Annual Report 2010

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2010 Annual Report

Our ultimate goal is to ensure that Cape York people have the capabilities to choose a life they have reason to value. But to make this possible, we must restore social order, attack passive welfare, and tackle substance abuse. Cape York Agenda 2 | Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership

Contents Cape York Institute For Policy And Leadership..........................................................4 Letter From The Director...........................................................................................5 Business Model........................................................................................................6 Policy Process..........................................................................................................7 Governance..............................................................................................................8 Policy And Research.................................................................................................9 Leadership Programs.............................................................................................11 Media And Public Debate.......................................................................................17 2010 Financial Statements.....................................................................................18 Sponsors, Donors & Supporters.............................................................................19

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CAPE YORK INSTITUTE FOR POLICY AND LEADERSHIP The Cape York Institute (CYI) was established in July 2004 as an independent organisation to champion reform in Indigenous economic and social policy and to support the development of current and future Cape York leaders. The Director of the Institute is Noel Pearson. Its guiding framework is the Cape York Agenda, which aims to ensure that Cape York people have the capabilities to choose a life that they have reason to value. Although the Institute focuses on issues in Cape York, it aims to have a national influence. The Institute was developed in partnership with the people of Cape York and Griffith University, with financial support from the Queensland and Australian Governments. Its work falls into three broad areas: policy and research, dissemination of new ideas in Indigenous policy, and leadership development.

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LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Establishing the necessary preconditions to support economic development in Cape York Peninsula has been one of our longstanding priorities. Economic development and the creation of sustainable employment are critical in breaking the vicious circle of welfare dependency. Some of the greatest obstacles for the “engines of self-interest” to work for Cape York people is that property rights, land tenure reform and home ownership remain unresolved issues. Labour productivity, security of economic rights – including land tenure and removing the overregulation of life in Cape York are central considerations for our efforts to normalise investment returns and to secure improved levels of private sector investment. This will in turn boost employment. In 2010, the Institute has delivered important work on topics such as capital attraction, land and property rights, and a new policy proposal for a work opportunity port. The Institute places great importance on Indigenous leadership and recognises the need to encourage and support entrepreneurial approaches. We will continue to develop and expand the Institute’s Leadership Programs in partnership with our sponsors, the Welfare Reform education agenda and in particular the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy. 2010 saw the first graduation ceremony for students and members of all three leadership programs. The success of our programs is evidenced by the positions these graduates are taking up to apply their knowledge and experience towards securing a brighter future for the people of Cape York. The first decade of the Cape York agenda has been dedicated to the necessary work of turning around the deteriorating social, economic and educational situation. In 2011, we will start in earnest the second phase of our work, which is to revitalise the languages and cultures of the peoples of Cape York. Finally, I would like to thank our supporters, partners, Board of Directors and employees for their contributions in 2010.

Noel Pearson Director

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BUSINESS MODEL Fundamental policy change, informed by rigorous analysis and a deep commitment to ‘on the ground’ practicality provided the central design inspiration of the Institute. These insights remain highly relevant. The Welfare Reform project is perhaps the best expression of these foundation principles by CYI. These foundation principles inform an ‘action research’ approach to CYI’s policy work. CYI operates with a firm view that much academic work is too theoretical and lacks a purposeful theory of social change. Importantly CYI’s work is driven by a firm forwardlooking perspective that acknowledges the likely outcomes in the absence of positive change. Many practical initiatives in Indigenous and global development contexts are well meaning and engaging of local communities but lack the depth of rigorous analysis, in particular subjective evaluation. Active policy reform agendas are frequently highly political and may lack rigour and practicality in equal measure.

Not enough practicality

Policy Reform Agenda

Not enough rigorous analysis

Cape York Institute Traditional academic research centre

Practical on-the-ground initiatives

Not enough of a policy change agenda

CYI seeks to occupy the middle ground that intersects academic rigour, practicality and commitment to social change. 6 | Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership

POLICY PROCESS Alignment between organisational priorities and individual policy project plans has largely been a joint function of the opportunities arising from external environments, in particular changes in government and the over-arching goals of the Cape York Agenda. The Agenda is the principal articulation of long term policy in Cape York. Each of the regional organisations variously subscribes to the philosophy, approach and theory of social change. The Cape York Institute board takes an active interest in the

Where should we direct our efforts? • Short, medium, long-term goals? • Current footprint?

Is there an idea to articulate and champion? If yes, then in what way?

