Vocation: God's Call

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Vocation: God's Call We will be learning about vocations to: married life, single life, religious life, lay ecclesial community, priesthood and deaconate. Once you are assigned or choose a vocation topic - How would you explain this vocation to a friend in 2 or 3 sentences? Use the link below to learn more about your vocation topic:

Marriage: http://foryourmarriage.org/the-vocation-of-marriage/ Lay Ecclesial Communities: http://www.milesjesu.com/ or http://livingwatercommunity.com/community.htm Single Vocation: http://catholicsinglevocation.wordpress.com/ Religious Life (Priests, Brothers, Sisters) http://www.digitalvocationguide.org/vision/2013#pg1 or http://www.vocationnetwork.org/?gclid=CKe344rFtbQCFRQcnAoddjAApA Deacons - http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-role-ofdeacons-in-the-catholic-church.html and http://catholicdeacon.org/Deacon%20Articles.htm Priesthood - http://nypriest.com/for-starters/what-is-a-priest.html

Your explanation:

You will have an opportunity to interview someone. Prepare several questions you would like to ask them during the interview. Please include this question:  How do you follow Christ in your vocation?  Add your questions here

Write one paragraph that summarizes the interview by completing the following: o o o o o o o

Married Vocation: - "It is important to have married couples serving their families and others in our church because..." Single Life: "It is important to have single members to serve Christ and others in our church because..." Religious Sisters: "It is important to have sisters to serve Christ and others in our church because..." Religious Brothers: "It is important to have brothers to serve Christ and others in our church because..." Lay Ecclesial Communities: "It is important to have lay ecclesial communities to serve Christ and others in our church because..." Priests: "It is important to have priests to serve Christ and others in our church because..." Deacons: "It is important to have deacons to serve Christ and others in our church because..."

Interview Summary:

A photo story is a group of photo's that tell a story about this person and their vocation. If you are able to take photos of this person, great. If not, you can go to the following websites to choose photo's that can tell a photo story about the vocation of the person you interviewed.

Free Photos - http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/ Free Photo Bank - http://www.freephotobank.org/main.php Pics4Learning - http://pics4learning.com/ You will use websites that allow you to use their photo's that are allowed by creative commons license or are royalty free photos. It would be helpful to save your photos on a jump drive. Create a photo story that shows how others in this vocation live their lives to serve Christ and others. (Use 3 to 5 photo's) Once you have your (1) explanation (2) interview summary, and (3) photo story you will be directed to create a GLOG (http://edu.glogster.com ) using the following format:

a. b. c. d.

Title: Name of (Vocation) or a Title that fits your theme Explain this vocation to a friend in 2 or 3 sentences. Interview Summary: One paragraph using the sentence stem...(See above) Use 3 to 5 photo's that is a photo story of how those you have interviewed live their lives to serve Christ and others.

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