following two areas i n dythenshawe the precise location is not yet determined:


(1) Neighbourhood shopping centre i n the proposed Peel Hall Neighbourhood (residential unit 35). (2) D i s t r i c t shopping centre in the Northenden Neighbourhood ( r e s i d e n t i a l u n i t 32). dependent on r e d e v e l o p n t within the e x i s t i n g Northenden Village.

(16) Proposals f o r other future shopping centres i n areas intended f o r general residential purposes have not yet been determined. The Development Plan envisages that existing shopping areas, not affected by the proposals described i n the l a s t paragraph o r by other proposals included i n the Plan involving a s p e c i f i c change of use. w i l l remain substantially undisturbed during the Plan period. Such areas are omitted from the Town Map f o r purposes of simplification, but i t i s stressed t h a t t h i s implies no ultimate intention e i t h e r t o r e t a i n o r t o eliminate shopping use i n these locations.

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Onera1 School Playing Fields.

(22) I t i s further intended t h a t lands shown on the Town Map as tipping areas o r surface mineral workings should ultimately be used wholly o r i n park for school playing f i e l d purposes when tipping o r mineral working i s completed.

Part B ( P r o g r a m Map) (17) The P r o g r a m Map shows s p e c i f i c shopping development which i s expected t o be carried out i n the f i r s t f i v e and the subsequent years of the Plan period. Other shopping developmnt. f o r which the precise location i s not yet determined. w i l l a l s o be carried out during the Plan period.


- Education.

Part A ( T o m Map). Schools.

(18) The schools shown on the Town Map comprise the following:(a3 Existing and proposed schools i n Wythenshawe ( r e s i Blackley and d e n t i a l units 31 t o 37 inclusive) and Charlestovn (residential unit 2). which together represent the whole of the school provisions proposed f o r these areas. (b) 'hro proposed i n each of r e s i d e n t i a l u n i t s Nos. 3 and 25.

(c) A l l e x i s t i n g schools elsewhere i n the C i t y (other than i n areas . ultimately proposed f o r a non-residential use) which a r e expected t o remain i n use on t h e i r present s i t e s f o r the Plan period a t l e a s t . (19) I n addition there a r e school proposals (for new schools o r f o r the extension and adaptation of e x i s t i n g schools) w i t h i n the areas expected t o be redeveloped f o r general resident i a l purposes during the Plan period, t h e precise location f o r which has not yet been determined. (20) Existing schools i n areas proposed f o r non-residentialpurposes w i l l remain i n use u n t i l no longer required: i. e. u n t i l the intended non-residential use is s u b s t a n t i a l l y established i n the area and/or u n t i l no demand a r i s e s from adjoining residential areas.

(21) The Town Map also shows lands ultimately proposed for general school playing f i e l d purposes, additional t o those to be provided adjacent t o schools. I n some instances school playing f i e l d s are proposed within larger areas to be used f c r two o r more types of open space. Where no layouts have been prepared f o r such areas the Town Map defines the whole area and indicates the types but not the extent of the constituent open spaces f o r which i t i s intended.

! Further Education.

(23) The Development Plan proposes two County Colleges, one i n each of residential units Nos. 31 and 35 i n Wythenshawe. the s i t e s f o r which a r e defined on the Town Map. Eight additional County Colleges are required in the City, the locations of which have yet t o be determined. Other establishments f o r Further Education are intended i n the area proposed i n the Plan f o r c u l t u r a l use (see Section 14). (24) I n principle. school development proposed i n the Plan i s t h a t f o r which land i s o r i s likely to become available during the Plan period. Additional school development i s expected t o take place during t h i s period i n other areas where an urgent need e x i s t s , but the location and type of such development w i l l be dependent on the policy subsequently adopted t o overcome s i t e r e s t r i c t i o n s .

PART B ( P r o g r a m Map) (25) The Progranune Map shows s p e c i f i c developnent of schools. county colleges and school playing f i e l d areas expected t o be carried out in the f i r s t f i v e and the subsequent years of the Plan period. Other similar proposals f o r which t h e precise location i s not yet determined w i l l a l s o be carried out w i t h i n t h e Plan period. (26) Areas proposed f o r general open space purposes, including school playing f i e l d s . a r e shown as one area on. the Programme Map. but where applicable an indication i s given that only the school playing f i e l d s w i t h i n such areas a r e expected t o be established during the Plan period.


