Cygnus Review Summer 2023

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Plus! ❖ EDITORIAL –Why membership matters ❖ Bob Frissell is back with more on the Coming Cosmic Changes ❖ The Confident Empath ❖ Directory of Cygnus Cafés Summer 2023, Issue 3 Cygnus Review HEAL YOUR BODY ❖ FEED YOUR SOUL ❖ FREE YOUR MIND ❖ LOVE YOUR PLANET MARY WAINWRIGHT on the History of Cygnus LARS MUHL ❖ An Ancient Numerology System MADDY HARLAND ❖ The Beauty of the Garden The Circle Remains Unbroken

Staying Close to Cygnus

This letter is a bit different from the usual ones. I just wanted to say a few practical things and also mention some specific books. Later on there is another letter from me where as ever I jump off the diving board and hope for the best.

There’s a book that a member recommended that I have put in again, after a few issues. I think Alive Until You Are Dead by Susan Moon is a special book. That’s only partly because I have ageing issues myself. I have been saying this a lot recently, but I appreciate deeply what these Buddhist-based books do. More specifically American Zen books…I think Zen in America is almost now a different creature from Japanese Zen. It’s a belief system of its own: wise and intelligent but not of an intelligence that daunts people or puts them in their place. There are issues like ageing and death that can’t be solved, sorted out according to a formula or made easier through practical exercises. We are all getting older, and the day of our death is getting closer all the time; it’s not something we can make “go away”. But Buddhist books that have a spiritual aspect but which don’t come up with miraculous answers (such books are great of course but they can’t always sustain us in bleaker moods) are great for

comfort, or laughter, or a gentler form of spiritual teaching. To talk about things or to hear stories about people who have gone before us – we feel like we are part of a bigger phenomenon and aren’t just suffering in existential isolation.

The member – sorry I can’t remember your name – also recommended a book that Susan talks about reading with her friend in her book: it’s called Seeds for a Boundless Life. I have included that too. I like to include recommended titles so please feel free to recommend away. I have also included Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki, who was part of Susan Moon’s lineage. It’s an absolute classic in the genre I have discussed already and it overflows with wisdom. I am surprised it’s not been included in Cygnus before. I own a copy that I bought secondhand when I worked at Watkins Bookshop in the last century (ageing again!). It has pressed leaves between the pages – maybe eight of them –that were put there by a previous owner and I wouldn’t part with this book for anything. The leaves are a teaching in themselves.

Also in this edition are a couple of return visits by core Cygnus people: Mary Wainwright and Maddy Harland. When I go back through old magazines they both appear a lot and I love browsing through what they say. Maddy has only been away for a few years (and only away from Cygnus, not from all the great stuff she does all the time!) but I don’t think Mary has written for Cygnus since Geoff Napier sold the business. I can recommend her book so do check it out. Logistically we can’t sell it through Cygnus unfortunately.

It’s great to see the circularity of things. There are no true cut and dried beginnings and ends. And Cygnus is bigger than all of us. We come and go but never truly leave.

Finally I want to talk about membership. We sell fewer books than we used to, partly because they are more expensive. The real generator of income for us is membership. It’s still only £25 a year too and hasn’t

increased in all the time I have been editor. Membership money makes our future more certain and means that we can make plans to improve the website, for example. If you are not a member already – and profound thanks to all of you who are – please consider doing it soon. You get more money off the books and decks, you get an extra free Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, and you get assured delivery of the Cygnus Review. More than anything though it makes us feel closer and it makes the transformative Cygnus energy stronger. I feel that every day! So let’s make things more beautiful. Thanks.


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It’s great to see the circularity of things. There are no true cut and dried beginnings and ends. And Cygnus is bigger than all of us. We come and go but never truly leave.

There are many books out there on the topic of empathing, but I have found none written from a professional energy healer’s perspective that explain in detail the difference between true empathy, which is lovebased, and the process of empathing, which is fear-based. This is why I wrote this book, so I can share my professional experience with anyone that struggles with this concept.

Compassion is often a reflection of our own suffering; therefore, instead of using our birthright of true, love-based empathy, most of us consciously or unconsciously “empath” the chaos of the energetic world around us. Right now, our world is oversaturated with fear, anger, and desperation, none of which offers our body, mind, and spirit anything positive in the way of healing, health, and wellness. As energetic beings, we are designed to own our personal truths, to self-heal, and to assist others. As a divine being of Source, we are gifted a human physical vehicle, an earth body, to experience this. My book is a clear, step-by-step guide to energetic self-empowerment.

Through my years of practice as an energy practitioner I have witnessed how our empathic behaviours are connected to the health of our human energy field. There are many auric reasons why we empath and many ways we humans empath individually and collectively, which directly impact our life on this planet. In my client work, I have found most empaths are not often aware that they are empathing energy. Or conversely, I have many clients who own the word empath as an overused, yet misunderstood, label to explain why they are so stressed out in life. Typically, an empath is not present as to what they are encountering in the way of energy and what it is doing to their body, mind, and spirit, nor do they have any idea they can change it. Most of us are unaware of our connection to this invisible world of energetic upheaval within and around us – though it indeed does affect us. Yet when we learn how to become present, we can connect to our divine

Being an Energy Healer

energy and inner light for personal healing, planetary healing, and assisting humanity as a whole.

The information in this guide will help you identify ignored nudges or misunderstood signs from your inner guidance that, when recognized and honoured, will support your health and wellbeing. The messages within can assist you in remembering you are a divine being, a vehicle of Source love and light embodied in a planetary experience by use of a human body. When we are energetically unplugged from our inner guidance, we move through life asleep to our surroundings. We become disconnected, frazzled, perhaps even depressed or exceedingly driven and

obsessive. Without a true connection to our own container of personal fuel that ignites our inner light, we live life from an exhausting false-fueled sense of self where we not only become inauthentic to ourselves, but to others. This is the empath.

We can only learn to manifest our inner purpose and remember who we truly are and what we came to do on this planet when we learn self-discipline of not just our physical earth body, but our divine, love-filled energetic ones – and this book will show you how to do just that. It will walk through the chakras and auric fields to learn the critical skill set of discernment and protection. It will examine energy from the highest perspective of the soul – soul contracts with others and the Akashic Records and Library – to illuminate a grander plan of guidance from your Higher Self and Source. Actual client case stories will illustrate for you just how limitless this world of energy is and offer you advanced strategies to harness its infinite power to heal yourself and others.

…My purpose as an energy healer is to assist others in finding divine alignment in their energetic world and connect them to their authentic fuel of Source. This book is here to remind anyone reading it that Source abundantly flows, offering energy that is consistent, pure, and true. When we learn how to access it, we can recharge and heal our heart, mind, and body at the deepest levels.

CONFIDENT EMPATH by Suzanne Worthley

The field of empathy keeps moving on. This is another title on how to be an empath proactively. So it’s for people who are sensitive, who have that gift, and who are going beyond just living with it but are using it to work energetically, in healing for example of people and places. It tells you how to put your gifts to the best use, and to transform this world into a place of love and wonder. It’s a perfect book for anyone involved in bodywork, healing, caregiving and any kind of mentoring, when they want to take their practice to the next level. Most of the body of the text is full of stories and of strong advice and guidance, then at the end there are two appendices, one with comprehensive information about balancing each of the chakras and the second with six very detailed meditations to help with your energetic work.

288pp, 228 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330212 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55

❖ Member Price: £9.50

Essential Summer Reading

CONFIDENT EMPATH by Suzanne Worthley 3
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Empath by Suzanne Worthley, published by Findhorn Press, © 2023. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission of publisher.

BOOK REVIEWS – Angels & Other Dimensions


Normandi is well-known for her books on the esoteric Egyptian tradition, like Awakening Osiris. She is held in very high esteem by esoteric authors and there’s evidence of this in the 2 forewords to this title, by Jean Houston and the late Lynn Andrews. Simply put, this is a history of encounters with angels across the world’s myths and heritages.

The three main threads are the Western Traditions, the Eastern Traditions and finally those of the Silk Road joining the two.

Normandi makes comments and draws what conclusions she can from the different accounts. She also discusses dark angels and various other possible human encounters with angels. There’s a full colour plate section in the middle, full of angelic images. It’s a comprehensive survey that helps us to include angels constructively and creatively in our lives.

280pp, 226 x 153mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330255 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


Pavlina Klemm is a Pleiadean channel and here she shares with us the messages she has received. They describe the oversoul of one’s family, to which every person can connect, as well as how to support individuals, families, and children in the regeneration of DNA through Pleiadian healing techniques. They show how anyone can effortlessly tap into the Cosmic Pharmacy through meditations and exercises to support their own healing. They also explain how to heal your chakras, including the light chakras, which go beyond the well-known 8-chakra system. Each message, exercise, and meditation in the book has been charged by the Pleiadians (beings from that distant star system) with high-vibration frequencies to help the soul not only heal and find health on multiple levels but also rediscover and quickly develop natural healing and intuitive abilities.

192pp, 216 x 139 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330232 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


A true story of divine intervention and a girl who came back as God’s messenger, Hope From Heaven chronicles the author’s near-death experience and tells the breathtakingly beautiful, spiritual love story about her and her celebrity crush Todd Irvin who she comes to realise is her twin flame. The author’s almost fairytale journey with Todd leads to the important purpose given to her in her meeting with God in the most mystical and magical spiritual turn of events, described with love and clarity. Her tale exemplifies that your path is your purpose, and when you turn your tragedy into a triumph, it becomes the gift back. She brings you Hope From Heaven to find inner peace and happiness in your daily life.

