CYboinsect Dec issue8

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The use of “Hacker Boy” and “Hacker Girl” by Birdman Inc. (as depicted on as the magazine’s mascot(S) (licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License) is purely for educational purposes only. All Images Taken From Internet *

In this revolutionary era of 3-D technology where we use it for printing clothes to toys to body organs, how could we stay behind in using this technology in the field of firearms and defence? We clearly understand what a gun is? A gun is something we use for our defence. It is a weapon designed to emit the material. The material can be solid, liquid or gaseous. The projection in the gun is done by the gas pressure either produced through fast combustion of propellant (a chemical used in production of energy). The first 3-D printed gun was designed by a U.S based group, Defence Distributed in 2012.This gun could be easily downloaded and reproduced by anybody with a 3D printer. It is called Liberator- 3D gun printer. The common nail that is part of the design is non-plastic. Cody Wilson, the founder of Defence Distributed had worked on this project for a year. Apparently he designed one- shot pistols to drop over France during World War-II, and was called Liberator. The modern version of gun, however consist of 15 components that is made inside a Stratasys Dimension SST 3D printer. One of the most noteworthy thing to be noted in design of 3D printer gun is the use of vaporized acetone which decreases friction between polymer components within the barrel. When the gun was designed it went through many tests. The test evidently went good, with Forbes, received that no damage has occurred. And in another test, using a rifle cartridge caused the handgun to explode. There is lack of metal in design of gun,that can be detected easily. Thus, Defence Distributed assembled with the Undetectable Firearms Act, including six-ounce steel chunk into body of guns and there will be less issue if the design is overthrew by less scrupulous individuals. Dec2014 | 4 

In 2013, a Texas company had received that no damage has occurred. And in another test, using demonstrated a 3D version of a rifle cartridge caused the hand- an M1911 Pistol made of metal. This 3D printed gun was made gun to explode. There is lack of on a 3D Printer that cost $8000 metal in design of gun,that can be detected easily. Thus, Defence from online auction site eBay. While designing the first bulDistributed assembled with the Undetectable Firearms Act, includ- let for 3D printed gun it was ing six-ounce steel chunk into body kept in mind that it has thicker of guns and there will be less issue steel shell with a lead bullet if the design is overthrew by less inserted an inch inside so that the shell can contain the exploscrupulous individuals. sion instead of transferring it to the plastic body. This bullet was designed

3D PRINTED GUN By: Priyanka Sable

After sometime, the gun and Crumling’s bullet gave birth to new controversy. Law enforcement bodies around the world have given reply to the threat of 3-D printed weapon by noting its threat. The US Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms released a video showing the threat produced due to THE LIBERATOR. On this, the defence Distributed replied that the government perhaps is using wrong printing method and is allowing the gun users to stay away from the use of the printed guns.

steel shell with a lead bullet inserted an inch inside so that the shell can contain the explosion instead of transferring it to the plastic body. This bullet was designed by Michael Crumling. When the gun was tested first time, it was misfired many times but it doesn’t suffer from any internal damage. The 3D printed gun was not fully 3D printed, it uses metal screw and AR 15 trigger and firing hammer and it was guaranteed that this all materials will not affect the durability of the gun. When the first test was failed it was determined that it happened due to shell’s movement and not because of the explosion inside it. So in the recent invention of the gun the roof was left open that allows the shell to eject itself.

This CAD file was open for all available on the internet. Within3 days, the State Department forced the Defence Distributed to withdraw the blueprints of the gun off the internet. But it was too late, as the file had already been downloaded 100,000 times and used to print the duplicate guns

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already been downloaded 100,000 times and used to print the duplicate guns this one. This definitely compels us to think whether the use of 3-D printing technology for producing weapons is safe or not. Anyone on earth could have very easy access to such guns. The only requirement is to have a 3-D printer and some some

illegal,” the Japan Times reported him


plastic. A man has been arrested recently for the possession of 3-D printed gun. Yoshitomo Imura, 27, resident of Kawasaki in Japan, was arrested for possession of five 3D printed guns. Though the police doesn’t believe that he had plans to use the guns in any crime. But,the fact that he produced videos of the guns he manufactured already broke Japan’s stringent laws against firearms

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“I produced the guns, but I didn’t think it was as saying, “I can’t complain about the arrest if the police regard them as real guns.” But all this definitely doesn’t lead us to conclude that the technology in itself is di sastrous. Since when have people stopped being selfish? There have always been unscrupu lous people in the society who have misused the technology and the innovation.

