Pama Futures Cape York Summit December 2018

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cape york summit DECEMBER 2018

What our old people started we will finish Power in local Indigenous hands – this is the aim of Pama Futures

“The next three days will be a lot of challenging conversations.” SEAN GORDON, SUMMIT MASTER OF CEREMONIES

we are cape york Cape York is known around Australia for leadership of Indigenous tribes and strength through unity dating back 40 years with the rise of land and human rights. We continue to see great value in coming together, 30 language groups, working to support each other, for the good of our families and children. The heart of our collective is strong, inspired by the courage and backbone of our Elders past and powered by today’s leaders young and old, determined for a better life for our children. We have played a major role in achieving land rights in Australia, however being ‘land rich, but dirt poor’ now rings true for too many of our Cape York people. Families, clans and tribes need support to organise themselves to use and manage land to generate more income, as well as to sustain us and future generations culturally, environmentally and spiritually. We have too little say over our own lives and futures, and government has too much power and control. Government should not be deciding for our communities and sub-regions how money is spent in our names. We need more power and control over these decisions, which should be made on the ground by the people whose lives and futures are at stake. We know our best chance for change is to ensure that the decision making power is in our hands – local Indigenous hands. This is the work we are doing to shape the Pama Futures agenda. This work, developed by more than 800 Cape York Indigenous people over the past two years, is the most considered and practical approach to Indigenous structural reform in Australia. You are making history. If you keep going, you will achieve local decision-making powers for this generation. You will win the power to make decisions in local communities and carve a new way for your children and other Indigenous communities around Australia.

“Nothing is harder than creating a new and better system.” KUKU YALANJI

cape york

pama futures A NEW SYSTEM FOR AN EMPOWERING PARTNERSHIP Cape York First Nations people must be the ones to create a new system of empowering partnerships. We know that government making decisions for our families and our futures doesn’t work. It shackles us to passivity and leaves us without a say in the decisions that affect us. We are resolved to create a new system that enables us to stand in our rightful place. At last year’s Cape York Palm Cove Summit, more than 400 people resolved to establish mechanisms to enable them and other Cape York residents to plan and decide their own development and empowerment agendas. They said they wanted to sit at the table and directly negotiate with government to agree the budgets supporting their community sub-regional plans. They also said they want build their decision making up from families and tribes sitting around campfires up to community sub-regions and for Cape York. Pama Futures will establish empowering partnership arrangements and enable support to deliver on these resolutions. Pama Futures is about co-designing a new system from the grassroots up. It is about developing the details of how a new empowering partnership with government can work for our communities, sub-regions and region. It is the First Nations people of Cape York leading and working out HOW we can be at the table, leading the talks, and developing the solutions.

our shared values

young & old Cape York people have shared a vision for many generations—a vision of families empowered and flourishing. The vision has changed little over the decades—our old people said the same as our mobs say today. As soon as possible we need: • Local residents making decisions in their domain. • Local people in local jobs, and making decisions for their families and their community • Traditional Owners working on country and caring for their country, managing, monitoring and living on country • Children completing quality education and graduating with skills for a bright future • Parents as the first and best teachers for their new babies and children • Families in work, saving money and building wealth • People working on country and caring for country – leading management with real conservation outcomes • Our mob leading economic opportunities in tourism, fishing, land management and other initiatives • Living and celebrating culture, language and traditions • Government backing us and respecting our decision making processes • Our local communities and partners assessing service delivery to improve impacts and ensuring that the money is invested in line with our empowerment agenda

“We are in a good position to better ourselves.”

We’ve gotta get our children educated in top schools, educated in Australia. This is how we can build more power. There should be more power for Indigenous people now.

“I mentioned before that we’re future leaders, but I think I should correct that—we’re not future leaders, we are leaders. We’re here now, standing before you and we are willing to put in any effort we can to help push this agenda forward.” KEMUEL TAMWOY


shining light Build the young people up, build passion that can turn into passionfruit with our programs—passion to move forward, you need to have vision to take the blockers with you.

Pama Futures recognises the important role that our young people hold. Their courage, confidence, and commitment displayed during the Summit left everyone bursting with pride and hope for the future. They stood tall and spoke with passion and clarity about their readiness to help make change. Many are in high school, some at university, and some are working. These young people were a dream come true for our old people – they stood strong – with grit and grace. They were all members of the Cape York Leaders Program, an initiative born from the vision of Elders past and present. These young folk called for a summit of their own to help them to be informed and to get organised to contribute in the best way possible. We must seek to honour their call.

“Youth need to be a part of decision making.”


Over the past couple of days it has been mentioned a lot that there is strength in unity and that is one thing that has stuck in my mind. IMANI TAMWOY

young people

I will make sure that their past will not be our destiny, but a part of the foundation that we build our future on. TRINITY CLARKE

Everybody participated in the conversation to better all in the Cape—we’re all giants in our own right. The institutions that are helping to support us are giants too. KALLUM CLARKE

We are wanting, as the youth, to be a part of the discussion. We believe that youths summits should be held to involve the youth, so that when it is our turn, we can continue to fight, full of everything that has happened and what needs to happen. KALEESHA SAVAGE

We all need to come together as one big family, as a Cape York mob. It doesn’t matter whether you are Wik or from some other nation—I think for us, sitting out here and talking about being the next leaders to our community and all of Cape York, is showing us that we need to make decisions and that we can fight government and from other people trying to buy our lands. Stand up! WAYNEAD WOLMBY


how will Pama Futures

change our situation PAMA FUTURES GUARANTEES:

• Empowerment of the grassroots. Our families and clans want to take responsibility for the future. The foundation of a new empowering partnership must be enabling local-decision making.

