15 minute read

How This Oracle Works

The language of humankind is signs and symbols. The significance of signs and symbols depends on our ability to manifest love, empathy and prophecy in the world. If humankind fails to manifest this love, compassion and prophetic sense, the language of the angels and the universe remains hidden, and this is the cause of what we call evil in the world…

In Aramaic, a word or concept can have many meanings that don’t always seem to be in agreement with each other. But, unlike other languages where a word with two meanings demands that one of them be excluded, all the meanings in Aramaic are active simultaneously. The language, therefore, has an


THE SACRED NUMBERS OF INITIATION openness that embraces existence in a life-affirming way and encourages interpretation and narration. Not only the meaning of a word, but also its sound is an important factor in understanding why Aramaic was an important instrument in the Essenes’ work. Particular words, as well as each of their letters, possess healing powers. And each letter represented a number, which again constitutes frequencies with different spiritual qualities and healing properties.

The Essenes were educated in the science of Aramaic and Hebrew symbols, graphic characters, sounds and numbers. The psychology behind the Aramaic language forms the foundation for the way of thinking in this book, and also for the translations and interpretations of the quotations from the Gospels. The origin of the Aramaic language cannot be traced; we only know that it is related to Sanskrit and that it has formed the basis for the Arabic and Hebrew languages. There is a legend that says it was the angels, at the dawn of time, that brought the Aramaic language to Earth so that humans would be able to understand the voice and sound of the Heavenly Source of all Being through it.

Numbers reveal everything...It is best to regard the numbers, and what they wish to portray, in an archetypical light. Don’t take the interpretations literally, but rather let yourself be inspired by them and let them awaken and communicate with your subconscious.

by Lars Muhl

This new book from Cygnus favourite Lars Muhl is a lovely addition to his work. The text for the 22 seed-numbers plus the quotations in this book reflect the numerological outlook and philosophy of the Essenes, the mystical cult in the Holy Land, which included Christ and John the Baptist. The book is illustrated with many diagrams showing how the different numbers relate to each other and where they fit on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and beautiful Hebrew letters are used throughout. Just reading each entry is a profound experience and, once you have worked out your own number, there is a wealth of information on the different nuances of meaning associated with it. The purpose of The Sacred Numbers of Initiation is to inspire you and give you an idea of the spiritual qualities and potentials you are carrying with you in this incarnation. When you are aware of them, you can evolve and manifest them. Simply put, the words attached to the numbers inspire you to “walk the walk”.

174pp, 185 x 127 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330263 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

BOOK REVIEWS – Diaries & Calendars


Designed as a resource for enriching daily life, this bestselling illustrated holistic planner will guide you on a journey of awareness and fulfilment as you go about your everyday activities. It’s all too easy to become overwhelmed with multiple thoughts each day as our to-do lists grow, so this diary insightfully offers up one life-enhancing theme a month for you to focus on. This year’s themes range from adventure, change and acceptance to creating hope and peace. Each week-to-view spread then features an inspiring quote that encourages reflection on the theme and an exercise to further your overall well-being. This allows a seed of inspiration and awareness not just to be planted but also to grow substantially, so that positive action can become an integral part of daily life. Every Day Matters Diary now has lifetime sales of nearly 500,000 copies and Jess Sharp has returned as the illustrator and designer.

DESK DIARY: 176pp, 247 x 167 mm, Spiral-Bound Hardback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330220 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

POCKET DIARY: 176pp, 148 x 100 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £8.99

❖ Code: 330221 ❖ Non-Member Price: £6.65 ❖ Member Price: £5.99

Moonology Diary 2024

by Yasmin Boland

Moonology Diary 2024 is written by leading astrology and moonology expert Yasmin Boland, whose previous Moonology diaries have all been bestsellers. It is a must-have tool to invite the Divine into everyday life through the magical powers of the Moon. This is a pocket diary that is also a guide to working with moon energies. The entry for each day carries the phase of the moon plus its position in the heavens. As you go through the year it offers advice relating to every New Moon, depending on which sign it is in. It also includes short chapters at the start on various subjects especially written for this edition. Each New Moon brings a chance to start over, and when you know what to expect, you can take time to prepare for the different energies. Transformation and joy are key themes for 2024 - it’s a powerful year for major shifts.

