Cyclists are priceless

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Cyclists are priceless for cities A Danish study shows that cyclists and pedestrians contribute to roughly 50 % of the revenue in retailing in the large cities’ centers and roughly 25 % in the small and medium-sized cities. The bicycle is the preferred means of transportation in city centers, and cyclists visit more shops per trip than car drivers.

By Rune Monberg Dalhof, Danish Cyclists’ Federation Urban life and cycle traffic go hand in hand The relationship between cycling and commercial life has previously been examined in Copenhagen but not yet in other cities and towns in Denmark. Therefore, the Danish Road Directorate granted funding for such a survey in seven different municipalities in Denmark. The survey was conducted by the consulting company COWI, a member of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark. “The survey has shown that cyclists and pedestrians contribute to roughly 50 % of the revenue in retailing in the large cities city centers outside of Copenhagen and roughly 25 % in the small and medium-sized cities. It shows that cyclists and pedestrians play an important role for urban life in both the small cities as well as the large ones,“ says Pablo Celis, project manager for Aarhus Cycle City. The bicycle is the preferred mode of transport in the city center of larger towns. Cyclists and pedestrians are an important factor of an exciting urban life because they move around at a slower pace and in the immediate vicinity of other users of the urban life. The survey has now tested and proved that cyclists and pedestrians have a significant positive influence on commercial life from spending money in shops, restaurants and other consumer goods and retailing activities in town centers.

There is no denying it: Cyclists are simply good for business. Photo: Kofoed & Co

Concentrated efforts to make cycling even more present As many as 89 % of the participants in the survey have less than 2 km to their closest grocery store. This is interesting because large distances are the most important explanation for why people choose not to cycle. Simultaneously, the study shows that only 11 % of all the participants and 21 % of those of them that use the car have more than 2 km to the nearest grocery store. Despite the large amount of people living within short distance of shopping opportunities, almost 1/3 went by car on their last shopping trip. This demonstrates a need for a general effort to make car drivers see the bike as a good option on short trips. This would also make it easier to park in the town centers.

in connection with shopping – and hence get more people to bike in Danish cities,“ says Pablo Celis. More info about the survey The Municipality of Aarhus got funding from the Danish Road Directorate to complete an analysis about the relationship between means of transportation and retail trade. COWI completed the analysis. The municipalities involved are Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Kolding, Randers, Horsens, and Ikast-Brande.

“We hope that this survey can contribute to reflections about how the cities are organized and how cities can support the use of bicycles

The survey comprises different types of city and regional configurations. In total, 20 different locations have been analyzed covering city centers and shopping centers. COWI conducted interviews in 20 different cities and urban areas with roughly 2,200 people. Furthermore, 1,700 people filled out a questionnaire. The questions concerned transportation habits, reasons for choosing their mode of transport, the amount spent on shopping, facilities affecting the choice of bicycles, and numerous other conditions.

Cyclists and pedestrians contribute with roughly 50 % of the reve-nue in retailing in the large cities’ centers. Photo: Lars Gemzøe

自行車騎士對城市來說是無價的 丹麥的一項研究顯示,大城市市中心的零售業收入,約50%是由自行車騎士和行人所貢獻 的,而其對於小型和中型城市的貢獻約佔25%。在市中心是最主要的交通選擇是自行車,而 且每次外出,騎自行車也比開車可以參觀更多家的商店。


璐那.莫伯格.達爾好夫, 丹麥自行車聯盟

城市生活和自行車交通 齊頭並進 哥本哈根市之前已調查過自行 車和商業生活之間的關係,但是目 前在丹麥的其它城鎮尚未做過類式 的調查。因此,丹麥公路局撥發 資金給丹麥七個不同的城鎮做這 項調查。而這項調查是由丹麥自 行車組織成員透過諮詢公司COWI 進行的。 來自奧胡斯自行車城市的項目 企劃經理 巴勃羅·塞利斯說:「調查 顯示,自行車騎士和行人對哥本哈 根以外的大型城市市中心的零售業 收入貢獻佔約50%,對小型和中型 城市的貢獻佔約25%。結果顯示, 自行車騎士和行人在小型和大型 城市間的城市生活扮演了重要的 角色」。 在大城市市中心,自行車是最佳 選擇的交通工具。騎自行車者和行 人,對一個活躍的城市而言,更是 重要的角色,因為他們用緩慢的速 度移動著腳步,連節了城市的生活 和附近的其它市民。 該調查經過測試和證明,騎自行 車者和行人,對於在市中心的消費 及生活中所帶來的便利,如購物、 餐館、其他物品的購買和零售業的 活動,都有深遠且正面的影響。

在離購物地點很近的地方,但幾乎 有1/3 的人是開車去購物的。 這表 示,需要更努力的讓開車的人能夠 瞭解,騎自行車是短程購物的最佳 選擇,也是讓騎自行車者更容易在 市中心裡停車。 巴勃羅·塞利斯說:「我們希望這 次的調查,能夠提供相關的影響 力,例如:如何讓城市統整化,要 如何幫助騎自行車和購物的連結 – 然後讓更多人能夠在丹麥城市騎自 行車 」。


集中努力 創造更多的自 行車騎士

奧胡斯市政府得到來自丹麥公路 局的資金,用來完成並分析對交通 習慣和零售業之間的關係並且利用 COWI公司完成分析。

研究顯示,高達89%參與市調者 指出,他們的住家離雜貨店不到兩 公里的距離,而這也說明了,遠距 離是人們為什麼不選擇騎自行車 的重要因素,這是非常有趣的研 究顯示。

參與這次調查的城市有奧胡斯、 歐登塞、奧爾堡、科靈、蘭德斯、 霍森斯和卡斯特- 布蘭德。此次調 查包括不同類型的城市和區域的 配置。

同時,研究顯示,只有11%的參 與市調者以及21%使用汽車的參與 者,離他們住家最近的雜貨店超過 了二公里。 儘管有大多數的人生活

COWI公司對20個不同城市和城市 裡不同的區域以及大約2200人進行 了採訪。此外,也對1700人填寫了 一份調查問卷,此問卷是有關於, 使用交通習慣的問題以及他們選擇 交通方式的原因,如:在購物的金 額花費、設備及設施對自行車選擇 的影響,和許多其他條件。

總共對20個不同的地點進行了分 析,這些包含了城市市中心和購物 中心。

自行車騎士和行人對大型城市市中心的零售業收入貢獻佔約50% 圖片: 拉爾斯.吉姆松

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