• Traditional Owner groups will have the full say when it comes to decisions about their land. This is the law. It is not negotiable.

• All residents in our communities should have a voice in decisions about the future of our communities, budgets and services. • Our leadership organisations, including our PBCs, land trusts and our local councils, have an important and leading role to play. This does not change under Pama Futures. • Our regional organisations will provide enabling support for grassroots empowerment across all our communities and sub-regions.

12 CAPE YORK SUB-REGIONS Pama Futures is not focused just on our communities. Where Land Rights have been won in areas surrounding communities, this land must form a significant part of the development story if our people are to prosper in the future. Based on the ideas from Cape York residents, Pama Futures presents a cohesive system for empowering decision-making across all of Cape York’s 12 sub-regions, including our communities and the surrounding areas. Communities remain the key focal points within each sub-region.



Under Pama Futures, services will shift from

Pama Futures provides a system for inclusive, open, fair and transparent decision-making so that all areas of Cape York

external providers to local Indigenous control.

can increasingly take control of government spending.

It is a priority that housing, CDP and ranger

• Twice a year every place will have Community Planning Forums. An Empowerment Plan and Investment Plan will be

programs are locally controlled. When our local organisations ran CDEP and housing it was better for our communities. Over time, other services must also transition to Indigenous control wherever possible.

developed by the grassroots at these forums. • Community Planning Forums will provide transparency over funding flows into our communities. Everyone residing in a community and the sub-region can have their voice heard about priorities, services and budgets. Following each Community Planning Forum, members of the community and sub-region will sit down with governments at the Community Negotiation Table. • Based on the work of the Community Planning Forums, local level agreements will be negotiated with government. • These agreements will set out local investment, what it will be used for, and what will be achieved.

strength in unity A LONG PROCESS WITH ROBUST DEBATE Like our old people before us, there have been big gatherings over the decades. Since 2015 there have been many big regional talks about how to make our lives better, but solidly over the past 18 months Cape York people have gathered, listened, spoken, and in some instances loudly debated the steps towards our empowerment. It has been a robust conversation. Such is the nature of transformation. While there is debate about the many ways to progress, there was no mistake that Cape York First Nations are UNITED in the stubborn belief that WE WILL PROGRESS. Since August 2017, there have been three Cape York Summits, multiple co-design labs, report back and discussions in every Cape York community, presentations and meetings with Cape York Aboriginal corporations and Councils, and many conversations between the mob about how we will progress our shared vision. Over the last 12 months, well over 800 people from across all Cape York’s communities and the sub-regions have provided input to co-design ideas for a new system that empowers our people.

“The old people said to fight together. We have the right to collectively bargain. If you want a good deal, do you argue by yourself, or are you stronger and louder together?” RICHIE AH MAT

While the majority of the Summit participants wanted to move quickly with Pama Futures local decision-making, some people asked to slow the process down. This is just the beginning, not the end ... there is much more work to do as communities move from talking to doing. Taking control of our own futures in our own places is not something that we can sit back and wait to have happen. We have to get on with it and really start to build our own futures now.

“Government wants to see us arguing with each other.” KERRY WOIBO

“There is an attack on regional solidarity— governments and mining companies are causing us to divide… someone is manipulating us by pulling strings.”

lessons LEARNED

union experience FROM THE

“If you are going into a discussion or negotiation it is beneficial to stand together and collectively put together agreements.” TERRY O’SHANE

The Summit heard many people speak about the power in unity - and the value in a collective, style approach when negotiating with someone much more powerful on the other side. First Nations can learn from the union movement to inform our own efforts to organise and shift power away from governments and in our own people’s hands. We heard that those with often undeclared vested interests or power to control what happens in Cape York, such as governments and green groups, fear our unity and the regional strength of Cape York mobs. They use strategies to divide mobs. They offer only trinkets and beads and make deals with a few because they know if Cape York mobs stand together, Cape York mobs will be in control. Our old people understood this strength of moving together.

“I have worked with some great leaders to gain rights taken for granted like annual leave, sick leave and now maternity leave. I joined the movement and worked with the wharfies—this made me proud of the unions. They physically dragged us off at night—they dehumanised us in the media—they pitted us against communities. They promoted individualism. If we stick together we beat them.” THOMAS MAYOR, TORRES STRAIT

“Bama is our own obstacle—our own Bama, that’s our biggest obstacle.” PETER GIBSON

a new way is needed For ten years, Closing the Gap progress has been too slow. In critical areas—like child protection, incarceration and employment— we are going backwards, not forwards. We need to create more space for local voices and local First Nations leadership. Whenever possible, we need Indigenous organisations to be winning contracts and delivering the services that support our people. There are many resources distributed through the Indigenous affairs system—but there is no good design to this system. The solution is ‘empowerment’. But what is empowerment? It is having control over one’s own future and destiny, ‘to have the authority to do something, to make stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your own life and claiming your rights’. We need a new empowering partnership with government so that our grassroots First Nations people have a real voice in the decisions that affect their lives and futures. We need a new system—a new way forward for Cape York. Too many decisions about priorities, services and funding, that affect our lives and futures, are made in Canberra or in Brisbane, by people who do not know our local circumstances. There are too many external NGOs providing services to our people. In the past, many of these same services were provided by community controlled organisations. Servicing our disadvantage has become an industry in itself and many organisations are profiting from our disadvantage.

our empowerment will work PAMA FUTURES EMPOWERMENT & GOVERNANCE Pama Futures is about ensuring OUR local decision-making and OUR regional agenda are determining OUR empowerment.