- Open


Part A (Town Yap)


(27) Within the limitations o f the scale used the Town Map shows areas which it is intended should ultimately be used for open space purposes.

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(29) Areas shown mineral workings in use for these for conversion paragraph 22).

(34) For the new development areas o f IVythenshawe, Blackley and Charlestown, the Town Map indicates areas proposed to be used for general Local Government building purposes. It is intended that such areas will be used for community centres. libraries, health centres. etc. It is not possible to define similar areas elsewhere in the City.

(35) Proposals for licensed premises, cinemas. theatres and churches (other than the Cathedral) are omitted entirely from the Town Map. as being o f no broad planning significance. Such omission is for purposes o f simplification only and applications for planning permission will be considered on their merits. (36) Attention is drawn to the reservation in the Town Map o f substantial adjoining areas in iqythenshawe for shopping and general Local Government purposes. Although these will he the predominant uses for the areas it is intended that they shall be developed in the form o f a Civic Centre within which full provision may be made for the central shopping. business and social needs o f the Nythenshawe community o f approximately 90.000 persons.

on the Town Map as tipping areas o r surface are those which. although expected to remain purposes beyond 1971. are ultimately intended into additional major open spaces (see also

Part B (Programme Map). (30) The Programme Kap shows new open spaces which it is expected will be established within the first five and the subsequent years o f the Plan period. These are summarised in Appendix 2. (31) Neighbourhood public open spaces within the redevelopment areas are not indicated on the Programme Map although included in Appendix 2. (32) Certain woods. copses and natural amenity features shown on the Town Map as future public open spaces are not indicated on the Prograrnrne Map o r included in Appendix 2 as although likely to be in use as public open spaces by 1971, no appreciable amount o f conversion work will be necessary and no material chahge o f use will be involved.

liscellaneous Uses Ancillarv to Residential Development.

(33) Apart from schools. shops and open spaces the Development Plan includes no specific proposals for the various communal facilities ancillary to residential development.

(28) Except for Wythenshawe. Blackley and Charlestown. the Town Map does not indicate proposed neighbourhood open spaces. It is intended that residential redevelopment shall include the provision o f public open space. actually within the redevelopment areas. at a standard o f not less than 1.2 acres per 1.000 population. This open space will consist mainly o f children's playparks and small neighbourhood parks. the sites for which will be determined when the redevelopment areas are planned in detail. It is also intended to provide, adjoining o r close to schools in redevelopment areas. a proportion o f the statutory school playing field requirements ranging from 50% for a one form entry secondary school to 100% for all primary schools. For the most part such open spaces will be addition,a1 to those shown on the Town Map. ,





Part A Industrial Areas.




(Town Map)

(37) The areas shown on the Town Map for primarily industrial use provide for some increasc in the amount o f industrial land. With regard to the land allocated for development for industrial purposes and not previously so used, the Corporation's intention is to prevent the demand for labour exceeding limits consistent with the reduced population provided for in the plan and with the arrangements which they are seeking to make for the resettlement o f a portion o f the population outside the county borough. (38) Subject to that overriding condition. existing industry which would require to be relocated consequent on the better organisation o f industry under the plan may expect to obtain planning permission for sites on such land.

(50) The areas shown on the Town Map as clay workings are those i n which a t the present r a t e of extraction the estimated reserves w i l l l a s t f o r upwards of 20 years. I t i s intended that ultimately these areas w i l l be tipped up and u t i l i s e d f o r open space purposes (see a l s o paragraphs 22 and 29). .~~ . -~~


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ing when extraction i s completed and converted into open space and school playing f i e l d s . On the Town Map they are shown f o r t h e i r f i n a l use. The P r o g r a m Map indicates the progress l i k e l y t o be made i n t h i s Tespect during the Plan period. I t i s emphasised.however.that the clay w i l l be worked out before the land i s converted t o open space use.

Part A




(Town Map)

(52) The Torn Map shows the alignment of a l l e x i s t i n g and proposed roads which i t i s intended s h a l l ultimately form the principal road network f o r the C i t y as a whole. This ultimate network i s detailed i n Appendix 4. Part B



COMMUNICATIONS (Miscellaneous)

Car Parks.