160pp, 216 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £13.99

❖ Code: 330228 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


This is a fascinating book, reading almost like a transcription of the many conversations held between the author and an angelic entity that came to her unannounced and offered to teach her about the work of angels. Paxino has long had the gift of knowing angels, and brings this experience to bear when asking questions of this new entity in her life: the resulting communications are intimate and enlightening. We find out about the circle of twelve angels that accompany us throughout life and beyond death, that we have double and shadow angels, and that families and communities have their own angels. It’s a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the angels in our lives, explained to us by an experienced observer, and includes a section at the end that teaches us how to meet angels ourselves.

236pp, 234 x 155 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330250 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50


Mike Dooley is the author of Life on Earth and Manifesting Change, both popular Cygnus titles. In this fascinating narrative, he engages in conversation with Sara Landon as she channels The Council. He gets to the very heart of so many things, asking The Council to help us understand the reason for life as we know it (The Dream), how to wisely navigate everything we experience between life and death (The Journey), how all of this fits within the context of reality (Eternity), and our intimate relationship to the Source of our lives and all things (God). These are in-depth conversations that cover a huge range of knowledge, but to summarise, what we learn is, in The Council’s words: “A new path forward is emerging and expanded possibilities for humankind are becoming the new way of living, loving, leading, and thriving in your awakening world.”

248pp, 217 x 137 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £11.99

❖ Code: 330257 ❖ Non-Member Price: £8.87 ❖ Member Price: £7.99


This is a striking and beautifully designed book with lovely illustrations which really suit the ethereal and warm subject matter. It offers 44 ways both to connect and then get closer to the angels, revealing the signs and symbols that let you know your angels are nearby and how then to connect with them using meditation, colours, flowers and crystals. The tips also include some that teach you how to ask your angels for help with everyday needs and personal challenges such as healing a relationship rift, letting go of the past and sending healing to loved ones. The book also guides you through how to let your relationship with your angels grow so that you can develop spiritually and feel the connection with them in every aspect of your life. It’s a very well thought out book that will appeal to anyone attuning to their angelic guides.

144pp, 236 x 190 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330253 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

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We live in a society in which the developed intellect is revered as the highest level of consciousness humans can reach. And the intellect is surely an indispensable tool when it comes to reflecting, processing and controlling data. Yet, natural science is not able to explain human consciousness let alone the multidimensional consciousness of the Heavenly Source of All Being.

While natural scientists are conducting tests in their labs, collecting data from the physical world, and weighing and measuring this, spiritual scientists are gathering their results through personal experiences from the world within themselves by means of spiritual practices. One of the reasons for many of the problems we face in the world today lies in humankind’s often one-dimensional approach toward life and what constitutes a human being. When we don’t take our spiritual potential into consideration, but revere only natural science, with all its limitations, as the answer to any question, we end up in a reality where technology rules and the next big thing will be some kind of artificial intelligence.

When we search for answers only via the world of intellectual questions, we will find only limited solutions to our problems. In order to find genuine wisdom and long-lasting solutions, we must leave the intellect, with all its limitations, in order to approach the world of spiritual answers. This bypassing of the intellect is achieved by doing spiritual work, prayer and meditation that frees us from all personal and existential noise. Only in this way is it possible for a drop of water to expand its awareness and consciousness of the ocean.


The Heavenly Source of all Being (God) is pure consciousness and creational love. The language of the universe is energy. The language of the angels is empathy and prophecy.

How This Oracle Works

The language of humankind is signs and symbols. The significance of signs and symbols depends on our ability to manifest love, empathy and prophecy in the world. If humankind fails to manifest this love, compassion and prophetic sense, the language of the angels and the universe remains hidden, and this is the cause of what we call evil in the world…

In Aramaic, a word or concept can have many meanings that don’t always seem to be in agreement with each other. But, unlike other languages where a word with two meanings demands that one of them be excluded, all the meanings in Aramaic are active simultaneously. The language, therefore, has an


openness that embraces existence in a life-affirming way and encourages interpretation and narration. Not only the meaning of a word, but also its sound is an important factor in understanding why Aramaic was an important instrument in the Essenes’ work. Particular words, as well as each of their letters, possess healing powers. And each letter represented a number, which again constitutes frequencies with different spiritual qualities and healing properties.

The Essenes were educated in the science of Aramaic and Hebrew symbols, graphic characters, sounds and numbers. The psychology behind the Aramaic language forms the foundation for the way of thinking in this book, and also for the translations and interpretations of the quotations from the Gospels. The origin of the Aramaic language cannot be traced; we only know that it is related to Sanskrit and that it has formed the basis for the Arabic and Hebrew languages. There is a legend that says it was the angels, at the dawn of time, that brought the Aramaic language to Earth so that humans would be able to understand the voice and sound of the Heavenly Source of all Being through it.

Numbers reveal everything...It is best to regard the numbers, and what they wish to portray, in an archetypical light. Don’t take the interpretations literally, but rather let yourself be inspired by them and let them awaken and communicate with your subconscious.

by Lars Muhl

This new book from Cygnus favourite Lars Muhl is a lovely addition to his work. The text for the 22 seed-numbers plus the quotations in this book reflect the numerological outlook and philosophy of the Essenes, the mystical cult in the Holy Land, which included Christ and John the Baptist. The book is illustrated with many diagrams showing how the different numbers relate to each other and where they fit on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and beautiful Hebrew letters are used throughout. Just reading each entry is a profound experience and, once you have worked out your own number, there is a wealth of information on the different nuances of meaning associated with it. The purpose of The Sacred Numbers of Initiation is to inspire you and give you an idea of the spiritual qualities and potentials you are carrying with you in this incarnation. When you are aware of them, you can evolve and manifest them. Simply put, the words attached to the numbers inspire you to “walk the walk”.

174pp, 185 x 127 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330263 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

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BOOK REVIEWS – Diaries & Calendars


Designed as a resource for enriching daily life, this bestselling illustrated holistic planner will guide you on a journey of awareness and fulfilment as you go about your everyday activities. It’s all too easy to become overwhelmed with multiple thoughts each day as our to-do lists grow, so this diary insightfully offers up one life-enhancing theme a month for you to focus on. This year’s themes range from adventure, change and acceptance to creating hope and peace. Each week-to-view spread then features an inspiring quote that encourages reflection on the theme and an exercise to further your overall well-being. This allows a seed of inspiration and awareness not just to be planted but also to grow substantially, so that positive action can become an integral part of daily life. Every Day Matters Diary now has lifetime sales of nearly 500,000 copies and Jess Sharp has returned as the illustrator and designer.

DESK DIARY: 176pp, 247 x 167 mm, Spiral-Bound Hardback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330220 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

POCKET DIARY: 176pp, 148 x 100 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £8.99

❖ Code: 330221 ❖ Non-Member Price: £6.65 ❖ Member Price: £5.99


Moonology Diary 2024 is written by leading astrology and moonology expert Yasmin Boland, whose previous Moonology diaries have all been bestsellers. It is a must-have tool to invite the Divine into everyday life through the magical powers of the Moon. This is a pocket diary that is also a guide to working with moon energies. The entry for each day carries the phase of the moon plus its position in the heavens. As you go through the year it offers advice relating to every New Moon, depending on which sign it is in. It also includes short chapters at the start on various subjects especially written for this edition. Each New Moon brings a chance to start over, and when you know what to expect, you can take time to prepare for the different energies. Transformation and joy are key themes for 2024 - it’s a powerful year for major shifts.

264pp, 195 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330243 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


Get in tune with the Moon in 2024 with this tear-off, page-a-day desk calendar, designed to help you live a life full of positivity, power and joy. Each magical message is tuned into the moon and stars as they are that day and has been lovingly written by Yasmin Boland to inspire and uplift you. You’ll discover how to work with the particular lunar energies, plus how to attune to each New and Full Moon to supercharge your manifesting powers. With guidance on setting intentions, making New Moon wishes and more, the Moonology 2024 Calendar will help you to tap into the highest possible energy, prepare to achieve your goals and make this a year full of positivity!

372pp, 121 x 121 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330242 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


Back for its fourth year in English, this diary is as fun and spectacular as ever. It contains all the astrological information you will ever need as well as daily guidance, beautiful illustrations and full-page frontispieces for each lunar month in both the western and the Hebrew traditions. This year’s diary has more interactive features than ever at the crossover of astrology and natural magic, with spells and rituals for you to try at home, like the sacred altar ritual, as well as tarot information, horoscopes and customizable astral charts. There’s also plenty of room to write in. There are full-page illustrations in gold and plenty of space to set intentions for each month. It brings lunar wisdom into your day to day, with life-coaching tools and tips each week. The planner is divided by sign, showing how the sun’s movement through the zodiac affects everyone’s energies, whatever their sun sign.

296pp, 210 x 148 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330206 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


This is the original biodynamic sowing and harvesting calendar, trusted by generations of farmers and gardeners, which has lifetime sales in English of more than 135,000 copies and is now in its 62nd year. This month-toview almanac offers clear advice that closely reflects the natural and organic principles of the biodynamic movement. It’s essential for organic gardeners and farmers, and it contains a variety of data, presented in colour with clear symbols and explanations. It includes the phases of the moon, astrological advice, plus plenty of straightforward intuitive guidance on how to get the best out of your crops. It also includes Maria Thun’s unique insights, which go above and beyond the standard information presented in other lunar calendars. It has a lay-flat binding to make consultation easier and there is space for your own notes.

