Genie Blue News April-May

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news and information to set your sales in motion APR - MAY 2011

1 the blue news

For more information contact

Genie Australia

1800 788 633 WHAT’S INSIDE Access Group – Celebrating Ten Years of Growth & Success. . . 1

Access Group – Celebrating Ten Years of Growth & Success

General Managers Message. . . . . . 2 Pinnacle Award of Excellence. . . . . 2

As Australia’s largest privately owned and

Hire Strength – Not To Be Missed. . 3


Parts In Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4




Access Group has established itself as a market leader in equipment rental, hire,

Portable & Agile Material Lifts. . . . . 4

sales and distribution.

Team Member News . . . . . . . . . . . 5

company was founded by CEO John Jones

New EWP Standards Ensure Safer Workplaces. . . . . . . . 6

as a greenfield startup just ten years ago,

New EWP Standard Is World Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

short of phenomenal.

Given that the

the success and growth has been nothing

The Access Group and Genie relationship

Focus On New Zealand . . . . . . . . . 8

goes right back to the start up days when

Industry Responds to Christchurch Quakes . . . . . . . . . . . 9

the two companies formed a strategic

NZ Access Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Genie wishes to take the opportunity to congratulate and join John and the team at Access Group of Companies as they celebrated their 10th anniversary of trading in March this year. of equipment quickly. Genie, in John Jones’ words, has to be on the ball because “we place great demands on their ability to supply us”. “Most can’t comprehend the amount of gear that we shift and supply. And this can be a challenge. If we can’t deliver then we’ve all lost an opportunity.”

“From the outset I wanted to form a long

Through their development and growth, the

Hirepool Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

term supply partnership with a company

HireQuip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

that could deliver,” said John Jones, CEO

Access Group has placed great faith in the

Genie® QuickStock™. . . . . . . . . . 12

of the Access Group.

Genie brand.

The New On-Line Genie. . . . . . . . 12

“They needed to have the best product and






The fact that the greater

expectations,” said John Jones. “It is well

majority of our fleet is Genie and that we

designed, technically excellent and well

remain firm strategic partners says it all.”

supported with both delivery and parts

the right attitude.

The point of difference with the Access Group is their ability to shift large volumes

supply. Most importantly, it is reliable.” continued page 3


APR - MAY 2011

General Managers Message have all been actively involved in the rescue

towards investing in team members and

efforts in Christchurch.

products which will help our customers be

Another event which is currently impacting all stakeholders in our industry is the new Elevated Work Platforms standard.


Australia has invested over half a million dollars in testing all our machines to make sure they meet the new standard and are

Brad Lawrence, General Manager Genie Australia

more successful in their businesses. We have recently added more team members to our parts and stock control teams to increase our level of support to our customers and we will be announcing more appointments in the very near future.

the safest in the industry. All testing has

So far, 2011 has started at an incredible

been done at our facility in Brisbane and

pace and the outlook remains positive

Welcome to another edition of the Blue

has included dynamic braking, kerb test,

for the rest of this year. The Terex AWP

News, the magazine for Genie customers

depression test and dynamic fall arrest

factories in both Redmond and Moses Lake

throughout Australia and New Zealand.

anchorage test.

Whilst it has been a very exciting start to the year from an industry perspective, I’m sure

The introduction of this

are quickly ramping up to meet increased

new standard will place Australia at the

demand worldwide and we have increased

forefront of safety worldwide.

our order entry at the local level to make

you, like me, are shocked by the number of

I would also like to take this opportunity to

natural disasters that have occurred around

congratulate John Jones and Access Group

the world in such a short period of time. The

on their 10 years in the industry. The WA

obvious standout in our part of the world

market has seen incredible growth over the

are the earthquakes in Christchurch. Whilst

past 10 years fueled by the mining boom

I’m sure no positives can come from such

and non-residential construction in Perth.

an event, it was certainly pleasing to see

Genie Australia has enjoyed partnering with

how proactive our NZ customers have been

Access Group and supporting their growth

in assisting with the rescue and rebuilding

over this period.

efforts. This issue of Blue News features customers like Youngman Richardson, Hirepool, HireQuip and NZ Access who

Genie, they don’t come any better than the annual Pinnacle Award of Excellence.


latest awards were announced at a Gala Dinner following the annual Genie Global Sales Meeting, staged at Orlando, Florida. The awards dinner attracted an audience of 250 Genie team members from all around the world.

ground where and when you need it. As always we want to earn your business each and every day and during these volatile times, partnerships and friendships are even more important than ever. We sincerely thank you for your business in 2010 and we look forward to striving to be an even better partner for you in 2011.