The challenge is to make proper laws. It is in the hands of law makers and law enforcement bodies to stop the miscreants and in a way sup port this amazing technology.


t s D e E T I g V r N I a S g ’ l E n i N s ’ O r Y a R e y i E l h d n EV t n o O a I T g d r n e a k a m


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Dec2014 | 7

Do you have any question to ask? LOL!! Silly question indeed. Who doesn’t have questions. But the question is, where to get answers of your questions. We’d be glad to answer your this question.And the answer is – QUORA It was cofounded in 2009,by 2 former facebook employees-Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever. Quora is question and answer website where question are created, answered, edited and organized by its vast community of user. Users can collaborate by editing question and suggesting edits to other user answers.

It launched full text search of questions and answers on its website on March 2013, and extended the feature to mobile devices in late May 2013. It requires users to register with their real names rather than screen names.Users can also log into it with their Google, Twitter or Facebook accounts using the open id technology. In it users can up vote or down vote answers, they can also suggest edits to existing answers provided by other users. It uses the pylons and comet technologies for its backed and Linux as its operating system with My SQL as its database. It also uses Git and me cached. It uses nginx as a reverse proxy server and HA proxy for load balancing. It has developed its own algorithm for ranking answers, which works similar to page rank. It uses Amazon elastic compute cloud technology to host the servers that run its website. For example a user is rewarded credits for providing a quality answer. With these credits, users are able to individually ask and compensate experts to answer a particular question. As an example, you might exchange your 300 credits for asking a question and getting its answer from an expert. This feature is unique to Quora’s platform. It has been favorably described in articles published by The new York times, USA Today,time and The Daily telegraph. According to Robert scoble, Quora succeeded in combining features the famous social networking sites like FB, Twitter, Google wave and other such websites which uses the concept of users voting up content. Quora’s Social Component: Questions on the site include a “Follow Question” button to add interesting new queries to your feed. There is an option to share questions via Facebook, email or even your Quora inbox. Quora supports the members for inviting other members through mails with the user’s own address book.

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Wanna join Quora? First of all you need to sign up using your Facebook or twitter account. Or else, you can simply prefer to have a standalone login -- there’s a smaller link where you can start your profile with your full name, email and desired password. Quora is a cost –free site, regardless of how you join and it also includes a justlaunched mobile website and iPhone app.

Here’s how you can get started with using Quora ?

Quora maintains a comprehensive Help section with official guidelines for using the website.The first thing you will do is to let Quora know about your interests, after signing up. This is because you will be choosing items suggested by your Facebook or Twitter accounts if you decide to start wandering around the site and come back later, Quora will remind you again. Quora suggests following and looking for issues, individuals and queries or questions to get started.

Don’t know how to ask new question?

According to the Quora, a good Question should be concerned with more number of ‘WHYs’, thus demanding narrative answers. This means that it recommends the users to ask logical questions that lead them seek an explanation, rather than simply asking “Are there any video mixing apps on Android?” Instead the user should ask it as –“what are the video mixing app on android?”

What about Answers?

Clicking on any question in your feed or search results will open answers submitted by other members. Quora also provides a comprehensive help page for submitting good answers to the website. For every question, Quara requires the answers that are accurate, authentic, précised and truthful. The answers should directly respond to the question. How could have Quora not stepped out of the web browser and reach its users though the mobile website?It took a leap by introducing a new mobile website which is again free and an official iOS app for the iPhone and iPod touch users.This app gives you immediate notification whenever there is any activity going around concerning the question you posted. So now, don’t let yourself get troubled by the numerous questions rumbling in your mind. Be It about any possible topic based on your interest and no matter where you are.Throw them out on the Quora without hesitations and be sure to get back the best possible answer. Be curious to know more.

Dec2014 | 9

Reality other than real reality???