96pp, 234 x 96 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £8.99

❖ Code: 330236 ❖ Non-Member Price: £7.76 ❖ Member Price: £6.99


Explore the night skies with this beautiful illustrated monthly guide to the stars and planets. It allows you to step outside and track the planets, locate the Milky Way, recognise the constellations of the zodiac and watch meteor showers. Stargazers’ Almanac 2024 is a beautiful month-by-month guide to the night skies, designed specifically for naked-eye astronomy - no telescope required! - making it ideal for beginners, children and backyard astronomers. Each monthly chart features two views of the night sky looking north and south, and a visual guide to the phases of the moon and the movements of the planets. It’s suitable for astronomy enthusiasts throughout the Northern Hemisphere’s temperate (non-tropical) latitudes. It’s large-format, has a loop and eyelet for easy wall hanging and is presented in a sturdy cardboard gift envelope.

32pp, 68 x 17 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £15.99

❖ Code: 330251 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.88 ❖ Member Price: £12.50

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We will be covering a significant amount of time – about 2.6 billion years’ worth. We need to know about the Ancient Builder Race, how they originated on Venus, established a colony in Antarctica, and then branched out to our neighboring star systems. This benevolent race has had a huge impact on us; they were able to keep the peace for over two billion years by creating a giant defensive grid around our local cluster of fifty-two star systems. They did this in a way that was both ingenious and extremely practical. Then about 500,000 years ago, Maldek (also known as Tiamat) – a huge Earthlike planet in our solar system – and its habitable moon, ended up getting infiltrated by negativity. They figured out how to turn the defense shield into an offensive weapon and went to war with another culture in our local cluster. It didn’t turn out well for Maldek. They ended up destroying their planet; it is now the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The results of all of this have had an enormous impact here on Earth that continues to affect us to this very day. We will carefully unpack the details.

There is an important document called the Law of One that will enable us to take a detailed look at all of this. The first Law of One book was called The Ra Material by Ra, a Humble Messenger of the Law of One. But Ra is just a name for the sixth-density extraterrestrial source, so Ra is actually the Ancient Builder Race.

The Cosmic Wave of Energy

We will be lifting veils in just about every which way; I have mentioned our two-tiered technology system in my previous books; in this book, I will fully unpack it to expose not only mind-numbing levels of technology, but also the rather startling details of our secret space program and our interaction with many different ET races. Plenty of insiders and whistleblowers have come forward with some rather revealing and amazing stories to tell. You will not have to wait long to find out what they have to say; we will begin chapter 1 with a real bang!

Then there is the nature of ascension itself. Is it real? In a word, yes. There are references to ascension from at least thirty-five different civilizations that have been


incorporated into their religious myths. The prophecies of Jesus are consistent with those of thirty-four other cultures. The same prophecies put forth by Jesus appear in the Qur’an, the Old Testament, in Native American spiritual traditions, and in Celtic and Druid traditions. The Hindu scriptures are very similar – they call it the Samvarta Fire at the end of the age. They also call it the Yuga Fire, it comes from the Sun and causes rainbow colors in the sky.

If the ascension is real, then what are the cosmic forces at play here? Will there be Earth changes, or will we be able to navigate a smoother ride this time around? What causes violent upheavals, and what can we do to prevent them? Will everyone make it to the next level? If not, what happens to those who were not ready? What can we do to prepare? These and many more questions will be addressed and explored in detail.

I will also dive into the details of the great cosmic wave of higherfrequency energy that is bombarding the Earth and affecting everyone on it. We are going through a dark night of the soul; our collective and individual darkness is coming to the surface in order to be transmuted into the light. Well, what does that mean, and is the transformation an automatic thing, or is there something we need to know in order to come out of resistance and into alignment with the many changes that are irreversible, and absolutely necessary, if we are to make it into the higher worlds?

I remember reading one of Bob’s previous books in one go because it was so exhilarating and compelling. Nothing In This Book Is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are was full of revelatory theories and alternative history that really expanded your mind and this book is the same. There’s a lot about aliens and their involvement in our technological advances, on the enigmatic ascended yogi Babaji and on the mysteries of the space programmes. He also gives us exercises and meditation techniques that will help us gain access to our Higher Selves. The encouraging thing is that there is a higher-dimensional energy already washing over the planet that will lead to a great awakening that will lead to the birth of a new humanity. It’s all inspiring and uplifting stuff.

288pp, 229 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330209 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks CATCHING THE ASCENSION WAVE by Bob Frissell 7
Catching the Ascension Wave by Bob Frissell, published by Bear and Co, © 2023. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission of publisher.


This series of ‘21 Days to…’ books from Hay House is a great idea, making all sorts of things much more approachable than we might have previously thought. This is a perfect case in point: while there are lots of other “money making” books out there, this simple formula helps us quickly understand how the Law of Attraction can help us in the basic art of attracting money. The book has been written in an ordered sequence, starting with the theory of how to become a Money Magnet and looking at our current circumstances; then investigating how we can start to attract more money into our lives immediately by following some basic steps; and finally creating the foundation required to become a lifelong Money Magnet. With practical tools to use and insights into where we’ve been going wrong, this is a well written, easy to follow course.

176pp, 197 x 130 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £11.99

❖ Code: 330201 ❖ Non-Member Price: £8.87 ❖ Member Price: £7.99


This could best be described as a lab manual containing simple experiments that prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind! Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving force in the universe. This invisible energy force, or field of infinite possibilities, can be relied on to work on our behalf in a huge variety of ways, and we can learn to tap into this power consciously. Writing with wit and warmth, and an absolute determination to help us alter our limited ways of thinking, Pam Grout invites us to prove to ourselves that the universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating! This new 10th Anniversary Edition includes a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt.

208pp, 216 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330216 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


Eckhart Tolle Editions was launched in 2015 to publish life-changing works, both old and new, that have been personally selected by Eckhart Tolle. This latest is a self-empowerment classic from 1961 and includes a rousing foreword by Tolle, concluding with the words “I am grateful to U. S. Andersen for leaving us the legacy of this jewel of a book. May it play its part in the urgently needed awakening of human consciousness”. Andersen offers a liberating message for those of us seeking to change, improve, and understand our lives. He teaches us how to comprehend the concept of “mind over matter”, to employ our power of choice, and overcome opposition with our innate sixth sense while showing us the secret way in which our minds are tied to the source of all power and how we can become anything and do anything we can visualise.

320pp, 228 x 151 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330235 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50


This is a lovely take on the confidence building genre which gives you the tools to help you build your confidence while encouraging you at the same time to help others to build theirs. This in turn will help yours even more! You are taken on a clearly illustrated, step-by-step journey from self-evaluation, to understanding the mind-body connection and the use of body language, all the way through to raising your aspirations. And throughout, you’ll be learning about the author’s confidence karma approach, how to look both inwards and outwards and the importance of regularly applying what you have learned. Each chapter ends with a “karma call”, asking you to think about how you can apply your new knowledge and skills in making your colleagues, friends and family their most confident selves as well.

256pp, 216 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330211 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


If you’ve found yourself in a place where you have to deal with angry people on a regular basis and you are struggling, then this book could be a lifesaver. Dr. Martin is so experienced in this field that he’s also known as ‘The Anger Professor’ so you feel in good hands. He’s created a comprehensive guide, including a section on understanding angry people, followed by his ten effective strategies for becoming a calm and confident navigator of other people’s anger. He draws on real-life examples, current research and practical examples which provide clarity and illustrate each piece of analysis clearly and effectively. You’ll learn how to keep your cool in emotionally taxing scenarios, understand an incident from the angry person’s perspective, communicate with those who can’t and know when to step away.

224pp, 215 x 134 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330229 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50

SAY IT OUT LOUD by Vasavi Kumar

This is a warm and engaging book written by someone who has herself struggled with life. Kumar tackles here issues around self-confidence, feeling powerless and being constantly self-critical (amongst others) all of which are I am sure familiar to us. Her technique is to get us to have conversations with ourselves, with all the voices we have within us, one by one, out loud. She tells us that saying it out loud helps us focus on each conversation, listen to and adjust the tone of voice we’re using, and transform emotions and feelings into actual spoken words that can be discussed and dealt with. Her book shows us how best to do this, with exercises at the end of each chapter and the use of meditation and affirmations to complement the process. It’s a step-by-step approach, and the tone is encouraging and supportive.

272pp, 216 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330247 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.32 ❖

Member Price: £11.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 8
BOOK REVIEWS – Personal Development

For many years I was both a member and an employee of Cygnus Books. It was my dream job. We were busy with the business of selling books, but it was also serving a need for those looking for spiritual direction. Passing on stories, works of fact and fiction, to enrich and quench curiosity. Stories spoken in sound that spread through different pathways, and so the story continues. Throughout the years I was there my role changed often. Ann guided parts of me I did not know how to access, she taught me so much, and I will always be grateful. When I left, I had worked with and shared in the personal lives of many people.

Everything is story, every rock and river, stone and soil, sky, sea and everything in between. Nature tells her story her own way. We read her tale through the senses. She flourishes and, if we listen and learn, we flourish too. Humans gather to tell stories, to explain the unexplained, to find a place within a design we do not fully understand. We have written stories throughout generations, to leave legacies, and before the written story we drew pictures within landscape to tell of where we were and how we had been. A picture can tell a thousand stories.

