Cyberwatch Finland Q2 magazine

Page 56

DON’T BITE THAT PHISHING HOOK text: KIRSI TOPPARI Student of Aapo Cederberg and member of the Cyberwatch Finland team

Phishing, Ransomware and attacks of the partner company chain are businesses.


hreats are growing, cybercriminals are continuing to develop their techniques and increase the number of attacks. Cyber attacks ​​ against companies have become more widespread and sophisticated and are better at achieving their goals. Analysing the trends, identifying threats and mapping gives us a little insight into what we should invest in within our precious budgets. Although companies can prevent most of the attacks, phishing is still one of the most effective tools for attackers. The effective and successful campaigns are evidenced by throughput rates per personnel group; information security 3% - information technology 9% management 13% - administration 19% - middle management 25% - employees 31%. Social hacking plays

through the exploitation still the major threats to

a vital role in 33% of the phishing attacks i.e. by utilizing human weaknesses. WHY DOES IT HAVE SUCH AN IMPACT?

People are the focal point of the campaigns. Campaigns take advantage of our natural ways of acting: our confidence, curiosity, worries, fears and/or tiredness. It’s rarely a matter of indifference, but simply about the fact that the knowledge and understanding are missing. Can you question the emails that come from the company management account, HR’s announcement of canceled summer holidays, or announcement of co-determination negotiations starting in October? The latter two make us anxious and caution is forgotten, and the former is usually the one that we are used to react to

Phishing is one of the most common methods of attack - global attacks cause a loss of around €






per hour and

€ 15,930

per minute.

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