OUR future, OUR empowerment, starts with US. WE must participate in the decisions that affect US. To do this WE need black fella governance. The new empowering Partnership Structures across the region to be built under Pama Futures are what OUR blackfella governance for Cape York could look like. There are four key parts of OUR Cape York structures for blackfella governance. It starts with OUR families, OUR clans. OUR talks, in OUR country, OUR issues, and OUR ideas for solutions.

Discussions with OUR families can then turn into OUR plans for OUR community and townships where WE live. WE know that the community and region we live in shapes OUR lives. We also know that we must be enabled to determine our futures. WE must have OUR plans for OUR local communities.

OUR PLANS allow US to NEGOTIATE with Government on the decisions that affect US. OUR plans are

OUR roadmaps to the outcomes we want to achieve to Close the Gap and advance our empowerment. SOME THINGS that we deal with are BIGGER than OUR local plans. These are the things that we need to have on our REGIONAL AGENDA, with the POWER of our REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP AUTHORITY.

WE NEED A MAP TO NAVIGATE THE FUTURE “Pama” is the language origin that refers to Cape York’s first people. Throughout Cape York, language

groups have their own derivative. The Pama Futures agenda brings all the language groups together in the

planning process to design a map for rebuilding our people, strengthening

our culture, and setting our children up for better futures.

How will Pama Futures decision making work?

• Inclusive for all to plan and prioritise • Local councils and PBCs • Sub regional orgs can participate • Regional orgs provide support • Family and clan discussions provide the foundations


Sub-region Planning Forums

• Joint Decision making Processes:

• Ensures power held centrally by govt devolves to sub region and hometown for local people to pursue selfdetermination • 24 Indigenous partner members, a male and female rep from each of Cape York’s 12 subregions, including one Mayor and one directly elected by all in subregion

regionAL Partnership AUTHORITY

Sub-region Partnership Tables

– Sub-regional panels make decisions on expiring service delivery grants of non-Indigenous providers – Commonwealth Minister committed to giving panel decisions a 75% weighting for IAS expiring grants – Sub-region members nominated by the planning Forum negotiate with govt – Regional orgs provide support • Who: – Community members nominated – Government – Facilitators – Local Councils, PBCs and other key community orgs participate


Sub-region Planning Forums



Families and clans will come together and talk

Community Planning Forums would be held twice a year in each of Cape York’s 12 sub-regions for grassroots

regularly. Families will be talking and deciding

planning about priorities, budgets and services. Local Indigenous councils might Chair these forums. The regional

amongst themselves as the foundation stone

organisations will provide support. PBCs and all key community organisations will be invited to participate.

for strong and cohesive participation and decision-making under Pama Futures. “Remember the discussions in backyard of the house.” “I remember seeing and hearing men talk about issues relevant today.” “Remember Uncle Koiki and Aunty Bonita talking in their backyard about issues. These discussions were instrumental in making the strong decisions we fight for today.”

These forums are: • a key time for local issues and problems to be identified and discussed • potential ideas put forward that could be tried out • ideas for experimentation identified in the Empowerment Plans, and the Investment Plans estimate the resources needed. These forums will need a range of cultural leaders and traditional owners – everyone can participate. We also need our many educated and highly skilled people, who are equipped with essential capabilities for confronting our 21st century challenges across each of the three work areas- Land, Economic Development and Empowerment: • cultural leaders

• natural leaders

• educated leaders

• organisational leaders

A CAPE YORK REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP AUTHORITY Each of Cape York’s 12 sub-regions is represented on a Cape York Regional Partnership Authority to provide regional representative leadership through a fair, open and transparent process. It is proposed that the 24 Indigenous partner members of the Cape York Regional Partnership Authority will be a male and female representative of each of Cape York’s 12 sub-regions, directly

regionAL Partnership AUTHORITY

elected by all those in their sub-region. The Regional Partnership Authority is not an organisation. It will give the power and responsibility, normally held by government, to our communities and sub-regions to pursue empowerment. Its authority or responsibility is to

COMMUNITY NEGOTIATION TABLES LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES NEGOTIATE LOCAL AGREEMENTS WITH GOVERNMENT Community Negotiation Tables are also held twice a year in each sub-region. Plans and investment are agreed with government on the basis of the plans devised at the Community Planning Forum. The Australian Government has agreed that under the new system, no funding will leave the community or the region. Under Pama Futures where the grassroots people have said that a change is needed, funding can be reinvested into a different service or program.

bring together the Indigenous and governmental partners (from all levels of government) to negotiate reforms and agreements within the region. It will give the power and responsibility, normally held by government, to our communities and sub-regions to pursue empowerment. Those who have participated in Community Planning Forums in their sub-region will be eligible

Again, the Local Indigenous council might wish to Chair these forums, and the regional organisations will provide

to be nominated to fill the roles of Indigenous

support. PBCs and key community organisations will participate.

members of the Regional Partnership Authority.

Community members nominated by the Community Planning Forums negotiate with government at these tables. The

After nomination, an open and inclusive election for

nominees may be allocated primary responsibility for negotiation in one Pama Futures work stream area (i.e. in Land,

each sub-region will be independently supervised

Economic Development or Empowerment), but others will provide back-up support where required.

by the Australian Electoral Commission.


