Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 11

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Nov 2012, issue 11 – free of charge

Cygnus Review

heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet I Am: Cygnus Calendar 2013 – Remembering Who We Truly Are Ann Napier & Janet Baxter Proof of Heaven Dr Eben Alexander Heart of Yew Jehanne Mehta In The Arms of Angels Olwen Ballantyne & Claire Nahmad Spirit of The Land: Christmas/Yule Greetings Cards Janet Baxter The Secret of Everyday Bliss Dr Frank J Kinslow The Story of Jeka A Christmas Present for You All

Thoughtful Gifts for Your Loved Ones

Ann & Geoff Napier


ear Friends, Well, again, we must thank you before we say another word! This last month even more of you became or renewed as Cygnus Supporters, and we bless you for it. A few more months like this should see us back on our feet again – but in a completely new way, stronger and more closely in touch not only with our real goals and purposes, but also with you! For we have been amazed to observe how profoundly sharing that idea of ‘Finding Our Tribe’ with you all has changed the energy of Cygnus, and the way we feel about our work. Have you noticed a change? Many Cygnus readers have told us that they have, and for our part, we feel much closer to you somehow, with more of a sense that we are cooperating together, to do our bit towards raising the consciousness of each other and humanity as a whole. Renewed inspiration One Cygnus Supporter, Susanne Austin, wrote a full-length article about what she feels about Cygnus and we were so moved by it we’ve printed the whole piece on page 15. So, it is with all this joy and sense of connection in our hearts that we created this magazine. We can’t remember when we last felt so enthusiastic about the collection of books and CDs we have arrayed before you. ’Heart of Yew’ and ‘Reclaiming Ancient Love’ As promised in our last letter to you, we have produced some absolutely magical treasures for you and your loved ones to enjoy. First of all, there’s Heart of Yew (p. 7), a collection of Jehanne Mehta’s wise and intensely moving poetry about yew trees – all of it showing you how this most mysterious of trees can be your guide, helper and companion as you pass through life’s narrow places on your way to the rebirth of your whole soul and

Welcome to Our Treasure Trove! consciousness. Another lovely gift, which we also helped to produce, is Jerome O’Connell’s Reclaiming Ancient Love(p. 3). Just one look at the CD cover is enough to tell you how very much love and care has gone into this creation and when you listen to it you’ll certainly feel Jerome’s very deep connection with the elemental kingdom. Creative frenzy Our creative frenzy didn’t stop there either, and if you had popped in on us at any time during the last few weeks you would probably have seen steam coming out of our ears! We’ve also produced some truly lovely Christmas/Yule Cards (p. 3) with photographs by Janet Baxter reflecting the Spirit of the Land, and a calendar (about which you can read more below). Anyhow, we hope you will be able to support us by buying these creations, made with such love, to warm the hearts of everyone around you this winter. Now to tell you just a little bit about some of the other wonderful books we have for you this month: You’ll absolutely love A Century of Wisdom (p. 9). We couldn’t wait to get our hands on this, because it is the biography of Alice Herz-Sommer, the world’s oldest holocaust survivor and concert pianist. She is such an inspiring person. In a few weeks’ time she will be celebrating her 109th birthday and it seems to us that her longevity is no accident, for all her life, despite awful suffering and loss, she has kept alive a great flame of forgiveness and gratitude, and to hear her speak about music (as you can on YouTube) is to be moved to the greatest joy and gratitude yourself. A Christmas present for you A few weeks ago Pierre Pradervand came to stay with us and we spent a wonderful weekend together. One mealtime, we told him a very special story that has given us comfort and strength for many years and, inspired by this, Pierre wrote a really helpful article for you called You Are Me and I Am You (p. 8). The story we shared with Pierre was told to us by a very special friend who died recently. In our last conversation with him, we asked if we could publish the story in Cygnus Review as a Christmas present to you all. He said we could, so you can read it on

page 14. We hope it provides a light on your path for many years to come, just as it has done for us. Proof – yes, proof! – of heaven And now to another book we are absolutely raving about: Proof of Heaven, which describes a unique near-death experience undergone by neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander. This book is dynamite for two reasons. Firstly because, being a neurosurgeon, Dr Alexander was able to identify and explain exactly why his experience could not have been a mere product of his brain, and why it must have been real. Secondly because, during his experience, Dr Alexander completely forgot about his identity on earth (this is highly unusual, if not unique, among near-death experiences), and so was able to be lifted right up into what you might call his ‘heavenly identity’ – a destination that normally, it seems, has to be reached in very gradual stages, as the individual sheds more and more of his/her nolonger-needed earthly persona. So he was able to report back to us about what his ‘heavenly identity’ – which we all share – was like. Astounding! And we would like to suggest an idea: how about ‘forgetting’ our earthly persona right now? Or at least allowing it to sit much more lightly on our shoulders? And how about remembering our ‘heavenly identity’ much more than we do at present? Not difficult, because each of us has a heart, and everything we need to know is written in there. To help you do that, we’ve written our 2013 Calendar (p. 3). Called simply ‘I Am’, it contains phrases to remind you of Who you truly are, as well as an article on the subject, written by Geoff and I, which has never been published elsewhere. And now we hope that, as you read this magazine, you will feel some of our enthusiasm for the information it contains, and that your heart will be warmed by it. And may we thank you in advance for your purchases, which enable us to continue our work, and for becoming a Cygnus Supporter – if that is what you feel moved to do. With our most heartfelt love and blessings, Ann & Geoff

Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2012. Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by Eclipse Printing Ltd, Cardiff Bay, 029 2054 9266.


In this spiritual practice using sacred sound, Jerome O’Connell helps you to relax, to open, expand and activate your light body’s energy centres or ‘chakras’, and connect to the light body of the Earth. Using strong and colourful imagery Jerome helps you visualize, raise and absorb the Earth’s energy or ‘Chi’ into your heart centre and to use that heart power to open the inner pathways of your light body. You are then taken on a guided meditation to connect with the ancestral bears in their ancient cave within the light body of the Earth. Accessing ancient memories of times long ago when human beings lived wild in the caves within the Earth, times when our relationship to animals and nature was more direct, you learn to to connect to your own ancient wild heart, and to your own special Bear Spirit Ancestor, who can walk with you in your daily life and give you strength and support in these demanding and changing times.

1 track, total running time 41 mins, 2012, RRP £12.99 Code: D221101, Cygnus Price: £9.99


Composer and healer Jerome O’Connell has worked closely with his spirit guide, Chung Fu, to create Abundance From Source, a guided visualisation and chakra opening exercise to help you discover and activate the Source of abundance within. As you follow Jerome’s soothing voice and absorb the carefully interspersed background sounds of nature and the elements, including a crackling fire, bird and whale song, you will go deeper into relaxation, slowing your breathing and allowing your spiritual awareness to come forward. The sounds will assist you to gain access to your higher self in order to activate potentials that already lie within you. Regular practice of this visualisation will help you to strengthen your heart and reprogramme your conscious and subconscious mind with positive affirmations within your daily life, enabling you to align yourself to the Divine Source of all Abundance.

I AM CYGNUS CALENDAR 2013 Remembering Who We Truly Are Ann Napier & Janet Baxter

Remembering our true, Divine nature and fanning that spark of awareness until it becomes a bright and constant flame is the most healing and healthful thing we can do for ourselves... and each other. This calendar is designed to help you do just that. In the midst of your daily activities, just glance at it from time to time and let Janet Baxter’s gorgeous photographs of nature and Ann Napier’s healing words bring you back home to the Truth of yourself, the beautiful truth that – while you are a unique and wonderful being, who causes the Divine heart to sing for the sheer joy of knowing you exist – you are also one with the All, one with Love, one with harmony, with the Divine and with every being in creation. And let this ever-deepening awareness guide your footsteps, for it always will. You are God’s hand, and you are in God’s hand, and you can never fall out of it, for there is nowhere else to fall. In the face of this laser-light of your awareness, everything that seems to hold you back, everything that seems dark or wrong, must simply melt away. It may take time, for matter has a certain momentum, but melt it will. You need never doubt it! Now twice as big to allow you more space to write down your appointments and insights, and introduced by a 2-page essay written by Ann on how she has experienced these healing ideas, this calendar – though such a simple thing – can be your friend and guide throughout the coming year.

32pp, 297mm x 210mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2012, RRP £7.99 Code: 221102, Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.99 2 – 9 copies £6.49 each, 10+ copies £5.19 each

1 track, total running time 45 mins, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: D201204, Cygnus Price: £9.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Reclaiming Ancient Love:’ & ‘Abundance From Source Cd’ for £18.98




Janet Baxter’s deep soul connection with the spirit of the land and nature shines through all her photographs and this – we think – is what gives them their special quality. In this lovely pack of 8 Christmas/Yule Greetings Cards (1 each of 8 designs) you’ll find seasonal images of nature that

radiate beauty and will give your friends and loved ones genuine pleasure. The cards are blank for your own personalised message and come, of course, with envelopes.

Set of 8 full-colour cards with envelopes, 1 each of 8 designs, 148mm x 105mm, inside blank for your message, shrink-wrapped, RRP £5.99 Code: 221103, Cygnus Prices: 1 set £4.99 2 – 9 sets £4.49 each, 10+ copies £3.89 each

When you choose to order from Cygnus and/or become a Cygnus Supporter, you are helping to cover the costs of producing 00this 3 magazine, whose main aim is to provide comfort, guidance, hope and inspiration to as many people as possible. Thanks!

Dr Eben Alexander


am a neurosurgeon. I earned my MD in 1980 and during the intervening years I was involved in the development of advanced technical procedures like stereotactic radiosurgery and MRI-guided neurosurgical procedures for repairing hard-to-treat brain conditions like tumours and vascular disorders. I also authored and co-authored more than 150 chapters and papers for peerreviewed medical journals and presented my findings at more than two hundred medical conferences around the world. In short, I devoted myself to science.

