Hail India – proud
Cover Story
Moment with MOM This Diwali, we have many reasons to celebrate and rejoice for. With the beginning
of new -year, we have much to look back and get inspired from this year’s achievements, so as to ascend and go beyond the farther boundaries in the coming year. But this Diwali, not the crackers, but the Mars Orbiter Mission Spacecraft has lighted and decorated our skies and brought shine and sparks in our eyes. Our scientists gave us a reason to raise our eyes and heads towards the sky, beyond the horizons, light years away. For that reason, we bow our heads to their talent. A date which would be in embossed in golden letters in the history would be 24TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 - the day which saw the determination, devotion and the efforts of our scientists from ISRO bearing its fruit in the form of successfully placing the Mars Orbiter Mission Spacecraft in the Red Planet’s orbit in its very first attempt. For a country which has been independent for only around 67 years, after being drained off its resources by all the external forces, it is one of the major leaps that India has taken in its way to become a SUPER-POWER by 2020. Independent India has taken confident strides in its road to scientific development. Its prowess is being manifested in a gradual scaling up of ambitious projects. India takes pride in its space programmes, which began with the launch of its first satellite Aryabhatta in 1975. Since then, India has emerged as a space power that has successfully launched foreign satellites. Its first mission to Mars was launched in November 2013, which has now gained its much awaited success. The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan is a spacecraft orbiting Mars since 24 September 2014. It was launched on 5 November 2013 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under the guidance of the Project Director Mylswamy Annadurai. The mission is a “technology demonstrator” project to develop the technologies for design, planning, management, and operations of an interplanetary mission. It carries five instruments that will help advance knowledge about Mars to achieve its secondary, scientific, objective.
launching of MOM
ISRO very efficiently showcased our country’s rocket launch systems, spacecraft-building and operations capabilities. the primary objective is to develop the technologies required for design, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary mission, comprising the following major task. • Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to perform Earth-bound maneuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and onorbit phase around Mars; • Deep-space communication, navigation, mission planning and management; • Incorporate autonomous It is India’s first interplanetary mission and ISRO features to handle contingency has become the fourth space agency to reach Mars, situations. after the Soviet space program, NASA, and the European Space Agency. It is also the first nation to reach Mars orbit on its first attempt, and the first Asian nation to do so. The spacecraft is currently being monitored from Another very important objective is to explore the Spacecraft Control Centre at ISRO Telemetry, the red planet- its surface features, morphology, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in mineralogy and Martian atmosphere using indigBangalore with support from Indian Deep Space enous scientific instruments. Network (IDSN) antennae at Byalalu.
Do you think, for a project like this would have costed our country an arm and a leg? Surprisingly, the answer is a big NO! Credit to our scientist’s brains who gave rise to such a huge project in only Rs450 crore, making it the least expensive Mars mission till now..An opinion piece in The Hindu pointed out that the cost was equivalent to less than a single bus ride for each of India’s population of 1.2 billion. India’s trip to Mars, cost less than “Gravity,” the Hollywood movie. NASA’s almost simultaneous — and far more complex — mission to Mars cost $671 million. Seemed like Mars needed a MOM, and India came to its aid. Let’s see how our dearest MOM reached the Red Planet Phase
Geocentric phase
5 November 2013 09:08 UTC 6 November 2013 19:47 UTC 7 November 2013 20:48 UTC 8 November 2013 20:40 UTC 10 November 2013 20:36 UTC 11 November 2013 23:33 UTC 15 November 2013 19:57 UTC 30 November 2013, 19:19 UTC
Launch Orbit raising manoeuvre Orbit raising manoeuvre Orbit raising manoeuvre Orbit raising manoeuvre Orbit raising manoeuvre(supplementary) Orbit raising manoeuvre Trans-Mars injection
December 2013 – September 2014
Heliocentric phase
11 December 2013 01:00 UTC 9 April 2014 11 June 2014 11:00 UTC August 2014 22 September 2014
Areocentric phase
24 September 2014
En route to Mars – The probe travelled a distance of 780,000,000 kilometres (480,000,000 mi) in a parabolic trajectory around the Sun to reach Mars.[48] This phase plan included up to four trajectory corrections if needed. 1st Trajectory correction 2nd Trajectory correction (planned) 2nd Trajectory correction 3rd Trajectory correction (planned) 3rd Trajectory correction
Mars orbit insertion
MOM reaches mars on 24th September Noting the “landmark occasion”, from president Pranab Mukherjee to NASA, all came out pouring greetings in this hailing moment of INDIA. "Hearty congratulations & best wishes to ISRO Team on Mangalyaan's success; nation proud of this historic achievement," the President tweeted. NASA, which has just launched its own MAVEN mission to the Red Planet, also congratulated the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for the feat. "#MAVEN team congratulates @ISRO for its #Mars arrival! @MarsOrbiter joins the missions studying the Red Planet," NASA tweeted. India’s trip to Mars, cost less than “Gravity,” the Hollywood movie. NASA’s almost simultaneous — and far more complex — mission to Mars cost $671 million. Acknowledging that the “odds were stacked us”, our prime minister truly said ““When you are trying to do something that has not been attempted before, it is a leap into the unknown. And space is indeed the biggest unknown out there.” We salute our scientists and everyone who was directly or indirectly associated with this project.