Research & Planning

Does the idea fit the agenda? Is there a practical application of the idea? Should we create project to explore?

Design & Development

Is there funding to engage this work (external or internal)? If so, when and how do we proceed?


Does a trial look feasible? If so, what is its priority? When and how should we proceed? Who should “own” the trial?

Gate 4


Gate 3


Gate 2


Gate 1

policy pipeline and the individual progress of projects.


What learnings can we capture? Do we revise anything? Should the project roll-out? Where should the initiative “live”?

The process of framing projects is dependent on available secondment resources, competing priorities, changing political climate, demands of Welfare Reform implementation and ultimately on personal interest. A well established process of framing projects has emerged over time. 1. The Director identifies an issue that must be addressed. A wide circle of interested parties, internal and external are called together for a brainstorming and discussion session. This teases out all the angles to an issue. CYI is particularly interested in a straight forward diagnosis of the issue or problem that accords with a sound theory of social change that draws in equal measure on individual reciprocity, responsibility and incentive. Attention is paid to unintended consequences of government action. 2. A sequence of brainstorming and subsequent reflection is repeated drawing on global literature and expertise.

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3. Formal reconciliation of the project to the Cape York Agenda. 4. Once the Director has identified a point of clarity and satisfaction a formal project plan is developed and budget constructed. 5. Identification of appropriate resources is frequently time consuming and may cause a considerable hiatus in progress. Experience has taught us that there is no substitute for the right team. 6. A project champion and funder are sought. As projects pass through designated ‘decision gates’, the number of projects typically thins out as they are not pursued. Interesting ideas do not necessarily make sense as a fully inflated policy project. The board maintains interest in progress of individual projects against the milestones detailed in funding agreements.

GOVERNANCE CYI is an indivisible element of the Griffith Business School. The CYI board is formally an advisory board. Its members have no financial responsibilities and are not required to make decisions in the best interests of shareholders. CYI’s two defining elements of competitive advantage arise from these facts. Firstly, the Institute’s well deserved reputation for financial integrity and accountability rest on the application of the university’s finance systems and processes. Secondly, the presence of senior state and commonwealth public servants is allowed on the basis that board members exercise no financial or other director’s duties. Despite the fact of the board’s purely advisory function, the actual operation of the board is in line with many mainstream boards.

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POLICY AND RESEARCH One of the notable events of 2010 was the extent to which Indigenous policy debate was brought to the centre of politics despite Indigenous issues being largely absent from the election campaign. One clear example of this was independent MP Bob Katter’s insistence during the post election negotiations that Indigenous home ownership and title to land should be prioritised by any Federal Government. It will come as no surprise that these topics have been at the core of CYI’s policy work. Economic Development Establishing the necessary preconditions to support economic development across Cape York has been a longstanding priority. Two of this year’s projects play a key role in this; capital attraction and land & property rights. Both projects are fundamentally interested in why Cape York’s economy is so dominated by welfare and linked to the need for giving greater prominence to the role of private capital. Labour productivity, security of economic rights – including land tenure and overregulation of life in Cape York are central considerations to normalising investment returns. Significantly improved levels of private sector investment will boost employment. Capital Attraction Strategy Economic growth is grounded in return on capital and labour productivity. Both these elements give rise to employment opportunities for individuals. Private sector investment in diversified economies can stimulate growth in sustainable employment opportunities. However, local enterprises still face substantial barriers to accessing this investment in Cape York: • Ability of new enterprises to achieve an adequate financial return is mixed • Substantial, complex regulatory burden can thwart entrepreneurial ambition • Local factors have historically driven low labour productivity • Insecurity of property rights undermines investment • Asymmetry between a disparate pool of potential investors and the businesses that require investment CYI has examined mechanisms to attract private capital to Cape York. In particular the feasibility of establishing a social venture capital fund to provide capital to existing local enterprises that provides employment to Indigenous people. As part of this work, CYI articulated the compelling social dividend that can flow from higher rates of employment (for example, a reduction in anti-social behaviour, or an improvement in personal health). For many investors, these profound societal consequences can supplement the possibility of lower financial returns. They enable the investment vehicle to occupy the gap between retail ‘ethical investment’ managed funds seeking a high financial return with limited direct social impact and philanthropic donations expecting no financial return but seeking a direct social benefit.