(51) Existing clay workings,. which i t is estimated possess less than 20 years reserves. are intended t o be used f o r tipp-



(Proqrannue Map)

(57) The policy w i t h regard t o the future provision of additional car parking f a c i l i t i e s i n the central area of the City i s under consideration. and no s p e c i f i c car parking proposals are included in the Development Plan.

Bus Stations. (58) The policy w i t h regard t o the future operation of bus services and the provision of bus s t a t i o n s i s a t present under consideration. and w i l l be determined largely by experience gained from the more extensive use of through services proposed by the Corporation Transport Undertaking. o r as l a t e r necessi t a t e d by the possihle future operation of bus services on a regional o r semi-regional basis. (59) The Development Plan therefore proposals f o r bus s t a t i o n s .



Railways. (60) No proposals are envisaged by the B r i t i s h Railways involving changes i n land use and the Development Plan i s based on the retention of railway f a c i l i t i e s i h t h e i r present form.

(54) Road proposals shown on the Programme Map as l i k e l y t o be implemented during the f i r s t f i v e and the subsequent years of the Plan period, represent only new roads and reconstructions of e x i s t i n g roads which a t present have no major traffic importance. lidenings and improvements of e x i s t i n g c l a s s i f i e d roads are not shown, as they do not represent a material change of use.


(55) Appendix 5 d e t a i l s the whole of the road programme f o r the Plan period f o r both new roads and improvements.

(62) The Development Plan includes respect of canals.

(56) It i s estimated t h a t t h i s programe w i l l necessitate the demolition of approximately 1.150 dwellings (additional to those mentioned i n paragraph 14) but that only about 315 w i l l possess any useful residual l i f e a t the time of demolition.


Airways. (61) That part of Manchester Airport actually within the City i s allocated f o r a i r p o r t purposes on the Town Map.





proposals i n

Tree planting,

(63) The County Borough Council w i l l continue t h e i r policy of securing o r encouraging the preservation and planting of t r e e s wherever appropriate on both p l b l i c l y and privately owned land. (64) In p a r t i c u l a r they w i l l , wherever appropriate. incorpora t e a scheme of t r e e preservation and planting i n layout plans f o r slum clearance and redevelopment areas.

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(65) Where necessary they w i l l exercise t h e i r powers t o make preservation orders under Section 28 of the Town and Country Planning Act. 1947 and i n appropriate cases a s a condition of planning permission. require developers t o submit a scheme of planting t o be carried out i n connection w i t h the development. . . ~. . .


(72) The Town Map shows the areas (between the University Precinct and the c e n t r a l area of the City) which i t i s proposed should ultimately be used f o r development of a c u l t u r a l character.


(73) The Development Plan includes no s p e c i f i c proposals f o r these areas, but i n principle the Council's intentions a r e as follows: -

Water. Gas and E l e c t r i c i t v . ;P







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(66) The Developnent Plan includes no s p e c i f i c proposals d i r e c t l y affecting the i n t e r e s t s of the Manchester Water Undertaking. the Gas Undertaking o r the E l e c t r i c i t y Undertakings (Generation and Distribution) i n Manchester.

(a) That the northern area (allocated f o r general c i v i c use on the Town Map) should contain buildings mostly of a public o r semi-public type.

Sewerage and Sewage Diswsal.


Cultural Areas.

Part A (Town Map) -1

. .

SECTION 12 - public


(b) That the southern area immediately north of the University Precinct (allocated f o r education use on the Town Map) should contain buildings devoted mainly to Further Education.

(67) The Developrent Plan proposes the abandonlnent of the Northenden Sewage Works within the Plan period. The land i s l i a b l e t o flooding and w i l l revert t o open space use.

(74) It i s envisaged that the desired change of use within these areas w i l l be brought about gradually as opportunities a r i s e f o r the implementation of s p e c i f i c proposals, and the policy of the Council w i l l be consistent with that described i n paragraph45 i n connection with the redevelopment of the c e n t r a l area of the C i t y .

(68) The Developrent Plan also envisages the abandonment bf Withington Sewage Works. i f as a r e s u l t o f investigations now .in hand t h i s proves t o be practicable both technically and economically. Pending such confirmation. no change of use i s shown on the Town Map i n respect of t h i s works.

