SPD Summer Institute for Technology in Mnistry 2011 (SITM 2011)

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Good News! The Diocese of St. Petersburg and INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS are partnering to offer professional development to assist YOU in understanding C O N N E C T IO N S

how web-based technology can be integrated into your parish ministries. The Summer Institute for Technology in Ministry 2011 (SITM 2011) is for parish catechists, Catholic school teachers, Directors of Faith Formation, Catholic school administrators, or anyone with a desire to learn more about technology’s relevance to faith formation. Your participation will help you…


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Explore safe, free and affordable technology tools Learn National Educational Technology Standards Creatively apply what you learn to the classroom or catechetical setting Excel in the competitive market of education today Prepare to lead students, faculty, and catechists to a better understanding and use of web-based technology for faith formation Meet other Catholics who wish to remain connected via digital communication beyond the scope of this summer institute

SITM 2011 will be offered as one double session live orientation/module, followed by a series of six webinar modules.

a n d

Module Dates and Topics

SITM 2011

P e t e r s b u r g S t . o f D i o c e s e T h e

Update your technology skills with practical, hands-on training

6/15 (9 am - Noon)

Orientation (required)

6/15 (1 pm - 3 pm)

Social Networking:

Location and Times Orientation and the first session (both on 6/15) will be held live at

Communities for Christ


Wikis: Interacting, Collaborating and

5111 Webb Road

Organizing for Ministry

Tampa, Florida 33615

Blogging: Sharing My Personal

Webinar times will be

Faith Story

determined during the

Digital Storytelling: Evangelizing in

Suggested time is 7-8

the Digital World

PM on Wednesday

7/13 (webinar)

Mobile Devices and Ministry

able to attend from any

7/20 (webinar)

10 Great Ideas for Your Catechetical

6/22 (webinar)

6/29 (webinar)

7/6 (webinar)

Classroom or Ministry with Web 2.0 Tools 7/27 (webinar)

Capstone Project (This session is only open to Certificate Level participants. See back of flyer for more information.)

Catholic School

Orientation Module.

evenings. You will be computer with Internet access using a headset or a telephone.

Webinars will be recorded.

Summer Institute for Technology in Ministry 2011 There are TWO options for participation in this course. Option 1 Pastoral Technology Certificate Level The certificate level will give you the maximum training and benefit, and is the most cost-effective. This level offers a planned series of study designed to give you hands-on experience in Web 2.0 technologies that will enhance your ministry to meet 21st century needs. We will utilize a blended format where we will meet in a traditional face-to-face or webinar format. Your creativity will be challenged to design and implement a final capstone project that you will customize for your ministry or classroom. You will receive CEUs from the University of Dayton, Institute of Pastoral Initiatives at the completion of all work in December, 2011. Cost: $160 for all 8 modules including Orientation This option is designed to mentor catechetical and ministry staff in gaining 21st century skills for communication and faith-based educational technology, for teachers seeking continuing education credit for recertification, and for those who are eager to learn more about using the most popular educational tools available. Option 2 Individual Session Level

For those who are already comfortable in a module area or unable to

commit to the proposed schedule, yet are interested in specific topics, you may register for INDIVIDUAL MODULES on a space-available basis. However, priority registration will be given to participants who are interested in completing the requirements for the Pastoral Technology Certificate. Cost: $25 for Orientation plus $25 for each additional module This option is best for those who already have a good foundation in educational technology or who just want to learn about a few of the topics. Candidates on this level will still be required to attend the Orientation Module on June 15. ONLINE REGISRATION Please go to

http://www.quia.com/sv/517012.html to register for this course.

Registration deadline is June 10, 2011. All fees must be paid in full by June 20, 2011.

Your Faculty for the

You may mail your payment or bring it to Orientation.

Summer Institute for Technology in Ministry

Please make your check for $160 (or if participating in individual


modules, for the required amount) payable to Diocese of St. Petersburg and put “SITM 2011� in the memo line, and mail it to

The Diocese of St. Petersburg

Claudia McIvor, MsEd

Sr. Caroline has been involved in

PO Box 40200

educational technology since 1984.

St. Petersburg, FL 33743-0200

She is experienced in teaching high

Attention: Anyely Garcia

religious education as a diocesan






director and consultant, as a parish

Questions? Please contact

pastoral associate, and has been

Sr. Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF

involved in educational technology


tel: 727-789-2783

mobile: 727-744-4684

in the publishing industry.

Claudia is a commissioned lay minister of the LPMI and an instructor for the Basic Level Modules for the Office of ELFF, DOSP, and has twenty years of experience





ministries in parishes. She is an early childhood music teacher and has training in Web 2.0 technology.

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