CYLP be more - Edition 1, 2012

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Edition 1, 2012

Academic Leaders Secondary Group Workshop Activity


Leadership Team Fiona Jose Director – Leadership

James Fa'Aoso Manager, People Excellence

Preben Mindimarra Manager, Academic Excellence

Susan Darcy Tertiary Student Coordinator

Irene (Penny) Barnard Admin Officer

Tracey Burrell Program Coordinator

Introducing Natalia Bilton We would like to welcome Natalia Bilton to our team. Natalia is our newly appointed Student Support Officer for Townsville. She will be working closely with our students at Cathedral St Anne and St James College Natalia is of Argentinian background and has spent a lot of time working with indigenous students at high school and university. Natalia has a very strong academic background and has a wealth of knowledge that I am sure she will share with our students. We are very excited to have her as part of the ALS team.

Kaava Watson Brisbane Student Support Officer

Bridgette Saplos Rockhampton Student Support Officer

Natalia Bilton Townsville Student Service Officer

Elizabeth Hammond (commencing 12 April) Charters Towers Student Support Officer


Welcome The New Year started with a bang with 71 of our Academic Leaders Secondary students attending the Leadership Conference at Wangetti Education Centre. Over the course of 7 days we truly put them through their paces to inspire and challenge our future leaders, and instil in them the skills they will need over the coming year to achieve the goals they have put before themselves. We covered topics like Goal Setting, Team Building, Public Speaking, Deportment and Grooming, Nutrition and Exercise and we threw in a dance party, some movies and games. The highlight was some of our cultural activities with local elders, rangers and Indigenous business owners sharing their tools of the trade with students and getting hands on. To top it all off we took photos to not only record the occasion, but so that one day the students can look back and see how far they have come. History has shown that our secondary student success relies heavily on the schools that the Leaders Program partners with. I recently travelled to schools across Queensland and can report that our students are in good hands. Our Partner Schools are committed to providing the best learning environments for our students to achieve academically. I was impressed with the staff and their dedication to all students, in particular ours and their constant desire to be offering a range of activities that complement their learning. Our Academic Leaders Tertiary phase has kicked off this year with 31 students enrolled. Our students continue to amaze and inspire us. Two students Marijke Bassani and Tanika Deemal Parker are in Abu Dhabi as I write speaking at the International Global Women’s Leaders Conference. Following their speeches, they received personal invitations to attend a pre gala dinner gathering with Her Highness of Abu Dhabi at the Royal Palace. I think you will agree that this is truly an outstanding start to the year for these two talented young people. Susan Darcy (our Academic Leaders Tertiary Co-ordinator) is flat out at the moment preparing for the New Tertiary Students Induction 2-day workshop to be held in midApril. This workshop will be a great opportunity for the new students to meet each other, to reflect on the first term of study. It will also be an opportunity for us to work with them to support, encourage and inspire our students aiming to keep their resilience and motivation high. We have found through experience, that students that make it successfully through the first year, have a 90% chance of completing their qualification successfully. It is up to all of us to support our tertiary students particularly through this critical first year.

Congratulations too must go to the students who completed their first year last year and who are now able to cope with the rigors of tertiary study and are well and truly on the path to achieving the goals they have set themselves. We have created a brand new timetable for our Youth Leaders, Skilling Leaders and Excelling Leaders Phases across a four year timespan so that members can choose to study at the pace that suits them. It is exciting that so many people of different ages and diverse backgrounds from across the Cape have chosen to take up the challenge that these fantastic leadership offerings. To support our students and our members we are putting a heavy focus on support in the form of a fully staffed student support team for our Academic Leaders, the availability of suitable tutors to support academic success. We will also shortly be launching a new Mentor Module which will be available to all our students and members. They will be able to gain the support of an experienced mentor, and where appropriate, gain the experience of being mentors themselves. You will also see that we have launched a brand new look and feel to the Leaders Program. This new look not only clarifies more explicitly what we do, it adds a professional standard which models what we expect from the schools we work with, from our staff and from our members. I think you will agree with me that the new look is fabulous and provides a great representation of who we are as growing leaders who in the future will continue to influence the shape of indigenous and mainstream Australia. A poster that captures the new look Leaders Program at a glance is provided at the centre of this newsletter, for you to put up on your wall or fridge to act as a reminder why we are all here and how we can all work together to support our members succeed as our indigenous leaders of tomorrow. I introduced the Leaders Program team to you in our last newsletter. Those of you that have met or spoken to them on the phone will agree that we have a great team of people working very hard to support our members. The successes of last year are completely due to the hard work and personal commitment and dedication of each one of them to our vision that our members achieve their full potential, talent and have the confidence to build their capabilities and achieve their goals. We have a great year ahead. You can support us best by supporting our members, and keeping in touch with us so that we can together resolve issues before they begin to impact a members progress.