Consciousness beyond the brain On November 10, 2008, however, at age fifty-four, my luck seemed to run out. I was struck by a rare illness and thrown into a coma for seven days. During that time, my entire neocortex – the outer surface of the brain, the part that makes us human was shut down. Inoperative. In essence, absent. When your brain is absent, you are absent, too, or so I would have told you before my own brain crashed. As a neurosurgeon, I’d heard many stories over the years of people who had strange experiences, usually suffering cardiac arrest: stories of travelling to mysterious, wonderful landscapes; of talking to dead relatives – even of meeting God Himself. Wonderful stuff, no question. But all of it, in my opinion, was pure fantasy. What caused the otherworldly types of experiences that such people so often report? I didn’t claim to know, but I did know that they were brain-based. All of consciousness is. If you don’t have a working brain, you can’t be conscious. This is because the brain is the machine that produces consciousness in the first place. When the machine breaks down, consciousness stops. As vastly complicated and mysterious as the actual mechanics of brain processes are, in essence the matter is as simple as that. Pull the plug and the TV goes dead. The show is over, no matter how much you might have been enjoying it. An experience with massive implications But then, as I said, my own brain crashed and I was compelled to revise my opinion. During my coma my brain wasn’t working improperly – it wasn’t working at all. I now believe that this might have been what was responsible for the depth and intensity


of the near-death experience (NDE) that I myself underwent during it. Many of the NDEs reported happen when a person’s heart has shut down for a while. In those cases, the neocortex is temporarily inactivated, but generally not too damaged, provided that the flow of oxygenated blood is restored through cardiopulmonary resuscitation or reactivation of cardiac function within four minutes or so. But in my case, the neocortex was out of the picture. I was encountering the reality of a world of consciousness that existed completely free of the limitations of my physical brain. Mine was in some ways a perfect storm of near-death experiences. As a practising neurosurgeon with decades of research and hands-on work in the operating room behind me, I was in a better-than-average position to judge not only the reality but also the implications of what happened to me. Those implications are tremendous beyond description. My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave. More important, it continues under the gaze

of a God who loves and cares about each one of us and about where the universe itself and all the beings within it are ultimately going.

A special kind of NDE In the initial phase of my NDE I had no real centre of consciousness. I didn’t know who or what I was, or even if I was. I was simply... there, a singular awareness in the midst of a soupy, dark, muddy nothingness that had no beginning and, seemingly, no end. I called this ‘ the Realm of the Earthworm’s-Eye View’. Later, however, as I moved through what I called ‘the Gateway’ and on to ‘the Core’, I knew. I understood that I was part of the Divine and that nothing – absolutely nothing – could ever take that away. The (false) suspicion that we can somehow be separated from God is the root of every form of anxiety in the universe, and the cure for it – which I received partially within the Gateway and completely within the Core – was the knowledge that nothing can tear us from God, ever. This knowledge – and it remains the single most important thing I’ve ever learned – robbed the Realm of the Earthworm’s-Eye View of its terror and

Rosa Celeste by Gustave Doré

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Proof of Heaven allowed me to see it for what it really was: a not entirely pleasant, but no doubt necessary, part of the cosmos. Many people have travelled to the realms I did, but, strangely enough, most remembered their earthly identities while away from their earthly forms. They knew that they were John Smith or George Johnson or Sarah Brown. They never lost sight of the fact that they lived on earth. They were aware that their living relatives were still there, waiting and hoping they would come back. They also, in many cases, met friends and relatives who had died before them, and in these cases, too, they recognized those people instantly. Many NDE subjects have reported engaging in life reviews, in which they saw their interactions with various people and their good or bad actions during the course of their lives. I experienced none of these events, and taken all together they demonstrate the single most unusual aspect of my NDE. I was completely free of my bodily identity for all of it, so that any classic NDE occurrence that might have involved my remembering who I was on earth was rigorously missing.

Dying harder, travelling deeper To say that at that point in the proceedings I still had no idea who I was or where I’d come from sounds somewhat perplexing, I know. After all, how could I be learning all these stunningly complex and beautiful things, and still not know that it was I, Eben Alexander, who was the one experiencing them? How could I understand all that I did, yet not realize that on earth I was a doctor, husband, and father? My best shot at an answer is to suggest that I was in a position similar to that of someone with partial but beneficial amnesia. That is, a person who has forgotten some key aspect about him or herself, but who benefits through having forgotten it, even if for only a short while. How did I gain from not remembering my earthly self? It allowed me to go deep into realms beyond the worldly without having to worry about what I was leaving behind. Throughout my entire time in those worlds, I was a soul with nothing to lose. No places to miss, no people to mourn. I had come from nowhere and had no history, so I fully accepted my circumstances – even the initial murk and mess of the Realm of the Earthworm’s-Eye View – with equanimity. And because I so completely forgot my mortal identity, I was granted full access to the true cosmic being I really am (and we all are). Once again, in some ways my experience was analogous to a dream, in which

you remember some things about yourself while forgetting other things completely. But again this is only a partially useful analogy, because, as I keep stressing, the Gateway and the Core were not remotely dreamlike but ultra-real – as far from illusory as one can be. To use the word removed makes it sound as if the absence of my earthly memories while in the Realm of the Earthworm’s-Eye View, the Gateway, and the Core was in some manner intentional. I now suspect that this was the case. At the risk of oversimplifying, I was allowed to die harder, and travel deeper, than almost all NDE subjects before me. As arrogant as that might sound, my intentions are not. The rich literature on NDEs has proved crucial to understanding my own journey in coma. I can’t claim to know why I had the experience I had, but I do know now (three years later), from reading other NDE literature, that the penetration of the higher worlds tends to be a gradual process and requires that the individual release his or her attachments to whatever level he or she is on before going higher or deeper. That was not a problem for me, because throughout my experience I had no earthly memories whatsoever, and the only pain and heartache I felt was when I had to return to earth, where I’d begun.

Living proof I know there will be people who will seek to invalidate my experience, and any who will discount it out of court, because of a refusal to believe that what I underwent could possibly be ‘scientific’ – could possibly be anything more than a crazy, feverish dream. But I know better. And both for the sake of those here on earth and those I met beyond this realm, I see it as my duty – both

as a scientist and hence a seeker of truth, and as a doctor devoted to helping people – to make it known to as many people as I can that what I underwent is true, and real, and of stunning importance. Not just to me, but to all of us. Not only was my journey about love, but it was also about who we are and how connected we all are – the very meaning of all existence. I learned who I was up there, and when I came back, I realized that the last broken strands of who I am down here were sewn up. You are loved. Those words are what I needed to hear as an orphan, as a child who’d been given away. But it’s also what every one of us in this materialistic age needs to hear as well, because in terms of who we really are, where we really came from, and where we’re really going, we all feel (wrongly) like orphans. Without recovering that memory of our larger connectedness, and of the unconditional love of our Creator, we will always feel lost here on earth. So here I am. I’m still a scientist, I’m still a doctor, and as such I have two essential duties: to honour truth and to help heal. That means telling my story. A story that as time passes I feel certain happened for a reason. Not because I’m anyone special. It’s just that with me, two events occurred in unison and concurrence, and together they break the back of the last efforts of reductive science to tell the world that the material realm is all that exists, and that consciousness, or spirit – yours and mine – is not the great and central mystery of the universe. I’m living proof. From Proof of Heaven, © 2012 by Dr Eben Alexander, published in the UK by Piatkus.


PROOF OF HEAVEN Dr Eben Alexander

Eminent neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander always considered himself a man of science. His unwavering belief in evidence-based medicine fuelled a career in some of the top institutions in the world. But all this was set to change. One morning in 2008 he fell into a coma after suffering a rare form of bacterial meningitis. Scans of his brain revealed massive damage. He was not expected to survive. As his family prepared themselves for the worst, something miraculous happened. Dr Alexander’s brain went from near total inactivity to awakening. He woke a chnged man, certain of the infinite reach of the soul, certain of life beyond death.

In Proof of Heaven Dr Alexander shares his experience, pieced together from notes he made as soon as he was able to write again. Unlike many other accounts of near-death experiences, he is able to explain why his brain was incapable of fabricating his journey into the afterlife. And that is what makes this book an absolute must-read!

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208pp, 154mm x 233mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99

Code: 221104, Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65 2+ copies £7.15 each

We grow by word of mouth alone; help Cygnus grow and spread its wings!


Boosts for your body, mind and garden SUPER BRAIN Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E Tanzi

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Two pioneers in health – Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E Tanzi, one of the world’s foremost experts on the causes of Alzheimer’s – share a bold new understanding of the brain and a prescriptive plan for how we can use it to achieve physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Deepak Chopra is famous for revealing ‘the forgotten miracle’ – the body’s infinite capacity for change and renewal. Now, Chopra and Tanzi focus their attention on a part of the body currently undergoing intense study and radical reevaluation: the brain. They present a new vision of the brain contending that by using techniques and skills such as mindfulness, intention and meditation, we can create new neural pathways in the brain. Thus, we can transform it into our most powerful tool for achieving health, happiness and enlightenment.

288pp, 153mm x 234mm, softback, 2012, RRP £11.99 Code: 221105, Cygnus Price: £6.99


save 40%

Did you realise that it is actually your brain that is the key to having the body and the overall health you want? Most people never even think about the health of their own brain, because they cannot see it. Yet your brain is the command and control centre of your body, so if you want a better body, the first place to always start is by having a better brain. In this book, Dr Daniel Amen gives you the ten basic principles you need to change your brain and your body, and then focuses on how to fix individual problems that concern so many of us, by fixing the brain first. You’ll be amazed to observe how much the brain-nourishing changes he suggests will affect your body weight, skin, hormonal balance, energy levels, ability to sleep, stress levels and emotions. Put the brain-body connection to work, and discover a healthier, happier you! 320pp, 132mm x 203mm, softback, 2012, RRP £9.99 Code: 221106, Cygnus Price: £5.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Super Brain’ & ‘Change Your Brain, Change Your Body’ for £11.98 save 33%


Oriental medicine offers some extremely practical and helpful perspectives on how and why illness occurs, that can bring a breath of fresh air into your quest for health and wellbeing. With the help of the easy-tounderstand explanations, clear illustrations, and straightforward treatment alternatives presented in this book, previously unexplained signs and symptoms can be researched, understood and dealt with. Triedand-true techniques developed over hundreds of years – diet, acupressure, massage, exercise, scraping, and tapping – are offered for common maladies from colds and high blood pressure to backache and depression. Even with limited medical knowledge you can learn to assess your own conditions and become proactive in lifestyle changes, thus taking charge of your own healing process, and overcoming the sense of powerlessness that is often experienced when dealing with chronic issues.

