CYCC Network Overview

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CYCC Network

Improving Mental Health and Well-being for Children and Youth in Challenging Contexts

Want to be part of a community? Eager to share your good ideas and best practices? Need more funding? Interested in how other organizations may be able to help yours grow? Need evaluation tools to assess how you are doing? Want to get your research off the shelf and into action?

You’ve come to the right place! The CYCC Network is a national body with an international reach. We bring together community groups, front line practitioners, government officials, and researchers all working with children and youth in challenging contexts throughout diverse Canadian communities. Funded by the Networks of Centres of Excellence, part of the mission of the CYCC Network is “knowledge mobilization.” Put simply, this is the process of taking really good ideas and turning them into action. And then taking practices and linking them with theory. It means that good research doesn’t have to just end up on a library shelf. It also means that communities across the country are sharing their ideas of what works with at-risk kids.

CYCC has helped us to establish new connections with researchers and other non-profit organizations that serve children and youth across Canada. This is a great example of a network that brings many perspectives to the table and where every voice is respected. JANICE MacAULAY; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF FAMILY RESOURCE PROGRAMS NETWORK PARTNER

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