2 minute read

Health and Wellbeing

“Dadirri is a quiet meditation. An Indigenous practice that our people use to find out who they really are, their purpose and where they are going.”

– Mirriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann


Karen, Jodi and Chase work closely with the staff and students in the Dadirri & Health and Wellbeing Sessions. They provide tools and resources to help strengthen the individual and connect the whole school community through the values of respect, responsibility, reciprocity, family and community. The purpose is always to empower the girls to be strong leaders and role models in their family and community. The morning session is also the time and space to involve the girls in fun team building activities and to provide information important to the girl’s social and emotional wellbeing. A special guest in our school community this Semester was Uncle Willy Gordon. He said, "When we make the time to listen we are preparing for the future. Deep listening is about time and space." At the beginning and end of each school day at the Academy the students and staff come together to sit in a big circle to take the time to listen deeply to themselves, to each other and to nature. The daily gratitude practice of being still and quietening the mind is done through the breath. Whether guided through a talking meditation or sitting in silence for 2 minutes in the classroom, on the basketball court or at the beach during the breakfast outings the girls can learn to centre and ground themselves in the present moment. The aim is to acknowledge and accept any obstacles or challenges on their path that can distract or distance them from focusing on their learning.

NAIDOC, Free Dress, Mental Health Week, Bully & Cyberbullying, Traditional Weaving, and team building activities, such as choosing school and house captains, storytelling, language games, conversation cards, musical chairs and volleyball, all took place in the morning. This session is about strengthening the girl’s social and emotional wellbeing and prepares them for the school day. The coming together at the end of each day is to reflect and celebrate our achievements and to let go of anything that the students were carrying through the school day.

Special Guest - Shanelle Young - Traditional Weaving Workshop Special guest Uncle Willy Gordon talking with the students

Aaliyah's mural 'The Dreamer' in Wellbeing Room Kerry Savory (Counsellor) - visited for Mental Health Week and a Bullying & Cyber Bullying Session

Edwina and Lynese

Excursion to Bulmbja to see Rubina, Nikki and Sophia in La Bella Figura Lynese - Breakfast on the beach Storytelling with Nikki

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