The dictionary tells us that story is sharing a series of events. Have you had breakfast today? Did you run a marathon today, or yesterday, or never? Have you met with a friend, maybe a stranger, had coffee, a chat? Then you have a story to tell. Whether attending a storytelling festival, or maybe recording events within a diary, we are all storytellers.

Life is a series of stories, a chain of events, strung together like beads. Every story is unique, it is personal, worthy of sharing and being told, and yet all are infused with universal truths. Individual events that hold their own story, when strung together become something greater by collaboration and sharing space. Different beads, different arrangements, holding different stories. All are pearls of experience.

What Cygnus Means

Holding the bead is the braid, stringing together the wisdom of life’s events. It is the golden thread that weaves itself between the stories.

The Cygnus Review is just such a source of inspiration. Turning the pages of the magazine is like walking into a spiritual library: take your pick, there’s so much to offer. Perhaps you have a Cygnus cafe near you? Space to share stories, end chapters and start new ones? To share events that can flow and grow rather than become secret and solidified. Some stories are too big, too overwhelming to share. I most always carry a notebook, which can hold all that I cannot contain or


explain, at least for that moment. My earliest memory of being asked “What do you want to do when you leave school Mary?” was to answer “I want to mess about with pens and paper, words and pictures”. A joy in my life has been to tell a story within the pages of a book, my book. The title came first, and the content followed. It is entitled “Real LifeIt’s Just a Fairy Story”, presented in two halves - a complete fairy story followed by the main characters’ conclusions on looking back upon the journey that turned their worlds inside out, losing everything to find all that is ever needed. There is artwork created by both myself and my granddaughter, all hand drawn. If you would like more information feel free to email me at mmitmountains@ We can’t sell the book through the Review unfortunately.

Explore the books offered through the Cygnus Review, and others to nurture your curiosity, to strengthen the resolve to create for our world a forthcoming story of unrestrained loving action for the benefit of all. The future is not set in stone, it is waiting for our outstretched open hearts to reach into the field of possibilities and become what we already know we are. We are creation’s own story.

With LOVE the Energetic, Eternal, Expanding Vibration of Life Mary

The subtitle sums this up best: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age. Who wouldn’t want to benefit from the guidance of someone who has lived that long? Even though the author is a (still practising) doctor, this isn’t really a health book or a book about longevity; it’s a book of life-lessons and advice on living from someone who has done a lot of it. The secrets aren’t a huge revelation. Some of them include Everything is Your Teacher, All Life Needs to Move and Spend Your Energy Wildly. However the book is crammed with stories and other examples that illuminate what she is talking about and these really uplift and encourage us. So this book is a lovely gentle read that will make us more positive about life and about finding contentment.

256pp, 223 x 144 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330265 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.32 ❖ Member Price: £11.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 9 STORY IS EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING IS STORY by Mary Wainwright

EAT FOR ENERGY by Ari Whitten

This is a promising addition to the treatment options for sufferers of chronic fatigue, ME and anyone who has seriously low energy. The author, once a sufferer himself, has spent years studying the subject, delving into the suggested remedies to prove to himself that they do or don’t work, and has become an authority on the subject. He relates his findings that this kind of fatigue starts at cell level with the mitochondria, our energy generators, and how various areas of our lives are affecting their ability to function properly. He writes fluently and makes all the science accessible. He also tells us where we’re going wrong and how to make changes that will make a profound difference, from looking at our fat to muscle ratio, our gut health, blood sugar and nutritional toxicities, hormone imbalances and more. This is a thorough, science and evidence-based programme.

368pp, 229 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £13.99

❖ Code: 330217 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.98 ❖ Member Price: £8.99


The first thing to stress about this book is that the author is not a medical doctor and doesn’t have academic medical training. He is a teacher and healer. There are though 25 pages of references so he has clearly researched this thoroughly. He has suffered from long Covid himself. He covers both pharmaceutical and alternative approaches to the condition and it seems as far as I can tell that he doesn’t have any specific “agenda” in his whole approach to healing from this nasty illness. So, this seems to present a fairly broad approach to long Covid with advice and guidance that I am sure you could use for other illnesses. Of course he does tend towards the “alternative” but that’s only part of the broad spectrum. Amongst his suggestions are homeopathy, breathwork, lymph drainage exercises and gut biome restoration.

240pp, 228 x 151 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330226 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


Here’s another book from Earthdancer (see Shilajit) and like all their books it covers a mainstream subject in a slightly oblique way. There are 33 different oils mentioned in the Bible and here are 12 that the authors consider to be the most important, including frankincense and myrrh (of course) as well as cassia, myrtle, hyssop and others. The book is printed in colour and there are many photographs of the relevant plants. Each entry quotes the relevant Bible entry, gives a history of the use of that plant, describes its properties and gives suggestions for its use. It’s not a big book but every entry gets straight to the point and there is also general information on oils. On one level it is a book of essential oils but knowing they have been used in sacred settings on such a long-term basis gives them an extra resonance and perhaps even energetic power.

96pp, 191 x 146 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330266 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50

SHILAJIT by Wolfgang Windmann

I must admit that I hadn’t heard of Shilajit before I received this book, but it’s published by Earthdancer, a well-established and trusted alternative publisher of books usually translated from German, and that led me to read the book much more thoroughly. It’s a resinous substance that oozes out of the rocks and is mainly found in the Himalayas. There is a long tradition of its use in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as well as in Russian folk medicine. It is widely available though in this country. The book is short but deeply researched and is packed with diagrams and photos of Shilajit in its natural state. It’s a well-known adaptogen that contains many antioxidant, cellprotecting and vitalizing components, and the author has more than thirty years’ experience with it.

160pp, 190 x 147 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330249 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


The subtitle of this book sums it up succinctly: Natural Remedies for 21st Century Viruses and Superbugs. After Covid (and there have been other large-scale threats to our health) everyone wants to be in a strong position to avoid the worst of any future threats – which we know will come. This book gets on with it and discusses all the different natural substances we can use to maintain strong immunity. The most relevant chapters are: Food and Nutrients, Herbs and Essential Oils, Probiotics and Fermented Foods and Mushrooms. There are short entries about the science behind each substance, plus wise advice on how best to apply them. There are no illustrations but the book doesn’t need them: it’s a great book to have if you are concerned about your immunity and want to stay strong in a natural and non-invasive way.

176pp, 229 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330252 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


I have to say, this book doesn’t look promising, but actually it’s really quite wonderful. It describes the Vietnamese facial reflexology practice of Dien Chan, which the author also suggests you could combine with Qigong and Chinese Medicine. The author is British and trained with a wise master in the backstreets of Saigon. The book is also very highly praised by Daniel Reid, a leading Western teacher in the Chinese Taoist arts. It feels empowering and it’s full of simple illustrations showing the various points on the face to use plus line drawings of other positions to take up. Finally there are also 24 exercises in the book. A lot of the teaching involves issues around the Vagus nerve, which is a big thing right now. Everything described seems quite accessible and the text is an entertaining mixture of western and eastern techniques.

320pp, 229 x 152mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330222 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖

Member Price: £9.50

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 10

BEDS, Luton

Jenny Martin 01582 415242

BRISTOL, Bishopston

Jane Stott 07788 418 078

BUCKS, Milton Keynes

Nikki Brown 07972 257 004

CEREDIGION, Llangrannog

1st Wednesday of every month 2-4 plus 3rd Friday 7-9 pm

Amanda Painting 01239 654 699

CHESHIRE, Chester Sue Bates 01244 318231


Kathryn Luczakiewicz 01287 204 400 info@saltburnwellbeingcentre.

CORNWALL, Port Isaac

Ann Fanstone 01208 880 300

CORNWALL, Penzance

Anthea Tounsend 01736 719 606

CUMBRIA, Penrith

Jackie Lewis 07799 884452


David Steare 01332 661 102

DEVON, Barnstaple

Mrs Viv Easton 01271 375 303

DEVON - Torbay Janet Devine 07854 976272

E AYRSHIRE, Kilmarnock Anita Neilson 07778 923380

E SUSSEX, Bexhill on Sea Carol Sargent 01424 217 630

E SUSSEX, Hove Simon 01273 220 159

FIFE, Markinch Amy Thomson 07775 877114 heartholistictherapiesbyamy@


Kate Stuart 07957 909 566

KENT, Ashford

Sylvia Nichols 01233 626 206

LANCS, Lytham, St Ann’s

Simone Qualter & Andy Cowgill 07928 632 976

LEICS, Coalville

Cheryl Colpman 07974 100591


Rosemary Plunkett 0161 962 4123

MERSEYSIDE, Liverpool, Woolton Pamela Langley 0151 421 1772

MERSEYSIDE, Liverpool, Thornton Sue Massey 0151 924 6240

★ NEW MERSEYSIDE, Liverpool, New Ferry, Wirral, Julia Cornelius Tel: 07799 960933

MIDLOTHIAN, Edinburgh Tabora Green 01835 268546

N LONDON, Enfield/Waltham Abbey Chrissie 07845 019398 / 07935707538

N YORKS, Selby Val Turner 01757 706693

N YORKS, Whitby Daphne Wright 01947 602 425

NORFOLK, Kings Lynn Amanda Rowe 07786 066761


Norma Hare 01865 849459

OXON, Chalgrove Susan Rose 07880 778555

★ NEW PEMBROKESHIRE, Milford Haven, Anne Kerr 01646 831670


Rebecca Dearman 07483872183

RHONDDA, Pontypridd Louisa Mills


Liz Sokoski 07432 585693

ROSS-SHIRE, Conon Bridge Shenagh Leiper 07721 656 668

SHROPSHIRE, Shrewsbury Hilary Foxwell 07941 539435

SOMERSET, Taunton Robin Littman 01278 671 679

S YORKS, Doncaster

Sandra Edwards 07773 173 919


Catherine Hunt 07957 861408 hello@

STAFFS, Stoke-on-Trent Nathan Smallman 07724 189 988

STAFFS, Tamworth Jo Greaves 07738 216429

SURREY, Caterham Chris Osborn 01737 551 459

SURREY, Guildford, Shere Linda Sewell 07850 839 472

W SUSSEX, Bosham Jeanine Hanneman 07769 666729

W SUSSEX, Horsham and Haywards Heath Judy Sharp 01444 459 433

WIRRAL, Merseyside Carol Carter 07807 077966

WORCESTERSHIRE Tenbury Wells Diann Dowell 01584 811228

BOOK YOUR AD TODAY ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Email: ❖ More information: FIND YOUR LOCAL CYGNUS CAFÉS
We are never alone; we may be lonely, but we now know we are not alone, wherever we are!