Part B ( P r o q r a m Map). SECTION 13



(75) The extent o r location of lands w i t h i n the proposed c u l t u r a l areas l i k e l y to be developed i n the Plan period cannot be foreseen w i t h s u f f i c i e n t accuracy a t t h i s stage to warrant t h e i r inclusion i n the Programme. except i n the case of a small area. defined on the Programme Map. within which s i t e s w i l l become available as a r e s u l t of slum clearance under the 20 year housing programme.

Part A (Town Map) (69) The Town Map shows the areas reserved f o r the expansion and reorganisation of the Victoria University of Manchester. (70) It i s the Council's intention as a long term policy. and i n collaboration w i t h the University Authorities, t o encourage the redevelopment of these areas as a University Precinct, by taking such action as may appear necessary from tim t o time e i t h e r t o acquire land required f o r p a r t i c u l a r proposals, az t o safeguard proposals by exercising control over interim nonconforming development within the areas. Part B ( P r o g r a m Map) (71) The P r o g r a m Map shows s p e c i f i c proposals which the University Authorities expect t o complete within f i v e years. and a l s o defines the area w i t h i n which i t is expected f u r t h e r university development w i l l take place during the subsequent years of the Plan period.



- Health

Part A (Town Map) Hospitals.

(76) The Town Map allocates additional land f o r the extension of the following hospitals controlled by the Manchester Regiona l Hospital Board:(a) Ancoats Hospital (b) Manchester Northern Hospital (c) Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital

1, l



(d) Mythenshawe and ~ a ~ uHospitals l i ~ (adjoining s i t e s ) . (e) C h r i s t i e Hospital and Holt Radium I n s t i t u t e . ,

(81) Neither of the two Hospital Authorities a r e able to i n d i c a t e t h e i r proposals f o r the Plan period, except f o r the proposal of the United Manchester Hospitals to develop the s i t e of the former Union Chapel, i n the proposed Medical Precinct. during the f i r s t f i v e years of the period. This development i s indicated on the Programe Map.

(7'1) The Development Plan envisages the permanent retention on t h e i r present s i t e s . of the remaining h o s p i t a l s controlled by t h i s Board. w i t h the exception of the following:-



Part B ( P r o g r a m Map)

(a) Gartside S t r e e t Children's Dispensary which i s d i r e c t l y affected by the City Centre Road proposal.


(b) S t . Luke's Special Clinic. Manchester Hearing Aid Clinic and the Manchester and Salford Hospital f o r Skin Diseases. a l l of which a r e w i t h i n the c e n t r a l area of the City and whose ultimate removal may prove necessary o r desirable as and when the redevelopment of adjoining s i t e s is undertaken or i n any case when major reconstruction becomes necessary.


l 11




(82) Lands to be designated as subject t o compulsory purchase under Section 5(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act. 1947. a r e indicated symbolically on the Town Map and defined on the Designation Maps forming part of the Development Plan.


(c) The Manchester Ear Hospital which i s located i n the proposed Cultural Area and i n respect of which conditsubions simi1.a~t o those referred t o i n the l a s t paragraph w i l l apply.

I l


.. :







. .

( d ) The Chest Clinic, located w i t h i n the proposed Univers i t y Precinct. which may be affected during the l a t e r stages of u n i v e r s i t y redevelopment.

The Board have a t present no proposals f o r the future replacement of any of these hospitals. (78) The Town Map shows the area reserved f o r the expansion and reorganisation of the teaching group of hospitals controlled by the United Manchester Hospitals. The e x i s t i n g hospitals w i t h i n t h i s area a r e : (a) The Manchester Royal Infirmary (b) Saint Mary's Hospital (c) The Royal Eye Hospital (79) I t . i s the Council's intention t o a s s i s t the United Manchester Hospitals t o redevelop t h i s area as a Medical Prec i n c t . i n a manner s i m i l a r t o t h a t proposed Jor the adjoining University Precinct. Health Centres.

(80) The Development Plan envisages the f u t u r e establishment of health centres controlled by the Corporation. but a t t h i s s t a g e proposals a r e not s u f f i c i e n t l y f a r advanced t o enable land to be a l l o c a t e d on the Town Map s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r t h i s form of developnent. Municipal c l i n i c s and welfare centres e x i s t i n g a t the time of survey a r e omitted from the Town Yap.

