Individual members Proper conduct guide
Cycling Victoria
Individual members Proper conduct guide 1. PROPER CONDUCT GUIDE i. Cycling Victoria and its Member Clubs foster and uphold the highest standard of conduct for the sport and require all members to treat each other fairly and respectfully and strive to promote integrity and professionalism. ii. All members must, at minimum, be familiar with and fulfil requirements in Club, Cycling Victoria or Cycling Australia policies, rules and regulations. iii. This guide sets out a summary of unacceptable conduct, which should be addressed with any member acting improperly as soon as it is identified.
2. DISCRIMINATION You must not discriminate against other members. 99 DO
²² DON’T
99 Treat everyone equally and invite and involve all people in the sport, including by making the sport widely accessible.
²² Treat someone less favourably or exclude any person on the basis of any particular characteristic, such as their age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, race, ethnic origin, disability, health and religion or belief.
99 Understand and uphold the rights of all members and listen to and engage with others in ways that boosts their selfesteem.
²² Disrespect the rights, dignity or worth of anyone involved in the sport or in the broader community.
99 Look for opportunities to support others, especially anyone of a different age group or ability level to you.
²² Prevent anyone, due to their age or abilities, from participating in the sport.
99 Ensure every requirement, condition or practice that is imposed applies equally to all members.
²² Impose an unreasonable requirement, condition or practice, which has an unequal or disproportionate effect on people with a particular characteristic.
For further information, see Cycling Victoria Code of Conduct, Cycling Victoria Inclusion Charter and Cycling Australia National Member Protection Policy.
Individual members Proper conduct guide
3. HARASSMENT AND BULLYING You must not harass or bully another member. 99 DO
²² DON’T
99 Be fair, considerate and honest in all your dealings with others.
²² Be unfair, inconsiderate or dishonest in your dealings with others.
99 Strive to be on good terms with all participants in the sport and to promote integrity and professionalism in the sport.
²² ‘Sledge’, denigrate, offend, abuse, belittle, threaten, harass, assault or intimidate others, verbally or physically, directly or indirectly.
99 Be aware of your verbal and non-verbal communication. If you disagree with something or someone explain why in a respectful manner.
²² Create a hostile environment within the sport.
For further information, see the Cycling Victoria Code of Conduct and Cycling Australia National Member Protection Policy.
4. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR, GENERALLY You must not act unprofessionally or irresponsibly. 99 DO
²² DON’T
99 Know and comply with the rules and regulations regarding proper conduct in relation to your participation in the sport.
²² Breach any rules of the sport, including national and international guidelines.
99 Uphold and adhere to the Club and association’s beliefs, behaviours and practices.
²² Use your involvement with the sport to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices that are inconsistent with those of the Clubs and associations.
99 Uphold the highest standard of conduct for the sport.
²² Engage in any behaviour that may bring the sport into disrepute.
99 Act responsibly and professionally at all times.
²² Consume alcohol excessively or irresponsibly (or make available or consume alcohol at an event where children under 18 are participating).
99 Interact with the broader community in ²² Act in a way that is a public nuisance. a respectful, considerate and appropriate manner. 99 Treat other people and their property as courteously and considerately as possible at all times.
²² Damage or take another person’s property.
Cycling Victoria
99 DO
²² DON’T
99 Act a positive role model for younger participants in the sport.
²² Smoke at or near any sporting event or competition involving young people, inside at social functions, or while in any official capacity.
99 Treat all people fairly, respectfully and professionally.
²² Victimise another member for making a complaint against another member or make a vexatious or knowingly untrue or false complaint about another member.
99 Act professionally.
²² Have any inappropriate physical contact with other members.
99 Uphold and promote the interests and objects of the sport.
²² Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to, or unsupportive of, the objects and interests of the Clubs and associations and/or the sport.
For further information, see the Cycling Victoria Code of Conduct and Cycling Australia National Member Protection Policy.
5. MISUSE OF SOCIAL MEDIA You must not misuse social media. 99 DO
²² DON’T
99 Make positive, supportive and encouraging comments online.
²² Make abusive, threatening, harassing, offensive, defaming, false or provocative statements online (or use offensive, insulting or hateful language).
99 Upload appropriate, respectful and tasteful content.
²² Expose others to content that is improper, discriminatory, intimidating, offensive, illegal or inappropriate.
99 Use formal social media channels for the purpose of promoting the sport.
²² Include personal information or promote personal or commercial interests on any of the sport’s formal social media channels.
99 Be mindful when publishing content regarding or depicting other members.
²² Publish photos of other members without their permission.
99 Publish original content that is suitable for public viewing.
²² Disseminate any information that is private, confidential, privileged, or where the disclosure would infringe any intellectual property or other rights.
99 Upload content that is considered, interesting and well-written.
²² Communicate frustrations regarding anyone associated with the sport.
For further information, see the Cycling Victoria Code of Conduct, Cycling Australia National Member Protection Policy and Cycling Victoria Social Media Policy.