Fiona Jose Director - Leadership Cape York Institute for Policy & Leadership


Academic Leaders Secondary Recruitment for 2012 Our recruitment drive for 2012 scholarships was very successful with a great response from Cape York communities, Yarrabah and Palm Island with a total of 65 applications received. We were over whelmed by the number of applications and this indicates that the Academic Leaders Program is seen as an elite and desirable program to be a part of. We were able to offer 22 places to students who will set the benchmark for academic achievement. We wish all our 75 students the best for 2012.

Leadership Conference 2012

Our Director – Leadership, Fiona Jose provided an overview of the changes occurring within the Cape York group and outlined the roles and expectations of each organisation. James Fa’Aoso, Manager-People Excellence delivered a presentation outlining what this phase has to offer in regards to leadership development. The requirements and expectations of involvement in the Academic Leaders Tertiary phase was presented by the Tertiary Student coordinator, Susan Darcy.

Our Academy Leaders Secondary students had a great start to the year as, we had our 8th annual Leadership Conference from the 18th to the 24th of January. The Conference was held at the Wangetti Education Centre.

It is important for us to acknowledge that the task ahead for our students in the coming year will be both exciting and overwhelming as they are travelling from their community to their respective schools in different parts of Queensland.

The first three days consisted of various workshops and the later part of the week was made up of excursions around the Cairns region.

As part of the Leadership Conference we ensure that our students visit significant cultural sites or walks to give them a sense of connection to culture and appreciate other indigenous cultures in the region. This year we experienced the Rainforest Kuku Yalanji Dreamtime walk and the Kuku Yalanji Cultural Habitat Tours by the ocean. To experience two different cultural tours of the same clan group was exciting and exhilarating for our group.

Facilitators Trevor Tim and Bram Collins from Success with Attitude (SWA) are motivational speakers who covered things such as positive mental attitude, public speaking, goal setting, commitment and time management. They also conducted and involved the students in exciting team building activities. SWA offered some really good advice on how to dream big, be resilient and be a good negotiator. SWA has been involved with CYI for the past four years and we have found the content to be most helpful to our students. Northern Pride Rugby League football club also conducted some fantastic workshops and team building exercises with our students. Three very interesting sessions on Nutrition, Cooking and Exercise were part of the Take Pride program. Chey Bird held a session on Nutrition, Ty Williams and Josh Mene did a session on Healthy Cooking and Rod Jenson and Frances Mosby did a session on Exercise. Students thoroughly enjoyed visiting the home of Pride, Barlow Park, where they were involved in team building exercises. Apunipima Cape York Health Service workers team provided a presentation on current health issues evident in our society. Students observed a very informative slide show and were asked to consider educational pathways in Indigenous Health such as nursing, which was useful for those thinking about pursuing a career in this field. A “Yarn-Up” session was held, where current university students and graduates, including five former Academy Leaders Secondary students, who shared their stories about their journey. Some valuable insights were shared which were enjoyed and appreciated by all participants. We would like to thank Melissa Mallie, Margaret Blackman, Chris Cavanaugh, Cruz Christian-Reys, Stephen Minniecon, Kirsty Burchill, Jayraine Hobson and Karlina Zingle for their participation in all the workshops and throughout the week. We were very proud to have five current graduates of the


Secondary phase, who are attending University to return and help supervise during the Conference. They were wonderful mentors and supervisors for our students.

Even though it was raining, when we under took the Kuku Yalanji Dreamtime walk in the rainforest, the canopy provided a natural umbrella for our students. The tour guide was not only informative about their culture and area, but also very philosophical. There were so many questions and new knowledge gained from the rain forest tour that it made the walk both interesting and engaging and the delicious damper was a real treat The Kuku Yalanji Cultural tour by the ocean was also very exciting. Our students got to throw spears, look for crabs and splash in salt water. Students really enjoyed this walk, as it gave them a different perspective to the Kuku Yalanji clan of the Mossman area. They not only experienced the rainforest people’s perspective but they have gained an understanding of the Salt Water way of Kuku Yalanji.