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Land and Property Rights In reference to the Wild Rivers debate, which dominated media’s coverage of Cape York for most of 2010, Noel Pearson argued that Indigenous people “won’t have much to talk about [regarding constitutional recognition] if we can’t get a basic restoration of property rights of Aboriginal people. You can’t build recognition of Indigenous people on their contemporary dispossession.” One of the Institute’s most important contributions to the debate about Cape York’s natural resources, a discussion paper on Cape York’s future role in the carbon economy, was quoted in this debate. The Institute’s paper argued that “Indigenous property rights on Cape York are being weakened through current and proposed environmental legislation and regulation, limiting the potential for Indigenous people to benefit from emerging markets for carbon and biodiversity.” As an integral part of the work on land and property rights, the Institute continues to lead policy development for land tenure and home ownership. Overall, there has been good progress on foundational issues for home ownership through Welfare Reform Project Board meetings and through the Institute’s engagement with key departmental staff. Areas of significant progress include the locking in of a market based approach for the valuation and divestment of existing houses, the establishment of a formal review process to deal with land ownership and valuation in Queensland Indigenous townships, and the acknowledgement by government that significant investment is required (by government) in the land administration system in townships areas to facilitate home ownership and all other (private and public) purposes. Work Opportunity Port The ‘Work Opportunity Port’ is a new policy proposal developed by the Cape York Institute that aims to build a social norm around work among disadvantaged young Indigenous people. The proposal allows welfare recipients to surrender their welfare payments in exchange for guaranteed access to economic opportunities outside their community – opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. The program is voluntary in application, relies on limited additional funding and requires few (if any) legislative changes. Other Policy and Research Activity Other work initiated in 2010 included policies and research on such topics as Nutrition, Gambling, and Family Violence & Reunification which are expected to be finalised in 2011.

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LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS The reputation and credibility of CYI’s Leadership Programs speak for themselves and continue to attract current and potential leaders of all ages from Cape York communities. The success of these programs is due to a number of factors, including the initial selection of participants, intensive and on-going case management, selection of appropriate tutors, mentors and support officers, high standard and supportive educational and training institutions, development of strong relationships with stakeholders, extra curricular leadership activities, and committed staff. Research shows that on average Cape York Indigenous students significantly under perform compared to both non-Indigenous students and the state-wide Indigenous average. Across year levels, they are between two and four years behind the non-Indigenous average. The Leadership Programs are, by every measure, addressing this education crisis in Cape York. Collaboration and exchange between the three leadership programs is increasing and every effort is made to strengthen it. The flow of students from HEP Secondary to Tertiary, and from HEPT to and from the Leadership Academy, is a clear indication of the Program’s engagement and increase in education and training of Cape York people. This year saw the first graduation ceremony for students and members of all three leadership programs. This was a significant event as it combined the highest number of HEPS graduates since the start of the program, and the first CYI acknowledgement of the Tertiary and Academy graduates. CYI places great importance on Indigenous leadership and recognises the need to encourage and support entrepreneurial approaches as a way to enhance life and maintain culture in Cape York. CYI will continue to develop and expand Leadership Programs in partnership with the Welfare Reform education agenda and with the support of its sponsors; private, corporate and government.

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The Cape York Leadership Academy is one of Cape York Institute’s leadership programs. Its mission is to strengthen and support leadership capabilities at all layers and levels of community life through sustained, holistic and sharply focused education and training centred on individual needs, roles and aspirations. In 2007, the Institute piloted a highly successful and innovative leadership development and training initiative: the Cape York Leadership Academy. The Academy is designed to complement Noel Pearson’s policy agenda and based on the recognition that no change will be sustainable unless local leaders are willing and capable of driving and owning the agenda at the grass-root level. The Academy develops local leaders; gives them skills, builds their confidence and provides opportunities for them to network with other leaders, both Indigenous and mainstream. Since its commencement in 2007, over 200 current and potential leaders from Cape York communities have attended workshops on various topics related to their personal and professional development. Membership to the Academy is a serious commitment and is monitored on a regular basis to ensure that members comply with the conditions, including attendance at workshops. The Leadership Academy offers a model of leadership development that is innovative and more comprehensive than current alternatives, by focusing on individual rather then collective professional development. Since its inception the Leadership Academy has become a beacon of leadership and change management to its members in 18 Cape York communities, hosting 90% of its membership in full-time employment. Membership occupations vary from mayors, councillors, managers, project officers and justice group coordinators, to name a few. There are literally well over 100 heartfelt and courageous stories from Leadership Academy members personally describing the benefits of participating in the leadership programs. The primary focus of the Cape York Institute is to assist the capacity and capabilities of individuals and their generations. As a result we not only see adults grow, strengthen their resilience and become self determined in their future, but they also inspire a legacy of positive change in education, health, and responsibility within their families and communities.