A Guide to Starting a Cygnus Café

We know that we have many members who are interested in starting Cygnus Cafés in their community, and that they have questions, both about how to get started and also how they want their group to run. Below is a mini-guide to running a Cygnus Café to give you a taste of what you can expect – if you would like to start your own Café please do get in touch.

❖ The starting point for setting up a group is the purpose of a Cygnus Café, and that is creating a space for you to meet people of like mind in your own locality. Nowadays it is often the case that you might find you can only get so far by yourself using a book. Sometimes it can be a great help on your spiritual journey to share issues that feel unresolved, with others of like heart.

❖ Most of our groups run in what we would call an unstructured way, they have no agenda and allow the magic of the moment to provide the topics spontaneously, depending on who wishes to share their recently experienced insights or share their current concerns of the heart.

❖ When getting down to practicalities the first thing you need is a space, generally meetings are held in members’ homes or quiet rooms in cafés or community spaces. Any room hire costs etc. are shared by the participants on a donation basis. We advise avoiding noisy venues or spaces that have no door, as this helps a great deal. You need a safe space where you know you will not be interrupted.

❖ When thinking about when and how often to hold your meetings, consider the needs of the group when deciding what is best for (most of) you. Some groups choose mornings, others evenings, some even choose a weekend. Larger groups sometimes choose to have two meetings in a month, once in the evening and once in the morning, to match the different lifestyles. Most meeting last for around 2 hours and our advice is to stick to the same day every month, week or fortnight to allow people to organise their diaries. ❖ Many groups take a little while to gain momentum, and this is normal. We suggest you avoid the temptation of trying to find a perfect arrangement.

❖ For meeting support you can contact Vicky Hartley at Cygnus on vicky@

❖ Setting up for the meeting we suggest that the host prepares the room in the most appropriate way, arranging the seating so that everyone has eye-to-eye contact. Meetings generally begin with everyone taking turns to say their name and where they are from and, if they wish, a mention about something they may want to talk about later.

❖ Many groups have found it very helpful to keep the level of the meeting at a higher level by setting the intention of the group to the highest good at the beginning of the meeting. So that, whatever happens, the highest good may come out of it.

❖ Gradually most groups begin to observe how Cygnus Cafés can grow in depth as participants feel more comfortable and they can share their vulnerabilities and “soft spots”. This gives others the confidence to share their concerns or doubts.

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This is a book about ageing. It’s not prescriptive but is mostly full of stories that are there to encourage us and to comfort us, about our own ageing and dying and about it happening to others we love. Likewise the author - a popular Buddhist teacher who is in her eighties - writes about her own ageing and about the ageing of people she has known, like her Zen teacher and her friend Jenny who has Lewy Body dementia. Every story is told with great humour and compassion and I am convinced that this book can be enjoyed by anybody, of any age. The author has no theory to outline or anything to convince us of. There is also no overt narrative: every chapter is an essay (the subtitle of the book is Notes on the Home Stretch which pretty much sums it up). Reasoning won’t make us relaxed about getting old but the warm embrace of a book like this can.

208pp, 227 x 151 mm, Paperback, 2022, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 320234 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50

ON ALCHEMY by Brian Cotnoir

Brian Cotnoir is a well-known contemporary authority on alchemy and this is not just the psychological aspect but also the literal chemical kind. This is a beautifully-packaged little hardback that could fit in your pocket. It’s full of line drawings and classic alchemical engravings. Alchemy is traditionally a bit impenetrable but if anything could open it up it’s this book, although what’s nice is that it also maintains the mystery around alchemy. It contains many practices including meditations and visualisations. Because it’s so great to look at, it would also make a great gift to friends who are on a spiritual quest. On Alchemy is the antidote to all those books about Manifestation which make it sound easy. This is the ancient road to Manifestation and it requires hard work but the rewards can be incalculable.

120pp, 185 x 130 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330244 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


This one has been recommended by a Cygnus member who read it after Susan Moon mentioned it in her book Alive Until You’re Dead. Again like Zen Mind it’s a collection of oral teachings that have been set down in a book. Blanche was another teacher in the Bay Area of California and she has died since this book was published. She was 90 and again she had much to say about ageing. There’s so much to be treasured in Buddhist writing like this. Sometimes when you lose your way spiritually these books comfort you and make you feel safer and that you are not totally lost. All the endorsements on the back cover talk about her love and wisdom – there are Buddhist specific aspects of the text but mostly it’s just life wisdom that’s both inspiring and illuminating.

192pp, 215 x 141 mm, Paperback, 2015, RRP £15.99

❖ Code: 330248 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


This is a very interesting book. It’s a wellproduced hardback with coloured ink and beautiful designs and it would make a great gift to yourself or to someone else. The packaging makes you think that it’s going to be mainstream and perhaps too introductory, but actually its teachings are heavily based on the Rudolf Steiner work and the book is profound and quite esoteric. The author has written many other high-profile books such as The Secret Language of Your Body and she is also a gifted teacher and energy worker. The book as a whole describes a coherent esoteric worldview which helps us make sense of our lives and possible destiny, and in its rigour it helps us let go of a lot of new age lazy thinking. There are practical exercises too and the experience is like sitting in a meditation hall with a wise teacher.

240pp, 218 x 150 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £15.99

❖ Code: 330267 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


In this book the author suggests different ways of seeing and thinking to see the life in all things. This will then cause a shift in how we live on this delicate planet. It will help us if we have climate anxiety by giving us a bigger picture and helping us away from a humanfixated outlook on existence. Erik is trained in Tibetan Buddhism and plant medicine of all kinds, and even in the Tibetan traditions there are nature spirits that we can work with. Of course there are also other beings in the European traditions that he discusses, including elves in Iceland and fairies in the British Isles. By relating to these unseen beings, to the animals and other life-forms around us, we can broaden our horizons to become more fulfilled and also be less destructive to the planet in our ways of living.

320pp, 217 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330269 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


Featured author Susan Moon is part of the lineage of Suzuki who came over from Japan to teach Zen in San Francisco and became a legendary figure in American Buddhism. This book has become a classic: it’s a profound education and it also offers gentle guidance and spiritual support. Each chapter is taken from a talk he gave but the teaching is not exclusively Buddhist. In the forty years since its original publication, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind has become one of the great modern Zen classics, much beloved, much reread, and much recommended as the best first book to read on Zen. Suzuki Roshi presents the basics - from the details of posture and breathing in zazen to the perception of nonduality - in a way that is not only remarkably clear, but that also resonates with the joy of insight from the first to the last page. It’s one of my favourite books.

176pp, 209 x 133 mm, Paperback, 1970, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330271 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 13
BOOK REVIEWS – Buddhism and the Western Mysteries


We have already featured many books and decks by Rebecca Campbell in Cygnus. She sells well and everything she does has spiritual authenticity. This 44-card deck and accompanying guidebook will be familiar to members who have previously bought her products; the cards are in pastel colours and portray mystical inner landscapes with photography style figures within a swirling collage. Because it all relates to water, the cards are all in shades of blues and purples and invite us into a calm and wholesome place. There’s a title for each card: for example, Clear Waters, Gentle Force and The Sirens; plus statements like Use Your Voice. Expansion. Freedom, and Consistency. Persistence. Patience. The long game. Rebecca lives in Glastonbury where the land is watered by many springs including the Chalice Well.

44-card deck and 176-page guidebook, 2023, RRP £19.99

❖ Code: 330227

❖ Non-Member Price: £15.54 ❖ Member Price: £13.99

WATER ALCHEMY ORACLE by Alexandra Wenman

It’s amazing to have two water-based oracles in this Review and they are both excellent. All 40 of these cards are a riot of colour. The colours aren’t spiritual and pastelly but instead they are bright, vivid and varied – a real treat for the eyes. Each card encapsulates an aspect of water: Droplet, Purification, Dam and Tears for example. The author was born in Australia, lives in London and used to edit Prediction magazine. The accompanying book is larger than usual and each entry has plenty of information, describing the card, giving advice on how to work with the card and even including a ritual for it. There is also a lot at the start of the book about water and its profound importance for us all. This is a very “up” and cheerful deck that can be the foundation for a spiritual practice. 40-card deck and 144-page guidebook, 2023, RRP £19.99

❖ Code: 330270

❖ Non-Member Price: £13.88 ❖ Member Price: £12.50


This is different. There are 48 cards which carry images of crystals, geometric shapes, landscapes and other soothing images. Each card relates to a crystal or stone and the book then carries an entry for each that gives three pieces of information: an Alchemy Message; What Does This Card Mean For You?; and an Alchemy Mantra. Most importantly, the back of each card has a QR code on it and you can use it to hear the exact sound to go with the card, played on a pure quartz crystal singing bowl. The frequency you hear will then support the message on the card, making the oracle like a 3D, all-enveloping experience. So don’t buy this if you don’t have a smartphone or a computer. I can imagine that this experience can make all kinds of transformation feel possible, because sound can work in ways that other media can’t.

