COVID-19 – THE WORLD AFTER How will the world after Coronavirus like? Different, but still the same.
text: MAX STUCKI S e n i o r F oresight Analyst at Futures Platform
The COVID-19 has shaken the lives of everyone, but the crisis will be overcome. However, economic, political and social changes are unavoidable. For this reason, it is important to anticipate the world after Coronavirus to ease the recovery.
Economically speaking, Corona will have expedited and deepened the expected economic downturn in many countries. Politically, the outbreak showed that countries first and foremost are looking after their own security and well-being, hence decreasing trust in the various multinational organisations and pacts. Socially, however, the COVID-19 will have showed us that as societies, we still can absorb shocks. This is an important lesson that needs to be relearned by every
generation. The world after is a place where China will most likely have proved that it can shoulder the weight of global leadership, at least by giving an example. The trust in the ability of the USA to act, on the other hand, will have been further eroded. The global pandemic may have shown to way to curb the climate change; people can live without unnecessary travelling, even the holiday kind. At the same time, in the world after Coronavirus, nations should have learned that they cannot worry only CYBERWATCH