scientists celebrating
-Krupali Rana
Applause erupts from flight controller in banglore as the spacecraft reaches the destination on 24th September,2014
around the circumference of the drum. As drum rotates at the speed of 3,000 rpm, it performs read/ write operation by magnetizing spots on drums during write operation and sense the spots during read operation. These were very hard to operate.It consume lot of electricity and throw out enormous heat that may lead to malfunctions. SECOND GENERATION (1956-1963): In this, Transistor replaced vacuum tubes. Transistor is a device composed of semiconductor That amplifies the signal or open and closes the circuit. Bell Labs invented transistor in 1947. It became the primary device for all circuits and computers. Today’s latest microprocessor contains ten millions of transistor. By the use of transistor, the computer became smaller, cheaper, consumed less electricity and was more reliable. THIRD GENERATION COMPUTER (1964-1971): The computers of this generation contains integrated circuits. Transistor was reduced and placed on silicon chips called semiconductors that increases speed and efficiency of the computer. Silicon is the basic material of transistor, chips and other electronic devices. Computer consist of many chips placed on electronic boards called printed circuit boards. A chip is a small of semiconducting material on which integrated circuit is fixed. FOURTH GENERATION COMPUTER (1971-Present): The fourth generation of computers uses microprocessor as thousands of integrated circuits was rebuilt onto a single silicon chip. A silicon chip contains CPU. The first generation computer was fitted in the entire room and now it is in the palm. The Intel 4004 chip was Developed in 1971, located all the components from CPU to the memory on a single chip. FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTER (Present-Beyond): The computers of this generation use artificial intelligence. These computers are still in development and a voice generation is one of the fifth generation type that is used today. Artificial intelligence is concerned with making machine into humans. Presently, no computer uses artificial intelligence but it is famous in games. In May,1977, Deep Blue, Defeated famous chess player Gary Kasparov in a chess match.
- Priyanka Sable
Don’t we often complaint about the flowing water of the tank? Or the fans which have been left switched on in another
room? Haven’t we unconsciously been thinking of the craziest solutions to our many daily life problems? Haven’t we ever produced an imaginary gadget as a solution to our problems? Definitely yes! Knowing the level of technology today, we all think of different ways in which we can overcome difficult situations or to make life better and easier with the help of technology (hardware and software). Guys, it takes a whole kit and caboodle of creativity and imagination potential to consider even the most unrealistic gadget shown in ‘Doraemon’.Because, every invention, every step ahead of the existing, every invention, every gadget, every technology, did once sounded like a crazy fantasy from some maniac.
I heard this from a friend of mine, and wondered why someone thought of “makeathon”. I realised that times have changed and we’ve started to respect the ‘crazy fantasy from the maniacs’ and started calling them ‘IDEAS’. We’ve found a way to bring them together under the same roof.
They call it “M A K E – A – T H O N”
A fantastic energetic process of constant buzz of brainstorming, creating, and prototyping .The event was patterned after hackathons, the marathon group coding sessions that are becoming increasingly popular on college campuses. The idea is simple: Get a bunch of smart, creative people together in a room, give them some software or hardware challenges, and see what they can create. Makeathons have started to become increasingly popular around the world. One such make-a-thon was organised in Ahmedabad, India from 17th -19th October, 2014 at IIM. An intense 48 hour, non-stop hackathon where the top most makers, designers and developers across India get together and hack on the most difficult problems as a team with lot of hardware and software resources like Google Glass, Kinect, Leap Motion, Arduino, raspberry Pi, programming languages in a single room. Participants can hack on problem statements posted by the partner companies or specific technologies posted by them. Participants can also elect to work on out of the box problems.
It saw enthusiasts coming from different cities like Kanpur, Goa, Surat, and other cities of Rajasthan, in addition to those already from Ahmedabad. It went on for 48 hours with more than 250 entries. Participants were made to choose their teams on their own. What creativity can one not expect from such optimistic technology enthusiasts all gathered in a charged up atmosphere, breaking all the barriers of ifs and buts and brainstorming acknowledging the power of technology. Have a look at a few ideas: 1) Brain controlled Assistant for Speechless Person with Arduino-Interfacing Arduino with Neurosky Mindwave will capture the EEG data of the user which can be further processed and converted to audio signals. These audio signals can be played on speaker to generate voice for the speechless people, so they can communicate with the world using the technology. 2) Mind Operated Robot using Rpi and Neurosky and live video streaming on Google Glass-interface EEG and Bluetooth based Neurosky Mindwave with Rpi and we’ll operate Robot. And a Camera is interfaced with Rpi which will send video to Server. Use of Google Glass as client and stream the live video on it. These are only a few of the many more ideas. Some of the ideas might be coming to life soon, so watch out for some possible ideas or products that were conceptualised at Makeathon. It definitely is a one golden opportunity and worth attending. Dont miss it if it happens in your city. Kudos to the initiative.
-Krupali Rana
- Utsav Jain
glimpses make-a-thon
Happy Diwali & Happy New year From Cyboinsect Family