Cover Story

Hi! Do you guys love playing games? Counter Strike, GTA, Age

of empire?? Yes we all are crazy about playing games and can play games non -stop for long hours. We have traversed a long way in the gaming technology over the years since computer games first emerged. We have seen how the number of users, gaming environment, the graphics, audio and video in the games, animation, the user interaction with the gaming environment and the gaming themes as a whole have evolved to the highest level of AMAZINGNESS till now and is yet in the process.

So just imagine these 2 super awesome technologies in a single package and what you get is “VIRTUAL REALITY GAMES”. So you will find yourself in the environment of the game. Sounds stupendous, isn’t it??

You must have seen Xbox 360:

This supports partial virtual games because of the release of Microsoft Kinnet. Its a motion capture device and so it enables you to interact with the game through body movement and voice commands. But you don’t have to wear a head mounted display or data suit/gloves thus not making it a strictly VR technology. Few such games are: • •

Dance Central 2 Kinect Star Wars


Have you ever heart of Virtual Reality? Chances are high. Virtual Reality, is a software created artificial environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Virtual reality can recreate sensory experiences, which include sight, smell, virtual taste, sound and touch etc. If you think these games are brilliant, just imagine how the games in the near future will be. They will use all the latest VR technology tools like the Virtual Reality glasses and wands (like in Nintendo Wii). They will use the fully immersive VR technology.

So you will find yourself in the environment of the game. Say for example, if any GTA game is converted into the virtual game, you will find ‘yourself ’ running on the 3-dimensional streets with gun in your hands. You can turn around physically to have a 360 degree view of the environment. You can touch the objects in the game.AMAZING right??

The game developers around the world are working on this technology to pave a way for these games. Within not more than 5 years we will have all the games using VR technology. While the world is working hard advancing here, how could we stay behind? CyboInsect found out 2 gems of India in Ahmedabad city, who might eventually turn out as the pioneers of Virtual Reality gaming in India. RONAK RAWAL FRANKY UPADHYAY

Cover Story CyboInsect team approached the duo on fine day, with the hopes of getting the deeper knowledge about their projects. They define themselves as a team of people always trying to bring to people a new experience which they have not experienced. They are excited, game lovers and enthusiasts, passionate, diligent and yes of course, ‘techies’. They gave us the experience which was very apt to the description about their work. Original Dimension wants to give next generation experience to people. "Escape Reality" is what they make people do. Ronak Rawal, 31, has been working in Media and Entertainment field since 1999.Over the years he worked in many high profile companies, naming a few – Zee Career Academy, Image Institute of Digital Technology and many more.. Finally he started his own company – KHEL ONLINE, where he was joined by his partner.

They are indulged in this wonderful Virtual Reality technology. Using this, they have created a small demo, or let’s say a small trailer of the entire amazing thing that they might soon make for us in near future. They have designed a Virtual Roller Coaster ride, using VR technology. It requires a special device – OCULUS RIFT, which is a new virtual reality headset for immersive VR technology.

FRANKY UPADHYAY Franky,24, studied in Nirma University, Ahmedabad, and has developed a controller free 3D car game using Kinnect as its interface Their company, now known by the name – ORIGINAL DIMENSION is apparently the only company in Ahmedabad working on the AR-VR technology.

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The Rift uses custom tracking technology to provide ultra-low latency 360° head tracking, allowing you to seamlessly look around the virtual world just as you would in real life. Every subtle movement of your head is tracked in real time creating a natural and intuitive experience. It creates a stereoscopic 3D view with excellent depth, scale, and parallax. Unlike 3D on a television or in a movie, this is achieved by presenting unique and parallel images for each eye. This is the same way your eyes perceive images in the real world, creating a much more natural and comfortable experience. Thus it makes you forget about the ground you’re standing on, or about the room you are in. All you feel is like you are in a real roller coaster ride, feeling all the forces except the G-force. The experience of course was out-of-the-world, thus they made us “escape reality” in truest sense and. And that is very much what they are advancing in. They are definitely putting their best efforts to create a large directory of the games that could be played, enjoyed and most important of all, LIVED, using the VR. We are no doubt looking forward to this completely unique and an innovative gaming experience which they will by god’s grace soon begin to provide us. But with a higher level technology, comes higher prices to pay. Considering the fact, they decided to work on a cost effective way with which they can let others enjoy this.