The table below outlines the statistics from 2008-2010 Years








Tier 1




Tier 1 studying


7 + 3 continuing

4 + 10 continuing

Transition to HEPT full time Tertiary study



NA with guideline changes to HEPT

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Some organisations, that have several employees registered as members, approve workshop attendance on a rotational and training needs basis. In 2010, this was the case for Cape York Land Council, Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation, the Police and Citizens Youth Club (PCYC), Indigenous Officers Program and the Napranum Men’s and Women’s group, Cape York Partnerships and Malaruch Alingith Corporation. While most organisations can access some funding for accredited skills based education and training, sourcing funds for personal and professional leadership training is more difficult. The personal development component of the Academy’s program may be difficult to quantify but there are numerous stories of personal achievements in confidence building, assertiveness, communication and leadership. The support of mentors has also been invaluable. 10 Tier 1 members have professional mentors who have various levels of engagement with their mentees, some of whom have visited each other and have regular contact. In July 2010, the first workshop held in a community was hosted in Wujal Wujal. Its success exceeded expectations, including the attendance of sponsor, Ian McCauley, who traveled by bus with participants and attended the first day of activities. All aspects of the visit were well organised and very well received, including the two day workshop which was also attended by non-Academy members from the community. As well as workshop specific elements, the program included a Welcome to Country at the accommodation site at Ayton, another Welcome to Country by the traditional owners at Wujal Wujal, afternoon tea with Council staff, community BBQ, visits to significant sites around the community and a dinner for all workshop participants. The Academy has been privileged to have the McCauley family as the sole sponsor for three years. The Leadership Academy attracted two new sponsors in 2010, Skytrans Airlines and John T Reid Charitable Trusts.

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Higher Expectations Program – Secondary (HEPS) The mission of the Higher Expectations Program (HEP) Secondary is to identify and support academically talented Indigenous students from Cape York communities, Palm Island and Yarrabah to complete secondary education and progress to tertiary studies. The partnership between the Macquarie Group Foundation (MGF), the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) through its Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (IYLP), and the Cape York Institute, enables students from Grade 8 through to Grade 12 to attend Queensland’s leading boarding schools. It also assists students through an often difficult social and educational transition process. The support strategy allows students access to tutors, mentors, role models, weekend home stay families and counsellors. This year, 36 students were enrolled at eight elite partner schools in five locations throughout Queensland. 26 students were continuing from 2009, with 10 new students joining the program. To date, 16 students have graduated, completing Grade 12 and continuing further tertiary studies or employment. Of the seven graduates in 2010, two continued onto University studies as part of the HEPT program, two commenced traineeships and three gained employment in various organisations in their communities. Before 2006, only seven out of approx 200 students per year from 16 different communities in the Cape, were graduating with a senior certificate. One to two students were passing without OP score attempts and an average of one to two going onto further studies. This year, seven students graduated from HEP, who had been on the program for the past five years, and five students sitting for OP scores. Students were two-three years behind when they commenced with HEP, particularly in English and Math. Studies were difficult for students considering they had to adjust to a new environment away from home. However, when graduating, all students expressed they wished it wouldn’t come to an end. The success of the program is its holistic approach focusing on the relationships with students, their families, communities, schools, sponsors, stakeholders, and the well being of students. This is achieved through individual case management of both academic and personal needs. A HEPS Leadership Workshop was held in September at a student retreat facility on the Atherton Tablelands. The workshop covered areas such as goal setting, team building, supporting peers, leadership and mentoring for the younger generations. The program also included raft building, abseiling, orienteering, a challenging obstacle course, and educational tours. Students broke records for the obstacle course, hill slide and raft building previously held by other visitors to the Mungalli Falls facility. For this particular workshop, four academically outstanding students from Djarragun College were included as part of CYI’s support to Djarragun’s new academic stream.

