P H A R M A C Y I N P A K I S T A N Stop whining & start organizing
Progress is impossible without change and those who can not change their minds can not change anything — G. Bernard Shaw
IRFAN MOTALA Founder Community Pharmacist-UK
The setup of community pharmacy in Pakistan is It's a great honour to be part of NCPP. The aim of this magazine is yet in itʼs very feeble to reach the general public . We will deliver information regarding stages. we pharmacists public health and community pharmacy. Pharmacist is a drug together aim to strengthexpert who is able to answer all queries relating to drugs and it's en and nourish it to itʼs appropriate usage. full potential through service and awareness. It In Pakistan the role of a pharmacist is not being utilized to its full potential. The is high time we unite and purpose of this magazine is to increase awareness regarding the pharmacist make a positive and their role in the community sector. The presence of a pharmacist in a diffeence. pharmacy is a crucial element, which is currently missing in the majority of Itʼs time “Stop whining & pharmacies start organizing.” ط A pharmacists role is not just to dispense medicines, but also provides helpful advice on all aspects of medicines. This magazine is a significant medium to raise awareness, of why a pharmacist plays an important and useful part in everyday community pharmacy. Please connect yourself to this magazine and learn more about your health. Always buy medicines from a pharmacy where pharmacist is present.
Muhammed Muther Director of Training and Development- NCPP MRPharmS, IPres
My lifelong ambition is to serve the nation & my profession and strive to bring it to the highest standards. It is my duty to give something back to Pakistan and pharmacy profession. I consider myself fortunate and take pride that I am a Pakistani and have also achieved the status of being a member of Royal Pharmaceutical Society and qualified first Pharmacist Independent prescriber in my peers. We know pharmacies are at the heart of the community, and, as well as being trusted suppliers of medicines and healthy living advice, we understand the hugely important role you have to play in the future health and social care system. As face to face communication, patient interaction and medication intervention increases through community pharmacy we recognise the need to support you and develop community pharmacy in Pakistan. In order to improve competence and confidence in delivering quality services, we have launched a new Pharmaceutical Care Skills Workshop through out the country please join us to change the profession. We need you, your profession and community needs you.
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Syed Zaad Ali Hashmi General Secrerary
The dire need for recognition and respect for this profession has reached an alarming threshold, with steps into the practical field I realized that my services as a professional can not reach itʼs maximum potential until and unless Pharmacist are given their due standing. With the spirit to make a difference not only in one direction but rather a revolution that take effect in all dimensions. this platform aims to not only improve, enhance and grow the services of Pharmacist within community setups but also looks forward to strive in uplifting the quality of healthcare services provided.
Dr. M. Imran Khan
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Pharmacy, WIL, Abbottabad
Assalam-o-Alaikum As you all know, community pharmacies are health-care facilities that are most accessible to patients & other consumers. Likewise, legally qualified & professionally competent community pharmacists can contribute a lot to patientsʼ health during dispensing of medicines & delivery of other related services. They not only ensure rational dispensing of medicines in accordance with a prescription or, when legally permitted, sell these without a prescription, but also provide medications counseling to patients & drug information to general public & other health-care professionals. They also participate in health promotion programs. Worldwide, more than 60% pharmacists are serving the humanity in community pharmacies as Community/Retail pharmacists. Unfortunately, however, this most basic field of Pharmacy profession is completely neglected in our mother land, Pakistan. In order to revolutionize community pharmacy practice in Pakistan, some highly enthusiastic & patriotic foreign− based Pakistani pharmacists join hands & make a non−profit organization, “Nurturing Community Pharmacy in Pakistan (NCPP)”. I am extremely thankful to Mr. Muhammad Irfan Motala, Mr. Muhammad Muther, & Mr. Nadeem Zia for their efforts & contributions for the pharmacist community. Aims & mission of this organization are to introduce modern community pharmacy practice in Pakistan; to create awareness in Pakistani pharmacists regarding community pharmacy practice; to train Pakistani pharmacists in modern community pharmacy skills; to encourage & motivate pharmacists to pursue community pharmacy practice as a career in Pakistan; to create awareness in other health professionals regarding the importance of community pharmacy in the health-care system of Pakistan; to create awareness in general public regarding the role of community pharmacies, & to enlighten their thinking to always purchase medicines from pharmacies where pharmacist is pre-requisite; & to guide policy makers in establishing rules & regulations for modern Pharmacy practice in Pakistan. To accomplish their mission, NCPP is going to organize a series of certified workshops entitled “Navigating the Future of Community Pharmacy in Pakistan − Breaking Barriers, Developing Possibilities” in major cities of Pakistan, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Abbottabad, & Peshawar; they are running a website ( to provide various online facilities to pharmacists regarding community pharmacy practice, including Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) and useful softwares and applications; they are running a drug information service (NCPP Medicine Assist) via WhatsApp; they are planning to start a model community pharmacy for serving the ailing humanity & for training fresh pharmacy graduates; & much more. You all are requested to join hands with NCPP to make community pharmacy practice in Pakistan at par with the developed World. Looking forward, thanks Dr. Muhammad Imran Khan Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, WIL, Abbottabad
Pharmacist in Community Pharmacy Practices Pharmacists are health care professionals who practice pharmacy; the field of Health sciences focusing on safe and effective use of medication.