256pp, 193mm x 254mm, softback, 2012, RRP £14.99 Code: 221107, Cygnus Price: £9.99


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Many people use dowsing and muscletesting techniques to find out what is right or wrong for them. You’ll find that the muscletesting method described in this book is particularly accurate, easy and helpful. Muscular tension, says Dr Albrecht, is your body’s reaction to stress, and means that you are not comfortable with something. At these times, faster than you can even think, the length of your arms changes and one of them will appear longer than the other. This clear and simple book shows you how to use this ‘arm test’ to access instant answers to absolutely anything from your subconscious. Using it will allow you to know what is best for you in any situation – helping you to maintain balance in all areas of your life, from relationships and health to money and career.

368pp, 132mm x 203mm, softback, 2012, RRP £8.99 Code: 221108, Cygnus Price: £5.99


This highly unusual card deck and amulet are designed to help you talk to your subconscious and discover what you need to heal. The amulet and healing cards have actually been charged with the frequencies of many powerful energies including Bach flower remedies, crystals, plants and animals, colours, minerals, sounds of celestial bodies, archangels and homeopathic remedies. Drawn intuitively and placed on your body, the cards can help you balance stress on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual. With them you can compose your own symphony of healing frequencies, and the amulet provided can then be charged with these energies and worn for healing. Full instructions and explanations of the use of each card are included in the accompanying manual. Designed by a doctor and pioneer in energy medicine, this card deck is truly a healing tool of the new era.

108pp booklet + 315 cards + amulet, boxed set 138mm x 48mm x 98mm, 2012, RRP £14.99 Code: 221109, Cygnus Price: £12.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Yes/No:’ & ‘Innerwise®:’ for £17.98


All plants and animals are influenced by the cycles of the natural world, and you can greatly enhance your garden yields if you perform certain tasks like planting and pruning in harmony with these lunar and planetary cycles. This is a gardening manual for all seasons: more than just a lunar calendar, it is an everyday workbook of down-to-earth, natural advice and organic know-how that shows you how to get superior results. With in-depth explanation of the effects and their causes, Nick Kollerstrom presents his long-established, tried and tested guide covering October 2012 to December 2013. Tap into the energy cycles of the moon the organic way – and grow better plants!

144pp, 152mm x 234mm, illus in b/w, softback, 2012, RRP £8.99 Code: 221110, Cygnus Price: £6.50

save 33%

Jehanne Mehta


n the plant world trees alone do something remarkable: they lift dense matter up from the earth into the light. In their trunks they bring the solidity of rock and the power of the subterranean energy of the earth upwards towards the sky. Discovering the Heart of Yew Yew trees in particular show this process in the most awe inspiring way, especially those that are really ancient, for example the Compton Dundon Yew in Somerset. Yew trees can live for hundreds, even thousands of years. At times they grow very slowly, seeming to stop growing for many years, so that it is difficult to date them accurately. Standing or sitting beneath such trees puts us in touch with the ancient wisdom of the Earth, known instinctively by the shamans of old, and with the depths and hidden aspects of life and of ourselves. If we quieten ourselves to listen they are profound teachers. If we are on a path of initiation into the secrets of landscape, earthlore and healing, the yew tree can become a powerful heirophant. This was the case for shaman Michael Dunning who received his strong and difficult shamanic training from and beneath a female yew tree in Scotland. Living as they do to such a great age, yew trees have witnessed great spans of history and to this day retain the atmosphere and indeed presence of invisible energies and beings which our ancestors could still experience. These trees still work as portals into forms of awareness which we have forgotten but need to develop once again in order to help the struggling Earth. My own modest experience on this level has led me to find that a real dialogue and interaction is possible between the consciousness of the yew tree and oneself, and the sense has grown that the beings of the yew tree can also take a real interest in you. This was vividly demonstrated for me when a healer, whom I go to from time to time, suddenly asked me to think of a tree. I thought of the local yew which has become a special friend. He then said that the yew tree needed him to ask permission of it, before he could proceed with his treatment. I felt enormously privileged to discover that I have a yew tree as a guardian. The archetypal Tree of Life? The yew is known by many as the physical version of the Tree of Life. It has enormous vitality. New trees can grow from the red fruits, called arils, on the female of

The Most Magical Tree On Earth the species, fertilised by the prolific pollen dispersed by the wind in the spring from the pollen sacs on the male trees, but when allowed to follow their natural inclination yew trees will send down a whole canopy of branches to the ground which root there and in time form whole groves, the sacred groves of the druids, as is now understood. The remnants of such groves, once common throughout Britain, can still be seen, such as at Newlands Corner in Surrey. When an ancient yew tree becomes hollow, almost magically it sends down aerial roots into the hollow, which, over time, as the outer shell rots away, become the trunks of new trees, but genetically they are part of the same original tree. This process can be seen in the beginning stages in the Ankerwyke Yew near Windsor and at the stage of new trees at Ashbrittle near Exmoor. The tree of death and resurrection The yew tree also has a relationship with death, not only because it is often to be found in graveyards (although the yew trees in churchyards are mostly older than the church) but because most parts of the tree are poisonous, excepting the soft outer part of the arils, which is actually make into a liqueur in Germany. The yew has been used in the past however for healing and in our day it has been discovered that a substance found in the bark and the leaves can be made into a drug (taxol) to treat cancer, which has the capacity to surround the cancer cells so that they are starved of nutrients. What has drawn me to this tree

You are invited to a book launch

On Saturday 24th November at 8pm in the Open House Hall, Gloucester Street, Stroud, Jehanne Mehta, Andy McGeeney and Fred Hageneder will be launching Heart of Yew. Fred will give a short introductory talk on the importance of yew trees, and perform some of the harp music he has composed for the CD. Jehanne will read some of her poems aloud and many of Andy’s photographs of yew trees will be on display. Jehanne, Fred and Andy will also be available to sign copies of the book. Simple refreshments will be served. Admittance free of charge.

particularly and aroused my wonder again and again is its individuality. Its overarching canopy is generally recognisable from a distance, but once you venture in beneath the branches no two yew trees are the same, a multiplicity of extraordinary shapes and gestures reveals itself. Whoever is seeking to become truly themselves and to express their unique talents and gifts in their lives will find real encouragement in the remarkable individuality of the yew tree. Emerging now out of a period when it was largely forgotten and hardly noticed, this is a tree which has much to teach us in these times of crisis and change. From Heart of Yew, © Jehanne Mehta 2012, published by Cygnus Books.


HEART OF YEW Book & CD Jehanne Mehta

Delight your senses and nourish your soul with this gorgeous book of poetry inspired by the spirit of the Yew. Anyone who stands quietly beneath a Yew Tree and allows their mind to absorb the atmosphere it emanates will immediately sense a deep mystery, and a vast store of ancient wisdom. Jehanne Mehta has spent years discovering and absorbing the essence of the Yew Tree, and in Heart of Yew her ponderings come to full flower. Her profoundly moving and evocative poems connect you with the Yew Tree as a powerful teacher and witness to our history (as Yew Trees are capable of living for thousands of years), providing immensely valuable metaphors for the struggles we encounter as we learn to know and express our individual uniqueness more deeply, which is so essential if we are to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Andy McGeeny’s photographs, which

accompany the poems, will provide your senses with another doorway into the mystery of this majestic tree, which is known to many as the physical version of the Tree of Life. On the accompanying CD, Jehanne – whose speaking voice is superbly resonant and beautiful – reads her poems aloud and Fred Hageneder – moved by the words of the poems and his great love of the Yew – plays the most magical music on his yew-wood harp. Anyone who loves trees will find in this book and CD a very great treasure.

48pp, 165mm x 165mm softback book + CD, 9 tracks, total running time 30 mins, 2012, RRP £12.99

Code: 221111, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £9.99 2+ copies £9.49 each

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Pierre Pradervand


ne of the more amazing and beautiful aspects of internet is that it is becoming the most powerful tool ever to spread ideas instantaneously worldwide, including a growing sense of one world consciousness and our oneness with all life. Little by little, it is assisting us go beyond the old, tired dualistic vision of the world and to spread ever more widely and rapidly the non dualist consciousness that we are all linked ‘for better or for worse’ to borrow an expression from the traditional Anglican marriage liturgy. All for one and one for all More and more we are witnessing how ever growing numbers of people are developing an awareness that we are linked in a manner that goes far beyond anything we ever dreamed of. The prophet Isaiah foresaw this with uncanny sharpness 2500 years ago. Describing the ‘good deeds’ of the spiritually enlightened individual in what is nothing else than a remarkable programme of social justice he then says of that person: ‘Then your light shall break forth as the dawn and your healing will quickly appear.’ (Isaiah 58:8, New International version). In other words, our healing depends on the healing of the world. In this exciting new vision, every progress I make for myself, I make for the whole world. Every polio or cancer patient who overcomes his or her disease through active participation in the healing process helps all others afflicted with the same disease on the whole planet. Every time you replace hatred with love, overcome your nagging desire for the umteenth ‘last’ drink, replace your usual biting retort to your companion with silence or – why not – kindness, you are helping all those on the planet struggling with the same challenge, be it in an infinitesimal manner. As the old spiritual goes, ‘an inch, an inch, an inching along’ – which drop of water constituting an ocean is unimportant? The longest mile is made up of many inches, and each one brings us closer home, brings us closer, as a race and as individuals, to the realization that, whatever the present aggressive material appearances to the contrary, there is only one infinite Mind running the show. We are all motivated by the same infinite Love that gave birth to us all; we are joined by the same universal consciousness. As Mary Baker Eddy wrote in her great classic on spiritual healing, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, : ‘The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness.’ We can all be agents of positive change My death row inmate friend and teacher Roger McGowen has been 25 years on death row Texas for a crime we know he never committed. Every progress he makes towards forgiving his jailors helps all the other innocents on death row USA and elsewhere


