HELP WANTED Job Vacancies Full Report: 2nd Quarter 2013 Welcome to Workforce Planning Hamilton’s online job vacancies full report for April-June 2013. This is the first of a series of quarterly releases that provides a picture of real-time labour demand in Hamilton1.
OVERVIEW There were 6,104 job vacancies advertised online in the Hamilton area during the second quarter of 2013. At the same time, the April May June Hamilton Census Metropolitan Area’s (which includes Burlington Number of Job 2,031 1,971 2,102 and Grimsby) unemployment Postings rate averaged approximately Unemployment Rate 6.8% 6.9% 6.2% 6.6%, or 27,000 people out of (Hamilton CMA) work2. (While this translates to an approximate 4:1 job seeker to job vacancy ratio, the unemployed population includes a larger geographic area than the job vacancies). The majority of job postings (71%) only broadly indicated they were located within the City of Hamilton; however, some postings specifically identified as being located in Stoney Creek (17%), Dundas (7%) and Ancaster (6%).
TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT While some job postings were more detailed than others, 64% did specify whether the vacancy was for a full-time or part-time position. Of all postings (including those that did not specify the type of employment), 51% were full-time, 8% were part-time, and 6% were listed as full or part-time. Full-time work is typically considered 30 hours or more per week. Only 35% of job ads clarified whether the position was temporary or permanent. Of those postings, 70% were for permanent positions. Temporary positions are typically seasonal or short-term contract work, but can sometimes lead to permanent opportunities.
JOB POSTINGS BY INDUSTRY Unfortunately, many job postings do not specify the industry of the employer. This section focuses solely on the 1,553 job postings that supplied industry identifying information. Almost three quarters of ads that identified their industry were in one of five industries: manufacturing, trade, health care and social assistance, educational services, and finance, insurance, real estate and leasing. These align with Hamilton’s top five industries of employment in 2012. 1
Note: This data only includes job vacancies that were posted online. Many employers fill job vacancies through other methods such as newspaper ads or word of mouth. These vacancies would not be reflected in this analysis. 2 Hamilton, Ontario population 15 and over. Seasonally adjusted, by census metropolitan area (3 month moving average). Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 282-0116 and Catalogue no. 71-001-XIE.
______________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Workforce Planning Hamilton
% of Postings that Specified Industry
Job Postings by Industry 30%
Health Care and Social Assistance
Educational Services
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Leasing
JOB POSTINGS BY OCCUPATION Sales and service occupations are the most common job postings in Hamilton. Sales and service is the dominant industry not only in Hamilton, but Ontario and Canada as well. Many of these occupations tend to be short-term in duration and have a higher turnover than other occupations. Sales and service occupations are found across a broad range of industries, which also contributes to the high number of job vacancies.
Top 5 Occupational Groups by Number of Job Postings Sales and Services (including Retail) Management Trades, Transport, Construction General Help Wanted (including Warehousing) Business, Finance, Accounting Total
% of All Job Postings 19.0% 12.4% 11.1% 9.1% 8.4% 60%
Management occupations are the second most common type of job posting. These jobs typically require previous experience and are of a high skill level. Together, the top five occupational groups accounted for 60% of all job vacancies.
About the Data Workforce Planning Hamilton has contracted with Millier Dickinson Blais and Vicinity Jobs Inc. to receive quarterly job vacancy statistics. The technology platform collects any data from online job postings including location, industry, occupation, type of employment, duration of employment and job posting source. As data is collected throughout the year, labour demand trends over time will be analyzed in future reports. Why are vacancy statistics useful? Job vacancies capture a portion of real-time labour demand in the community. As most detailed information on local employment trends is only released every five years with the Census (and beginning in 2011 the National Household Survey), most studies are limited to working with data that can be several years old. With job vacancy data, we can see the type of work employers are hiring for in Hamilton right now. Vacancy statistics are used by job seekers, employers, community organizations and governments to help determine where the jobs are.