A large part of the growth of Genie Australia over the next few years will be geared

Pinnacle Award of Excellence When it comes to handing out awards at

sure we have equipment available on the

High Traction 69-Series Rough Terrain Scissor Is Coming

to America quite an experience.” The




GS™-3369 RT


recognises Genie team members who have excelled in promoting Genie’s core value proposition. This places a range of worthy Terex values (integrity, respect, citizenship, leadership, improvement and courage) as the basis of marketing Genie® products.

With 3500 Genie team members eligible for the award, just ten were presented. Peter

Genie’s latest release self propelled scissor lifts, the Genie® 69-series Rough Terrain Scissor Lifts, are on their way to Australia. Key features are an oscillating axle, it is drivable at full height and has the highest working height in the industry.

Stephens, (Regional Sales Manager WA/ SA) was justifiably overwhelmed when his name was called out as an award recipient. “This is a huge accolade,” Peter said upon

Another key attribute that sets these new models apart are their superior traction. They perform in mud, sand, gravel and over kerbs.

his return to Perth. “The whole Global Sales Meeting was an incredible event. But to cap it off with the Pinnacle Award of Excellence made the trip

Ron Defeo (CEO of Terex) presents Peter Stephens (middle) the Pinnacle Award with Tim Ford (President of Terex AWP)

Watch this space for more information when the 69-series Rough Terrain Scissors arrive.


APR - MAY 2011

Hire Strength – Not To Be Missed The






Association ‘National Convention 2011’ is a must attend event for those involved in the access industry. Hire Strength – Linking the Nation will be staged in Perth May 10 -13. Once again, Genie will be a major exhibitor at

the National Convention with an expansive display of the latest and most popular access equipment. The Genie display will have several new models, shipped in from the US in time for the Convention. Full information on Hire Strength, can be found at At this web site you can download all the essential information, register as a delegate on-line and check out the various seminars.

from page 1 The mining sector is one of the Access Group’s largest customers.

This is an

industry where the daily costs of running a project run in the tens of millions of dollars. “On many locations an EWP is a more important piece of equipment than say a crane.

The cost of a failure with an EWP

can cause serious injury and can literally bring a site to a stop. The flow on costs are measured in the millions. That’s why we have a strategic alliance with Genie as we have a terrific track record of safety and reliability with the brand.” Supporting




predominantly in the remote areas of WA and Queensland, Access Group meets extraordinary logistical challenges on a daily basis. WA is a particularly tough market due to the large proportion of business undertaken in the remote north west. This is an expensive area in which to operate and a difficult place to manage people. With the mining industry the last to feel the impact of the Global Financial Crisis, John

Jones and his management team predicted

the tough period we actually gained

the GFC back in 2003.

marketshare. We left some sectors to

“We saw the restriction in growth and prepared the business for the GFC, ahead of its arrival.

To best prepare ourselves,

we restricted our fleet and re-aligned

others to slug it out, and beat each other up. Now that the market has rationalised itself, we’re now heading back into these areas.” “Our strategic partners, such as Genie,

our resources to locations to where the

have worked with us all the way. As the

demand was most likely to exist. Because

market rebounds in 2011, we’re more

we have our own transport fleet we were

reliant than ever on Genie’s great products

nimble and proactive.”

and exceptional support to ensure that the

“At Access Group we were well prepared and dodged the GFC bullet. In fact through

Access Group continues to prosper and grow.”


APR - MAY 2011

Parts In Profile As the recently appointed Group Parts Manager, Michael Carmody comes to Genie with a 29 year proven track record in the automotive industry and 2 years in the heavy construction equipment industry. And with the appointment of Michael, Genie has taken the opportunity to re-position the

be enhanced.” Through the changed reporting process, to be implemented, the parts ordering on the US will be lifted. This in turn will translate to greater parts fill rates and quicker delivery of parts to customers. The branch offices in Perth, Adelaide,

parts business unit. The parts department has become an autonomous business unit within Genie Australia. Customers can now expect to receive better parts support than ever

Melbourne and Sydney are now carrying more fast moving parts.