(83) These lands a r e as follows:Designation Ref. No. 1


Authority proposing to acquire and reason f o r acquisition.

S i t e of d e r e l i c t factory. Sherborne S t r e e t . Cheetham.

Manchester Regional Hospital Board. Extensions t o Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital.

S i t e of Government Buildings. J u l i a S t r e e t . Strangeways.

Ministry of Norks. Government Offices. Land a t present held on r e q u i s i t i o n .

S i t e s of 263/283 Oxford Road. Chorlton-on-Medlock.

Manchester Corporation ?n behalf of University of Manchester. Biological Science Building. p -

(84) The Town Map a l s o defines the boundaries of areas of extensive war damage. scheduled under Section 1 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1944, f o r which Declaratory Orders, rendering the land w i t h i n the areas l i a b l e t o compulsory purchase. have been confirmed. Under Schedule 10 of the Town and Country Planning Act. 1947. these areas a r e deemed to be designated as areas of comprehensive development subject to compulsory purchase.



(a) Miller Street War Damaged Area

Cheetham H i l1 Strangeways Knott M i l l Market Place (D Water Street (b) (C) (d) (e)

" "


At Time of Survey

The areas are as follows:-



if Area. I


" "



At the end of the Plan Period


Pooulation i n areas l noi included i n areas primarily for residential use, e.g. i n business areas.


I 6.760






4.077 I

Total Population


Area Gmss 11ndex ~ o . 1Area Gross in I~opulationlDensit~I on Town in I~opulationlDensit~ Acres Map Acres 823 18.704 22.8 1 667 789 17.745 22.3 2 1.606 698 14.570 20.8 3 325 824 35.403 42.8 4 805 303 18.769 61.9 5 303 433 22.475 52.0 6 419 194 12.542 64.5' ) 7/10 147 11.731 79.8 297 540 19.545 36.2 8 540 216 13.095 60.0 795 ) 9112 233 11.897 51.0 ) 223 8.285 37.1 11 237 340 31.083 91.4 13 336 471 25.849 54.8 14 414 320 15.760 49.2 15 320 246 13.085 53.1 399 16/21 252 19.711 78.2 1



APPENDIX 3. Sheet 2. Industrial Area


General Location and Boundaries.

Areas and Classes of Industry Intended 3.


Newton Heath

North e a s t damchester. Bounded by Oldhaa Road. Ten Acres Lane. Cemetery Road. and t h e Proposed Intermediate Ring Road.

Special General Light

New Cross.

Central Manchester. Bounded by the proposed Oldham Road diversion. the canal a m north of Poland Street. the Rochdale Canal, and the proposed Inner Ring Road. Also bounded by Pollard Street. the Tame S t r e e t I n s t i t u t i o n and t h e adjoining f l a t s . and the proposed Inner Ring Road.



East Manchester. Bounded by Bradford Road, the proposed Intermediate Ring Road. Ashton New Road and Beswick Street.

Special General

- 38 acres.



180 acres. B0 acres.

Knott M i l l

Central Manchester. Bounded by the River I w e l l , the former M.S.J. E A. Railway and goods l i n e i n t o Salford. Medlock S t r e e t , the proposed extension of Princess Road, the proposed Link Road (Regent Road t o Ashton Old Road). Chester Road and the City boundary.



133 acres.


28 acres.

Areas and Classes of Industry Intended Light


Central Manchester. Bounded roughly by the Piccadilly Station and its r a i l approaches. Store S t r e e t , the proposed Inner Ring Road. Ancoats Goods Station, and the proposed Link Road (Regent Road t o Ashton Old Road)


Central Manchester. Bounded by the proposed Inner Ring Road. the former L.M. E S. Railway (Main Line) the proposed Link Road (Regent Road t o Ashton Old Road). Ashton Old Road, the proposed intermediate Ring Road. Thornas S t r e e t . Nellie S t r e e t and Bennett S t r e e t and eXcluding the land occupied by B r i t i s h Railways and the Ardwick Cemetery.