You are Me and I am You worldwide to step closer towards forgiveness. Every Anita Moorjani who writes about their NDE (near death experience) with a powerful vision of divine love and everlasting life helps people all round the world overcome their fear of punishment and death. Every single one of us can become an agent of positive change by focusing thought in a certain manner. I will illustrate this by two examples. The first one is striving for win-win solutions in every single area of one’s life. The old, fatigued win-lose model which has dominated so much of human existence in so many areas, especially the economy, will have to disappear for us to survive as a race. The world is far too interconnected to be able to survive on the basis of the paleolithic, Darwinian model of relations. In every single area of our lives, each of us can start striving for win-win relations, from the use of our time to spending money, adjusting our schedules so that they work out for every member of the family or colleagues at work to our respect for the environment. In societies that are so dominated by money, tithing for instance can be a most exciting and even fun method of managing money in a win-win manner. An easy way to uplift world consciousness One of the simplest and easiest manners of uplifting world consciousness is the practice of blessing. There is hardly a moment in life during which it is not possible to bless. In the street, on the bus or underground, at work, at home with your companion or family, your silent blessings will uplift and heal. The minute I see someone who is suffering, I start blessing them – which uplifts the person concerned but also prevents me passively accepting their condition as something I can’t do anything about. Some time ago, I undertook a trip on the train. I left my bag on the seat and went to the toilet just a few feet away. When I returned less than two minutes later, no bag! I immediately started blessing the person involved until I got back my peace of mind and a good feeling for the individual who had stolen the bag. Two days later, a person who had a small shop close to the station phoned me to say he had found the bag on a dump close by and he even drove all the way to my home far out of Geneva to bring it back to me. Blessing works – but the most important thing for me was not retrieving a bag (although it contained some important papers) but keeping a loving vision of my neighbour. We live in a very disconnected world where large numbers of our contemporaries feel completely powerless when contemplating the challenges facing the human race. The practice described above offers extraordinary encouragement to every single individual who wishes to undertake something meaningful to help create a saner world. Every single progress we make, we make for the whole world – because you are me and I am you. © 2012 by Pierre Pradervand.



Mystics tell us that behind the veil of material appearances exists an infinite, unconditionally loving principle of benevolence, abundance and peace. Would you like to develop your own awareness of that? The Gentle Art of Blessing is your answer. 224pp, 138mm x 213mm, softback, 2010, RRP £11.99

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Roger McGowen’s living example of how we can transform even the most dire of circumstances into an opportunity for transformation and flowering of the soul will inspire you and fill you with immense courage.

288pp, 154mm x 224mm, softback, 2010, RRP £11.99

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DYING TO BE ME Anita Moorjani

After fighting cancer for four years, Anita Moorjani’s body began shutting down. As her organs failed, she went into an extraordinary near-death experience, where she realised her inherent worth... and the actual cause of her disease. And she completely recovered!

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Caroline Stoessinger


t 108 years old, Alice Herz-Sommer is the world’s oldest Holocaust survivor, as well as the world’s oldest concert pianist. An Alice Hertz-Sommer eyewitness to the entire last century and the first decade of this one, she has seen it all – the best and the worst of mankind. She has lived her life against a backdrop of good amid the chaos of evil, yet she continues to throw her head back in laughter with the same optimism she had as a child. Despite her years of imprisonment in the Theresienstadt concentration camp and the murders of her mother, husband, and friends at the hands of the Nazis, Alice is victorious in her ability to move on and to live each day in the present. She has wasted no time on bitterness toward her oppressors and the executioners of her family. Aware that hatred eats the soul of the hater rather than the hated, Alice reasons, ‘I am still grateful for life. Life is a present.’ She has had lifelong determination—in the face of some of the worst ills and heartaches—to bring good to the world. In Alice’s story we can find lessons for our own twenty-first-century lives. This is Alice’s gift to us. When the Soviet Army liberated Theresienstadt, on May 8, 1945, Alice and her son Rafi returned to their apartment only to discover strangers living in it. Having few resources and finding almost no one from her past, Alice made the decision in 1949 to immigrate to Israel, where she would reunite with her sisters and their families as well as with friends, including Max Brod. Her son Rafi grew up to be a successful cellist, and at eighty-three years old, Alice traded countries once again, immigrating to London to be near her son. Her greatest heartbreak came a few years later, with his sudden death at the age of sixty-five. I first met Alice in her home in London when I began working on a documentary film about her life. For years I had been absorbed in music of the Holocaust and particularly music in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, where my husband had lost his grandparents. How could anyone play concerts or write music under such conditions? ’How we respond, that is important’ In response to the 9/11 tragedy, Alice

A Century of Wisdom said to me, ‘Of course it was terrible, but why are you so shocked? Good and evil have been around since prehistoric times. It is how we handle it, how we respond, that is important.’ Alice laughed—disconcerting as it was to me in that moment, I would soon discover that particular laugh was her way of emphasizing the importance of her words. Gently scolding me she continued, ‘Isn’t this wonderful? You took a plane and came to London in only a few hours. We can sit together and talk. We are alive. We have music. You are rich like me because you are a pianist. No one can ever destroy this fortune.’ Then she reminded me of something Leonard Bernstein said after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. ‘This is our answer to violence: we will make music more beautifully, urgently, and more passionately than ever before.’ Still vibrantly alive Even though she has not performed publicly for the past quarter of a century, Alice remains true to her commitment, practicing Bach and Beethoven, Chopin and Schubert – all from memory – at least three hours daily. She frequently plays chamber music in her home in the evenings with professionals who stop by to visit her. Alice lives alone, but she is not lonely. She has everything and nothing – everything spiritual, but nothing material. The bank account of her mind is priceless. Her material possessions include only very old clothes, an antique television and well-used video player, a few photographs, and her indispensable upright piano. While her face is lined and marred with age spots from years in the Jerusalem sun, Alice’s smile is her most noticeable physical characteristic. Generated from somewhere inside her, it radiates and explodes into warm and welcoming mirth. Alice’s laughter is at once inquisitive and nonjudgmental. It reflects a world of memories colored with the love that comes from her years of understanding. She exercises daily by taking long walks, moving slowly and cautiously in sneakers to avoid falls; she shuns both a walker and a hearing aid. Until recently Alice was studying history and philosophy at the University of the Third Age. She admits that all this ‘seems like a miracle.’ A profound optimism To know Alice is to see the world anew through the eyes of a woman who has

lived for more than a century. Persistently independent today, Alice is supremely optimistic at an age far exceeding the norm. Her curiosity and emotional energy inspire all who have the good fortune to meet her. A student of philosophy, she has practiced what the philosophers taught. Particularly important to her is the ancient Greek stoic Epictetus, who wrote, ‘He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.’ I have learned a great deal from Alice, who sees our human frailties and triumphs with equanimity and unique clarity from her vantage point of advanced age. The optimism and profound humanistic values she learned as a child, which govern the rhythm of her being, have never forsaken her in more than a century. Her story could be our textbook for living a far richer life. Surely it is the key to staying young. From A Century of Wisdom, © 2012 by Caroline Stoessinger, published by Hodder and Stoughton. BOOK FOR GIVING: MULTI-BUY OFFER

A CENTURY OF WISDOM Caroline Stoessinger

A Century of Wisdom is a deeply moving account of the epic journey of one woman who has crossed decades and national borders to defy death, suffering and loss, and to inspire us all with her irrepressible ability to forgive, and to find joy and wisdom in the smallest things. At 108 years old, Alice Herz-Sommer is the world’s oldest holocaust survivor and concert pianist. Her life illustrates a deep ethical and spiritual strength. Through her redemptive example we rise to find the best in ourselves. With her great love of music and learning she has brought comfort and inspiration to countless people, even in the Theresienstadt concentration camp where she was imprisoned for a number of years. Even today, as old as she is, Alice says, ‘I never give up hope’, and continues to practise her music daily with a deep sense of reverence and love for the God who gave it to us. You will certainly be filled with those same emotions as you read this book, and realise that nothing, nothing at all, can separate us from Love.

256pp, 198mm x 144mm, softback, 2012, RRP £8.99 Code: 221112, Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.50 2+ copies £6.00 each

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Barbara Marx Hubbard


his important practice is comprised of three simple steps: Heart-focus The first step is heart-focus. Shift your attention to the area of your heart, putting your hand over your heart if that helps. Notice if the rhythm of your breathing changes with this shift of attention. You may sense a perceptual shift, as though you’re perceiving through your heart instead of only through your brain. Heart-breathing The next step while maintaining heart-focus is heart-breathing. Imagine your breath flowing in and out through your heart, letting your breath rather than your mind direct the flow. Allow your breathing to be a little longer and a little deeper than normal but still casual and comfortable. Use your breathing to help you let go of any resistance you’re having. As you focus your attention on the heart in this way, your breath and your attention start to resonate in the heart. This can feel relaxing, as if you are moving into a more neutral state. You may feel save 40% your concerns begin to melt away. Just keep imagining your breath flowing in and out through the heart. (Again, while this practice can be relaxing, heart coherence is an active state; it should be distinguished from relaxation, which requires only a lowered heart rate and not necessarily a coherent rhythm.) Heart-feeling Next, maintain heart-focus and heartbreathing as we engage the third and most important step, which is heart-feeling. This is not simple cheerfulness; it’s more like an inner smile that evokes feelings of appreciation or love – such as those you may have for a special person, a pet, something in nature, or even for God or humanity. Try not to stay with the thought that evokes the feeling; let ideas or images drop away. Experience the feeling. If you have trouble experiencing such a feeling, simply hold an attitude instead of an idea – of appreciation, care, gratitude, or compassion, or any other sincere positive attitude. Once you’ve shifted to a positive feeling or attitude, sustain it by continuing heart-focus, heart-breathing, and heart-feeling. It’s the sustained sincere feeling or attitude that anchors the physiological changes and creates the dramatic shift into heart coherence. Heart lock-in Continue on after the Coherence practice by allowing the sustained feeling to expand through your body, and sending that feeling of love, care, or appreciation to people in your life. Imagine including people you don’t know but who are participating in Birth 2012 with you. Imagine coherent waveforms radiating out into the world; then imagine experiencing the heart coherence transmitted by others. By intentionally radiating coherent heart energy through the heart’s electromagnetic field we may even imagine charging the noosphere, magnifying its coherence.