Again this is

designed to provide more parts ‘over the counter’ to Genie customers. “Genie’s parts system has a centralised


warehouse in Brisbane, feeding branch “When I commenced at Genie, I was

offices and the national customer base,”

impressed with the systems that the

Michael said. “Our fundamental objective is

company had in place,” Michael said. “My

to pick parts and despatch to our customers

role is one of fine tuning some aspects of

as quickly as possible.”

the business - things like reporting and the layout of the warehouse.”

“By refining our inventory and providing next day delivery when requested we are

Michael Carmody Group Parts Manager “While we can get parts from the Terex AWP factory in the US in 2 weeks or less, we much prefer to have the parts our customers want on the shelves here in

“And in the key area of customer contact we

well placed to support our customers.

are devoted to putting more resources in to

the back end we have to anticipate parts

face-to-face contact with our customers.

needs well in advance as we work with a

Michael Carmody is Brisbane born & bred.

By increasing our service and parts staff

three month lead time on routine parts

Outside of his work, Michael is a keen surfer

levels, our customer service levels will also

orders from the US.”

and gardener.



Portable & Agile Material Lifts Lifting heavy materials overhead by hand is

or fixed objects. The counterweight base

dangerous and a practice of the past. The

has extra stabilizers to provide additional

Genie® Material Lifts are purpose designed


to allow an operator to lift, move and

Standard and straddle base material lifts

position heavy loads.

come standard with rear non-marking

One person can transport, set up and

tyres and front-swivel non-marking casters

operate the majority of material lifts. This

to prevent marking or damaging floors.

will save operators on labour costs and get

Counterweight models are designed with

jobs done quicker.

rear-swivel casters and fixed front wheels.

Genie® material lifts can lift items weighing

The next option to consider for a material lift

136 to 454 kg, depending on the model, to

is a manually operated one-speed or two-

heights ranging from 1.5 m to just over 7.9 m.

speed winch. Genie also offers an electric winch system option to lift and lower loads

These portable lift platforms are designed

faster. Other convenience options include

to work in most construction and industrial manufacturing

One of the first options to choose for a

built-in stair glides above the rear tyres for

and warehouse facilities. They are also

material lift is the base — Genie offers three

easy handling over stairs and kerbs. An

popular in retail and grocery stores, schools

different bases: standard, straddle



counterweight. The standard base is the

applications, and theatrical productions and

most compact design. The straddle base

With so many choices, a Genie® material lift

entertainment events.

offers adjustable base legs to straddle loads

can be customized to match an application.






attached aluminium ladder is also available to access lifting and installation tasks.


APR - MAY 2011

Team Member News

With the Australian market firmly on the rebound, Genie has taken the initiative to appoint Branch Coordinators who have responsibility for Stock Control in each of the Melbourne, Sydney and Perth branch offices.

Having the right stock in the correct location when the customer needs it, is a core value at Genie. To facilitate this process, the team considers the units currently held in stock at Genie locations around Australia, the units in transit and then the units on order. Matching this data to the demands of clients ensures that delivery times are kept to an absolute minimum.

Dot Paez – Sydney Dot commenced with Genie in 2007 working as a Stock Controller and also undertaking an administration role. However, when the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) impacted severely on the Australian market, Dot finished up at the end of 2008 but quickly found work with a geo technical company. “While I understood the GFC situation, it was difficult to leave Genie and my colleagues,” Dot said. “But because we were good friends we kept in contact. When the economic situation turned around, Genie approached me to return to the company.” With a high level of mutual respect, Genie was happy to offer Dot a new role of Branch Coordinator which included Stock Control/Parts/Administration and Dot was delighted to be back working at Genie. “I fully understood the circumstances. I certainly didn’t want to leave and I was flattered that when things had improved, Genie approached me and asked me to come back.” Mackenna King - Perth Mackenna has been a part of the Genie family for more than two years, starting with the company when we were operating at Canning Vale. “Being a Stock Controller puts you in the middle of the business at Genie,” Mackenna said. “I have to liaise with the sales team so they know the current stock levels and the stock that is due into store.” “And of course I liaise closely with the technicians who do the pre-delivery work. While customers are obviously keen to take delivery of their new Genie units, we have to ensure that they are properly checked and prepared.” “Genie is a great place to work, there is a real sense of team here.”

