2023 AMA District16 Event Guide

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Welcome to A M A Distric t 16 and our awesome 2023 event s

This publication is filled with a wide selection o f e x c i t i n g e v e n t s , s c h e d u l e d a l l a c r o s s Wisconsin and Michigan’s UP, so dive in and s tar t mak in g s o me p lan s f o r th is s eas o n . I t d o es n ’t matter if you’re into dirt track, motocross, cruising on a big touring bike, catching a dual sport ride or whatever this sport offers great memories for riders and spectators waiting at every turn.

Many of us have had the great fortune to grow up with this sport, and even after many years of riding and racing, we continue to look forward to the next

trip as much as ever. The riding is always a highlight, just as enjoyable is time spent with all the wonderful people that participate and work to put the events on. There really isn’t a good way to explain the rewards of the friendship and camaraderie that you’ll find in t h i s s p o r t . We c a n o n l y t e l l y o u t h a t i t ’s a l l h e r e waiting for you so come on out and get involved and make the most of 2023!

Hopefully we’ll see you at the track, or in the woods this summer.

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Dis tric
f icer s & Ke
c t s These contacts can easily answer questions by e-mail, for links go to www.amadistrict16.com
t 16 Of
y Cont a
Bill Bell Flat Track Director 715-212-6340 Mike Schwarzenbacher Legislative Officer 920-319-6889 Danny
262-689-2842 Chris
Hillclimb Director 608-220-6853 Joe
Vice President 920-579-2372 Brian
Director 262-366-2348
608-873-9854 Chris DaRonco Treasurer/ Rider Registrar 414-303-1331 John Newton Recreation Director 920-350-2030 Mike Bronk AMA Commission Member 715-325-4034 Miranda Amerling Secretary 262-339-1695 Kevin Huber Trials Director 319-330-6700 Dan Fortman Off-Road Director 262-339-6090 a m a d i s t r i c t 1 6 . c o m •Rider Registration •Rider Points •Rules •Schedules •Club links •Officer E-mails •More. . . Info on this publication, contact Chuck at 262-321-0397, chuck@cycleusa com This pub ication is produced by H -Energy Publications Inc for AMA District 16 to promote our sport All contents are copyright protected, and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of Hi-Energy Publications, Inc While the contents of this publication are as accurate as poss ble, the publishing parties assume no responsibility for the accuracy or content, changes happen Call before you make the trip Much of the action performed in this publication is potentially dangerous Always ride w th n your own l m ts, and make sure to have fun doing it
Vrana President
McCanna Motocross
Ken Schuck AMA Representative
Mike Schwarzenbacher Legislative Officer 920-319-6889 Ken Schuck AMA Representative 608-873-9854
Mike Bronk AMA Commission Member 715-325-4034 Publication photos courtesy of: Marshal Neilson: www.neilsondesigns.net, Jeri Britton: www.facebook.com/JBPhotography906 The Wisconsin Dual Sport Riders website, June Shaw: www.facebook.com/shawsomemotophotography, and Kevin
Dan Fortman Off-Road Director 262-339-6090 Huber

Par ticipating with District 16

Getting started is actually pretty easy, assuming you have th e r ig h t b ik e an d a w ay to g et to th e ev en ts , y o u ' r e already half way there.

Finding a dealer and buying a bike: Whether you already own a bike or are planning on buying a new/ used bike you will still have to find a dealer to get parts and service. A local motorcycle dealer that is involved in the sport is a great source to help you get started in racing, and you’ll find that dealer is just important in the years to come. Establish a good relationship with a quality local dealer.

When purchasing your bike, it’s important to get the correct machine Racing classes are designed to fit the age of a rider to a mach in e en g in e s ize Yo u th clas s es ar e d es ig n ated b y ag e an d machine engine/ frame size Adult classes are either formed by mach in e s ize an d ag e o r r id er clas s if icatio n / ex p er ien ce Yo u must have a machine that matches your age, ability and the rules of the racing you are interested in When in doubt, read carefully, double check the rules, make a few phone calls and avoid the heartache of making an incorrect choice

I mp o r tan t r eality ch eck M o to r s p o r ts r acin g is in h er en tly dangerous There is always a risk of serious injury Riders should not participate in events or ride unless they have adequate medical insurance Riders and/or their guardians are solely responsible for using adequate equipment Ride at your own risk As a rider, you must rely on your own judgment.

Although all AMA D16 sanctioned meets are conducted under the guidelines in the AMA rulebook and District 16 supplemental rules, each club or promoter may operate a bit differently. Several things you can expect regardless of where you race:

•You must be a AMA member to compete in any type of AMA amateu r co mp etitio n . I f y o u ar e n o t alr ead y a cu r r en t A M A member, you may be able to join at the facility on the day of an event, fart better is to join at americanmotorcyclist.com a couple weeks in advance. (A link to this is right on the District16 website as well) Another good tip is to go to the Racing - Getting Started portion of the AMA site, and check into the annual release, in particular for minor riders. Family members, look for special rates that may be available to you.

• Yo u w ill b e r eq u ir e d to ag r ee n o t to s u e th e A M A o r th e o rg a n iz e r A t ea ch e v e n t y o u ’ ll b e r e q u ir e d to s ig n r eleas e statements Minors often need additional releases completed by B O TH p ar e n ts o r g u ar d ia n s M o s t e v en ts r eq u ir e p ar en ts o r assigned guardian be present to enter the grounds as a spectator Contact the event promoter in advance if you have any questions

•District 16 registration will also be required You may be able to join the district organization at the event, but again, doing it in advance on-line is far better, and at times required Once you have your AMA info, go to amadistrict16 com

• A ll p a r tic ip a n ts an d s p ec tato r s atten d in g a r a ce ma y b e required to pay an admission fee upon entering the facility Race participants also pay a registration or entry fee in addition to the admission fee

•All participants must wear a protective helmet, eye protection, gloves, a long-sleeve shirt, protective pants and boots that are at

least eight inches high - when in doubt, see the rules.

•It is your responsibility to know the rules. Become familiar w ith th e A M A R u leb o o k . Th e A M A co mp etitio n r u les ar e av ailab le f o r d o w n lo ad in A d o b e A cr o b at P D F f o r mat. G o to www.americanmotorcyclist.com. District 16 has some additional rules, and they can be found at amadistrict16.com

A district organization is composed of enthusiasts like you, as well as clubs, promoters and elected district officials. District 16 covers Wisconsin and Michigan’s UP. AMA District 16 has an ab u n d an ce o f mo to r c y clin g activ ity. Th e tas k o f f in alizin g schedules, issuing racing numbers and points keeping is handled at the district level, by volunteers dedicated to this great sport

As a registered participant of District 16 you may be issued a racing number if applicable, be eligible to earn points at events in w h ich y o u p ar ticip ate, an d h av e th o s e p o in ts r eco r d ed f o r possible year-end awards

For a schedule of events in your area, refer to this event guide o r amad is tr ict1 6 co m A ll th es e s o u r ces als o co n tain co n tact information for the event promoting organizations

You can always contact us at District 16 for information on schedules, racing numbers, rules or other questions A good place to start may be the director of the side of the sport you want to g et in v o lv ed w ith ex amp le, th e mo to cr o s s d ir ecto r f o r a motocross related question Easier yet, show up at an event as a spectator and ask questions, you’ll find everyone welcoming, and you’ll have a great time while seeing how it works.

