Capstone Project Model Project Contact: Mary Sue Jones
Project Title: Facebook Social Networking Initiative for Church of the Angels Parish Project Description: As Director of Faith Formation for our parish, I have witnessed the growth of many young disciples as they journey from baptism to confirmation. Parents of these children also experience a blossoming of faith through these child-rearing years. Yet the age-old problem of bridging the gap of faith formation after confirmation and before the youngsters have families of their own remains a challenge in our parish. The opportunity provided by social networking can fill that gap. Our church, including the USCCB , the Vatican, and our diocese, recognizes that priests and laity must have a presence in the digital continent. Indeed, our diocese also offers guidelines for use of social media. My project is to create a parish Facebook page that will be a source of connection in our parish and help reach out to digital natives using media that they are already familiar with and in which they already participate, and which will help us remain connected with our young adult population after confirmation. Project Goals: Create a parish Facebook page following diocesan guidelines to grow a community of digital disciples in our parish and beyond. Present (PowerPoint) to Directors of Faith Formation at our next deanery meeting that we have a page and ask them to "Like" us to expand our reach. Advertize our Facebook page via the parish web site and bulletin. Form a moderator team: invite parish representatives to participate in the ongoing development of our Facebook page. Audience: This project will potentially impact every person in the parish who chooses to use Facebook for social networking, as well as anyone in the world who "likes" our page. Timeline: Personally invite staff, older students, parents and adults to join the team on 9-1-11 Create Facebook page by 9-15-11 Team evaluation of first month of Facebook page by 10- 31-11. Publicity from 9-1-11 and ongoing for 1 year to build awareness in our parish.
Deanery announcement at the fall deanery meeting on 11-10-11. Technology Tools: Facebook E-mail
Parish Website PowerPoint Presentation
Budget: Minor advertizing and material costs will be covered by my yearly budget for faith formation. Approval: Pastor's approval is required and has already been obtained. Diocesan Director approval for presentation at deanery meeting is required.