264pp, 195 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330243 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50

Moonology Calendar 2024

by Yasmin Boland

Get in tune with the Moon in 2024 with this tear-off, page-a-day desk calendar, designed to help you live a life full of positivity, power and joy. Each magical message is tuned into the moon and stars as they are that day and has been lovingly written by Yasmin Boland to inspire and uplift you. You’ll discover how to work with the particular lunar energies, plus how to attune to each New and Full Moon to supercharge your manifesting powers. With guidance on setting intentions, making New Moon wishes and more, the Moonology 2024 Calendar will help you to tap into the highest possible energy, prepare to achieve your goals and make this a year full of positivity!

372pp, 121 x 121 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330242 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


Back for its fourth year in English, this diary is as fun and spectacular as ever. It contains all the astrological information you will ever need as well as daily guidance, beautiful illustrations and full-page frontispieces for each lunar month in both the western and the Hebrew traditions. This year’s diary has more interactive features than ever at the crossover of astrology and natural magic, with spells and rituals for you to try at home, like the sacred altar ritual, as well as tarot information, horoscopes and customizable astral charts. There’s also plenty of room to write in. There are full-page illustrations in gold and plenty of space to set intentions for each month. It brings lunar wisdom into your day to day, with life-coaching tools and tips each week. The planner is divided by sign, showing how the sun’s movement through the zodiac affects everyone’s energies, whatever their sun sign.

296pp, 210 x 148 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330206 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

Maria Thun Biodynamic Calendar 2024

by Titia and Friedrich Thun

This is the original biodynamic sowing and harvesting calendar, trusted by generations of farmers and gardeners, which has lifetime sales in English of more than 135,000 copies and is now in its 62nd year. This month-toview almanac offers clear advice that closely reflects the natural and organic principles of the biodynamic movement. It’s essential for organic gardeners and farmers, and it contains a variety of data, presented in colour with clear symbols and explanations. It includes the phases of the moon, astrological advice, plus plenty of straightforward intuitive guidance on how to get the best out of your crops. It also includes Maria Thun’s unique insights, which go above and beyond the standard information presented in other lunar calendars. It has a lay-flat binding to make consultation easier and there is space for your own notes.

96pp, 234 x 96 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £8.99

❖ Code: 330236 ❖ Non-Member Price: £7.76 ❖ Member Price: £6.99


by Bob Mizon

Explore the night skies with this beautiful illustrated monthly guide to the stars and planets. It allows you to step outside and track the planets, locate the Milky Way, recognise the constellations of the zodiac and watch meteor showers. Stargazers’ Almanac 2024 is a beautiful month-by-month guide to the night skies, designed specifically for naked-eye astronomy - no telescope required! - making it ideal for beginners, children and backyard astronomers. Each monthly chart features two views of the night sky looking north and south, and a visual guide to the phases of the moon and the movements of the planets. It’s suitable for astronomy enthusiasts throughout the Northern Hemisphere’s temperate (non-tropical) latitudes. It’s large-format, has a loop and eyelet for easy wall hanging and is presented in a sturdy cardboard gift envelope.

32pp, 68 x 17 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £15.99

❖ Code: 330251 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.88 ❖ Member Price: £12.50

We will be covering a significant amount of time – about 2.6 billion years’ worth. We need to know about the Ancient Builder Race, how they originated on Venus, established a colony in Antarctica, and then branched out to our neighboring star systems. This benevolent race has had a huge impact on us; they were able to keep the peace for over two billion years by creating a giant defensive grid around our local cluster of fifty-two star systems. They did this in a way that was both ingenious and extremely practical. Then about 500,000 years ago, Maldek (also known as Tiamat) – a huge Earthlike planet in our solar system – and its habitable moon, ended up getting infiltrated by negativity. They figured out how to turn the defense shield into an offensive weapon and went to war with another culture in our local cluster. It didn’t turn out well for Maldek. They ended up destroying their planet; it is now the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The results of all of this have had an enormous impact here on Earth that continues to affect us to this very day. We will carefully unpack the details.