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Cover Story Recently these cool dudes celebrated the Virtual Reality Day on 12th December, 2014 in the prestigious campus of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. They celebrated it by presenting their product to the people, that allows you to take virtual tours of the monuments without getting out of the comfort zone of your home. They presented their product-Google cardboard that takes your cell phone as the screen and allows you to take a virtual tour of the Gandhi Ashram. The walk was very vivid, highly detailed and of high definition. It also responded to the user’s body movements. For instance, if the person moved his/ her head in a certain direction, he could see on the screen, visuals from that directions.

This was their way to make it cost effective, by using Google cardboard glass as the hardware. It can be used with any mobile phone and the total cost is just $10, i.e Rs620. Coming back to their spell which we described by the term “escape reality” is nothing, but the name given to this device by the duo. This is just the beginning of a wonderful era ahead and there is no stopping at this. Ronak expressed his future plans by saying, “ We plan to make many such virtual tours where you can feel the place sitting comfortably in your home or office. Franky explained how this can be used for educational purposes, for museum tours .Extending the vision, they also pointed out to its usage in creating 3D layout of large infrastructure projects like rails. According to them, the software can not only give you the idea of the stability of the project but can also allow you to feel its variable once it is in existence.

Cover Story

Ronak and Franky have opened a vast magical area with large number of possibilities. They have introduced us to a technology whose usage can range from exciting games to real life tasks as they have proved on the VR day. They are very open to the suggestions and ideas of their customers and will welcome any student to work with them as an intern. We look forward to their future products, games, projects because their only intension is to let people enjoy their life virtually as well as ‘really’, at low costs. Team Cybo wishes you all the best for future.

Kudos to this team.

Team Cybo with VR guys

Dec2014 | 13

glimpse GDG Dev fest ahmedabad

The biggest Google related developer event in Ahmedabad carefully crafted for you by GDG community! Awesome speakers and lot's of fun!



ouldn’t it be super cool to design, build and control your very own robots?

were younger. Yes, the very But building a robot requires same LEGO just might have an metal work, soldering, drilling, answer. and no doubt programming. And We bring to your knowledge an it involves a lot of hit-and-trial a m a z i n g l y methods. Oh…but you think interesting you never ever have attended technology that any robotics course and don’t will guide you even the know the A,B,C,D of from the start robotics?? of building your robots Have you played till the with the Lego end of it by blocks while you sharing your own creation on the social media. And that is taaddaaa –LEGO MINDSTORM

Dec2014 | 16

It’s a series of kit containing software and hardware to make your own customised robots. This technology was invented by MIT media lab.

version is also made available for educational purposes. The latest version of Lego Mindstrom is Mindstrom ev3.Mindstrom ev3 is used in toys & games.

Mindstorms Robotics Invention System kit contains 2 motors, 2 touch How does it work? sensors, and 1 light sensor, while the NXT version has 3 servo motors and The entire technology is built 1 light, sound, and distance as well around the RCX (Robotic as 1 touch sensor. The NXT 2.0 has Command eXplorers) brick

which was invented in the MIT lab.It contains an 8-bit Renesas (semiconductors) H8/300 microcontroller as its internal CPU. It included 32K of RAM to store. The brick is programmed by uploading a program (written in one of several available programming languages) from a Windows or Mac 2 touch sensors as well as a light and computer to the brick’s RAM distance sensor, and support for 4 via a special infrared (IR) without using a sensor multiplexers. interface. The NXT 2.0 uses Floating Point operations whereas earlier versions use Integer operation. The NXT 2.1

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After the user starts a program, an RCXenabled Mindstorms creation can function totally on its own, acting on internal and external stimuli according to the programmed instructions. Also, two or several more RCX bricks can communicate with each other through the IR interface, enabling inter-brick cooperation or competition. In addition to the IR port, the system includes three sensor input ports and three motor output ports (which can also be used to drive other electrical devices such as lamps and so forth). An integral LCD can display the battery level, the status of the input/output ports, which program is selected or running, and other information. Lego Mindstroms’ programming is command box programming, rather than code programming.It uses several languages like c/c++ , java, python, perl, objective C etc. Lego camera is not toy camera, it is own technically web camera packaged into lego shell. It is not programmable device.It is usable to connected PC. The software of lego camera is capable of detecting different lightings, motion, and colors. Lego Mindstorm also contains the LAN and WAN connection for the internet supplying. There are nominal price of lowest version is 2000 and price of Rs 35000 in India.