4 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

h o t o b y J u n e S h a w w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / s h a w s o m e m o t o p h o t o g r a p h y


If y o u ' v e e v e r h a d t h e d e s i r e t o pitch a motorcycle sideways in a corner, then accelerate through a controlled slide, dirt-track racing is t h e p l a c e f o r y o u F l a t t r a c k r a c e s a r e r u n o n v a r i o u s l e n g t h s o f p r e p a r e d o v a l t r a c k s : s h o r t t r a c k s , w h i c h a r e l e s s t h a n 2 , 2 5 0 f e e t i n c i r c u m f e r e n c e ; h a l f - m i l e s , m e a s u r i n g f r o m 2 , 2 5 0 f e e t u p t o roughly five-eighths of a mile; and m i l e s , w h i c h a s t h e n a m e i m p l i e s a r e a m i l e i n c i r c u m f e r e n c e . I n a d d i t i o n , To u r i s t Tr o p h y o r T T scrambles events are held on tracks including right and left-hand turns and a jump.

Classes are available for riders in different age groups and skill levels, a n d o n a w i d e v a r i e t y o f m a c h i n e t y p e s a n d s i z e s , b o t h w i t h t w o o r four wheels.

The season in District 16 kicks off i n A p r i l a n d t h e n r u n s t h r o u g h t h e s u m m e r T h e r e a r e m o t o r c y c l e c l a s s e s f o r t h e y o u n g e s t o f r i d e r s right through the over 50 year age c l a s s f o r t h e d i s t i n g u i s h e d r i d e r s

M a n y e v e n t s a l s o h a v e s e v e r a l c l a s s e s f o r a t v r i d e r s , t h r i l l i n g t h e spectators. These events are often k n o w n a s t h e m o s t s p e c t a t o r friendly with bleachers overlooking

the entire race track. You’re able to get close to the action and really feel the excitement involved in each part of the race.

If you like Quad class action, Flat Track events are where you need to look. Like all the racing in District 16, youth classes are a huge part of Flat Track.

Flat Track

10 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
2 0 2 2 D i s t r i c t 1 6 To p F i n i s h e r s Senior Class Championship: 1 Daniel Peterson 306 2 Sergius Figliuzzi 180 3 Scott Walter 167 4 Stephen Wasser 74 5 Jeremy Martens 52 6 David Kilkenny 33 7 Brian Martens 31 8 Todd Lefeber 27 9 Robert Pretts 25 10 Matthew Jensen 21 Super Sr Class Championship: 1 Daniel Peterson 302 2 Scott Walter 175 3 Stephen Wasser 161 4 Julia Hanson 143 5 Mark Kornely 85 6 Brian Martens 82 7 Darrin Weber 81 8 Gordon Rudawski 44 9 Brendan Grasser 41 10 Todd Lefeber 33 85cc Class Championship: 1 Jack Brucks 270 2 Landon Banaszak 219 3 Kalob Olds 199 4 Matyx Lockwood 167 5 Braden Pupp 90 6 Braxton Jacobson 84 7 Gracelyn Andresen 73 8 Hunter Braaksma 64 9 Tony Pasbrig 44 10 Drake Callies 39 250cc Class Championship: 1 Jack Brucks 250 2 Xander Figliuzzi 200 3 Isabelle Andresen 181 4 Andy Pickett 64 5 Charley Simpson 56 6 Connor Sullivan 49 7 Landon Banaszak 46 8 Kasyn Callies 44 9 Braden Pupp 44 10 Aaron Frick 40 Open A Class Championship: 1 Vincent Jung 198 2 Cole Andresen 166 3 Kirk Davis 72 4 August Zeratsky 54 5 Ethan Rosine 51 6 Kasyn Callies 50 7 Nicholas Johnson 49 8 Ethan Ramsey 46 9 Corton Vandezande 40 10 Justin Rohde 37 450cc Class Championship: 1 Vincent Jung 203 2 Cole Andresen 171 3 Xander Figliuzzi 167 4 Luke Sharpe 152 5.Kirk Davis ..............................76 6 Hannah Lange 60 7.Connor Sullivan .....................57 8 Nicholas Johnson 56 9.August Zeratsky ....................53 10 Ethan Ramsey 50 Classics Class Championship: 1 Larry Pettis 222 2 Matthew Mcnall 173 3 Julia Hanson 171 4 Chuck Dickenson 167 5 Stephen Wasser 128 6 Connor Sullivan 104 7 Greg Dickerson 96 8 William Ferguson 50 9 George Patrick 40 10 Michael O'boyle 37 Masters Class Championship: 1 Larry Pettis 223 2 Julia Hanson 211 3 Chuck Dickenson 161 4 William Bell 109 5 Mike Yogerst 107 6 Douglas Callies 70 7 Thomas Pratt 68 8 John Furman 44 9 Dan Jacobson Sr 33 10 Brad Baker 31 50cc Shaft Championship: 1 Zoey Olds 235 2 Stiles Smillie 197 3 Easton Blomgren 182 4 Brycen Batz 152 5.Raegyn Paradis ...................120 6 Koyer Lockwood 67 7.Tucker Denu ..........................51 8 Ezrin Soholt 46 9.Camden Genkinger ...............36 10 Camden Jesko 32 Vintage/Twins Championship: 1 Shane Westphal 174 2 August Zeratsky 149 3 Daniel Batz 142 4 Mark Martinich 114 5 Stephen Wasser 107 6 Robert Reese 72 7 Mike Yogerst 70 8 Vincent Jung 53 9 James Delisle 43 10 Matthew Jensen 42 Hooligans Championship: 1 Shane Westphal 149 2 Terry Vestal 98 3 Mark Martinich 65 4 Robert Reese 59 5 Blake Berry 54 6 Andrew Clark 54 7 Gordon Russell 43 8 David Kilkenny 42 9 Jason Fox 40 10 Matthew Jensen 34 65cc Class Championship: 1 Kalob Olds 252 2 Matyx Lockwood 217 3 Milez Nelson 203 4 Ryder Ewert 181 5.Gracelyn Andresen ..............128 6 Landon Banaszak 126 7.Kash Eppler .........................124 8 Jace Keil 105 9.Braxton Jacobson ..................96 10 Hunter Braaksma 62