There is an important document called the Law of One that will enable us to take a detailed look at all of this. The first Law of One book was called The Ra Material by Ra, a Humble Messenger of the Law of One. But Ra is just a name for the sixth-density extraterrestrial source, so Ra is actually the Ancient Builder Race.

The Cosmic Wave of Energy

We will be lifting veils in just about every which way; I have mentioned our two-tiered technology system in my previous books; in this book, I will fully unpack it to expose not only mind-numbing levels of technology, but also the rather startling details of our secret space program and our interaction with many different ET races. Plenty of insiders and whistleblowers have come forward with some rather revealing and amazing stories to tell. You will not have to wait long to find out what they have to say; we will begin chapter 1 with a real bang!

Then there is the nature of ascension itself. Is it real? In a word, yes. There are references to ascension from at least thirty-five different civilizations that have been


incorporated into their religious myths. The prophecies of Jesus are consistent with those of thirty-four other cultures. The same prophecies put forth by Jesus appear in the Qur’an, the Old Testament, in Native American spiritual traditions, and in Celtic and Druid traditions. The Hindu scriptures are very similar – they call it the Samvarta Fire at the end of the age. They also call it the Yuga Fire, it comes from the Sun and causes rainbow colors in the sky.

If the ascension is real, then what are the cosmic forces at play here? Will there be Earth changes, or will we be able to navigate a smoother ride this time around? What causes violent upheavals, and what can we do to prevent them? Will everyone make it to the next level? If not, what happens to those who were not ready? What can we do to prepare? These and many more questions will be addressed and explored in detail.

I will also dive into the details of the great cosmic wave of higherfrequency energy that is bombarding the Earth and affecting everyone on it. We are going through a dark night of the soul; our collective and individual darkness is coming to the surface in order to be transmuted into the light. Well, what does that mean, and is the transformation an automatic thing, or is there something we need to know in order to come out of resistance and into alignment with the many changes that are irreversible, and absolutely necessary, if we are to make it into the higher worlds?

I remember reading one of Bob’s previous books in one go because it was so exhilarating and compelling. Nothing In This Book Is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are was full of revelatory theories and alternative history that really expanded your mind and this book is the same. There’s a lot about aliens and their involvement in our technological advances, on the enigmatic ascended yogi Babaji and on the mysteries of the space programmes. He also gives us exercises and meditation techniques that will help us gain access to our Higher Selves. The encouraging thing is that there is a higher-dimensional energy already washing over the planet that will lead to a great awakening that will lead to the birth of a new humanity. It’s all inspiring and uplifting stuff.

288pp, 229 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330209 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99

Marie-Claire Carlyle


This series of ‘21 Days to…’ books from Hay House is a great idea, making all sorts of things much more approachable than we might have previously thought. This is a perfect case in point: while there are lots of other “money making” books out there, this simple formula helps us quickly understand how the Law of Attraction can help us in the basic art of attracting money. The book has been written in an ordered sequence, starting with the theory of how to become a Money Magnet and looking at our current circumstances; then investigating how we can start to attract more money into our lives immediately by following some basic steps; and finally creating the foundation required to become a lifelong Money Magnet. With practical tools to use and insights into where we’ve been going wrong, this is a well written, easy to follow course.

176pp, 197 x 130 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £11.99

❖ Code: 330201 ❖ Non-Member Price: £8.87 ❖ Member Price: £7.99


by Pam Grout

This could best be described as a lab manual containing simple experiments that prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind! Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving force in the universe. This invisible energy force, or field of infinite possibilities, can be relied on to work on our behalf in a huge variety of ways, and we can learn to tap into this power consciously. Writing with wit and warmth, and an absolute determination to help us alter our limited ways of thinking, Pam Grout invites us to prove to ourselves that the universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating! This new 10th Anniversary Edition includes a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt.