M. Shifa Khan
The five year academic background of a pharmacy includes rigorous trainings and evaluations which make him the most appropriate professional to deal with all type of a drug related matter. The modern world acknowledges the pharmacist to be an integral part of health care system. Pharmacist according to his / her expertise must be involved at the following main check points at various set ups as practiced worldwide as under 1. Pharmaceutical Industry 3. Sales and Marketing 5. Legislative Bodies
2. Distribution and Community Pharmacy Setups 4. Hospitals and Health Care Setups 6. Research and Education
The legally qualified and technically eligible health care professional for the above said tasks in various domains is referred as “Pharmacist”., who performs a variety of jobs in multiple sectors to make the drugs safe, effective and economic for the end user. In the recent years, the most prominent role of a pharmacist has been of the “community Health care provider”. Where he interprets and counsels the use and adverse effects of medically prescribed drugs. Depending upon the legal scope of practice world wide the pharmacist may even contribute to prescribing and administering certain medication (e.g, immunizations). Contrary to the worldwide accepted rules and regulations, the role of Pharmacist in Pakistan is totally neglected by the health care authorities while policy making, the policies forged by the legislating bodies in Pakistan have certain loop holes which make the use of pharmaceuticals unsafe, in-effective & expensive for the end user. The upshots of the above said have had lime light in the recent past; PIC scandal , the Ephedrine scam and the Tyno syrup scandal are a few of the hundreds of drugs related irregularities which take place unaccounted for in our beloved country. It is the need of the time to promote this Profession for the betterment of the health care sector in our beloved country and the betterment of suffering humanity and above all to improve the life quality of an individual. To stop the ever increasing abuse and misuse of medicine in our community the Pharmacists must choose community Pharmacy as a career because this is important for the recognition of profession and professional with a handsome business benefits. Legislative needs is that we as a Pharmacists individually and as Association collectively stress upon the implementation of proper legislations and regulations regarding retail cum community Pharmacy as per international standards in our country which will in turn improve the individual life standards.
Miss Asma: Challenges to community Pharmacy in Pakistan Community Pharmacy services has gained immense recognition all over the world, the developed countries have realized the importance of such a setup, but with many domains still developing in Pakistan, community pharmacy practices has yet to gain itʼs due place. Pharmacy as a degree started in 1948 by Punjab University yet over 50 years have lapsed since this initiative our healthcare system has failed to utilize Pharmacy services. A large majority of our population do not have access to basic medical needs, and the incidence of medication related error go along unreported and unnoticed. Proper compliance with drug regimen has taken toil by the persistent rise in cases of Tb, HIV and antibiotic resistance. Minor and major drug and health related issues can easily be addressed by the provision of small scale community pharmacies in districts and urban settings but the challenge lies in the following aspects Deficiency of clinical exposure to graduates: BPharm was upgraded to PharmD in 2003, this shift was meant to inculcate the clinical courses and exposure to the graduating pharmacist but governmental policies did not facilitate the setup accordingly. Hospital attachment was not provided and institute on their own effort collaborated with healthcare facilities. The lack of a dedicated facility sorts the inadequacy of opportunities and hence the PharmD program could not reach its maximum potential. Pharmacist lacking behind in their responsibility: The trend in lending or renting out license has not been dealt with strictly and the increasingly ill practice has led to an empire chemist shop business running solely on unqualified staff. This in turn led to many problems which include,
improper storage and handling of medication, Self-prescribing, Drug –drug interaction, Lack of patient counselling, Lack of regulation of dispensing rights, and drug abuse Acceptance in clinical settings: Lack of acceptance by medical and para medical staff for the role of Pharmacist as a healthcare provider is a one of the major obstacles in this regard, pharmacist yet have not been able to play their due role in providing their clinical expertise, the curriculum upgrade will not attain its complete utilization until pharmacy graduates are given a place in the clinical setup of healthcare. The general mindset that pharmacist is just a distributer of drugs is still strongly prevalent, it should be sort into that medical and para medical professional put forward their willingness to absorb the role of pharmacist in rational drug use as part of their functionality. Training and Development: Community pharmacy training and development to graduates is not focused on apart from the curriculum, the theoretical concept is very well defined my professors during their course of education but hand-on training still needs a platform to be projected through. Model Pharmacy setup should be established and graduates should be exposed to real time challenges of working in community setup The future is in no way bleak for Pharmacist in Pakistan, every individual if stands up for himself to make an improvement the system can transform into a better state. Governmental support, utilization of facilities to full potential and the right attitude is required to bring out change. The challenges that have been address can be overcome, the need is to resolve the issues on by one. To education and bring about awareness amongst public, to train and equip our graduates with the right tools and to implement proper policies are the area that if addressed properly can drastically change of the face of Pharmacy services in Pakistan
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