Dec2014 | 18 



Select a hero robot and explore.

There are some easier ones. New robot builders are recommended to start with some of these easy robots. There are different blocks, connectors and all the other components that you will need to build the robot just in the toolkit. You will build the robot depending on the purpose you are building it for. You join and connect and fix the robot accordingly.You might end up making someone like those in the picture . 2) Connect your robot to the P.C The robot you have just built, is connected using a cable to your MAC or P.C. This much we have to do to get the program that is written the P.C/MAC on to the robot.

4) Run Once you are done with the programming, you download the program to the NXT. There can be many different programs downloaded onto the NXT.You have to select the correct program and just click the button RUN. There you go with your very own ROBOT. Hope we’ve made robots more fun and easier for you. Get you LEGO toolkit now and have fun making your robots and sharing them with your friends. Let them envy you.

3) Programming You need to have the LEGO EV3 programming software which can help you to make your robot do exactly what you want, and thus bring it to life. There can be various missions for your robot. The software is extremely user friendly proving a learning environment at each and every step. Thus making it very easy for even a tyro to catchup easily with the technology. You download the program to the NXT. Dec2014 | 19 

Techfects Did you know??? Steve Job’s original aspiration was to become a Buddhist Monk. After traveling to India with one of his best friends from Reed College. Upon his return with shaved

There are seven voice commands built into this first “Explorers” edition of Google Glass. Two of those six are search-related: “google…” and “get directions to….” The others are “take a photo,” “record a video,” “send a message to,” “make a call to” and “start a Hangout with.”

Steve Job was obsessed with type fonts and calligraphy. Claims that the reason why Apple had different fonts was probably because he dropped into a calligraphy class in college.

Someone was arrested for wearing Google Glass In January a man was wearing Google Glass while he was watching a movie with his wife at a local theater. According to the Gadgeteer – a website dedicated to tech-junkies - the movie theater called the FBI and he was escorted out of the movie theater for questioning. As it turned out, he was not recording anything and the only items on

Dec2014 | 20

Australian researchers are trying to build a microrobot that would mimic the swim stroke used by E. coli bacteria. It would be injected into a patient so it could take a biopsy from the inside.

Google takes over 200 factors into account before delivering you the best results to any query in a fraction of a second The company owns a bunch of domains that are common misspellings of Google,like Gooogle. com,, Googlr. com, and more.Google owns, too. This glass can theoretically tolerate the pressure of 10,000 elephants stacked one onto the another Its impermeable-a single molecule of oxygen takes 30 billion years to pass through this glass Thin- a smart phone touch screen glass is 2mm- 3mm thick, thickness same as that of our skin

The world’s largest touch screen is 10 meters long a can accept up to 100 multi-touch inputs at one time

Dec2014 | 21 

Learn how to make money online.

“Google sent me a check of $*****” ads are all over the internet. It is true that you can make money using the internet without much physical work but you must be working in the right direction. is an inquisitve website where you can learn how to create a profitable blog or website. ShoutMeLoud or SML is basically a blog which teaches you about making a business out of a blog. It was started by Harsh Agrawal who is a B.Tech graduate from Sharda University (giving some credibility to their tagline ““The World is here at Sharda University, where are you?” ”). However, SML has now grown to become a community of bloggers or specifically “Shouters”. For those of you who are just too lazy to read all the material, they also have a youtube channel where they post how to videos , tips and tricks and a lot more. The channel have all the videos

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you would need to watch to get up and start your own blog. Internet is a godsend, there is no doubt in it. It is the perfect time to start using it for something productive and not just for posting selfies or sharing deep quotes. With sagacious and convenient services like google adsense, blogger, youtube, wordpress, etc available to us, we really don’t have to make a huge effort on the technical front. We just have to let our imagination and creativity loose and see our ideas take shape. SML features an exuberant number of ingenious articles which will set you on the right path to success. The best way to find the article which is particularly important to you or simply interests you is to use the archive option. Here, you get all the articles posted on the website in chronological order in a nice list format. This makes finding the concerned content easier to find.

