Bicycle taxis, street vendors, merchants, farmers, trash collectors, etc. For Africans who know very well how to earn money with a bicycle, but who lack means and/or skills, CooP-Africa offers: (modified) bicycles and trailers support in the development of bicycle-businesses job opportunities in the bicycle industry (e.g. bicycle workshops) training for bicycle mechanics In the Bike4Work projects, the bicycle is the means to self-empowerment. For many entrepreneurs, this access to a bicycle means that they can save on transport costs and/or increase their income so that they can improve their well-being.
146 small entrepreneurs equipped with a bicycle
Walking more than 10km to school ensures a lack of energy when sitting in the class or standing in front of it, so students can’t give their full attention to learning. CooP-Africa offers: bicycles on credit for students and teachers school activities to promote the use of bicycles and improve access to education Bike4School projects create favourable conditions for school performance, and can improve access to education.
Activiteiten 214 students (+ teachers) equipped with a bicycle and trained in basic bicycle maintenance and repair
travel time to school
Attendance 85%
Tardiness 89%
Good accessibility to medical services is essential. For both patients who need to access a health facility and medical staff visiting patients at home for home care, education and supervision, CooP-Africa offers: - modified bicycles - bicycle ambulances By using a bicycle, more patients can be visited and remote patients can be reached faster. Bicycle ambulances make it possible to bring sick people and pregnant women to the health centre in a fast, cheap and comfortable manner.
715 health workers equipped with a bicycle and 30 bicycle ambulances and trained in basic bicycle maintenance and repair
1,9x more house visits
8.456 cases when Bike4Care saved lives
Research & development is necessary to enhance the Bike4Work, Bike4School and Bike4Care projects: - African Bicycle Design projects. Activities geared towards the “hardware” such as developing bicycle models - Business Concept Design projects. Activities geared towards the “software” such as developing business models, feasibilities studies - Workshop development The output of the research & development activities are always aimed at better capacitating the target groups of the Bike4Work, Bike4School en Bike4Care programmes: entrepreneurs, students and health workers.
CooP-bike: orientation on test production started
Pedi-teksi: Demo project for tourism started
Bike2Rism: Demo project finalized Demonstratie fietstaxi seDemonice voor toerisme gestart
Green Hub Uganda: Orientation finalized Oriëntatie testproductie in Kenia gestart
Green Hub Kenya: Building 99% completed
Demonstratieproject afgerond
Oriëntatie voor Green Hub in Oeganda gereed