Sub-region Partnership Tables

The Commonwealth Government, through former Minister Nigel Scullion, has already agreed to work with us across Cape York Peninsula and be a core member of these local partnership arrangements. The government has agreed to give local panels 75% weighting on IAS funding decisions and Community Development Program provision. This Pama Futures Indigenous led reform approach is completely consistent with the Queensland Government’s response to the Queensland Productivity Commission’s Report. It is time for Indigenous people to own and lead the process, not Government. We continue to urge the Queensland Government to hear us, and back Cape York First Nations on this road to empowerment.

THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT There will be dedicated funding delegates on the Regional Partnership Authority from the Commonwealth and State governments. These people will exercise the delegated authority established in the Act to ensure flexible funding across programs and agencies to support regional and sub-regional empowerment plans and priorities. The mayors of Indigenous councils will be members of the Regional Partnership Authority. The CYP Chair and CEO will be members of the Regional Partnership Authority as the Cape York regional organisations have an important support role to play in the new system. They will provide independent secretariat support and assistance across the region and ensure the process is Indigenous-controlled.

In the future, if Australia endorses the model put forward by the Uluru Statement from the Heart, elected Indigenous members from Cape York could provide representation on this national Voice. “You are working out how to organise yourselves to represent yourselves at a regional level. Think about how this voice can connect with this national voice.” Shireen Morris, Constitutional Lawyer and advocate for the Voice to Parliament, Cape York Institute.

25 years


1997 – Hope Vale (part) 2000 – Wik and Wik-Way Peoples 2003 – Wik and Wik-Way Peoples Determination 2 2004 – Wik and Wik-Way Peoples #3 2006 – Western Yalanji People 2007 – Strathgordon


for tomorrow The conversation about restructuring Cape York Land Council (CYLC) and refreshing and reinvigorating the services to Traditional Owners started in 2017. It was agreed that CYLC needed to grow its services to support Indigenous Land Holding Bodies into the future, but that the evolution should never forget the visions of our founding Elders. Highly regarded independent consultant KPMG was engaged to provide advice on the future shape of CYLC, its work, and a supporting Business Case document.

2007 – Eastern Kuku Yalanji People

This was tabled with the CYLC Board and then with Cape York

2009 – Kuuku Ya’u

representatives at the Co-Design workshop in November and then the

2009 – Wik and Wik Way People 2009 – Kowanyama people 2012 – Wik and Wik Way #4 2012 – Kowanyama People Part C and B 2013 – Western Yalanji #4 #5 #7

Summit in December. The result of this co-design process would then be tabled at the SGM in 2019. The restructured CYLC will provide support services to all Indigenous Land Holding bodies. This growth includes anthropological and research services, land reform, PBC advisory and support, community relations and dispute resolution services.

2014 – Northern Cape York #2 Native Title Claim Group 2014 – Northern Cape York Group #1 & #2 2014 – Kowanyama Part D 2015 – Wuthathi, Kuuku Ya’u & Northern Kaanju People 2015 – Wuthathi People #2 2017 – Ankamuthi People #2 2017 – Ankamuthi People 2017 – Northern Cape York Group #3

“We need to continue the work to buy those pastoral stations that are still owned by non-indigenous people and have those pastoral stations returned

“One claim is here for the others who do not have their land back. Some of us have been waiting for over 28 years.”

It’s time to start thinking collectively. Firstly on our country. Western Yalanji will stay united.

“There are potentially more PBCs as more area is determined.”

Government should not do anything with our land until they sign an ILUA with us. They are stealing carbon rights off us.

“We are Olkola People, we want our own PBC

Because of One Claim there are many Bama working on the PDR. Whole sections are built by our own people. We are starting to gain momentum.

“Old people looked at the world as a bigger picture. We look in a box, Bama needs to look out of box, think what is good for me AND my people. How do we get them to think outside the box?“

“You could decide to have a whole lot of PBCs or add new ones or add to the existing ones. It is strong because it is a society claim. Everyone has to speak for their own country.”

one claim The One Claim Determination aims to secure native title within a few years, not another 25 years. The CYLC restructure business case proposed models for a

One Claim PBC. This decision could not be made by CYLC, this is not its role. This is a decision that only Traditional Owners can make. TOs have the power to decide this. The Summit heard a detailed presentation on the status of the Claim, the next steps and the risks.


joint management WHAT WE SAID “Experience with Joint Management Authority (JMA) is that it doesn’t work.We had the first Joint Management Agreement. We want the resolution supporting what Attambya want to do. I think we got a pretty rotten deal. Timber, gravel, water all got signed away. The state has all the power. Old fella Victor wanted to do more. He talked about National Parks but they did nothing. He needed a key to his own house and ask permission from the rangers.” ALLAN CREEK “We only got NT, but not the deeds to the land. DOGIT land is still held by local government. Government will try and divide us so we each fight.” YODIE BATSKE
 “We are managing our land but National Parks are getting all the funding. Our rangers are not well equipped enough to do the work that’s needed.”
 CALLUM (SHIPTONS FLAT) “TO’s are still negotiating with Parks. IMA (Indig. Mngt. Agt) has lots of money but we don’t get to see in our freehold land. We need to have a board review with National Parks so we can get back to our country and manage it ourselves.” 
 GREG PASCOE “There was a review done by Parks with consultation with TO’s but they have not released it.” GERHARDT PEARSON “There was a review, I am the chair of the committee. Minister Enoch plans to release the document and make recommendations to the review committee.” MICHAEL ROSS

too deadly for diabetes


The Summit was strongly resolved to tackle the scourge of Diabetes Type II and the terrible impacts of this disease on our people.