All that being said the website itself has some issues. It can get laggy after a few arbitrary clicks as if it was counting it or tracking its movement. Other web pages opened simultaneously in other tabs seemed to work fine in my experience. Other than that SML is one of the few sites whose layout is pleased to navigate, a loud shout out to their own ‘Thesis’ Theme.

BY - Utsav Jain

Money isn’t the most important thing in life,but it’s reasonably close to oxygen on the ‘gotta have it’ scale.”

Dec2014 | 23

Torrentz & Pirate bay by :- aastha maheshwari


ownloading audios, videos and software is probably the most frequent thing we geeks do. NOW, downloading being a very crucial part of our lifestyles we want a reliable, fast, light, elegant, efficient source for the downloads we make. WE are in a generation where uploading has its significance, we just can’t imagine ourselves without uploading things. SO, to make our life’s easy, for quicker way of sharing, some great minds made us BITTORENT AND UTORRENT. WHATISBitTorrent? BitTorrent is a peer to peer program developed by Bram Cohen used for sharing files via the BitTorrent protocol. BitTorrent was the first client written for the protocol. It is often nicknamed Mainline by developers denoting its official origins. WHAT IS µTorrent? µTorrent is a free, ad-supported, closed source BitTorrent

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client owned and developed by BitTorrent, Inc. The “µ” significance is that the program was designed to use minimal computer resources while offering functionality comparable to larger BitTorrent clients . The program has received consistently good reviews for its feature set, performance, stability, and support for older hardware and versions of Windows In 2001, an American programmer named Bram Cohen created BitTorrent, which almost anyone with an Internet connection today has used. Taking on the concepts of breaking files into multiple chunks as well as the peer-topeer distribution mechanism, BitTorrent has catapulted into a mainstream file sharing mechanism which is fast and efficient. BitTorrent was a free software, written in Python, prior to version 6.0. The BitTorrent client has been a rebranded version of µTorrent after version 6.0. As a result, it is no longer open source.

In 2001, an American programmer named Bram Cohen created BitTorrent.”

How does it work?? •We open a web page on the web browser and click a link to download a file to your computer. •The BitTorrent client enables a user to search for and download torrent files using a “Search for torrents” in the main window, which opens the BitTorrent torrent search engine page with the search results. •The Web browser software on your computer tells the server to

transfer a copy of the file to your computer. •Transfer is handled by a protocol such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). •The host also offers us the information about how much data is being downloaded from each and to how much data is being uploaded. •The transfer speed is affected by a number of variables, including

Dec2014 | 25

Let the most widely used torrent, the smaller and more efficient client of bittorrent, “utorrent”, be talked about.

On December 7, 2006, µTorrent was purchased by BitTorrent, Inc., as officially announced by the forum. On September 18, 2007, BitTorrent 6.0 was released, which is a re-branded version of µTorrent. As a result, BitTorrent 6 is closed-source. Support for URIs was added in version 1.8, released on August 9, 2008. URLs were designed as an alternative to traditional tracker torrent files and became popularized when sites such as The Pirate Bay included native support