Flat Track

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 11
2 0 2 2 D i s t r i c
1 6 To
F i n i s h e r s Open B Class Championship: 1 Xander Figliuzzi 213 2 Isabelle Andresen 202 3 Luke Sharpe 202 4 Addison Metz 110 5 Lexi Jung 100 6 Bo Sharpe 82 7 Andy Pickett 62 8 Levi Vandergalien 47 9 Nate Batzler 45 10 Andrea Walsdorf 40 Boonie Bike Championship: 1 Addison Metz 237 2 Travis Wadusky 204 3 Walter Metz 123 4 Brad Welsch 115 5 Jacob Glover 95 6 Tim Wiggins 68 7 Gary Tallard 61 8 Jessica Jaeger 52 9 Doug Damman 52 10 Yvette Sanchez 47 Vets Class Championship: 1 Kyle Ewert 188 2 Scott Walter 181 3 Kevin Braaksma 90 4 Justin Giezer 43 5 Justin Rohde 43 6 Corton Vandezande 40 7 Jason Fox 36 8 Ryan Tiedt 35 9 Brian Martens 29 10 Daniel Batz 24 Top Quad Class Championship: 1 Donald Albrent 98 2 Austin Henricks 66 3 David Borowski 65 4 Kegan Hackbarth 41 5 Jase White 40 6 Colton Lobue 36 7 Riley Hull 34 8 Austin Stensrud 29 9 Alec Fuller 29 10 Gage Hennricks 27 Quad B Class Championship: 1 Ray Manion 158 2 William Walker 74 3 Ryan Hefner 63 4 Cameron Denu 62 5 Kayden Osgood 29 6 Damian Vande Zande 25 7 Brandon Boe 22 8 Jonathon Osgood 22 9 Cauy Beck 20 10 Zach Krueger 20 Women’s Class Championship: 1 Isabell Andresen 316 2 Julia Hanson 180 3 Lexi Jung 168 4 Leah Schmitz 128 5 Morgan Piller 101 6 Michelle Perez 67 7 Karina Strack 60 8 Chesni Simpson 58 9 Justine Marsh 55 10 Brooke Chromy 49 Open Quad Championship: 1 William Bell 144 2 Ray Manion 127 3 Donald Albrent 104 4 David Borowski 77 5 Cameron Denu 52 6 Austin Henricks 52 7 William Walker 46 8 Riley Hull 37 9 Alec Fuller 36 10 Gage Hennricks 35 Your District 16 Flat Track Director still finding time to chase a championship
12 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 13
Daniel Peterson had a great 2022 season, showing just how quick riders in the Senior and Super Senior classes can get around the track

Trials is a form of motorcycle competition that emphasizes precise balance and control while riding over a d e s i g n a t e d a r e a o f d i ff i c u l t t e r r a i n . I t ’s n o t a r a c e . . . only one rider is ‘observed’ at a time It can be slow, so slow that the rider may even stand still, as long as he (or she) doesn’t put a foot down

The range of skills and techniques employed by the best riders is deceptively varied Just imagine trying to fling yourself and your cycle up over a five foot wall Or edging down a steep, rocky, moss-covered hillside, then turning across the slope to cross a large sloping log before charging and winding your way back up How about leaping and balancing your way up a stream loaded with both small and large rocks

So, Observed Trials is a battle between the rider and the terrain. The rider who makes the fewest mistakes wins. And since it is essentially a solo battle, the rider can practice at home, even on level ground, perfecting such skills as balance, turning and clutch control Trials ‘Obstacles’ can even be set up in a backyard

The sport is very spectator friendly but expect to do a little walking through the woods for the best views

Trials events in D16 offer free spectating, so make sure to check one out this summer! They are perfect for families.

14 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

Riders take on some pretty cool challenges

There’s a class for new riders, youngsters and everyone else up to the full on Experts!

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 15


16 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
2 0 2 2 D i s t
Senior Class: 1 Fred Sassi 249 2 Ron Rivenburgh 205 3 Jim Altemus 191 4 Dave Johnson 146 5 Ryan Gustafson 131 6 Homer Weber 128 7 Tom Littlefield 120 8 Steve Schmidt 118 9 Kevin Huber 106 10 Doug Hay 64 Intermediate Class: 1 Felipe Vasquez 325 2 Justin Johnson 268 3 Matt Nowicki 229 4 Matt Lois 190 5 Matt Mowry 172 6 Ivan Misek 137 7 Nick Weber 73 8 Hannah Smage 71 9 Caidan Villand 69 10 Marco Lazarevic 42 Novice Class: 1 Cooper Johnson 315 2 Veronica Misek 195 3 Kaspar Tibar 159 4 Henry Langdon 111 5 Jason Mowry 87 6 Jeff Long 46 7 Grayson Lee 39 Vintage Class: 1 Pat Doll 260 2 Tom Littlefield 55 Expert Class: 1 Greg Sassi 210 2.Noel Smage .........................120 3 Kyle Hach 107 Advanced Class: 1 Michael Lois 305 2 Adam Gustafson 224 3 Mark Misek 217 4 Curt Beloy 115 5 Paul Philbrick 105 6 Matt Kuennen 36 7 Jeff Lois 30 Champ Class: 1 Will Check 355 2 Dave Smage 55 Youth Class: 1 Braeden Geisler 180
r i c t 1 6
p F i n i s h e r s
topped the Novice class.

Hill Climbing Excit ement

Hillclimbing is a sport that is easy for any offr o a d r i d e r t o g e t i n t o A l l y o u n e e d i s a motorcycle, protective gear, and a tether kill switch for you bike These switches are available at a n y d e a l e r s h i p . W h i l e m o s t h i l l c l i m b p h o t o s s h o w b i k e s w i t h e x t e n d e d r e a r w h e e l s , t h e r e a r e c l a s s e s offered for regular motocross and woods bikes

This year's District 16 series kicks off on Father's Day weekend in Kewaskum Wisconsin This is a semip r o e v e n t s o t h e c l a s s e s f o r e x t e n d e d w h e e l - b a s e motorcycles do not receive championship points at this r o u n d T h e s t o c k c l a s s e s ( n o r m a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n motocross or woods bikes) do receive points.

The following weekend, the series heads to Hixton, Wisconsin for a double-header, Saturday and Sunday e v e n t s . T h i s w e e k e n d a l s o c o u n t s f o r p o i n t s f o r t h e Minnesota championship, so the best riders from both states will battle each other.

The series comes back to Hixton September 16th and t h e n w r a p s u p w i t h t h e R a p i d s A n g e l s e v e n t i n t h e

To w n o f R o m e o n O c t o b e r 7 t h . T h i s c l u b h a s b e e n hosting hillclimb events since 1959!

C o m e a s a c o m p e t i t o r. . . . o r a s p e c t a t o r, e i t h e r w a y you’ll be impressed and in for a great and exciting day

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 19
If you’ve never been to one of these events - just go do it!