208pp, 216 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330216 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50

The Magic In Your Mind

by U.S. Andersen

Eckhart Tolle Editions was launched in 2015 to publish life-changing works, both old and new, that have been personally selected by Eckhart Tolle. This latest is a self-empowerment classic from 1961 and includes a rousing foreword by Tolle, concluding with the words “I am grateful to U. S. Andersen for leaving us the legacy of this jewel of a book. May it play its part in the urgently needed awakening of human consciousness”. Andersen offers a liberating message for those of us seeking to change, improve, and understand our lives. He teaches us how to comprehend the concept of “mind over matter”, to employ our power of choice, and overcome opposition with our innate sixth sense while showing us the secret way in which our minds are tied to the source of all power and how we can become anything and do anything we can visualise.

320pp, 228 x 151 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330235 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50

Confidence Karma

by Dr. Gary Wood

This is a lovely take on the confidence building genre which gives you the tools to help you build your confidence while encouraging you at the same time to help others to build theirs. This in turn will help yours even more! You are taken on a clearly illustrated, step-by-step journey from self-evaluation, to understanding the mind-body connection and the use of body language, all the way through to raising your aspirations. And throughout, you’ll be learning about the author’s confidence karma approach, how to look both inwards and outwards and the importance of regularly applying what you have learned. Each chapter ends with a “karma call”, asking you to think about how you can apply your new knowledge and skills in making your colleagues, friends and family their most confident selves as well.

256pp, 216 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330211 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50

How To Deal With Angry People

by Dr. Ryan Martin

If you’ve found yourself in a place where you have to deal with angry people on a regular basis and you are struggling, then this book could be a lifesaver. Dr. Martin is so experienced in this field that he’s also known as ‘The Anger Professor’ so you feel in good hands. He’s created a comprehensive guide, including a section on understanding angry people, followed by his ten effective strategies for becoming a calm and confident navigator of other people’s anger. He draws on real-life examples, current research and practical examples which provide clarity and illustrate each piece of analysis clearly and effectively. You’ll learn how to keep your cool in emotionally taxing scenarios, understand an incident from the angry person’s perspective, communicate with those who can’t and know when to step away.

224pp, 215 x 134 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330229 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50

SAY IT OUT LOUD by Vasavi Kumar

This is a warm and engaging book written by someone who has herself struggled with life. Kumar tackles here issues around self-confidence, feeling powerless and being constantly self-critical (amongst others) all of which are I am sure familiar to us. Her technique is to get us to have conversations with ourselves, with all the voices we have within us, one by one, out loud. She tells us that saying it out loud helps us focus on each conversation, listen to and adjust the tone of voice we’re using, and transform emotions and feelings into actual spoken words that can be discussed and dealt with. Her book shows us how best to do this, with exercises at the end of each chapter and the use of meditation and affirmations to complement the process. It’s a step-by-step approach, and the tone is encouraging and supportive.

272pp, 216 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330247 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.32 ❖

Member Price: £11.99

For many years I was both a member and an employee of Cygnus Books. It was my dream job. We were busy with the business of selling books, but it was also serving a need for those looking for spiritual direction. Passing on stories, works of fact and fiction, to enrich and quench curiosity. Stories spoken in sound that spread through different pathways, and so the story continues. Throughout the years I was there my role changed often. Ann guided parts of me I did not know how to access, she taught me so much, and I will always be grateful. When I left, I had worked with and shared in the personal lives of many people.

Everything is story, every rock and river, stone and soil, sky, sea and everything in between. Nature tells her story her own way. We read her tale through the senses. She flourishes and, if we listen and learn, we flourish too. Humans gather to tell stories, to explain the unexplained, to find a place within a design we do not fully understand. We have written stories throughout generations, to leave legacies, and before the written story we drew pictures within landscape to tell of where we were and how we had been. A picture can tell a thousand stories.

The dictionary tells us that story is sharing a series of events. Have you had breakfast today? Did you run a marathon today, or yesterday, or never? Have you met with a friend, maybe a stranger, had coffee, a chat? Then you have a story to tell. Whether attending a storytelling festival, or maybe recording events within a diary, we are all storytellers.

Life is a series of stories, a chain of events, strung together like beads. Every story is unique, it is personal, worthy of sharing and being told, and yet all are infused with universal truths. Individual events that hold their own story, when strung together become something greater by collaboration and sharing space. Different beads, different arrangements, holding different stories. All are pearls of experience.

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