Heart Coherence and the Planetary Shift The Global Birthing Care Room Coherence and Heart Lock-In can now be practised in a special group setting online. The Global Birthing Care Room, a project of the Institute for HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative, provides a digital representation of practitioners, portraying them as points of light across the globe. You may join with others around the globe in synchronous heart coherence sessions in the Global Care Room three times each day – or visit any time. Please see: www.globalcarerooms. org As we enter this online space in increasing numbers and as our most heart-coherent selves, we can visualize that we are imprinting the noosphere with an increasingly coherent pattern. As microcosms of the Shift ourselves, we can recognize that in every moment we are contributing energetic patterns that either add to or diminish the field of global resonance. In the Hub of the Wheel, as digitally mirrored in the space of the Care Room, we commit to moving beyond feeling the presence of the Field to actually in-forming it with our own coherence. With a critical mass of ‘small islands of coherence,’ we may even facilitate a shift to the next phase of evolution.

Of course, nobody fully knows all the energetic factors that will facilitate the Planetary Shift. But it has been suggested by HeartMath that if approximately three hundred and fifty thousand of us are in a state of heart coherence together, this could provide the baseline of coherence required to significantly advance the birthing process. Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath says: ‘This increased vibration in the field environment will encourage more people than ever to pursue becoming ‘who they truly are’ (their real self) and to take the necessary steps to actualize it. We are individually responsible for sorting out ‘what’s our old self’ and ‘what’s the new,’ then using our heart’s intuitive guidance to help make the needed upgrade and align with our authentic nature. As we individually change, so does the planetary well-being.’ Thus creating heart coherence is an effective contribution that we can all act on now. From Birth 2012 and Beyond © 2012 by Barbara Marx Hubbard, published by Shift Books.

BIRTH 2012 & BEYOND Barbara Marx Hubbard


Can we wake up in time? Exploring human evolution from both scientific and mystical points of view, Peter Russell shows beyond any doubt that we are standing on the threshold of a major leap in our evolution. This leap, he says, could be as significant as the emergence of life itself, and at its core is a spiritual renaissance. We are being called to put into practice the perennial wisdom of the ages, and only through such a major shift in consciousness will we be able to manage successfully the awesome global crises now facing us. We are, says Russell, hurtling ever closer to an unprecedented moment of culmination – the ‘Omega’ of history – when humanity will face its evolutionary moment of truth. And, like every species when faced with deep challenge, we must evolve to survive. We must metamorphose into a species truly worthy of the name ‘wise’, a species no longer fettered by selfcentredness, or by outdated attitudes and beliefs. How? This book will provide you with much valuable food for thought as you seek your own answers to this question, and will inspire you with the courage and perseverance you need to make your own personal evolution a reality.

226pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99

Code: 190302, Cygnus Price: £5.99

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If ever there was a book that has the potential to be epochmaking, it is this one. Barbara Marx Hubbard shares her conviction that, if we join together, we can ‘gentle the birth’ of a Universal Humanity and guide our Earth community into its next evolutionary stage. Explaining how the planet’s myriad crises are actually the birth pangs of a new Earth, Barbara makes a prophetic call for a planetary shift to a new level of consciousness and a new global culture. For decades she has heralded the coming planetary renaissance and transformation of human consciousness. Now, she explores in depth her vision of what that transformation will bring. She also introduces a global movement to co-create a massive transition around a symbolic ‘Planetary Birthday’ event on December 22, 2012. In addition to Barbara’s own powerful and inspiring writings, this volume features 12 evolutionary pioneers’ commentary on the key themes of collective birth and conscious evolution, aiming to foster the emergence of a sustainable planetary civilization. Featured contributors include Ervin Laszlo, Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Jean Houston, and Neale Donald Walsch.

240pp, 127mm x 201mm, softback, 2012, RRP £13.50 Code: 220804, Cygnus Price: £6.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Birth 2012 & Beyond’ & ‘Waking Up In Time’ for £11.98

Next issue – December – UK mailings will arrive from 28th November

Susan Raven

© Axelkr Axel Kristinsson, Flicker 2012


n the following recollection, I give an example of a powerful message from the angelic realm, conveyed through the nature spirit of a great oak tree. Recently, I attended a gathering of likeminded souls at the beautiful location of Hawkwood College in Gloucestershire. I had come to learn the techniques of seership, presented by the anthroposophist Dorian Schmidt. Over the last twelve years, Dorian has developed his own unique methodology of research into the life forces working behind physical matter, and he has inspired many people to make their own explorations into the world of formative forces. Sensing the tree On the second day of the seminar, we gathered in a field. In the middle of this field was a large, four-hundred-year-old oak tree. Our task was to walk from the edge of the field towards the tree and to sense where the aura of the tree began. After sensing the aura, we were asked to slowly walk towards the tree and to gather as much supersensible information as we could from the nature spirit of the tree. As the group walked towards the tree, we all seemed to sense the aura at the same distance from the tree. After I had felt the aura, I was unable to face the tree for a while. Why? Because I sensed that whatever the tree was about to convey to me was so powerful I would need some sort of preparation before receiving its message. I kept my eyes upon the ground, cleared my head of all untidy `thought-junk’ and began to breath deeply. After about a minute I raised my eyes to the tree... and received one of the most powerful downloads from the elemental kingdom I have yet experienced. The gift was instantaneous, its wisdom universal, its application essential – the message entered the very core of my being and resounded with the words: ‘HUMAN, REVERENCE THYSELF!’ The great wisdom in these three words exhorts us to find and recognize our

A Gift from the Elemental Kingdom worthiness and holiness, and it points to the root of most of humanity’s problems. When we truly grasp the mystery of who we are – divine-spiritual beings having an earthly experience in a biological life form – there is no choice but to reverence all life, and the fastest route to that essential knowingness is to first ‘reverence thyself ’. The seemingly ceaseless war created by our inner voices and the relentless loop of selfjudgement and recrimination that so many of us find ourselves locked into simply cannot withstand the holy light and resonance of a declaration like ‘Human, reverence thyself!’ Declare these words to yourself and see what happens to your inner life. A declaration from the archangelic realm I believe this declaration came from the archangelic realm. The great beings of this realm use the more robust nature spirits of the earthly realm to be their emissaries. One only has to look into an ancient text like the Old Testament to see how angelic encounters were received with the utsave most dread – a far cry from the rather 30% sentimental expression of the angels favoured by the retail markets of today. These great beings are increasingly exhorting us to wake up at this perilous time in our history, and they are using the nature spirits to convey their essential and timely wisdom into the human kingdom. This message of reverence continues to bring me waves of wisdom and realization in its wake, and I believe it will continue to do so for many years to come. I am profoundly grateful and deeply appreciative of this auspicious gift. Gnomes After I had received this gracious message, I walked towards the tree and found myself crossing a threshold into the shimmering, mobile, etheric world of the oak. I could clearly see how the earth spirits, or gnomes, were holding the trunk of this mighty tree in place. They were tucked in tightly together like little brown birds within the bark, and they were constantly receiving and upholding the song of creation filtering through the overarching Spirit of Oak. The poignancy of their love and sacrifice was shattering. The bitter must be experienced as well as the sweet. And after a heightened

experience such as this there is nearly always a period of solemnity. A sensation of the stress endured by the elemental kingdom, due to humanity’s relentless vandalism of the environment, resonated through me at an almost intolerable volume for a while. However, this poignant revelation only served to underline more deeply the profound wisdom of the directive to ‘Reverence thyself ’. A precious gift we can give to the Earth By reverencing the self, the holy path from ignorance to wisdom, and thoughtlessness to mindfulness, shines ever more brightly before the mind’s eye. Unconditionally reverencing the self may seem an impossible task at times, and yet it is a precious gift we can give to the Earth. When we learn to reverence the self, everything begins to flow in our external world. It is the responsibility of every human being to come home to their divine essence and greatness and, in turn, emanate that greatness into the community around them. From Nature Spirits: the Remembrance, © 2012 by Susan Raven, published by Clairview Books. BOOK FOR GIVING: MULTI-BUY OFFER


By working together with the elementals – which reside in earth, water, air and fire – we can become responsible co-creators at this critical time in our evolution. In this lucid guide, Susan Raven introduces us to the world of nature spirits and elemental beings, and explains why these entities wish to reconnect with us. She explains that the future of humanity, and that of the Earth, may be dependent upon such a positive and reciprocal relationship. Making use of her personal experiences, Susan describes the activities of these beings in the landscape, in plants and in human beings. She presents meditations and exercises to prepare us for a meeting with the nature spirits, and emphasises the importance of working with the elemental kingdom in our immediate environment.

176pp, 154mm x 230mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99

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ON THE WINGS OF PRAYER Vianna Stibal & Guy Stibal

ThetaHealing has become famous for its power to help people by reconnecting them with the energy and harmony of All That Is. However, few people know the beautiful love story that led to its creation. Now, for the first time, this tale of devotion and commitment can be read by all. On the Wings of Prayer is the true-life story of a sacred union of souls. The formation of a healing modality has its own considerable challenges, many of which are beyond the spectrum of common experience. On the Wings of Prayer is a journey through the joys and heartaches that Vianna and Guy Stibal encountered, that led them to create modes of healing for their personal growth on many levels of existence. It is a story dedicated to all those romantics out there that still have the courage to believe that love can last the ages.

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MODERN MAGIC Kirsten Riddle

Magic and enchantment are not just for special occasions! This quirky book shows you how to utilize everyday routines and common objects found in your home or workplace to experience enchantment anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Kirsten Riddle shows you how to use the creative tools you have at your fingertips to manifest the life you want: how to tap into the magic of technology; the magic your kitchen cupboard holds; how to choose the right words and stories to re-write your life and make your wishes come true. Offering a modern appeal and a sense of fun, this book also covers magic from around the world, adapting ancient rituals to the 21st century – a relaxed, welcoming guide to bring more joy and happiness into your life, and the lives of those around you.