Hill Climb

3.Tyson Haas ...........................59

4 Lane Brookshaw 49

5.Aaron Bechel .........................46

6 Riley Bechel 30

250cc Championship:

1 Riley Vanberg 84

2 Brady Kirchner 81

3 Riley Bechel 76

4 Lane Brookshaw 70

5 Brian Kinney 58

6 Sam Ellifson 40

7 Jeff Piontek 28

Mini Sr Championship:

1 Charlie Engnes 140

2 Cameron Mack 112

3 Kaly Mueller 75

4 Maya Peterson 71

Super Mini Championship:

1 Charlie Engnes 150

2 Kaly Mueller 94

3 Cameron Mack 94

4 Hannah Bechel 84

5 Maya Peterson 67

6 Natalee Vanberg 58

7 Jackson Engel 44

125cc Championship:

1 Charlie Engnes 140

2 Brady Kirchner 102

3 Cameron Mack 87

4 Riley Bechel 84

5 Maya Peterson 57

6 Mel Piontek 18 200cc Championship:

1 Riley Vanberg 119

2 Cameron Mack 117

3 Charlie Engnes 106

4 Sam Ellifson 65

20 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
2 0 2 2 D i s t r
6 To
i n i s h e r s Open Championship: 1 Kirk Mueller 118 2 Logan Peterson 106 3 Bradley Marking 72 4 Jason Vanberg 69 5 Brent Engel 41 6 Keegan Bohannon 36 Masters Championship: 1 Kirk Mueller 115 2 Mark Nielson 103 3 Jason Vanberg 92 4 Mike Wood 79 5 Chad Mack 69 6 Lucas Haas 64 7 Brian Kinney 30 KOTH Championship: 1 Kirk Mueller 82 2 Logan Peterson 80 3 AJ Engnes 60 4 Lane Brookshaw 43 5 Mark Nielson 35 6 Bradley Marking 31 7 Mike Wood 30 Open Stock Championship: 1 Trevor Wegner 70 2 Austin Bignell 56 3 Logan Peterson 45 4 Jeff Jack 32 5 Zachery DeGross 25 6 Dylan Narel 25 7 Danny Mischler 25 450cc Championship: 1 AJ Engnes 96 2 Kirk Mueller 86 3 Logan Peterson 83 4 Mark Nielson 51 5 Tyson Haas 47 6 Riley Vanberg 43 7 Carson Curtis 33 600cc Championship: 1 AJ Engnes 106 2 Logan Peterson 60 3 Lane Brookshaw 56 4 Carson Curtis 55 5 Riley Vanberg 48 6 Aaron Bechel 35 7 Tyson Haas 28 4 Stroke Championship: 1 AJ Engnes 110 2.Logan Peterson .....................80 3 Kirk Mueller 64 4.Tyson Haas ...........................54 5 Riley Vanberg 46
Curtis ........................35 7 Lane Brookshaw 35
Stroke Championship:
Engnes ...........................120
Logan Peterson 81
i c t 1
p F
Micro Mini Championship: 1 Beau Bechel 136 2 Hudson Mack 85 3 Emma Ellifson 57 4 Cooper Sandmeyer 36 65cc Championship: 1 Beau Bechel 106 2 Hunter Kirchner 78 3 Kendra Mueller 75 4 Easton Mack 63 5 Willard Roschen 59 6 Grayson Larson 51 7 Jackson Engel 32 Women Championship: 1 Kaly Mueller 135
Hannah Bechel 93 3 Maya Peterson 87
Natalee Vanberg 84
Kendra Mueller 66
5 Jacob Piontek 32 6 Mel Piontek 17
AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 21 Mini Jr Championship: 1 Hunter Kirchner 115 2.Hannah Bechel ....................102 3 Natalee Vanberg 69 4.Grayson Larson .....................55 5 Kendra Mueller 54 6 Willard Roschen 44 7 Easton Mack 33 Vet Championship: 1 Mark Nielson 131 2.Mike Wood...........................106 3 Brian Kinney 69 4.Brian Marking ........................52 5 Jeff Piontek 37 6 Darren Degross 21 7 Chuck Lundborg 10 400 Stock Championship: 1 Brady Kirchner 115 2.Jeff Jack ................................45 3 Anthony Corrao 25 4.Dylan Narel ............................25 5 Kevin Schneider 20 6 Todd Ellingson 16 7 Jake Poth 16 750cc Championship: 1 Brian Marking 101 2.Bradley Marking ....................95 3 Jeff Jack 29 Recreation D i s t r i c t 1 6 P a r t i c i p a t i o n R e c o g n i t i o n Andrew Jensen
THANK YOU for sponsoring AMA D16’s Annual Banquet
made five of the six District
Dual Sport events in
22 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

Road America has your ticket t o RIDE!

Riding a motorcycle or a s cooter is an exhilarating experience, but it also requires training and knowledge and takes more physical skill and mental concentration than driving a typical motor vehicle Proper training is critical and if you’re interested in getting into motorcycling or need to s harpen a few s kills , now is the time to regis ter for Road America’s Motorcycle School

The Road America Motorcycle School is one of the premier training programs for novice, returning and advanced riders in the Midwest. Participants can learn how to ride a motorcycle by choosing from eight different levels of motorcycle training All motorcycle training courses take place at Road America’s 640acre venue, which includes five controlled off-street training ranges M otorcycle and s cooter clas s es , including ladies only options, are available from April through November in a variety of daytime, weekend, and weeknight formats.

Road A merica’s s taff of highly trained and aw ard-w inning ins tructors comes from divers e backgrounds w hich include education, law enforcement, and racing disciplines. They have years of knowledge to help you learn how to ride a motorcycle or scooter

F or new riders interes ted in becoming licens ed to operate a motorcycle, Road America has the Basic Rider Course (BRC) which requires approximately 19 total hours of commitment The course criteria includes a three-hour online e-Course, six hours of classroom instruction, and ten hours of on-range riding lessons. The second

option available for new riders seeking a class M endorsement is the Scooter Basic Rider Course (SBRC) The class includes 19 hours of instruction, broken down into six hours of classroom instruction, ten hours of on-range riding les s ons , and a 3-hour online e-Cours e. Tuition for both cours es include the us e of a current model year Yamaha motorcycle or scooter

For returning motorcycle riders there’s the Street Skills Course 1 or the Street Skills Course 2 which both are designed to simulate real-life riding conditions Another great option is the Road America Dirt Bike Course Registration can be done online, or by calling Road America at 800-365-7223. A full event schedule is available online at roadamerica com

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 23 Hillclimbs & More! Points in both AMA District 16 & 23!!! Hixton, WI June 24 & 25 Off-Road Olympics See website for details! With Midwest Vintage MX Gran Prix & Hillclimb District 16 Offroad Points Paying Event! Hillclimb D16/D23 Points! Hixton, WI September 16 Trials District 16 & 17 Points Paying Event! Manchester, IA August 5-6 cmjraceway.com 608-220-6853 Season Memberships Only $125 See web site for info 3 miles northwest of Hixton, Exit Hwy 95
Photos by Jeri Britton www facebook com/JBPhotography906

Motocross is the most popular form of amateur m o t o r c y c l e r a c i n g a n d w i t h c l a s s e s f o r machines from 50 to 500cc, and riders from four years old to fifty plus, it's a sport for the whole family

Motocross races are run over closed courses utilizing natural terrain and man-made obstacles to test riders' skill and speed. Tracks include hills, jumps and tight turns. One of the most strenuous sports in the world, motocross is a rugged test for both rider and machine

Most motocross events consist of two heats, called motos, that are run for a prescribed period of time, or a set number of laps. Points are earned in each moto based on finishing position and the rider with the best total score is the overall winner Motocross events in D16 kick off in April, and run through into October. Frequently there are multiple events per weekend

T h e s e e v e n t s a r e a l l d a y a c t i v i t i e s . T h e p r a c t i c e s e s s i o n s g e t s t a r t e d r i g h t a w a y i n t h e m o r n i n g u s u a l l y f o l l o w e d b y a r i d e r s ’ m e e t i n g w h e r e s c h e d u l e s a n d o t h e r a n n o u n c e m e n t s a r e m a d e . A l l t h e c l a s s e s w i l l u s u a l l y r u n through their first motos before starting the final set

T h e r e ’s a l a rg e s e l e c t i o n o f c l a s s e s a v a i l a b l e , a n d a majority of the riders will qualify for multiple classes, often o n t h e s a m e m o t o r c y c l e A g e d i v i s i o n s a n d e n g i n e s i z e usually determines many of the classes, as well as experience levels The C classes being for new riders while the A classes a r e d o m i n a t e d b y e x p e r i e n c e d r i d e r s a n d e v e n l o c a l professionals.