Kim Strahan - Melbourne Kim joined Genie at the start of 2006 when she was appointed as the Office Administrator. Then in 2009 when the GFC took control, Kim was forced to leave. “I kept in touch with all my colleagues at Genie, and as the market gradually improved Genie took me on for some contract work.” “Then last year, the market turned and Genie management asked me if I would come back as a Branch Coordinator which included Stock Control, Part Sales and Administration.” “I took it as quite a compliment to be asked back to Genie. This is a great industry and I very much feel a part of the family here at Genie.”


APR - MAY 2011

NEW EWP STANDARDS ENSUR Following an exhaustive review of the Australian Standard for Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs), the AS 1418.10-2011 standard has been revised. When compared to similar standards in Europe and the US, the existing Australian Standard which, for uninsulated EWPs, had remained unchanged since 1996, and lacked specific requirements for safety devices. With the adoption of AS 1418.10-2011 the requirements for safety devices on EWPs in Australia are now in line with European requirements under EN 280. Genie has wholly embraced the revised Australian Standard, to the extent of undertaking independent testing of the entire range of Genie® EWP products imported into Australia. With a commitment to test all Genie products locally for compliance to AS 1418.10-2011, Genie has made a substantial investment in test equipment at its Darra (Brisbane) facility. This has involved the design, construction and commissioning of specialised test equipment to enable EWPs to be tested in a safe and efficient manner. Mike Randle, Engineering Manager for Genie Australia, has implemented the program and personally conducted all testing before a third-party design verifier. “It has been a demanding and heavy schedule,” Mike said. “Our commitment has been to test, log and document every Genie model to ensure that it complies in terms of physical performance as required by the new Australian standard.” To conduct the testing regime, Genie has constructed an incline ramp for dynamic braking tests, concrete works for kerb and depression tests, and a fixture for dynamic fall arrest anchorage tests. In short these tests are conducted to ensure that EWPs

Static stability test

Kerb test

perform within specification and offer the safest possible workplace to operators and the associated workforce on site.

Dynamic fall arrest test


APR - MAY 2011


New EWP Standard Is World Class

According to Peter Wenn, Chairman of the committee responsible for the revised EWP standard, the upgrade to AS 1418.10-2011 represents a dramatic change. “The old Australian Standard was well behind the rest of the world and was outdated,” Peter Wenn said. “Now we have a world class standard for EWPs in Australia.” Through the adoption of the revised AS 1418.10-2011 standard, the most notable changes centre on the requirements for safety devices.

Now EWPs are required to have platform overload

systems and there are new requirements for the reliability of various interlocks, limiters, indicators and alarms designed to maintain safety of the EWP. “The industry willingly contributed to the process to develop

Mike Randle - Engineering Manager

the AS 1418.10-2011 standard,” Peter said.

“We had a very

good committee composed of people who made valuable and relevant contributions.” “There is a lot of new safety technology built into Genie EWPs. We are testing to ensure that platform overload systems and other safety devices conform.”

“Now it is up to the industry to embrace the new standard. With the new requirements for safety, it’s up to individuals to review their two to three year old equipment and assess, then consider a safety upgrade.”

The new safety device requirements are being rolled out progressively.

All recommended safety devices (excluding

platform overload systems) had to be fitted to EWPs imported into Australia after 1 June 2010. In addition, EWPs imported after March 2011 require platform overload systems. Additional components and increased manufacturing costs to meet the revised standard may mean that there are some price adjustments on select models.

Full and up to date pricing is

available from your Regional Sales Manager.

Peter Wenn, Chairman Peter Wenn is an independent consulting mechanical engineer with 32 years experience. He is the principal of Wenn Wilkinson & Associates and is considered a leading authority on Elevated Work Platforms. Peter consults to Genie Australia, as well as other EWP entities in Australia and internationally.


