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CYBEREmpathy ISSUE 5/2013. Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as metamorphosical process:a human wolrldview blueprint: green ®evolution as help for vital global development


SUSTAINABILITY AS METAMORPHOSICAL PROCESS: A HUMAN WORLDVIEW Blueprint: green (r)evolution as help for vital global development Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web.

Source: ©Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as human process of metamorphosis, Nijmegen 2012;

Abstract: Worldwide a fundamental transition transform our view, thoughts and global lifestyle. A new world order create a mankind-in-process. Architecture is a reflection of social behavior, needs and desires. Sustainable Architecture is an expression of a way of building to make a necessary change in our build environment possible by being concerned and conscious about our health and the stability and vitality of our environment. Sustainable architecture is for instance linked to save energy and material, using endless sources of energy like Sun, wind, water and biomass and using natural materials studied by institutes of Baubiology, saving water by intelligent (re)use of rainwater. To encourage and implanted sustainable building a society build on sustain-ability is needed. Following Sustainability Models show another kind of society in changing process, in dynamic development in sequential phases. Evolutional steps in order of positions of principles to get Sustainability.

Juri Czabanowski Ph. D. Juri Czabanowski (1961) is historian art/architecture, writer, teacher and researcher, Ph.D.-thesis Human-Ecologically Minded Housing, TU/e 2006, office Urchitecton since 2007 ©Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as human process of metamorphosis, Nijmegen 2012; If copy model(s) or text, please use copyright writer!

CYBEREmpathy ISSUE 5/2013. Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as metamorphosical process:a human wolrldview blueprint: green ®evolution as help for vital global development

Fig. 1: © Juri Czabanowski, Phase I: World Society model based on neo1

capitalistic order of principles People-Planet-Profit :Starter for social change, Nijmegen 2011;

Existing social worldview: phase I This existing social worldview shows a top division of society by people in high position based on profit by using the Planet (as product) by production to consume in classified order and labels, the planet treated to explore for wealth. The production is driven by profit by trade of the diversity of the planet. The society of people divided in hierarchic classes and consumption-driven behavior based on exploration and exploitation of planet and of people. A top-division of bosses like in a hierarchic pyramid model based on profit of the mass production of products (goods). A society ruled by neo-capitalism that is cause of the social-economic, financial and ecological crises by denial of fair trade, biodiversity and ecology. Conclusion: The People Planet Profit model isn’t sustainable because it is too dependent on capitalistic growth, unlimited profit on tax of Planet Earth.








John Elkington, People-Planet-Profit Model, triple P Model used to show 3 phenomena as pillars of SustainAbility. Since UN-conference Johannisburg P of Profit often is replaced by Prosperity. The writer uses 3 P’s to explain them as pillars that build our global World Society.

CYBEREmpathy ISSUE 5/2013. Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as metamorphosical process:a human wolrldview blueprint: green ÂŽevolution as help for vital global development

Fig. 2: Š Juri Czabanowski, Phase 2: Low Sustainability Model or World Society model based on socio-economical order of principles Sociology-EconomyPlanet: Starter for social change, Nijmegen 2011;

Phase 2: Analyzing the Low level Sustainability Model (fig.2)

Again a world society based on economy and sociology, the science of behavior of the coordination of people: the social-economic Sustainability model. A society in healthy coordination. A healthy society as main objective is based on livability and wellness resulting from sustainable prosperity or wealth! We live (yet) at a time where economy (left: starting point triangle) determines the extent to which the state of Ecology gets attention. If economy grows than there will be a bigger commitment and funding for ecology. Awareness is necessary that almost everything derives from our vital environment worldwide (global care). In this case economy is still consuming the planet by trading wealth and consuming diversity, a world economy of exponential growth and power.