The Youth oriented classes require some sort of rider age for certain engine or machines, referred to as minis. You can g e t a f e e l f o r t h e s e c l a s s l i m i t s b y l o o k i n g o v e r t h e membership application on the District web site, where you

will also find links to both D16 rules and a link to the AMA rule book You need to make sure a rider ’s age will allow them to ride a particular size bike. There are also limits for how large of a motorcycle riders can be on as they age, so again, become familiar with the rules.

I t i s v e r y c o m m o n f o r f a m i l i e s a n d r i d e r s t o m a k e motocross events a weekend affair, showing up the afternoon b e f o r e t h e e v e n t a n d c a m p i n g o u t . T h i s i s j u s t o n e o f t h e m a n y a s p e c t s t h a t m a k e t h i s s u c h a g r e a t f a m i l y s p o r t Spectators are always welcome and often find the day filled with excitement and good times.

26 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

Keegan McGeshick ...............51Jr 4-6

Karson Kasper 51Sr 7-8

Easton Falk ..........................65cc 7-11

Owen Tibbs ..........................85cc 9-11

Isaac Opalewski ................85cc 12-15

Jayce Wolf ............59-85cc Open 9-13

Skylar Melvin Schoolboy 1 12-17

Jayden Wolf ........................14-24 B/C

Sean Badker................................250B

Gavin Godeck .............................250C

Sean Badker ...........................Open B

Jack Shawley Open C

Jesse Koth ..................Master +25B/C

Joshua Matz ......................Vet +30B/C

Mark Jorgensen ................Senior +40

Tom Ferguson ...................Senior +45

Tom Ferguson Senior +50

Wayne Welzien ..................Senior +60

Dana Hanna Women

Keith Degrand ................Non Current

Ty Tyrrell......................................+30A

Justin Oehlhof 250A

Justin Oehlhof ........................Open A

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 29
Live More In 2023!


30 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
0 2 2 D i s t r i c t
i n i s h
Mini Sr 12-15 Class: 1 Jayce Wolf 269 2 Hunter Maurisak 246 3 Mason Mottonen 228 4 Cutter Wilson 203 5 Carter Lacosse 165 6 Braden Rose 164 7 Hayden Elwood 150 8 Nolan Boggetto 123 9 Cole Hoerig 113 10 Jakob Ottenad 107 Mini Open Class: 1 Jayce Wolf 267 2 Cole Goedert 248 3 Hunter Maurisak 240 4 Mason Mottonen 201 5 Ryder Alloway 192 6 Torian Erdmann 165 7 Drezdyn Pitts 162 8 Carter Lacosse 138 9 Chase Beake 134 10 Brayden Renkas 134 +30B/C Class Championship: 1 Nicholas Kubowski 246 2 Hayden Henry 236 3 Andrew Dilley 218 4 Gabe Kohlmeyer 169 5.Bernie Klismet .....................140 6 Michael Bukovich 129 7.Samuel Feller.......................112 8 Jesse Wergin 111 9.Nick Hess ............................102 10 Nicholas Amundson 98 65cc 7-11 Class Championship: 1 Eric Worden 248 2 Brayton Wills 237 3 Skyler Fritz 229 4 Braxton Gauthier 205 5 Gavin Mottonen 179 6 Nathan Labarge 168 7 Owen Tibbs 163 8 Harrison Koch 161 9 Easton Falk 157 10 Levi Krull 154 125cc Class Championship: 1 Deegan Vanvreede 209 2 Kailob Bianco 194 3 Riley Busse 147 4 Hayden Schumacher 135 5 Cale Huotari 112 6 Matthew Aho 112 7 Nicholas Randrup 99 8 Gavin Templen 85 9 Kyle Hameister 79 10 Eldon Baerwolf 78 51cc 7-8 Class Championship: 1 Brooks Bussiere 267 2 Michael Dillett 266 3 Parker Langer 252 4 Braxton Gauthier 234 5 Aiden Matsche 220 6 Benjamin Cook 215 7 Karson Kasper 210 8 Tripten Nixon 190 9 John Jr Oconnell 165 10 Jesse Worden 157 +30A Class Championship: 1 Ty Tyrrell 249 2 Andrew Tyrrell 214 3 Chad Nyberg 197 4 Cody Wills 179 5 Eric Uren 159 6 Aaron Stroebel 148 7 Marc Ottenad 148 8 Cody Sigler 131 9 Keith Degrand 103 10 Broc Stroebel 100 9-11 Class Championship: 1 Cole Goedert 284 2 Brayton Wills 245 3 Eric Worden 213 4 Kamden Farmer 202 5 Torian Erdmann 181 6 Chase Beake 169 7 Owen Tibbs 158 8 Ryder Stratton 124 9 Levi Gower 123 10 Braden Ouimette 121 +40 Class Championship: 1 Joseph Steier 252 2 Timothy Dopke 184 3 Dan Zolper Sr 173 4 Matt Stratton 150 5 William Balko 120 6 Mark Jorgensen 116 7 Glen Brandemuehl 109 8 Jason Heindl 97 9 Jordan Deforge 93 10 Tom Ferguson 90
1 6 To p F
e r s
AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 31 250B Class Championship: 1 Jayden Wolf 278 2 Deegan Vanvreede 205 3 Matthew Aho 171 4 Calvin Peterson 167 5 Skylar Melvin 161 6 Sean Badker 147 7 Drake Dionne 129 8 Easton Block 122 9 Maxwell Mayer 120 10 Kyle Zuleger 115 Open C Class Championship: 1 Nick Lindstrom 261 2 Ethan Ramsey 213 3 Anthony Tarsi 185 4 David Loomis 170 5 Chantz Rowell 152 6 Thomas Glowacki 145 7 Tyler Schubert 143 8 Dylan Rasque 138 9 Jack Shawley 127 10 Matt Swortzel 76 250A Class Championship: 1 Brandon Martyniak 128 2 Elijah Tetzlaff 126 3 Justin Oehlhof 94 4 Blake Hoag 50 5 Michael Kingstad 45 6 Isaac Therrien 43 7 Luke Van Lyssel 40 8 Conner Burger 38 9 Hunter Sayles 25 10 Andrew Lieders 25 +25A Class Championship: 1 Austin Hamburgur 142 2 Cody Warren 136 3 Nicholas Randrup 112 4 Brandon Marescalco 101 5 Eric Leach 94 6 Aaron Stroebel 86 7 Joshua Philbrick 75 8 Kyle Hameister 72 9 Eric Benson 67 10 Kyle Koosmann 63 Open A Class Championship: 1 Blake Bocek 177 2 Brandon Martyniak 125 3 Elijah Tetzlaff 104 4 Joshua Philbrick 83 5 Justin Oehlhof 81 6 Blake Hansen 80 7 Bryce Hansen 73 8 Eric Benson 66 9 Brandon Marescalco 54 10 Kyle Hameister 52 +25B/C Class Championship: 1 Jesse Koth 272 2 Jarrett Winder 240 3 Levi Rasque 205 4 Nicholas Kubowski 198 5 Anthony Tarsi 171 6 Matt Kohlmeyer 154 7 Austin Lapp 130 8 Jamie Nixon 114 9 Shawn Mueller 110 10 Michael Youngthunder 107 +50 Class Championship: 1 Marc Ottenad 293 2 Cory Croschere 255 3 Roger Kramer 221 4 Doug Forstner 197 5 Timothy Dopke 181 6 Brian Mccanna 158 7 Tom Ferguson 141 8 Jason Heindl 141 9 Anthony Turner 140 10 Glen Brandemuehl 109 Women Class Championship: 1 Isabella Johnson 300 2 Addison Farmer 231 3 Desirae Steier 201 4 Kendra Steier 177 5 Kaila Forstner 174 6 Jenna Klismet 164 7 Dana Hanna 158 8 Jazmin Jonas 147 9 Angel Ennis 120 10 Sierra Heindl 111
0 2 2 D i s
Motocross 2
t r i c t 1 6 To p F i n i s h e r s