APR - MAY 2011

Focus On New Zealand The Genie and YR team (left to right)

Michael Scott

Genie Australia - RSM NZ

Tim Richardson

YR - Executive Chairman

Tony Fairfield

YR - Managing Director

Sean Lamont

YR - Sales Specialist - Genie

Phil Fairfield

YR - National Sales Manager

Brad Lawrence

Genie Australia - General Manager

The strong presence of the Genie brand throughout the New Zealand market is principally due to the exceptional representation of Youngman Richardson & Co, the authorised Genie distributor in New Zealand. Youngman Richardson & Co Ltd is a fully New Zealand owned private company that has been serving the construction, hire and agricultural industries for over 30 years. Recognising an opportunity to expand their already healthy range of products and companies represented, YR management actively sought out the distribution

“Of all our suppliers, Genie is one of the very best.” While YR continue to be a valued distribution agent, like most in New Zealand they suffered at the hands of the Global Financial Crisis. Only now is the market showing positive signs that the worst is over and a return to prosperity is on the horizon. “In December 2007 the NZ housing market collapsed,” Tony Fairfield said. “Our clients and virtually the entire building industry went into freefall.”

rights for Genie® products. This was achieved in 1997 and the

“Gladly, the market turned up in May 2010 and now we are well on

relationship ever since has been exceptional.

the way back to where our business should be. We are waiting for

“At YR we market the entire Genie range of access equipment,” said Tony Fairfield, Managing Director of Youngman Richardson & Co. “All the major brands in the access equipment market are here in New Zealand, so it is a very competitive and crowded marketplace. Despite the intense competition we are doing very well with Genie.” “The strength of Genie is that it is a quality product, with broad product range and first rate support. Our representation to the market is very much aided by the support we receive from Genie Australia. We deal with very capable people. This is backed by technical support and parts supply that matches our standards of excellence.”

the domestic building sector to kick in to complete the recovery.” Through the downturn, YR noticed that companies were downsizing and that no acquisitions were taking place.

Hire fleets aged as

capital acquisitions were capped. “We’re really positive about the future,” Tony said. “We can see the growth in access equipment coming as some infrastructure projects get underway and the domestic building market rebounds. The big civil engineering projects will see demand for the bigger Genie® booms.”


APR - MAY 2011

Industry Responds to Christchurch Quakes Christchurch was stung by a huge earthquake in September 2010. As if one earthquake wasn’t enough, a bigger, more damaging earthquake followed five months later on February 22nd 2011. The response of Youngman Richardson & Co to the September earthquake was to immediately put additional stock and resources into their Christchurch facility in expectation of demand. Many hire and rental companies in Auckland followed suit with equipment despatched and rushed to Christchurch when news of the devastation filtered through. “The initial reaction is to do whatever is possible to save life and limb,” said Tony Fairfield.

“We certainly experienced a bubble in

demand in the ten days following the September incident.” The expectation was that in the months and years following, there would be a significant upsurge in construction and civil engineering as Christchurch was rebuilt. There had been considerable damage done to the infrastructure of the city, rectification work would be a massive task. However, the entire nation was rocked again when the second earthquake belted Christchurch, this time with more devastating impact. The task of re-building Christchurch is now far greater than ever. It will now take much longer to rebuild this shattered city.

10 APR - MAY 2011

NZ Access Hire Deane Manley has a different business

this fundamental motherhood statement,

As a particularly loyal Genie customer,

model to most – he believes that every

but really meaning it and following through.

Deane is keen to introduce the Genie line of

crane hire customer has an access need. So NZ Crane Group which is ostensibly a

“It sounds really basic, but we turn up on

telehandlers into the NZ Crane Group fleet.

time with the right equipment and then

“The customers that have used these

we show our customers how to operate

think they are fantastic.

the gear,” Deane said.

“Otherwise the

better educate those who have been a bit

Operating out of facilities in Auckland and

access equipment becomes a price driven

slow on the uptake to see how they can

Wellington, Deane Manley says that the

commodity, and no-one wins when price

change some of the traditional equipment

key to success in the access business, is

becomes the sole basis of comparison.”


crane hire company, also has 250 access units in the NZ Access hire fleet.


Not merely paying lip service to

Deane Manley – MD

We just need to

11 APR - MAY 2011

Hirepool Access

As an indication of Hirepool’s ability to

Hirepool is the leading

respond quickly, the company had their

hire and rental industry offering a one-

Andrew Messent

first truck load of pumps and tarpaulins

stop shop approach to equipment hire.

despatched from their Dunedin depot, 1 ¾

Access equipment accounts for 22% of the

hours after the September earthquake hit

company’s turnover.


player in the NZ

Hirepool’s strength is their modern hire fleet

“We have three well equipped Hirepool

and experienced staff. Their willingness

locations in Christchurch,” said Andrew

to acquire capital equipment in line with

Messent, Operations Manager at Hirepool.

customer demand has seen Hirepool turn

“I received the news at 5:00 am about

to Genie for quick supply of scissor and

the earthquake. To their credit, everyone

boom lifts.

at Hirepool stepped up to the plate on the Saturday morning and we quickly got gear loaded on trucks and headed to Christchurch.”