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Higher Expectations Program – Tertiary (HEPT) HEPT targets talented Cape York Indigenous school leavers with the highest achievement and leadership potential, and provides them with long-term support in undertaking a successful tertiary career. The program aims to maximise the participants’ opportunities for educational achievement, career development and effective leadership within their communities. HEPT not only offers practical material assistance through scholarships, it also strengthens students’ academic, social and emotional capabilities. The program builds individuals leadership, problem-solving and collaborative networking skills. Participants receive a combination of holistic case management, leadership training and professional mentoring. The program places strong family support and community identity at its core, and upholds each participant’s return contribution to their homeland of Cape York at the heart of its operations. A review conducted by Social Ventures Australia stated that, ‘the programs unique value-add in comparison to other general Indigenous scholarship programs is that it focuses on leadership development as part of its program activities’. The program experienced a period of instability after it was first launched in 2005; however student withdrawals have since significantly reduced. In June 2010, 22 students were enrolled in University and TAFE programs, with representation from seven Cape York communities and Yarrabah. The September 2010 enrolment added a further 17 students to University and TAFE programs. Four students completed their courses in December 2010. One student who experienced problems with work placement assessments deferred her graduation until end of semester one, 2011. Another student did not complete the course requirements and has withdrawn from the program. In total, five students withdrew from HEPT in 2010, mainly for personal or family issues and non-academic compliance. Changes to IYLP Tertiary scholarships now include studies at a combined institute of technology/university, and studying a degree or diploma course with a full-time workload for students who are 25 years and younger. As a consequence of this age limit, funding will need to be sourced in 2011 for six current students in order to enable them to complete their education. The July HEPT leadership workshop was held in Cairns. The workshop program included sessions on health and wellbeing; Arbringer conflict resolution training with cultural integrity; ‘Success with Attitude’; study techniques and volunteering. Those who attended the workshop found it useful in terms of networking with other students, sharing stories regarding their studies, meeting members of the Academy, and learning new skills to improve their studies. The beginning of 2010 saw a reduced commitment of funding from sponsors, with funds from three main sources: Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (IYLP) through DEEWR, the Erica Foundation, and the final instalment from the Rio Tinto Aboriginal Fund.

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MEDIA AND PUBLIC DEBATE In 2010, Noel Pearson continued his critique of conventional policies for social justice. Redistribution is necessary, but our experience shows that large pockets of disadvantage remain after decades of welfarist redistribution. Self-interest, Pearson has argued, is the key to social uplift. In his John Button Oration, Pearson pointed out that “the tendency of black and white members of the middle-class left to maintain illusions about our solidarity with the interests of lower classes, is one of our central problems”. Social progress cannot rely on “other-regarding policies” devised by “bourgeois” left-liberals. “When it comes to social progress,” Pearson contended, “no matter how big and powerful the engine of government might be, it is the numerous engines of self-interest that lie dormant in the breasts of the disadvantaged that must power people up the stairs of social progress”. To his alternative policies for social uplift, Pearson has in 2010 added the “Singaporean approach.” He concluded in his Sir Ronald Trotter Lecture that “the great difference between the Singaporean approach and that of the welfare states of the western world was, as [former Singaporean leader] Lee Kwan Yew writes: ‘We chose to redistribute wealth by asset-enhancement, not by subsidies for consumption’.” Some of the greatest obstacles for the “engines of self-interest” to work for Cape York people is that property rights, land tenure reform and home ownership remain unresolved issues. In several articles and speeches, Pearson has criticised the Labor–green connivance that has led to the Wild Rivers legislation, and advocated housing and land tenure reform. Another main development in Pearson’s analysis is his reformulation of the “conservative” element in the Cape York analysis (see The Weekend Australian 31 July–1 August, 2010). In the original documents and speeches that defined the Cape York Institute’s agenda, it was explained that the agenda combines conservative, social democrat, and liberal elements: social norms, provisioning of opportunity and incentives. The conservative component of the agenda must however also include, Pearson has said in 2010, that Aboriginal Australian heritage – perhaps most importantly Aboriginal Australian languages – are retained and officially recognised. Public performances Reconciliation and the republic Sydney Festival, 13 January 2010 Speech to the American Bar Association Sydney, 8 February 2010 Nights when I dream of a better world – 2010 John Button Oration Melbourne, 7 September 2010 Pathways to prosperity for indigenous people – Sir Ronald Trotter Lecture 2010 Auckland, 2 November 2010

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Publications Labor connives with green alliance to control