144pp, 126mm x 196mm, softback, 2012, RRP £7.99 Code: 221116, Cygnus Price: £5.99

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Parallel worlds... time-travel... life-afterdeath. The Effect cuts through the whole caboodle with a razor-sharp edge, ripping up distinctions between science and the spiritual with page-turning clarity. If you thought mysticism was only for the devout or gullible, or found physics unfathomable, buckle up your seat belt and hold tight. Linda Hoy’s journey careers through quantum mechanics, high-energy physics and ancient wisdom with turbo-charged vigour. Can we predict the future? What happens when we die? Does life have a purpose? Does God exist? The Effect uses twenty-first-century science to validate what mystics and spiritual leaders have been telling us for centuries. It introduces us to groundmuts and dimension-hopping goldfish. It examines the increasingly-common phenomenon of near death experience. It turns what we think of as reality on its head. It makes us cry and laugh out loud. Prepare to be amazed.

280pp, 140mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £9.99 Code: 221119, Cygnus Price: £6.99

Claire Nahmad


he idea for In the Arms of Angels suggested itself when Olwen Ballantyne made contact with me and sent me a photo selection of her angel paintings. Browsing through them, it struck me that these paintings decidedly carried angelic frequencies. I was amazed to find that, invariably, looking at the painted angels would lift an oppressive mood or a heavy atmosphere within minutes (curiously, about the same amount of time that an analgesic takes to work...although the word does contain ‘angels’!). A true and pure source Each painting came with a message given to Olwen by the angels as she worked on it. The messages effervesced with angelic joy and encouragement and were simultaneously personal and universal. They were all about living life in communion with angelic consciousness so that we might penetrate the frontiers of a much greater, deeper, happier, more loving and compassionate reality, revealed by this beautiful angelic consciousness. In a climate where depictions of angels are beginning to be obscured by increasingly sentimental and commercial considerations, these paintings and their joyful messages felt like an oxygenating wind blowing from a true and pure source. The remarkable story of how the angels made contact with Olwen and requested that she should give them material form through her artwork and convey their essence through her words is a simple and beautiful one. Direct inspiration from the angels During the evening of 3 September 2004, whilst Olwen was working on a painting which originally was not intended to depict an angel, a miracle occurred. A few touches on her canvas began to reveal an angel that identified itself as ‘Spirit in the Sky’. Suddenly, the room was alive with angelic presence. The first message and the first angelic image were given to her from the heart of this vibrancy, and since then, Olwen has painted over seven hundred angels. Each painting has always been accompanied by an outflow of words, a shining linguistic vessel containing the harmonic frequencies of angelic consciousness, given to us as a gift through Olwen from her angel friends so that we might lift our own perception into attunement with the angels and transform our lives and our world. The images and the words work together to open channels within us whereby we experience angelic communion and break free of the shackles which imprison us in the mundane sphere of the material world. The angels sing to us the ancient Song Celestial in silent voices, and we receive it as an ineffable pulse which revives us from beyond the stars, from beneath the configurations of our thoughts. It comes to us from the heart of

Olwen and the Angels the Divine, and it is the life-breath, the lifeblood, of our higher selves. Bringing us the messages we need Having experienced angelic attunement since I was a child, I was particularly drawn to the dynamics of the angel messages existing within the design of Olwen’s paintings. Ever recreating themselves anew by merging with the individual perception of the observer, Olwen’s images seem mystically wired to bring us the revelation our soul needs at any given time. This is indeed the true angel language, because angels speak to us in colours and symbols. It may be helpful to remember that angels hear colours and see sounds (which take beautiful symbolic form in their world). The colours Olwen selects are radical and arresting, rich as caskets of jewels. They are sonorous but not loud, abundant but not clamorous. They are fluid statements conveyed to us from beings of the angelic realms, intimating to us something of their vivid and spiritually fecund worlds and inviting us to join them there, even whilst we live our lives in mortal bodies and mortal conditions here on earth. We do not have to be bound, oppressed or limited by our bodies and our environment; we can choose instead to rise to celestial heights, lifted on the wings of our loving angel friends, who, as we enter deeper and deeper into communion with them, we will come to know so well. The Emerald Tablet I was particularly delighted when Olwen gifted me with her painting of the Angel of the Grail, a magnificent being robed in mystical colours and pulsating with what I can only

special christmas price

IN THE ARMS OF ANGELS Clare Nahmad & Olwen Ballantyne

Would you like to have something that helps you to feel uplifted, guided and enfolded by angels? This beautiful book is designed to do just that. Artist Olwen Ballantyne channels paintings and messages directly from the angelic realms, and in this book, the healing energy her paintings emanate is augmented by delightful meditations, blessings, affirmations, poems and exercises devised by renowned angel expert Claire Nahmad. These will help transport you to the celestial realms where you’ll be able to sense and be uplifted by the wings of loving angel friends, as you connect and enter deeper into communion with them, according to your own unique vision and soul purpose. 144pp, 170mm x 170mm, hardback, 2012, RRP £7.99

Code: 221120, Cygnus Price: £5.75

term a swirling unlimited expanse. The mystery of the Emerald Tablet shines from her heart. The Emerald Tablet is a sacred crystal which contains supreme light frequencies. This divine light within the emerald’s heart was proclaimed by ancient spiritual masters to contain the secret of the ascension of our Earth and of human consciousness, which will facilitate it. I believe that transcripts from the Emerald Tablet form a book that lies hidden in the grounds of Lincoln cathedral, concealed for two thousand years and, except for a few fragments, never before released to the world. It is the discovery and understanding of this unsurpassed wonder that, together with the Grail knight, comprise my Grail quest. The blessing of the Grail angel was brought to me in even greater measure by Olwen’s magically endowed painting. The angels that Olwen both depicts and summons via her paintings are immediate and vital in their reality. They encompass the themes which particularly trouble and confuse people today, bringing short, simple, healing answers which glow with angelic essence. I believe that it will soon become very obvious to anyone who works with these images that they have been vividly put in touch with angels. © 2012 by Claire Nahmad.

THE COMING OF THE HOLY GRAIL Claire Nahmad & Michael Revill

save 33%

What is the Holy Grail? Who created it? Who stole it? Who rescued it? Who hid it away for safekeeping? How will humanity recover it? And what will the consequences be? If these questions are close to your heart, you need to read The Coming of the Holy Grail, which shows how the whole of history has been secretly influenced by numerous attempts to keep humanity in the dark about the truth surrounding this most precious of all divine gifts. Why? To obstruct, delay and if at all possible to utterly divert humanity in its God-given quest to establish a full and perfect connection with the divine on Earth. However, the time has irrevocably arrived for the clouds of illusion surrounding the Grail to be dispelled once and for all, bringing to an end the ethos of control, slavery and cruel self-seeking that holds sway today, and heralding a new world order that cherishes all life, enabling every human being to assume the full mantle of her or his soul.

360pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2012, RRP £14.99

Code: 220803, Cygnus Price: £9.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘In The Arms Of Angels’ & ‘The Coming Of The Holy Grail’ for £14.74

The Story of Jeka: A Christmas Present for All Cygnus Readers


his story was told to us many years ago by a wonderful friend who died recently. In our last conversation with him, we asked if we could share The Story of Jeka with you all, as it has given us so much comfort and inspiration over the years, and we are sure it would help you too. Our friend agreed, on the condition that we didn’t tell his name. So... here it is, presented with infinite gratitude to our friend. May it bless you, as it has blessed us. Ann and Geoff

We can sometimes be completely unaware of the effects our actions have on others. Yet sometimes, those effects can be very good indeed! The story of Jeka gives an excellent illustration of this. It is adapted from a very old story from Turkestan. How may I serve? Once there was a wealthy general called Jeka, who, at the end of a successful career, realized that his life was meaningless. So he set out on a quest for the power and ability to serve his fellow human beings in the right way. Leaving behind his high position, he ventured forth into the world as a beggar. After several years had passed, he came to a humble monastery in the midst of the desert, where a teacher lived with his pupils. Taptuk, the Master, was blind. With his hands, he felt the face of the beggar and promised him the Truth. ‘This truth, my son, will become clear to you bit by bit, piece by piece. At the moment I have nothing for you to do save sweep the courtyard. Sweep it seven times a day.’ Gratefully Jeka set about his task and diligently swept the courtyard clean. Seven times a day. And every day he saw the blind Taptuk passing by on his wife’s arm, with his pupils walking behind him, on their way to the house where the Master would give his lessons. And thus a year passed by. Jeka had been accustomed to action and success, and sweeping the courtyard only made him profoundly sorrowful. But one night he woke up with the thought: the Master wants to teach me humility! And the next day he went back to work full of joy. And from then on, he sang as he swept, words and melodies welling up in him as if of their own accord.

they spoken to him! So, one night, after fifteen years of faithful toil, Jeka decided to leave. He felt he had reached a dead end; disillusionment filled him. On his first day out in the desert, his heart was brimming with joy. ‘Now I am free to do what I want!’ But the second day brought hunger and thirst. And by the third day Jeka was so exhausted that he lay down and, resting his head on a stone , he waited quietly for death... But, as he lay there, something colourful caught his eye. And there, in the distance, he saw a large camp of brightly coloured tents, from which the smoke of many fires was circling upwards. A plentiful feast With what little strength he had left, Jeka stumbled onwards until he came to a large, round tent. Inside, all kinds of people were gathered, sitting around a plentiful feast. They gave him a hearty welcome, and told him to eat and drink as much as he wanted. When, at last, Jeka had eaten his fill, he asked where all those delicious dishes had come from. And the people replied: ‘A voice led us here. This is the best place on earth! Every day, the song of an unknown monk is borne to us by the wind, and we listen, and sing with him. And while we are doing so, the choicest dishes appear, like the ones who you enjoyed just now.’ So Jeka asked whether they could teach him the songs, so that he would not need to go hungry on his wanderings through the desert. And the band of comrades sang for him... And instantly, he recognized what he heard. For they were singing the words and melodies Jeka himself had sung when he was sweeping the courtyard; words which had come from his own lips, and music which had welled up in his heart... to drive away the loneliness!