2 0 2 2 D i s t r i c t 1 6 To p F i n i s h e r s

32 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
Open B Class: 1 Adam Loomis 247 2 Isabella Johnson 185 3 Tommy Olson 184 4 Levi Rasque 174 5 Jamie Nixon 172 6 Sean Badker 157 7 Jesse Koth 156 8 Elliot Bennett 151 9 Drake Dionne 141 10 Kollin Kadinger 122 14-24B/C Class: 1 Adam Loomis 267 2 Jayden Wolf 244 3 Calvin Peterson 182 4 Elliot Bennett 179 5 Christopher Peterson 160 6 Vince Hughes 155 7 Tommy Olson 146 8 Drake Dionne 121 9 August Mayer 120 10 Maxwell Mayer 119 250C Class: 1 Chad Schmitt 259 2 Nick Lindstrom 235 3 Ethan Ramsey 207 4 Gavin Godeck 181 5 Christopher Peterson 177 6 Nathan Lacosse 156 7 Tyler Schubert 145 8 Ryan Foster 127 9 Kaiden Snyder 117 10 Jack Shawley 113 2-Stroke Class: 1 Chad Schmitt 288 2 Dominik Gaylord 171 3 Kyle Zuleger 160 4 Tanner Rossi 115 5 Dan Zolper Sr 76 6 Eldon Baerwolf 73 7 Alex Romanowski 65 8 Payton Gustin 64 9 Nick Jacobson 60 10 Michael Youngthunder 50 Schoolboy 1 Class: 1 Chad Schmitt 258 2 Deegan Vanvreede 249 3 Jordan Godeck 188 4 Kailob Bianco 186 5 Jayce Wolf 176 6 Skylar Melvin 169 7 Nathan Lacosse 159 8 Daylon Teddy 150 9 Soren Lystila 127 10 Kason Goodreau 112
Chad Schmitt ran off with three class championships

Over 500 D16 friends attended the annual banquet. Over $18,000 in Drawings were given away, plus hundreds of awards

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 33

Dual Sports are catching on in District 16, and in 2023 there are seven of these fun events, kicking off in June. To participate in a Dual Sport event y o u f i r s t n e e d t o b e o f l e g a l d r i v i n g a g e a n d h a v e a m o t o r c y c l e t h a t i s “ t e c h n i c a l l y ” s t r e e t l e g a l We s a y t e c h n i c a l l y, b e c a u s e o f t h e w i d e a r r a y o f m o t o r c y c l e s that can be used at these events. There are the popular on/ off road bikes offered by most of the manufacturers, bikes that you would swear just don’t belong off-road... l i k e t h e 1 0 0 0 c c p l u s a d v e n t u r e s t y l e b i k e s , a n d t h e n converted “dirt” bikes. Bottom line, the bike has to have a license plate, meet maximum noise requirements, and have lights semi-knobby tires are a very good idea, but not always needed Each ride is a little different, and if y o u a r e q u e s t i o n i n g y o u r b i k e ’s s e t - u p , a c a l l t o t h e sponsoring club is a good idea.

Dual Sport events often cover a hundred plus miles per day, and combine some road riding, gravel/ fire roads, and then some challenging off road trails. Usually the most challenging sections have optional routes, allowing the less “off-road” style bikes and less experienced riders t o s t i l l h a v e a g r e a t t i m e b y c h o o s i n g t h

These events are non-competitive, fun rides where

rider camaraderie is at its highest. While riding in an e

taking photos, grabbing a bite to eat, or discussing an adventure they just experienced The participants will be from all aspects of our sport; racers, experienced trail riders and newbies to off-road riding Everyone comes for the same reason... to have a good time, and get in some great riding. Give one of the event promoters a call, then come out and do some riding.

Tip: Look into registering for these events really early - most of them sell out in a matter of hours once on-line registration opens. They are that well liked.

e i r l e v e l
o f difficulty
v e n t , y o u ’ l l f i n d g r o u p s f r e q u e n t l y s t o p p e d t r a i l s i d e
34 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 35
36 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

Dual Sport rides are a great option for the Adventure bike riders to get in on the fun

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 37

Th e D 1 6 O ff - R o a d s e r i e s i s a c o m b i n a t i o n o f H a r e Scrambles, Gran Prixs and Enduros, making one great season long series by combining points. There will be nine unique venues for 2023. The series is ten races with your best finishes counting for points.

Hare scramble races are timed races where riders do as m a n y l a p s a s p o s s i b l e . R a c e t i m e s v a r y p e r c l a s s , r o u g h l y thirty minutes for 50cc, one hour for the 65cc, 85cc, +50 and Vintage classes AA, A, B, +30A/B, +40B are two-hour long races. Hare scrambles are conducted on marked courses over r u g g e d n a t u r a l t e r r a i n . D i s t r i c t 1 6 h a r e s c r a m b l e s a t t i m e s combine a portion of a motocross track and plenty of wooded trails when available. Courses often range from two to six m i l e s i n l e n g t h . E v e n t s s t a r t i n t h e m o r n i n g a n d c o n t i n u e through the afternoon, making for a comfortable day.

The GranPrix (GP) racing continues to grow in popularity with riders from all disciplines taking part It is a two-moto f o r m a t e x c e p t f o r 5 0 c c , t h e y a r e o n e E a c h m o t o i s approximately thirty minutes. Motos are scored separately and then combined for overall position, similar to motocross scoring. Courses will likely be a little shorter. You can expect a really fun mix of off-road with a little more of the motocross pace/ urgency added in.