48-Card Deck and 128-page Guidebook with 48 Singing Bowl Audios, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330215

❖ Non-Member Price: £14.43 ❖ Member Price: £12.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 14 BOOK REVIEWS – Oracles & Card Decks


Gordon is famously the UK’s most accurate medium and he has a great gift and a gratifying integrity. He hasn’t brought out anything for a while and so this oracle deck is very welcome. Basically it’s full of messages from the other side so that, if you use it suitably, it will be like psychic guidance. There are 48 full-colour cards and they are divided into four suits: Healing from Spirit Healers and Helpers, Healing from Spirit Guides, Healing from Spirit Sages and Masters and Healing from Guardian Spirits. The four suits are colour coded. The guide book gives more information about the nature of these different spirits and more information behind the brief message on each card. This has to be the next best thing to getting a reading directly through Gordon. The illustrations on the cards show figures in different visionary cosmic landscapes. 48-card deck and 120-page guidebook, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330259

❖ Non-Member Price: £13.88 ❖ Member Price: £12.50


This deck and book set has been put together by the creator of the Law of Positivism Instagram page, which has more than 325,000 followers. She is of Kurdish descent and lives in Sweden. There are 50 cards and they are grouped around five aspects – the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual layers that we all have. The cards are all in pastel shades and the images are in the photographic style. The statements on them include My Heart Space is Abundant and Flowing, I Hear Speak and Express My Truth and I Accept My Life Exactly as It Is. Almost all the human figures in the deck are female and the deck itself is definitely orientated towards women. It’s an uplifting deck which will inject joy and positivity into anyone’s life.

50-card deck and 152-page guidebook, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330261

❖ Non-Member Price: £14.43 ❖ Member Price: £12.99


Meggan Watterson is a wonderful combination of Harvard trained theologian and mystically inclined spiritual teacher. She wrote the book Mary Magdalene Revealed which is a classic and which has done well already with Cygnus. There are so many facets to how we can learn and be inspired by Mary: through her appearance in the canonical Bible, through her Gnostic Gospel and through all the myths and legends associated with her. This deck is intended to make her teachings available to us in a direct and visceral way. Each card has a title (for example The First Power, The Cave, Mary Magdalene and The Soul) together with a slogan (Darkness Makes Vision Possible, Sanctuary Exists Within, Love Only Ever Expands, I am Free, respectively) and the images are sometimes provocative montages of figures, landscapes and symbols.

44-card deck and 120-page guidebook, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330237

❖ Non-Member Price: £14.43 ❖ Member Price: £12.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 15 BOOK REVIEWS – More Oracle Decks

After all these years, and despite doing it a lot in many places and on many occasions, I have given up on meditation. By that I mean I have given up on doing it formally because I think that there are also aspects of meditation that I practise all the time. I am terrible for projecting into the future and for creating demanding imaginary scenarios and that’s connected with my worrying mind. I don’t know if the worry came before the obsession with what is to come or vice versa. And in the end it doesn’t matter because the answer to it all is to be, radically and relentlessly, in the present. Thus in every challenge there is an opportunity.

So to do this I try and stay mindful of the sensations in my hands, especially when (like now) I am typing, or my clothes resting on my skin, or how my feet feel inside my shoes. I smell the flowers as I walk along and feel the breeze on my face. All my current sensations fill up my mind and don’t give it space to picture what might happen tomorrow or the next day. All those piling-up appointments, journeys and expectations looming ahead of me.

It’s going to take a lot of practice and it might be a long slow process. And, if it works, it is meditation, constant all-day meditation. I find it so much harder when I sit on the cushion


The Power of Distraction

because it then becomes a wrestling match with my own thoughts for the entire twenty minutes, and ultimately I can wrestle with my thoughts anywhere.

Distraction is the thing. I don’t think enough is made of distraction as a practice. I was at work a week ago and I was feeling beleaguered and sorry for myself. I was pressing on and trying to keep going and not fall behind, but feeling spacious and contented was not on the agenda. And then I remembered my neighbours at home raving about a Radio Four programme called Witch. I put in my headphones and started listening.

Even though the publishers use “mindful” in the title, I think they are going with the trend by using this word, and this book is mostly feng shui. The author is a registered architect and feng shui educator in New York City. It’s a book that you can treat yourself to, to inspire you to make changes to your home and make it a happier place. There are 144 pages of beautifully laid out colour images and text and its retail price of £14.99 is a total bargain. There are many everyday common-sense tips in the book, plus more esoteric feng shui guidance and simple rituals that can enhance the positivity of a place. Chapters include Feng Shui and the Mindfulness Connection, Create a Mindful Space and Interconnecting Home and Community. Anyone who lives indoors can benefit from a book like this.

144pp, 234 x 192 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330240 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55

❖ Member Price: £9.50

Straight away the turbulence disappeared. It was uncanny because it was almost instantaneous. I felt comforted and calm, and the pain and agitation departed. I listed to about three of the episodes straight through and marvelled that a change in the direction of my attention had such a profound effect.

Of course, the next day when I started listening to Witch again I didn’t experience that same level of alleviation. Of course not. Miracles are rarely replicated and that’s ok: I was grateful for just the one. It was still enjoyable to be listening and it still felt like home.

It’s a programme about witchcraft both as a contemporary and a historical phenomenon. It is about what witchcraft means and why people turn to it, and it is about the persecution that women faced in the past having been accused of witchcraft. Witchcraft nowadays is a bit undefined, plus nobody really knows what the practice of witchcraft looked like four centuries ago. The main thing is that I like it and I am glad it is happening and it is a good thing for the world, in all its looseness and patchwork quality. Turning to the subject and distracting myself with it – having it occupy my attention –made me feel much better.

So sometimes trying to calm my mind on the train with my eyes shut might not be the best thing for me. Instead I should listen to something nurturing or uplifting on my mobile because it is a faster way to calmness, at least for me. Or read a rich and positive book. And it’s even better if it’s spiritual and it is inspiring me or teaching me something that will make me more resilient. If things are tough, read something and feed your mind on better material. Or go in the garden to look after your plants. Sometimes the loftier spiritual paths are not right and we need to accept that we can’t always thrive there. Distraction doesn’t sound like much but, when we are burdened with a voracious mind, it’s a good idea to feed it on healthier stuff.

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 16 AN EXTRA EDITOR’S LETTER
by Adam Gordon


This 21 Days book is a practical and straightforward guide to numerology, so is a perfect introduction for anyone starting on the subject and wanting to understand both what it can do for them and how to use it to best effect. Over the 21 days (one lesson/chapter a day) you’ll learn the theory behind numerology and the way its benefits can manifest in your life. The book goes on to show what the numbers on your birth chart mean and how they can help influence your life for the good, how to find ultimate purpose with your Ruling Number, how to set up and interpret a Number Pyramid in order to create a well-balanced life, the numerological power and meaning of names, and how to compile a Name Chart. The author was one of the world’s leading authorities on numerology.

176pp, 197 x 130 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £11.99

❖ Code: 330202 ❖ Non-Member Price: £8.87 ❖ Member Price: £7.99


This book may be pocket-sized but it is a treasure trove of knowledge. The encyclopedia element is hugely comprehensive and features 450 crystals, including familiar ones as well as rarer and more unusual crystals, such as phenakite, cavansite, and yooperlite which you may not have used before. Each entry features an attractive colour photo of the stone and defines its physical, emotional, and metaphysical healing properties as well as its corresponding chakra, element, planet, and zodiac sign. The author also covers the basics of crystal healing, why crystals work, how to select stones and safe and effective cleansing methods, alongside hands-on techniques and practices for you to try. It’s a great beginners’ guide, but will also be appealing to anyone already healing with crystals, because it’s portable and so comprehensive.

288pp, 344 x 128 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330213 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


The subtitle of this new beginners’ guide is Learn to be Your Own Astrologer and Unlock the Secrets of the Signs and Planets, which makes it clear that this a good place to start for the novice. When you look inside you see a lovely, highly illustrated and well laid out book which makes the whole process feel very approachable. The author presents a series of tools to gain a deeper understanding of your sign and insights into hidden aspects of your personality. And more than this, she goes beyond the sun signs to look at the influence of every planet’s position in the birth chart. By using this guide you will learn how to understand and interpret your birth chart, reveal the secrets of the signs, houses, planets and aspects, and gain a deeper awareness of your relationships and life’s purpose.

160pp, 235 x 190 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330219 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


This is an attractive, small, hardback guide written by expert palmist Johnny Fincham who might be familiar because of his frequent television appearances. He is a third-generation celebrity palm-reader who has brought together psychology, modern techniques and his own vast experience to give us this ultimate guide into reading the secrets of a person’s palm. The book packs a lot in, and includes how to make and interpret a hand print, what the areas of the palm reveal about your strengths and struggles, how your fingers indicate values and drives, the four major lines, the minor lines and much more! With clearly laid out chapters and simple, effective illustrations, real palm prints to practise on and a handy reference list, this book is all you really need. It was first published as Palmistry at Your Fingertips in 2013.