The pirate bay


e all are familiar with the word “PIRATE”, the illegal, poachy procedure of stealing another’s work for our own profit. THE PIRATE BAY (TPB), is one such website which tracks files which can be downloaded through bittorrent protocols. This illegal website lets you download, upload, search faster than the original site. PLUS, the site provides us with the uncensored files which are not available at the original sites. NOW THIS, increases the usage of pirated stuffs. The Pirate Bay website was launched in Sweden in 2003 and in 2009, the website’s founders were found guilty in Sweden for assisting in illegal activities. In some countries, ISP (Internet Service Provider) have been ordered to censor the website.The Pirate Bay allows users to search for various URLs. URLs refers to resources available for download via peer-to-peer networks which, when opened in a BitTorrent client, the desired content starts to download. The Pirate Bay allowed users to download BitTorrent files (torrents), small files that contain metadata necessary to download the data files from other users. The torrents were organized into categories: “Audio”, “Video”, “Applications”, “Games”, “Porn” and “Other”. Registrations for sites like these requires an email address and is free, which is the main attraction. Registered users may upload their own torrents (files) and comment on torrents (files). According to a study of newly uploaded files during 2013 by TorrentFreak , 44% of uploads were small screen shows and movies, porn was in second place with 35% of uploads, and audio made up 9% of uploads. Here are some proxy sites: • • • •

Dec2014 | 26

Top Google Doodle Of The Year By Our cyboGeek By:- Rachana Solanki

Feb 14th,2014 (international doodle) : Google Doodle lets you personalise chocolates to share with your loved one The user can click the play button which then starts the game of creating your personalised chocolate for your loved one.You can select the flavour and toppings and the finished product is packaged.User sends the link to his/her partner,opening of which will send him to the page where the tin of packaged sweets is ready for the reciepient.The ribbon unravels to read “happy valentines day” when the tin is clicked.It then makes the user click the ‘eat’ button.

19 May, 2014 - Rubik's Cube Invention's 40th Birthday Celebrated With a Google Doodle Game Like the original version of the popular toy, the Google interactive doodle has a digital version consisting of nine plastic squares of different colors. Users can shift entire rows or columns of the cube to match the squares of the same colors on each individual side.

Dec2014 | 28

12 June, 2014 - World Cup 2014 Kick Off Marked With an Animated Doodle For anyone logging on to the Google search page there is an interesting depiction of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A green and canary yellow football rolls into the foreground, with the letters in the Google logo depicted with hands and feet bobbling about in joy. The background depicts a cartoon version of Rio.

18th July,2014 Nelson Mandela's 96th Birth Anniversary Marked by a Google Doodle The interactive doodle showcases different stages of Mandela's life, along with quotes from his autobiography, The Long Walk to Freedom.

27 September, 2014 - Google Celebrates 16th Birthday With an Animated Doodle In this special birthday doodle for Google, you can see alphabet ‘G’ with a cap marking height of ‘o’ and ‘l’. Added animation to the doodle makes it birthday special. Clicking on to the logo ,it takes to Google’s search page for ‘Google’. Last year for the 15th birthday of Google there came a Pinata doodle. Millions of Google users played the pinata game online.

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24 October, 2014 - Mangalyaan Makes a Surprise Appearance in Friday's Google Doodle Mangalyaan Mars orbiter mission is the surprising subject of Friday's Google doodle. The day marks the one-month anniversary of Mangalyaan's entry into the Mars orbit, but Google is usually not one to celebrate monthly anniversarys, hence the surprise. Friday's doodle dedicated to the 1 month anniversary of Mangalyaan entering Mars orbit features the orbiter taking the place of the second 'O' in Google, with the curve of Mars' surface and a starscape behind. The doodle is visible only in India.

Google set out a series of spooky doodles for Halloween. Google Doodle on 31st October, For Halloween was visible in selected countries .There were more than one doodle on this Halloween, clicking which would lead you to a search page for Halloween Unsurprisingly, its animated too.

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November 10,2014. Doodle 4 Google 2014 - Philippines Winner

Doodle for google-india winner.This image is for children’s day put on November 14,2014.This image won because it contains all national birds, flowers, and all other national symbols like tiger, lotus, rangoli etc.

Google has celebrated Thanksgiving Day on 27th Nov,2014 with a bouncing turkey Doodle on its US homepage.The festive, cheery-looking bird replaces a letter “o” in Google, with the rest of the word spelled out in autumn leaves.You might think a bird destined for the dinner table would have little to celebrate – but perhaps this one has been spared by President Barack Obama.The presidential turkey pardon is a quirky annual tradition at Thanksgiving and this year saw a pair of turkeys named Mac and Cheese saved from the slaughterhouse. Dec2014 | 31

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.