During 2018 Traditional Owners

Ray Kelly, Exercise Physiologist, and former CEO of Apunipima, Barbara Flick, presented powerful results from implementation of this program in NSW which inspired the Summit participants to call for the development of an effective and appropriate plan for the Cape. Program results: • 52 people lost 622 kilograms in 10 weeks. • 100 people lost 1600 kilograms, that’s an average weight of 16 kilograms. The strategy is focused on prevention: “So what does our future look like? You guys will probably see 14 year olds with Type II diabetes.
People respond really well to lifestyle intervention. We respond really well in a culturally safe environment. I’m not saying health workers are bad, but it’s the system that they’re working in that stops the health workers being effective.” RAY KELLY “Walking groups – we would get up and walk just before sunrise. You’d hear dogs barking in the next street and we knew others were up walking. You can lose up to 2kg a week on this program. If you maintain a blood sugar level of over 10 all the time – then your kidneys are being damaged. You’re on the road to dialysis. We have to stop that from happening. We’re talking about prevention, we’re talking about supporting our football team. We’re talking about engaging with young women. We’re focusing on engaging young people in staying well, in engaging them in the things that they love.” BARBARA FLICK “For the last 25 years, 365 days a year, I walked. You should see me now. I’m 79 years of age and I’m still going strong.
The issue with diabetes is the fat that accumulates about the liver. That’s the way we store our fat, that’s why we have skinny legs and a big gut. By the time it comes on, you’re already in breakdown.” BILL PEARSON

fishing At the Summit there was strong support for the Pama Futures agenda to seriously tackle the establishment of a viable Indigenous fishing industry in Cape York. There was an overwhelming view that there needs to be an urgent move to secure licenses and quotas, before opportunities disappear through either big commercial fishers depleting the stock, or conservationists, with their increasingly large caches of money, purchasing lucrative licenses to cut off Indigenous access to that stock. The workshop identified two key benefits: 1. Generation of jobs and other economic development opportunities for Cape York Indigenous people. 2. Development of a sustainable approach to the conservation of sea resources in Cape York’s critical ecosystem for future generations of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. “We would like support around our sea country – license to fish. We want to be recognised for our sea country and commercial rights
.” BERNARD CHARLIE “Australian Management Authority should not be the only Management Authority. You can possibly have your own Authority.” NIGEL SCULLION

participated in co-design workshops, facilitated by the Cape York regional organisations and also attended by

representatives from Prime Minister &

Cabinet, to discuss issues and needs for the future. The discussions continued at the December 2018 Summit where

it was agreed that there is a need for a

coordinated and united approach to secure certainty for long term ranger funding so

that ALL Pama can be involved and benefit from this opportunity.

It was agreed that Traditional Owner groups need to be involved in all aspects of the

design of the Pama Rangers Network. They are the people with knowledge of country, sites at risk, and bring valuable shared

experience-based knowledge and learnings.

the great dreaming track “It is much more than a physical track. It supports entrepreneurs on the ground to build tourism and business on country. It creates employment, provides access to homelands and enables Pama to showcase the oldest living culture in the world.” “It’s a great concept that provides an excellent opportunity for TOs to go back to country.”


We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Offer our condolences to the Mabo family for the loss of Dr Ernestine Bonita Mabo AO. ii. We honour her role in pursuit of justice and in supporting her husband achieving Native Title justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and ridding Australia of the curse of terra nullius. iii. Acknowledge the legacy of the Mabo family for First Nations and Australia at large. iv. Take this time to urge Australians to consider an appropriate public recognition through an annual day of recognition on 3 June.


We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Express how appalled we are at recent events concerning police treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Cooktown and Bandyup Women’s Prison in Perth. ii. Call for the end to the systemic violence and high incarceration rates that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face. iii. Call for a full and fair inquiry into the horrific circumstances of these traumatising events, because Pama Lives Matter.


We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Believe that the settlement made with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose wages were stolen by the Queensland Government was unfair, unlawful, and robbed them of their just entitlements. ii. Support the approximately 6000 claimants in their class action against the State, noting that tragically, approximately 50 claimants have died since the class action started. iii. Call upon the Queensland Government to enter into settlement negotiations with these claimants before the remaining claimants die and so that their families can receive justice. iv. Call upon the Union Movement, the Christian Churches and other Faiths, and all Australians of goodwill to support real justice for the stolen wages.


We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Received an update on the co-design work undertaken in relation to ranger services in Cape York and the concept of a Pama Rangers network. ii. Call upon Pama Rangers to commence negotiations with the Commonwealth to establish a Pama Rangers network, representatives to be selected by each-sub region with at least one elder from each sub region.


We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Discussed the concept of a co-operative structure for the fishing industry to benefit Native Title holders and communities. ii. Supported increased involvement in the Fishing Industry, with a particular focus on developing young Pama fishers and their enterprises. iii. Call for the exploration of collaborative arrangements with existing fishing industry in the Torres Strait. iv. Consider new opportunities, including all species, in the Cape. v. Call on the Commonwealth and State Governments to provide licenses to Pama and Torres Strait fishers.