E n d u r o r a c e s h a v e t h r e e f o r m a t s : S p r i n t e n d u r o s h a v e multiple tests (loops) that you ride at least two times Small g r o u p s t a k e o ff a t o n c e ( o r b y y o u r s e l f ) , e a c h t e s t i s t i m e d

38 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

s e p a r a t e l y. A t t h e e n d o f t h e d a y, t i m e s a r e a d d e d together and the lowest time wins.

Closed course enduros have one loop at least three miles that is ridden multiple times. An average speed is set for each loop and you get points for being late At the end of the day, the rider with the lowest total wins

Long course enduros are greater than fifty miles. S c o r i n g c a n b e d o n e a f e w d i ff e r e n t w a y s . Yo u t h classes may run a different format based on difficulty, l e n g t h a n d t i m e s o a l w a y s c h e c k w i t h t h e c l u b / promoter on this as well.

Points will continue to be in line with the AMA off road points structure Live Laps scoring system will be used at many 2023 off-road events If you plan to r a c e a n y e v e n t s i n t h i s s e r i e s , p l e a s e g o o n t o livelaps.com and make your rider profile/ update if you don’t already have one. Fill out all info including your AMA number to speed up your sign up time.

All the events pay points towards year-end awards a n d r e c o g n i t i o n . T h e s e a r e o f t e n g r e a t e v e n t s f o r newer riders with some trail experience all the way to the fastest of off-road racers The challenges of the trail are often reasonable and meant to make it a fun day for everyone. Best thing, these events have youth c l a s s e s i n c l u d e d , s o b r i n g t h e f a m i l y ! A g a i n , g o through the s upplementary rules on the w ebs ite and reach out if you have questions. This championship series should be fantastic for all our riders.

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 39
Looking to race in the woods or other more natural terrain - the Off-Road Series is for you!
AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 41
42 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
Every day should be this GOOD! Make it Happen - Come Join us! AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 43

Of f -Road

44 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 50cc Sr Class Championship: 1 Blake Weiler 276 2 Kira Westphal 253 3 Bryan Sheppard 229 4 Gage Lane 60 5 Camden Jesko 55 6 John Oconnell 55 7 Lincoln Koch 30 8 Brody Wrzesinski 25 9 Wyatt Hase 16 50cc Jr Class Championship: 1 Lyncoln Morris 268 2 Lane Laubmeier 249 3 Oakley Shaw 248 4 Levi Grubbs 178 5 Maddox Lozdoski 127 6 Arjuna Zender 48 7 Nolan Farkas 33 8 Malachi Anschutz 30 9 Tenlie Wrzesinski 30 10 Liam Miller 25 C Class Class Championship: 1 Kaidan Stewart 278 2 Blayde Wallner 261 3 Dayton Stewart 216 4 Travis Morris 179 5 Nadia Ellingson 176 6 Derek Grubbs 156 7 Larry Stewart 147 8 Devon Kelley 143 9 Boede Wallner 120 10 Kasyn Callies 112 85cc Class Championship: 1 Boede Wallner 295 2 Dane Vender 237 3 Braxton Jacobson 236 4 Cole Montgomery 209 5 Maximus Schultz 174 6 Walker Garetson 165 7 Laif Morris 159 8 Paul Gottschall 95 9 Gabriel Gerzmehle 86 10 Nickolas Lozdoski 68 65cc Class Championship: 1 Brooks Laubmeier 261 2 Parker Obermeier 235 3 Beau Garetson 180 4 Lizzy Montgomery 135 5 Cj Bradshaw 77 6 Milez Nelson 66 7 Owen Tibbs 60 8 Harrison Koch 57 9 Lincoln Koch 51 10 Eli Tibbs 50 +50 Class Championship: 1 Lance Bunde 252 2 Roland Gleisner 105 3 Randy van Caster 105 4 Carl Jahns 98 5 Kelly Rickgauer 97 6 David Peters 87 7 Steve Combs 83 8 Karl Lueschow 71 9 Jon Wilson 71 10 Pete Emme 60 Women Class Championship: 1 Jessica Patrick 275 2 Makayla Peterson 141 3 Falen Erdmann 60 4 Savannah Buchberger 46 5 Monica Varrelmann 46 6 Autumn Czappa 30 7 Isabella A Burback 30 8 Falen Narel 25 9 Ada Bernard 25 10 Lucy Dricken 25 AA Class Championship: 1 Jd Friebel 305 2 Dylan Narel 271 3 Tony Montgomery 245 4 Kory Blake 213 5 Chuck Garetson 46 6 Eric Mischler 39 7 Mat Herrington 31 8 Nicholas Hunt 30 9 Eric Benson 30 10 Dakin Coons 25
2 0 2 2 D i s t r i c t 1 6
i s h e r s
To p F i n

Of f -Road

AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 45
2 0 2 2 D i s t r i c t 1 6 To p F i n i s h e r s Non Current Championship: 1 Richard Kaczmarowski 281 2 Will Jackson 249 3 Mike Jazwiecki 122 4 Craig Amerling 75 5 Todd Ellingson 42 6 James Williams 30 7 Ian Heinsohn 30 8 Dylan Rasque 30 9 Kenneth Schuck 25 10 Kevin Wellnitz ........................2 +30A Class Championship: 1 Pete Laubmeier 238 2 Mark Sheppard 213 3 Joe Barr 138 4 Darren Carlson 111 5 Todd Ellingson 98 6 Jamison Stachel 96 7 Scott Snell 92 8 Ryan Moss 90 9 Scott Krausse 82 10 Myles Saigh 71 +30B Class Championship: 1 Pete Emme 261 2 Steven Kaczmarowski 224 3 Chuck Dricken 207 4 Brian Saari 204 5 Mike Barney 153 6 Jonathan Farkas 129 7 Steve Roof 108 8 Adam Grochocki 97 9 Craig Gaedke 86 10 Matthew Sather 74 B Class Championship: 1 Ryan Vender 290 2 Logan Postweiler 247 3 Mason Kubis 241 4 Wade Jacobson 214 5 Ian Farrell 193 6 Sean Stone 192 7 Levi Riggs 133 8 Bryce Dricken 111 9 Alex van Caster 92 10 Jesse Beck 90 A Class Championship: 1 Brent Hanke 295 2 Joe Haasl 238 3 Kevin Puls 220 4 Luke Shefchik 71 5 Chris Nylund 60 6 Steve Vanden Boogart 54 7 Scott Rohlfing 43 8 Brian Terry 43 9 Nick Jacobson 43 10 Riley Baranczyk 35
“A” class champion Brent Hanke at the Sugar Maple event.