General East Manchester. Bounded by the proposed Intermediate Ring Road. Ashton Old Road. the proposed link road (Slade Lane t o Oldham Road) the former L. E. N.E. Railway (Gorton Line). Railway S t r e e t . Fromner S t r e e t . Booth S t r e e t Gorton Lane. the former L.M. E S. and L. C N.E. Railway (Manchester and Hayfield Branch) Derby Street. Crossley Street. Gorton Lane. the R.C. Church and Schools and the former L. E N.E. Railway. and excluding land occupied by British Railways.


Central Manchester. Light Bounded by the former L.M. E S. Railway (Main Line). Hyde Road. Stowell Street. North Road and i t s continuation north of Kirkmanshulme Lane. and Kirkmanshulm Lane.

- 91 acres. - 75 acres.

Special General


General Location and Boundaries.


- 23 acres.

East Manchester. Bounded by P h i l i p s Park. Bank S t r e e t , Ashton New Road. City Boundary. the High Legh Housing Estate. Louisa S t r e e t . Ashton Old Road. and the proposed Intermediate Ring Road.

Central Manchester. General Bounded by London Road. Downing S t r e e t . Ardwick Green North. Manor S t r e e t , the proposed major highway replacing Tipping S t r e e t . the former L.M. E S. Railway. Mayfield Station, and F a i r f i e l d St.

Industrial Area

-- 68 acres. 32 acres.



APPENDIX 3. Sheet 3.


52 acres.


132 acres.

26 acres.


APPENDIX 3. S h e e t 4. Industrial Area

Areas and Classes of I n d a s t r y Intended

General Location and Boundaries.

Classific a t i o n No. (where applicable).

D e s c r i p t i o n o f Road.

Type of Road

1. Levenshulme


Didsbury (Shirley Institute) .'.'L

South E a s t Manchester. Bounded by t h e proposed l i n k road (Slade Lane t o Oldham Road). t h e C i t y Boundary. Barlow Road. and Mount Road. Also bounded by Broom Lane. H i g h f i e l d Road, and t h e former L. C N.E. Railway.




42 a c r e s .

South Manchester. Located i n t h e t r i a n g l e formed by t h e former L.M. C S. Railway. Didsbury Recreation Ground. and Wilmslow Road.

Radial Road

New road h-tween Middleton Road and Cheetham H i l l Rond.

Radial Road

Length of new road from B u t l e r S t r e e t t o Dale S t r e e t .

Radial Road

Length o f new ruad between Crowcroft Road and Plymouth Grove. mainly along t h e line of Hamilton Road.

Radial Road

Extension o f Kingsway a c r o s s t h e River Mersey.

Radial Road

Diversion o f S t y a l Road from C i t y Boundary t o C i v i c C e n t r e Road. Diversion o f Longley Lane from Altrincham Road t o Leestone Road. Length o f new road from Yewtree Road t o Burllngton S t r e e t (Cambridge S t r e e t ) .

Radial Road

Extension wards t o Extension Brayshaw

Radial Road

Extension o f Hardy Lane t o t h e R i v e r Mersey.

South Manchester. Located i n t h e t r i a n g l e formed by Kingston Road. Nilmslow Road and P a r r s Sood Road South.




Moss Nook.


18 a c r e s .

South E a s t Banchester. Bounded by Burnage Lane, Lane End Road. and t h e C i t y Boundary.


Wythenshawe. Bounded by t h e Roundwood Housing E s t a t e . Longley Lane. and t h e proposed S h a r s t o n By-pass (Altrincham Road and d i v e r s i o n ) .

~ e n i r a land L i g h t - 110 a c r e s .

Wythenshawe Located w i t h i n t h e a r e a bounded by Altrincham Road. Western Road. t h e Baguley Sanatorium. and t h e C i t y Boundary.

General and L i g h t - 108 a c r e s .

Wythenshawe. Located i n t h e e a s t e r n p a r t o f t h e a r e a bounded by t h e proposed C i v i c C e n t r e Road. t h e proposed S t y a l Road d i v e r s i o n , and Ringway Road. Also l o c a t e d w i t h i n t h e a r e a bounded by t h e proposed S t y a l Road d i v e r s i o n . the former \.M. C S Railway, and t h e C i t v bounda'ry.


o f P r i n c e s s Parkway s o u t h C i t y Boundary. o f P r i n c e s s Road from S t r e e t t o Medlock S t r e e t .