176pp, 185 x 130 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330233 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


This is the latest book from bestselling author Philip Permutt, who has already published several excellent works on crystals including The Crystal Healer and Crystal Tips and Cures. This is his guide on how to take advantage of the amazing properties of crystals, exploring them as living beings and connecting with them by communication and understanding the messages within them. The book includes detailed information and illustrations on 101 indispensable crystals, plus how to work with crystals in dowsing, divination and healing practices, how they relate to chakras and also how to cleanse and look after your crystals. It is nicely laid out with lots of photographs and pretty illustrations and includes exercises with safety guides, plus meditations and lots of hints and tips.

144pp, 233 x 192 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330214 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


Dreams are always a puzzle, sometimes easy to unpick, but often not, so this entirely new set of definitions informed by lunar activity and mystical insight is fascinating. Examining how and why the eight moon phases impact our dreams, the author reveals what message a dream has at any one phase of the moon. There’s a helpful chart that gives an overview so you can see at a glance the overall meaning of the appearance of aliens in each of the phases of the moon, for example. Then you can drill down using the A-Z interpretation of each of the dream symbols and their specific messages within the lunar cycle. This is a well-laid out, attractive book that is also a fascinating exploration into the impact that astrology and the Moon plus astronomy and psychology have had on spiritual wisdom and the art of dream interpretation from ancient Mesopotamia to the modern day.

288pp, 215 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £17.99

❖ Code: 330262 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50

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BOOK REVIEWS – Dreams & Divination


Books like this get me excited. I haven’t got to the end of it yet. It’s about personal transformation and unlocking your full potential, and it’s written by someone who is both an M.D. and a Ph.D. Friedemann also wrote the bestselling book The Fear and Anxiety Solution, which I loved too. And it’s properly big and heavy so it doesn’t deal in platitudes and easy fixes. It’s written for all of us who don’t feel laid low but do feel that life is passing us by a little bit, who feel that we are ready to make big changes that will realign things and make us feel less complicated and conflicted. It’s full of sound advice and exercises too. The six most common survival patterns that we can use are: the victim, invisibility, the procrastinator, the chameleon, the helper and the lover.

352pp, 228 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £18.99

❖ Code: 330258 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.32❖ Member Price: £11.99


Aspects of life after life and life beyond life are a main rallying point for those of us who see ourselves as alternative or spiritual. While we don’t agree on how this might work or even whether it is a “real thing” we do all agree that it’s a serious debate and that the materialist worldview is absurd. The author is an award-winning documentary film-maker and has been exploring this field for a long time. He starts by demonstrating the restrictive tendency of the materialist belief system and then goes on to explore various phenomena that indicate that there is much more to the universe than that. The author clearly is an advocate for life after death and this short and easy-to-follow book (which is full of resources and references) acts as a starting point for our own further exploration.

128pp, 229 x 152mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330204 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


There are a few books being published that were written in the teeth of the Coronavirus Pandemic, casting a light on how people were responding to the lockdowns, the media, government policies and the sense of global fear. This short book contains 28 meditations and soul exercises designed to help develop courage and internal strength that were so needed during what was a horrible time. It’s a book to help us recover from the trauma and to be strong in case it happens again. It also includes thoughts from the author on how the crisis was an attack on our connection to spirituality, and how we needed to counter this attack using spiritual means. It’s a personal view, and whether you agree with it or not, the meditations he has created are also relevant now and can help with all sorts of challenges we face every day.

96pp, 180 x 115 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330245 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.98 ❖ Member Price: £8.99


The author, a Zen Buddhist and ikebana practitioner, was about to visit Japan to research a flower temple pilgrimage when the pandemic struck. It forced her to retreat to her own mountain home with its beautiful flower garden and search, like the rest of us, for solace and meaning where she could find it in that difficult time. What she has produced is a fascinating book which is both intimate and thoughtful, and which introduces us to the poetic and beautiful language of flowers. It reads like a diary, but with every entry Stamm refers to a flower and its meaning with particular reference to the issues of that time in her and our lives. This book lends some meaning to those challenging Covid times and perhaps helps ease the trauma.

152pp, 215 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £11.99

❖ Code: 330260 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


It’s always appealing to find a new take on emotional healing, and this book brings us an approachable model based on the interweaving of Jungian depth psychology with spirituality. It is a very personal book: the author is not only honest and open about her own inner healing, but she’s also a poet and has a profound love of nature, so that reading her work is like being on a boat, being rocked from side to side as we are moved from wisdom and understanding to emotional connection and back. The narrative takes us through a series of “healing rooms” which address different issues, all the time also illustrated with stories from the author’s affinity with nature and love of the sea. Complete with practical advice and exercises, this is both an interesting and a powerful read.

240pp, 217 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £15.99

❖ Code: 330264 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


This is Paul Levy’s third book on the subject, following Wetiko and Dispelling Wetiko. Wetiko – which is a term from the Native American tradition – describes a virus of the mind, which underlies the collective insanity and evil wreaking havoc across the world. It has its roots in unhealed ancestral trauma, which expresses within the family. Influenced by the work of Jung, he shows how the answers to the problem are actually hidden within the dark side of our human experience. This is deep and compelling work but it’s greeted enthusiastically by a number of authors quoted on the cover, including Jean Houston, Andrew Harvey and Larry Dossey. Through stories, historical anecdotes and deep insight, he offers a practical map to those shadow parts of us, which is where true healing lies.

416pp, 229 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £18.99

❖ Code: 330268 ❖ Non-Member Price: £13.32 ❖ Member Price: £11.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 18
BOOK REVIEWS – Spirituality

Deep in our DNA, there is a part of us that cherishes the sense of the garden as sanctuary. Wild places can put our little lives into perspective and bathe us in a sense of the vastness of Life and the Power of Nature. The garden is altogether a gentler experience. It is boundaried, more personal, and can provide a more cultivated beauty and a safe place in which to be ourselves. It can be a place of healing and connection where we can observe and attune to the cycles of the year. There we can become intimate with each season, and learn the signs of “biotime”, like the subtle shift from summer to autumn as the days and nights cool, the late frosts of Spring, the last bites of winter cold, and the vibrant joy of midsummer.

I admire the visual flair of garden designers and, though I am not an expert plantswoman, I am beginning to learn how to imaginatively combine plants to greatest effect. I admire people who can create edible, abundant and gorgeous paradise gardens, a holy grail of sustainability, wildlife habitat and the drama of a fine garden with different areas that provide a variety of functions and sensual experiences.

I am on a path of lifelong learning. The challenge is to combine the edible and the ornamentals that thrive and feed the household and our wild visitors without succumbing to any chemicals and requiring as few brought in materials as possible. My aim is to mimic Nature by creating cycles of fertility, harvests and building soil just as a deciduous woodland does through the four seasons to bring health and balance for all species of plants living together. My aim is also to find peace and healing in the garden and for it to be a sanctuary for both its human and wild visitors.

There is much to be learned from pioneering and innovative gardeners. Liz Zorab has taught me through her work how to mix ornamental plants with vegetables to create a pest/ predator balance and for the pure joy

On The Seasoned Gardener

of beautiful plants. We can mix things up, allow self-seeding plants to pop up in places in the garden where there is space, and experiment, and break the rules. She has also taught me, by example, how healing gardening can be. Her preferred time is early in the morning as the sun rises and the world slowly wakes up. Some days when her energy is low, she simply observes and potters, and other days she gently completes tasks like sowing and planting, weeding and composting.

I am a task-oriented person and think gardening requires time and energy and that I must make time to do it. Liz has taught me to just


go out in any season without a fixed agenda and simply be present. This has both deepened my appreciation of the rhythm of the changing seasons, and the cycles of Nature and our year. It has also shown me how to garden more effortlessly. By not setting a goal that I treat like a deadline, I free myself. Some days I just observe, admire, and gently tend a few plants. At other times when I feel energised I find myself planting a whole bed or pruning a tree that needs attention. And some days I need to just sit and enter a garden reverie.

The key is to give myself a daily rhythm of being outside, even for a short time, without expectations, a time for myself that is attuned to both to my own needs and personal rhythm, and the season. This has become a daily meditation, a time of inner reflection, and connection to the pulse of the greater mystery of Mother Earth, the incredible planet on which we are so lucky to live. And wonderfully, the garden has never been so productive and well-tended or I so connected with it. I’d like to encourage you to try it. Give yourself this gift of daily practice, without expectations.

Liz Zorab has taken a barren piece of land in Monmouthshire and transformed it into a spectacular garden, with an emphasis on fruit and vegetables, but full of a gorgeous collection of other plants and flowers. Liz is a proponent of permaculture and uses its 12 principles to help her create a beautiful, cohesive and functional environment that minimises any negative impact on the land and the natural world, and this is her guide to help us do the same. The book, illustrated with some stunning photos taken by the author, is designed to share the rhythm and patterns of her gardening year, and unusually starts in the autumn, the season of gathering, and the season she enjoys most.

224pp, 245 x 189 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £20.00

❖ Code: 330272 ❖ Non-Member Price: £16.65

❖ Member Price: £14.99

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks THE GARDEN AS MEDITATION AND SANCTUARY by Maddy Harland 19
Maddy Harland gardens in north Devon. She is the editor of Permaculture magazine and the author of Fertile Edges and the Biotime Log.


