HYBRID WORK COMES - and a few questions to ponder with it // Leena Nyman
he global coronavirus pandemic accelerated digitalisation in the way we worked like never before. It would have taken considerably longer to carry out a similar development through management. Now the coronavirus pandemic forced companies and employees to find new coronavirus-safe ways of working almost overnight. Finland only thrives by catching up on post-corona growth and in this international race we must progress fast. Finland has strengths in providing the world with solutions to the challenges of a digital and carbon-neutral world. The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) was the first to set up an innovation project called Digital Game Changers in the coronavirus spring,
in which pioneering companies looked at the business impacts of accelerated digitalisation. One of the most active working groups in the project focused on changes in work and management in the new digital age. Cybersecurity was also at the heart of the review - without functional cybersecurity, there is no business either. The working group was led by Arto Räty, a long-term business influencer at Fortum. It is in the interests of the whole of Finland that Finnish companies can catch up on the growth market that opens with the corona exit on a broad front. The SME sector has a lot to win in digitalisation. That is why the best practices identified in the Digital Game Changers project are being distributed to the business field so that more and more companies can become the pioneers.