Leadership Conference Disco At the end of our annual Leadership Conference we have a disco or house party for the students and staff. This year we hired DJ Sam Savage who is a local Indigenous DJ along with DJ Kory. We had turn tables, I tunes, fancy disco lights, laptops, food, drinks and a lot of dancing. When the DJ’s initially set up the outdoor eatery space at the Wangetti Centre for the disco, apparently the students thought that there was too much light and exposure to see who will get on the dance floor. Supervisors taped material around some exposed light to ensure that limited light would be on the dance floor. Once this was taken care of the students and staff danced the night away. We really appreciate the DJ’s, students, supervisors and staff for making this year’s disco a memorable one.

Leadership Conference Workshops


Student Profiles Kinsharsa Ngallagar Columba College Congratulations to Kinsharsa Ngallagar from Palm Island who has been chosen as the 2012 Boarders Residential Leader at the St Marys Campus for Girl’s dormitory at Columba Catholic College, Charters Towers. Kinsharsa has been with Cape York Leaders Program since grade 8. This is her final year at Columba. In her role as Residential Leader, Kinsharsa is responsible for listening to the concerns of the boarding students and passing this information on to the senior staff of boarding and the wider school. She is required to meet with the Deputy Principal and other senior staff to discuss issues and events for boarders. As a Residential Leader, she was entitled to attend the annual Impact Leadership Conference in Townsville on 20 February 2012 as part of the Columba student leadership team. The conference consisted of presentations by keen and excited young adults and senior students from all over North Queensland who imparted their knowledge on how to go about fulfilling leadership roles in schools. Advice was given on public speaking, how to motivate others, how to conduct successful meetings and how to conduct successful events. Some of the other topics discussed during the Conference were the importance of creative thinking, doing things that are different and leaving a legacy for the students you serve. We wish Kinsharsa success in her new role and her studies.

Ivy Nona Columba College Ivy Nona is a Year 9 student from Bamaga who has been chosen as Residential Leader for Yr 9. This is really a great accomplishment for Ivy in this, her second year on the program. In this role her responsibility will to identify concerns and ideas from her follow Year 9 students and present this to Kinsharsa who is the Residential Leader during their regular Residential Leaders meetings.

Student Outing Stradbroke Island Brisbane students travelled to North Stradbroke Island where they enjoyed catching up, swimming in the ocean, fresh prawns and fish and chipsUnfortunately not all of our 46 Brisbane students could attend due to conflicting sporting and study commitments – however for the 30 students who did attend it was a great day to catch up with CYLP students from other schools and relax before starting the exam blocks. Stephanie Parkin who is one of the traditional owners (Quandamooka) on Stradbroke Island joined us for the day. Stephen Minniecon who graduated last year and is now studying Pharmacy at University of Queensland and James Fa’Aoso the CYLP Manager - People Excellence also joined us for the day. We departed from Cleveland on the Stradbroke Flyer and then caught a charter bus to Cylinder Beach at Point Lookout. Once we arrived we had a big game of touch football on the beach before morning tea and then enjoyed the ocean waves before lunch and heading back on the ferry. Kaava Watson Student Support Officer, Brisbane


Crystal Thomas Stuartholme College Crystal is new to the Academic Leaders – Secondary and is one of three year 11 students at Stuartholme School. Her year 11 subjects are: • English • Mathematics B

• Chemistry • Geography

• Biology • Home Economics

After year 12 Crystal plans go to university to study nursing at either the University of New South Wales or a university in Brisbane. She would like to eventually return to work in community to help close the gap in Indigenous health statistics and be a positive role model for other young people. She was inspired to become a nurse by her Uncle Andrew and Aunty Joy who both work in Indigenous health. Crystal is finding the transition to boarding school very “different, but it helps to concentrate on school and study”. One of the most positive benefits of boarding school is “being around other people who want to succeed in their studies as well”.

Uleta Miller Columba College Uleta Miller is a Year 12 student from Yarrabah who has been chosen as a Female House Captain Representative for Rice. We are so proud of Uleta in obtaining this position. In this role Uleta will assist with organising each student in their year levels to attend and participate in their inter school or inter house sports carnivals. She is also required to organise and participate in their war cries and ensure that all students get to events safely. Uleta’s love of sports combined with her leadership skills will make her a great House Captain. Uleta is one of our senior CYLP students and has gained the respect of not only her fellow Columba students, but also the respect of her fellow ALS scholarship recipients. We know that she will do really well in her current leadership role.