6. GREAT DREAMING TRACK We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Believe in the Great Dreaming Track’s potential to develop sustainable industry and call for collaboration to create jobs in the Cape by attracting new tourists. ii. Call for collaboration with fellow TOs in our regions to create a business together to show-off our country and showcase our culture. iii. Want capacity building and infrastructure to begin immediately to commence pilot operations in initial areas during 2019. iv. Believe the project’s structure provides wanted empowerment opportunities and ensures the benefits will be captured in community. v. Know the young people of Cape York are excited for the project and committed to pursuing careers in business and tourism with The Great Dreaming Track – both directly and indirectly with the Great Dreaming Track’s partners.

7. CAPE YORK LAND COUNCIL (CYLC) RESTRUCTURE We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Acknowledge the presentation of the KPMG Business Case and note its endorsement by the CYLC Board of Directors. ii. Note that the CYLC will be restructured from a Corporations (CATSI) Corporation to a Corporations Act iii. Call upon the Land Council to


provide a full memorandum of information on the proposed restructure and the proposed constitution of CYLC to all its members in accordance with the rules of the



present for approval of the members of the corporation at a special general meeting to be properly convened

iv. retain the name Cape York Land Council v. seek registration as a native title representative body for a six-year period from the Minister.

8. ONE CLAIM We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Continue to support the One Claim so that the remaining 51% of Cape York can be vested in the Native Title Holders. ii. Call upon Aboriginal Shire Councils to support the One Claim on behalf of Pama. iii. Express our concern that the Cook and other Shire Councils’ opposition to the One Claim will mean that in 2020, the 250th Anniversary of James Cook’s landing at Cooktown there will still be lack of recognition of native title in the region by the Council, even though Native Title existed everywhere in 1770. iv. Acknowledge that there are concerns about Prescribed Body Corporate arrangements related to One Claim but understand that this is a matter that has to be authorised by the Native Title holders at the conclusion of the claim. v. Call upon the Land Council to provide appropriate information to all claimants in relation to the conduct of the claim and the PBC arrangements. vi. Call upon the State Government and respondent parties to not spread misinformation about the One Claim and to negotiate in good faith a settlement of the claim. vii. Acknowledge that if any individual applicant wishes to withdraw as an Applicant they may do so by contacting the CYLC lawyers in writing, however, the Native Title rights of the groups involved in One Claim will need instructions from all Native Title holders.

9. CONSTITUTIONAL RECOGNITION We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Reiterate our 2017 support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. ii. Acknowledge the recent report of the Joint Select Committee that focuses on a First Nations voice. iii. Call upon the Parliament to put a referendum to the Australian people within the next Parliament. iv. Urge Pama, and particularly the Cape York Leadership Program to mobilise Pama Youth, to be at the forefront on the campaign for Constitutional Recognition.

10. CAMPFIRE GOVERNANCE We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Reiterate our support for the concept of our campfire governance. ii. Call on federal and state governments to formally acknowledge and support the importance of on country family, tribe and clan networks and the positive impact on Pama wellbeing and lands.

11. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS INTERFACE We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Call for strong partnership interfaces in our sub regions that are inclusive, transparent, gender balanced and respect the rights and responsibilities of Traditional Owners and the leadership of local Aboriginal Councils and their Mayors. ii. Understand that Empowerment plans for sub regions are developed by the people of the sub region. iii. Call for ongoing support from the Cape York regional organisations in communities. iv. Call for Partnership Tables that bring government to us in our communities to negotiate on our priorities and make joint decisions about investing in them. v. Call for Federal and State Governments to delegate authority for decisions to the officials that sit on these tables.

12. REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS INTERFACE We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Call for a Regional Partnership Authority to be established with delegates from each sub region to work on matters that go across the region. ii. Call for Federal and State Governments to recognise its authority in legislation.

13. OPPORTUNITY ACCOUNT We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Received a report on the concept of an Opportunity Account as a potential new project for 2019 which would establish a mobile platform for the provision of opportunities to individuals and families. ii. Support the development of this concept by Cape York Partnership with appropriate technology partners such as DXC and the Federal government.

14. JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTS We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Acknowledge that the traditional owners gathered here at the Cape York Land Council summit reject the existing national park regime implemented across the Cape York native title footprint which is riding on the back of our native title claims and Aboriginal Land Act 1991 transfers, and in doing so work in opposition to the rights and interests of Traditional Owners in Cape York. ii. Call on Balkanu and the CYLC to serve notice on the Queensland Government that the national park regime be renegotiated to reflect the rights and interest of native title holders and future national park areas to be moved across to operational management of traditional owners themselves. iii. Call on the North Queensland Land Council to support our call for these changes and join us in calling on the government to renegotiate the national park regime. iv. Call for all future discussions/negotiations to be part of collective agreements from here on in. v. Resolve to support the traditional owners of the Jardine River and Heathlands areas in achieving a just outcome for the future of their land and the future of Heathlands Ranger Station.

15. TOO DEADLY FOR DIABETES We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Are excited to hear from former Apunipima CEO, Barb Flick and Ray Kelly from NSW in relation to the Too Deadly for Diabetes program. ii. Are only too aware of the misery and suffering of our people with Type 2 Diabetes. iii. Believe that nothing effective is happening to combat the terrible impact of this disease and that it will continue to grow as a problem for future generations. iv. Call upon the Regional organisations including CYP, Balkanu, CYLC, Apunipima and other regional health organisations, to put together an effective and appropriate plan to tackle Diabetes and implement the Too Deadly for Diabetes program in Cape York as soon as possible. v. Call upon CYP to convene a workshop of representatives from all of the communities in early 2019 to put together a plan of action.