Phase 3: Analyzing the Medium level Sustainability Model (fig.3)

A Global green revolution is previous: realization (awareness) that our

CYBEREmpathy ISSUE 5/2013. Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as metamorphosical process:a human wolrldview blueprint: green ÂŽevolution as help for vital global development well-being (wellness) depends on the vitality of our environment (ecology). Taking care for our environment is vital for the survival of mankind. Only in this way is a well-being at higher plan possible. A well-being (wellness) that rests on a vital ecology becomes a starting point for health of society (mankind). Sustainable wellness arises when the health (of people) and vitality (from environment) are in equilibrium/balance. Wellness is a State in which the society and ecology are in balance by attention to vitality (of environment) and health (human). More emphasis and concentration on ecology is needed to get a higher level, the medium level of sustainability: a nearly closed system of (natural) cycles.

Fig. 3: Š Juri Czabanowski, Phase 3: Medium level Sustainability model based on principles Sociology-Ecology-Economy, Nijmegen 2011;

The real change and turning point

Ecology has to be the starting point (at left in future: see fig.4) as basic and nearly closed system of natural interrelations. Ecology driven by the biorhythm of natural growth and rest. Economy has to be based on this fundamental principle as a basic principle for social needs. Economy as a dependent result of the abundance of a vital biodiversity sharing and dividing goods by fair trade. This worldview puts the relation between sociology, ecology en economy upside down, it takes another point of view of a consciousness and way of acting and trading. Phase 4 shows a society based on cooperation and human scaled economy related to natural

CYBEREmpathy ISSUE 5/2013. Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as metamorphosical process:a human wolrldview blueprint: green 速evolution as help for vital global development conditions showing respect to health of man and vitality of nature like biodiversity, economy limited to human-ecological principles. Limited consumption by quality and (ethical) values.

Phase 4: High Sustainability Model (fig.4)

The turning point to sustainable society express our best social worldview formed by the 3 basic principles (studies) to know sociology, ecology and economy. Sociology in a high level of sustainability takes the human being and their interaction from the basement as valuable principle in social-ecological or human-ecological system. A high sustainable worldview is





pillars: wellness (well-

being), wealth (prosperity) and livability. Sociology is the science of human behavior, the way of acting, trading and being of man(kind). Man is a result of culture and nature, of cultivation and natural mutation. Interaction








To bring the 3 basic principles in good interaction cooperation is essential next to a stable situation or dynamic balance, it is necessary to connect the 3


pillars livability

wellness (well-being)

andwealth (prosperity) that ensure high sustainability with again 6 (behavioral)




clockwise: satisfaction

cooperation, health, vitality, bio-diversity and fair trade. A deep Sustainability shows a social-ecological based, bio-based economy. High Sustain-ability starts from Ecology as principle (left corner). Wealth is reached by wellness and livability, an interaction of ecology and economy by respecting biodiversity and fair trade.

CYBEREmpathy ISSUE 5/2013. Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability as metamorphosical process:a human wolrldview blueprint: green ÂŽevolution as help for vital global development

Fig. 4: Š Juri Czabanowski, Phase 4: High Sustainability model based on a social-ecological






Blueprint of green revolution on blue planet, Nijmegen 2011; High Sustainability carried by conscious cosmopolitans (worldcitizens) aware of livability and wellness.

Sustainability: transitionphase of Evolution as process

Sustainability expose a process in development and development in progress. Worldwide we strive to realize ideals and progress made possible by technologies and creative ideas as evolved processes like sustainable development. The goal aims a wishful state of CO-Existence (article of manifest CO-Existentialism-in-progress), a stable and balanced life for everyone. CO-Existence as conscious life-style and worldview will be need to survive as human specie. Survival of the fittest by human behavior with respect for health people and vital planet as integral life. Social ecology carries economy that is based on cooperation and durable satisfaction. Sustainability as the condition for an improvement concerning the existence and survival of Life. A prerequisite for a valuable existence by solving 8 millennium goals for instance. These prospects are targets made possible by ability of power of life, compassion and love and social cooperation.

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