Investiture of Student Leaders Friday 17 February saw the Prefects and Year Level Captains being invested into their official roles at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School. It was also time for our Class of 2012 to be recognised as seniors in their final year of study at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School. Cape York Leaders Program student Renelle Shipton (front row, 4th from left) was among those being recognised.


dream more learn more

be more. Be the pebble that creates the ripples of growth, ripples of success, across your life, your family, your community, your work and lead others.

Academic Leaders Secondary & tertiary ScholarShipS pluS Support & MentorShip

The Leaders Program offers Cape York members the opportunity to believe in themselves, and to build the leadership skills they have within, to build these skills in a way which others wish to emulate.

dream more Youth Leaders

Skilling Leaders

Excelling Leaders

certificate ii in BuSineSS pluS Support, MentorShip & preparation

certificate iV in BuSineSS pluS Support, MentorShip & preparation

executiVe leaderShip prograM

Mentorship trained & BecoMe MentorS

learn more

be more Our vision is that our members achieve their full potential, talent and have the confidence to build their capabilities and achieve their goals.

Telephone +61 7 4046 0600 | Email |

School Profiles Clayfield College Brisbane Clayfield College is a Presbyterian and Methodist school located on the inner North of Brisbane. It was founded 1931 after the site was vacated by the expanding Brisbane Boys College who are a ‘brother’ school to Clayfield College. Since 1931, Clayfield has developed its own reputation for high quality education that now attracts 950 students from all over Australia and the world. It caters for girls from pre-prep up to year 12 and for boys from pre-prep up to year 5. Their philosophy of education is based on a number of core values that include life-long learning, personal excellence, honesty and integrity as well as many more that align with the College motto ‘Luceat Lux Vestra’ – which means ‘Let Your Light Shine’. As part of their commitment to Indigenous education, Clayfield College has the Indigenous Learning Program aimed at improving educational outcomes for Indigenous students by ensuring continued access to quality education, improving literacy and numeracy achievement, improving teacher understanding and practice, and increasing the number of students attaining a Year 12 qualification. The Academic Leaders – Secondary currently has 3 students attending Clayfield College. They are Ellen McIvor (year 9), Samaria Denman and Rachel Dick (both in year 8) who are all in their first year on our program and have already been commended by staff for their leadership and attitude to studies.

Trinity Anglican College Cairns Trinity Anglican School (TAS) was established in Cairns in 1983 by the Anglican Diocese of North Queensland to fulfil a growing need to provide quality, independent education locally.From an initial enrolment of 67 students the school has grown to provide an excellent education to over one thousand students at TAS White Rock and TAS Kewarra Beach. TAS White Rock caters for students from Kindergarten through to Year 12; TAS Kewarra Beach serves students from Prep to Year 7. Their foundational ties to the Anglican Church ensure our commitment to educational excellence is underpinned by a supportive Christian environment and further enriched by a commitment to serving the wider community. TAS prides itself on the commitment and professionalism of a wonderful staff whose dedication to the children of TAS is outstanding. They are integral to an environment where a respect for learning and for individuals is paramount and that makes TAS a very special place to be. Their ethos is based on high academic standards and the values of understanding, respect for others and compassion, safety and dignity for all children as well as the Round Square ideals of individualism, democracy, the environment, adventure, leadership and service. TAS strives to nurture Christian formation and educational excellence in young people, inspiring them to reach their potential as individuals and to serve the wider community.


Academic Leaders Tertiary We wish to extend a very warm welcome to our new and returning Tertiary students. The year is off to an exciting start and I am enthusiastic about what lies in the months ahead for the Tertiary program. Students through their hard work, commitment and sacrifices they are demonstrating great Leadership qualities. We have seen an overwhelming response to our program that is very pleasing. We were able to appoint eleven new students on the Tertiary program this hear. Three of these students have joined us from our Academic Leaders Secondary phase. At the start of 2012 thirteen Indigenous Youth Leaders Program and six mature age students are continuing from last year, making a total of thirty students participating in the Tertiary phase this year. For those students joining from our secondary phase, it was an anxious time waiting for university offers, however eventually first university offers were received and it has been so far, and will continue to be a pleasure to share their journey. Our Tertiary students attend Universities along the East Coast of Australia from Cairns through to Melbourne University. Students are studying in many different disciplines including Business, Law, Nursing, Social work, Education and Health to name a few. The 2012 Tertiary Program Induction Workshop will be held for new students in April. For many this will be their first opportunity to meet with fellow students on the CYLP Tertiary Program. The key focus will be to ensure that all new students are equipped with the basic skills and tools that they need to succeed at university. It will also be a great opportunity for students to share the experiences of their first semester. The workshop will feature presentations from some of our students in their second and third years of university and also students who have graduated will share the stories of their journeys. To provide students with the knowledge and support they need to succeed, guest speakers from our various universities will present. This workshop will provide the first year students with the means to equip themselves with the tools and skills they will require to progress through university and gain a greater appreciation and better understanding of the Tertiary program and life at university. Susan Darcy Tertiary Student Coordinator Academic Leaders - Tertiary