16. CDP We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Will build the capability of our local organisations to deliver front-end CDP services ourselves, so we can take back community control, with regional support where needed. ii. Call for 100% of CDP investment currently leaving each of our communities to be re-invested back into our local economies.

17. NATIVE TITLE COMPENSATION We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Urge the Cape York Land Council to develop a strategy for the advancement of compensation claims under Native Title legislation and any other relevant basis of claim.

18. CARBON RIGHTS We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Express concern that carbon rights have been allocated over Pama land in Cape York without obtaining the free, prior and informed consent of landowners. ii. Commend the successful action by the Land Council to invalidate the grant of carbon rights without native title holder consent. iii. Insist that no rights to carbon and other energy exploitation such as solar be granted to third parties without an Indigenous Land Use Agreement. iv. Warn Pama landowners in Cape York to be careful about carbon theft and to go through a full and proper process of consultation and free, prior and informed consent of all native title holders and not just boards of directors of Land Trusts and PBCs. v. Condemn the parasitic industry that has developed in the carbon economy and the unscrupulous way in which rights are being taken over indigenous lands.

19. PRESERVATION OF OUR RIGHTS We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Become increasingly aware of the “divide and rule” tactics of environmental groups and elements of the Qld Government in turning individuals and some members of land holding groups against other groups and against regional organisations representing Cape York Pama. ii. Are aware that a greens operative was the nominated contact person for an anti-Pama Futures press statement – and that the operative has connections with the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and was a former associate of former Greens Senator Bob Brown. iii. Call upon the ACF, the Wilderness Society, WWF, the Pew Foundation and other green groups to refrain from causing division between Pama. iv. Are appalled that such environmentalists would attack the social and economic development agendas of indigenous people in pursuit of their green agendas. v. Affirm the Unity and Solidarity of Cape York Pama and our right to regional collective organisation and the right to collectively bargain through our Land Council.

20. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR YOUNG PEOPLE We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit, i. Are ecstatic about the wonderful young leaders we have growing in our movement under the nurturing of Cape York Leaders Program including our boarding school students and those attending University. ii. Are so proud of our young scholars at Djarragun College, Cape York Aboriginal Australia Academy, Girl Academy and our schools across the Cape. iii. Believe that these young people are our future and the future is in great hands. iv. We congratulate them on all of their wonderful achievements in 2018. v. Call upon everyone in Cape York to mentor and support these young people in their future path by providing opportunities to further consolidate their career aspirations. vi. Urge those receiving a higher education to know that if they feel alone in a setting that they are not alone, they have the support of their community elders and all Cape York Pama with them.

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acknowledgements Thank you to the Traditional Owners of Cape York and your families for attending this Summit and participating in important conversations that will shape our future.

LIST OF ATTENDEES Aaron Teddy Adrian Kulka Aida Clarmont Alec Omeenyo Alfonso Naylor Alfred Diamond Allan Creek Amanda Fyfe Amos Hobson Andrea Toby Andrea Ngakyunkwokka Andrew Gibson Anita Gaidan Anita Platt Anna Motton Anna Accoom Anthony Pascoe Ashley Ross Barbara Bandicootcha Beatrice Hobson Benina George Benjamin Pascoe Benny Tamwoy Bernard Charlie Bernard Sabadi Bernie Singleton Bert Edwards Beryl Motton Bessie Macumboy Betty Bosuen Betty Woibo Beverley Pascoe BJ Thompson Bonetta O’Brien Bonita Yamashita Bow Waqata Brad Grogan Brendan Ross Brian Darkan Bruce Gibson Caden Pearson Calvin Jack Carol Jacko

Carol Yamashita Chantal Deakin Chantelle Hobson Charlene Boxer Charles Budby Cheryl Turpin Cheryl Pitt Christina Hobson Christine Gibson Christine Coleman Christopher Giblet Christopher Johnson Clara Day Cliff Harrigan Clinton Yunkaporta Condarina Friday Conrad Yeatman Jr Conrad Yeatman Sr Conrad Michael Crystal Murray Curtis George Cynthia Tayley Daniel Tom Daveena Thomas David Schultz David Turpin Deanne Macumboy Debbie Symonds Deborah Pearson Deborah Holroyd Delphina Day Derek Jacko Desanna Dick Desley Kowartha Diana Pascoe Dion Creek Don Elphick Donella Bambie Donna Creek Donna Denman Dora Accoom Doreen Hart Dorothy Sagavkaz

Dorothy Gordon Dorothy Williams Douglas Ahlers Ebony Doyle Edward Turpin Elijah Tamwoy Elisa Bosuen Elisha Tamwoy Eloise Yunkaporta Esther Henderson Ethel Cras Ethel Singleton Etta Haflam Eunice Brady Evelyn Lowah Ezrah Miskin Fabian Macumboy Fanny Williams Father Brian Claudie Fiona Wirrer-George Flora Bosuen Frances Creek Francesca Adams Francis Visini Francis Lee Cheu Fred Pearson Gabriel Creek Gabriel Butcher Gabriel Mairu Gail Fischer Geas Leeann George Bowen George Waqata George Pausa Gerald Tamwoy Gilbert Jack Gina Castelain Gleanette Greenwool Gordon Solomon Gordon Gregory Greg Pascoe Greta McGreen Hans Pearson