Diversion o f Withington Road from Greame S t r e e t t o Brook's Bar.

Ring Road ( C i t y Centre Road)


Extension o f Chorlton Road from S t r e t f o r d Road t o C h e s t e r Road. Diversion o f Deansgate between Liverpool Road and Cateaton S t r e e t . i n c l u d i n g l e n g t h o f new road a l o n g t h e l i n e o f t h e River I r w e l l


APPENDIX 4. Sheet 3. APPENDIX 4. Sheet 2.


Classific a t i o n No. (where applicable)

Description of Road.

Type of Road


Length o f new road from C i t y Boundary (River I r w e l l ) t o Cheetham H i l l Road.

Ring Road (Inner Ring Road).


Length of new road from Hyde Road t o Moss Lane West (Brooks's Bar).



NEW ROADS ( c t d . ) ~~thenshawe I n t e r n a l Road



Connection of North Road and Stoctiport Road.

Link Road Link Road

Hollyhedge Road Extension from Greenwood Road t o Western Road.

Wythenshawe I n t e r n a l Road

Western Road from Altrincham Road t o C i t y Boundary.

Wythenshawe I n t e r n a l Road

Civic Centre Road. connecting S t y a l Road t o P r i n c e s s Parkway Extension.

Wythenshawe I n t e r n a l Road.

Poundswick Lane between Bmwnley Road and Civic Centre Road.

Rochdale Road. Shudehill and High S t r e e t . Lightbowne Road and Thorpe Road Oldham Road from C i t y Boundary t o Butler Street.

Radial Road

Ashton New Road from C i t y Boundary t o Every S t r e e t .

Radial Road

Wythenshawe I n t e r n a l Road

Corporation S t r e e t

I Every S t r e e t

Diversion of Altrincham Road from Sharston Road t o C i t y Boundary. Length of new road from P a l a t i n e Road t o t h e C i t y Boundary (Sale).


Cheetham H i l l Road south of Waterloo Road.

Radial Road

Length of new road from Slade Lane t o Oldham Road.

Link Road


Radial Road

Length o f new m a d connecting Ashton Old Road t o Regent Road a t t h e C i t y Boundary.



Radial Road

Length o f new road from MiddletonRoad a t t h e C i t y Boundary t o V i c t o r i a Avenue East j u s t e a s t o f Rochdale Road.


~ m w n l e yRoad Extension from Altrincham Road t o Sharston Road railway bridge.

IMPROVEMENTS AND W IDENINGS. Middleton Road from City Boundary t o L e i c e s t e r Road.

Length of new m a d fmm P o t t e r y Lane t o North Road.

Link Road

Classific a t i o n No. (where applicable)

Radial Road

Ring Road ( I n t e r - Length of new road from C i t y Boundary mediate Ring Road) t o Queens Road Viaduct p a r t l y along t h e l i n e of Elizabeth S t r e e t .

Ring Road (Outer Ring Road)

Description of Road

Type of Road

Radial Road


Ashton Old Road Hyde Road Ardwick Green South, Downing S t r e e t and London Road



Radial Road

Stockport Road. south o f Crowcroft Road and north of Plymouth Grove.

Radial Road

Kingsway. B i r c h f i e l d s Road. Anson Road. Upper Brook S t r e e t .

I Radial Road

Brook S t r e e t and Princess S t r e e t S t y a l Road and Park Road from C i t y Boundary t o Altrinoham Road.

A5079 Class I11

APPENDIX 5. Sheet 1.


Description of Road

Classification No. (where applicable.)


D e s c r i p t i o n of Work.


Wythenshawe C i v i c Centre Road I n t e r n a l Road do.

Hollyhedge Road Extension


p e s t e r n Road

Radial Road

Albion S t r e e t , forming p a r t of P r i n c e s s Road Extension.

Radial Road

P r i n c e s s Road extension from Brayshaw S t r e e t t o Albion S t r e e t .

Ring Road ( C i t y Centre Road).

Chepstow S t r e e t and Bridgewater Street.

Radial Road

l ~ r i n c e s sParkway Extension



1 1 I


New road


New road


New road



New road from Brayshaw S t r e e t t o Duke S t r e e t one-way system Duke S t r e e t t o Albion S t r e e t . Provision of one-way

I l system.