CALLING ALL POTENTIAL LEADERS AND MENTORS The Academic Leaders Tertiary phase is currently in the process of engaging skilled tutors/mentors with high formal qualifications, to empower students on the Cape York Leaders Program. This is a great opportunity for any student to have a tutor/mentor especially in their first year of study. The Cape York Leaders Program has such a strong belief in the power and richness of a mentoring relationship that it will be offering Members the formal opporatunity to receive training and support in this area. The ripple effect of mentoring is profound. There is no greater evidence of Natural Leadership than the desire and skill to Mentor another Please contact Susan Darcy, Tertiary Student Coordinator Phone: 4046 0607 Email:


International Experience Marijke Bassani a current law student at Griffith University and Tanika Deemal-Parker a nursing student at James Cook University recently received confirmation that they were invited to go to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates to attend and present at the International Undergraduate Women’s Global Leaders Conference. The conference is targeted at an audience of undergraduate female students from all over the world to come together and share their experiences as university students, but more importantly to talk about social, cultural, economic and sustainability issues in each of their home countries and communities.

Marijke Bassani

Marijke and Tanika’s submission was about Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership, welfare reform, cultural and social reform and how the Leaders Program has enhanced their opportunities. It is a great honour for students to be invited to another country to showcase Cape York Institute and the Cape York Leaders Program. Director, Fiona Jose and Tertiary Student Coordinator, Susan Darcy worked with Marijke and Tanika to prepare their poster session and visual presentation for the conference. Our two young Indigenous female students were humbled and very excited by the invitation and all at Cape York Institute shared in their excitement. The conference was held at Zayed University (Female only University). We look forward to hearing about Marijke and Tanika’s amazing experiences when they return home to Australia. We are sure that having experienced a leadership conference at this level will make them stronger and more confident leaders. They will be well equipped to continue to empower fellow students and people from the Cape York. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR AN ARTICLE BY MARIJKE AND TANIKA

Tanika Deemal-Parker


People Excellence Welcome 2012 and what an exciting year this will be! As Manager of People Excellence I am pleased to announce the Youth, Skilling and Excelling Leaders phases for the Cape York Leaders program. This year we will see training occurring simultaneously; Youth Leaders, Skilling Leaders group A, Skilling Leaders group B and Excelling Leaders. The focus behind the CYLP (Cape York Leaders Program) phase deliver y came about from countless discussions with our 2011 alumni members desiring qualifications whilst maintaining the quality training we have pride our organisation in since its 2007 inception. The feedback we received from all members prompted CYLP to seek out and identify the most suitable RTO’s (Registered Training Organisation) to provided accredited qualifications for 2012. Organisations AIM (Australian Institute of Management) and Skill360 have been selected and will provided accredited training within our Youth Leaders and Skilling Leaders phases and we are pleased to be partnered with them both. Membership duration in our phases will consist of 2-4years and we are confident members will receive the necessary training in leadership that will not only impact themselves but their family, community and work environment.

Young and Ready The Youth Leaders phase will provide accredited training specificities in business by Skill360. Skill360 has a long standing in the Far North Queensland region offering a range of trades and national accredited training. Young Leaders between the ages of 18-24years and those completing their senior schooling are invited to apply. Applications are currently open till April. We encourage individuals to apply to the Youth Leaders phase.

Skilled to Succeed Our Skilling Leaders phase will provide aspiring and current leaders, 25years and over from Cape York, training in Business delivered by Australian Institute of Management. AIM is considered as a premium business training organisation in Australia and we are pleased to partner with AIM and respond to the requests of our members in 2011 to receive nationally accredited qualifications. Other specialized trainings throughout this year will involve topics in leadership, governance, financial planning and communication presented by our partnered industry experts. Applications are currently open till April. We encourage individuals to apply to the Skilling Leaders phase.