Haylene Macumboy Helen Gordon Herbert Jerry Herbert Yunkaporta Herbert Costello Hogan Shortjoe Horace Friday Iailie Bosen Ian MacDougall Imani Tamwoy Irene Clarmont Iris Geas Isabel Hall Isabelle Anderson Jack Lowdown Jacob Pilot Jacqueline Motton James Creek James Clarmont Janey Deakin Janice Wilson Janine Chevathun Jasmine Mantha Jayden Marrot Jean Mosby Jennifer Salee Jennifer Creek Jerry Bosuen Joan Fraser Joanne Pender Jodie Budby John Murison Johnny Ross Johnson Chippendale Jonah Bana Jonathan Day Joseph Bosuen Josephine Samson-Narara Kaleesha Savage Kallum Clarke Karen Gibson Karen Gordon Katherine Gibson-Steffenson

Kathleen Wilson Katie Huett Katrina Clarmont Kay Ross Kayla Sirriss Kayleen Gibson Kayleen Jawai Kemuel Tamwoy Keri Tamwoy Keron Murray Kerry Callope Kerry Woibo Kevin Creek Kia Yeatman Krista Christensen Latoya Woibo Lawrence Jacko Leah Kerr Leanna Port Leanne Gordon Leanne Finley Leila Clarmont Lennard Casey Lenore Rosendale-Casey Leonard Bosuen Leslie Gilbert Lewis Charlie Lianne Bowen Lilisha Clarmont Lilly Miskin Lilly Day Linda Cooktown Linda Mark Lorraine Coconut Lorraine Clarmont Louie Ross-Kelly Loyla Chevathen Luke Mamoose Lutonya Creek Lydia Stratford Lynette Adidi Lynette Clarmont Marceil Lawrence-Brady

Marcella Walsh Margaret Lowdown Margaret Gebardi Margaret Coleman Maria Bagie Maria Turpin Maria Parry Mariah Doolah Marilyn Wallace Mark Gebardi Mark Sarago Martha Kowartha Maryanne Port Maryanne Mayo Matthew Jacko Maureen Port Maxwell Frank Mellisa Hooper Michael Woolla Michael Ross Michael Ross Jnr Mitchell Kerr Moira Bosen Napsi Bosuen Natarsha Brady-Bell Natasha Naylor Neesha Williams Nerissa Ngadjon Nicholas Thompson Norma Jacko Olivine Solomon Patricia Mark Patricia Clarmont Paul Stephenson Paula Arnold Pearl Matthew Pearl Wymarra Peter Gibson Peter Wallace Phyllis Yunkaporta Priscilla Major Rachel Friday Raylene Madigan

Raymond Goggleye Reggie Miller Renee O’Brian Rhonda Parry Richard Abednego Richard Omeenyo Richard Aken Rita Turpin Robbie Deemal Robert Gibson Robert Pearson Robert Bosuen Robert Corrie Snr Robert Corrie Jnr Roberta McGreen Roberta George Robinson Ropeyarn Rodney Chong Rodney Bennett Ronald Bowen Rondell Mark Rose Johnson Rose Snider Rosemary Marshall Rosie Woolla Roy Chevathen Ruby Clubb Ruby Convent Saisha Schoenberger Samaria Denman Samuel Bana Sandra Hunting Sandy Parry Sarina Adams Selina Kerr Sha-lane Gibson Shanique Burk Shannon Port Sharon Brady Shaun Edwards Shaun Creek Sheila Yunkaporta Silas Gordon

Sissy Ross-Kelly Smithy Wilson Smithy Kepple Sonai Mene Stanley Ahlers Stephanie Gibson Stephen Wallace Stephen Parry Steven Brumby Susan Kennedy Suzane Doolah Suzanne Andrews Tahnee Creek Tamara Hunting Tash Hall Terrence Douglas-Gibson Thomas Bosen Thomas Mayor Thomas Lakefield Thomas Fugee Timothy McGreen Toniann Mayor Tracey Ludwick Trinity Clarke Valda Ross Valmae Turpin Vera Koomeeta Verna Singleton Veronica Abednego Warren Kulka Wayne Remedio Waynead Wolmby Wendy Wust Xavier Barker Yanna O’Brien Yodie Batske Zac Matysak Zeila Wallace *There were approximately 30 more people in attendance who may not have formally registered, therefore are not listed here.

The Summit was facilitated by the Cape York Regional Organisations – Cape York Land Council, Cape York Partnership and Balkanu. Special thanks is extended to the Australian Government’s Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet for supporting the event and for the funding that helped to bring together more than 330 Traditional Owners from across the Cape.

I can hear the shackles of my ancestors Chafing when I listen to my old people speak I can hear the hiss of the whip As they talk through missing teeth And these are the thoughts that I keep On my journey to bring my people prosperity And I will not let their pain be in vain That as they were forced to kneel at white peoples feet I will make sure their past will not be our destiny But a part of the foundation that we build our future on Their history is what make our people strong Their knowledge is carried through our culture, language and songs They are libraries I could spend hours pouring over Years I could spend with my elders who are my mentors I am young, and I am here To learn about my old peoples hopes, dreams and fears Because they are my guiding hand As I walk through my country, my bubu, my land I am a Cape York bama through and through Kuku Yalanji - Kuku Ngungal - Lama Lama - Ayapathu My ancestors blood runs through the Cape And their blood is in my DNA By Trinity Clarke Kuku Yalanji - Kuku Ngungal - Lama Lama – Ayapathu Nations Trinity is a student of the Cape York Leaders Program

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