Obama misses a historic opportunity

indigenous growth

The Weekend Australian 19–20 May, 2010

The Weekend Australian 16–17 January, 2010 Fattest hand is first in the till The Weekend Australian 23–24 January, 2010 When welfarism takes over, disaster will follow The Weekend Australian 30–31 January, 2010 Social housing model rips the heart out of indigenous communities The Weekend Australian 6–7 February, 2010 Rudd should defend his legacy, not Bligh’s law The Australian 11 February 2010 It’s uplifting to stand on ceremony The Weekend Australian 20–21 March, 2010 Some magic bullets for education The Weekend Australian 27–28 March, 2010 Abbott’s bill would reverse the injustice of Wild Rivers laws The Weekend Australian 3–4 April, 2010 Cape York Aborigines go into a divided wilderness The Weekend Australian 10–11 April, 2010 Give power to our people The Weekend Australian 17–18 April, 2010 Senators, start up the intangible engine of human motivation The Weekend Australian 24–25 April, 2010 Education reform lies buried under the morass The Weekend Australian 8–9 May, 2010 Challenges of the First World The Weekend Australian 15–16 May, 2010 The poor remain economic military conscripts The Weekend Australian 22–23 May, 2010 Promise of Mabo not yet realised

For economic progress, lean to the right The Weekend Australian 26–27 May, 2010 Macklin leads way with conditional welfare The Australian 23 June 2010 A question of basic duty and financial trust The Weekend Australian 17–18 July, 2010 Adam Smith and closing the gap The Weekend Australian 24–25 July, 2010 Conservatism, too, is relevant to our culture The Weekend Australian 31 July – 1 August, 2010 Indigenes still in the political wilderness The Weekend Australian 7–8 August, 2010 Failed party in search of a purpose The Weekend Australian 4–5 September, 2010 Right crucial to Aboriginal reforms The Weekend Australian 11–12 September, 2010 States addicted to pokie profits The Weekend Australian 18–19 September, 2010 Decision is in: Wild Rivers laws stink The Weekend Australian 2–3 October, 2010 Mate, there’s a job to be done The Weekend Australian 2–3 October, 2010 Indigenous people taken out for a spin The Weekend Australian 4–5 December, 2010 A way forward for Aborigines The Australian 8 December, 2010 Progress brightens indigenous prospects The Weekend Australian 18–19 December, 2010 The fight of his life The Australian 24 December, 2010

The Weekend Australian 29–30 May, 2010 Aborigines need to turn radical The Weekend Australian 5–6 May, 2010

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Note 1: Largely for Higher Expectations and includes Commonwelath funding for IYLP students Note 2: Includes $444,000 Bequest Note 3: Cash balance made up of: – $233,709 with respect to Core Funding Agreement – $825,303 with respect to Higher Expectations (Secondary) – $220,443 with respect to Higher Expectations (Tertiary) initiative – $187,619 with respect to Leadership Academy – $22,612 minor student education related projects – $26,284 with respect to Welfare Reform Enhanced Support Services Project – $605,000 with respect to Macquarie Foundation – $444,000 with respect to Bequest Note4: Accumulated Surplus includes 2009 closing balance


INCOME Queensland Government Funding Commonwealth Government Funding Other Projects/Programs Sundry Income

500,000 500,000 1,107,331 2,203,937

Total income


EXPENDITURE Salaries Advertising and Promotion Appointment Expenses Consultancy Consumables Equipment and Furniture External Grants and Third Party Payments Hospitality Long Term Lease and Utilities Maintenance Motor Vehicle Expenses Other Expenses Postage and Telecommunications Printing and Publication Design Staff Development Student Expenses Excursions and Field Trips Scholarships Surveys Subscriptions and Reference Materials Travel Staff Non Staff

Note 1 Note 2

1,547,371 28,592 22,077 89,631 8,732 11,849 28,787 49,731 89,765 38,091 27,827 1,496 54,254 3,225 19,877 10,212 579,310 150 3,067 136,738 287,348

Total Expenditure


Annual Surplus/(Deficit) Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

$1,273,138 $2,564,970

Notes 3 & 4

I have prepared the above statement of receipts and expenditure in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices in Australia and certify that it accurately reflects all the income and expenditure related to the Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership. I also certify that all funding received was expended for the purpose of the project and in accordance with the contractual requirements; salaries and allowances paid to persons involved in the activity are in accordance with the applicable award. R. V. Srinivasan Director, Planning and Financial Services Griffith University

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SPONSORS, DONORS & SUPPORTERS We would like to thank all our sponsors for their commitment to the journey of providing opportunities for our future leaders.

• Griffith University • Australian Government • Queensland Government • Indigenous Youth Leadership Program • Macquarie Group Foundation • Ian and Di McCauley and Family • The Erica Foundation • John T Reid Charitable Trusts • Skytrans Airlines • Rio Tinto

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