Provision of one carriageway, from Altrincham Road t o C i v i c Centre Road.

Ring Road ) Cambridge S t r e e t extension from ( C i t y Centre) Gloucester S t r e e t t o Chepstow 1 Street. Road) Radial Road. )

New road from Chepstow S t r e e t t o Whitworth S t r e e t West. i n c l u d i n g new c a n a l bridge; new road a s extension t o Cambridne " Street.


12 G =Z

E V1




Link Road

tlardman S t r e e t . from Wilmslow Road t o School Lane.

Widening of s t r e e t and railway bridge.


i i n k Road

C i t y c e n t r e by-pass from London Road t o C h e s t e r Road.

Radial Road

Diversion o f S t y a l Road from C i v i c Centre Road t o boundary.

Radial Road

Upper Brook S t r e e t from Grosvenor S t r e e t t o Plymouth Grove.


2 W

Classification No. (where avvlicable.

D e s c r i p t i o n o f Road

Type of Road




D e s c r i p t i o n o f Nork.

l New road. New road.


Nidening and improvement.


Rina Road Hulme H a l l Lane. (~ntermediate Ring Road) Mill S t r e e t . Forge Lane and Grey Mare Lane.


I B 6178


B 6178

One way system: l e n g t h o f new road. r e q u i r e d to. connect Mill S t r e e t and Grey Mare Lane.

A 665

Nidening M i l l e r S t r e e t : widening narrow p o r t i o n s o f Great Ancoats S t r e e t . widening and improvement t o l i n e o f Pin M i l l Brow.

P o t t e r y Lane.

Ring Road (Inner Ring Road).

M i l l e r S t r e e t . Great Ancoats S t r e e t and Pin M i l l Brow.

Link Road

Northenden By-pass

Ring Road ( I n n e r Ring Road).

Swan S t r e e t

Radial Road

P r i n c e s s Road, from P a r k s i d e Road t o Brayshaw S t r e e t .

New road from P a l a t i n e Road t o C i t y Boundary ( S a l e ) . Widening.

A 5103


P T 71


APPENDIX 5. Sheet 3. I 3 .r(




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Type of Road

Description of Road

Classification No. (where applicable).

Description of Work.

SUBSEQUENT PERIOD TO 1971 (continued). Ring Road ( I n n e r Ring Road).

New road from C i t y Boundary (Sal ford) t o Cheetham H i l l Road.

Radial Road

Chorlton Road extension t o Chester Road.

Ring Road (Inner Ring Road).

New road from Ashton Old Road t o Stockport Road.

Radial Road.

Longley Lane.

R a d i a l Road

Diversion of Oldham Road. B u t l e r Street t o Piccadilly.

Radial Road

Upper Brook S t r e e t south of Plylnouth Grove.

Wythenshawe Internal Road.





New Road.

New Road. New Road.

B 5166

Class 111


Western Road. south of Hollyhedge Road.

Widening and p a r t d i v e r s i o n of Longley Lane.


New Road.


Widening and improvement. New road.

% 4


Ring Road (Inner Ring Road).

New road from Stockport Road t o Brooks's Bar.

New Road.

Radial Road

Hardy Lane extension t o C i t y Boundary.

New road and r i v e r bridge.


? rn f


r. VI


Type o f Road.

Description of Road

Classification No. (where applicable)

Description of Work.

m 2:


SUBSEQUENT PERIOD TO 1971 (continued). Wythenshawe Poundswick Lane. I n t e r n a l Road

l I

Ring Road Elizabeth S t r e e t and Queens Road. (Intermediate Ring Road).


% n X

Mainly new road.



New road from Queens Road viaduct C t o Elizabeth StreeLwidening Elizabeth S t r e e t t o C i t y Boundary.

This i s the Written Statement of the County Borough of Manchester Developnent Plan as modified by the Minister of Housing and Local Government.

0 L;S.

Given under the o f f i c i a l s e a l of the Minister of Housing and Local Government t h i s twentyninth day of Novembel; nineteen hundred and sixty-one. (Signed) T.D. Wickenden. Assistant Secretary. Ministry of Housing and Local Government.

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