The return Filled with remorse, he thought of the great wisdom of Taptuk, who had instructed him as a beloved son and he had not realized it. Hastily, Jeka took his leave and sought his way back to the monastery. There he arrived in the dead of night. The gate was locked. He called out to be let in, and Taptuk’s wife appeared. Softly she said: ‘Are you here again, Jeka? I do not know whether Taptuk will be willing to have you back a second time. Your departure drove him to despair. What a calamity, he said, that my most beloved son has left me. What is there left for me to live for now? But I will let you in. Go and lie down in the dust of the courtyard and wait until the Master comes tomorrow. He will touch you with his foot as he walks by, and if he says: Who is this man? you will have to leave us forever. But if he says: Is this our good Jeka? you will know that you can live with him again.’ And Jeka lay down in the dust. The next morning he saw Taptuk approaching on his wife’s arm. He closed his eyes and waited. A food touched him softly, and a voice said: ‘Is this our good Jeka?’ Full of joy Jeka leapt to his feet. He rushed to find his broom and swept the courtyard. Seven times a day, until he died. His body crumpled in the dust he had swept for so long. But his songs rose jubilantly upward, nourishing those who seek such nourishment. First published in The Pentagram, de Rozekruis Pers 1996.

Life in the desert Many more years elapsed. At last, Jeka was at his wits’ end. Every day he had to watch as the Master and his pupils passed by, laughing. Not once had they noticed him standing there! And not a word had


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Susanne Austin


was recently with a large group of people at a gathering at Hillhouse Retreat in Gloucestershire, when, in response to your requests for assistance, we started discussing how we could help support Cygnus Review and I vowed, then and there, to write a review on Cygnus Review – one that I would like to share: How would it feel to be a creator of Cygnus Review? Just for a moment, let us put ourselves into the role of being the creators, the inspiration, heart and soul behind Cygnus Review. When publishing our monthly publication how do we begin to convey how much the sourcing of books, writing of articles, co-creating and collaborating with contributors – ‘who are not simply contributors to us but soul family members that we highly regard’ – means to us? How would we begin to put a value on this? How would we share the sense of responsibility that is felt in relation to providing heartwarming, sensitive and, at times, hard hitting and up to date information for our readers? Where would we begin in setting out our stall as to the deep-felt importance of providing an environment in which a selection of talented souls can truly live their vocation rather than simply going to work? These are matters that I have pondered today as I place all the Cygnus Reviews that I have received over the years into a special folder. I pondered this because, since joining in 2007, I have paid for my membership three times – that’s £36.00 for six years worth of magazines full to brimming with the most amazing articles, features, book recommendations, poems, self care and self development related material and advertisements. The joy I got today from simply looking at the front covers alone was priceless – palpable – (capable of being touched, or felt; tangible: – easily perceived; obvious). The care, love, concern, compassion, purpose, joy, inspiration and a myriad of other offerings are conveyed in each and every cover, and as I delved further, I embraced the full essence of what Cygnus Review means to me and so many others. Co-creating a New Era We do not simply move into a New Era, we to actively co-create it. It is said that ‘givers gain’ and never has a truer word been spoken as I am guided to convey a sense that it truly is time for Cygnus Review, and those at her helm, ‘ to gain’. How hard it must have been to write to us all in recent times and ask for our help! As a giver, I know this so very well myself, as I am sure will many other readers. To reach out and whisper the words – ‘we need your help’; we need you to co-create with us if we are to move into the New Era of which we speak. I say whispered, as I felt them offered so very carefully without wishing to upset, offend – give the wrong impression. As a member of the tribe, I would like to take that whisper further and shout from the tree tops about how amazing Ann, Geoff and the team at Cygnus Review are – how much I have valued reading my monthly

Reviewing Cygnus Review copy of Cygnus Review – and express how I believe the content alone to be worth £2.50 per issue, which any one of us pay for a coffee, sandwich or similar daily purchase. We are all aware that behind the scenes there has been a health issue to deal with, which Ann has shared so selflessly, showing the true nature of those responsible for this totally magical and soul ‘full’ concern. They are givers to the core – they ask for an annual membership and then offer us free postage. They give us 10% off vouchers as a thank you for joining and again each time we renew our membership. I even received a £5.00 voucher for a piece I wrote that featured in one of the magazines – testament as to how they valued my contribution, which is how they value us as a family – as their TRIBE. I would ask that the Cygnus team print my review because I can say things that they would not dream of saying – I can ask others to pause for a moment and look at their copies of Cygnus Review, not one at a time, but as I did – ‘in one whole magical pile’ – and engage with the essence of just how much we all receive as a part of this Tribe. That we all ponder for a moment with respect to what we receive and what we give back. There are so many contenders for our custom today, many who do not know our name and undercut to make that sale, not all, but many. We are members of a Tribe that looks after its community – they deserve the same in return. I have vowed today, that just as soon as the funds are available, I will write a cheque for the year’s membership that I missed. There was no intention of taking advantage, taking for granted or the like, I simply didn’t renew because it wasn’t on my radar at the time. There is also the fact that I haven’t always had the spare funds, which will be the case for many others. Yet, even Survival energy and poverty consciousness Survival energy is connected to poverty consciousness. It has come into my awareness this past week that many lightworkers, myself included, have for aeons of time had their energy held in poverty consciousness from past life experiences, vows and blocks of many types placed on us by others. It is at this point ‘in this lifetime’ that the link to this energy is to be severed, ended, transmuted. Those living with fear, lack, and the like, all based on Poverty Consciousness can choose for this to go through a transformation and purification through God’s Alchemy of love and light. I am guided to urge you ‘all’ to truly embody your own worth and the value in the role you have in this world and set an intention to let go of the old energy, perhaps by doing a ritual of some kind to let go of the old energy and welcome in the new. Ann and Geoff have chosen The Butterfly Experience to help you, too, to clear these old energies of limitation and lack, and enter into the new, thriving energy that creates an abundance of all good things, in all good ways – every day in every way.

though I hadn’t renewed, Cygnus Review kept on coming – no judgement – it simply kept on coming, something that moves me at a very deep level! From surviving to thriving We are co-creators of the New Era and by showing our collective support to Cygnus in small ways like paying our membership, ordering books, maybe offering to pay the postage, recommending a friend, or with Christmas around the corner, perhaps gifting a membership – acts that we can be assured would double the membership and fill the coffers. Rather than bringing this review to an end let us unite in holding up an intention to begin anew and unite in sharing the following: Ann, Geoff and the entire Cygnus Team – know how loved, appreciated; respected and thanked you are for all you do on our behalf. It is hoped that this review has imparted this to one and all, and as your Tribe, we applaud you and understand that by helping you we are helping each other to co-create the New Era of which we speak – that it is as a ‘United Force’ that ‘We’ take Cygnus Review from a place of surviving into that New Era as a THRIVING publication whose tribe is bound in love and common-unity. © 2012 by Susanne Austin: Guide, Writer, Speaker and Workshop Host, (who recently advertised with Cygnus under) – True Life Conversations with Susanne Austin: Susanne guides, enlightens, supports, inspires and empowers. You can book a one-to-one support/ guidance session with her on 07770 766538 or BOOK FOR GIVING: MULTI-BUY OFFER save 33%


You are a seeker. You may already have tried many courses, therapies and training. You may have wasted money and come up empty. The techniques in this book are free. You can do them from home. And they will work! All that is required is for you to bring some discipline into your life: practise, practise, practise and you’ll soon experience mind-blowing results. Called The Butterfly Experience because butterflies are symbols of hope, happiness and lightness of being, and also of transformation on a very deep level, this intensely practical book gives you the tools you need to let go – once and for all – of blockages, limitations and false beliefs arising from your caterpillar past – so that you can step lightly into the winged, butterfly garment that is waiting for you in the present moment: your free, whole and confident future Self.

256pp, 126mm x 196mm, softback, 2012, RRP £8.99

Code: 221121, Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.99 2+ copies £5.49 each

Effortless Happiness THE SECRET OF EVERYDAY BLISS Dr Frank J. Kinslow

In The Secret of Everyday Bliss Dr Frank Kinslow introduces the reader to the Quantum Entrainment Intention, a unique and practical tool that anyone can use to improve emotional and physical disharmony, unsettled relationships and financial difficulties, and even influence environmental stresses. QE Intention shows you how a simple shift in your awareness will save 40% organise the creative forces of nature in your favour as easily as iron filings align in the presence of a strong magnet. QE Intention can quickly satisfy even your deepest desires. Once initiated, QE Intention is effortless and extraordinarily effective. It uses the creative energy and harmony of Eufeeling (the hub around which all the creative forces of nature revolve) as a spiritual launching pad to quickly accomplish your goals.

224pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £9.99 Code: 221122, Cygnus Price: £5.99


Read this book and you just might find that a little profanity goes a very long way! Realising that what you’re worrying about and stressing over doesn’t really matter so much in the grand scheme of things is the door to freedom and healing. Ask anyone who’s come close to death, or lost someone close save to them, or discovered they have a serious 36% disease and they’ll say the same thing: that the little things don’t matter. John Parkin and his wife Gaia have taught F**k It Retreats to thousands of people since 2005. F**k It Therapy makes available for the first time the process they teach during their week-long retreats. With their six-part process, you are guided through how to ease up, let go and feel the natural flow in your life. I can hear you breathing a sigh of relief already!

360pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £10.99 Code: 221123, Cygnus Price: £6.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Secret Of Everyday Bliss’ & ‘F**K It Therapy:’ for £11.98


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Feeling ill at ease with contemporary life, James leaves the teeming cities behind and sets out on a pilgrimage across rural Japan, in search of wisdom. During his travels he gets lost in a wild wood and meets a young Japanese farmer who is trying to live a new kind of life. James is inspired by him and lets this man teach him to trust nature and the truths within. Seven years later James decides he must return to Japan to learn the truth: has the farmer succeeded, or are we doomed to live out our lives at war with each other and the environment? Based on a true story, this is a life-changing tale of friendship, love and spirituality.