Most of us are born with the ability to breathe freely and naturally, but as the years go by, our breathing can become laboured - compromised by fear, disappointment, trauma, and pollutants. We start to contract our breathing body and create ways that feel protective of our vulnerable selves but actually constrict the oxygen intake and thus the nourishment our body receives. The author, a renowned breathing expert, offers a guide to conscious breathing with techniques for loosening these patterns of constriction. In his warm and approachable book, he shows us how by breathing better we can alleviate symptoms of asthma, snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, digestive difficulties, and fatigue, giving us exercises to try and insights into the science of breathing that really make you want to give this a go.

304pp, 228 x 151 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330208 ❖

Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


Following on from the extremely popular Simple Exercises To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve in the last Review, this newly published book reveals how we can heal ourselves from trauma by understanding the powers of the vagus nerve together with the chakras, because as the author says “your body holds over three-quarters of what you need to know about yourself in order to heal old wounds”. She explains in detail how the vagus nerve works and how it matches the etheric energies of your chakras, and using this knowledge, how, by recognising physical cues, you can assist your spiritual and psychological growth. Including over 45 exercises and prompts used successfully by the author in her role as a trauma therapist, this book provides an exceptional guide to a new form of healing that we can all use especially in these days of trauma and anxiety.

240pp, 202 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330210 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.77 ❖ Member Price: £11.50


Again this book is from Cico, so it’s beautiful to look at, easy to use and very good value. There are colour illustrations throughout which both illustrate the mudras and other exercises and which enhance the look of the book. Basically then it’s all about practical yoga apart from the hatha yoga exercises on the mat that people are familiar with. It’s a lovely combination of breathing exercises, which are very popular right now because they get straight to the heart of anxiety and wellbeing issues, and mudras – or hand positions – which are more esoteric but potentially as effective. The book has two main sections - Breathing and Mudras for the Body and Breathing and Mudras for the Soul - and within those sections, there are listed various conditions with a breathwork and mudra suggestion for each.

144pp, 235 x 190 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330225 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

ENERGY RULES by Alla Svirinskaya

This is an very comprehensive guide to energy healing from the world renowned healer, Alla Svirinskaya, who is based in London. Her reputation has gone before her and she has a lot of big name clients, but she also writes clearly and gives us not only an insight into how our energy works but also how to manage it and keep it “well”. She also advises on specific health issues. Her book gives us a broad set of tools to use, with explanations of how they work and how we should apply them to ourselves and our own energy fields. She lays out how to live a non-toxic energy lifestyle, scan for energy blockages, charge ourselves to provide an energy self-defence, and so much more. These techniques are all designed to be used alongside other complementary therapies and the promise of leading a healthier life is very alluring. This is a new edition of her previous book Own Your Energy.

304pp, 215 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330218 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


The author was inspired to create this book after reading that psychological research shows that just 8 weeks of daily mindful meditation practices significantly lowers the activity in the stress centre of the brain. She could see that while 8 weeks doesn’t sound long, it would be much easier to do if supported by a guide - and this is it. There are topics for each week, each with relevant activities and daily practices. So week 1 is about Presence where you are invited to think about paying attention to sound, sight, smell, taste, touch etc. each with a practice to try, from “meditating through sound’” to “connecting through touch”. It’s an agnostic approach, and the practices integrate Buddhist, yoga, and Christian philosophy, mental health treatment, modern psychology, and much more. It’s a clever idea, which is well executed.

200pp, 216 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £13.99

❖ Code: 330241 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50


We are spoiled for energy titles this season. Here is another good one to go with Confident Empath. Sharon is in a very strong position, being both a shaman and a board-certified internal medicine physician. She is an expert in both fields and has a high profile through her two radio shows on the Transformation Talk Radio network. The author gives clear instructions on attaining mastery over your own health using many stories from her own work as well as exercises and visualisations. These techniques are not just for use when we are ill but we can also use them to boost our vitality and life force. The text reads very easily and the author comes across as warm and friendly. When you know that she is also a highly qualified doctor, it also gives you confidence in what she teaches and in uncovering your own power.

288pp, 228 x 152 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330238 ❖ Non-Member Price: 10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 02078 594 375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks 20
BOOK REVIEWS – Relaxation, Breath
Body ORDER & CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE ❖ Phone: 020 7859 4375 ❖ Website: ❖ Twitter @CygnusBooks ❖ Facebook @cygnusbookclub ❖ Instagram @cygnusbooks
& the


This looks at a tricky subject for many of us who are on this path. It’s such an exciting and inspiring one but there is so much potential for disenchantment, dependency, abuse and rejection. How can we be fully committed and make the most of all the transformational potential, while never abandoning a keen awareness of the dangers on that path?

Connie, who also wrote The Inner Work of Age, is brave and experienced enough to give us this primer on the subject. The book is deep but not academic or difficult. It is divided into two parts: Before the Fall and After the Fall. It both helps us to be aware and wary of what might go wrong and gives us tools to start again after a disillusionment. It’s so hard when you are let down by someone and you don’t know if you can ever “believe” again. Well, this book shows you that you can.

304pp, 229 x 142 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330239 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


This is a timely book, not because loneliness is a new thing, but because there have been two big recent developments in society. For the young it’s been the tendency to connect more online than off, and for the older, it’s the effects of Covid and the new working from home revolution. Loneliness is not just about not meeting people of course, it’s about making connections, it’s about touch; it can also be about disconnection and losing your own sense of self-worth. The author is a renowned public speaker who suffered intense loneliness for a long time, but has rebuilt her connections and here shares her story and the techniques she used to turn her life around. She presents everything with context, either her own experience or an analysis of causes and effects, so her book is both supportive and constructive.

272pp, 216 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £12.99

❖ Code: 330230 ❖ Non-Member Price: £9.44 ❖ Member Price: £8.50


There haven’t been many books on this fascinating subject. It’s one that needs to be explored because you can imagine that previous patterns within a family can easily be repeated from one generation into the next. Anuradha gives us many exercises such as journalling, visualisation and mind-mapping, and she also gives many suggestions based on her training in flower essences. The book is also full of real-life examples including many stories from her own family’s life. The author used to work in academia and finance and it’s uplifting to know she wanted to give up lucrative employment to do this work instead. Life is hard enough as it is so it’s helpful to be able to avoid repeating old patterns through financial troubles, divorce and breakup and family arguments that aren’t even conscious.

288pp, 216 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330224 ❖ Non-Member Price: £10.55 ❖ Member Price: £9.50

A SPELL A DAY by Tree Carr

Tree Carr, an expert in the realms of dreams, divination and esoteric magic, has brought together 365 simple rituals, spells and enchantments to enrich our lives and help us to discover new powers. The spells combine the arts of potions, rituals, lucid dreams, herb magic, candle magic, planetary magic, crystal magic, incantations, ceremonies, divinations, tarot readings and so much more, making this the first book of its kind to bring together multiple realms of magic for the everyday into one place. Gorgeously illustrated throughout, the spells within this book are easy to do, inexpensive, practical and offer profound insight and power. A lot of them are pretty simple but I have the feeling you could treat this like a book of days where the spells get you into a holistic and magical way of being and even shift your life on to a different set of tracks.

336pp, 185 x 130 mm, Hardback, 2023, RRP £16.99

❖ Code: 330205 ❖ Non-Member Price: £12.21 ❖ Member Price: £10.99


Something for Beatles fans, spiritualists, social historians and followers of Rudolf Steiner all in one fascinating volume! This is a Beatles anthology with a difference, bringing together several compelling strands. It’s a study of the influences that formed the Beatles’ music, from spiritual movements, religious groups, esoteric philosophies and mystical teachings; a look at the famous “hidden” clues in the album covers; an investigation into the strange rumours that pursued them; and an analysis of the horror of the assassination of John Lennon – all within the context of the grey postwar world. You only have to hear some of the lyrics, listen to the music or look at the covers to know how much the band absorbed from all corners of the spiritual world, and which, because of their popularity, they brought to so many other people.

284pp, 234 x 155 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

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LETTING GLOW by Phill Webster

This is Phill Webster’s first book, and it feels fresh and positive. It’s very personal, part investigation, part guide and part diary, written over the year after his mother’s death. He uses his own experiences and psychic senses to examine how to find solace and hope by connecting with intuition. He shares with us that simple changes in thinking as well as shifting our perspectives on everyday reality can help us transform our lives. His narrative and analysis are both interesting and compelling and it’s good to see he also includes a variety of meditation exercises to try. Letting Glow is also an adventure into mediumship and takes a deeper look at how we experience time, consciousness, and our relationship with our higher self. This book is a useful beginner’s title for anyone embarking on their pathway to spiritual enlightenment.

160pp, 216 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £14.99

❖ Code: 330231 ❖ Non-Member Price: £11.10 ❖ Member Price: £9.99

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Revealing the astonishing hidden world around you

Your perceived ‘reality’ is simply a brush stroke in a much bigger picture.

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The Shine Seminars

Summer Celebration

Manifesting Ideas for the New Earth

Welcome one and all!

Come join the Wayshowers, Life Alchemists & Wisdom Keepers in the beautiful setting of Westbury on Severn.

45+ Speakers & Practitioners will be holding talks & workshops with an emphasis on Sovereignty, Health, Wellbeing & Conscious Co-Creating. This event is a celebration, we would love you to join us...


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Gloria Moss Peter knight Nickita Starck Eleanor Hadjee

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Dawn Henderson Dr Kam Michael Tingle Calise Cleghorn Giles Bryant Matt Bell Ruth Skolmli

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To buy tickets please visit:

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