Excel to the Top Our Excelling leaders phase consists of dynamic individuals nominated to participate in the inaugural phase. This phase will explore each leader’s journey and build, strengthen and enhance their current and new leadership qualities. Each member will be supported by an Executive Coach and receive world class training in neuro science leadership from Shelley Evans-Wild at Unique People and her team of professionals. Shelley is one of Australia’s most dynamic trainers and executive coaches and is well received by our members. In 2011 Shelley facilitated the community workshop in NPA (Northern Peninsula Area) which was attended by over 30 participants.


Apply now to join our Youth and Skilling Leaders Phase • Do you want to develop your managerial and leadership skills to apply in the home, community and workforce? • Do you want to identify and reach your professional and personal goals? • Do you want to develop the confidence to speak well in public? • Do want to receive the skills that will help you and equip you to help others to succeed?

Apply online: Phone our office on 4046 0600 or download an application form from our website: For further information: Contact James Fa'Aoso Phone 4046 0618

A Parent's Experience I would like to say a BIG Thank you to the Cape York Leaders Program for coordinating my trip to Marist College Ashgrove to attend my son, Chevez Morton, Year 12 Senior’s Inaugural Mass, which is a ver y big event at the college. It is a mass to bless and receive their badges and pray for their leadership throughout the year. Almost 1500 parents and students attended, so the mass was held in their gymnasium, which is huge. We had a parent and student career’s night on Monday, Seniors Mass on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I was invited to attend his sports house ,which is Harold House for their Liturgy. I was honoured to be asked to lead the opening ceremony of the Inaugural mass with my son, it was to carry the candles with both Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders flags on the holders to acknowledge the Traditional Aboriginal people of Brisbane, past and present . It was such a touching and proud moment to be there with my son for such a special occasion. It was great to catch up with parents and put names to faces especially the parents with whom Chevez goes out with on boarders weekend’s and also the staff that I have contacted over the phone on many occasions. Spending the three days at the college and being with the brothers was a warm and inviting experience and to actually catch up on an old familiar face, many of the Palm Folks would know, and that was “Brother” Dennis Kelligan, he is no longer a Brother but teaches a few days a week at Marist, he is now 70 years old. Sincerely Florence Morton


Young Leaders Start Their Journey Left to right – Urena Bamaga, Robin Solomon, Samuel Zaro and Joshua Newman.

This year four enthusiastic and highly energetic Year 8 students from the Cape York Academic Leaders Program were welcomed into The Cathedral School. The students left the familiar settings of their home communities of Coen and Bamaga to begin their first year of boarding school. There was no time for homesickness as the students were kept busy with evening tutoring sessions, weekend activities and various sports played in their spare time. It didn’t take them long to settle into the school routine and form friendships with staff and fellow students.

Already this year the students have been involved in swimming carnivals, Clean Up Australia Day, House Musicals and Harmony Day celebrations, with many more events to look forward to in the coming terms. The students have become well-known in the school community and have shown that they have the qualities and attitudes that you would expect to see from young leaders. We know the task ahead will require hard work and perseverance and it is the quiet confidence, resilience and determination of those students that will help them get across the finish line in five years’ time.


Academic Leaders Secondary Seisia New Mapoon Umagico Bamaga Injinoo Old Mapoon Lockhart River


Napranum Aurukun

Coen Pormpuraaw Hopevale





Wujal Wujal Mossman





Palm Island




Students from each of the Cape communities orbit to secondary boarding schools in Cairns, Townsville, Charters Towers, Rockhampton and Brisbane. Some of the CYLP’s greatest success is as a result of choosing boarding schools that model exemplary values. CYLP actively supports students in transitioning into these new environments and taking on the modelled values and behaviours exhibited and expected in these new environments.

Academic Leaders Tertiary Seisia New Mapoon Umagico Bamaga Injinoo Old Mapoon Lockhart River


Napranum Aurukun

Coen Pormpuraaw Hopevale



James Cook University


James Cook University


COOKTOWN Wujal Wujal Mossman



Palm Island

BRISBANE Griffith University University of Queensland


Sydney University

MELBOURNE Deakin University Swinburne University Melbourne University

Students from each of the Cape communities orbit to tertiary institutions in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Student support is needed to assist students in adjusting to their new environments so far from home as well as to the new routines and expectations from their tertiary institutions.

Cape York Institute PO Box 3099, CAIRNS QLD 4870 • Ph: (07) 4046 0600 • Fax: (07) 4046 0601

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