“We appreciate it that Genie has lifted their stock holding,” Andrew Messent said. “Our customers can require short response times, so it’s vital that we respond

“While we knew that our Christchurch yards

to their specific equipment needs quickly.

would be able to handle the immediate

There is a definite trend towards the Genie

need, we knew there would be greater

GS™-1932 scissors and there is also

demand in the coming days and weeks. We

demand for the heavy platform lifts, such as

wanted to be proactive and ready to assist.”

the GS™-4390 RT.”


“This was a strategic acquisition to further

“Genie® access machines have proven

our commitment to providing safe, cost

to be reliable machines and with the new

HireQuip is a market leader in the supply

effective hire solutions for the many different

technology offered in software, we meet our

of a wide range of hire equipment. Last

applications presented to us daily,” says

customers’ demands of modern hi-tech and

year HireQuip further strengthened

Brian Stephen.

best-in-class equipment. This in conjunction

their Access hire market position with

In addition, after the initial Christchurch

Kingi Pikaahu (National Product Manager) with Andrew Messent (Operations Manager).

the acquisition of Scissor Platforms Ltd, a well respected specialist access hire company which had been trading in excess of 25 years.

earthquake in September last year, HireQuip placed a significant order to acquire more booms and scissor lifts with Genie in anticipation of increased demand following

with Youngman Richardson’s (NZ’s Genie agent) after sales support, ensures our customers receive safe, environmentally friendly and reliable gear every time”, says Brian Stephen.

the devastation.

Meeting at HireQuip Brad Lawrence

Genie Australia - GM

Brian Stephen Hirequip - CEO

Matt McLaughlan

Hirequip - Group Asset Manager

Michael Scott

Genie - RSM NZ

12 APR - MAY 2011

Genie® QuickStock™ - Beats a Ladder Hands Down The ideal alternative to using a ladder in the warehouse has arrived. Thanks to the Genie® QuickStock™ aerial work platform, the hazards associated with using a ladder have now been reduced. Genie Australia is now stocking the QuickStock™ in two versions, the Genie® QS™-15 and Genie® QS™-20. These offer 15’ and 20’ respectively of vertical access. The QuickStock™ is ideal for locations with high density racking systems.

A major appeal of this unit is the small

footprint. This is perfect where aisle ways are narrow and turning around tight corners. Another big feature with both Genie® QuickStock™ models is that they can be driven while at height. This avoids the need to come down to floor level when moving is required. The front folding tray can hold up to 68 kg of goods and is flush with the top rail for ultimate stacking space. Be sure to visit the HRIA exhibition in Perth where the new Genie® QuickStock™ will be on display.

The New On-Line Genie

Regular web users may have noticed that Genie has launched a fresh, vibrant new web site. Click on http://www.genieindustries. to see our new all-Australian site. Wholly dedicated to our Australian operations, the new Genie web site carries all the latest product information and support technical data. There are lots of photos to help you identify the various products, together with downloadable specification sheets. There is also a comprehensive technical support area where service manuals, parts manuals and operator manuals are available for download. To keep up to date with the latest news and events at Genie, both in Australia and globally, click on to the News and Events section. As always, your views and comments on our new Genie web site are welcome.

Thank you for your business! Products and services listed may be trademarks, service marks or trade-names of Terex Corporation, Genie Industries, Inc., and/or their subsidiaries in the U.S.A. and many other countries. All rights are reserved. Terex is a registered trademark of Terex Corporation in the U.S.A. and many other countries. Genie is a registered trademark of Genie Industries, Inc., in the U.S.A. and many other countries. Genie is a Terex Company. Copyright 2011 Terex Corporation.

the  b lue  n ews call 1800 788 633

Queensland Brian Clifford

Victoria David Greene

New South Wales Michael Scott Brent Markwell

Western Australia Peter Stephens

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