208pp, 130mm x 197mm, softback, 2012, RRP £7.99 Code: 221124, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £5.49 2+ copies £4.99 each



Noticeboard CYGNUS EVENTS DIARY 2012

Cygnus will have a stand at the following events: Sun, 11 Nov – Deepak Chopra - Spiritual Solutions Sat, 24 Nov – Joe Dispenza - Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Sun 10 Mar – David Hamilton - Is Your Life Mapped Out? For more info on the above, phone 0207 287 6711 or visit

HEALING, COACHING & READINGS CHANNELLED READINGS and MEDIUMSHIP: Phone sessions densely packed with clear, accurate, waffle-free information, pointers to your growth and development, healing messages from family, pets, loved ones. Corinne Jeffrey 01594 829491/ +44 1594 829491 ANGEL GUIDED TELEPHONE READINGS AND HEALINGS, £20. Accurate, Uplifting and Inspirational. Help with issues including relationship and decision making. Get your life on track with Rhona 01738 624917 EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at: ASTROLOGICAL guidance and support. Reports, charts. Highly qualified and caring professional astrologer. Western and Vedic Astrology. Birth chart, prediction, relationship and child. Michael Conneely Email Tel 07799296821. Karmic Astrology Fascinating interpretation of your birth chart. Find direction, understand your spiritual life purpose and soul lessons. Only £35 approx 40 pages. email: tel: 01522 589148 KRYSTA-ANNA. Mature, compassionate, psychic personally giving all readings, 9.45am to 8.45pm. Helping you understand and deal with your situation. 30mins £29, 45mins £39 Tel. 0121 2887503 (local call rate cost) payment by card. ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 Soul Realignment – accessing Akashic Records, clearing restrictions at Soul Level. Soul Profiles House Healing, geopathic stress, earth energies We can tune-in to you & change energies. 01584 892049 COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit email: IVY – GENUINE ROMANY Clairvoyant & Medium. Est.35 yrs. Is your future uncertain? I have the answers you seek! Immediate telephone consultations: 01843 866862 Not an agency! CRYSTAL & SOUND HEALING by correspondence, Crystal/Sonic RejuvenationTM, Sound Therapy, Reiki, DevaLightTM. All courses to Practitioner level with professional accredited College. 01984 633597 visit PSYCHIC, PAST LIFE, SPIRIT GUIDE detailed readings £ 20.00 plus FREE sample readings (SAE/email) distant REIKI healing incl animals by email post mp3 by Sarah 0161-969-2081 Phare Consultations. Exclusive personalised remedy solutions using the Metaphysical Cognitive Remedy®. All levels are treated and corrected in the order and intensity that is individually appropriate. 0118 9721014 sarah@ Handwritten Shamanic guided psychic readings specializing in healing, relationship and personal growth. Send details and photo (returned) £20 to Ty Gwyn, 11 Lower Chirk Bank, Chirk Bank, Wrexham, LL14 5DD JESSICA – CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, Experienced – Readings for relationships, career, direction etc. also natural medium – communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £25 per reading. Tel: 0117 3737 405 or 07800 929257

Did you know that lineage adverts are discounted if you book them via the website?

EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS DAYS OF LIGHT Complete days of guided inner journeys and New Light skills with Christopher Sell and Carrie Harris. Available throughout UK and online. Visit or Tel 07748083549 KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep) Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit STILL WATERS HOLISTIC TRAINING Accredited Diploma Courses: Past Life Regression and Meditation Teacher Training plus Workshops Details: or phone 01442 843040 Akashic Record Readings £60 clears blockages from past lives, gives direction, grace point healing, face to face, phone, email and skype readings. Contact: 01277 203180 mob: 07885 945008 LEMURIAN CRYSTAL ATTUNEMENTS & EGYPTIAN HEALING Course weekends in Buckinghamshire. Certificated including comprehensive manual. Change your life with these two amazing courses. Tel: 01908 240400, e-mail or DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension, Unicorns and Transform Your Life, in Warwickshire with Principal Teacher Jillian Stott 01926 851898 07989 676 648 Calling all Earth-Angels, Goddesses and Light-Knights! Help us turn up the volume on World Peace. Go to . Absolutely totally free, no donations and nothing to buy. A HEALING WEEKEND – with healer Chrissy Holmes who facilitates and encourages growth November 30 – December 2 Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals. £180. Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 0845 345 7281 MANDALA MEDITATION – day retreat with Lina Newstead British Wheel of Yoga Teacher December 5 Retreat, Refreshments and vegetarian lunch £25. Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 0845 345 7281

EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS continued WINTER SOLSTICE – engage in healing power of metaphor& imagination with Deborah Kelly, Arts Psychotherapist, Shiatsu practitioner December 14 – 16 Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals. £180 Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 0845 345 7281 ANAM CARA RETREAT CENTRE, Scottish Highlands, Inverness. Residential workshops and retreats in Shamanism, Buddhism, Meditation, Yoga Training, Working Retreats, Self Development and Healing Arts. To request a brochure, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit: Kent Goddess Temple – Daughters of the Sacred Spiral, invite women to join based at YogaNature, Nr Canterbury. Offering Temple trainings, Red Tent & workshops details at 01303 844373 ANGELS – meditate and learn of their healing with Anna Moore Reiki Master for 21 years December 7 – 9 Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals. £180 Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 0845 345 7281 ANGELIC REIKI and ANGEL HEALING Diploma Courses and weekly events at The Academy of Angelic Healing, Harrow, London. Angelic Retreats in Menorca. Please request newsletter. 020 8422 9308 ‘You too can Heal’ workshop Nov.17th 10am-5pm with Mary Gourlay Crystal Healing workshop Nov 18th 10am-4pm with Elizabeth Halbert Thurst House Farm Retreat 01422 822820 Crystal Therapy Courses: Introductory, Intermediate, Certificate, Diploma, Postgraduate. Learn with Lauren D’Silva of Touchstones School of Crystal Therapy. Introductory Day 7/11/12. Intensive Certificate starts 19/11/12 Mid-Wales. 01597 822749 Love Being Me – A New You for a New Year. Focus on your strengths, your passions, meet eachother and energise to create the life you dream of living. 07971991501


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SPIRIT OF THE INCA. Train to be a shamanic practitioner. Learn ancient wisdom teachings from the Inca tradition, and powerful healing techniques to shift the matrix of the energy field. Training to become a healer, a coach, an inspiration to others and a catalyst for change in the world. email: 07765 258 614”

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Noticeboard RETREATS, B&B & HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION Reconnect to your soul’s purpose in rural Carmarthenshire. Retreat to our beautiful log cabin with Reconnective Healing and the Reconnection. This energy knows exactly what you need. or tel:01834 811639 COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet, close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £27pppn. Single £42. Tel. Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit HEALING RETREAT In the beautiful Pennines of West Yorkshire with holistic treatments to bring harmony & relaxation for mind body and spirit. For programme dates go 01422 822820 Winter breaks with discounts for Cygnus members. Lovely guesthouse 100 yards from Weston-super-Mare seafront. Ensuite rooms, comfortable lounge, vegetarian/special diets. Beautiful walks. Contact Bella Vista Hotel 01934 631931 GLASTONBURY, SHAMBHALA RETREAT on the Tor. A beautiful clear energetic space with loving, joyful people waiting to welcome you. 01458 834811 – 831026 website: MAGICAL PEMBROKESHIRE Two idyllic s/c cottages, sleeps 2&5. Four poster. C.H. wood burners. Fully equipped. Spiritual, Reiki, Seichem Healings available during your stay in these tranquil surroundings. Tel Pam 01994 419439 visit email VegiVentures Holidays, tours and short breaks in Britain, Turkey, Peru, Ecuador, India and the Caribbean. Great vegetarian/vegan food, small friendly groups, environment oriented.. Tel: +44 (0)1760 755888, email visit SCARBOROUGH, Fountains Court – for spiritual growth, health breaks, rest & recuperation. Suitable for solos, couples, friends or groups. Venue hire. No children or nightclubbers. All diets catered for. Tel 01723381118 Beautiful Holiday villa in Spain with own sacred stone circle, labyrinth. Different kind of creativities offered on demand: Flower of Life, jewelry, blessing beads, painting

PROPERTY FOR SALE – TO LET – WANTED LONDON ACCOMMODATION WANTED Quiet comfortable room wanted in London or surrounding area by professional and respectful male. Contact Neil on 07754 016779 Or email : MID WALES, 2 bed sunny apartment in beautiful country house £142,000. Small, practical co-op sharing 15 acres of land. New pellet boiler. 1 mile from Llanidloes Julie (01686 414957 FRANCE, Normandy (50). Fully converted Normandy School House – Near Mortain. Historic building, carefully restored into a high standard family home. Ideal for a stylish B&B and/or Reiki/Healing sanctuary. Price: 235,000 Euros More info at: or Email: Tel: 0033 (0)2 33 50 18 92 HUNGARY – New owner/s sought for ongoing tlc of character, modernised detached home, with brick built barn for renovation/conversion. Approx 3/4 acre garden. Fabulous lifestyle, friendly neighbours. Minutes from Lake Balaton, 1 hour Budapest. £87,000. email: tel: 01273 78 2049


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THE FISHER KING CENTRE Cleansing for change – Detox retreats Britain’s longest established detoxification clinic and award winner for services to the health industry, offers continuous six day residential programmes for cleansing the colon, liver and lymphatic system. Incorporating: colon hydrotherapy, deep tissue massage, shiatsu, reflexology, quality probiotics, fresh organic juices, re-hydration with purified energised water, trampoline, inversion table, saunas, yoga, lymph drainage, consultations.

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Launch of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser


Many readers will know of the benefits of Chi Exercise Machines – originating in Japan in 1990. The Surge of Chi was introduced 10 years ago with many new features, including a broad speed range, wider travel and more comfortable ride. Its gentle speeds and greater mobilization of the back have alerted Osteopaths & other professionals to its backcare benefits. They see the parallels with the Continuous Passive Motion [CPM] equipment used in spinal treatments. CPM utilises oscillatory motion to reduce inflammation and ease back pain by encouraging the flow of fluid between the spinal discs. Research shows that back pain often results from an inability to relax, physically or mentally. Research also shows that a rocking motion helps to synchronise brain waves and calm our nervous system. A new version of the Surge of Chi has now been introduced with an even smoother ride, combining the energising effects of chi exercise machines with the backcare benefits of CPM – at a fraction of the cost. The FlexxiCore retails at just £227. For those with a tighter budget, the Surge of Chi Mk. 1 version is just £187. Cygnus Review readers enjoy a huge 20% discount on top! [quote: CR2012.10]. To watch our video, visit Discounted prices: £149.60 (SoC Mk1) / £181.60 (FlexxiCore)

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