District 16 Clubs & Promoters

Use the map for a “general” ideal where the events are held. Several clubs hold events at multiple or traveling locations. For specific directions contact the club/ promoter. Most of them have web sites, and links can be found at the

46 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023
www.amadistrict16.com 14 9 19 17 20 9 16 10 12 7 18 12 4 13 22 21 1 2 3 23 5 6 15 11 8 Compare the yellow numbers to the list below. Club/ Promoter Map Key Phone Aces Racing Company .................1............715-212-6340 Aztalan Cycle Club .......................2............................N/A Beaver Cycle Club ........................3............920-319-6889 Cedar Lake Speedway 4 612-363-0479 CMJ Raceway ...............................5............608-220-6853 Door County Fair Association .......6............920-495-7320 Driftless Dualsport Riders .............7............608-509-5618 DVR Enterprises ...........................8............262-689-2842 EWB Offroad MC ..........................9............608-225-5001 Fantasy Moto 10 920-419-2863 Kettle Moraine Sports Riders ......11 ............262-334-1743 Madison M/C 12 608-225-5001 Range Moto-X 13 906-369-8461 Rapid Angels Motorcycle Club ....14 ............715-323-2235 Rib Mountain Riders 15 715-359-9543 Club/ Promoter Map Key Phone Southeast Wisconsin End Riders 262-443-8601 Southeastern Short Trackers 17 262-303-1331 Sugar Maple MX 18 608-425-8643 UP Sandstormers 906-869-6724 Valley Raceway ..........................19 ............906-281-5476 Valley Springs MC Club 20 715-323-4134 Wausau 525 Group 21 715-351-0525 Wisconsin Dual Sport Riders ......22 ............920-350-2030 Wisconsin Observed Trials 319-624-2003 X-Mas Family Motorsports 23 847-702-1400 Associate Members Phone Norseman MC (MN) 763-263-9835 Straight Arrow Enduro Riders (MN).............651-456-0224 Find club/ promoter web sites links at www.amadistrict16.com
District 16 web site


2023 Event Schedule

The information is the best available at the time of printing Dates are subject to change at any time. Please contact the promoter for confirmation before you leave home


GP - Indicates GP style, HS - Harescramble,

E - Enduro Long Course, Yth End - Youth Enduro


22 GP Rapid Angels MC Nekoosa, WI


6 HS Madison MC Mazomanie, WI 21 GP Sugar Maple MX Park Hillpoint, WI


Flat Track

Dual Sport


sponsoring club early


* Indicates D16 Points Paying Event


Mauston, WI May
Wisconsin Observed Trials Wauzeka, WI 21 Wisconsin Observed Trials Wauzeka, WI June
Door County, WI
Wisconsin Observed Trials Door County, WI July
Wisconsin Observed Trials Mountain Road 16 Wisconsin
Trials Mountain
CMJ Raceway Manchester, IA
CMJ Raceway Manchester, IA 19 Wisconsin Observed Trials Wauzeka, WI
Wisconsin Observed Trials........Wauzeka, WI
Wisconsin Observed Trials
Observed Trials
September 16 Wisconsin Observed Trials Mauston, WI 17 Wisconsin Observed Trials Mauston, WI
3 HS EWB Offroad Adams, WI 18 HS SEWER Mountain, WI 25 GP Aztalan Cycle Club
Mills, WI July 30 HS Norseman MC Dresser, WI August 19 Yth End...Strght Arrow ER........Duquette, MN 20 End Straight Arrow End Rid ......Duquette, MN September 16 GP Hixton CMJ Raceway Hixton, WI October 8
Rapid Angels MC
Sugar Maple
WI May 6 Fantasy Moto Tigerton, WI 7* Fantasy Moto Tigerton, WI 14 * Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI 20 Fantasy Moto Mountain, WI 21 * Fantasy Moto Mountain, WI 27 X-mas Motorsports Athelstane, WI 28 * X-mas Motorsports Athelstane, WI June 3 Valley Raceway Crystal Falls, MI 4* Valley Raceway Crystal Falls, MI 11 Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI 17 X-mas Motorsports ............Christmas, MI 18 * X-mas Motorsports ............Christmas, MI 24 Fantasy Moto Mountain, WI 25 * Fantasy Moto Mountain, WI July 9 Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI Pro-Am Points Event 22 * X-mas Motorsports Christmas, MI 23 * X-mas Motorsports Christmas, MI 29 * Range Motocross Houghton, MI 30 * Range Motocross Houghton, MI August 6* Sugar Maple MX Hill Point, WI 13 * Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI 19 Fantasy Moto Tigerton, WI 20 * Fantasy Moto Tigerton, WI 26 * Valley Raceway Crystal Falls, MI 27 * Valley Raceway Crystal Falls, MI September 2* Range Motocross Houghton, MI 10 Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI 16 Fantasy Moto .......................Tigerton, WI 17 * Fantasy Moto Tigerton, WI 23 * X-mas Motorsports Athelstane, WI 24 * X-mas Motorsports Athelstane, WI October 1* Sugar Maple MX Hill Point, WI 8* Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI
Cycle Club Lake Mills, WI 23 * Rapid Angels MC Dyracuse, WI
MX Hill Point,
outs NQ Indicates No Quad classes at this event April 22 ST Cedar Lake Arena New Richmond 23 ST Cedar Lake Arena New Richmond May 13 ST ACES Racing Co Fountain City 14 Rain Date, ACES Racing Co Fountain City 20 TT Beaver Cycle Club ......................Atwater June 3 ST Beaver Cycle Club Atwater 10 ST, NQ Dairyland Racing Darlington 17 ST Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills July 8 NQ DVR Enterprises Clintonville Double Points 9 Rain Date, DVR Enterprises Clintonville 13 ½ Mile ** DVR Enterprises Elkhorn Enhanced Protection required (leathers/ similar) 15 ST Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills 22 ST Beaver Cycle Club Atwater 23 Rain Date, Beaver Cycle Club Atwater August 5 NQ DVR Enterprises Clintonville 6 Rain Date DVR Enterprises ..........Clintonville 12 ST** Dairyland Racing .............Sturgeon Bay 19 ST Aztalan Lake Mills 26 ST Beaver Cycle Club Atwater 27 Rain Date, Beaver Cycle Club Atwater September 9 TT Beaver Cycle Club Atwater 16 ST Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills 23 ST Beaver Cycle Club Atwater 30 Rain Date, Aztalan Cycle Club Lake Mills October 7 ST Cedar Lake Arena New Richmond 8 ST Cedar Lake Arena New Richmond
Indicates Limited classes Events marked as rain dates - verify with promoter, scheduled to run if needed due to earlier season rain
June 10-11 WI Dual Sport Riders Wabeno,
Crawford Hills August 19 Valley Springs MC Club Bay City, WI September 22-23 WI Dual Sport Riders Wabeno, WI October 7 Driftless Dual Sport Riders Sauk Prairie, WI 14 Kettle Moraine S Riders West Bend, WI 28 Madison M/C Club Madison, WI
advance registration that fills up very quickly, check with the
Recreation Ride ....Black River Falls, WI More information, watch the District 16 recreation Facebook page
18 Kettle Moraine
24 CMJ Raceway Hixton, WI 25 CMJ Raceway Hixton, WI September 16 CMJ Raceway ................................Hixton, WI October 7 Rapid Angels M/C Club Dyracuse, WI
SR Kewaskum, WI
Stock class points, limited classes)
www.amadistrict16.com Updates, Rider registration, contact info andmore! AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023 47
48 AMA District 16 Event Guide 2023

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